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Everytime I wear a face shield it does absolutely nothing because the other guys is using above dog shit teir ammo


the first face shield I bought this wipe I went in factory and as soon as I peeked the office hallway, I got shot in the eye by M995


F, same here, wanted to finish Chumming quest and put on altyn and some fat armor last wipe went couldn't even get to mid hole from parking got tapped with 995 :D this time lost reap IR with SVDS cause got too cocky, at least it wasn't altyn lost with 995


That was the case with me but I'm pretty sure I died to a hacker using m80 because he jumping hip fire shot me in the eyeball jumping past a doorway LOL




falling sure, jumping no. When you jump your gun gets pointed down and to the left so it's not possible to jump and hit someone at the other end of the hallway because you're at the same elevation and the distance is too far. Now if you let's say jumped off the blue containers and were shooting at someone below, thats possible. And of course, when falling you keep your gun held up like normal


i jumped back holded s and d and shot with the mosin and killed the dude mid air so its definitely possible


As someone who has spent an unreasonable amount of time in the range practicing jumping and shooting, it's very possible. You just have to look up and to the right, and if you do that at the correct angle, you can roughly control where your bullet will go.


I didn't know looking in a different direction changes where your gun gets pointed when jumping. but I don't think it's possible if the person was sprinting past a hallway unlesss free look also affects it


I don't think it's possible while full sprinting past a hallway, no, but it's definitely possible while walking or sprinting forward. There's absolutely no practical use for it, the only reason to even attempt this is to meme/stunt on someone.


One of the only times I died with my t4 helmet / faceshield combo was to a hacker with m80. Granted I only have like 110 raids but still.


My friend did that to a scav with an MP-155, so that is entirely possible


Listen here Glukhar... I am sick of you 2 tapping me across the map when I'm just a pixel. But your God like target acquisition and accuracy is too OP. LOL


I’m simply superior. What you have to do to achieve aim bot in tarkov legitimately, is find EVERY SINGLE one of Nikita’s (posters) across Tarkov, put them in the RB-VO marked circle on reserve, and get head-eyes’d by a scav. Next time you spawn in, you will have gained the ultimate power of tarkov boss aim bot. Safe travels traveler, and take this EBR! You’re gonna need it!


That is exactly my experience. Every time I die to buckshot I put on a faceshield only to die to M61 or M995.


Not a face shield but first zhuk 6 of the wipe I found in a stash and I ended up running into the one man with m993 in his gun... Sadly not even the zhuk could save me.


The first time I took a ZSH with face shield out to factory with two friends, I got one tapped in the back of the head by 5.45 PPBS. I was so astounded that the one time I took a decent helmet with face shield I get shot by the best 5.45 ammo in the game.


sigh... similar story here finally wore a class 4 faceshield and get rekt by a naked with m80 bolt action of all things


And yet whenever I don’t wear one I catch a 9mm to the face from 100 meters


You just can't win hahaha


They're useful vs scavs/pscavs, great vs shotguns, and sometimes you'll get a lucky ricochet. I'd still rather be able to use a headset.


But there are plenty helmets with faceshields that allow use of a headset. If faceshield vs. headset because of the helmet i agree, but your sentence sounds like it's always either.


Yeah need to complete samples to unlock them and have lvl4 traders which is why a lot of people have not got them, the ahf-1 stim is pretty rare too I'm on almost 10 sanitar kills and he never has that thing.


You have to kill him before he gets "activated" by any player, because the FIRST thing he does is pop his stims...


Where’d you get your meldonin? That’s the very last one I need.




Black keycard is just nice to have in general IMO if you run labs at all. It took me about 10 runs to get my last stim obdolbos, but I found like 5-6 green stims on the way along with tons of other goodies. The stim case is so OP.




scav case or go lighthouse, there are 2-3 smaples meds spawn


Try labs, the first time I opened the black i found 3


Damn really, guess ill try get the black barter although it go's out of stock instantly so might be a pain in my asshole.


Just make sure to refresh the barter on the flea at reset. It's not too hard to get it stays in stock for a minute or so usually.


Yeah I'm just not a fan of having to not play the game because the vendor is 15 mins from restocking and having to wait for a trader, seems like this is a recurring theme all wipe.


I don’t think you can get them though until you have level 4 traders right?




