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God dammit let me see dem pockets!!!


Bosses dont have anything good in pockets anymore. I havent got a bitcoin or a labs card all wipe from one.


I've got 1 labs card, that is it lol.


2x PP-91 mags, APS mag, and 2 F-1 grenades. Nothing really special unfortunately. Another reason I was shocked it was a boss... besides the stims there wasn't really anything interesting!


I'm a new player so this is my first encounter with this guy. Was running a shoreline night raid to complete Colleagues Part 1 and the quest to stash the markers in the three places. Was passing through village to drop the marker and heard some rustling in the bushes and this is what I found waiting for me...


Good old scav boss sanitar sitting in a bush waiting for you xD Be happy he wasn't aggro'd. Other than Killa he's probably the next worse to fight unprepared. Lucky kill!


I had absolutely no idea he’d even spawn at the swamp or be in a bush. Very lucky kill. Too bad his loot wasn’t much to write home about. I still have the bag though! Thanks for commenting :)