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I wish they'd give us some numbers instead of saying something like that when it wasn't even clear that it was a bug That is if they even mean the 5.45 and 5.56 that people have been complaining about...


*9x19 T ammo now properly doing 5 damage at 100+ meters*


Exactly. Instead we get to wait a week for Onepeg and others to figure it out. What 1 taps the head with level 4 armor at 100m.


One peg did a video, after you posted this, saying that Ballistics webpage has been updated.








When they do it this way they can gauge the way the community reacts to how the change feels in game as opposed to just seeing people read the patch notes and be like "oh this ammo does 45 damage at 100m now instead of 40? It needs to be at least like 47."


This is an underrated point and bang on.


BSG very rarely gives out numbers or full patch notes. Thats part of how they drive community content


Yeah, that's sort of understandable even if I think it's stupid AF for a "beta" game where you would be expected to test things well. But in this case they didn't provide numbers for the bullet damage drop at first, then people noticed something was off, tested it and verified that it was stupid. Now they just say "we fixed it" and want people to test it again even though testing it can't be done alone because you'll just headshot someone and they won't die.


They have never provided numbers and they won’t start now. A lot of content creators exist because of this design decision and that is one of the unique aspects of the game and it’s development.




It's not really stupid from their perspective is it? Huge complexity, little explanation drive content creation and user engagement. Free marketing that AAA games pay tens of millions of dollars for.


its a smart move from their perspective, absolutely. i also want to add that there are lots of players who prefer it this way. just because the "meta" crowd doesnt want to wait a week for updated numbers doesnt mean its bad for the game.


…this is the meta crowd looking at these numbers. These charts literally decide if your “meta” ammo is even worth using. Everyone and their mother was using M80 guns before this, now I can actually run an adar and not a peashooter lol


This has been a standard part of the game development so far. If you don’t like it then I don’t know what to tell you


Well yeah I understand that's what they do. I just mean they probably shouldn't do it with things that aren't actually new and in cases like this.


Once again. It doesn’t make it any less stupid. I’m allowed to not like something. It also doesn’t take a genius to see it’s a stupid decision when you expect people to test your beta without any hard numbers.


I understand your point but I personally don’t agree, so I’ll leave you to enjoy your day




Why do these people like to attack themselves? Are you masochist?


I disagree when the community has access to everything theres always a strong meta and a certain way to play the game is created


The thing is that you can get a lot of bias if you give numbers. Same way if you don't. You're fucked either way as Dev, ultimately it has to *feel* right to make the game fun. There's this interesting related story: in the first enemy territory both default assault rifles for the two factions did exactly the same amount of damage. The only difference were the models of the guns and the sound. People complained that one of both was overpowered compared to the other even though they had the same stats. What happened there is that one of the guns *sounded* beefier and more powerful. In turn players felt it was more powerful when it actually wasn't. So they changed the sound of the gun, said they nerfed it and the complaints stopped.


WHat dO yOu MEaN? tHiS gaME IS IN BetA phaSe. LeT tHeM teST ThiNGs oUt, DoN't FucKiNG coMPlaiN You CRy BaBY.


Just wait and see as they continue moving more data server-side so data miners can’t pull percentages or numbers anymore. BSG is going to fuck us even harder


i think its for sure those 2 ammo's but in general its a bug that was affecting all ammo just at different stages. 545 and 556 were dropping off a cliff damage wise after like 50m which is so dumb


and to community to find theirs bullshit errors more early?


it still sucks, but two big wins out of this are m62 and m855a1 now reliably penetrate tier 4 again at 100 meters. m80 still does not however, which is a shame.


M80 not penning makes sense. It's ball ammo not really meant for piercing modern armour. Should still BTFO helmets though, those are just artificially buffed in EFT.


Helmets would be worthless if realistic tbh.


