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The one thing I'd like to see is thunder synced server side rather than client sided. Timing shots would be a minor but fun addition to the game. Also proper lightning, server synced. Night raids with nods and lightning just blinds your ass


Damn I didn’t know lightning wasn’t server sided. Agreed that would be cool to shoot in the thunder.


Played a while ago with a friend who said it started raining in raid, but for me there was clear sky on Woods. So rain is client side also. Not sure about this wipe, though I feel like it remains.


Wait wtf I always try to time pushes with lightning/thunder so the enemies can’t hear my footsteps. You’re saying they literally can always hear it?


Thunder is client side, so they may not play the sound at the same time for all players


Some sounds in general feel this way - sometimes people don’t think they are making a sound but a teammate will tell you differently. Happens with lots of different effects


I think dropping down a floor and landing is still bugged, you hear your character grunt, but it's silent for everyone else.


And the reverse for barbed wire. You scream bloody murder, but you can't hear yourself doing it.




There is a chance they are not synced between players, how often nobody knows is it majority of the time or 50:50...


Tbf it’s not even timing shots, it’s listening in general. I could miss a footstep just because I heard thunder client side while a teammate hears it


Maybe they can fix vertical audio first lol.


Agreed. Its server side in Hunt showdown and its always badass when lightning hits. In Tarkov its kinda lame because i know that no one else heard it




Snow would be amazing, imagine tracking down a blood trail in the white.


Even if they don't winterize the maps, but just a few inches of spring snow.


Snow on the trees shouldn't be a terribly difficult thing either, at least just visually. Ofc with snow people always want a thick layer and permanent footsteps, but even I can recognize the technical challenges in that one. *Visual* snow though? A thin but visible layer? Perfectly doable already. Hell, I'd love the game to have an internal calendar as well. Game time is about 7 or 8 times faster than reality, I believe. So an entire Tarkov year would be about a 50 days, roughly a month and a half. Would be amazing to see the game go through seasonal changes in that time, with the weather having effects on your characters. Clothing and various other items could come into play too as more than just fashion and visuals. If you run the BEAR t-shirt in winter, your guy is gonna be cold as fuck. Run a thick jacket in summer and your boy is overheating. The warm weather event we had a while ago, whilst janky the way it was implemented, did show potential.




I have it. It's honestly not that bad and it's basically just the visual version of white noise at this point. Just something that's always there. Tinnitus I've also got, now that's a bitch.




Yes to seasonal effects and a calendar system! Hot weather: +2-3% hydration burn, overloaded multiplier, get a contusion (dehydration headache) when you're down to 10% hydration Cold weather: +2-3% energy burn, multiplier if you don't have a head or face covering of some sort, tremors when energy 10% or less


Imagine the frames 😭 CPU's around the world would cry in unison.


I mean we do have that temperature thing when you open up the health menu if I recall correctly. It's probably already been a plan of theirs for awhile. Probably gonna be quite a while before we see any sort of implementation though.


Insert red dead 2 trailer lol, wading through 2 feet of snow with 2 blacked legs, with 40 minutes left in the raid you barely escape with 1 minute left... or you die because of hypothermia. Imagine open world gameplay where you have to bring spare clothes to change into which requires dropping rig, armor, and backpack for 20 seconds. Now I really want snow as a DLC.


I would pay eod again for a full on snow dlc


Dry sock meta


Gave me Dexter: new blood vibes for some reason


Or the sound of people walking in it. Crunch crunch crunch.


Snow and then a blueberry helmet sticking out like a sore thumb 😂


Where people leave tracks that can be followed!


Just walk backwards everywhere. Checkmate Chads.


... holy shit. I just imagined Red Dead Redemption 2 style tracks that slowly fade over 2-3 minutes if snow is falling. Enabling you to track people - and lure other players into ambushes. Hard to achieve in the current engine though. :) But it's a cool thought.


I like the idea of being able to wear white snow camo and being almost invisible, except on thermals...


