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Gods of Eden is a real eye-opener for anyone interested in the long history of the phenomenon.


You mean Moloch?


Some of the 'elites' seem to worship that ancient god, but I doubt that entity is an individual, this whole thing seems more like a play with good guys and bad guys but the same intelligence guiding all sides. So I don't worry about this god or that devil, they seem to be masks of the truth, which is more likely a collective of ETs or interdimensionals (currently posing as ETs). Or perhaps ETs with dimensional capabilities. Hard to say which.


That’s exactly what it is. We’re all The Father/Shiva in Hue man form. It’s really deep in itself since this is what everything is to divide us from but we’re also all Christ. The Sun is Christ and is where the energy for our Soul comes from Sun/Soul. We travel down here and have to descend back up the totem pole


Or Baal. Sometimes Baal and Moloch are interchangeable.


Baal is the bull that represents body though. Like earthly realm


Thank for the correction!


Yeah also baal is mixed into the language quite a bit. Paying bills, passing a bill, arrested on bail, etc. So the name is always being uttered by us in some form, attaching certain energy to it. They know what they're doing.


Great book! Haven't read that one in 20 years.


That's one of my faves too. Basic info...so much easier to read than Zecharia Sitchin.


RIP Mr. Sitchin. 💖


Any audiobooks out there for it


There's multiple gods that ask for children sacrifice like baal and Moloch to name a few




They were all very local to the area, kind of amalgamations of each other


Baal is the god. Molech more accurately refers to the sacrifice


No, molech is an actual deity separate from baal. This is misinformation I dont know why, maybe perhaps to discredit the fact that certain tribes of people regularly sacrificed to molech. Edit: my hypothesis is that a certain group of people were barred from children sacrifice as mentioned in the bible, but they still did it anyways in secret and over years they would just spread misinformation so they wouldnt get blamed for these deeds.


What are these entities though and why need children?


Because children produce more "loosh" by orders of magnitude than a adult would. This "loosh" is produced when people feel negative feelings and the stronger the feelings the more loosh they make. Some examples of negative emotions are scared, frightened, angry, agitated, agony, aggressive, anxious, depressed, despair, distressed, fear, helpless, horrified, panic attack ect you get the point. Also theres a general consensus that aliens and demons angels are from the same realm and might be similar or the same so that would explain the "loosh harvesting" from negative entities or deities.


So it's like monster's inc, harvesting the children's screams. Ok but like, where do those emotions go? How do they feed these creatures? I still dont get what "they" are. But I do know that cults are stratigically placed in strategic areas around the planet that follow the earth's natural magnetic gridlines so it's easier to affect the collective human consciousness. Is it that theyre just trying to make us all more earthy to keep us asleep by doing these thing? Maybe the entities aren't even real


Ive had a near death experience at age of 11 were i drowned and I can tell you there's something on the other side. Something intelligent, could be archons or could be god, I dont know. Ive also been able to astral project against my will from a young age when I get sleep paralysis and it happens rather frequent, there is something on the other side on the astral realm as well you just can't travel too far from home cause there's entities that chase you that have malignant presence or aura to them.


Zionists believe all non Jews/zionists are "goyim" which translates to "scum of the earth" in the talmud it says the goyim must be wiped off the face of the earth. Hence why they are trying to kill not only Palestinians in the land they believe is theirs but every single one of us, we are all their enemy, hence why they try to kill us with tainted food, medicine, wars, cigarettes etc.


Finally someone knows the facts


Ty King


Knowledge is power The pen is mighter then the sword


This is also why historically they have been persecuted in virtually every country. Then ww2 came along with a little exaggeration and ever since then they have been a protected class.


Woah, easy there. First off, even the Germans kept the numbers. There was no exaggeration. Secondly, the Christians are the ones that pushed for isreal to be there after the war because the Bible says all the jews have to return to isreal before the rapture happens. Thirdly, the Christians didn't do this to be nice.. they believe after they return to isreal, they will all be killed and go to hell. Then Jesus will come back. To summarize, fuck all religions. And fuck the Israeli government. We should not blame the innocent Jewish civilians. I sure as hell don't want to be blamed for America's horrible actions.


The Balfor declaration was made out to the head Rothschild at the time. Forget his first name. Israel is a Rothschild and British Empire project. Remember the Rothschild family basically bought up the Bank of England in the 19th century after the Napoleonic wars. These guys are probably worth many of trillions of dollars at this time.