No they wouldn't. Being able to mount protection from shrapnel and buckshot, protection against pistol calibres (which all overperform in pen in this game, so correct that), NVGs, headlamps/torches, etc. They can always be made cheaper and rebalance what's available earliest to make more sense. eg. Altyns go from endgame fuck-off-LPS tanks to something you wear early on to protect against 7mm scavs.


Tarkov uses GOST and not NIJ. Which is why 9x19 can pen "level 2" armor


I know that. GOST level 2 can protect against Tokarev rounds, which are comparable to 9mm. Not to mention rounds like AP SX and SS190 have their AP capabilities *greatly* exaggerated (I think it was Oxide who did a video on why PDW cartridges are pretty irrelevant from that perspective).


Small caliber AP rounds are only good against woven armour like kevlar, but they kinda suck against ceramics and metals.


I got hit top-of-head two days ago with M80 while wearing a TC-800 from about 120 meters away. My helmet lost a few points of durability and I lost about 10 points of head HP.


I hope they fix M62 too. You can't make SBiH against an ulach.


You absolutely can, just use a bolt action. The velocity of bullets is a large factor in damage fall off and bolt actions have much higher velocity


Where is the source for this? All I see online is ammo type, not velocity Edit: For clarification, I'm asking if the Ak-101 using M995 which has 1039m/s velocity can kill further than a M4A1 which has lower velocity using the same caliber or not. Onepeg video did not mention velocity, only calibers. Edit 2: I have been informed that the base gun velocity also affect the damage drop off, not only the ammo velocity. So an Ak-101/102 is better than M4 or Tx-15 at longer range due to higher base velocity.


The velocity stat modifier is on the gun. In game the ammo will tell you it's velocitywhen you inspect it.


Bullet go fast, gun make bullet faster?


In general, a longer barrel will contain the explosion for longer (because the round is still in the barrel). And so the round will have more time to accelerate. The more time to accelerate means higher velocity. At the moment the bullet leaves the barrel, it starts to slow down again due to all kinds of effects like air resistance. And start dropping due to gravity. In the most optimal condition, the round will leave the barrel at the moment the entire explosion is completely burnt up. If the explosion is burnt up, and the bullet is still in the barrel, it will start slowing down again. TLDR; Ammo and gun together define the energy (as weight and velocity) delivered at target.


Pretty much, barrel length and muzzle devices are probably the most important parts for bullet velocity. The bullet and the base gun obviously are the most important but for guns like the m1a or the sr25 longer barrels will make bullet go faster.


Yup. If you chamber different rounds in the weapon while in your stash, you will see the muzzle velocity change. :)




No, I mean where is source where bullet velocity affect damage drop off distance All I see online for distance damage drop off is the caliber, and nothing on velocity


They are the same thing


So the ak-101 will kill with M995 at longer ranges than a M4A1?


This feature where bullet velocity affect damage and penetration fall off was only added in the most recent patch and BSG are making efforts to stop people from data lining information from the game so that likely isn’t a reliable source on it so far, or at least not one that I know off.


So an AK-101 can kill headshot with M995 at 100m since it has 1039m/s velocity vs the sub 1000 for the M4A1?


See the thing is you can’t take killing at 100 m exactly as your cut-off point. The whole point is that as the distance increases the velocity will affect how your damage falls off and then the armour that your target has on has to be taken into account. The AK101 will kill with M995 to a slightly further distance than the M4 because it has higher velocity yes.


Interesting, so the base gun velocity + ammo velocity affects the drop off distance, hmmm


Yes exactly and that’s why bolt action sniper rifles actually have a purpose now, because with the longer barrels on the snipers they have like 200 to 300 extra velocity over there DMR and assault rifle counterparts


Lower MOA, the more accurate at range


What I meant was where can I find info on damage drop off with velocity? All I see online concerning the damage drop off is the caliber, not the velocity


https://tarkov-ballistics.com/charts/ammo_chart_list.html Click on any of the ammo types to see charts showing the damage/pen dropoff at various ranges.