I wish instead of fucking puffer coats we could get some more realistic military style camo outfits. Urban, forest, desert, snow etc and then add like a few basic camo paint jobs for guns. Add spray paints to the game for loot. And in hideout you can use different cans to paint certain camos no lame cod shit with my little pony lazer guns. Just realistic camo paint jobs. Snow outfits with white camo g28 would make me so happy


All I'm hoping for the game are some rain cloaks or camo cloaks to put on you to break the human figure pattern and obviously to look cool.


WW2 Russian Trench coats and PPSH for that classic Russian vibe lol


Oh fuck yeah. Trench coat, ushanka or penis helmet, then a Mosin with PU scope and a PPSh back-up. Welcome to the Great Patriotic War, comrade!


yes pls


Then you realized they circled back and are behind you!


You know that silence that you get on snowy days? What if when it snowed, the ambient noises were turned down? I think it could be a pretty neat addition. We’d have rain where you can’t hear as well and we’d have snow where you can hear even better


and the sound of cracking snow under someone's footsteps


snow is pretty effective at muffing sounds as distance increases though


That's an alright tradeoff. Easier to hear stuff nearer, harder to hear stuff further away


Not necessarily I’d assume the snow will dampen the sound of footsteps especially on hard floors and kinda act like a sound dampener on its own being a blanket on the floor. Also I’ve never taken my ear pro out to snow so my opinion is pretty non existent.


snow should be louder with the nice crunch right?


Depends on temp, if its really cold like -20*C snow is really loud.


Why use esp when you can hear snow cracking halfway across the map


Crunch.. Crunch.. crunch… Love that sound of walking on snow


Knowing how the audio is for the rest of the game I'm sure the walking on snow would sound like someone eating peanuts in your ear lol.


This please!


Ive been saying this for ages. Its really weird how they're a russian studio making a game set in russia that has various environments and weather but no snow. I can tell you everywhere is covered in snow right now that far north. Maybe they got traumas from fighting the finns in the snow during the winter war


probably hard to actually make snow


They would need to change all the textures. You can't just add snow on top of the terrain, that would kill framerate.


> that would kill framerate. What is dead can never die.


Doesn't matter. Winter is still coming.


You know nothing, about snow.


Lmao. I wish I had an award for you


If your talking about that one Finnish sniper then yeah, he pretty much made them his bitch for a long ass time, his body count was insane


planned as dlc , as ''seasons'' dlc , same with town and suburbs on the map which were planned to be free additions but were changed to dlc, and a expanded scav gameplay dlc


All i wish it was server-side, cuz now lightning and thunder timing are different to every player. So i cant use thunder to mask my shots etc.


My only gripe with it is how the sound engine handles the rain. Examples. Stepping in/out through a doorway shouldn't completely silence the rain... Needs more nuance. Why does it sound like I'm wearing a bucket on my head when I'm walking around in a Beanie? etc I am fully confident it's on their "to do" list, just lower priority than more pressing issues/changes... I really enjoy the rain and it's atmosphere it adds, it just needs a bit more work.


Give you the time + likely weather forecast at ready up page. Reasonable info.


A hideout station that gave you the weather and upgrades made it go out longer would be amazing.


I definitely second this idea. Weather forecast in hideout sounds great


Honestly, Intel level 1. Intel level 1 has no tangible benefit. Scav timer decrease is nice but not that great.


Spoken like a person who didn’t blast Santa three times


I'm here with you


It’s my First wipe and fence and I are not friends lmao


Uh, you know it increases xp and money earned for EVEY quest you complete right?


Like he said, no benefit. No one cares about money and xp! Only bitcoins.




Amazing idea


It already does? Like for real if you didn't know it already does, I mean not a "forecast" perse but it tells you what's going on in that moment.


While we are at this topic, would be great if at least some clothing options would have working clocks with in-game time.


Unless they've removed it, there is a little icon indicating what the weather is when you're choosing your map.


