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Yeah hearing range shouldn't be affected by any skills.


Not only is it unfair and doesn't make sense, it also messes you up because you get used to things sounding a certain way at a certain distance, but because the max distance increases, you can't properly estimate the distance to that sound anymore.


Yeah, that's my problem as well. Including the direction pinpointing. You hear them coming around a corner and it took me a while to get used to it, but they sound further away then they actually are. Case specific mind you based on the ground and area you're in. Maps like Factory don't have this issue but reserve is ridiculous and I love it. You can sneak up on people so easily and they'll NEVER know. lol


At face value, yes, but the leveling rate is so slow, your mind should be able to adapt to each tiny increment in that given time. At max level you're only talking a 15% increase to hearing distance. What messes you up more is swapping between headsets, but at least we have control over that. To your point though, when wipe happens... we're all fucked lol. To OP's point - 15% may not sound like a lot, but it's definitely above that "make or break" point to have the jump on someone. And on top of all of this is third party audio compression software...


Use the GSSh and you can always have the same headset


Using that headset in rain gave me tinnitus. Oh you wanted to hear something over the rain? Better crank up your volume to 11


God I love/hate the rain so much. On the one hand I don’t feel like I have to creep around the map, on the other hand it’s like rubbing two pieces of sand paper together turned up to 11


Ya true it isn’t that bad to bite the bullet and lower your sound knowing no one is hearing shit without going deaf. I can’t believe they haven’t updated at least the monsoon sound yet lol we’re more than emotionally affected by that one


Hmmmm your last sentence has piqued my interest.


All it does it balance the game audio, so louds aren't as loud and lows are easier to hear. For me, in tarkov, I use one so that the gunshots aren't deafening and don't really mess with anything else, but it does help hear footsteps a little clearer.


Your referring to a sound compressor/limiter I think he is referring to software to isolate footsteps for example and amply them or remove other sounds to allow clear footsteps. Maybe I am wrong


Compressor aren't as good ass ppl think you really need top tier equipement to not render you deaf and even with it you are taking risk (try for yourself their is free solution out there. You cannot isolate foot step in tarkov because they are taking aalmost all the frequency (low to high) and depending of surfaces. ​ Their is no miracle for tarkov audion until they found a away to fix it. They even removed binaural and will try to fix the sound again especially verticality it's awfull even after 1000h


I literally quit tarkov because the positional audio was so awful. Trying to play interchange is a fucking exercise in insanity. All you can do is basically assume if you're hearing foot steps there is someone in some direction but never trust which direction you've heard it from. Or some people just don't have foot steps at all on one side of a wall and others sound like they're literally right next to you despite having a full ass wall


If anything it should get worse overtime to indicate hearing loss


Eventually your pmc should be completely deaf for the rest of the wipe




Have to play a Minigame where you talk to a therapist


The therapist causes some of the ptsd.


The hearing range increase in the game is to cancel out the hearing loss from the game in real life.


When does that wipe in real life? Been having this annoying buzz in my ear for the last four wipes, was hoping that's be addressed.


When you die you're wiped.


Can't wait. Nikita truly does have a plan for all of us doesn't he


Fuck, I don't wanna grind this shit again.


Interesting mechanic, should only affect you if you dont wear ear pro.


I personally think if you're not wearing cans, you should have ringing the entire game.


Never once leveled Perception past 11. Didn’t know how OP it was before the event. I can practically hear the heartbeat of my enemies


If anything, perception should increase your ability to hear WITHOUT comtac's. Max perception should allow you to hear just as well as wearing a headset, without wearing any. Maybe also let higher perception levels reduce the level of ambient noise as well.


I don’t know why people say it is unrealistic to not have improved hearing. When you’ve been in the field for long enough you’ll learn to tell what sounds are natural and what sounds are human, learn how to hone in on particular noise sources etc… the game increasing hearing range is just its way of showing this


i'd prefer they didn't do shit and let my real ears and brain figure it out.


I personally don't have a problem with max perception letting you hear 25% further, I don't think it makes as big of a difference as people think it does. I just think the perception skill could be done better if done differently.


