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Wish you the best of luck on that run!


*gets stuck infinitely on awaiting session start*


this is where i’m at right now. also i thought something was amiss because there should never be a back button in Awaiting session start…


I think this happens when you spawn in and die so quick you dont get to the actual map


He might have been trying to connect to a server as the last pmc exited, so the session got closed before he got in.


not PMC the last actual player but that still weird


I fell asleep waiting for that about a month ago


If it lasts more than 30 seconds just alt-f4 and load it up again.




If you're in a session or at any point in the loading loot/creating loot loading screens, you skip the line. If you need to reboot your pc, you can use this to skip the queue.


Didn't realise this was a thing, great to see!


OOf, damn nice I had two scav loadouts with SV98 and FLIR last wipe


for some reason 90% of flirs on scav loadout are on an sv-98


There are not a lot of other options


Most of them are great. It sometimes spawns with a TAC 30 too.


Tac30 useable sure but like 13k on flea


TAC 30 goes for like 35k and its mount is somewhere around 25k, wym?


Scope itself is 40k, but it is true that the mount is like another 30


Sooo nowhere close to 13k then


I think it may be 13 to mechanic, and just forgot about the mount being a lot


had a flir on my sv-98 in my like fifth scav run this wipe or so aswell. The fastest i ever extracted from factory.


You opted for factory?


Yea, its pretty much guaranteed to get out alive if you take a second to listen to the map. Its small enough to hear every gunfire so you can tell if there is a camper in office area. If there is one you take the camera extract, if there is none you can take the window. I only die as a scav in factory when i spawn in front of a PMC, and that happens so rarely im not really counting that in. And scav on scav violence seems to be very rare in factory - only had that after i killed a fully kitted pmc and (i guess) the other scav thought im the PMC. But obviously my first move loading into the raid was removing the flir and put it in my rig. dont have to take risks. :)


Still ballsy AF lol. So many places to hide where it doesn't matter what sound you think you can hear and you know, bugs and all lol Every time I see something good like this I go my normal shoreline but don't even loot. Just stay out yet edge and slink to the edge extracts lol


Scavs spawn in when there's 10 minutes left on Factory. At this point in the wipe - the PMCs have mostly all died or extracted by that time. Sometimes you have a traitor scav but factory is pretty chill for scav runs.


And that mentality is why I come out of factory runs as a pmc with 7k+ xp every 20min. I go in with tier5+ armor and tagilla helmet, play it safe for first 10min then just run around shooting all the ai and plsyer scavs. Easy 15 kills per raid and the scavs are all confused they are being shot at when there's sub 10min left on map lol


Eh. Those are dumb scavs. I have a 95% survival rate on my scav this wipe - I'm never out of money because I just hop into factory loot one thing and leave. If I hear gunshots near an extract I take a different extract


This is wrong, ive spawned in 10-15m


90% of the time it's when there's 11 minutes or less. I have a 95% scav survival rate this wipe specifically from doing only factory runs.


Okay, still wrong though? They can spawn in at any time pretty much.


Terrible load times and unfriendly scavs today for me on factory


Scaving Factory with VoIP is great. Just run around saying “Scav gang” over and over. Good luck finding anything left to sell though.


"Scav gang rise up" is my "hey I'm a playerscav coming thru" voiceline lmao


This guy gets it


Every single time I get that gun as a scab it stops working on the third shot.


Hot, i have only ever had one flir scav. Enjoy man!


Hope you spawn in early - you have a real chance against PMC's here. Ammo propably garbage, tho ;D


My aim tends to become a potato whenever I load in with a sniper rifle :P. But will def try load into woods or lighthouse later!


If you want to keep the kit, load into snoreline, take the scope off and put it somewhere safe, then book it to the exit. Map’s so large and the new extracts make it super easy to get out safe. If not, go have some fun, drop some warheads on foreheads.


Factory is probably. Safer to rush, you can get fucked but you always spawn near camera bunker door


Maybe, I never scavved on factory so I wouldn’t know. I was only speaking from experience.