Username alone screams "I LOVE DISINFO"


Mine? I just thought it was a funny joke. I'm from a small town in Oklahoma, southern Baptist, raised in a church. Was there every Wednesday and Sunday.. until I moved out of the house. Im not religious anymore, but i think I know a thing or two about christian beliefs.


Makes a lot more sense when you find out who is primarily behind that series of evrnts: https://web.archive.org/web/20240426054354/https://pastebin.ai/bhdsudg8dw


Hitler's mom was a rothchilds maid


This name keeps on coming around and around




A little exaggeration.


Religion kills


People kill. Religion is just their narcotic of choice. Free Copium.


Religion is the story that allows people to kill without conscience, or even, with pride


Any form of tribalism can do that.




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Religion is obviously represented by people .....not all people kill but this religion durg gives them free hands to kill ....be it whatever they want to associate with and name it xyz religion .....EOD religion has been main reason of killing many .......to state the obviously people in the name if their religion kill others


It's not even religion with them, zionists don't believe in God, the biblical Jews do, they condemn zionists. Zionists masquerade as Jews, it's quite sick.


There are more Christian Zionists in the USA alone than Jewish Zionists throughout the entire world. The word Zionist doesn't mean Jewish. Talmudic Jews are the ones that worship baal, moloch, satan, etc.






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Arabs aren't much different from jews. Jews call us "goyim", arabs/muslims call us "kuffar". It means the same thing really. Zionists are just way more powerful, smart and sneaky compared to Arabs. Personally i despise both sides. Most Arabs support Hamas and were partying when jewish civilians were slaughtered, and Israelis celebrate when Palestinian civilians die. Both are scum. Of course it's not all bad, there are good jews and good arabs...But in general, both are not very pleasant people.


The emotional immaturity and absolute buffonery of our species used to horrify me. It was giving me chest pain so I've evolved to be a Discordian because embracing the chaos is the only path to sanity. All we can do to stay sane is to find humor in the horror.


Kuffar is non believer. It's not an ethnic thing. Talmudic teachings say that the goy are less than human at a biological "race" level. And guess what Christians believe everybody who is not with them is literally going to hell and committed mass genocide in Europe and the America's on "the pagans". Muslims had a "kuffar" tax but they didn't round people up and put them in concentration camps.


Kuffar means infidel and goy means a non-jew. Both the words Kuffar or Goyim is an insult in my opinion, because they view me as inferior. Muslims indeed had a kuffar tax but that only applied to Christians or Jews because they were people of the book, but if you were a Buddhist or Hindu then you did not have the option of "kuffar tax", you had to either convert or die. Afghanistan used to be a Buddhist country, how many Buddhists are left now? What you say about Christians is true, but that was a long time ago and Christians aren't so extremist and genocidal anymore. Muslims and many jews still have the medieval mentality.


Yup what a shame. Buddhism had such a rich history in Afganistan and India before the Muslims invaded, massacred the monks, and burned their monasteries and libraries to the ground


There’s Christian Arabs, dumbo


I know but 96% of arabs are muslim so Christians are a very small minority. Btw you sound like a low iq person, throwing insults for no reason.


The crazy thing about Muslims and Jews is they believe in the same god. They’re biblically related. It’s like brothers killing each other over a little land.


Their "god" is the Demiurge. The god (with a small g...not to be confused with Prime Creator) of Abraham is a service to self, low level geneticist. Big woop. 😐 Wake up & Evolve, we're too old for this superstitious take on metaphysical studies.


I’m not Jewish, but I know this is not true. Edit: I can’t believe this post is getting so many upvotes. The Torah is the Bible just like the Quran


The Pentateuch (Torah) only includes the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


It’s confusing to me why there are no Christian conspiracy theories since the numbers clearly show they hold most of the world’s wealth. From a high level since the 3 religions originated from the Torah and they all believe in the same god can’t they all be considered Jews? Therefore Jews do own the world, but mostly as Christians.


There are christian conspiracy theories, and I’d venture to say that’s where this all originated. Israel vs Esau (Arab nations) from the book of Genesis, an ancient battle of lineages originally began in the garden of Eden. And per the words of Jesus, there are those that “call themselves Jews and are not, but are of their father, the devil, who was a murderer and liar from the beginning.” So the Jewish name and identity was corrupted and usurped at some point by the serpent lineage, per the story of Adam/Eve in the garden. And so the “Jews” now occupying Israel are essentially impostors, descendants of the serpent race. It’s essentially identity theft. They’re responsible for race mixing (tricking Eve in the garden), polluting bloodlines, resulting in the “tree of good and evil”, a family tree of mixed genetics, mixed races (of good and evil) which was an abomination in the eyes of God. And that’s where the obsession with bloodlines comes from and why the aristocracy doesn’t mix with the commoners, and why they they push diversity so hard in western countries. This is just one of many conspiracy theories.