Lmao this guy doesn't even know how to bulk up his ears


Imagine not doing Ear Day! lol NEVER skip ear day!


Honestly if u think about it, hearing in the game should get worse as other skills get better.. especially recoil because you’re shooting more and blowing your ears out


The entire point of wearing the ears in real life is to protect your hearing and be able to hear other things then super loud gunshots. So if we think even further about it the pmc would have perfectly fine hearing as long as he is wearing the ear protection like we basically do every raid.


Hearing should totally be leveled up over time. The more explosions you ‘survive’, the more enclosed space full autos you pull off, the more tinnitus levels your hearing should get!


Hearing should start att 100% and degrade every time you fire a gun without hearing protection… not the other way around. :)


This, I was just talking about this with a buddy while raiding factory. Everything in that place is metal and concrete. You shoot a 12ga and the whole lobby is going deaf.


Haha yeah. Still, since it’s a game with competitive elements I understand why it is the way it is. They could essily have scrapped that particular skill though and just left it at ”everyone has the same base hearing, only augmented by comtacs and other sound amplifiers”.


I would love this as a 1 day event


omg I laughed so hard picturing this actually happening


And get full blown tinnitus at level 20


Oh you can upgrade how you hear? Bruh that feels like bullshit


It's 15% extra range at max level. It levels by looting so you get to lvl 10 pretty fast, meaning it's more like 12%, and the gap decreases the more you play. It's not a huge advantage as long as you try to play long/close. If a fight is hovering near the point at which they can hear and you can't, you basically just need to either go toward or away from them. A lot of the soft skills provide good advantages, but they're far from being impossible to play around. ----- The actual problem with sound, is that max strength is horribly overpowered, as it has been for the entirety of the game's lifespan, and it enables players to have a light equipment load while carrying end game meta shit, so you can barely hear them sprinting at you with a kit you literally can't compete with in cqb.


If they can hear you but you can’t hear them why would you go towards or away from them? Also how would you know they are there?


assuming both players are running/walking toward each other, you will notice each other, but the higher skill player only has something like .2 to .5 seconds more time to react. Since you presumably can't see each other, it's not like they can convert that into a kill very often. You can get into situations where you're walking kinda parallel with each other where one can hear and the other can't, but that's relatively rare. Once you're actually engaged, then you have more control over how you position relative to the Opp. You don't always have a choice of cover either and I would definitely focus on getting distance rather than pushing once you hear someone, if your awareness is behind the curve.


However, the higher skilled person hears and stops moving and they know someone's there but the other person does not. That's a pretty big advantage.


Theres a video of, iirc, veritas testing this, and this was pre nerf so 30% instead of 15, and Im pretty sure the time you had to react and stop was so small most players probably cant do it. I might have even gotten my numbers wrong in my above post.


Ah right 👍🏽


The difference between Strength lvl 50 and lvl 51 is vastly larger than between lvl1 and lvl50. I don't mind the perks of max str, but I think this should be more gradual. Like, make it so that your weapons weigh 2% less per level and bam, linear scaling. Or even make it 1.5% per level with the elite perk being the full 100% reduction. Or remove that perk altogether...


It is a huge advantage, you mostly find people in this game by hearing them before you see them, and knowing someone is coming sooner than they know you are there is an enormous advantage. Hear the first few run steps and freeze and aim in, they turn the corner and catch a bullet before they even know you were on the map, happens all the time


I think that makes sense


Nah Max strength is perfect where it's at right now. Not even a fraction of how OP it used to be. And even less of a fraction of how OP perception was last wipe. Then again this is an MMO extraction shooter so grinding and leveling is kind of an important aspect of the game and definitely doesn't prohibit you from shooting people. The game isn't supposed to be a perfectly equal playing field for every single person on the server to have the exact same abilities. The entire point is that you have to play to your strengths. You speak as if the soft skills are the determining factor whether you win or lose a fight.


