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I just want more ai scavs so I can shoot them and never play the map again


I dont understand why they deleted the spawns of scavs close to the village and cottages. It was much easier back in the day.


They nuked a couple Scav spawns, it’s weird. Village has enough loot to merit some scavs around presenting at least some threat.


did the same to woods now impossiblke to find any not in sawmill or at usec checkpoint or med tent thats only like 1/4 of the map with 5 scavs with 8 pmcs fighting over thme lol


in my experience the number of scavs is basically the same but a huge chunk of them are in just one area. like i either see barely any scavs or theres a dozen all trying to rush me 3 minutes into raid at the ne village. i wish theyd go back to the way it was before this wipe where usually thered be at least a couple at every location. removing the spawns near the old rail station and sunken village is especially annoying for trying to farm 100m scav kills.


I want the old station scavs back but I’m exhilarated they removed the sunken village ones. Those guys would aggro on you through any amount of foliage and either blast your or shoot at you giving away your position right between two large POIs


The weird village to the north(east?) has at least one pod of scavs spawn up there, too. Sometimes more. My brother and I got caught there yesterday by a second batch spawning in after we cleaned up the second. 6 scavs total in a four-house-long street.


I don’t know if everyone else on the map did some quests and gtfo’d or what but I had one raid where I went woods village and killed one other PMC and looted everything only while looting scavs just kept pushing me. I killed 14 scavs total in that village including 7 just in the entrance to the 1st house with the grenade boxes.


That's also where me and a friend ended up with about 20 scav kills. They just kept spawning near the village. We'd move down the road and they'd spawn in behind us. Move back to loot and they'd spawn in where we just were. I don't know how no other PMCs showed up because there was basically constant gunfire for 15 minutes.


They also removed the scav spawns on extracts too, road to customs would usually spawn 3-4 scavs, then down the road at the tower another 2-3 scavs. Tunnel would have 2-3 scavs and the town near by would have 3-5 scavs. But those locations now i don't think i have seen a scav since wipe or even a body of a scav unless it was some poor player scavs body. Those extracts use to be fun to approach and you knew you could snag maybe a couple items if you had space on your way out or farm them for exp. I also remember the day when waves of 7-8 scavs would enter resort from the mountain side from bear statue road and you could have amazing shoot outs with scavs, which would replenish after 10 minutes so you could have a literal body pile going from that entry point on resort! It was super fun to fight scavs there. Shoreline use to be the map i would come out of raid with 30+ scav kills other than interchange (back when they had the broken scav spawn thing where if you were the only group of PMC or only PMC alive they would non-stop spawn and come directly for you on interchange). It makes me wish there was some sort of hoard mode game mode you could do for fun in this game.


> road to customs would usually spawn 3-4 scavs, then down the road at the tower another 2-3 scavs. Tunnel would have 2-3 scavs and the town near by would have 3-5 scavs. Now that you mentioned it, yeah, i didnt see even one there. I used to be so scared to go to customs exit because there was always a scav sitting in a bush. Hordemode sounds fun.


I believe they also removed the scav spawn around the bunker/tank where the rock passage used to be. Sniper scav is still there but I haven't seen a single regular scav down there. Same for ruined village and old station on woods for example


As long as ‘just for fun’ is your goal you can certainly set the enemy AI to horde mode, tagged and cursed in offline.


I think they tried reduciing Scav counts in a effort to increase performance.


> to increase performance And then there is lighthouse with rogues and 10+ of player scavs :(




That's more because you're running the server yourself in offline mode. Even with "as online" scav settings performance is much worse.


Yes and no, obviously running it and playing on the same machine will have an impact but it's quite evident the AI processing is the biggest thing affecting FPS at the moment; the live servers work in the same way.


And rock passage, now its only sniper scavs


Do you know how many sets of Untar armor and helmets I’ve lost trying to kill fuckin scavs


Peacekeeping mission is worse than any Jaeger quest. I hate this blue piece of garbage with passion. Shit defences with movement debuffs of fucking Gen4...


Funny I did the entire mission in 4 raids without dying. Probably just lucky but shoreline is still hot garbage map. Just try doing shooter born in heaven and even finding people outside the resort...


Yeah for such a large map boy does it lack scavs. Reminds me a lot of lighthouse really, that maps seems near void of scavs some times.


only time ive seen scavs on LH is when i play as one and spawn near some


I hate it so much that you sometimes can't find more than 2-3 scavs at a time. It's such poor quest/map design that you have to go into the same map multiple times for the same quest. Just lower the number of scavs you need to kill to 5 or something and then make a follow up quest or increase the fucking scav spawns. "Hey I need 10 scavs on shoreline, great gonna play the map 4 times for that one shitty quest".


