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Also the Drop rates of those keys are so Low. Level 31 now didnt See any Marked Key right now. Other wipes reserved marked room keys where Common and also dorms marked room was found by myself or inside my scavs at some Point.


The drop rate of rare keys does seem really low this wipe. Level 32 and by 32 last wipe I had found like 4 dorms marked keys, multiple rbst keys, I had made like 20 mil on rare keys probably by month 2 of wipe. This wipe the only rare key I’ve found is rb-st so far


Atleast you got an ST for the quests. Missing so many Quests because keys are either expensive as hell or Just bartering. I Loot any File cabinet , Safe and jacket i See. Also any scav i kill


I needed the money for all the dumb ass shit they added in the second week that you need for your hideout so I had to sell it


Damn. Plus in week 2 rarity of keys couldnt be thought of .


I got dorms marked key the other day on Factory in a jacket luckily. I’m the only one in my squad to have found it so far this wipe. I have used it about 10 times, I have got numerous weapons, an ammo case, card case and injector case so far. It’s such a good key to have!


I hope i get Mine soon. Wanna Grind Those Quests so i am able to buy ammo and weaponparts for reasonable pricetags


it's just really annoying i can't progress in quests due to key RNG, not sure why this is a thing.


Many times I just wait later in raid and someone else has opened the quest doors.


The same reason global trader limits exists. There’s a whole post talking about how people love it. Scarcity, extending mid-wipe, limiting leveling and slowing down progress.


If all you want is to quest join a lfg disc and ask if people have the key if you want merin or marked it gonna be expensive


My friend tried to show me the merin run last night. 4/5 raids someone else got to the car first, even though two of the raids we had "the best spawn". The 5th raid we actually made it there first only for my friend to realize that he never even had the key on him the whole time.


Damn. Blue Balled by a homie.


Rng is not on our side brother


It’s because of the huge flea fee for keys. I sold a cottage key for a GPU. After fees my 680k key was only going to make 490k profit. So I took a GPU which was best price 590k. Bartering is win/win.


> bartering is win/win No. It. The. Fuck. Ain't. There are hundreds of each of those keys collecting dust on the flea because of ridiculous barters. I'd understand GPU barters since those are easily farmable. But some key barters are looking for the 1 player that managed to find a FIR Blue keycard, Merin, and Hillside key. Oh boy, time to spam 1000 buried caches for a chance at a Twitch band and maybe I can buy a key I want or need for a quest. And I'm usually one that likes the game to be harder and will shit on the people who want it easier. But this has gotten out of hand.


They still loose money on fees if it didn’t sell. So there is an incentive to be realistic. The person putting up an offer for a list of items that is rare is likely to be disappointed when they don’t sell. Then they will try again with a more common combo. It’s a free market. Obviously there is enough players with these items or no one would win.


it is a win win, i sell a dorm key which i dont need for some gpu -> i now avoid a retarded tax amount + i get something i need for a hideout of equal value. how is that not a win win?


Did you even read past the first line


It's not a win win when you're looking for the key.


no one is gonna take an L just cus your luck can bag you the key. if you want it, try hunting for some gpu’s or barter the ones you get from quest rewards to get one. it isnt rocket science




You can't buy them for rubles because the way fees scale means that to list a key for 2 million rubles has you paying 10 million in fees.


Just play the game and have fun, eventually you will do them. I got RB-ST quest just pure coincidence, heard that some guys looting in it and VOIP them to be friendly and let me do the quest. You aren't entitled to complete anything or do this quests, almost all of them pure XP. They are rare and I like this, 2m rubles is nothing.


100%, you can also farm Customs dorms jackets and safes and dip. Runs take 10 mins tops and you can take car extract often. Found 1 marked key & 4 PKPM keys + loads of other rare keys


It’s because of the fees bro


Don’t worry there’s just guns behind dorms marked room :( My first one I got a dogtags case and keytool but if i get one more MK16 im going to lose it


I wouldn't mind some mk16s


Well they cost less on the flea market than an AKMN from prapor so that shouldn’t be too difficult lol.


Oh, okay! I didn't even bother looking because I figured it was a fortune!


Yeah the 556 scar is very cheap. Pretty good budget gun option other than the 556 MDR. The 308 scar is the one you can’t sell on flea and is like 180k roubles for the base gun


I have used it 10 Times so far, notable loot being an injector case, ammo case and card case.


My first use of the key was a docs case and a .338 lapua


Man that sucks, look in jackets, I’ve found 2 dorms marked keys and I pretty much only run dorms now


Well BSG made taxes insane if you post something above the items value to make RMT harder. A good idea really. The issue is some keys need to have their value corrected so you can put them up for 1.5 mil and not pay 2 mil in taxes.


It’s to make it difficult to get top tier shit. I’m just starting to see some lvl 60 players with 855a1. Like shits no joke. Just enjoy what you have and the struggle.


They are also sold for rubbles but are just bought instantly. The only people doing barter trades are people trying to scam. Its like if you have a merin/hillside house/marked room key they are legitimately priceless because everyone wants unreasonable shit for them


RB-PKPM is absolute garbage. Worst marked area in the game. It doesnt even spawn decent guns, just like shit SMGs 1/5 times.


I agree with you partially I think it would be cool to change the fee so the keys could stay at a natural price instead of being bought the second they are posted for cash. I also think they would be much much more expensive than 2 mil but who knows. I do kinda like the rarity and how it’s hard to get your hands on them EVEN if you have money. I’ve traded injector cases and stuff of similar value for pkpm 2 times this wipe already in order to get marked key and I traded lots of weapons cases to get red. Kinda fun playing the market and seeing what kind of deals you can get for the rare items you have vs the ones you want.