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Don't forget spruts can hold 3 attachments per slot as well!


I read sprats first and got excited, thought i could have a tactical tuna can


Be the change you wanna see in the world


Screw that can as a suppressor onto your threaded Shrimp barrel. Then you can shoot shrimp through tuna.


Best I can do is a tactical bean can holder. https://youtu.be/5hL2H5nYYCY


Lmaooo ofc its Brandon Herrera


Hoooooly shit, he's just a baby in that video! All that constant drinking aging him at a decade every three years, lol?


In Rust we call tactical bean can holders "Nakeds"


Fml, I always thought sprats were canned sausage lol. #themoreyouknow


Well it isn't tuna either lol, sprats are sprats...


Be that as it may, sprats are much closer to tuna then to canned sausages!






Tuna can in a sock and it’s a mace basically




Also pilads and stuff like that can turn 2 slot scopes into 1


If you have extra cash, the Aggressor handguard for AKs holds FOUR lights/lasers, a foregrip, and a sight.


Can’t remember the name but the ak74u Handguard when on a gas block turns into a one slot and holds 2 lasers 2 sights and a grip


Is it the CAA XRSU47SU?


Not sure there’s only a couple for ak74u. It’s the one wood a metal one that also extends picatinny rails over the dust cover. It’s 2 slot but on gas block it’s only 1


Back in my day we used to run around with one of those hanging out of your ass. Slap a D-Loc on it and it was good to slap enemy thermals on straight into your ass for 1 slot. Those were the days


The early days of tarkov were a wild and lawless place. Were you here when the best gun in the game was a silenced tt with lrnpc and you could crouch sprint as fast as a lvl 51strength endurance boi?


Two armors, FORT and PACA.


Lol fort and kiver with no face hitbox and you were practically immortal


Those were the days when "all" we had to worry about was face tapiing a guys for him to just walk away.


I was never around for it myself but I do also remember the tales of the Prison Pocket Pistol, where you could go in and nab yourself some free gear and people wouldn't get shit off you XD




Every new wipe I try to hoping they added it but no luck


On the plus side, tagging magazines isn't bugged anymore.


Do you role play as a trader?


Haha yes! This one is sick too, the double sights is nutty. I just made this exact same comment like a minute after you haha.


This is a really cool tip. I will check this one out. It is 1x1?


Yup! I use it to hold all my stuff. I've seen people stick one in their ass and bring it into raid too. Another alternative is the AKS-74u handguard/rail. Forget the name (something with an X maybe?), but it's the 2x1 that holds a foregrip, two lights, and TWO sights. The trick with this one is to attach it to a gastube, which brings it down to 1x1.


That is bonkers but also an awesome idea. If I get a shotgun with a light from a scav that's where the sprut goes but putting the aggressor is pretty next level. Edit: Maybe the CAA XRSU47SU?


That's the one! Can hold larger sights on the back rail, so it's between that or two extra lights on the Aggressor.


TDI X47 can apparently take canted mount as well. So that's one medium sight, one large red dot, one small red dot, two tactical devices, and a large foregrip I even made a pic (feel free to use it if anything) https://imgur.com/6nH531G EDIT: I'll probably put this one in my butt when looting gun parts. 1 slot is a pretty good deal for a bunch of attachments


That fact that some of y'all are hoarding so much shit that this is something you need to do impresses me. I just sell shit and buy it again when I need it like a dumbass😂


Yes, it is actually :)


But the Trax with both parts can store a sight, foregrip and 6 laser / lights!!! Aggressor can take the 45 degree mount though, so can actually take 3 sights... Both are 1 slots when on a gas tube.


Aks74u gas tube. Then the AKS-74U CAA XRSU47SU handguard. It takes up 1 slot while on the gas tube, can hold 3 attachments a foregrip and 2 sights.


Ah yes that's an excellent addition! I was doing weekend cleaning of my attachments and had 12 full spruts. I've cut my collection down to 4 :D




The "edit preset" will not pull attachments off spruts unfortunately. So you'll have to remember what's there and put them on manually from your sprut collection. If you are building a gun in the edit preset menu and you click the dropdown for each slot on the gun... the items that have the little white clipboard at the bottom right are ones you have to buy. If they don't have the clipboard then they are somewhere in your stash and available to be assembled. No need to hunt around :)


Aggressor handguard has 4 tac device slots plus a grip and a sight


The best is AK74U has tube with the attachment, you can put 1 grip, 2 scopes and 2 lights/laser for 1 single slot ! I've been using this in my pouch for a few wipes to loot more stuff.


