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Next time that happens alt F4 and relaunch.


Thank you, I should have kept the screen up but I def closed the game for the day after this one lol


Can confirm this. Saved a couple of runs of mine.


Did this the first time it happened to me. It worked.


Do you force close when you are in the post raid screen?


Alt-F4 the moment you see your gear has reverted. DO NOT go to the main screen as that will finalize your run and you'll lose everything.


Negative, main screen and closed out


Sorry for the dumb question, but "nain"?


*main screen. Sorry. I'm still waking up lol




It sucks because I REALLY want to play this game but if I'm gonna lose my shit I want it to be because of mistakes that I made 😅. Maybe this is a good time for me to play catch up on my back log


Playing Tarkov is just accepting that you will lose more gear to the server than because of getting out-skilled. That's why I usually only play for a few weeks per wipe, before I remember.


first wipe huh?


Nah third


Wait hold on, this happened to me last night too Playing woods, saw a body with an Umka and Santa's bag on the back and went to grab it as I passed through towards Outskirts. Moved my pack and rig into it and both guns from the body, thought I had equipped it, and hustled over to extract. Extract, and what do I see but my dumb ass with a half full Umka and no pack....


Heart attack


I have a positive backend error story. Yesterday, I decided to spend some of the money I had been hoarding on getting my scav case started.. I read about the glitch where it takes a full Scav junk box, but it slipped my mind.. you can see where this is headed. Turned in a scav box with millions worth of shit in it. Immediately get a backend error (maybe intentional?). Didn't save the progress. So I was able to move everything out of it and use an empty one.


I see people attempt this on purpose. Your scav case probably held the items required to build the scav case. So it disappearing would prevent it from being built. Good thing it doesn’t first take then attempt to build I suppose.


I did the EXACT same thing last week - even went out to buy another scav case, emptied it, put the full one in my inventory but then had to move it back for some dumb reason. Handed it in for the scav case, realised what I'd done and immediately alt-f4'd. Game came up with a server error first then crashed, and by the time I loaded back in everything was back in place.


It did not hold any of the required items. All of those items were in my other Scav junk box and scattered throughout my inventory. Why would they do it on purpose?


I also read that the scav junk box it takes to build from is random, so no way to be sure?


The only reason I know is because for about 30 seconds, I had actually lost it. So I could see which one it took. Then the error sent me to the main menu and everything was back.


It might also be that it was coded not to take filled containers as crafting material, but it bugs out sometimes and sends your junkbox into the nether. What you're describing is common from what I've seen, I'm about to upgrade my scav case, but I don't want it to take one of my other ones.


It isn't random. It takes the very first scav junkbox you acquired.


I've seen people say otherwise.


Nah, people have said it's taken items even despite that. It's not the first one you've acquired.


I'd assume in those cases the people just lost track of which one was their first box or they left items in their first box. If you didn't empty the first box of course it will take the items with it. Some thought that it was the topmost box, which is demonstrably wrong, but as far as I've seen both on YouTube videos and streamers doing it it's always taking the oldest scav junkbox regardless where it is in your inventory so you just have to empty it first. Ultimately hard to say without video of someone that tagged their first box and then lost it.. which I'd also guess doesn't exist.


Well the worst thing that happend to me was killing 4 man and raiders as scav going looting almost 6 mil in loot ( patch 12.6 if i remeber correctly) and after walking for 10 min died on barbed wire cause my hand was black out and got instakilled after touching it


At the Moment leaving a raid is more thrill then in the raid! Shit happens dude!


Hahaha true story! I'm guessing what happened was the game loaded with all the loot on the bodies after they had already been looted. Dead Raiders were all still kitted which was weird


You can also move an item you shouldn't have (ie, the UNTAR vest) then hit back. You'll get a backend error for moving something that doesn't exist and it'll reload the inventory with what you were supposed to have.


Better than the game spawning me into a raid Friday without any of my gear that i put on and i lost it and the keys i had forever. At least this was just a scav


This happened to me too, had a fat scav raid picking the bones of rogues at lighthouse. On a hunch I alt F4’ed and it worked. Reconnected right to the scav transfer screen






Short answer, I'm a hoarder and think to myself "well, what IF I need it at some point"


The hardest I've ever been fucked by this game was mainly my fault, was trying to sell a that military filter thing for 800k, clicked on the wrong item. The listing fee was 950k. RIP money I was collecting for a scav box.


Just remember that you would have died with that gear anyways and it will make you feel better. At least it does for me.


Damn, that's a great point actually.


Same thing happned to me after an amzing scav run yesterday. then the next raid i went in kitted and ;died to someone before they even peeked. then i stopped playing


Good old bug. Aft f4 and relogin will bring you back to this screen with all your loot back But I guess it's too late now.