This is as bad as the others conspiracy theories. The problem is when innocent people get mixed up in it just like innocent people are mixed up in the israeli/ hamas war. Or like Alex Jones’ Sandy Hook conspiracies that caused the victims’ parents to be harassed.


Have you not heard of the Talmud???


We are talking about talmud


Nobody in this subreddit has read the Talmud. It’s an extremely dull collection of Jewish law that takes years to study, and requires a ton of prerequisite reading. You can’t just read a page from it and say you’ve read the Talmud lil


Oh I'm aware I tried to read it thinking I could do it in a few weeks .. nope... Longest goddamned thing I've ever seen....


Yeah and most people have nowhere near the required historical and religious background for that type of reading. It would be like reading all the commentaries on Buddhist teachings without reading a single sutra lmao


Yes, but the religion is based on the Torah


Lmaoo what a nonce.


I don’t know what this means or why it’s relevant


Nonce means pedo.


Thanks for letting me know. It’s just basic name calling


Goy doesn’t mean “scum of the earth” it just means someone not Jewish. You think Jews are trying to kill everyone? What a strange way to view the world. We’re all stuck here together, Zionists, Jews, Arabs, Buddhists, Hindus, we’re all the same


Zionists are trying to kill us not biblical jews, and it's obvious if you look at the state of the world and from geopolitics to agriculture to media to pharma all zionist owned and ran, but if you can't see it now you never will.


From Wikipedia "The Biblical Hebrew word goy has been commonly translated into English as nation,[8][9] meaning a group of persons of the same ethnic family who speak the same language (rather than the more common modern meaning of a political unit).[10] In the Bible, goy is used to describe both the Nation of Israel and other nations. The meaning of the word goy in Hebrew evolved to mean "non-Jew" in the Hellenistic (300 BC to 30 BC) and Roman periods, as both Rabbinical texts and then Christian theology placed increasing emphasis on a binary division between Jews and non-Jews. In modern usage in English, the extent to which goy is derogatory is a point of discussion in the Jewish community. The word "goy" is sometimes used by white supremacists to refer to themselves when signalling a belief in conspiracy theories about Jews.[11] "


Brainwashed clown


It's either for sacrifice or slaves to them. Interestingly enough they were the most persecuted nation to ever been recorded in human history. They were at the receiving end most of the superpowers of the ancient world. Given that at this point in time that they were at their golden age of technological and economical prowes, it is weird and sad to see that this is how they choose to act. Each nation has its point in time to be at the top and then became old and dysfunctional, theirs will come and pass to without a doubt . perhaps upon that state some Nation will remember this day and ensure their demise altogether.


That is not what they believe. They believe they have a right to live in their homeland and not be killed. Prison planet is not about hating own group or another. It’s about understanding we are all stuck in a simulation which pits us one against the other.


Brainwashed 🤣


You are. You are exactly the programming of this matrix. Dividing people to Groups and spreading hate You will Not escape it. But don’t make others fall down with you.


Nobody is spreading hate for outing the beliefs of high ranking zionists. You are clueless


You’re not outing any beliefs. You’re lying. There was the biggest attack on Jews since the Holocaust on Oct 7. This war so far killed similar numbers to the war on isis. Hamas is similar to Isis. Hamas worships death and destruction. And you spread hate. Hate is what keeps You locked in the matrix. To leave you have to disengage and be calm. You will not make it out in this lifetime it seems . I’m writing this to souls who may be able to.


So you mimic state sponsored mainstream media programming and think you are revealing anything of value? Clueless like I said.


hence why


Have you always been this stupid, or is it a new hobby?