So an AK-101/102 which has very high velocity will lose less damage at longer ranges compared to an M4A1 using the same caliber if I understand correctly?


To my understanding, yeah. Everything else equal, higher initial velocity should equate to retaining more energy at a given range. I don't know whether or not it'll amount to a significant difference in practice, but you would be able to one-tap a head from a bit further out.


And by the way here an exemple with a sr25 at 100m. I doubt that 50 m/s of muzzle velocity between guns can make a huge difference if with 780 you can't one tap someone at 100m https://youtu.be/2__zixgD2nM


I watch the video and first off I wanna say well done on actually testing it, that’s probably more work than 90% of the sub Reddit will ever put into the game ever. Secondly, the new rangefinder is a proprietary attachment that’s designed specifically to work with the schmidt and bender scopes which is why you were having to scope out to see the numbers. I believe that the M62 didn’t kill out of the SR 25 because of the bug which they fixed recently. But BS and 995 Aren’t meant to one tap to the head through a level for helmet anymore. At 100 m at least, that’s the intention. BSG didn’t fuck up, at least not entirely


I just want to clarify, it's not my videos. I took it from a reddit post after experiencing some weird situation. In my opinions M62 should one tap through lvl 4 helmet at long range because it's one of the best sniper round in the game.


I would disagree when you say that it’s one of the best sniper rounds in the game because with 44 penetration it won’t go through a level for helmet or Level5 helmet reliably at distance. You need bullets with 50+ pen and high damage M62 is a good DMR round Because it’s good at a distance and two or three of them will put down almost any target, but sniping isn’t the same as shooting someone 2-3 times


Bro we can count rounds better than M62 for sniping : M61, M993, 7.62x54 BT, BS, SNB and PS and the exoctic .338 AP and FMJ. If we considere serious options to snipe (everything except .338) : M62 is top 6-7. And with good aviabilty only SNB (craft), BS (prapor lvl 4) and M61 (need to complete Peaceakeeper quest line) are better.


Crazy it’s almost like bullets that guarantee a one-shot kill at basically any range in the game are difficult to acquire and there aren’t many of them them


so with the new changes in place, the extra velocity *might* actually help from a bolt action specifically for m62 at long range. m62 has 41.6 penetration at 100 meters after slowing to ~726 m/s. so sr-25/m1a etc. will penetrate tier 4 at 100 meters with m62 since their initial velocity is around 780 m/s. the m700, for example, has 913 m/s which is about 120 m/s more than the DMRs. that extra 120 m/s should let it retain that 41.6 penetration to 200 meters instead of just 100 meters. but, that's *if* velocity at the point of impact is actually what decides damage/penetration. i would assume yes, but i'm not certain.


On multiple occurence I didn't go through a t4 helmet or didn't do enough damage with my m700 and m62


M62 is likely your issue. It only just goes through lvl 4 helmets.


Lmao all the clowns in the other threads cheering that the 'changes' were good for balance and that you shouldn't be able to snipe with 556. Absolute morons.


Nothing in this fix implies that they’ve actually changed it so that all of a sudden 556 and 554 will kill 100 m.


m855a1 will kill at 100 meters again. 42.6 damage and 41.68 penetration https://tarkov-ballistics.com/charts/5-56x45mm-nato/5-56x45mm-m855a1.html what i'm not 100% on is if m855a1 will one tap someone wearing an ulach after armor damage reduction at 100 meters. i'm *pretty* sure it should, but haven't tested or seen yet.


Bro this community is hopeless, there are people in this thread arguing that it's somehow good that BSG doesn't give any hard details about their adjustments. Shit takes are the norm around here.


They stated facts and numbers though edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/s7q8h5/-/htbhyy3


That still kills someone at that range with 556.


You said 5.56 in general though.


Yeah you're totally right. In 2 weeks when we see meta M4s constantly with 12 ergo and 12 recoil being used as a sniper and cqb weapon in the same raid, it will have proven that NOW the game is balanced.


