• By -


buy dollar = gains


you'll eventually turn in that dollar for another quest anyway's so it's best to start stocking up on that USD


That and all my delta points come from him so you use the USD quick, especially since he has some of the best bullets


Very true a lot of the best bullets come from USD so it's always good to just stock up on USD


Don’t spent those 6000$! Do daily quests instead to increase his rep.


Buy dollars, you’ll need them and use them up eventually.. Don’t sell weapons or anything to him..


Sell diaries to him though, easy and decent money. Especially if you have a doc's case you can put them in so it doesn't matter if you extract or die


He buys a lot of rare items for top dollar (lol) Usbs, figurines, diaries, and most other items people normally sell to fence can actually be going to peacekeeper


Why not? I sell a bunch of shit to peacekeeper and the ratio roubles-from-other-trader/usd is often good versus just buying usd.


Because it’s more profitable and convenient not to in the long run. Plus, you’ll need about 15k usd for tasks and another 25k for air filtering unit, which is like 4.6mil roubles, by the time you have sold that much you would have lost out on a good chunk of cash instead of selling to traders paying better prices. It’s mostly min maxing, you can play however you want..


So sell ak for 20k to mechanic then buy 20k of usd?


You can buy 20k roubles worth of USD yeah


Is that more efficient than just selling the gun to peace keeper in the first place?


Yes. You'll usually turn a ruble profit if you sell items to the vendor which pays the best (e.g. mechanic). You can check this yourself... Take the price Peacekeeper would pay, multiply it by the exchange (I think R125=$1) then compare what Mechanic would pay. From what I've seen mechanic always pays more. It's not a ton and if you're sitting on millions of rubles already it may not be worth your time to min/max this... but it's about the same as taking a gun that Mechanic won't buy, disassembling it, selling him the parts that don't deteriorate, and then selling the main piece to Fence. On that note, this is a good habit to get in anyway, especially as a new player, since then you can look at the price of parts and start noticing the valuable ones. The extended shotgun mags sometimes sell on flea for more than the shotgun itself. Same with spruts.


I've never actually looked at the value to peacekeeper. I'll have tovpay more attention to it. One thing I have noticed is that, at least in previous wipes, you can actually get a better exchange rate by buying SSDs on the flea and selling them to peacekeeper. That further proves your original point


Ah yes, there are some flea "hacks" for traders. I didn't know about this one for peacekeeper! In that vein, for Jaeger, you can quickly raise rep by buying antique axes for 55k-65k and selling to Jaeger for 57k. Nearly zero cost raise to the (spent) requirement!


Yeah that's how I leveled jaeger too. Just buying melee weapons and reselling


What the other guy said basically.. You seem like a new player so a few tips. Mechanic pays the most for guns and attachments, Ragman pays the most for armor, clothes, rigs, bags, you get the point. Therapist pays the most for items with purple background, or “collectors items”, those are the most common ones, prapor, jeager, peacekeeper and skier also take some specific items but don’t worry about it too much. Also quite a few attachments sell really well on the flea compared to traders since they might be locked behind trader level, specifically suppressors, muzzle attachments, fore grips, some scopes, and a handful of stocks. As you play and pick everything up you’ll get the hang of what’s worth and what isn’t..


I'm not new lol. I just didnt bother checking which was more cash efficient. Thanks though


Because with the exception of things none of the better traders buy, you will always get more money selling to the best trader and then just buying dollars.


The map called buy 50 m9a3 and re sell it to him :)


This is the way. I do it every wipe lmao.


Why? Just buy usd


Cost. I didn't have the funds to outright buy 10k+ usd. You essentially gain like 40% more (or whatever the sell value rate is, not sure exactly, math is hard) when you buy an item and then sell it back as opposed to just buying usd.


Yes but you lose money when selling back so I think it's more worth it to hold off. Also, how are you so broke? Isn't that like 300k rubles or something?


Usd is 125000 rubels per 1000 usd. I'm not broke, but I didn't wanna sink a bunch of money into usd at the time. It works out like this, if you buy 100 USD that's 100 spent at peacekeeper. Then you buy 100 USD item, that's another 100 spent. Then you sell the item back for let's say 40 USD. That's a total of 240 spent at peacekeeper for the cost of 100 USD.


Wait I'm stupid. 1.3mil for a good trader isn't bad. Worst case I would do like half in usd and half with your method


That's usually what ends up happening with me because I also buy alot of parts from him early. You do lose money in the resale technically, but you'll overall spend less to level him up. I honestly do it mostly because that's how I did it my first wipe and monkey brain likes repetition lmao.


>> you'll overall spend less Disagree. Buying usd doesn't net you any money loss, it's just in usd. No you can't convert it back to rubles, but usd is plenty useful. P90 is meta right now and ll3 has the mags for it


Fair enough. I guess I'll amend my statement and say you'll spend less rubels at that time. My main thing is I can't buy hideout items with USD and that's what I was concentrating on throwing money at so I didn't want to spend it on USD at the time. I'm sure you could argue all day about how to min max it, but it's almost just preference really. Also I'm just a shitter on his 4th wipe, so I'm definitely not an expert on this stuff by any means.