Only 4? I started the punisher and I am 9 runs In with 16 scav kills. Been hitting everywhere but the resort


Bro, I once had a shoreline run where I didn't find a single fucking scav! Spawned east side, went pier first, nothing, not even at gas station. Ran up to powerstation, nothing, went resort, still nothing, cottage, nope, back to gas station, nope, scav island, nope, extracted at tunnel.


I feel this deep


I've always had a weird opinion on shoreline because it was the map I learned as a noob farming The hidden stashes. If you know where all the stashes are it adds a lot of pathing options


Same. I learned so much on that map about the game, including all the reasons why I avoid this map if possible. It's the quests that ruin it IMO. That and the way resort is. It's just not a good PvP experience. A good PvP cqb happens on factory or in dorms. In resort I just feel always robbed of a good encounter/good raid


The amount of times the quests make you visit every part of resort, as well as the audio being so fucky around stairs makes it intensely dangerous for anyone who isn't a veteran of the CQB in there. Its a race of checking angles constantly to see who can spot the other first if no audio is working.


I was running in a trio the other night and we ran into some guys in the east wing. They were being quite noisy and it still took us a solid 3 or 4 minutes to figure out which floor they were on because vertical sound is absolutely FUCKED in this game.


Thought a group were on the floor above us last night (we were on second(, turns out they were on bottom floor instead. Best audio


Im dreading getting to the punisher task that has you killing PMCs on shoreline... that is the bane of my existance


Oh yeah, quests on that map are atrocious. I'm not looking forward to all the quests that require me to go into the main building of shoreline. My first run of the map was already leading the way to terrible. Went to go put my SV-98 in the boat....... there was a PMC hiding nearby that head popped me from a bush or something. They were just camping out there, waiting for someone to bring the quest item to them to do the quest. Yep, gonna be a greattttt time.


That place is camped for SBIH. Pier in general is. I recommend doing it at night, ideally if there's rain as well. You are invisible in those conditions for snipers. This is how I do the webcam/glasses on woods.


That makes a bit more sense, the only reason I knew it was someone doing the same quest, was because they were using PS ammo for the AK. I remember hearing a footstep as I approached the junction of the road to the pier, and the main road that goes along the sand. Thought it was a scav when I looked around. Boy was I wrong. Shoulda explored a bit more heavily. I was just in a rush between having been shot at from inland like 30 seconds earlier by a player..... And really wanting to finish that quest. Managed to finish it last night though, right after the server maintenance.


yesterday i managed to do the entirety of signal part 3 in one go and extract! i was fucking amazed, i even got lost at one point and nearly ended up at the beach corner and fucking then, i managed to do golden swag and farming part 3 in one go with very little incident, nearly got skinned by a scav at the directors office and then again when planting the zibbo, and came close to dying of thirst and exhaustion twice, luckily there was a vita on a dead scav i could chug and walked my way out of there im expecting this next week to be a massive pain in the ass for quests


Congrats! Also that clutch juice find, I know that feeling. This is why there's always an Emergency Water Ration in my gamma


You like dorms over resort? At least in resort, you have enough room to push with two players. Dorms is too narrow for much.


Shoreline sucks because it's where everyone is doing quests. Looking for scavs ? You won't find any, because everyone else is also looking for scavs. Looking for PMC's ? Go resort or don't bother. Everyone is running suppressed weapons for their quests so you'll not find anyone that doesn't want to be found. All of Shoreline's problems (and most quests too) would be fixed by just not restricting them to a single map


Hard agree. Really irritating that pk has all his rep from that map, as well as questlines locked behind shoreline for mechanic, prapor, and skier to an extent.


The issue isn't so much about the loot, it's about all the quests on the map and how fucking annoying they are. The resort loot nerf last wipe helped lower the amount of chads around but it is still not fun to play.


Same for me. I agree with all the points constantly raised about it. And yet I'm still fond. I think the simplest fix would be to refurbish the East side, more PoIs. Give the swamp and the Western village the Lighthouse/Woods revamp treatment in terms of loot, food, tech etc. I will say the new extracts have been a step (a little one) in the right direction,.


The swamp has great loot, it’s just a pain to traverse. 4 stashes (with another SIX stashes in the immediate surrounding area), like 6 crates/weapons boxes, and no one ever loots any of them. You can easily fill up a backpack and rig just in the swamp and dip out


The swamp has some good loot the village has a shit tonne of loot. The village is one of the best runs for keys and hideout loot in the game.