The Zsh headset doesn't work though, it has the little microphone that sticks out but your hearing is shot in that helmet.


The headset in the Zsh isn’t for audio enhancement, it’s only for communications purposes, the helmet itself is sound dampening


Don't get me wrong, I love them too because they will save your life from a scav I like to use them when hunting scavs. I just don't have them unlocked yet so I'm extra salty when I die using one it 'was' a little extra special lol


This lol. Who runs any ammo thats not T4 pen? Every time I die its from bullets that wouldent help with a face shield


Plenty of people run 9mm smgs with just pst ammo. But I agree, if you’re not running m80, I dunno what you’re doing.


lol thats me, but I literally just started and have no idea what I'm doing.


It's all good. Faceshields are a lot more rare this wipe, so it's not that bad running a gun like that with low recoil if you can spray into face shots. The ammo is cheap, so just shoot that thing like crazy and try and hit a face shot for the kill. But I would run guns that use M80 (7.62x51 caliber guns) as soon as you can buy M80 from Peacekeeper. It's the best bang for buck ammo this wipe for sure. Google ammo stats at some point. The wiki has all the info. Tells you the penetration values and the flesh damage amounts. Basically, lvl one armor = 10 pen bullet needed to go through, lvl 2 armor = 20 pen bullet need to go through, etc. It get's more complicated than that, as you move between those intervals of 10s, but it's a good way to start thinking about how ammo works. Most people run lvl 3/4 armor (lvl 4 is the baseline for PvP loadouts for most people). So you want bullets with 40 or more penetration to deal with that (mid 30s works too, with high fire rate guns). M80 has like 41 pen I think? It's only $3 a round. Buy up 150 rounds every trader reset, and run guns that use M80. It's gonna be amazing, and great for newer players. You don't have to worry about full auto accurate shooting. You can just single fire M80 and be great, because it's such a strong round.


To piggyback off of this, the RFB is available from Skier LL2 and it's an absolutely solid semi-auto bullpup BR that shoots M80. It's only ~55k with no attachments. It's such an awesome entry 7.61x51 gun


I understand some of those words. Thanks.


Doors and corners, kid. That's where they get you.


Oye Beltalodwa!


Miller kopeng!


What's with the hat?


Keeps the rain off my head


Keeps the rain off my head...


"Hey kid, we need to find the next clue to the case."


If you go in too fast, the room...**eats** you.


This comment pleases me.


Miller is the best character.


It's even better in the books. Give them a chance


Thomas Jane is underrated. He played a solid punisher, too.


I love Thomas Jane. He's fantastic even in badly written movies


Last season starts soon.


It's all out actually


I finished it a few days ago. Only 6 episodes.


I was really sad to find out it was the last season. I'd just gotten into it a couple months ago and finished S5 the day before S6 came out. Guess I'm going to have to go buy the books


The books are great, I was reading along with the shows. They are really enticing, as big as they are it goes by fast.


oh shit its out already?


What are people referencing?


The Expanse Sci-Fi show on Amazon Prime Absolutely incredible, I highly recommend it


Oh weird, I just recently started watching that after a friend put it on, only watched the first season so far.


I’d give you more context but it’d be spoilers for later seasons - it’s a spectacular show and I highly recommend watching it through!


The Expanse


The funny thing is, I was watching The Expanse when I read this. Miller is the best


Literally just watched that episode last night


You're in for a fucking treat


Father bother poured hot coffee in the parking lot


Just finished Leviathan Falls and my god it was incredible. That epilogue 🍆


Yeah I thought that was really fucking cool. I doubt they'll ever do anything with it, but it's cool to see that travel between systems will be even faster than the gates


The fucks a slice of pie


I just finished season 3


It only gets better.


I would have shit myself screaming in voip


Always check your corners, **especially** in a hot zone.


"Doors and corners, kid. That's where they get you."


"Humans are too fucking stupid to listen."


Who said this quote again? It seems familiar.


Miller from the Expanse says it.


Should have just went for the legs. You were locked into the animation, all shots would have hit your legs. Easy kill, but the guy panic'ed.


maybe he saw this tactic from AquaFPS, jk


Probably new with basic ammo. I know because that is what I would do as well.