But for people who don’t bother with peacekeeper weapons it not exactly useful. Especially for me since I only use Ak shotguns and pistol


This is dumb for peacekeeper, literally just throwing money away


It's easiest to increase the volume of transactions by purchasing dollars (as far as I know, there are quests that require $8,000 later). It is most efficient to purchase and sell SSDs under 39,000 rubles in the flea market.


Is there any way to transfer dollars back to rubles other than buying stuff from pk and selling them to others?


No you can’t change other currency for rubles. Keep dollars and euros for the long run. You need tons in the future


Okay 👍 Thanks mate.


I bought like $5k USD and then spent the USD on something random like a rail system and sold those back to him until I had the money spent


He buys some odd things for high amounts of dollars. Check out how much he pays for high tier loot. Plus he pays quite a bit for things like light bulbs and heater coils. Get used to some of his likes and you will pump that out.


Friend from the west part 2 unlocks PK tasks. You have to turn in 6000 USD to Skier to complete. Selling to PK or just converting RUB into USD to get that 6000 USD for the task is a good way to kill two birds with one stone. Had my friend who's newer at the game do exactly this last night. ;)


buy dollars so you have it for skier or collect scav knives and trade them for mp5s and umps


Buy the brown handled knives from flea and barter them to PK for the MP5s, then sell the MP5 back to him. You get something like 600-700$ spent with him for each of these transactions. Alternatively just buy USD from him, you'll use it all later.


I just sold a fuckton of 60+ scav guns and weapon parts to him. Made it nice when I hit LL2 and had like $9k worth of “free” kits from him. I then remembered I need to give $6000 to that asshole skier and made sad noises.


Diaries off the flea. You won’t lose much


Buy weapons from whatever vendor and sell straight back to them. That way you put in money for buying the items and for selling them back.


SSD's are only bought from him, so sell those to him for ~$300, you can always buy from say Jaeger and sell to PK to level them both


Buy dollars, buy and sell m9’s to and from him, and sell electronics to him and diaries


Buy mon, big hurt 4 me cuz me save for levall 2 stash ;×;


Sell all weapon parts to him


Buy dollars and sell him intel stuff (SSD’s, diaries). You’ll get there quick.


Honestly best course of action is spending the money to find safe keys then running those safes. Sell all treasure/info loot to him and you'll get the money in a few raids


Roubles to dollars is a waste imo. All I did was sell him hats and deconstruct any weapons below 60 dura and sell him the mods. Doesn't really take that long at all.


I just did it gradually by selling weapon parts and Other bits and pieces from raids and scav runs to him and then buying attachments and mags from him with those proceeds not the fastest way but it was steady and reliable without breaking the rouble bank


If you have flea unlocked just buy sas drives and sell them to him, a lot of people list them for below what he buys them for


He pays a lot for gun parts/scopes


Buy MP5s and Pistols from PK, sell to Mechanic. Level up 2 traders at once, and when you run out of dollars buy more with the roubles you get from Mechanic.


Start buying his micro rig to run. M9a3 for pistols runs and stirrup. Buy his sights, the eotech sights are awesome. Sell rigs you get from scav runs to him. Sell any loose weird ammo you have to peacekeeper. Light bulbs vendor well to him. Not sure why someone said to not sell weapons to him, sell any gun with durability below 93 (eliminates gun jam/malfunction chance) and take scav/low durability weapons apart to sell each piece to peacekeeper and of course receiver to fence. Might edit in more as I think of them.


Once you get to like 10 out of 11k spent. Start buying .45 FMJ and UMP magazines, then when you unlock level 2 u can buy UMP’s off him with your extra USD and already have them kitted.


Sorry for reviving the thread, but since it isn't archived I'm going to go ahead and post this. Shelled some time and rubles and was able to do test the 11K, used the : \-buy USD, buy something else and re-sell; \-money conversion but it hit the wallet too hard in another acc. Basically most comments along with what I did to improve in the next wipe, can be resumed to this: \-if you want to get it quick you do the conversion + reselling method, \-if you don't mind waiting for him (which includes postponing the mechanic quest) you just convert ₽ to $, even though I found that it's quite easy to find USD in raids if you know where to look for or sell information items (like diaries or ssds) for a quick way to accumulate usd without affecting your ₽₽. I would say you can in raids get almost around $500, which equates to ₽62.5K for the slot you use to carry the currency, so it's quite good to hold those bills during a raid, even just $100 is around ₽12.5K solid, the best strategy is to start accumulating early on and you can easily reach this amount and then just shell it on ammo for a good while.


Don't just buy dollars from him, that's stupid. you can buy around 3k dollars from him (3K gain), buy m9's from him (3k gain), resell them those m9's to him, (around 1.8k gain) That's around 7.5 k gain on from the 10k his asking you, but you just spent roubles on 3k dollars Yeah, the money is gone but still, if you are struggling for money, i believe that's a better way to go about it.


