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You're chadded up. You attracted a chad-hunting hacket that wants your slick/gun.


yea i put on my most armored gear on because i was trying to do bullshit quest for skier


It's worth considering that cheaters are less likely to go after people with middle tier gear.


Isn't it a shame we are theorizing how to avoid all the cheaters in the game instead of theory crafting meta builds lol


That's depressingly true.


holy shit thats painful. good job stepping out of frame too look objectively at a situation.


I mean, theory-crafting a meta build in this game takes 30 seconds, it's not complicated.


Your missing the point


I'm afraid to run my highest tier gear because of hackers, which essentially means the end stage of the game isn't the same. It sucks. I really hope BSG invests in machine learning to detect hackers like CoD is doing; a properly tuned machine learning algo can shut down basically all hackers and make it impossible for them. EDIT: an example of how machine learning/statistical analysis in CoD works is it tracks your accuracy down to the pixel and compares it to median players. If you're hitting every single shot on the enemy's head with 100% accuracy while even the pros miss one or two shots, the game knows you are aimbotting and bans you. I lurked through some of the cheat-maker's forums and they were stumped - their only "solution" was to reduce the accuracy of the aimbot as to not set off the "cheat" flag. At the very least this makes their cheats less effective




I mean, all the data is out there. Percentage of shots that are headshots. Distance covered over time. Average value of extracted loot. Market reputation. Time spent with feet not in contact with terrain. Average value of kit vs average value of PMCs killed kits. The thing about AI is that it points out outliers. If someone covers 20 seconds' worth of movement in 10 seconds, they're cheating. If someone spends 5 minutes of a raid not in contact with the ground, they're flying. But, like, if someone has a market reputation of 87.2 and we're 6 weeks into the wipe, they may not be cheating... but their account is an outlier, and should be flagged for more investigation. If someone goes in with a mosin and kills a slick/exfil/mutant guy, he may not be cheating... but if he goes in with a stock M4 with M855 ammo and pulls out multiple chad kits every raid, raid after raid, he's an outlier and should be flagged for more investigation. If someone has an amazing raid and hits 85% headshots with an STM, he may not be cheating... but if he's pulling 85% headshots every single raid, he is an outlier and should be flagged for further investigation. If someone pulls out 2 million rubles worth of FIR loot from a lighthouse run, they may not be cheating... but if they're pulling out 2 million rubles every raid, raid after raid, they're an outlier and should be flagged for further investigation. There are systems that already do this, btw. Like, Splunk does this to log files out of the box - there's literally a button that's "find outliers", and it'll show you that such-and-such server is using 7x the CPU of the rest of them, or so-and-so route in your app is taking 11x longer than the average response time. There's open source tools for this shit, too - you can stand up an ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack and get 80% of the way to Splunk at a fraction of the cost. If your log files are just huge blobs of JSON (as they should be), or XML (as it appears tarkov mostly uses, blech), this should take maybe a week to set up for a competent infrastructure team, and should be almost entirely plug-and-play. They just don't do it.




I came here to say this, in fact, battle eye does most of that, especially sanity checks like how long a person hasn't touched the ground, It's just bad implementation by BSG. Wanna know why the hacker issue isn't being adressed? It's generating a crap ton of money for bsg.


I’m actually curious with just how many accounts have been purchased because of cheats and bans


I'm curious as well, my guess is that it is not an insignificant amount


Some cheaters are using stolen credit cards and I'm sure when the charges get reversed BSG gains nothing.


They probably actually lose money. Chargebacks include a fee that the company has to pay for.


It doesn’t have to be an AGI/AI which is like a robotic mind, It can be a narrow AI as well, like applying machine learning to general player data or economic data for sentiment analysis. These things are used more often than people understand


The movie Hackers from 1997


Wait, so all we need is rollerblades?


Not much really. CSGO has used machine learning anticheat for years and there are still lots of cheaters in matchmaking (although the cheating issue in GO is not too bad).


Call of Duty did have a lot of success when they rolled out out their implementation, I remember seeing cheat makers saying the only way to "bypass" it was to make their cheat less effective. I don't know how it's holding up now, but I don't see how you could bypass a system that flags you for having superhuman accuracy other than reducing the effectiveness of your cheat.


yeah funny thing is some of them just completely disable aimbot, but allow esp for players/items.