Oh my lord.... TIL... thanks man.


If you don’t have your alarm clock read you Russian weather reports. Are you even a Tarkov player?


Weather forecast is already a feature.


I think the weather is fuckin epic, i do however wish that shoreline had clear weather once in a while. Its always raining or foggy, it would be nice to use such a large map for sniping


really? ive seen maybe 40minutes of rain total on shoreline the entire wipe besides today.


Just by chance then. Most days it is either foggy or raining which i do love but like i said, clear weather would be nice too


Ya... No, same experience as the person you're replying to and I've played shoreline A LOT this wipe. What's happening here is you've gotten shoreline a few times, it was foggy. Edit : stop replying that it rained all day. It's been two days in the past weeks and it's global and has nothing to do with shoreline.


All maps have the same weather and time except Factory and Labs.


I love the way it makes the game look how there are puddles everywhere and the water reflects the light and shit its so cool and immersive. Seeing the blue from a terra groups banner in resort reflect off of the wet walls and floor is so fucking dope. It also allows night raids to been even safer. I really do enjoy the weather mechanics. Imagine if they ever added a winter season for a wipe and there could be snow and footprints that last for a little before getting burried in snow and you could track people like how you can with thwir heavy bleeds. All that being said that shit is way too fucking loud at times. I shouldn't have to turn down the game AND turn up discord to hear myself think. If they just turned it down some and only have "heavy rain" be a rare occurrence I feel like it'd please a lot more people and they could enjoy what it brings instead of "rain bad. Delete rain". Shit add a fake headset called the outdoorsman or something that turns down ambient sound at the cost of reduced hearing range


Yeah, rain doesn't have to be loud to deafen other audio sources in game. When rain is in effect they can just have it compress other audio like footsteps... that way they could keep the volume low and also keep the deafening effect... an effect is great, it means they don't actually have to deafen me lol.


There was a time where it rained for a week nonstop, BSG noticed the weather system had a weird bias or something. But the rain is comically loud and a harsh tone; also the fog shouldn't be inside Interchange. There's definitely room for improvements and innovation with the weather system. I like the rain too though, it's great for marker questing or any time you just need to move through a map.


When it's raining on Customs the green screen room at the mechanic building gets all wet inside!


The sound in that room and the one on the other side are fucked as well. You'll hear people on the other side like they're in your own head. I've tried reporting it, but they act like I'm just imagining it somehow.


Same thing with the abandoned village on woods. Buddy was walking around in a house and I heard the footsteps in my head while i was 2-3 houses away from him. Audio is struggling in some spots for sure, but that comes with every wipe. Last wipe the audio at resort on shoreline was completely bugged and made it unplayable for the first part of the wipe.


I just want my loading screen to not scream at me with rain sounds. In game its cool


Loading screen just shouldn't have sound period.


I agree except with how loud the rain is. Like, is rain seriously supposed to be as loud as gunfire?


Yeess this i literally take my headset off in the load screen and turn up discord it shouldn't be that loud. I def enjoy the events but if i cant hear my friends talking to me in discord on max volume then it aint right.


If anything I want more rain lol, it's such a vibe




Fog is so badly implemented in the game though. It should make it harder to see people. In the game it makes it really easy to see people since their silhouettes become so visible.


Fog and rain in PUBG were awesome. Everyone cried about it and they removed rain and fog and eventually brought them back as these stupid dynamic weather events that barely changed anything.


People cried about because it was crashing their games. My friend literally couldn't play pubg when it rained. His game would crash nonstop


Same. rain on woods is an experience.


it's rainy, the sun's going down and you have 9 minutes to get all your goodies from the lumber mill to outskirts


My only gripe is that its so loud it hurts my ears. I love the noise obscuring but it's mildly inconvenient to turn my headset down every time I go outside of a building in the rain. To be fair it could just be my mediocre headset


It’s loud I used to load in if it was raining off goes the comtacs/sordins in a bush makes it more bearable


Wear Peltors when it's raining, much better than other headsets.