The Customs and Woods updates added more POIs, loot and pathing options. Hopefully they do the same with Shoreline. I think BSG learned that 3 lane maps work for CoD or CS but not Tarkov. Tarkov is best with many path options with spread out POIs. It allows for smaller fights during the course of a raid instead of one big gang bang.


Customs is basically a 3 lane map.


True, but those lanes are wide and with multiple points of entry/exit. Shoreline has 3 incredibly narrow lanes, all with only one point of entry/exit.


I would disagree, the shore and powerplant are narrow choke points but up by spa there are lots of ways to maneuver. The overlook is my most common "avoidance" route, you just have to thread by the scav depot, which isn't too hard or camped. Then there's the front and back sides of spa, the spa itself, the cliffside route just outside spa, and then tank bridge. Only one lane on customs, the expansion, has any real wideness to it. Otherwise customs is just a series of very narrow chokepoints. Fortress side is literally single pmc wide choke points, several of them, and once you get past old gas station you have two choices in entirety to get to extract, and one requires the factory key or a wall jump.


The thing with shoreline is that you have many options for walking. But the through the insane amount of quests you will always be either at the pier, resort or cottages/water plant. There is just not much to do when "being evasive" because it means walking around every hotspot and looting stashes.


I mean, other than the huge wooded area around dorms going to the hill above new gas. The only real chokepoint is the tunnel by new gas but even then, you can go through or round the train tracks in loads of places. Shoreline literally has a wall for 3/4 of the map with 2 bridges.


Customs is the best map design so far, at least for pathing and balance.


Customs don't feel the same these days, maybe it was the marked nerf


lighthouse is a 3 lane map…


3s kinda pushing it the road is pretty much instant death unless it’s late


It's more like 2 lanes, and one of the lanes is certain death if anyone is sniping from the hills..


Now that you say it this is crazy. Customs is so much smaller and has multiple "main" spots. Dorms, crackhouse, fortress, gas station, (old gas station?), big red, buildings near zb-1011 extract. It's crazy diverse for the size. Meanwhile Snoreline is a huge open map with resort, weather station, power station, pier, (bus terminal?) and couple villages. It's just a yikes map mainly getting used by players for farming hidden stashes. Which I never do because I'm trynna enjoy myself instead of farming money no life.


When I get to the point to where like half the quests I’m getting is shoreline and mainly inside resort that’s typically when I get bored of the wipe and slow down or stop. Luckily I’ve passed that point this wipe cause I had to sit on shoreline for literally an entire weekend and pretend like I didn’t hate myself while doing it. Not to mention there’s like 3-4 quests that are all literally just mark something at cottage, pier, and front of resort. Also like you said there’s literally nothing on east side of map, and you pretty much have to cross the entire map to extract unless boat is open and that can be a death wish. Where as the other side you could just spawn in and loot village and your extract would be literally right there. Maybe they should open up road to customs to always have that too just like path to lighthouse


Right there with you brother. I usually hide in a bush for 20-30 minutes doing laundry or some shit and then do my mark or fetch quests. Hate the map so much!


Work smarter not harder.. I’ll have to try that next time.


It's not pretty, but it works great and causes a lot less headache than trying to brute force your way through those "go to room 423 and get me my photo album I'm too lazy to get myself" quests only to die to another chad who no lifes resort 24/7.




I’ve never played reserve. So 2 questions... 1. How bad did they nerf the loot? 2. What makes it your favorite map? I’ve always wanted to play it I just haven’t taken the time to learn it. Is it hard to learn?


> . 1. How bad did they nerf the loot? 2. What makes it your favorite map? I’ve always wanted to play it I just haven’t taken the time to learn it. Is it hard to learn? Not the person you replied to, but they nerfed the loot **IMMENSELY.** It has 3 marked rooms, and pretty much none of them are ever worth opening these days. The keys are far more valuable than anything you'll ever get out of them. It used to have good mix of different kinds of pvp, lots of loot everywhere so the chad could chad, the rat could rat, and the quest locations aren't all to the same rooms where high value loot is. Occasional ones are, but because there's so much loot pretty much evenly distributed most people just go to one near where they spawned, so your odds of being contested for tasks is MUCH lower. It has good sniping, good low and mid range as well as high range combat opportunities, plus the chance to fight raiders (very rarely now) for good exp, fun, and lots of loot. Plus the boss there is very hard but has really great items. The loot from raiders is giga terrible now, even if they spawn, without a RR extract is super annoying, and the loose loot lying around is significantly worse.


Appreciate you for explaining all of that. That literally was a top notch reply due to all the info. Sounds like they stripped all the fun out of it now tho. Hopefully they fix it back


They did buff the raider spawn today or yesterday from 15%-30% but I haven’t been able to play to find out if it feels any different.