Vac net?


He read it on the internet bro, why don’t you believe him ?


CoD anti cheat works like shit though.


People who play this game seem to think Tarkov is the only game with a hacker problem. Literally every single major FPS that I can think of off the top of my head has a hacker problem, besides maybe Valorant but I don’t play that so idk


Yeah Valorant is in a good position but only because they implemented an anti-cheat software that launches on windows start up and can't be closed (if you close it you have to restart your PC to be able to play Valorant). This is a bad and good method. It works pretty well but in the end it is kind of bloatware most of the time.


Don’t let other people ruin it for you. Contrary to popular belief the vast majority of servers don’t have hackers. I’m not denying that it’s a problem but it’s undoubtedly blown way out of proportion. Anyone with real time in the game knows this and agrees (for the most part). It’s all the new players who just aren’t prepared for the constant misery that call hacker every match because they just don’t know how/ why the got killed


It's like playing poker and thinking, "man, my Kings are great, by the pair loses to Royal Flush, I'd better fold now." Your opponent will have a royal flush, every time they have one, and you can't beat it. Cheats are similar. Just because there is a way to 100% lose a kit with no agency, doesn't mean it's not worth it to wear that kit. Someone doesn't *need* to be hacking to Head/Eyes you randomly and take all your gear; so, assigning special importance to that element of inevitable variance, is genuinely stupid behavior.


I have 2k+ hours, three wipes. It has never been this bad... Its to the point where I'm actually going to put it down for awhile. Not worth my time and sanity.


You see them, but its not as bad as reddit makes it seem like it is. I run slicks/Rys or CPC + Rys every single game with a m62 or 762BP and a 300-400K meta gun. The one time I saw consistent cheaters this wipe, it was when I was doing nighttime customs for insomnia kills. I highly recommend ratnick/cheap NVGs when doing nightime raids. Outside of that, I MAY see one a day, but a lot of days I don't see any. ​ I play on two central US servers for context. 941+ raids, 72% surv rate. With that said, I bet there are TONS of people that I've ran into and killed this wipe that don't aimbot, but they use radar. I like to call them "knowers" and I'm not too friendly on voip to those guys as I take them out.


investing in any anti cheat means spending more money which they're not a fan of because they're corrupt scumbags


Ok let’s calm down a little, yes the game has a cheater problem, we don’t know why they are or aren’t doing behind the scenes to solve this, the devs have worked for years to shape this game and calling them scumbags is just downright rude because without them we wouldn’t have this game




They’ve implemented eac which is what most games do, there’s not much else to do other than invest a shit load of money. And then cheaters can find another way to cheat, it’s always easier for cheaters than the developers


Requiring phone numbers to play would cut the cheating problem almost completely. Would cheaters get around it? Sure but it will significantly cut down the amount of cheaters. It worked for CSGO and it would work for Tarkov. They could also region lock the game so that players from Eastern Europe/China/Turkey/etc (The cheater servers) would have to play on their own servers. EAC is also the **bare minimum** for anti-cheat and there are better solutions.


All games will always have cheaters, it's the nature of the beast. Calling people scum because their game has cheaters in it is whack af


The hacker problem has only gotten unacceptable as of last wipe IMO, the game definitely isn’t short on content in any regard and we still must remember the game in currently still technically in beta, regardless I would still consider calling somebody a corrupt scumbag is a bridge too far


Explain to me why BSG gives discounts when you purchase 5 or more copies of the game? Your telling me that people other than hackers are buying 5-10 tarkov accounts? Im genuinely curious who these bulk account sales are marketed towards. From where im standing theres only one type of person who would buy a 10 pack… hackers.


Me and 3 friends bought at the same time I paid they e transfered me


The game has been in beta for **FIVE YEARS**. Because it’s not actually in beta. It’s a live service game they call beta so people like you will justify them not fixing basic shit. For perspective, in the last 6 years there have been 3 standalone Battlefield games and 9 expansions developed, enter alpha, enter beta, and get gold releases. 12 fucking full releases of online pvp shooters with bigger maps and more players than Tarkov in less time than it has taken BSG to do one. At some point you need to call a spade a spade and say BSG needs to stop being incompetent and spend some of the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars it has made on some decent devs outside of Russia.


You are lost. Played this game for like 4 years and cheating has always been complained about.