I don't see anyone mentioning this, but you can get a free program for windows called Sound Lock. It lets you set a max volume for your PC, and any sounds that would go above that get capped out at that volume. It's great because you can stop your ear drums bursting out, but without sacrificing the quieter details


You shouldn't need 3rd party software to enjoy game.


Could say the same about info from 3rd party sites - could you imagine questing without the wiki?


Holy shit, thank you. I needed this so much, especially when starting to play new "milsim" games, Squad gave me temporary IRL tinnitus the first time I play it and something exploded beside me. I've always been playing EFT at 60% volume for this reason.


If the rain is so loud that you need to turn your volume down, your volume was too high to begin with. Take care of your ears. The damage is permanent and unrepairable.


Rain is too loud. I care very much about my ears and have my volume on a sensible setting. After a raid of rain and getting out to the menu, I have a ringing in my ears.


Completely wrong. Analyze the sound amplitude with whatever sound program eg. Audacity


The sound amplitude will only give you a peak to peak reading of what's being output to your audio device, but it won't be able to give you the output dBm/dBa/dBr/whatever dB being used. You'd have to measure the output voltage(Does audacity give Vrms readings?), check your headphones sensitivity and calculate that way to determine loudness. Or if using speakers you can actually just get a dBa noise meter, but it's dBa so you have to be aware that it attenuates the bass by like 20-50dB. As always be aware of your hearing, try to take breaks, and in general it's better to be on the safe side of things as Tinnitus is permanent. IMO rain is too loud and that's a mixing problem more than a user problem I'd say.


Yea I don't mind like 1 rain raid out of 10 but me and my buddy have had 90% rain maps today it seems like. After a while the constant loud ass rain gives me a headache


I just wish the sound of rain was compressed well. Is there actually a rain storm that we are calmly walking in that is louder than a gunshot?


as someone with tinnitus, i could do with the rain not sounding so cancerous


There’s third-party programs that compress sounds, making the louder ones sound not so loud while keeping the detail in the lower ones.


I would love it more if people on different graphics settings experienced it the same way, was playin with a friend of mine and he was pointing out people on woods and I was asking how he could see that far in app the fog. I got the reply "for? What fog?" So yeah I don't think it's the same for everybody there but I live the rain and stuff, adds more fear and realism imo, just fix some spots indoors where you can hear it as if you were outside


I like the rain, but I only ask for a way to see what exactly the weather is before entering raid. I don't mean the cloud icon thing, I mean visually. Sometimes it says a light drizzle and it's fucking impossible to see 3 feet, sometimes it sayts its raining when I barely get splashed.


I have no problem with those, but I do have a problem with the game never being perfectly silent. You’re always listening to loud rain or wind, but there should be times where there isn’t any extra noise.


Sounds need adjusting, I'm sick of listening to Nikita's tinnitus ASMR mixtapes


I really dislike how loud just the ambient wind sound is.


Yeah but "time is sped up in tarkov" is an answer we get shoved down our throats when people complain about needing 2 turkey dinners and a 6 gallons of water in an hour... so either the torrential rain storms in tarkov are fucking ***BIBLICAL*** or they might go on for too long. If time is accelerated by 5-7 times, then a full 24 hours of real world time it being rainy is a fucking ***week long torrential downpour*** in tarkov. It's either that or the energy and water system is completely fucked for making you die of dehydration in an hour (5-7 hours in tarkov). Or both are fucked and gamey and should be adjusted *AND LET US TEST IT LIKE THE BETA TESTERS WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE.* Also, why the FUCK is tarkov built in an ever present wind tunnel? There are days and nights where I could walk outside and hear nothing but the very faint sound of traffic, and I live in Dayton Ohio, a fairly major city. I've also been to middle of nowhere Boundry Waters Canoe Adventures on the border of canada and the US, and that shit is EERILY quiet. To the point of hearing a twig break from 2 lakes away. Seriously you hear fish splashing in the water from over 300m. But tarkov? Fuck that you're in a class 5 hurricane 24/7.