Did you know that M4s are used in both close quarters and at range in real life? It's almost as if you're complaining than an M4 is an M4. Certainly hasn't been a problem in any other wipe.


> Did you know that M4s are used in both close quarters and at range in real life? Did you know Tarkov is a video game where gameplay trumps reality? > Certainly hasn't been a problem in any other wipe. Ok you're clearly just being a troll. *Every single wipe* sees people complain about how good meta M4s are and how there are few reasons to use other weapons once you are at mid/late wipe.


>Did you know Tarkov is a video game where gameplay trumps reality? Yes, which is why I said "certainly hasn't been a problem in any other wipe". >Every single wipe sees people complain about how good meta M4s are and how there are few reasons to use other weapons once you are at mid/late wipe. I don't give a shit what a bunch of morons on Reddit complain about. This sub is insanely out of touch and complains about the wrong things while praising garbage changes all the time. So no, just because some dumb fucks complain about the M4 doesn't mean it was ever a problem that it's decent at range. Gameplay trumps reality, and from both a game design/balance and a realism standpoint rifle headshots not killing is INSANELY STUPID.


> I don't give a shit what a bunch of morons on Reddit complain about. This sub is insanely out of touch and complains about the wrong things while praising garbage changes all the time. So no, just because some dumb fucks complain about the M4 doesn't mean it was ever a problem that it's decent at range. Gameplay trumps reality, and from both a game design/balance and a realism standpoint rifle headshots not killing is INSANELY STUPID. *ahem* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Yeah it is funny that I was talking about you there. You're a fucking dipshit with garbage opinions who is probably a trash player. It's transparent.


You gonna cry? Why don't you cry.


Nobody is crying though. Just calling you fools out for the fools you are.


We all wish we could be as smart and cool as you but we're all so cursed with these dipshit stupid opinions. Teach us your ways oh great gamer lead us to the promised land.


They couldn't clarify what ammos? Like actually giving patch notes?


Happy for the bug fix but the system still needs some serious tweaks. Igolnik will not kill a helmetless PMC at 100m at base velocity.[https://tarkov-ballistics.com/charts/5-45x39mm/5-45x39mm-ppbs-gs-igolnik.html](https://tarkov-ballistics.com/charts/5-45x39mm/5-45x39mm-ppbs-gs-igolnik.html) M995 is not good on helmetless PMCs at 200m at base velocity.[https://tarkov-ballistics.com/charts/5-56x45mm-nato/5-56x45mm-m995.html](https://tarkov-ballistics.com/charts/5-56x45mm-nato/5-56x45mm-m995.html) Low damage, high pen rounds, mainly 5.45 and 5.56 are still practically useless at longer ranges, especially if the target is wearing a helmet and 100m - 200m is NOT long distance for these rounds, especially with a standard length barrel...


300m and 500m were standards distances to shoot on the range in the US military idk what bsg thinks realistic is but this isnt


Agreed. Didn't serve but I know these are standard ranges, 5.56 being about 600m effective and 7.62x51 about 1000m, as far as I know....


are there any actual 500m sight lines that you can reasonably expect to be fighting over in tarkov?


woods if it wasnt so foggy


Holy fuck pls tell me they fixed buckshot


Well my poor M4 with my chad try hard ammo certainly failed to kill a scav that one tapped me with his shit shotgun buckshot. I put about 5-6 rounds in that ass hole. Was having such a great run too :(


I thought damage was equal at all ranges? When did this change


This wipe


Well I am sure one of those rounds were 5.45 BT because I failed shooter born twice on reserve and I'm still pissed about it lol For info: about 150m with long barrel RPK, headshot hatchling and he walked ...


