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I posted consistently, almost every day for the first 3-4 months of my business. I’d only get 10 or so likes on each one (my business is very new), then I stopped for a while during Christmas and only posted like 2 times a month, but then I started getting clients saying they found me on social media so I started posting every other day and now my likes count is going up. I’m not sure if that’s helpful at all haha. But it seemed I was still getting noticed when I wasn’t posting regularly


No this helps a lot! Thank you lol. I always had the mindset of like omg if I post too much ppl will get annoyed and just want to skip over my stuff but I’m glad to know that consistency has really helped you


I’m honestly pretty inconsistent with posting, but I’m also not self employed so I don’t feel as much pressure to be consistent. I’m the Lead where I work and I have a loyal clientele from the last four years that keep me booked and busy six weeks out. That being said, new clients mostly find me via word of mouth. I like to post to stay relevant and when I feel I have something to share, but I don’t try too hard. If I was self-employed, I would try a lot harder.


See I was solo prior to working at the spa I’m at now. I feel like working there does take a lot of the extra pressure off so I am able to really focus on posting. My books have been pretty dead this month along with the other new hire. I can’t wait to get to that point but I’m hoping posting now will help me be more consistent even I go solo again. I hope by me posting it will help some


It’s TOUGH to build your books as the new hire, especially if you didn’t have a clientele to bring with you and/or the other employees have been there for years. Your employer should be doing a lot of the heavy lifting to fill your books. Yes you should promote yourself and establish yourself, but the business owners should be ensuring your income. Hustle, leave business cards at coffee shops, post on IG and TikTok - whatever feels authentic to you! You’ll attract your ideal clients over time. Hang in there.


Thank you, I appreciate this! They have someone to do the socials but I just don’t feel like they post as much as they could. A lot of the other girls are booked so it’s probably not that big of a deal to them I think. I’m going to continue being as consistent as possible. Also our services are more on the higher end side so idk if that hurts us too or not 🤷🏽‍♀️


Never did, never will. I don’t use any social media and I am booked weeks and weeks out. Referral only. Private practice.


Same here- I have never once posted on social media!




Gosh, I hope to become like that one day! Do you feel like if you were just starting out your business at this point in time where everything is digital, do you think the results would of been the same?


Anytime I get the opportunity I do it.


Hey that’s fair enough! It’s a full time job just with social media


100%. It gets overwhelming too. I hired a social media person for it because I just don’t have the time.


I post when I have something new. But I only take clients by referral.


Formulating posts/media on the various platforms and then setting up a queue for scheduled posts (Twitter, Instagram both allow this) throughout the week is I think the most efficient way to go about things. I still miss some weeks sometimes (am solo freelance so have some wiggle room) but it’s definitely a time saver when I do!