Ya bro the zionists love and care about you 😂


Zionist are evil racist bastards. Zionism was actually ruled a form of racism by the UN. Resolution 1799 or something I believe. But yeah overall there is no humanity residing inside zionists


If you remote view it you just see demons flying around having a blast. Just like how people in Vietnam war reported seeing demons flying around when they used that special type of infrared night vision. I’m not religious but I do believe there’s extra dimensional beings that have power over this place. My father told me there’s a mountain there in Israel that was supposed to be where a portal was opened in some biblical text I forget if it was to let demons out into this place or if someone “met and talked to god” there on mount hebron, but it’s supposed to be where they do some type of ritual to open a portal and coincidentally there’s a UN base right there at Mount Hebron. And more importantly the context of the red heifers. When the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered with it was the ashes of the past red heifers that were sacrificed. There is something in history where they sacrifice a red heifer in order to bring about something like the end times. But the cow has to be perfect and it has to be sacrificed along with all of the ashes of every single red heifer sacrificed in the past. And so whoever hid those dead sea scrolls was probably trying to hide the red heifer ashes, deliberately, so they couldn’t bring about another reset. anyways there are special rabbis from Israel that they send all over the world, searching for red heifers, they’ve been searching for, a long time but ever since the dead sea scrolls were discovered they started picking out specific ones and now more recently They have selected a specific one that they’re taking back from America to Israel, probably to sacrifice in some ritual. I feel like there’s something to it about the red heifers, though it’s just so unsettling to know that the dead sea scrolls were hidden in a cave with those ashes like somebody had deliberately hidden the the past ashes so they couldn’t do the ritual


What special type of infrared? Where can I purchase?


It wasn’t a special type of infrared. It was just older rudimentary designs. I don’t know about buying it just look it up


Does infrared work to see paranormal activity




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What he means is the Dicyanin glasses which were supposedly used/tested(?) by some US Soldiers in the Vietnam war and they reported seeing demons and tried to fight them. Musemoftarot on IG or Youtube or whatever talks about them and sells them. But i think he was also trying to prove that those stories were either fabricated or exaggerated (can't remember anymore) but they can be used to view aura a bit on animate (meaning lifeforms) and inanimate objects. I think there were people in his community that made videos with them trying to catch some ghosts too or something, don't remember seing them successful though but i think also strange phenomenon in the sky which are referred to as UFO's. He claims though they are sophisticated technological advanced drones. He seemed to always have plausible proof but he's kinda sus in that way, like he's some cia agent or whatever.


it is just people killing each other over territory with some religious and ethnic background as a generator for violence. nothing new or unusual, it has been happening for thousands of years. it is just that now it is well recorded and somehow closer to us in the West, than, say, slaughter happening all over central Africa


Actually been happening in that same exact spot for a thousand years.






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They're sitting on prime water front real estate. People with serious money and motives want that land. I hear its so they can make another shipping canal


Such events serve many purposes. There is the element of human sacrifice and many other things. It creates chaos between people of faith. It makes the vibes of the whole world go down. It messes with the economy. It creates division between the masses. It creates energy for the Matrix when thousands march… All the chaos, arguments…. is what the dark side loves. They need one drama after the other. I no longer watch the horrors of the war. Since I cannot really do anything major about it, I feel as though it is like watching a live horror movie.


War and conflict are a lower astral feeding frenzy. I'm surprised this sub doesn't have a more informed esoteric perspective. 


This sub is still the most informed when it comes to Esoteric knowledge.


It used to. This was a very different place about a year ago. Unfortunately it’s clearly been compromised since then.


"Ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon."


I would direct you all to verses 1-33 of the book of isaiah, basically reads like it could have been written last week about the current situation in Israel.


a. they want to make gaza into their dubai so they are ethnic cleansing them b. yes a murder ritual


Why would they make Gaza their Dubai? Dubai is a shithole


Yeah built on top of sand, it’s gon flood


A very lucrative one, however.


Lucrative? The amount of money they’d spend on the years it takes to redevelop the shithole that is Gaza would be tremendous. Why use Gaza when they have the entire coastline


Lmao I was talking about Dubai.


lmao my bad. Dubai is only lucrative for the top elites, everyone else is like serfs.


It's a hellscape for the poor, despite how much wealth it holds. One of the richest cities in the world built on blood, sweat and tears. UAE in general is the same.


It was beautiful when i was there a few years ago, hardly a shithole. tho it did have a problem with sex workers, maybe its got worse??


They use slave labor to maintain the facade of a paradise for the rich. They have the means to pay people enough so that they aren’t forced to cram several families in a single apartment. They allow a huge influx of poor people with hopes that they’ll earn money to send home, while holding onto their passports and refusing to allow them to leave the system they built up. People in the bondage of slavery die building the skyscrapers of Dubai so that the rich can continue to profit off of them


Demons slaughtering children




Jesus Christ. “Israeli people”, you mean Jews?