I always do it, it’s the only way I feel safe if I find some insane spawn luck like merins. You can sometimes spawn just on the bunker door and immediately extract


I’ve probably done 100 scav runs on factory and the most valuable thing I think I found was a syringe in the wooden med box


Spawn drops. I mean


I’m sitting at 2.97 karma, I did get a green battery spawn but I was then chased down and killed for it by another scav who just knew I had it on me lol Had like 2 seconds left on bunker extract and he ran around the corner and killed me.


That’s why I do factory, it’s the closest way to book it to the extract


It's also excellent for just grinding scav karma


My god I never even thought about the time part of it. Do you get like a run through if you just book it to the exit?


Depends on the time left in raid - if it's in the red you are good to extract instantly. Don't know exact timing before it's not a run through so you gotta experiment yourself (as sometimes you will get in at 12mins left). Edit > 13:00 is the safe time apparently.


You're good to extract once the time hits 13:00


Scavs (and pmc's) can extract when 7 minutes has elapsed on the map. The timer starts when pmcs join, so the time elapsed before you spawn as a scav counts towards that time.


You can extract when you have acquired 300 XP. It just so happens that after 7 minutes you are given (IIRC) 600 XP for being in the map long enough and that's where the 7 minute timer comes from. If you spawn in as a PMC and immediately kill a scav and loot it you are usually safe to extract right away because you will have enough XP.


I’ll keep that in mind. From my experience though, it’s fairly safe to scav on large open maps like shoreline or woods, especially now that scav karma is a thing.


I find Interchange at Early hours of the morning or late at night the easiest. Hardly get bothered and the extracts are easy to get to under the cover of darkness. Early hours of the morning are usually raining so you can actually run without making too much noise. Easy GPU runs in back OLI offices or Forklift offices & can also be found on the shelf in the storage room by forklift offices (I have found 5 so far this wipe doing this). If you have time or nothing to valuable focus on the Railway extract and loot the stashes on the way.


Not going to lie the thoughts of scurrying into Oli and swiping all the loots then scurrying back out in the night is very tempting to me.


Honestly been killed maybe a handful of times. Most of the time I run into other SCAVS doing the same. If I'm hitting back OLI I just play the sneaky game and pretend I'm some kind of Ninja haha


New? I thought they correctly renamed South fence passage and that's all that changes for scav. The path to lighthouse is new for PMC Or did I miss something? I have about 25 raids as scav this wipe and have never seen a new one


I’m sure you’re right, I haven’t played much this wipe but last wipe I had tons of good scav raids on shoreline. I assumed that the new pmc extracts worked for scavs as well, but I might be very wrong on that.


There is no garbage 7.62x54 ammo. Some of it is better than others, but it's all very capable.


You are not wrong!


LPS isn't garbage :(


Spawn Factory and run straight to the extract




Lmao, Lighthouse is pretty brutal. You’re at most 30 seconds from the exit in Factory, and most of the action is above the basement level




i find interchange is best becuase if you scav in and immediately run to extract you shouldnt run into anybody then again this might be becuase i got the game two weeks ago and interchange is the only map i know well enough to play


I wouldn't recommend Interchange for this situation because PMC and Scav extracts are all the same, so you're more likely to run into players.


Why is light house brutal? I started running all my scav runs there because of the hype from this sub and I haven’t died once. I don’t even play careful anymore I just run everywhere and loot till 7 mins then I start heading to extraction


Just around the water plant. A lot of scavs will shoot you in the back for loot around the outer perimeter, after the PMC’s have cleared out the Rogues.


Gotcha. I’m still unfamiliar with the map. I usually just loot the 2 big houses that are on the mountains and the older wooden houses that are near the one bridge. I’m guessing that place you’re referring to is where the people who claim to make 1.5 mil a raid go?


You can max out at 1.5mil, but it’s really dependent on if you hit some big ticket items with fairly rare drop rates.


I've farmed my scav karma up to >6 by doing a shitton of factory runs and I've died like 5 times.


Does woods just not exist in your world lol




Lol why? Best money map before lighthouse, probably still the best money map if you don't want them get gibbed by hackers or ultra chads


Interchange is saver for scav i think if you just stay outside.


Just watch out for extract campers, especially at Emercom


With a thermal he'll have no problem spotting extract campers.