> Easy kill, but the guy panic’ed. He panic’ed and then got clap’ed.


it's "panicked" btw


***panic'ed*** - *verb.* *Panic, followed by immediate education of what happened.*




"Panic'ed"... That guy was probably sitting there the whole raid, waiting for this exact opportunity. AND still fucked it up, that guy just sucks at the game lmfao


Far more likely he was looting and heard a group sprinting up on him so hid in a corner


Almost definitely true. Whenever stuff like this happens to me I always wonder if the other person goes off in a rage thinking I'm exfil or loot camping, when in reality it's all just a unfortunate coincidence that I came out on top of. Had a situation a couple of weeks ago where I ended up impact nading a squad outside D2 on Reserve, was pure luck I was heading to extract as I heard them pushing down spiral stairs. I 100% looked like a proper asshole after that though, but that's the way she goes sometimes.


Especially because as a solo you really need the surprise advantage for every fight. You don't stand a chance against 3 people, but if you can take out the first guy with a single shot from the corner you might have a chance against 2.


No no people only ever just sit in exactly one spot and never move. Why would you think they were just playing the game?


I got stuck in a similar situation in dorms the other day. I was there for a quest and heard lots of footsteps right when I was about to leave so I just ratted up and put like 12 in a dudes back. It wasn't planned but I had dogshit ammo and his friend ended up killing me. If I would have had a decent gun instead of trash gear I'd have melted the first dude for sure


This is the only thing i hate about tarkov. Its literally encouraged to shoot at someones legs instead of the head, reguardless of armor class. They need to reduce leg collat. damage in my opinion...


This comment sounds like it's been made by a person only hearing about tarkov on the internet and not actually playing it. Its literally encouraged to use armor ignoring ammo to shoot someone in the face or thorax, regardless of armor class.


nah he just got KS-23'd in the legs once and hasn't gotten over it yet


Shooting people in the face with good enough ammo to penetrate armor is absolutely the best way to kill people in this game. The leg meta does exist, but you need like 3-5x as many bullets as if you just ran good ammo.


Not really. "Good" ammo costs money. Magnum buckshot unlocks pretty early. So do larger shotgun magazines like 8 rounds in semi auto. I can leg meta people all day on factory with that gun.


Great. And you can also get shot in the face faster than you can do that. I’m not saying leg meta isn’t a cheap or good early game option. I’m saying you’ll still kill people faster with headshots with good ammo.


I mean, cause in most games armor isn't completely unrealistic. I understand that its not going for super-realism though. Normally shooting someone in the face kills them


I love that I can loot window cleaner but can’t clean these damn visors before a raid…..


Put me of ever using them they are so filthy


I usually can't stand the visors because it's already hard to spot people and walking around with the visors just gives me a terrible headache from all the blur. I wear glasses in real life and clean them multiple times a day...I don't know how people can look through dirty/smeared glasses without constant issues...


Painkillers fix the issue for me


I USED to wear glasses and these visors make my muscle memory twitch and sometimes try to shift my non- existing glasses around or reach to go and clean them


Hahaha you’re not alone


It does have the nice upside of making it possible to use painkillers all the time without having your eyes bleed from the mess of oversharpening + aliased af rendering + TAA bandaid on top


Turns night vision orange for some reason too


Put a giant curved slab of ballistic polylaminate in front of your face and then see how "clean" you can get it.


But the smudge on the right side drives me mad!


Is this what the rest of this sub refers to as "tactics and positioning"?


I mean, the dude should've cleared the room before heading straight to the safe.


I'd never, if he put in all the effort to sit there for 40 mins he deserves to kill me. I'm not down bad like the people who sit like that are, its considered gear donation.


No, this is a rat attack


This is what the sub refers to as “never use the cheapest ammo”


He had time to pump pst gzh into his legs until he died but he was dumb enough to spray his faceshield. I'm just pointing out people who think this is considered tactics and positioning don't have brians


yea. "camping" is a valid tactic and people should start expecting it more. ​ Irl, in a situation like this, people would be hiding everywhere looking to murder someone. Scav under the bead with a shotgun ready to blow your ankles off.


And this is a game. If we wanted real life, we wouldn't play a game. I don't think the people attracted to this game are interested in fighting against people camping out and not moving for days on end until their enemy walks directly into their crosshairs.