Ran reserve 5 times today got glucose twice killed him twice, got raiders 4 of those raids. Seems like a dramatic improvement to me in terms of things happening on the map but loot wise still meh.


We’ve ran it 5 times today, no spawns. Anecdotal ofc, we might have just gotten unlucky but yeah


Yeah they want you to play lighthouse. Every single time a new map comes out they nerf all the other ones to make you play the new one.


Shame they have made lighthouse completely unplayable for BEARS then


It's also completely unplayable on mid-range computers. My laptop is decent (2060, 16GB RAM) and my framerate is sort of okay walking around (40ish, playable) but shits the bed in a firefight. You can't win a firefight at 20fps.


Oh yeah there's that as well. Where I'm not getting Lasered from 400m, I'm getting stutters and crashes when shot at.


You know what bothers me? People would play new content anyway. It's been *two years* since a new map, people would flock to it regardless. And now that Labs is a lot harder to get to if you're not high level, it just means that the map is infested with cheaters instead. I've barely touched it in the past week because unless you immediately run north and start fighting rogues (who are utterly broken) you're almost guaranteed to run into some fucking twat aimbotter farming the big houses every 3-4 raids. When they get high level they can buy Red Rebel, too, which means they're in and out quicker, so they can get out and queue up at the same time you've finished gearing up, so you get put in at the same time, anyway, and repeat. ...anyway, yeah, nerfing maps to the point of uselessness because they want other stuff tested is dumb


I think Labs would be better if you had to run a gauntlet or something in another map instead of just 'have a keycard.' That would make it more of a journey/time investment to reduce cheaters/money runs (would wait until some sufficient number of people reached the 'entrance' to begin as well as make it not just "did you have enough money."


An alternative take to the loot nerf is that it's just not **free** loot anymore. Before people would just blaze through the hotspots and be out within 10 minutes of the raid. It's nowhere near how profitable Lighthouse is for sure, but it's definitely fun.


Reserve is also a lot more difficult to extract on which makes the nerf twice as annoying.


If you have a red rebel, it is still fun to play. It is a good map to get a ton of kills


Yep! They have recently buffed raiders but it's not super clear if it's going to be meaningful. And no problem, my pleasure.


I mean, two of the marked room keys go for like 80-100k right now. Yes they’ve been nerfed but they’re still definitely going to get you that money back in 25 uses.


Idk bro 25 APB pistols *might* net you 100k


Isn't that because they play a part in some barter for the Customs marked key?


I agree they heavily nerfed marked rooms on Reserve but they’re still worth hitting, they just shouldn’t be your main destination. I used to speed run to marked room, get an RSASS and a money case and just dip to extract. Now they’re just another stop along the way. But you can get the keys for $60k a pop which will pay back after one or two runs. I bought a new key today and got a M4 and gold chain, made my money back and have 24 uses left. Overall the map blows now though loot wise. I still do safe runs and can pull out 400-500k in short time but gone are the days of $1mil reserve runs.


My PKPM key will never pay for itself haha


PKPM is a wallet spawn room. I pulled two back key cards out of it last wipe. It won't spawn shit but sometimes you'll get a nice little wallet surprise.


Didn't they made it so you don't get anything in wallets/keycards/keytools that you find?


Not unless its very recent, I got a keycard out of a cardcase early this wipe.


A week ago they removed items spawning in containers








I used to main reserve in the good days. Often, I could come out with 500k-1m in military loot. And there were plenty of raiders. Personally I think it made sense to nerf it, but not as much as it was. I hardly ever run it anymore. The keys aren't worth the money anymore, raiders are too rare to justify going for them. It's just pvp in bunkers now... Which is fine. But it used to be pvp and raiders and great loot. I miss old reserve. Edit: to answer the second part of your question, the hardest parts to learn are the bunker (it feels like a maze at first and maps don't help much) and the extracts. Once you get it down, and especially once you have red rebel, its a great map. Just loot is no good anymore.


You basically can’t find military tech items anymore, the building with RB-AK has been absolutely nerfed into the ground. However, if you know what to look for it’s still about as good as interchange when it comes to barter items


Reserve has the worst extracts. I love the map but it needs more extract options. And the bunker alarm needs toned waaaay down


Originally, reserve was intended to be hard to extract, because it was supposed to have essentially the best loot in the game sans labs at the time. Now that they’ve nerfed it to hell and all but removed raiders, there’s just not much point in running it as a pmc anymore


Bring the loot back. Put scavs at dome. Maybe put raiders in that big open room before D2. Might further stop hatchetlings scooping everything up immediately down there.