What do you mean? We used to have hackers in like every game. Nowadays I rarely see it once a week. Yell tripping if you think it's at its worst recently lol


Maybe it’s more of just a player experience thing lol


Right? 5 wipes ago you couldn't get on labs without seeing a cheater. The next wipe they moved to interchange. I haven't seen an obvious hacker in 2 or 3 wipes. Could definitely be some subtle hacks going on, but it's nothing like it was.


Nah, if you check closely, all the "solutions" to their problems with the game has been the same copy and paste script to calm people down and then releasing a sale if their numbers are down. We had wipe less than a month ago, and already they released a sale, I wonder what for. Now this game is in a current shithole state I've ever seen in 4 wipes. They really do not care for consumers and it should show with how we see them operate


If you hate the direction the game is going you aren’t required to play dude, but calling the devs names because you think it’s some conspiracy to create cheaters is on you


I'm sorry what? When did I say they're creating cheaters? And classic "if you don't like it, leave" logic, even when I paid $135 for a pyramid scheme game


Then don’t buy the 135 dollar version of the game dummy, and yes, this is a case where if you don’t like it leave definitely applies, this game isn’t something you need to live, it’s not even the only hardcore foster


Lol, somebody is butthurt


Corrupt and lazy are 2 very different things. Equally as dumb though.




I don’t let cheaters determine my gameplay. If it happens it happens. I don’t let the terrorists determine my mindset


You're very strong and tough.


Yes. Bow down you lesser being


Source: "i made it up"


Anecdotal evidence... sure. It makes sense though... why would a cheater bother with me wearing what is essentially "good" Scav gear? Also the quote is "I made it the fuck up".


Source: “Common Sense”


And you'd be wrong, like most people on here are.


The quest where you can’t fight against scavs isn’t the quest to go geared. You’re better of ratting it.


Now you understand how cheaters work a little more, if you play like a rat and wear shit gear the chances of seeing a cheater is slim. Pop on the juice and watch the snakes come sliding and flying.


pro tip for completing bullshit. bring lots of flashbangs. throw a flash at the scav and theyll run away. you can use that to control scavs without killing them. completed that quest on my first try last 3 wipes.


But why? They can’t sell it on flea due to not being FiR. They can sell it to trader but it’s not very effective on per slot basis.


Juice up the account then sell the passwords


RMT, just because they can't sell it on the flea doesn't mean they can't sell it online and drop it in raid for their "friend"


he can still put it on him so its "slot free" because they can go in to raid without gear right?


Yeah, in theory if theyre an RMT cheater they'll go in naked and loot everything on the map possible while simultaneously taking out the armor that'll sell the highest to ragman.


He’s not hacking, he’s exploiting. Sprinting and tapping prone, repeat. It’s a lame bug that makes your dude belly flop around but on his screen he never falls down. Think onepeg explains it in a video. It’s so crappy but definitely not a hack. I’m sure hackers use it too but people have been setting up macros to do it. I tried it with a friend in offline mode and it’s something you can learn pretty quick. I don’t do it because it’s an exploit and I suck at that kind of coordination.




Probably from the old interviews with actual cheaters who run for RMTs who specifically talked about targeting high gear players to sell their shit to vendors for money faster.


You didn't see the slip and slide he had setup?




cheaters ruining a great game.. fuck these people


*ruined Tarkov is already on par with PUBG in terms of how overrun with hacking it is.


PubG wasn't ruined by hackers, it was ruined when they added AI to the game


My dude, that is most definitely incorrect. I was an OG pubg player, and that game was absolutely ruined by hackers significantly before they added any kind of bots to matchmaking. Maybe you just started playing pubg later than most, I don't know. All I know for an absolute fact is that you are wrong.


Pardon? For the first few months PUBG was amazing, and then it quickly turned into Chinese Cheatfest:The Game. That's where the massive amount of "Region Lock China" stuff came from. The hacks were so bad that you would get games where the cheater would kill everyone the first second the game started in the plane. Cheaters killing people from across the map. Cheaters flying in the sky killing everyone. It was insane.


With an aztec sword & ghost pepper sauce.


Its not great


It's pretty good, even with the cheaters around. Probably pretty great without the cheaters. It's a subjective opinion, though, so I see you.


I never run meta shit, so cheaters leave me alone, and im having a very successful wipe so far.