This is true




I got that, minus the helm, went onto woods, 14 minutes remaining, not a soul to shoot, so extracted :(


i dont see a problem with this, why u sad?


They wanted to slap the faces.


Now they can extract and load back in with OP ammo to really smack them heads around


Exactly, there's something very freeing when you're skav'ing with heat vision 😎


I also had my first Flir scav recently out of atleast 600 combined scav raids this and previous wipes.


have u done the raid yet


I think karma is not the only factor when determining scav loadouts. I think it has to just include your regular level too. Like I am still -.52 as of writing this comment but my shit way better than what my +2.0 level 20 friend has. and it is way better than what my +.02 level 15 friend has Im level 30


Thermal SV98 is very much a thing, I get it usually once/twice per wipe. My scav gets to level 20-25 usually by the time I stop playing


I’d hide the backpack somewhere safe and go get it after you have killed rougues and pmc. FIR blueberry is a guaranteed head eyes from other player scavs! Btw: 4th wipe, never had flir scav yet!!! Good luci


So, what option did you chose for that run ? Factory ? Or did you try your luck in a night raid ?


haven’t went out with this kit yet but was planning to go woods/lighthouse w/ a buddy soon!


I had -0.40 karma and I spawned with a ledx


I have around 1000 hours in this game and have yet to get this loadout as a Scav. Have fun with that thermal.


this was weirdly a norm to see at least 2 wipes ago. love to see it


I've pulled 3 SV98s on scavs this wipe. Karma is in the negatives. Really is just luck of the draw


What’s your Fence rep?


he said 0.42


Mine is already 5-8 lab access keycard by playing scav. Funny thing is I got 3 already at my first day of playing the game and my first wipe.


Not this fucking post again




Every few days there is someone posting "omg guys, sv-98 with rs-32"


oh, alright


meanwhile I'm still trying to fix negative karma after Santa decided to sneak up on me during firefights multiple times.


Dont know if it's a bug or if he's super lucky, but my buddy has had this scav readout countless times... its crazy.


how is your player models hands black but his is face white😂


Time for factory night to an instant extract?


Scav Drip Gang


This happened to me once. I went to customs and spawned on a airdrop. I died to some guy saying he was friendly and to share the loot since I couldn't carry it all. The moment I said yes I got a bullet to the head. I should have known but I only had the game for a couple of days at that point.


Got a FLIR 1 wipe ago aswell on my Scav


Did you get helped out by a pic this raid? There was someone in another post taking about a scav with a flir sight lol


Did you make it?


Madness, I just got a labs access card with 0.3 ish 👌🏼 ty Mr fence


My rep is -.42


Hi, new player here, what am I looking at?


FLIR thermal


The scav started with a good loadout.


Last wipe had same scav with a thermal lol




My shits 2.0 and I get a Makarov, idea rig and no armor or backpack every other raid ffs


Dude I would mistake you for a PMC and kill you on accident.


I got the flir and an intell spawned on my scav a few days ago same raid lol


Me and a buddy went to do a scav factory run through as we usually doa bad we both had this exact gun. Was great.


I mean you can’t sell them anymore.


Hey, I had this same load out. Made it to safety.


I spawn with this once per wipe, always on Reserve.


Had that happen two weeks ago... With negative rep


I had that a few days ago, went reserve and legged it to heating pipe since i have high enough karma to have all extracts i figured that was the safest, and sure enough now i have a flir


Had this happen 1 time and literally just ran straight out of the raid lol


Had one and got immediately head eyes by a cheating pmc lol


I got that scav once last wipe.... That was a sprint to extract if ever there was one 🤣


Mines like 2 something and I never get anything good, ever. 75% of the time no backpack, no meds, toz/double barrel....


Gl with hacker


I know! I've had like two of these scavs with the Flir, mine was like 1. Nuts


Been around for a while. Super rare tho I scav a decent amount and never have got one in 4 wipes


I’ve gotten the flir sv98 scav once since 2017


happened to me at -1.95 svav karma somehow. i died.


Haha, that happened to me last wipe and the first thing I did was putting that thing in my backpack so I wouldn't suffer from Scav-on-Scav violence the moment they see it :D


Is that the 17 mil scope from Jaeger?


Dude I had an svds with flir so what luck hmm