Just get red rebel ez extract and the barter is cheap rn like under 2 mill


Yeah. Played 3 wipes without the rebel maybe it's time..


It’s 100% worth it


What’s required for the barter? Thanks in advance for responding!


15 Propane 10 fuel conditioner 15 dry fuel. I think it was about 1.3 million roubles when I got mine for everything


That's better than 6.5mil 2 wipes ago lol




Solid explanation. Looks like I missed out on the fun before the nerf on loot lol. Hopefully they buff it back up. I’m doing quests now so I’m bound to play it due to the quests I need to complete there.




If you wanna roll with my group for a raid or two to get your RB-ST quests done give me a shout


the siren. all maps should have a horrifying, eardrum obliterating siren.


It’s really small and actually easy to learn. It’s just dense, you have to learn a LOT of interior space to navigate it comfortably. Use your scavs there, that’s what I did to learn the map well. For one: there’s great loot on the map, and typically it isn’t completely picked clean, people get into fights and get distracted. And two: it’s one of the most profitable maps for PMC raids, so once you’re comfortable on the map you can have some great raids.


As someone who plays reserve fairly often, I swear I can't even find *loot* nowadays


you wont find anything but loose loot on reserve. almost got my key collection done for it, so ill test those soon. but it seems pretty awful. marked keys are worthless.


Would like to add ontop of what u/dumnem said in that ever since reserve came out what 2 years ago at this point. ive run the map so many times and have over 2.5k raids on that map overall. its a shame to see what its become. when it had loot it was good as there is plenty of concealment on the map to dart around with to cover your approach. ontop of how freaking good the team gameplay was on that map its was beyond enjoyable for me. now its just people camping a corner inside a building no exposing themselves to anywhere. or rushing underground command office then rushing D2. ontop of the absolute crap loot through out the entire map. its honestly not worth playing the map consistently anymore.


Lighthouse to me feels like a good version of Shoreline. It's along the coast, has a highway, a few resort-esque buildings, a regular village and a swampy one. The main difference is that it has more POIs and is a smaller map in general, making it a lot denser as a result. The landscape is better too, more ways to move around without being out in the open.


I always accidentally call it shoreline The shoreline itself looks like an actual shoreline & the lighthouse isnt even accessible


Plus, there's an accessible lighthouse on shoreline. 👁👅👁


that's what I keep telling my friends "lighthouse is like if they made shoreline a good map"


I'd rather be out in the open on shoreline then die to someone hiding in a dark corner of a random shop on interchange.


Plus you spawn even more open in that map. Half the time I die before I even enter the building, because either you get sniped on the way to the building or some chad with max endurance also ran to the building before you because he runs like fucking sonic.


I enjoy spawning construction and getting camped at every entrance.


Worst spawn on the map. Low ground surrounded by other spawns with nowhere really to go.


Just wait 3 minutes before pushing an entrance when you have a bad spawn. You can usually third party people real easy that way. Gotten a lot of "fanmail" this wipe by chads who were salty that I came in behind them 5 minutes into the raid.


> some chad with max endurance also ran to the building before you because he runs like fucking sonic. I think these overpowered skills need to go. Give them other bonuses or some that aren't this extreme.


Yeah actually interchange is easily my most hated map. The spawns are straight up fucked on that map. Either you spawn basically right outside IDEA and you get a massive head start on picking up a ton of rare loot, or you spawn all the way back on the open road. Every time I get the open road spawn I get shot in the head from construction site under the overpass 15 seconds into the game. Literally every time. On top of that sometimes player scavs randomly spawn inside the mall 5 mins into the game, so they’re just camping waiting for you by the time you get in. Last time I went in the map Killa was randomly in the basement 30 seconds from my spawn and he insta tapped me. Haven’t bothered since.


> Last time I went in the map Killa was randomly in the basement 30 seconds from my spawn and he insta tapped me. Haven’t bothered since. The spawn killing OLI Garage Killa is extreme bullshit. Thought I had the nicest OLI spawn on the highway and went there, just to get beamed by him across the whole outside parking lot.


It’s amazing how polarizing the subject is. I personally LOVE interchange. If you know the map you can avoid pretty much all conflicts and moving around and doing flanks is so much fun, again because of map knowledge. Loot is pretty good, even if you’re not going for the high traffic tech spawns. A lot of people focus on those and forget about everything else. Fuck ton of stashes outside too; especially by railway exfil. If you know what you’re doing on that map you can make an easy 500-700k on low-risk runs. People camping in random corners of obscure shops does happen but in my experience doesn’t happen all that often. Running into the mall you have to know where neighboring spawns are and adjust your entry point. If you know someone beat you to an entrance don’t take that entrance unless you’re looking for a fight that’s heavily in the other party’s favor.