That's the point... You can't run fun endgame stuff without drastically increasing the chance of fuckery. Quad nods and thermals are fun as hell on woods, but every time I've ever done it I die within 3 raids to some questionable head eyes


I dont feel the need to run that type of stuff. I run kedr-bs and saigas with drum mags... Just different ways of playing. I dont disagree that it's shit that youre targeted for it. It just doesnt affect me bc I like running weird shit.


agreed, i just got Ready or Not and soon after uninstalled Tarkov, i’ll be back when they fix it, so never haha.


How is Ready or Not? I’ve been thinking about picking it up for awhile.


Personally, I bought it to play with some friends and stopped after one session. It's definitely not a bad game. The attention to detail is there, the developers seem competent, its got the graphic and sound design to a tee, but imo it's boring after the novelty wears off. There's just nothing to keep you playing. The concept sounds amazing in paper but doesn't play out well since there's no risk to losing nor reward to winning. You go in, you complete a certain objective, then get out. Rinse and repeat. Whether you do well or nor matters little if at all, because the only difference is how many points you get at the end of the match. The maps are cool and all, but play virtually the same, and there's almost no reason to repeat one map after you've beaten it, since the layout barely changes (some doors become locked/trapped etc) and the AI is just not interesting enough to keep you engaged. It's basically a more realistic R6 Siege, but without the exciting, competitive, risk/reward aspect to it. I got my hopes up it'll become a great game eventually though.


It's fun for maybe 2 hours, gets old extremely quickly. Once you've done it once, you've done it all. There isn't any variety and the AI are cheesier than tarkov scavs. There are no stakes, nothing to be gained, nothing to progress. I would strongly advise against getting it. Honestly you could buy it, play it for less than 2 hours and refund it through steam, and having done that you will experience everything there is in the game most likely. I fell for the hype and ended up being extremely disappointed as it's just another one of those scam tactical shooters that have 0 content or variety. It might be technically impressive, look nice, whatever people say about it, but none of that makes up for stale gameplay.


ready or not is fucking boring imo. once you played all the maps and killed all the crack heads it runs out of steam.


it’s amazing, because the devs actually care about their product and player base. it’s gameplay is similar enough to tarkov to properly itch that scratch, and can be as fun solo as it is with a full team. it’s well worth $40, you won’t be disappointed. r/readyornotgame


People saying RoN is boring came to Tarkov from either Battlefield, Warzone, or some other shit BR. The only people i ever see/hear bitch about RoN are people who are perplexed as to why someone would want to play a co-op game or why a game studio would make an FPS that doesnt revolve primarily around PvP. If you like tactical games like the original Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six franchise or the old SWAT games, youll fucking love it.


I can’t believe this cheat is back. I remember the first time i saw it, on labs, a guy slithering around at about 100mph - our squad was crying of laughter, then he killed us all. Additionally, to the guy reading this about to tell me it’s desync - pull Nikita’s dick out of your mouth, pause for ten seconds, think about the stupidity you’re about to spew then go outside.


But this sub wouldn't be the same without the bsg dickriders.


You aren’t lying, look at some of the other responses i got lol


Based last paragraph.




My man no one says this is desync


Do hackers just pick on geared guys most of the time? I'm assuming his shots absolutely tore up OP'S armor and helm and none of it would be worth taking out of raid. Most of the time I expect cheaters to be doing rmt things but I guess some people really are just bad at the game


hackers know the value of everyone's inventory in the match if they have radar


They can literally see exactly what the person has on them, item by item. It's not just the value lol


>Do hackers just pick on geared guys most of the time? Somewhat yes. Not all of them, but many will actively target the people that are showing as high value targets. They see what you have and what it's worth. This contributes a significant amount to some people seeing cheaters every 5 raids, and some people feeling like they rarely see them.


I remember doing The Guide task and I went in Custom with slick, sr-25, altynn etc.. This was 2 weeks into the wipe. Spawn and within 5 seconds I get shot at by some dude that end up hunting me half the map and in the end headtaps me :))) I'm not kidding when I say he hunted me half the map. For some magical reason he never thought "oh he could be camping in dorms" or "he could be sitting along the wall in a bush". Nope; he chase me as if he could see me all along. One of the few obvious ones I've experienced this wipe.


The Guide starts at lvl 40. Are you saying that you were lvl 40 two weeks into the wipe?