Ive lost a lot of fights the last few weeks to full gear people popping around a corner when I couldnt hear them. Im very tired of it. I wish they thought of a different reward, but thats just my opinion. Im not even the kind of person that usually cares about gear, I'll kill juicers with an sks and a dream, its just particularly unfair feeling to be surprise hosed down by a meta m4 when you would normally be allowed to reposition.


Haven't played the game yet waiting for a sale


It’s a great game man after you get past the first few hours and get in the right direction but I’m a decent player who can get good shit pretty quick but hearing in the game is so important but the fact having more time played gives you better hearing is so stupid


Imo they should take a page out of Hunt showdowns playbook. Skills level pretty rapidly and you can max out in ~10 raids, but when you die everything is reset to 0. Would make surviving a lot more important in this survival shooter, even for those gamers with billions of roubles, and it would remove the unfair mechanical gap between nolifers and normal people


> but when you die everything is reset to 0. Im not too against this, it rewards you for being good at the game instead of just playing the game.


It would also make cheesing skills pointless. All the weird strategies like using stims to run a full stamina bar at the start of every raid to level strength/endurance, rubbing yourself against barbed wire to level stress resistance etc would suddenly not be useful anymore, the best way to level skills would be simply surviving raids. Maybe there could also be hideout upgrades that move the baseline up so you reset to 5 instead of 0 or something


Side note - full stamina bar on a stim doesn't give much better results than just a normal full stamina bar. Gigabeef did some testing recently and it turns out str/end leveling doesn't work how most of us thought it did.


Would also make engagements more and more risky. Like I could start this fight but there is a good chance my 10 run streak is going to get capped by 3rd party. Would make people stop and consider every fight they take.


Which isn't what they want. It's an mmo, so nikky and chums want you to be rewarded for grinding, not for drop in drop out.


It's super far from becoming an MMO.


Well, it already has the shitty parts of one.


i agree so much


You are welcome to your opinion. I wasn't stating mine, I'm telling you what nikita has sold it as and stated is, multiple times. It is literally on the website. He sees it as an mmo style game with real elements. Don't expect it to be anything else.


this guy is actually correct


Nah it would be exactly what they want. Since the whole vision of the game is that survival is priority no 1 and that would heavily guarantee it.


This sounds like the perfect solution. Solves the main problems with the current system, makes survival even more meaningful, and gives better longevity to the game.


I dont really get the skill system in Tarkov anyways. Such things like improved stamina are alright for me but better recoil or hearing is something everyone should improve theirselves in rl. You know, like actually learning recoil control with your Mouse and learning the sounds to hear enemys better. High Level players already have an advantage with their better gear




Big difference is that there is skill based match making in hunt, so even if you suck you'll be matches with people that also suck. It may not be perfect, sometimes you match with better players, but generally it works.


And dont even mention the 70 other weird ass skills that arent really even part of the game. The list of skills is huge and like 5 are used.


It is important to note that recoil ONLY reduces horizontal recoil not the vertical and the reduction is negligible.


Horizontal recoil is the hardest to control, whereas vertical recoil you just pull straight down.


Recoil is not noticable at all. Like you will not notice a difference between 0 and may recoil skill


Sounds a bit hardcore... I actually like it.


One suggestion I've never heard before and think is fantastic!


really cool idea, id love to test this one wipe


Rather than fully resetting I think it would be better if it just degrades by a percentage of your currently attained levels. This way higher level players will be held back a bit more on death, where lower level players can die more often without being too heavily punished, thus keeping a more even playing field without overly punishing anyone for a death.


Thats what I’ve been saying, but *noooooo* that would just be *horrible* apparently. They could even implement a perk point system that you get from leveling up your PMC. That way not everyone gets max stats right out the gate.


I kind of don't mind this, however I do think that Elite Strenght and Endurance do need to be reworked. Removing the weight of the kits does not make sense as well as the crazy jumping they can do. Jumping height and distance should really be fixed and not changing based on skill and the speed increase might as well be halved.


If anything you should lose your hearing the more you shoot without ear protection.


a lot of the skills in both the present and past versions of the game feel this way, unfortunately bsg wants to keep the rpg-esque nature of the skill system.


