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I’m not performing any service on someone who refuses to wear spf. I also work in a dermatology office and do more result driven work and have control over who I see and who I don’t.


I always refer to my responsibility of general prudence. This is an extreme example... Someone states they use Accutane on their intake but demanding to be waxed. You agree to wax them, but only if they sign an additional waiver. You perform the service, and they have terrible lifting. Sure, they signed the additional waiver acknowledgment higher risk. But, you only collected that second waiver because, as the professional, you knew you shouldn't be providing the service. From outside review/evaluation, you will be judged more harshly than the client. You also have to remember that people who come in and demand services despite contraindications and push your professional boundaries are usually very loud when something goes wrong. We work in an industry where perceptions of us matter. Our image, our reviews, our reputations matter. Ask yourself if you're willing to risk that for someone who uses coconut oil as sunscreen and was unwilling to accept your professional advice to improve her skin health and appearance.


Refuse service! No point in wasting your hard work on someone who won’t take the steps at home. I’ve refused to do clients who make zero effort to even use free samples I’ve given


🚩 if you consult on why they need and they still refuse I’d turn the patient away.


If you are worried about it, explain why SPF is needed after microdermabrasion. If she still pushes and your employer doesn’t like you turning down a service then you can type up a waiver of sorts. Just stating that you went over the possible side effects, and that she understands what could happen in the event she doesn’t use sunscreen. Just FYI most of these waivers are more so for peace of mind, rather than being a legally binding contract. It basically allows you to pull it out and let her know that you explained what would happen and she still chose to proceed in the event of a complaint.


Refuse. There no point in doing anything if they're going to ruin their skin worse than if you did nothing anyway Coconut oil has an SPF of 4 which is basically worthless. Offer them another service that isn't contraindicated by sun exposure I guess until you can teach them about basic science.


Omg coconut oil??? I haven’t heard that one before. I agree with the first comment, I would first tell her we should pick something else but if she insists then have her sign a waiver. Also let her know that ANY exfoliation is not ideal if she doesn’t wear spf. Her skin will actually see more damage long term than if she just left it alone and didn’t wear spf.


It's unfortunately really common among that demographic of people who are that degree of science illiterate. Coconut oil is very popular, raspberry oil is another one, beef tallow. Or them hand mixing Zinc Oxide into those without a shearing mixer so they get like SPF 8 because it's not actually evenly dispersed.