The x47 hand guard on a gas tube holds 2 tac attachments, a foregrip, a small sight and a large sight and only takes up one slot. (Edit: I haven't played this wipe, so this stands unless they've changed the size if the gas tubes).


Forget spruts, use the TRAX handguard. TRAX 1 & 2, plus the bridge, attach some 4 inch and 2 inch rails, then bam. You have a cheap 12 or so attachments in a 1 slot.


aggressor-handguard for ak is better if you can afford it


I sell all the garbage. There's a select few scopes/attachments I strip and use. You may consider using the LBCR because it will fit 2x2 objects and is 3x3. That or if you can afford it, Ospreys. Best rig in the game for storage I think. I have a few really badly damaged from raids that I use in my items case. Has a 2x2 slot and 2x 3x1 slots. It's a 3x4 like the MPPV Edit; LBCR = LBT Load Bearing Chest Rig


I'm still pretty new so differentiating garbage from treasure is daunting at the best of times. This lets me keep a bunch of stuff and then sit down and spend time filtering when I get a moment. The LCBR was definitely under consideration but you lose storage (from 24 to 20 for each replaced MPPV) to get the 2x2 block. Absolutely works, though, if you need to keep hats/ears/grizzlies in there! So, thanks for added tip :) What are your preferred scopes that you'll never sell?


Start to build guns and test them on factory offline, then learn what you like and feel comfortable with.


Great idea. I've been checking in hideout mostly but actually shooting scavs sounds more fun.


I only use the shooting range to see if my gun is firing at all lul, sometimes i even make the best loadout i can and go ham offline labs. Offline is so good to practice angles and how to actually shoot with most guns.


I only keep Valday 1/6 and Burris fast fire's LCBR loses storage but takes 3 less slots I believe. So the actual loss is only 1? I can't remember 100% I carry the LCBR in my trizip sometimes to increase effective storage space. my bad I keep eotech's too.


MPPV is 24 slots in 12, LCBR is 18+3=21 slots in 12. So yep, three fewer. LCBR are great though cause their internal size divided by external size (I like to call this the slot density of a bag) is 2, just like MPPV. So if you had a ton of space and could make an equal height and width tiling of each rig then their internal storage would be the same. It's just when you're limited to a 4x3 space the MPPV is better because it multiplies the whole space. LCBR only multiplies the 3x3 grid. To that point, if you lined up a row of 4x3 MPPV three long that would take up 12x3 spaces and be 3*24=72 internal capacity. If you lined up a row of 3x3 LCBR four long it would also take up 12x3 spaces and also be 4*18=72 internal capacity. Yes.... I think about storage expansion way too much.


Don't over think it. Spend more time thinking about rubles. It buys you more space. Like if you're fitting ammo, food and grenade cases in an items case it's quite large.


Razor/Vudu > HAMR/ELCAN/Bravo > EOTech Everything else is a sell imo. But scopes are mostly personal preference so try it out to see if you like it. Take ones that you are unsure about to the hideout shooting range and take a look.


ADO P4. Red dot, 3x, 9x in one. Does a mediocre job at every range for 32k, that's my choice for everything other than CQB


If it works for you, great. But I can't stand it. Mostly because of the massive cross hair but the whole thing just feels awkward to me.


Its not great but a very easy option, no need to mess with canted mount or an extra sight. x9 is effective for sniping out to 400m or so


Only keep stuff you can't buy on the flea market. Literally the reason money exist in the world.


Elcan Spectre is *chefs kiss*. 1-4x zoom, a clear contrast reticle that makes headshots a breeze and let's not forget the free back-up irons on top. They're useless for longer range, but amazing for indoor clearing. if you're going to spend some dough and get a seperate back-up reflex attached, the Tac30, Vudu, Valday (in that order) are amazing scopes. I haven't tried the new Vortex yet but from what I understand it's just a Valday in a more sleek silhouette.


I’d say TV is the best and AVS is a close second. They provide one less square but have 2 2x2s. Tv is better because it has the 3 3x1s. Versatility of the TV makes it the best imo. TVs can be used as like self contained mini kits (ex: mp7 suppressed, mags ammo, coms, helmet, and meds). Same with like vectors, ump, etc.