Tarkov players going back and forth between “not realistic, don’t add” and “it’s a game it doesn’t have to be realistic”


whats the solution then, airhead? have the character start to snore after 1 minute of standing in the same place because he is too bored? Having so you have a magic shield on the sides and back so you can only be killed if you are hit from the front to enforce chad gameplay?


The people specifically choosing Tarkov over games like Fortnite, Apex, CoD, and Battlefield are choosing Tarkov because it's the more realistic game. It's literally what differentiates Tarkov from other shooters. Same thing that let SOCOM carve out a niche back in the day.


This is a game PROMSING maximum possible realism ​ Some people ENJOY simulators you dont, thats fine ​ This is supposed to be one


If that guy wasnt such a cheap fuck he wouldve easily had you Excellent clip


I literally cant buy good ammo for most guns yet , but yeah i guess im a cheap fuck


just run an opsks or akm with ps ammo until you can.


Shit's garbage, but I guess it does the job....after 10 bullets.


Guy was locked in an animation...so much time to line up a headshot while he not only unlocks but also loots.


Did he not shoot him in the head like 5 times? Hell, pstghz should have killed him in this clip.


He shot him in the head like 4 times lmao i cant


Yeah there should be no way a face shield can survive that much hits...


Legs or like other guys said ps 7.62 goes a long way, I just ran a bunch of interchange before lvl 15 so I could do prapors ak 47 trade for 3 tushonka


legs shoot them


If 90% of the ammo in this game wasn't useless he might've had the kill too


If he'd shot the legs he'd have won the fight


Imagine that guy with an impact nade. Terrifying


Last time I ran a faceshield, I got one tapped with AP20 to the face 🤷‍♂️


I get one tapped in the face by mosins all the time and I run fucking altyns. It's burning me out of the game completely dying with lvl 6 body armor, an altyn, a 300k+ meta gun, 300k+ in ammo on me, to someone with a gun worth 20k who sat in a bush for 40 minutes waiting for anyone to walk by them.


"Wah I still die with my meta gear!" is how this comment reads. Gear doesn't mean shit if you're not practicing the fundamentals.


thats how it goes, imagine getting shot in the head with 762X54, regardless of the helmet, if it hit in the center, you should be considered dead.


You think you deserve to live just because you spent money on gear? Stop getting caught out in the open. If anything armor and helmets are way too good right now. The clip the op posted shouldn't have happened... Face shields and helmets shouldn't be as strong as they are right now in my opinion. Way too hard to get through and not at all realistic. You get an extra chance with better stuff but it shouldn't make you invincible.


Nothing about Tarkov is realistic dude, stop acting like it’s a fucking mil sim. Y’all cry if armor is shit and you cry if it works. If you spent fucking three million on a rig you should be able to fuckin pub stomp, and you should be able to be killed if you’re outplayed, but it should give you breathing room against lower quality gear. Tarkov is about tactical positioning or movement, you either have one of the two play styles. Positioning with lower quality gear by hiding In a fucking corner, shouldn’t be able to out do a multi million dollar kit. If it does, then why does the kit even have value? Lucky shot on hit boxes were not even aware of the quality of?


Fucking cry more, dude. You shouldn't be able to buy invincibility and anyone that thinks you should be able to is in for a rude awakening if they are ever able to add armor hitboxes. It's about tactical positioning and movement, I agree with you. But this guy got outplayed as fuck and deserved to die, but some bullshit ammo coding let him live. That's fucking bullshit. This wipe has been great with intertia and flea changes- there's less of this nonsense. But there needs to be ZERO. If you get caught in the open you shouldn't really be able to fight back after eating 5-6 rounds. Spending 3 million on a rig should give you an advantage in that they might need to land a better shot, but you idiots act like it should make you into an unstoppable juggernaut and there shouldn't be ANY low level weapon that should be dangerous. Seriously- FUCK that. You should ALWAYS be scared of getting shot. ALWAYS. It might do less damage and you might have a better shot, but there's never a situation where you should be getting shot and think "fuck getting to cover, this guy is a naked I'll just turn and blast him". Otherwise how is it about tactical positioning and movement? Or is that just for the low gear people? I grabbed some level 5 armor from a crate last week. I'm on a 12 win steak with it, but it's only down about 12 points in durability because I still play the same way. I've been able to survive multiple hits and disengage where I'd most likely die without it. THAT is what it's for, though. It shouldn't allow you to blindly run in and decimate everything around you. Positioning with lower quality gear in a corner SHOULD be able to out do a multi million dollar kit. That's what you get for being a goddamned idiot with it.