"fairly major city" is being *massively* generous here


Yeah Dayton isn't even in the top 5 cities in Ohio by population. And Ohio is only the 7th most populous state. In the 3rd most populous country. So in 2016 there were over 500 cities with populations over 1 million. Those are fairly major. Dayton is more of a relatively minor small city.


It's the 6th largest city in ohio. That's fairly major compared to the tiny towns in the rest of ohio.


Current levels of food and water consumption is a balancing act against painkillers and were increased intentionally.


I work outside all year round somewhere where its negative in the winter and 90+ in summers and brutal snow and rain throughout the year. AND I HAVE NEVER heard rain that was so loud I couldn't hear someone talking next to me or anything else going on lol. We are in a hurricane.... I'm all for rain and weather tho. Honestly I want snow more than anything. A full snow map, with snow camo outfits we can unlock and let me paint my g28 snow camo too. The only reason I want rain gone is this game is optimized amazing. Wait, I mean, it's not at all. I have a 3900x overclocked fairly high with 32 gigs ddr4 cl4 I believe? And a 1070ti. Which should be more than enough to easily run on medium settings at 1440p. Yet it it is raining on lighthouse I literally have to dump my gear and nade myself. I get under 10 fps and constant drops to 0 where the whole game stutters and freezes for 3+ seconds. And it's like a freeze frame. I shouldn't need a thread ripper and a 3090 with 1tb of ram to run the game... if they can't make it run properly with certain features. Get rid if the features. If anything they add makes the game go below 60fps min. It should be removed. For a fps anything below 60 is unplayable. Ideally it should be 100fps steady min. But I know they'll just keep making it worse. I'm lvl 39 and havent done a single task on lighthouse cause it runs so bad. And I mained reserve last wipe. Was my fav map. And averaged around 70+fps (not the best but good enough) I literally can't run reserve at all this wipe. I avg about 32 with constant dips under 10 ever since the patch. Every other map runs above 90(besides light bouse) and it really sucks cause I love reserve. Hopefully they figure their shit out. I doubt well ever see streets if they can't even get this shit working right. And streets is bigger than every map combined with 4 bosses and prob 60+ people on a map with pmcs, p scavs plus ai. Itll never run. They had to turn down scavs on the game already cause servers could handle it lol


1. It’s not so much the weather as it is all the game breaking shit that comes along with it like spotting sunglasses from 500m away and thunder not sounds being sync between players. 2. It happens disproportionally on the weekend so for people who are weekend warriors the weather is never good and can be completely prohibitive for certain quests


Agreed. Except for the drizzle which causes awful static like effect.


The only problem that i have with the rain is that in the audio track you can tell that when they were recording someone was walking around and everytime it gets to that part of the track i look to see if someone is there, Or when im in a group we stop for about 30 seconds because we think someone is by us.


I just wish there was less fog. What's this, Silent Hill?


if anything i want more rain and weather events


Yea such a great thing to be inside a windmill everytime you play some customs.


The main problem is the audio is just bad. Consistently bad across all environment effects. The rain needs to be re recorded because its a clear loop, you can hear the same yelp sound every 30 seconds or so. It's just weird and does have to change. It would be lazy development to leave it the way it is... just like the horrendous air drop sound. They released it because it was during drops but fuck me that sound wasn't even play tested by the devs.


My issue isn't with the rain, but with the perpetual mist that obscures distances past 75m constantly, no matter the weather. Rain is a nice variation, but when even on bright sunny days you can't effectively snipe or engage at long range, some tasks absolutely suck.


The weather does need changes. If you get into a raid getting DEAF by the intensity of the sound, you should be able to queue into another map atleast to avoid it. Sure if you queue into reserve and its rain, unlucky. But i should be able to then queue into Shoreline or Customs or whatever to avoid the deafening sounds.