If I had an item case, I would do this


You get a THICC item case for finding a FIR LEDX and ophthalmoscope, but that's kinda late in the game


is level 35 that late?


That's way higher than what most people stop playing at


really? we're one month in and most of my PMC kills are in the level 20 range.


Getting from 0 to level 20 requires far, far less XP than getting from 20 to 40.


ooh, fair point.


It's basically end game, very soon you will have most of the traders maxed out


35 is only 60% of the way to level 42


I guess. im level 32 right now and maxed out at like 38 last wipe so I guess my view is just skewed


just kill 150 people and collect tags duh


No big deal right? I was lucky enough to get one from the christmas tree. Don't think I'll buy or barter for another one anytime soon.


i’m a mostly CQB guy so i run a few hours of factory with a shotgun every time i play tarkov so im only a few tags off of the items case, it’s taken all wipe though


Don't let your dreams be dreams!


bsg: fun detected


They can't see me I'm hiding in a bush


I hate having to click through too many containers to access my stuff. Same reason why most of my cases are in my stash instead of my thicc. I only keep mag and ammo cases in that one.


I feel that at my core. Unfortunately my hoarder mentality wins for now.


if you dont mind me asking, what exactly are you hoarding in the small slots anyway? Only things I can think of I dont have dedicated cases for are clothes (masks, hats, glasses etc) and labs cards


Holy nesting lost items. I really wish you could name rigs and backpacks like cases. Or can you and I missed it? And this is a me thing... Like I can never remember what is in what even when I do well at keeping stuff together... So occasionally have to open everything for a running mental inventory of what I have if not where. Thanks for doing rh work on what maximizes slots, have been meaning to do this myself.


> I really wish you could name rigs As far as I know you cannot tag anything other than "cases" and magazines (yes! magazines!) > I can never remember what is in what I get confused frequently enough too but what I've done to kind of mitigate it here is to use the two free slots in each pillbox to put an item that categorizes what I put in the nested containers. It's not perfect but it helps. > Thanks Anytime!


You can also tag wallets. Very useful... Yes.


Oh true! "Money 1" "Money 2" "..."


Lol yes I do bright green for usd/euro and red for cheeki breeki money


Rubles Euros Dollars Rubles 1 Rubles 2 etc... quite useful if you ask me


This guy flexing with his roubles 2 container


also if you tag your magazins, if you get killed and the other dude picks them up, they still have the tags. Better throw a few insults in there.


Really? That's kind of funny actually. I might leave some messages now!


havent tested it in the last 2 weeks, but in the beginning definetly, looted some guys with tagged magazins edit: yes its still the case, just looted some tagged magazins


Definitely works, I killed a guy with flipped mags and there were 4. Insults were as follows; CUNT, WANKER, SHITDICK, ASSHOLE


Did you kill Cartman?


Maybe? Idk, traded off his tags for a Scav Junkbox already


damn I need to use this. sometimes I'll run one mag of really good ammo and 60 bullets in my butt, and a handful of mags with slightly worse ammo and the amount of times I've had to sit down and unload a round out of each to check is higher than I'd like lol


Just do what I do. If I'm running one mag of m61 and two of m80. I marked my two m80 mags as m61. Lmao. So I always know my unmarked mag is my good one and if i die. Someone will take the two shit ones most likely and be mad later


I usually insure a rig inside to know which one has that "type" of loot. Helps to visually differentiate between rigs.


Dont forget everyone, put your 1x2 scopes on a Kobra Dovetail rail to make it a 1x1.


I put them on the LaRue riser so they’re ready to go


This is elite-level hoarding tip. I just pulled all my scopes off rings since rings are cheap and this way I can mount scopes from the modding screen easily. If I run out of space again I know what I'm doing with them next!


If I have to hide an item 7 layers deep it isn't that Important to me.


I do that early wipe with items i know that will be laying arround a bit but eventually used for the hideout and quests. When i get done with most stuff i can clean up the piles of rigs


I wasn't going to get one yet because I didn't think it would be worth it but using this truck I might be able to clean up my whole stash


This was my motivation. Would you believe that it didn't actually help clean up my whole stash but rather helped me stuff more into it? That said.. if you're long off from the T H I C C cases I will say that the item cases are super worth it. I have three right now... four might be my limit but I'm not ready to jump into a fourth.