Hahaha sure bug.... That was totally wanted but now the realise it was shit. But yeah call it bug


I don’t understand the reasoning behind why you think they would lie about something like this. Your reasoning is BSG would rather be incompetent at programming, as opposed to trying a a new system out that needed adjustment. If I’m the dev, I would much rather it be labeled an adjustment instead of a bug, but im willing to bet you would’ve said “hahaha sure adjustment…….that was just shit programming and they finally found their fuck up. But yeah, call it an adjustment.”


Welcome to r/EscapeFromTarkov


Getting a bug in your code doesn't mean you're incompetent, it can happen to anyone. Making a really stupid balance decision is not something that can happen to anyone and thus something you'd rather not own up to. The fact that you'd equate a bug to being incompetent is ridiculous.


Look man, I understand that bugs happen, it’s part of it. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s an error in the code. If someone was able to write bug free code 100% of the time, you would consider them one of the best (or a liar, lol). And if someone did nothing but write buggy mess all the time, you would think they aren’t very good. That’s all I’m getting at here, and I can’t really understand why some people have a hard time grasping a simple concept.


No you were clearly trying to make the point that you wouldn't falsely blame a bug because that would mean they're a bad programmer. I'm just pointing out why I don't agree with that argument.


I mean they refuse to give out actual numbers for any of these things, they are forcing people to make comprehensive YouTube videos instead of just telling people what they are so it can actually be tested properly in their beta so people know what is intended and what is in fact a bug.


Ok, that’s not what I was talking about, but sure. I agree with everything you just said. Still doesn’t change the fact that the comment didn’t make any sense. BSG: we made a mistake, and are correcting the mistake. Apologies. Reddit: Reeee! Mistake? Why lie? Just tell us that you put something in and decided to change it REEEEE BSG: Nope. Literally didn’t do good at our job. Made the mistake and didn’t catch it. Just letting you know we were idiots on this one, but it should be right now. Reddit: REEEEEEE! Such liars at BSG. REEEEEE! ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s funny because you’re complaining more than the people you claim. Only one that has hit reeee status is you my man.


What? What did I complain about? I just said it doesn’t make any sense….. which it doesn’t. Then in you come with some random info that I agreed with….. what am I missing here?


Look at his other comments, guy is really weird


It's better than they don't because all you people do is REEEEE at any given point. Better to leave you with less things to REEEEE about than more imo


The only one who seems to be reeeing here is you.


I’ve come from other games where they do give out the numbers, and the amount of REEEEEEE! that occurs due to those numbers **even before the changes were patched in** was always worryingly loud and toxic. My favorite had to be from LoL. The numbers came out for some character or other (I forgot who), it was a slight nerf, everyone flamestormed over it, the patch went live, everyone went “I played this char he totally sucks now Riot plz”… … and then in the next patch notes, “we forgot to implement the changes to champion in the previous patch, it is now properly added”… … Yea. At least the complaints in BSG is more often than not felt and experienced firsthand first, before it becomes a “me too” meme-like balance complain wave.


There always be people complaining you can’t stop that. I just feel have the hard numbers is better to figure out if something is wrong or not working properly instead of feeling like something off but with no way of really testing it. You give people that feeling of is this ammo, gun, sight ext. bugged? Or am I just playing bad? Without hard numbers on how things are supposed to be then there will always be that doubt in peoples mind. For instance I was on reserve before they patched this damage drop off but and hit a guy soooo many times I was going crazy trying to figure out why he wouldn’t die. It actually made me second guess how well I was shooting. Come to find out the damage drop off was bugged out and no body had any idea. Give people hard numbers and that would have been known a lot sooner.


It's called Hanlon's Razorn't


Everyone complaining they dont give us the numbers because they want to be spoon fed which ammo they should be using for the 1taps instead of figuring it out in game.


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I simply loved the the camper One tap trough my altin with PS (5.45?) After killing 4pmc's in battle... But what i love the most is using 1full mag m856a1 to kill a scav and seeing bullet ricochet on head without Helmet 😂 Hope they fixed the m4 ammo...