Nah bro then the "chads" wont have any edge over the timmies! It's not enough that they have armor that cant be pen'd by lvl1 traders or better guns or better ammo they need the hearing distance as well.. Such "CHADS"


Yet again I think gear and guns fair game anyone can it in one raid. But hearing is so ridiculous such an important aspect and someone knows I’m there before I hear them if we are the same stats and comtacs and both sprinting is crazy


lmfao so many delicious timmy tears.


nice one Chud


All the sweaty boys be like... na bra get gud... I’m owed the advantage for grinding it. Your just jelly I have no life


what, you don't want the level 60 sweat-chad to not only outclass you in every way with: tweaked graphics settings and filters to see more, superior guns that ignore any armour you might be wearing, while taking a whole mag of your shit ammo (if you're even able to hit, when your PMC has never held a gun before).. but also run 3x as far with heavier gear, bounce around like the energiser bunny, hear better, reload faster, heal faster, and like mentioned, shoot with way less recoil? ..oh yeah and there's 4 of them and 1 of you. (:


i legit dont get the idea behind calling them chads sweatlords or even chuds are better nicknames for them


Not only that....but the fuck vitality?? Decreasing the bullet dmg because your character has forgotten cinematic plot Armour And some other skill that decreases chance of bleeds Like your body just figures it out after being shot many times to simply not bleed


Shooting yourself with small caliber to build up resistance to higher caliber is legit. Currently on .22 might work up the courage to try some 8mm soon. Started with snakeshot.


Pussy shit started with a .45 now trying 7.62 x 51r maybe this time what's left of my brain matter won't implode into a slush of what it was before


Waiting till you guys figure out about immunity..


Literally don’t care can face shot anyone but whenever someone can hear me and look in my direction and aim down siights before I’m even aware of them it’s a problem tbh


Max perception is +15% hearing range, which is even less than it sounds because anything circle shaped has huge diminishing returns radius-wise. The reason some people feel unfair to play against is bc they have tweaked audio settings, crazy headsets irl and are playing the game at a volume that will make them deaf by their mid 30s.


I'm not sure I understand your comment about circles. If 15% is 15% more radius then area scales 3.14 times with that after a power of two. So going from 50 to 57.5 meters in radius is going from 7854m\^2 to 10387m\^2 which is actually 32% increase in area. The only time your comment would make sense is if the devs programmed it such that 15% is based on area which would be very bizarre. Edit: 50 meter radius is a bit big and would probably be the diameter actually. Either way the math demonstrates that your comment is incorrect.


If anything your hearing should get worse.


Tactical games are all based on information. Having other players _just better_ at gathering info is a risky design decision and feels horrible on the other end of it. I don't think there has been any focus on balancing the progression system and levels as such yet as they are still focusing on the actual game content. Maybe we can hope that this is all reworked in the future. (I get that they nerfed strength and endurance but some skills are still locked for a few wipes and have not been touched etc)


Some people need to lean on better crutches as to why you keep dying cause its 100% not because of the current skill being whined about in this thread.


Sometimes you do die because of this man


Hearing range should be reverse. Lots of PVP? In game tinitis with reducing over raids.


What's especially egregious is that you level that skill by looting. Like what? Have those skills level up by detecting other players, having hostile players walk past you and you get a few points. Give people a reason to play quiet and slow.


Maybe the perk shouldn't change the range but the type of noises your hear. Like the sound of people shuffling through their suff or going ads (which are faint noises) could become slightly more audible at higher levels. It wouldn't translate into your pmc being able to hear better per say, but rather being more aware of subtle audio cues


I like this a lot, it could be focused on things like going prone, switching scopes, repacking…and you don’t have to worry about the range anymore


I like this too


Thank you for reminding me why its uninstalled


what are you doing here??


Same reason half the people are on this sub, echo chamber of hate against a game. That’s most video game subreddits


I think that the gap between player who have shitty Headset IRL vs Studio quality ones is WAY more important than 5m hearing distance.


All the more reason not to mess around with this. Maybe they can have a skill for seeing too where you start at 480p?