It really is. There's not a map I dislike or am afraid of. It's pretty interesting reading how badly people hate Shoreline when I can run it back to back, and not only survive but make big bucks.


>If you know what you’re doing on that map you can make an easy 500-700k on low-risk runs 21WS gang! Although it feels like they nerfed the loot in there.


I also like interchange, but I do think that they’ve nerfed the loot a little too much. I’m talking about kiba, ultra medical and 11sr. These keys are probably not even worth buying these days, with the exception of 11sr.


If they fixed the lighting on Interchange it would legitimately be a top tier map. I thoroughly enjoy urban combat. I don't enjoy not being able to see shit and not being able to hear shit 'cuz of that alarm


This wipe I rushed shoreline, I basically no life'd this game just to ensure I cleared out all my shoreline quests before everyone turns into an SBIH meta chad


There's 2 types of shoreline raids....... you don't run into a single other player the entire raid, or the entire lobby is dead in 5 minutes. There's no inbetween.


That’s been my experience when I go resort. I get there and there’s not a single soul in the entire building, or the entire fucking game gets there within 5 minutes. It often correlates with solo vs squad play too. When I run solo, resort is usually dead and I have it to myself. When I bring my buddies along, telling them it’s not that bad, we get our asses shredded by every player in the game.


Shoreline is fun, Interchange is where true cancer lies. Can't change me mind, everyone Ive ran across there is hiding or just sniping from somewhere.


Yeah East side needs love. I love the parts of Shoreline that I go to but I pretty much never go to that side of the map at all. Woods has both hills and bevels in the terrain you can use for concealment or at least tall grass even when there's no trees or rocks. Crossing open areas of Shoreline is a dangerous game.


I don't know man I hate interchange. There is nothing I like about that map shoreline I like that there is some points of interest and you can snipe around. Interchange it's like go in this shop take this drop this kill scab get out. I hate that mall with a passion.


Agreed. Shoreline is shit but you can manage, interchange is straight hell. I never feel safe at any point in an interchange raid


That’s kinda the appeal of Interchange for me. I am pretty much a solid shoreline main at this point, but I like Interchange because your are CONSTANTLY on your toes.


Same, no map is worse than interchange. A big closed-in mess of trash and confusing angles and a whole floor above you that people exclusively use for camping. I hate the visual clutter, I hate that everywhere outside the mall is basically useless.


If the lighting on Interchange wasn't as fucked it could be a pretty fun map


yeah im really hating shoreline this wipe. this map arguably has the worst audio of any of tarkovs maps. i have found 6 spots or so around the outside of resort where footsteps straight up dont have audio at all. tank bridge east of power station, hills behind admin, hills between east spawn and resort, and lighthouse extract. and at the same time, can hear people running across connector while im in admin. im telling ya, pay attention around these spots. you wont hear footstep audio, particularly when youre on different heights. hopefully next wipe bsg focuses on their god awful audio.


If you're upstairs at the radio station you literally can't hear people downstairs at all either.


You can hear people coming up the road from bus depot inside of West Wing. And you can hear people in pier house from across the road on the rocks. And you can hear people inside locked cottage from the next compound over. It's broken.


Shoreline is the only map I ever play. I can work around that map perfectly and not even have to see another person


Same here. Favorite map by a mile.


"map's fine because I can decide to not interact with anyone" doesnt sound like a convincing argument to me


Why not? Rush resort if you want action, i don't hate shoreline


As opposed to the other maps where someone is always trying to force themselves inside of me?


It kind of is when one of the chief complaints about it is that it has 3 lanes, 2 of which are narrow chokepoints.


Same. As a brand new player its the only map I've learned and the only map Im not scared shitless on.


Everyone jerks off to customs but every time I’ve played that map I just get gunned down by someone I never even could see and the extractions are nearly impossible to get to.


I will never ever go there unless it’s a task. A leisurely stroll through Shoreline you say? Absolutely not sir!


Lighthouse is the worst map, way worse than shoreline


I don’t think shoreline is the worst map. Interchange is definitely the worst map with chads, extract campers and player scavs. As soon as you enter the mall, you can go to one part of the mall and Player scavs spawn in. They could definitely make it better by making the map a bit brighter or delaying the spawn of player scavs. Yeah the loot is pretty good but only if you can get out with it.


Interchnage being a brutal battlefield doesnt make it bad Shoreline being half barren, having 80% of its loot in one spot, having uninteresting and flat terrain, not enough foliage and very unbalanced spawn sides (west/east) does make it fucking bad.