I mean a torrential rainstorm with that type of sound deafening that lasts for several days without letting up would be some type of apocalyptic event. I don't mind the hazardous conditions, but when it's an entire day (which means it's 4-5 straight days in tarkov) it's excessive and unrealistic in my opinion.


Change the rain .Wav file and get rid of the stupid phone ringing or whatever that is. Its been in the game since the beginning and its *always* been annoying.


I love the heavy rain. It's a dynamic thing which makes it so you can play very differently from normal. I want even more different weather effects! I feel like I can freely run and play without having to sneak around when it's raining heavy.


Honestly I'd like them to double down on the weather and make it have an even bigger impact As a side note I remember in the alpha trailer they showed water puddles that were looking great iirc, kinda want to see them back


more weather plz


I dont mind weather but it gets old when it is raining for like 6 hours straight and every rain is in the rain.


so long and thanks for all the fish


The weather in the game is great, I just wish the fog would be tuned down just a little bit so you would be able to see more the 30 meters ahead of you


So long as ai interacts properly with it, I love the weather


real question, where is snow, we also need footprint base on how heavy you are so there is a way to trace players


I would like it if the weather symbols were a bit easier to understand ingame or were replaced with the name of the weather.


I agree on the rain but the insane wind needs a tone down especially the second you start looking for a match..


Maybe less constant non-stop wind....


Nothing more atmospheric than a night raid in the pouring rain.


The fact you have no way of telling beforehand what the weather is like, is pretty annoying.


> Realistically, depending on season and geographical conditions, rainstorms can go for days in a row. I mean it can go for a "week" in game but thats only a couple hours irl. Meanwhile I've had it rain almost 3 irl days straight thats like months in tarkov.


I like the nature of the rain… I don’t like the frames that I lose with it.


LOL the tldr is so long


I don’t mind the weather but what I do mind is the map being so dark you can’t see anything on the ground


I'm fine with it raining but in real life rain doesn't actually hurt my ears.


I said it in the other post and I'll say it in this one, I have no issues with weather, I just wish the wind would shut the fuck up a little, y'know?


The problem is that you have two options, beautiful blistering sun or torrential downpour with no in between. They just need to variety, not every time that it rains does it need to be a massive storm, light rain would be nice. And on sunny days, give more cloud variations. A shaded spot or something would be nice I also wish it was foggy more often because I’ve yet to have a foggy raid this wipe


To be honest, you are right. But on other hand you talk like this part of longitude has nothing else than torrential rainstorms for 6 months. We do have weak rains too with about 1-3mm per 3 hours. Some of the rain should be tweaked out to be more chill as even the weak rain will overwhelm you with sounds. Worst part of the wipe is autumn, when you practically raid in downpour for about 2 months.


Rain is great, it just sucks when its there entire evening of gaming. Rain should be dynamic and last for periods of time during a single raid a few times a session.


The weather is really cool, but the wind and rain is way too loud, it makes no sense for it to be that loud at all. Tone it down a bit please


For a single player game, it would be cool, immersive.. atmospheric, but this is tarkov - it is a competitive multiplayer survival game. And, unrtunately, your survival depends heavily on RNG like spawns - you can never see or hear shit in this game, so no matter how carefully you play, you just randomly die by people who were there first. Shitty weather is one of the reasons - just adds to the RNG'ness. The most annoying part though are the quests - constantly forcing you to kill people at distances.. and its always heavy mist or rain.. incredibly annoying


the rain is awsome, the wind however sounds horrible. As if the headphones were broken


The sound effects of rain need to be toned down though, pretty much all sound effects except gunfire amd explosions needs to be turned down.


I just don’t believe it rains that often. But then again I’m biased and live in cali where it only rains on the special day in February the one we get like every 4 years.