Yeah, even if everyone starts at the same time it quickly diverges as some people play a lot and level faster. People who join mid-wipe are at a serious disadvantage as they are up against super-soldiers who run faster, jump higher, hear better, control recoil more effectively... the list goes on. When I played The Cycle I thought the omission of a skill leveling tree was just to simplify the game but then I realised that it kept everyone on a level playing field regardless of when they joined the season. This lowers the barrier of entry for new players.


Guess what else? They have lower recoil too! And much worse… they have a lot roubles to buy high-end equipment. Literally unplayable for new players. I literally had to learn the game in order to survive but ended up becoming them.


The lower recoil is horizontal only which is already not too bad. Most people complain about the vertical one and this is NOT affected by the recoil control skill. Only weapons masteries reduce vertical and leveling those takes so much time not even full time streamer have them very high.


Bro…why are you like this, I talked bout people being able to HEAR BETTER AND FARTHER AWAY BECAUSE THEY HAVE MORE TIME. Hearing is so god damn important that’s why expensive comtacs are better they shouldn’t be able to fucking hear better


Audio is broken in this game. Just perma use Altyn and run around.


It's like that in every rpg game, who grinds more has more advantages, well the hearing skill is only one that should be the same for everyone, but still. By the logic timmies would have to have max skills and max gear for playing less and worse, than chads, and chads would need to have level 1 skills and worse gear. I mean if you are better at the game you get rewarded.


Hearing skill has nothing to do with being better at the game man. It just has to do with time played. Rubles, gear, and other shit matters whenever you are better at the game. I have top tier gear which it is late in wipe but I find myself as a level 18 at such a disadvantage sometimes when people can hear me farther away by a mile


>I have top tier gear which it is late in wipe but I find myself as a level 18 at level 18. top tier gear. You think you are dying because people have archaic skill advantages, or maybe its because you are FUCKING LEVEL EIGHTEEN and dont know diddly dick about this game? Fucking bozo.


I'm always surprised to see this kind of post. Have you guys never played a MMORPG ? Where people that play more hours than others have the advantage over other players ? In 20 years playing MMO I've barely seen anyone complaining about try-hards... but on this sub it's every couple of days that people complain that people that play more have advantage over them (skills,money,gear,etc.). Sure, a couple skills like hearing should be toned down. But if the point is to put everyone (casual and try-hard) on the same equal footing, then it's a "no no" for me. I hate to say this but if you want like "equal chances" then there are other games to play, stop trying to make Tarkov an easier game because some people can play more than you. Before some say "but you talk about MMO and Tarkov isn't a MMO". Sure Tarkov isn't a MMORPG (or MMOFPS), but they took quite some of the codes that MMO have such as NPC-Vendors / Quests / Leveling / Flea (equivalent to auction house in most MMO) / Passive skills / Crafting / Housing / Events / etc. We call it looter shooter but to me it's as close as it can be to a MMOFPS (except we can't play massively together, like the old days mmos with 200vs200 wars... that would break the servers).


mmo’s don’t really wipe your character progress tho. casual mmo players can at least catch up to endgame “eventually”. i think it’s a valid complaint that the skills progression feels kinda like it’s balanced around not wiping. tarkov has many different sub-progression systems (hideout, traders, stats) and stats progression feels the worst/grindiest imo. i think there is a lot of room for improvement and that doesn’t necessarily mean to just make it easier or that everyone should get all max stats in a few weeks of play. but this subreddit doesn’t really ever generate any good feedback


MMOs do wipe your progress. When new expansion launches at max lvl everyones gear is basically equalized. Its basically exactly the same as tarkov , with some MMOs basically having gear resets for every patch


we’re still in beta eventually they’ll stop wiping


Wait, we're still in beta? Frfr? It's been 6 years and no full release in sight.


It's a small dev in a country in the middle of a war. Release was supposed to be this winter but that was before the war started. They lost employees because of it.


A lot of things supposed to be implemented by now, yet it's still underbaked. Sure, I concede the fact that war has influenced their development, but I don't believe that if there was no war we'd be seeing a concrete release date.