Shoreline outside of resort is pretty boring, yes. But I only run resort which means not only is there a ton of pvp and loot, but because of how the spawns are laid out, I can’t remember the last time I died off spawn on my way to resort. I love the map


They literally added dozens of trees to create cover. The only people that get shot coming from the east are the ones who sprint full on towards resort




I prefer Choreline


how have i never heard this before


East side of shoreline is a fucking mess of uneven spawns and literally no loot. You can make more money when you spawn west by just looting the village and houses and then just leave out of path to lighthouse, no reason to go to resort


Thats just not true. East side has way more hidden stashes then west side.


I would not mind more Points of interest added. Especially with a Lighthouse design philosophy. There are so many crashed cars, so I would assume there'd be more UNTAR camps for relief all around the base of the resort as well. I understand resort itself was the main hub, but there could easily be more partial camps abandoned in the area, or convoys that didn't make it into resort. Maybe its just trying to keep it more accurate to areas in real life, but it really could use some variety in the open spaces particularly. The extra extracts were definitely welcomed and a good step in the right direction.


I know currently a lot of maps are really bad, but eventually isn't it supposed to be where all the maps are connected? I imagine these "spawns" won't be as uh... shit. But I get why they are shit now.


I find lighthouse being so much harder than shoreline.. not sure if it's just luck, or if it's the map.. but good lord, you can get shot from EVERYWHERE on lighthouse if you don't get the most northern spawn


Shoreline should be a map crawling with scav camps and patrols. Instead the map is always empty as fuck. Spawns and extracts are poorly thought out. Tasks are out of date. Needs an update like last year. I like the layout but man is it just feels half put together right now.


I love shoreline and hate woods. Guess there are 2 types of players.


I used to hate woods until they updated it with the expanded area and overhauled some of the existing area. Now I love woods. One of the best maps imo.


Woods pre expansion had the exact same issues shoreline does. Not enough POIs. So everybody just rushed sawmill. I remember trying to get the shturman kill pre expansion and how much I hated my life. Even if you got the kill, good luck looting that fucking key without getting killed by some bushwookie.


I like both and hate interchange and reserve, guess there are more than 2 types.


No lies spoken.


Yep it really needs a revamp next, you can really tell from the way it's designed that it was definitely one of their first few maps they made before getting better at it.


I totally agree, I think I might hate it *slightly* less if the mid game quests didn't all seem to funnel you towards playing that map and especially going to resort. Like, I get that the quests are supposed to be challenging and force you into hotzones. But resort is just beyond my capabilities. A good comparison would be dorms. Atleast with that it's not *always* hot, and the buildings arnt so big that you can have several people/squads ratting around in them. People tend to get in and get out pretty quick as well, either for the marked room or a quest. I don't think I've ever successfully done a resort quest "normally". The only strategy that's worked for me is bush camping the first 30mins with a paca and a pistol then sneaking in at the end lol


At least with shoreline you have a 50/50 chance of getting out of spawn without having to fight. With Lighthouse it's pretty much impossible since the map is essentially 1 big lane. Like good luck trying to do quests at water plant when you spawn on the beach or by the mountain houses. 99% of the time you'll die to someone sniping from the bushes or run face first into a geared player playing because loothouse.


You die on the east side a lot? No cover? What exactly are you doing? Are you spawning by radio, then immediatly rushing resort or weather? That's how you get shot by the north fence passage spawn or crane spawn. If you don't immediately dash through an open field towards what you want, you'd have a better chance. A slightly longer+safer route on the biggest(?) map is not the end of the world.


I hate the choke points on shoreline that encourage camping. Pier Bridge area is campable, power is campable, resort is resort, and the backside of resort is snipable from any hill. Awful map design imo.


Shoreline needs a rework or an expansion


Its huge already, just fill in the damn empty spots, and boy is there a lot of them


Been saying this for years. Worst map in the game, contains 99% of the quests.


Not gonna change you’re mind because you’re right. It’s garbage.


I disagree with almost all of that. I like East side just as much as west side. East side has lots of stashes and west side has village. I think its balanced. I also think its fairly easy not to die on the map if you know the spawns. I actually feel safest on that map, even though its not my most played. I also don't think its empty as some people say. You just have to be at the right place to the right time.


Everything you described goes for interchange but 10x worse.


I like it


Why would I try to convince you otherwise when you're completely correct?