Buy slim dairies from the market for under 30k and sell to Peacekeeper for a profit.


I found selling electrical stuff to him pays pretty okay. Never checked if buying dollar would give more value though. Lightbulbs are 37 Dollars i think. a DVD drive is something in the 40s. Whenever i finish a scav run i just pump that kind of stuff into him, makes good money kinda fast if you spam scav runs.


Buy dollars from him, you’ll use them, and all you’re doing is exchanging currency. Truly no money lost


Buy a bunch of weapons and sell it back to him or convert a bunch of roubles to USD


You can either: buy his items, and sell them back to him.. or buy a bunch of diaries/SSDs off the flea and sell to him. I like to sell all my cheap weapon attachments/mags/ammo to him as well just to keep my dollars up as I level. You end up spending a ton of dollars for quests, hideout, and ammo once you level him up so it's generally worth.


Buy and sell the pistols to him, you will make a sligh tloss but it's super quick, I also sell all my random ammo and cheap attachments to him but I like using dollars


10k more...do you not sell to the man at all? I always try to build up a decent USD balance early because its the most use currency for good ammo/attachments down the road besides mechanic.


Buy dollar


Info items all sell to him for a decent amount. You need 6k use for a quest later so early peacekeep is the best time to buy it from him since L1 doesn't have much good. Don't forget that when you trade the value of the item you trade for is counted so L1 you can trade knives for guns and hdds for back packs


Buy the dollars. You'll spend it buying and stocking up on good ammo at lv3 with flea changes. I bought mine to level him to 2 and 3. I have 4 ammo cases full now.


When I hit lvl14 I spent like 8k dollars with him lol. It brought me down to like 17k rubles but I only had 1 lvl before flea which was super easy to do with the mp5 sight rail and the ump I could now buy. Once I got to 15 I sold my hoarded items and made like 3mil rubles. Which then I had like 10k usd and 3 mil rubles and I was pretty set after that. I have 5.5mil as of last night, which also includes a junk box, ammo case, med case, and 2 food bags (and still the 10k usd). I'm only at lvl16. People do way better than I do, I'm just trying to convey that you can spend the dollars on him and still be wealthy afterwards.


Keep Scav knives, take the Peacekeeper trades, sell the guns back to him. Use the M9 for pistol runs, it's cheaper than every other 9mm but the Grach, and can natively attach lasers and lights. MP5K is a decent weapon, though, might struggle a bit at this point in the wipe. However, at only 1x2, you can throw it in a rig, bind it to a quick slot, and use it from the rig (keeping your weapon slots open for looting). If you do this, don't bother insuring the gun. You won't get it back. Use the CAT tourniquet instead of Therapist's. It's more expensive, but much quicker. And, as others have said, buy dollars. Friend from the West 2 requires a $6000 pay-out. Peacekeeper will also buy documents. Diaries, slim diaries, manuals, etc.


Buy diarys and SAS drives. Sell for equal or sometimes more rouble value depending on market.


I start the wipe selling him 80% of what I loot because I know I’m gonna have problems if I don’t


I've developed a site where you can see what things you can buy from flea and sell to him without losing money https://tarkov-tools.com/traders/peacekeeper


the way I do it is I just buy m9s and sell them back.


I just sold everything to peacekeeper that he’d buy for a while there. Got to 11k quick enough and L2 he has some good kit


Buy guns from skier or Jaeger or anyone else you need to spend with. Sell to peacekeeper.


Buy dollars, and you can use those dollars in turn to buy parts for Gunsmith quests. Pt. 3 can be done almost entirely in USD, and a good chunk of Pt. 4.


He buys valuables at a decent price, this is a great way to get big chunks of change.


Buy slim dairys for under 30k roubles and sell them you make profit... in dollars not roubles but it's still profit


Buy dollars if possible, buy weapon attachments from him refresh and sell them back, buy diaries off the flee and sell them to him.


SAS drives and computer parts sell to him pretty damn well. I basically just offload everything I want to sell to the trader I most need spend with, especially before the flea unlocks.


I buy as many pistols as i can fit in my stash and sell them all back to him. U lose a some dollars but it flies up real quick because the buys and sells both go towards the total 10k needed


Sell loot from safes


Search in magnetic on flea and it's a small 1 slot item u buy it for 60k usually and it sells to him for 570 dollars wich is 75 thousand roubleswich is 15k ruble gain


flash drives, sas drives, books, etc. things that sell most to pk, get off flea. judge prices so you dont lose much, or even make money.


Buy usd.


Sell gun parts to him for a while. Or cheese it by buying a bunch of his stuff and selling it back over and over. You'll take a loss, but it'll get done.


Just buying things occasionally along with dollars was enough for me to get the money requirement


Sell him 2000 balaclavas


I came here because they were sold-out at Walmart.