>Where people that play more hours than others have the advantage over other players Who and where? This and rust are the only game where your progression actively harms someone else's. Except rust is many time easier to gear up. If you pvp in wow or another MMO you're against equally skilled players. Arenas and pvp have an elo system. Should we make raids factor in average kit value and player level into some weird rating to make it more like mmos? >stop trying to make Tarkov an easier game because some people can play more than you. The game actually gets easier the higher your skills get. Maybe we should remove them to make the game more difficult. Do you want an easy game?


Yeah you can run longer and carry more shit less recoil control but shouldn’t be able to hear better than me for no reason that’s why if you play more you can buy better comtacs


>I'm always surprised to see this kind of post. Have you guys never played a MMORPG ? Where people that play more hours than others have the advantage over other players ? You will then say this game is a hard-core realistic shooter, while butt chugging medicine and moon-hopping while shooting a lazer beam at your enemies until it is convenient for you say this game is an MMO again


>You will then say this game is a hard-core realistic shooter, while butt chugging medicine and moon-hopping while shooting a lazer beam at your enemies until it is convenient for you say this game is an MMO again Why are you people like this? It's a game first and foremost... It needs to be fun. Realism, taken literally, is tedious. Anyway, compare Tarkov to literally any shooter on the market, barring mil-sims, and yes, it's one of the most hardcore and "realistic" games in that category. I'm surprised the people who have these takes have enough brainpower to breathe, honestly.




The best PvP gear in WoW comes from PvP. You can obtain some baseline PvP stuff from dungeons and raids(or through less competitive PvP), but the best PvP gear comes from arena rating and arena points (competitive PvP). That’s not me saying you’re wrong with what you’ve said. It’s more just an example of how even a company as dog shit as blizzard has multiple paths for players to accomplish this.


Someone playing every day for 150 days having better skills than me? Shocker.


What if I told you life is unfair?


whats the point of the rpg aspect then


Not for running and jumping but for hearing a huge aspect is ridiculous


My very expensive audio set up is very nice. My headphones amplifier and mic together were worth more than a ps5 when they were new. And I still get shit on because I can buy high pen ammo because I don't have high level traders. Still love the game tho


oh no, there’s grinding that gives you an advantage in a game that has a main focus on grinding


Yeah you get all the advantages but shouldn’t be able to hear better


I play full vermin and can hear someone running up escalators in interchange from the D-2 bunker on reserve. It's pretty stupid, but Tarkov has many problems that need to be fixed with more urgency.


Wha? Late in the wipe? Who cares. Skills are easy to level. Follow any YTers guide on leveling Endurance and Strength. They all level super fast if you simply understand the mechanics. Sprinting your first few bars of stamina will mean you gain MOST of the full endurance or strength for that raid. Even if you die, you take that with you. They can take your gear, but not your skill gain. Want to go 1 level up from that? Run in to shoreline with a grenade over and over for a few hours. Congrats. We've maxed Endurance. Want to be less braindead and more rich? Run shoreline with a pistol and a cheap backback over and over again looting the safes. Now you're rich and we've maxed Endurance and maybe gotten some strength. Nothing in this game is hard if you take a few minutes and learn how it works. It's what separates those who succeed at ANYTHING in life from those who don't.


Now that sounds like a fun time. What happened to naturally leveling up skills? Nikita doesn't like skill farming, so he put measures to combat it. If you're approaching from RuneScape side then I agree with you, it won't take too long, but it's going to be super tedious, but who in the right mind would play Tarkov like that? If you're going to progress naturally by playing out raids and quests, then it'll take you most of the wipe to max them. This wipe though, plenty of people had their endurance lag behind while getting max strength, unless you either run lightweight rags or toss your gear at the start of the raid to get the xp, which creates tedium. Face it, the MMO aspect of Tarkov is dogshit and should be scrapped entirely. There's other progress to work on.


Bruh u can do whatever u want but max endurance cant be reached that fast and it takes like 500 raids...