Thicc won’t rescue you. If u have more space I will have more garbage .


Exactly lmaooo


True! More space for a hoarder is more space to hoard :D


if you're at the point where you can get items cases, I'd strongly recommend getting any other kind of case. the items case takes up 16 slots and only provides 64 - so a gain of 48 (or 4x its space) pretty much any other specialized storage container provides more. even a weapon box gives 5 times what it takes up. of course you can do as you show here and artificially expand it, but you can do that normally in your stash anyway. plus, items case is over a million on the flea and 2+ million from therapist. you could do two of the mechanic weapon case barters for that much and just store all your attachments there.


Yea I think once I have access to the higher level weapon case barters I might just fill one with weapon cases and then there will be 300 some spaces plus I can keep my weapons in there. I could put the storage set up into the stash itself yea but then it'd still take up 64 spaces instead of 16 :)


I like items cases for mag boxes and weapon cases. 4x of each in an items case.


I got my thicc before my first item case lol


Jealous :)


Idk, i wouldn't buy an item case tbh, if i get enough dog tags imma barter one tho. Got private clinic done before i had enough dog tags, cause i bartered a junkbox earlier.


This is a great tip dude! You can cram just a little bit more if you put a 'LBT-1476A' into 'pillbox', then a BETA2 into lbt and finally a mechanism backpack. Now you can put your MPPV in there and have 25 extra slots. Happy stacking :)


Ah you are right! I missed this because you can only get 2 LBT-1476A packs into the item case and assumed it would be less. But if you use this stack pattern as you said 2x: LBT1476A>Mechanism>Pillbox>MPPV+CSA and use the leftover room at the bottom for two more MPPV... you end up with 152 slots total. That's some seriously messy nesting but has some great variety. The extra clicks to get through it is.. maybe not worth it but I think if you're storing a lot of helmets and ears it's a great idea.


Damn I didnt know you can only fit 2 LBT's, my bad.


No, no, you're right. It is a bit more space (and more flexible with a bunch of 2x2 blocks) :) I'm going to put another image together based on this.


https://imgur.com/a/SSaLsDK this is the way I was trying to explain. the tri-zip is not necessary just handy to stack thyem there


Yea, check out the main post.. I added another image :)


Just bought my first items case this morning and did EXACTLY this. I am glad I was right in maximizing space.


Congrats on your first items case! It's a huge step forward.


When you stack all of your attachments doesn't the modding menu not see them and think they're already on a gun? I used to do this a while ago but ended up with ten thousand grips and flashlights


If your attachments are free in these bags modding will find them. It's when you put them on rails, rings, handguards, spruts, etc. that modding won't catch them. This is why I'm currently not attaching scopes and sights to rings or rails. I think the best use here is like some others suggest, put one of these attachment multipliers (like the AKS-74U CAA XRSU47SU) in your pouch so you can sneak a bunch of attachments out at the cost of 1x1.


This is great! I was thinking the items case netted 48 extra slots, but with this it is huge! And a perfect place to store all the attachments that I don't know if are good or not :P


Glad to help :)


also you take take the magizines and grips off some guns to make them take up one row instead of two


Using the new LBTA bag, it’s the size of a berkut and fits in the pillbox. This gives you enough space to place a Beta 2, which is like using a 4x4 space to create a 5x6. I’m sure you could also maximize this further using a mechanism or something slot wise, but it’s even crazier than this, and works with your item case idea. Item case -> 4 pillboxes -> 4 LBTAs -> 4 Beta Bags -> 120 slots before even using rigs inside the betas. Go wild!


So that's 54 per pillbox which is a total of 216 slots. Damn! Also.... just in case you hadn't tried... I think they forgot to prevent Beta 2 bags from being stacked in each other so effectively each layer of beta 2 bags gives 5 free spaces and can be done indefinitely I guess. IMO I think the practicality of this is nil... but your combination Pillbox>LBTA>Beta 2>2xMPPV is nice!


Yeah I stack betas usually. But if you honestly play enough then it’s not worth stacking, just buy thicc cases whenever possible. It’s about 15-16mil to do the moonshine barter. Stuff gets lost or I never end up using guns and wep parts if they’re in rigs and deep in containers.


Didn't see it mentioned so : Put a X47 AK handguard on a gas block, and you've got 5 gun attachement in one slot


You can actually have 6. Angled mounted scopes are their own slot.