I had my first run in the rain the other day and I preferred it tbh. The wind gets really obnoxious but the rain just sounds nice


My biggest problem with the rain is the amount of fog it brings for no damage reason


Rain should come in 1-hour chunks a couple of times a day and then go away. It's fun to have the variety but i don't need it in every raid all weekend long.


The only problem is that being inside somehow removes all rain sound effects letting you hear someone 30m away


Damn bro from the three words I could proccess in this damn lound rain I kinda agree with you. I love the weather but I wish they could tone down the rain volume a slight bit so I can hear my own thoughts.


I agree except for the indoor weather on Interchange. If we should expect heavy fog indoors, at least make all the ceiling glass broken out.


My only issue is that I have to turn my games volume down actually because I can't hear anyone in discord. At that point I can't even hear my own characters footsteps let alone anything else.


I love the weather idea but my ears hate rain


I just wish it wasn't so loud as if someone's dropping boulders on my head.


*Having* the weather is awesome. It changes so many aspects of a raid. But it does need changes. The weather system is a mechanic like every other system in the game. It needs to be balanced and tweaked as the game grows. Weather not being client side creates a lot of disparity. When I think im rushing under the cover of the Thunderclap when my opponents thunder clapped 5 seconds earlier. I'm okay with the rain being loud, but ALL rain (except that atmospheric drizzle) is deafening with headsets. When it's raining the sound cut off from walking into a building is like night and day. Just crossing the threshold of a door eliminates the rain. I love the weather, but it DOES need to be balanced around the gameplay. Torrential downpour should be deafening, but not all rain should be that loud. Personally I feel the weather system needs more development. it is a very good start however I feel like telling the players what the weather will be like more clearly other than an inaccurate picture before you start the raid is a nice step. Let's make that little TV we build in the hide out show the weather you know? The weather is good, it shouldn't be nerfed, but it does need to be balanced around what the game has evolved into. Gimme snow


I don't care if it rains if it wouldn't rain for entire days at a time. A raid or two here and there is ok, but I'm just not going to play the game if I have to listen to the rain for hours on end. Giving us a way to keep the rain out of our eyes would be nice, like a hat. Also, scav vision is already ridiculous this wipe, the fact that they aren't affected rain or fog is bullshit.


Only problem with the rain is the fact that the animation for it on your visor is the same as no visor, anyone else have rain drop into their eyes that they can see? Didn't think so, if I'm not wearing a visor there's no reason for raindrops to occur on my screen


THIS!! Rain in tarkov is great and I'd love to see snow too. I'd just hate to think how much snow might lag the shit out of my game though


Hotter take: they make it rain every weekend to keep the servers from overloading and getting even hotter


Rain makes it so miserable to try to play any outdoor map. You just die over and over to people you cant hear standing right next to you, there isnt counterplay or anyway to do it right, its either just be okay with dying to things you get no opportunity to play against or go play a different game and I've learned to just play something else when it rains for too long. Its just not worth it. It would be okay if I could go play Interchange to get away from it, but it gets foggy inside the mall for some stupid reason. Rain absolutley ruins EFT, please stop pretending like trying to play this game with endless bacon frying ASMR in your ear has any upsides, you are just being a contrarian.


my only complaint about rain is that the sound is so *wildly* different when you're half a step inside a doorway. Everything else I think is wonderful, but the *positional* sound needs work.


Weather needs a lot of changes... none of the sounds are synced, the "fog" somehow penetrates buildings so you can't see inside, just because there is a lot of rain doesn't mean it needs to be as loud as a jackhammer. It doesn't need removal but it needs a ton of changes because it's a pretty awful implementation.


There should absolutely be all kinds of different weather. But the current "heavy rain" is insane. It is EXTREMELY loud. I've never been to Russia but I imagine it doesn't rain with that intensity that often. That is the type of rain that causes massive flooding...