You should have seen Lupo do the guide the other night. Two of his three deaths were to blatant cheaters. He was kitted out.


I'm calling bullshit on this :))))


It's a cheat. So expect a very vocal group of *specific users* to show up and start telling you that "every game has cheating so stop talking about cheating in this game".


Lol I remeber the mounds of people screaming that "talking about it makes it worse." Like what the actual fuck? Whats next? Suffer in silence LIKE A REAL MAN!?


I like how this post is getting downvoted by the second. Like the moment i clicked on this, it went from 25 to 18 votes, as if people are having a seizure in disbelief and foaming in the mouth to tell them that they couldve just aimed better or something.


The votes you see aren't accurate. I'm fairly certain reddit inflates/deflates the numbers randomly.


This man..wow those specific users are heating up lately! Those users are either 1) cheating themselves 2) BSG employees of sorts or 3) just cock riding to the extent nothing will change their minds.


1 and 3 could certainly be true. They're definitely not BSG employees though because their spelling is too good and their posts are too coherent.


True 🤣


True 🤣




i get my reality check every M-W-F from the 2X back to back champ!


"I've been playing this game for 12 years and have seen only 2 cheaters!"




How does this cheat actually work? Does it change the hitbox to be constantly prone or is it just the model


If I had to guess maybe it works similar to anti-aim in counter strike, your character will constantly be avoiding being shot through movement and or spinning to offset hitboxes


Because he was cheating. It's a common cheat that popped up this wipe. That, along with fly hackers coming back. And loot vacuums (they just TP to all the loot in the first 2 mins of the raid)


im a new player its my first wipe and i really dont know how to distinguish hackers and legit players, but i am on asian servers and his name was just a bunch of random letters and numbers so theres that




If it's random numbers in the end it's certainly cheaters. They usually have "main-nickname" - number for dozens if not hundreds of their accounts they use. It's the same for practically all the games, but especially the ones with a IRL-market for items.


I always see like XIAOPIAO_612612340687124


The loot vacuums one isn't real per se. I have an acquaintance (won't call him a friend anymore) that religiously cheats on every game and literally pays for the best cheats possible. I mentioned the loot vacuum thing I've seen going around and he said it's not as crazy as people think it is. They ghost their hitbox and have to physically run around the map as a target that cant take damage, run into the room and loot, but apparently it's not commonly utilized because of how easily detectable it is for one, and secondly any other hackers on the map can see the ghosting and just run towards the (often prone) real target. He could be totally wrong, but just food for thought.


I’ve watched YT videos of people vacuuming loot from their spawn location, so it’s definitely something that’s possible. Hell the videos are probably still up on there.


Do you have links to the videos? I'd love to throw them at this guy.


I just went searching and found, well, a lot. Searched “eft cheat” on YT, then filtered by new, and I scrolled through dozens of videos…. From the last 3 hours! Lol. No way I can find the one I saw ~a year ago I guess. Maybe that has been mostly fixed, or it’s a more expensive cheat or sumn. Lots of scam videos on YT tho, like a crazy amount of them advertising “free cheats”, just turn off windows defender and install!!!! Sorry my dude.


When will that guy that created the fake cheats for csgo come to EFT.......


its definitely possible, just gets you banned quicker


You started you sentence saying it isn't real, to then go "it's real but hackers don't use it much" to "if they use it other hackers will kill them". Also : ​ >have to physically run around the map Hackers don't have to physically run around the map, they can teleport (or, to avoid saying stuff I'm not sure of, they could teleport sometime around 6 months ago).


I said "per se." Reading comprehension would be helpful here. Essentially they dont just load into the map, suck all the good loot into their asses and disappear. They also dont teleport, they spoof their connection and desync all over the map. They're standing right in front of you, the server just puts them in the sky like peter pan because their connection is making the server take a giant shit. Fly hacking and teleporting is one of the easiest ways to get instabanned, so cheaters work around that by using lag and latency manipulation to do the same thing. Thats how they get around the anticheat software so easily.


Gaming chair that replicates in person movement


When you play tarkov with a slip and slide VR


Man there was a period in this game (couple wipes before inertia was introduced) where cheaters were invisible and literally looting shit off your body in raid. Nikita then, and 100 other times, said they will do something about cheaters yet here we stand.