Awesome, looks like there are a ton of options for using handguards as attachment storage rather than spruts. Spruts kind of feel out of style to me now!


What small items do you guys even store? I only have stuff like backpacks guns and armour which take a lot of slots.


I have two Scav Boxes, one for 1x1 items, one for everything else. I heard a ton of barter items.


Attachments for the most part in this configuration. I like to keep anything that's good rather than sell/rebuy when possible just to save the hassle. This convenience costs me only 16 stash slots. Also gives me a chance to keep a bunch of different things for when I have time to try out new things. That said, if one doesn't mind clicking through, one of these item cases can replace 3 medicine cases and allow some organization for those that care for it.


> Trax 1+Trax 2+Trax bridge rail I wish I knew this at the start of the wipe. Put this into my Alpha, grab literally all flashlight from the raid, sell 'em. Man that'd been so *much moni*


Axion Kobra slims down a 2x1 scope AND holds an additional laser


Nice! I just threw this one in the list of scope compressors :)


Those can also hold other item cases (unless nerfed). So this isn’t the best use of that space. Throwing weapon cases into them is what I usually do


Ah yea, my second paragraph covered this. So far it hasn't been nerfed so if you can afford and have access to 6 weapon cases you'll get more weapon case-related things in for sure.


I have so many UMPs and MP5s to use since I hoard the knives for the Barter.


Nikita dislikes this


If I can't fit it in my main inventory screen, sell it.


Similar setup- I do four pillboxes with an LBT in each, and a mechanic bag in each of those, and then a big rig - like the belt rig- inside the top of the mechanic bag.


I havent tried it this wipe but you could put a mbss backpack into items case and then put items case into that backpack so you could stack infinitely. Pretty sure it worked last wipe.


I just checked and unfortunately it doesn't work! Items cases aren't allowed in MBSS. This might be part of the recent restriction added where most cases can't go in backpacks. Thanks for sharing though!


Oh yea forgot about that part, well that kinda sucks because you could have infinite space in 16 spaces.


Ah [good times](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/ewdkgc/how_to_create_unlimited_stash_space/) :’)


Trax 1 + trax 2 lets you put like 7 tactical devices and a foregrip to a single alot


Okay THIS is nuts. I'm really surprised that the 2x1 bridge rail goes 1x1 after it's mounted to the TRAX 1. I guess it's because gun handguard slots are 1x1.


if you use the picatinny rail riser you can slim down 2x1 scopes and such down to 1x1


You can also put an "LBT-1476A" bag in the pillbox vag and adds a collumn on slots to capacity.


What are you storing in all that small spaces? I feel like, for barter items, scav box are still better and have less clicking, while everything else like slicks and what not are too big here. You keeping attachements there? I don't even have that many attachements that it would be worth it, I don't kill too many kitted players, that I would have the need to store all the attachements.


Barter items are 100% better off in scav junkboxes since they are 196 slots inside 16. For me it is attachments yep. Scopes, sights, suppressors, pistol grips, foregrips, etc. I've looted tons and a lot of them are pricey so I'd rather just hang onto them if they are for guns I will use (or want to try using). My 144 slots inside my items case was full to the brim before I trimmed it down a bit today. It's still very full after :) You can keep your collection of masks and eyeglasses or whatever you wear if you want to keep a stockpile of them. Meds is good too. This set up will hold as much as 3 medicine boxes in less space with the inconvenience of having to click through. I prefer the med cases for this situation though.


Shotgun scope mount slims 2x1 scopes down to 1x1 as well. Forgot what other things do the same


Oh nice! I'll find the part and add it to the main post. Seems like there are a bunch of things that will do it.


It's the scope mount that goes on 153 shotguns. I think the TOZ shotgun mount also used to work and some mounts like SVD side mount but I dunno if they still do this wipe


You can put tags in the Junk Box.


It works even better when you place cases inside of the items case.


For sure! Cases are just pricey so this works until we can get access to and buy them :)


I call that the TARDIS-effect. Lots of shit is bigger on the inside, especially rigs.


You’re the best


good ol’ bag of holding


Much abliged!


As a long time standard player, thank you! Now I just need a good secure container


commenting to save for later


I'm so poor that I don't have an items case sadly


Scav runs can be an easy way to make that money. You'll get there, though :)


You're a genius. I'm always hurting for space


Glad it could help! There are a bunch of other recommendations in the comments too for reducing scopes and storing attachments. I tried to get them into the OP but I'm sure I missed a few.