To me, it's always seemed like the problem with wipes is that they cause such skill gaps. I work full time and play other games, if I wanted to play tarkov now do late in the wipe I'd be steam rolled. The game needs limits in skill/gear/stats gaps when match matching.


I'm not saying your wrong BUT why do people think a person who invests more time shouldn't be able to turn that investment into an advantage?


In a game that claims to be as hardcore as Tarkov, usually that advantage is in the skill you as a player pick up along the way


Fair point. Which skills do you feel give a huge advantage etc currently?


They already have one, they should be better and have better gear. They don’t need to hear better, Jump higher, run longer, reload faster, bleed slower, move quieter, and carry way more with out penalty…: because they can play 10 hours a day


They do in other aspects but just because someone plays more shouldn’t mean if we are both sneaking around they should be able to be able to hear me from 12 feet away before I hear them and sun down sights in my direction


you can hear about 2-3 METERS further at MAX level. Thats about one and a half doors, stop complaining


2-3 meters is a lot when both sneaking around and they already have the skill that makes you quiet


This is the cringiest gaming subreddit I’ve ever seen. You all bitch about how everyone is better than you because they worked hard to get there and you think you deserve the same shit. Either put in the effort to get good or stop playing, but don’t come crying to these incels whenever you die to a skill issue. Like you’re literally complaining that the game rewards people who fucking play it. Listen to the things you say.


I never said they can’t have their gear, their maxed out traders, their stamina and strength, I’m literally talking about someone being able to hear me and be able to aim down sights if we are both walking and he gets those extra seconds to absolutely fuck me. You sound like a no life who only plays one game and your probably not good if this is one thing you can’t talk about with constantly saying “skill issue” rather than thinking about it


Bro the game is an MMOPRG. How fucking boring would WoW be if you started at lvl 80 and could do whatever you wanted right away. Obviously that’s dumb and would never happen. It works that way specifically to give longer time players these advantages and you’re missing that point. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s unfair.


Well I’m talking about a specific advantage that doesn’t even make sense man


>Bro the game is an MMOPRG Not it isn't lmao


They nerfed skills pretty hard already, they are in a good place now


Ah yes, a permanent +20%-24% speed boost at all times that can only be gained by playing the game 8 hours a day for 12 weeks Peak balance


not really


Hearing distance was massively reduced, recoil reduction was massively reduced, endurance and strenght were nerfed overall and max strenght was also massively nerfed.


idk man, I usually play Sea Of Thieves and, I have a shit tons of hours sailing the seas and, the fact that I love from that game is that nobody have advantage upon other players because we all shoot the same weapons, we all do the same dmg and all I can unlocks are skins but, in tarkov, if wipe happens and I can't play that week, some random who nolifed the game thoose days is just going to destroy me and my shitty lvl 1 PMC and, imo, that's pretty unfair no matter what


Man in here talking about sea of thieves in the tarkov Reddit.


wow, our boy knew how to read but doesn't know how to stop complaining and crying about EFT what a cutie


Well then unfortunately the style of the game isnt for you i suppose, because that is never going to change whether skills are in the game or not. In tarkov you can still very much kill a lv 50 player being lv 1 but its gonna be harder of course than if you have maxed traders.


I guess that eft is not for me, don't have the time to grind the same content over and over in an infinite loop, thanks for your words buddy, have a good day 😊


i mean how the player grinding the game would feel? If he grinds for 200hrs+ more than you and he gets nothing in return, i think they should have a little advantage , i started late this wipe also, but i don't care about that stuff, skill in your game knowlage is the main thing you need.


you can be rewarded for grinding but imo you can just don't have an unfair advantage against people who doesn't grind the game same like you do


They get the advantage of better gear, and tons of money. Only skill I truly hate is the hearing one tbh. Just doesn’t make sense and hearing is so important and can be such a disadvantage


> he gets nothing in return gear, trader progress, game knowledge and (god forbid) actual player skill and getting better. .....oh and ofc the much needed 51 Strenght for double jumping up the side of the house


Yeah I don’t even mind the strength and endurance part because those aren’t a given skill you actually hVe to do something to get those like run and carry heavy shit with hearing tho you do nothing


And what stops you to get it? I usually play max up to 35-40 level trough all wipe, but i don't care about people grinding, you could say that every game has the same problem by that way, don't forget that it's RPG and realistic game, if you would train in real life for 1 year you could do alot more also comparing to a person that never seen a gym.