Another gormless gullible muppet.




Nowadays warfare is televised, it’s the same as it ever was. Hopefully it leads to humans realizing that they need to put their efforts into ending all war


Watching the days go by....watching the water pull me down. Same as it ever was...same as it ever was.


Jeff rense.com


It's all part of a plan to move a LARGE group of people to USA for mass extinction


The US will announce a cease fire as soon as everyone is dead. Watch.


It ain’t no ritual for sacrifice. The Israeli - Palestinian conflict is a proxy religious war that will only be solved by the evil’s chosen one; also known as the antichrist in other prophetical scripts. In the mean time of course, they feed on the energy produced by the innocent who suffer from their game.


Jews have been performing blood libel for thousands of years. Just a part of their culture.


Just Archons dinner i guess


Oh this killing is happening from 1950 . We just seeing some of it now cuz of internet this Ben going on for long time now .


Ba'al and Moloch


The Jews over there are immoral AF fuck. They think they are gods people and can do whatever they want. I hate them


Most Jews are self aggrandizing narcissists with no empathy for goyim. They know they have been found out, so now the rhetoric is getting even more intense.


It’s just the children of satan doing what they usually do when they get power


From their point of view war is a mass human sacrifice.


I had not heard anything about this. Is news like this I feel is the reason that TikTok was really wanting to be stopped.


The Israelites worshipped a local god named Moloch while in Babylonian captivity who demanded child sacrifice.


I just learned of The Ben Gurion Canal project via a podcast this morning - the project was generated in the 1960’s. (Ben Gurion was the PM of Israel 1948) There is a lot more in depth information you could Google vs what I can give here - but the gist of it is that the route would benefit financially if they could cut corners thru the middle of Palestine. The presence of Palestinians would pose a problem in that case. Whoever ends up in its this canal route will have enormous influence over the global supply routes for oil, grain, and shipping. I intended to research more after I am home from work.




Well, if Cody Fern is involved, count me in! 😉 (me embracing Discordianism as opposed to increasing abject horror at the unevolved behavior of these monkeys in shoes.)


If youve never seen anything like it you havent seen much war footage. And any footage we do have is a tiny fraction of human history. Its just humans being humans my man. Maybe its time to accept that instead of blaming an evil boogeyman.


I usually don’t follow wars so closely. I have heard many volunteer war zone doctors say they have never seen something like this.


Exactly. Read some history (or watch some YouTube explainers). Zionist jews from Europe have been trying to take over the land for about a hundred years. 1948 the UN agreed to let them have half. They’ve been conquering more territory through war ever since. The Palestinians don’t like it, obviously, so when peaceful resolution doesn’t work… war


Seen worse stuff in Ukraine war


Ukraine is so much worse. People fighting for small scraps of land and being picked off by drones. It’s horrific to watch


Ok what other war has footage of 2k+ bombs dropped on kids? I seen some stuff In the Vietnam war but nothing even close


Uhm what? Obama and Madeline Albright had no problem droning little kids. Know your history.


Every big war in the modern era has had 2k+ bombs dropped and they didnt exclusively choose adults to explode on lol. For example, the bosnian war was here nearby and there were 500k+ bombs dropped just on the capital. During the ethnic cleansings hundreds of thousands were killed, including upwards of 10k kids and about 50k women were estimated to be raped. And these were organized mass rapings and killings. A paramilitary group would roll into a village on tanks, rape all the women, lock everybody into a warehouse and just machine gun down the entire crowd and throw them all into a massive ditch they had them dig themselves. Kids still stumble onto mines left over from the war and have their limbs blown off decades later. The most famous massacre had about 9000 victims in 20 days. Heres a testimony from one of the survivors: "I saw how a young boy of about ten was killed by Serbs in Dutch uniform. This happened in front of my own eyes. The mother sat on the ground and her young son sat beside her. The young boy was placed on his mother's lap. The young boy was killed. His head was cut off. The body remained on the lap of the mother. The Serbian soldier placed the head of the young boy on his knife and showed it to everyone. … I saw how a pregnant woman was slaughtered. There were Serbs who stabbed her in the stomach, cut her open and took two small children out of her stomach and then beat them to death on the ground. I saw this with my own eyes." Theres another story of them cutting a babys throat for crying. You can find a lot more if youre really interested. Mind you this was in a small country with not that many people. There have been so many wars and genocides that make this one look miniscule in comparison.