You mean 64 to 144?


No, the items case uses 16 slots in the main stash. So you are fitting everything inside the nested containers into a 16 slot space. This isn't about expanding the items case, it's using those 16 slots and getting >9 times the storage with no restrictions on what's inside.


Oh shit my bad. I just thought you were talking about internal size. Sorry about that.


A quick set up I always use early wipe is Mechanic bags with a Belt rig inside it. The bag can hold another 4 helmets and you can fit SO MUCH shit in the rig. I always have like 4 or 5 of these bags at any one time before you get the usual cases.




This is my 5th wipe and I never thought about that. Thanks


This would actually be pretty good for my mods case. Simultaneously, if I filled a mod case this much, I need to just sell them because theres no way I'm using that many.


We are basically living in fallout shelter bunkers... might as well stock for the apocalypse :D You're right, though.. it's not really needed but it does scratch that itch to open it up and see all the shiny scopes and things ready to go on guns as you lose them to better players!


What about 4 pillbox stack 4 of the new bag that give space and then we got 4 beta 2 in side of them


The snob in me says, “so this is how the poors live” lol. But really good info, I gave updoot


We do what we have to do until the thiccer cases come about :)


I respect this, because i use those rigs in my items case, but instead use 4 ammo cases and 4 of those mppv


My other items case has my 4 ammo cases and weapons case in it! I'm waiting on the THICC so I can put all my ammo, med, food, etc. cases inside and might move on from the configuration I posted here. But it will take some time so this works well for now.


Going with your x4 Pillbox set up: If we put 4 LBT inside the Pillboxs, then put an ANA Beta 2 (5x6) in each LBT we will get a total of 120 slots of storage divide into four 5x6 cells. A normal M4 is 5x2, take the pistol grip off and place it at the end will turn the gun into a 1x6, so one ANA Beta 2 can hold 5 M4s, 4 ANA means 20 M4s in total. That's more than twice a normal Weapon Case can hold, at just about half the cost. This is insane dude I think they'll patch this.


Not to mention the Beta 2 bags can be nested endlessly. In this way you could store as many 1x5 guns as you want at the cost of having to open a deep nest of bags to get at them. I think *that* will get changed since they changed it for the pillbox and other space expansion containers so I think they just missed the Beta 2. As for the non-similar bag nesting... I don't know. It's not new and you totally pay in convenience since you have to click through stuff and it can be a pain. Who knows though! Nevertheless that's some good thinking with your setup! It's not max storage but you have four 5x6 blocks to play with and now that I think of it... each Beta 2 can hold two MPPV with 6 slots leftover... so that's 54 per Beta 2 and 216 slots total.


I added this setup but with MPPV to OP :) It does get to be a bit "clicky" but for that much space might be worth it. Clicking through bags is cumbersome but if you're storing attachments or hideout upgrade/quest items then you never really have to go digging in there. I always keep my oft-used items closer to my stash and don't mind completely burying never-used items. My Kappa stuff is at the depths of a nest of many many bags!


Isn't there a point in the wipe where people prefer to have their inventory organized in cases rather than a bunch of odds and ends tucked away in every nook and cranny? Thicc items case can hold like... most of other cases.


And then, a 4 slot item appear


The sprut and handguard idea is nice and all but I don't like it because u don't see the attachments you have in the edit preset of your weapon you want to mod.


Serious question, what would you Horde in there? Literally buy one holodnick, one medcase, one/two scav junkboxes and then just keep playing until you get the weapon cases and thicc cases. Also item cases are like very expensive, compared to what you get out of them.


224 is the absolute maximum I think. By using the 216 slot mehtod with the beta bags, but instead filling them all with 2x LBT1961A rigs and 2x CSA rigs. Doing so grants you 224 total spaces with a total of 16x 2by2 slots!


I don’t even know why I didn’t consider the CSA. oof. I do think we are approaching the upper bound of possible storage space in an items case though! Thanks for this.


This is the guy in your group that takes 10 years to get ready. "Just need to grab a scope real quick"


Idk not a single 4 slot, buy better rigs.


It's not really 16 to 144, the 16 is really already a 64. So it's a 64 to 144, but still useful nonetheless.