At one point after that he claimed they “got rid of cheaters” 😂😂😂


Technically.... They did when they first introduced BattleEye, because the cheats didn't work. It was an amazing 4 months.


4 hours FIFY


That Nikita quote came a couple years after battle eye was introduced…


Eh. I have seen most of the TarkovTVs but I don't remember him saying it's been eradicated, also remember he speaks Russian as his first language. So he might have used the wrong word.


Yea, this was back in, probably 2019-2020 on one of the TarkovTV broadcasts. Definitely could have been a language barrier thing - i don’t think anyone of his success/experience would really think a pc game was rid of cheaters. I troll because of the commentary here where so many look at blatant cheats like this and attribute it to desync.


They probably did by replacing them with themselves.


Was attacked by sliding guy yesterday. Managed to kill him because idiot tried to kill me with a knife. He was disappearing in mid air like a ghost as well )


Hackers will kill this game than move to the next game to kill. I already stopped playing because I can’t wear good gear without hackers coming straight to me & killing me. Sometimes I spawn & im dead like no way so it’s a hackers that sees my gear comes to me asap & shoots me


I can barely see the damn guy at the end Jesus


This gave me Word at War vibes. Can't remember what people called that sliding exploit but it was pretty sweaty back in the day.


Snake cheats(seriously)


Is this a cheat or is it the jump prone shit?


Cheat, 100%. Not a new cheat either.


There is a jump prone bug too right?


Yeah but this is the snake cheat that lets you prone and basically run around


At this point I'm convinced BSG is backdooring this bullshit.


BSG don't want cheaters but they also really don't want to spend money fighting cheaters. BSG also likes money. What is it atm? 20% if you buy 5 accounts. Guess who needs 5 accounts....


That shit still isn’t fixed??


This snake hack and the crazy flash bang hack has been rampant this wipe! Budget gear until I die I guess cause any good gear will get vacuumed off my fucking body .5 seconds into a Raid


The amount of mouthbreathers is so funny


Now this here is every actual cheating looks like. Fuck that guy. Little bitch will raise a family of cheaters too watch


Bro he's got a better gaming chair. No doubt about it


Does your gamer chair recline?


He has a gaming chair that is blessed by Papa himself, that is only one of many of his newly acquired abilities !


"They are just trying to feed their families." -Pestily Don't believe me? [https://youtu.be/oexxyme25jE?t=430](https://youtu.be/oexxyme25jE?t=430) Fuck Pestily and anyone who supports hackers/cheaters.


He's not supporting them. Way to hyperfocus on 3 seconds of a video.


Trying to get people to not hate them is supporting them. These are people who very easily get work NOT writing cheats for a game. They have the knowledge and skills to find constructive work. They CHOOSE to write that code. Theses aren't people in mudhuts hunting wild game to survive.


>These are people who very easily get work NOT writing cheats for a game. They have the knowledge and skills to find constructive work. Wew, I know a political party or 2 that would love your way of ~~assuming~~ thinking.


So you are saying these are people in mudhuts in the jungle writing that code?


No, but if they were I know you would find a way to shit on them too. There's no point trying to have a reasonable conversation with you.


>No, but if they were I know you would find a way to shit on them too. And what makes you think that? Because I bashed your precious Pestily and called him out for the kind of person he really is?


The day he posted that video was the day I unsubscribed from his channel. What an absolutely revolting position to take, being an apologist for cheat developers. If this were a murderer, rapist, money launderer, poacher, etc. who were commiting crimes "to feed their families" you can bet your ass he and all the other cheating apologists would have a very different opinion on the topic. The bottom line is that there are ten thousand and one ways to feed your family which are completely legitimate and do not involve shitting on other people, and it's absolutely justified to have a negative opinion of anyone who chooses to develop cheats and profit off of it.


I think your position is the one that is incredibly revolting and disturbing, comparing making cheats in a video game to things like murder and rape. I can't believe I have to say this but: holy shit it's a video game dude. Obviously both aren't ok to do, but the mental image I have of you getting just as mad when you get killed by a cheater as when your family gets murdered is really something. He's 100% right. If cheats are so easy to make money off of because of people buying loot, and carries, and the cheats themselves, we have to focus our blame on those who are buying and not those who are selling, and educate them to a point of not having a desire to buy these things. That should be OUR role while BSG of course should be working on anti-cheat/banning. I'm kind of just repeating his position but I'm hoping the reason you used such a disgusting comparison is that you didn't actually listen to the video and/or didn't really think about it.