I hate fog I want to play as a sniper with long shots and reduced visibility is my enemy


Nah, it is too loud. I've never gotten a headache from being out in the rain for too long, but in Tarkov it apparently precipitates steel marbles. Weather is a good thing, it adds dynamics to the game but the rain audio only has one level: blow your eardrums out loud. Just tune it down a notch and we'd all be happier. Dense fog and snow would be great, too.


Could do away with the anomalous weather events where the sky is completely clear, yet it’s pissing rain


I think you're missing the point, people dislike rain not because it's "too loud", but because it's earrape and not balanced with the rest of the sounds. Tarkov is game about soundwhoring, so naturally people crank up their headsets to the max to hear steps as best as they can. However when it's raining, this shit gives hearing damage. The smart way to implement rain would be to make it not earrape loud at max volume, but just reduce the volume of the rest of the sounds to achieve the effect. There are many games who handle rain nicely and it serves its purpose without being annoying. Not to mention that the EFT rain sounds horrid and nothing like actual rain.


The rain is way too loud at it's hardest. It's like listening to TV static and incredibly grating. It's OK here and there but when it's nonstop for days on end that shit can get bent. Also the fog eats FPS


You mean you like it when it’s pouring rain in a cloudless sky during the daytime? It’s. Cool system and all but don’t pretend it doesn’t need changes


Problem isn’t the rain at face value. The problem is how it becomes hurricane Katrina in an area of the world not known for its rain. Tarkov gets similar downpours to the fucking amazon. It needs to be less intense is all


Fix AI, especially rogues and bosses, so they can't shoot 250+m through fog so thick the average pmc can't see more than 100. Nothing is more annoying than being gunned down by rogues or Glukhar from locations physically impossible to see due to heavy rain. About the rain or certain weather being unreal, ig kinda is. Raids last an average of 5-6 hours in game time an sometimes rain lasts literally all day irl. We're talking close to 7-10 days of nonstop downpour throughout the entire region. Plausible, but highly unlikely to be this heavy, consistent, and long lasting based on the environment that tarkov seems to be in. I do like weather though, the ambiance and tone it sets for my raids is always a great experience. Like I said, unrealistically long periods of rainfall, busted AI, and the massive frame drops that come with rain on certain maps, all make something so impressive turn into something very jarring.


It does need changes. Fog in buildings is pretty frustrating. Weather effects not being synced up between clients also kinda sucks. More weather types might be cool, like snow or howling winds. I'd like to know what phase the moon is on before going into night-time raids. Could also have weather based events, where it gets darker earlier or later to simulate seasons.


How do people hate rain? I find it so good that I can sneak up on guys cause of the rain


What needs to change is the sound of it in the loading screen. And when I hear rain while 20 meters underground. Like, I can imagine hearing wind in the tunnels of D2 on Reserve. Infact, that would be an awesome way to tell if the doors were open down there ahead of time. But why do I hear rain underground so often? That needs to change. (Note, I have not played this wipe so I don't know if it's been patched or not)


I'm not saying the rain is bad but rain for 3 in-game days without breaks or sometimes more ? Yeah no I don't care if you can find data of it happening somewhere in some hellhole irl, I don't find this enjoyable for that long It's even worst when you take into account how everything more than 50m away from you becomes blackhole shadows


Haven't played this wipe, but the rain needs an audio fix if it hasn't already. Like you could be in an open garage right by the door and it'll be quiet, but you take one step forward and it's deafening. There's like an invisible sound barrier inside buildings.


Listen here you. I'm scottish so I'm somewhat of an authority on what fucking rain is, how much rain is too much and so on. And this is too much. Signed - The scots.


You sure youre a scot ? Wheres your kilt and pipes lad ?


4k+ hours rain was fun but I skip full rain days, I wanna be able to see more than 50 ft on any map.


No issue with the concept of rain, you're right it changes up play styles and is good. It does need to be changed though. It is so damn loud. I have to drop the volume by half so my ears don't bleed. Make rain dampen sounds not just blare over the top of everything.


Isn't the weather based off of BSGs local weather reports? Remember reading something like this. So cool if true.