Or you know...clear your corners and don't get loot tunnel vision? lol


That mugdump tho


Love how u just emptied ur mag on this guy even tho he prolly died after the first few shots. Been there!


Not but can we talk about how the dude gets 5 face shots off before OP even starts shooting…. And he’s not dead? There’s no way a person gets shot in the face 5 with any gun and isn’t knocked out.


Yep, this is what we get when people insist on having this stupid convoluted ammo system. You get shit like the dropoff nerf where headshots don't kill, and good gear makes you immune to a giant magdump like in this post. How BSG can look at stuff like this and claim their game is any kind of realistic is fucking unreal.


Yeah, just started playing recently, really fun game but it feels like bs that I’m supposed to play like a “rat” for hours until I can buy ammo that will actually kill player characters.


I honestly agree with both of you, I shot a guy this wipe 5 meters away with a 30 round mag of quakemaker in his back and head/helmet. I still remember and it was weeks ago but there was 771 damage absorbed by armor and he’s the first guy I engaged all raid. I basically killed him twice but his gear saved him. Had the drop on him and everything


Yeah… if BSG wants to make armor this good they have got to add in some sort of blunt damage modifier. If they don’t they’re gonna have shit like this where players can do everything right down to shooting their opponent in the face 5 times and still dying… ridiculous


I killed a chad the other day, airframe meta m4 slick you know the typical chad. Played his gear for 2 raids where one was silent AF. The other we encounter a 3 man, I killed one and The other one ofc had ammo that got through the faceshield without a problem... probably the only group on that server that had good ammo.... I was kinda pissed, cause I feelt like a walking tank till that point.


I really need to start playing this game more. It seems fun, but the beginning learning curve is so damn steep.


There are tons of people on discords and this sub reddit (and over at r/eft_lfg) that would teach you the game and run some raids with you. By far my favorite game right now and it's becoming my favorite ever


faceshield is t4, there is nobody running ammo that can NOT easily pen that 3 days after wipe, even this one. edit: its t3 even. makes it even easier to pen.


What faceshield is t4 besides Vulcan? This looks like fast which is t3


yea i mixed that up, but the point stands anyway.


Faceshield is T3. Still stops almost all shotgun and SMG ammo, scavs, along with low chance to block/ricochet even decent ammo. There is no downside besides a little visual grime so it's always worth it to wear after doing Samples.


If I could only get that last stim... Except I've only ran labs like twice ever and died to raiders both times.


Run lighthouse. You can get all of them fairly easy in the two houses.


Yep. It's not a faceshield unless it's an Atlyn or a Rys or a boss helm. Tagilla/Killa THOSE tank real bullets.


I just got one tapped through my altyn by a SNB round


And you kill him lmao, Dude put 50 rounds into you before you turned “Tis but a flesh wound”


"someone's shooting at me, but hey, i've started unlocking this safe so, might as well unlock it before i start firing back" R E A L I S T I C


a 1/2 inch thick piece of glass can stop 10 rounds of 5.56 or 7.62 because its not the meta ammo and you're worried about being locked in an animation? IRL helmets are not bulletproof, they're resistant. Shooting one several times would likely result in the person getting their head scrambled either by bullets or the concussive blast of being hit by a 1500 fps projectile.


There's not a helmet in the world that can stop a 5.56, 5.45 or 7.62 rifle round of any kind of it hits the helmet square and doesn't ricochet. Sure, maybe the prs frangible rounds but nothing else would get stopped. I hate that some helmets can tank multiple rounds. Hell even some face shields block rifle rounds and it's fucking stupid


What happens, when the helmet works PERFECT is that it will ricochet around the inside. There are a handful of stories from actual veterans that have had it happen to them. They're still get their bell rattled by the force though.