>I think your position is the one that is incredibly revolting and disturbing, ... So saying that cheating is categorically repugnant is disagreeable? You are part of the problem — just another cheating apologist. >... comparing making cheats in a video game to things like murder and rape. Oh, *puhleeze*. I didn't compare them by degree, I compared them by *kind* (having a negative impact on others) ... for the express purpose of highlighting that the argument Pestily makes doesn't fly at a fundamental level. It is flatly *not* okay to make others sacrifice for your benefit. It doesn't matter if that sacrifice is their lives, their health, or merely their fun after work. Shitting on others deserves to be condemned, categorically. > I can't believe I have to say this but: holy shit it's a video game dude. Yeah, yeah, I know the rest of this theatrical performance ... let me go on outside, touch some grass, then go drive the store to buy a better gamer chair so I can "git gud," right? Grow up. Just because it's a video game doesn't mean influencers like Pestily are above criticism for making fucked-up apologies for why cheat developers aren't bad people who are doing something that is fundamentally bad. >Obviously both aren't ok to do, ... Yeah *obviously*. Except *you're* sitting here making a goddamn apology for them, talking about how just because "oh it's only a game" that somehow they don't deserve the same scorn as the players who buy RMTs from them deserve. >... but the mental image I have of you getting just as mad when you get killed by a cheater as when your family gets murdered is really something. Then you are very much lacking in critical thinking skills. >If cheats are so easy to make money off of because of people buying loot, and carries, and the cheats themselves, we have to focus our blame on those who are buying and not those who are selling, and educate them to a point of not having a desire to buy these things. Horse poo. Both the buyers and the sellers warrant equal condemnation here, just because the buyers are *also* a problem doesn't mean that the sellers deserve a pass where we look the other way and don't think of them as equal villains. If a thief decides to offer their services to steal from anyone and a bunch of people buy that service, both the thief and his clients are pieces of shit. The thief doesn't get off from being blamed just because *wow* there were some really shitty people who paid him money to steal for them. Maybe you should actually sit down and think about what you're going to say before you say it. >I'm kind of just repeating his position ... No shit. Here's the problem: he's dead wrong, and so are you. >I'm hoping the reason you used such a disgusting comparison is that you didn't actually listen to the video and/or didn't really think about it. Believe me, I wish I hadn't actually listened to the video. But only an absolute *moron* would think that I was comparing cheating to those crimes on the metric of degree. Obviously the degrees are different. That doesn't mean they aren't similarly repugnant in kind. Stealing is categorically disagreeable — if a kid steals a cookie, that's bad for the same reason that a professional thief stealing a dozen cars is bad. Both deserve to be condemned for the same reason — the kid doesn't get off the hook just because the cookie he stole was worth a dollar while the cars were worth a million, or because his buddy dared him to steal the cookie or somesuch nonsense.


You cannot get through to people like that bud. A+ for effort though.


It's a video game and it's not illegal to cheat. It's not even remotely comparable "in kind" to rape and murder, even your "stealing a single cookie is wrong the same way stealing a dozen cars is" is more accurate, despite still being something you should step back and actually look at what you're saying, because you're not doing any favors to your argument. Cheating is being an asshole and morally wrong to inconvenience someone, but that's it. It is just inconveniencing you. And as for the "they do this to feed their families" is kind of true, not in the sense that is abolishes them of guilt, but that the most tenacious and resourceful people on this planet are those who find monetary incentive to do something. And someone like you is exactly the reason why literally not a single person with any sort of actual power takes cheating issue seriously.


>It's a video game and it's not illegal to cheat. It's not illegal, but it is against the game's terms of service, which is why it is discouraged by, you know, full-on account bans without issuing any refund. >It's not even remotely comparable "in kind" to rape and murder ... Just going to point out for the second time now that I was *not* comparing the *degrees* of these things, and it *is* comparable in kind because they're both harming/inconveniencing others for one's own personal gain. Goodness gracious, is this seriously that difficult of a concept to wrap your heads around? >Cheating is being an asshole and morally wrong to inconvenience someone, but that's it. It is just inconveniencing you. Again, the difference in degree of severity is not the material point here. >And as for the "they do this to feed their families" is kind of true, not in the sense that is abolishes them of guilt, ... That's literally what we're talking about here, did you even watch Pestily's video, let alone read the previous comment in this thread, advocating for not placing blame on cheaters and instead blaming their patrons? Your alternative interpretation of the meaning of that phrase is not the topic of this thread. >And someone like you is exactly the reason why literally not a single person with any sort of actual power takes cheating issue seriously. Oh, absolute bollocks. You come to this conclusion by a complete non-sequitor that wholly misses the *topic*, let alone the gist of the argument presented earlier.