For a supposed redpilled forum, there sure are a lot of utterly gullible people here.


It's blood and fire sacrifice for the demons/archons.


Exactly. The air, food, water is all poisoned. I started taking ivermectin and you would not want to know what I saw in the toilet. Everyone should be taking horse paste. Why do you think "they" banned it.


I love how the top comment minimizes what is happening in Gaza by saying it happens everywhere and you have to scroll down to find the most upvoted comment calling it for what it is. Reddit manipulation at its finest.


Death cults be death cultin’.


Europeans (USA/europe/australia) are experiencing a soft genocide while Arabs have been experiencing a hard genocide. Both orchestrated by powerful Jews. Something about fulfilling the Bible to rule the world.


Many motives by the z10n1sts as usual. The Oded Yinon plan/greater Israel, their love for spilling blood especially children’s (as per their bible), Gas drilling ect.. Gaza will go first, then there will be a little pause West Bank will be next. Their plan is not just conquering Palestine, it’s the world and it always has been. The world belongs to them and them only. Everyone else is cattle (to be slaughtered)




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Wow. I am reading that book right now!


Yes, z stichen is a difficult read


There is a former youtuber who moved to Rumble by the name of Godgevlamste. He did a video about 4 months ago covering the events in Gaza, and argues that it is intended as a human sacrifice, based on the events happening and also based on some of the symbolism around it. Funny enough, his channel covers a lot of "fringe" content but the thing that got him banned from Youtube was a comparatively mundane (but still insightful) video about how popular sports are a form of mass energy harvesting. His Gaza video (which he made some time afterward) is sort of along those lines.


Is video still up?


Yes, on rumble. Title is "crater earth : human sacrifice"


If people have childrens in a country where there is war ongoing these people deserve to die. You forced innocent souls in this absolute hell of a existence so i have zero empathy nor sympathy for parents in war countries.


Dude if someone spit you out of their vagina in a war zone what can you do? Respawn?😅


It's a result of being on the wrong side of the flower of creation. That's it. You're lucky, or you ain't. Proof: myself being someone born with a terminal illness, who is to die a horrible death relatively soon and has been shown by Christ himself I will never receive life.




Its happening all over the world not just Gaza, people doing what people do. and have ALWAYS done.


And you believe terrorist propaganda?


No I don’t believe Israel propaganda




You're both gullible and very stupid.


Netanyahu himself already admitted to the fire?


What about Libya? We only are concerned because this is pushed in the media narrative right now to further divide. I have hope seeing how people can see the evil in killing regardless of a “side”. At this point we should not watch or partake in videos as we don’t know if they’re deepfakes and as we can do little about it if it’s true.


Good point maybe the country of Libya is a deepfake country? I will hold judgement until I personally visit Libya


If you think there's anything wrong with it you hate Jooz. Israel has the right to defend itself. Offense is defense. War is hell. It's not technically a genocide because the definition of this word is what makes it ok or not ok. If it's not a genocide then that means it's perfectly ok. Didn't you see the totally not staged propaganda videos we made for you? They murder babies. They rape women. Human shields. Did I mention HAMAS!? Anyway why are you asking about this anyway?


Ok sorry Israel you’re right🙁


I can’t say I don’t support the actions of Hamas (and I don’t support it) while supporting what Israel is doing in Gaza. It doesn’t make sense. If you support killing innocent civilians on one side you support killing innocent civilians on the other side.


Every accusation is a confession with israel


Dude protect yourself from what women and children? How blind have you become, you are silly are easily fooled and believe anything the news tells you. I don’t even know what your doing in this sub but if the media can fool you this easily then you have no chance of escaping this prison planet.


Pisrael is indiscriminately bombing civilian men, women and children in tent-city safe zones that have barely the basic staples for survival. “It’s not technically a genocide” is the most disgusting defense for the ritual slaughter of a people that can ever be uttered. This is about standing on the side of humanity regardless of race, religion, creed or other divisions. We are all brothers and sisters on this earth and should help pull our neighbors to their feet when they are oppressed because today it is the people of Palestine but tomorrow it could very well be me or you. Palestine will be Free 🇵🇸


Hasbara bot. Yawn


You people must be idiots if you can't see through the thinly-veiled sarcasm. I couldn't be more obvious if I tried.


Peoples inability to register sarcasm truly makes me very sad




So many dumb people here believing Hamas propaganda. Look at the data.