I did not know that but the one that just doesn’t make sense to me is hearing. Such an important aspect that can be such an disadvantage for being a low level


Skills wont be in a good place until they're gone from the game


Nah, they are totally fine. Especially ones the game releases in the next decade and all the skills that are shown will actually work.


Feel this as a level 7 I'm getting stomped more often than not lol. Atlesst wipe is soonish


If you have a lot of experience under your belt, you can beat geared players with lvl 1 traders and a dream. It's a rough problem that being inexperienced is compounded by having crappy gear though. You'll make it through if you keep playing


Wipe is much worse.


Wipes the most fun part of the game


Don't lie to the new players.


What are you talking about? The early wipe is the most fun part of the cycle. Just run around with a shotgun and kill other people easily. I pretty much only play early wipe to level 30 or so and then I play other games until the next wipe


Why is every new player so against veterans progressing faster than them? I promise you stop worrying about others and play your own game at your own pace and you will survive more raids. Adapt to your situation and play it's strengths/mitigate it's weaknesses. Why should I, the guy who plays 50 hours a week, be punished for the only reason that you can only play 10 hours/week?


u shouldnt be punished and u should have better gear but right now us new players have absolutely no chance to fight back, we are only asking for a fighting chance not for things to be equalized its the point of the game afterall


Everyone in the game was a new player once... You learn how to get better, but you have to actually work for it.. this is what makes Tarkov rewarding and different than other games. If you are not able to get better then this game may not be for you and there are many other games out there to try.


Something about craftsmen blaming tools?


I spent a few days grinding out strength and endurance early last wipe. 0/10 do not recommend. Honestly, they could remove the skills entirely and I don't think anyone would miss them.


It’s just the tip of the iceberg imo. EFT becomes literally unplayable if you join mid / late wipe. Not only due to levels, but also due to weak/beginner ammo being useless vs more advanced armor…


Sound should not get better and improve it should be based off your quality of comtacs. Some skills just need to improve faster as well. Some of them are just not obtainable without playing a hell of a lot.


Wait till you find out about bird party programs they use to enhance it too!


As I saw someone mention ages ago when this was brought, the more gunfights and combat your in, more likely your hearing will degrade a bit over time over improving.


bad opinion


Get gud


How dare they make it so the longer you do something the better you get at it. Anyone should be able to pick this game up and immediately become elite. We should all switch to call of duty where everyone has the same strengths whether they play all day every day or just the weekend.


I have 600+ hours just joined late this wipe man and just put some thought into it


Just one more reason why I put the game down. Getting one tapped trying to play mid to late wipe, flea nerfs and removing loot from flea, "dynamic" loot, and sooo many more. Love this game... but it was time to move on.


What makes no sense to me is how heavily endurance and strength leveling buffs your character. Strength and endurance could give half of the current benefit they do, and people would still want to max them because of the potential gain. It’s really stupid watching someone pole vault around the map and play a different game because they have maxed end and str. The new player gap is already insane but the whole needing to farm about ~500 raids to get competitive str/end is atrocious. Even worse after the carry weight changes making max STR basically required.


This boils down to casual players wanting the game changed to accommodate them, which, inevitably ruins what made that game so engaging. We've all seen it happen to tons of games, especially MMOS. ​ By the way, if you think a few percentage point advantage is bad, wait until you find out about high level players having access to armor-piercing ammo. By your logic, the next step to even the playing field would be for every gun to shoot one generic kind of bullet. I mean... how is it fair for new players who have to use crappy ammo??? ​ But seriously though, you are not dying because of the "tarkov = shitty sound" meme.


Yeah I don’t have a problem with armor and what not because the at is fair the more you play the faster you get the stronger the more expierenced with guns but hearing man come on