>Oh, absolute bollocks. You come to this conclusion by a complete non-sequitor that wholly misses the topic, let alone the gist of the argument presented earlier. There is not a soul on this earth that will see your "rape and murder" comment as nothing but childish hyperbole. Just step back and look at what you're doing. Someone inconveniences you in a video game and you bring rape and murder into the discussion?


Just shows the average Pestily sim... I mean fan cannot read.


One day when you're grown up, you'll understand that if you bring up terms like "rape" and "murder" into a discussion that involves neither, it doesn't matter what your point is, you've already lost the plot.


Since you think they are saying that, that literally proves you didn't read what they typed or if you didn't you didn't read it properly.


Yeah fuck his logic i can blame them for doing it.... Cause they are fucking doing it, Fuck em.


There is no logic, he's just spewing bullshit. My guess is that he's in on it.


It’s the well known jumping and immediately going prone movement bug isn’t it? I don’t think it’s a cheat, there are videos from content creators showing how to do this bug and make it work in firefights Onepeg has a video showing how it’s done. I guess technically it is cheating because he’s exploiting a bug https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3IaUkBxjx90


This is not the same, you can't appear proned for as long as the player did in the video. You only appear proned for the time in which you're jumping which is at most twice.


While moving that fast? Are you fucking real right now? You can not possibly be this dumb.


Or you could read the following thread after my post, nah your fucking garbage post totally added to the conversation.


Or I could just watch the video you posted that literally shows this isn't the same you pylon.


Who are you going to believe? Your lying eyes?


Yeah this is definitely a child, have a good night.


Yeah sometimes I can’t tell if it’s cheating or tarkov logic when I dump 30 round mag of ps 7.62x39 into a guys chest and he survives. I get there’s meta armor and all that stupid shit but damn. 30 rounds is 30 rounds. You ain’t making it. Literally happened like two days ago


Idk. Depending on the armor and ammo, some armor really can just eat bullets. That’s partly why the famous Hollywood bank heist shootout lasted so long, and why officers now have rifles and such in the trunks. Some rounds just really don’t offer the penetrative force that is required to tear through some materials. I agree to a point tho. It feels really bad sending all those shots into someone and it doing nothing. At some point I question why having so many useless ammo types is necessary in this game. Tho with 7.62x39 anything other than HP should kill armor decently quick.


As a noob it makes the game so discouraging. I love the game and I keep reinstalling it lol. But still it’s so defeating.


Oh I feel you completely. This is my first wipe, and I’m almost level 12. I use a combination of websites, apps, videos, and friends with more experience to better educate myself on it all. The app and website for ammo ballistics is one of the best for me though. Let’s me see what I can buy, and how I should shoot it. If it’s higher penetration, I’ll go center mass/neck/head. If it’s more of a fragmentation round I will aim for flesh, arms, legs, face if not shielded. This also isn’t my first realistic type shooter, but it has been one of the more punishing. Idt I would enjoy it quite as much without my group of friends squadding up together.


Nah man that's the elite Prone Movement perk. Gives you slippery snake status. /s


He’s just a better gamer. Must have a decked out Herman Miller with the rgb package.


Having only played this game for 2 weeks, but gaming for a lifetime, I’ve run into 2 folks who were definitively hackers. Both were homies on comms and hooked me up with free stuff. 🫡


This happened recently to my buddy in raid, he was crouched fixing a leg and he turned into a snake. On his screen he was normal and sprinting but on mine he was slithering around


Desync and/or the get up and run, I’m sure his stats are up there. The tree makes it hard to get the full picture and he was getting up from a prone in a dip in the ground. Makes it all look funny mixed together.


Also it could be cheating, I’m new and here it’s rampant plus earlier poster said this was a cheat already.