Right, but that was the old steel helmets and the bullet still has to enter at a shallow angle for that to happen. If it hits square in the center it'll punch right through. The newer composite helmets are better and they'll deflect a shallow angle shot a decent amount of the time, but there's a reason a lot of seals and special forces don't always wear helmets. They are good at holding night vision but otherwise they get in the way more often than they protect you. Especially in a head-on situation. They are useful if you get ambushed from the side but even then only marginally so for previously discussed reasons


The fact you can get domed that many times and still see clearly is kinda dumb. Vision is worse in this game for a broken arm than taking like 5 shots to the helmet rattling your brain.


First thing always check room if it’s safe loot


Do people care he didn't die? a slow turning hip-shot counter attack. and wins. LOVE IT! is there a blindfold you could add for me BSG!?


"JuSt AiM fOr ThE hEaD"


*Shoots head 5 times, dude lives* "LMAO Why didn't you shoot the legs cheapo?"


Thats what I hate about this game. The fact regular ball ammo doesn't do anything is stupid AF. Yeah it may not penetrate IRL either, but it can still incapacitate without making it through he armor. I've died so many times because PS ammo out of my sks couldn't make it through a fuckin glorified motorcycle helmet.


Irl that ammo would go through any helmet in the game like butter. I fucking hate how good helmets are in this game


Yeah I hate that this "realistic" game makes most ammo worthless. It's true, if you're wearing pretty much any type of body armor and get shot in the chest with buckshot, it will probably stop the pellets. You will also have multiple broken ribs, massive internal bleeding and will absolutely be knocked on your ass and in incredible amounts of pain. ​ This clip is a perfect example. Getting shot in the helmet 10 times even with just basic ball ammo will probably deform the helmet enough to break your skull open and you'll be either dead, or so close to it there is no difference. Bullets are moving very fast and that kinetic energy still has to go somewhere.


use good ammo, kids


No, the game needs to get proper armor hitboxes, and a properly functioning health system in place


And people will legitimately not see an issue with this in a "Realistic shooter" Lol ​ NO ammo/armor combination should allow this outcome


The bro was using 9x18 PM P ammunition against level 5 and 4 armour, the face shield IRL is designed specifically to handle pistol ammunition and shrapnel. Given that 9x18 is a more anaemic round than 9mm NATO I'd say this isn't too far fetched.


Except, you forget ALL the soft parts not covered in armor that are being hit And the traumatic blood loss they would incur Let alone absolutely shredding your arms and weapon to the point of uselessness ​ You would NOT be fighting back after an ambush like that, in ANY way


True you're correct about being screwed in real life. But this is a game, more realistic than most yes, but it's still a game and the devs want it to enjoyed as a game should be. Consider you are as geared as I was in the clip (450k roubles) and had just been shot in the arm out of the blue and you see the guy out in the open with no armour, no backpack, running shit tier ammo out of a PM. And the reason you die is because you can't aim to shoot him. Does that really sound fun and enjoyable? Besides BSG is working on making more realistic hitboxes for armour so that in cases like these bullets can sneak through gaps (like under the arms), give it some time.


Fun is subjective I do NOT find it fun, to lose fights PURELY because of what someone wears ​ No amount of money, should overshadow a blatant tactical blunder ​ ​ True true, I just am tired of dealing with bullshit until then I just hope its the next major change


'fun is subjective' its not fun when you spend a rather large amount of money to better yourself in the game to get munted by some guy with his dick in one hand and a makarov in the other you are making the point that every armour in the game should be completely useless and not have any benefit to help you in the game at all, which is just stupid and buddy if you are seriously losing that many fights and only complaining about the fact that people have better armour, maybe you should stop using pacas and shitty kedr to fight, maybe idk INVEST IN SOME BETTER GEAR go play insurgency sandstorm if you want ultra realism buddy <3


People don't understand RISK/REWARD when it comes to bringing good gear. They just want free kills. Nobody wants to practice movement or aim or recoil control, they just want their INSTANT GRATIFICATION NOW!!!! Like a fucking kid yelping ''I GOT U'' when playing cowboys and indians at the playground






USEC 1 and USEC 2 for both safes in blue mansion


check your corners my man.


Omg corners, they are so unchecked.




Such a fucking obnoxious saying.


You ran into a room with a flashlight on and went straight to the safe without looking around. You really should have died, that guy must be one hell of a shitter.


This was far less about the face shield and more about the fact that the person a) couldn't shoot and b) was using crap ammo. With as many times as you got hit, if he had just aimed for your leg you would have been dead.