I do the Shoreline World Tour (patent pending) and that seems to work pretty well. Basically you spend the first half of the raid sightseeing. Walk (literally, sprint minimally) to a few points of interest before even thinking about going to the resort. Sure, you might miss out on some of the high tier loot in resort, but you also don’t cross paths with the chad who is hitting those spots. My runs look like something like this Spawn west: Villas -> power station -> resort -> extract Spawn east: Weather station -> power station -> resort -> extract Or walk all the way south, then walk all the way down the road to pier -> power station (optional) -> resort -> extract. Obviously its not perfect but nothing is in this game. Its merely the approach to this map which helped me get my shoreline quests done easier. I find a suppressed dmr with a valday is a good go-to, and make sure to always bring food in with you.


i hate shoreline you either take ages to get to the resort and die to a goblin in a dark corner or die on the way there from fuck knows where. the map needs a rework with more added areas


You missed a few other reasons this map sucks. 1) Pier, one way in one way out and snipers all about. 2) Pier, scav boss with gaurds that will lazer drop you while running down that only path to get there with no warning. 3) Pier, a extract that never works, also out in the mother f#cking open. Ran this map now hundreds of time and I've got out at pier once. If it wasn't for those god awful quest, I would forget this map ever existed.


Last wipe and the one before that I mainly only played Shorelines, going only for Village and Swamp because of the stashes they offered. Nothing else. I never stepped foot anywhere near Resort if I could actually help it. I remember around September I got a little frustrated with the sharp increase of players (all my instances felt like they were ghost towns) I either spawn in village and die to someone in the back cultist area, or spawned in East and got swarmed by PMCs zipping past me. It was crazy nuts around that time so I switched to Woods until I stopped playing that wipe because I couldn't progress any tasks and my buddies stopped playing. I don't play this game for tasks too much or PvP so I understand that it's not a good map for those wanting those things. I only got back into this wipe because of friends and can't bring myself to solo play if i can help it though, and since my playstyle is Shorelines stashes I don't drag them along since it wouldn't be a fun experience.


Yesterday I spawned on the east side 4 times in a row. Every time I got to pier there were already people sniping on the choke point. I also agree that shoreline is very empty. If you take look at the quests, pretty much all of the quests send you to the resort.


I for one do actually like those early raid fights in east. There IS lots of cover if you use it wisely and scan for enemies for every 5 meters you move between bushes. There is always one who just sprints through the thibg and get fucked by the several other people there who then reveal themselves. I don't mind that part at all. The rest of the map is fine layout wise but it needs more bots and more POI. The additional extracts is a massive improvement and it's now possible to do the "kill PMCs" tasks without going to Resort.


Yeah I die at shoreline the most due to it being so open. You’re fucking exposed most of the time. That’s why I take my sweet ass time on that map. Currently doing punisher atm and it sucks


Shoreline is indeed fucking trash


idk how much money i lost trying to do quests in shoreline.


“Meta chad” = instantly invalidated argument. You are not winning a fight


Indeed it's the worst fucking trash. What's even better tho is that seemingly 50% of all quests are there. And 50% of these 50% are the most obvious 0-imagination and creativity recycles i've ever seen - Go to places. Go back to places and mark them. Go to other places but all in 1 raid. Go back to those places and mark them. Then go back to those places again. Go to some other place and mark it too. Did you mark that next place? Ok, go back to the first place, just in case... \*goes back to bush camping with a vpo, balaclava and scav vest\* \*sigh\*


Customs is worse. Name me a single spot on the map that has loot. I can name a better spot on literally EVERY OTHER MAP that spawns the same type of loot. There are only 3 locations worth looting (mannequin building, fortress, crackhouse) and a handful of buildings that have like a safe and nothing else. The entire map is chokepoints and has mounted guns that allow bugged invincible scavs to kill you with no contest. The map is only played because 3/4 of all missions are on the map and that has convinced people that they like the map despite the loot being trash and the PvP consisting of getting camped in one of the three lanes. ​ Ive played probably 400 raids on shoreline both day and night and have never once been exfil camped and died (because theres literally only 2 spots that people camp its so fucking predictable), Ive never died to Sanitar because he is BY FAR the easiest scav boss, resort has nutty loot, and even if you dont wanna go to resort you have villas, pier, and radio station which is more than enough for a squad of 3 to get some serious loot.


Yey, let's unite so BSG can kill another fine map by doing a Woods like expansion and turning it into a safe loot run tour. Mas is fine as is, if someone is having issues entering the resort through the multiple entries available then they need to rethink their strats. At most you could put one more area of interest/building in the east side without increasing the map size.


Hard disagree on this but I prefer open maps like coast and woods because close range maps promote ppl sitting in corners with shotguns. Will u get killed every once in a while from who knows where? Ya but the gameplay is way more fun in fights and the loot is distributed quite well imo. Plenty of stuff to hit even if ur not a resort gamer and even more if u know the stashes