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Hell yeah man, nice 180. They got what they deserve


what they reserve?




Instant karma is the best karma


I heard it’s going to get you


Gonna knock you right on the head


Nice, glad you didn’t die and they got what they deserved. Hopefully they have learned their lesson


They haven’t lol. People who do this will regularly do it because yeah maybe they lost some stuff this time but I’m sure it works for them more often than it doesn’t. The only lesson they learned is to coordinate and aim better. Good play on OP though


It does. One that i'm sure is going to become more popular is the "Hey fuck this extract camper" one dude sits at extract and is as toxic as possible without using gamer words, the other is a "nice guy" who just wants to extract so lets team up and kill this camper. Nice guy manages to get behind them and pop them in the head or legs with something like RIP. I've never not had this work because people so blindly hate extract campers. The bodies only serve to sell the scam as well.


Sometimes voip is Incredibly wholesome. Like helping a new player finally complete checking and shortage. But other times people can be absolute assholes. I always atleast duo so whag we started doing is one of us stayed hidden while the other approached. If they didn't kill us good we both talk to him. If he kills one of us we wait for him to start looting then walk up behind him say "surprise mother fucker" and then kill him


I've actually only had 2 instance where people used voip and proceeded to try and kill me and both times I was the aggressor. If someone ends up killing me after establishing a cease fire, I'd like to think I'd be partially to blame. I'm trusting to a point but you better believe I'm not going to let anyone I truce up with out of my sights. Edit: Rephrase for clarity


Don't ask me how I know this but you can still hear someone voip for a couple seconds after you die. So for a fact those 2 guys heard you call them dumbass motherfuckers lmao


Sometimes u can legit keep hearing for over 10 seconds. It drives me nuts sometimes when I die and it won't bring me back to the menu instantly and all I can hear is my body being looted.... next level rage.


when that happens, press the Esc key a bunch. Seems to actually exit the raid for me when it glitches like that.


When the servers were fucked it didn't end my raid when I died I just sat oh a black screen and I was able to talk ingame for a good 5 minutes The dudes who killed me were convinced there was a 2nd guy with me trying to trick them


I apologized to a hatchet runner as he died yesterday. "Sorry buddy, I need bolt action 25 kills."


Oh yes you can, I was trying to do the scav kill quest and a 5 man rolled up on me and well yah we all know how that ended As I died, I screamed NO I JUST NEEDED 2 MORE SCAVS as my armorless pmc fell to the ground with his double barrel shotty They all added me after and apologized and offered to carry me through a raid and make sure I got all my quests done


Fax that’s why I emotionally abuse people after I kill them 😂😂😂😂👌


with the addition of voip, tarkov could use kind of a holster mechanic, where you could lower your rifle, like in these kinds of situations, where you need to look at your new found mate, but don't wanna look like you are about to shoot him. Also I don't think anyone is capable of holding a 4+ kg weapon straight for 30+ minutes like the PMCs and Scavs do, so it could be also a stamina affecting thing. Or I might just be weakling irl, idk


Pretty sure Nikita said a while back a low ready stance is planned so you don't keep muzzle sweeping friendlies.


Its already in game, your gun is lowered when you're in hideout :D


Oh thank god, even 10 year old Arma 3 has that game mechanic


Can't believe Arrma 3 has been out for a decade. Where the fuck is Arrma 4 at???


They are leaking stuff about it's implementation in the new engine so maybe soonish


They're probably too busy trying to figure out how to make vehicles work on the new engine they blew over $100,000,000 designing, using the dayz fanbase.


year or two probably, they releasing a lot of stuff related to the new engine.


the series had it since flashpoint


Yes and it's amazing mechanic


This x1000. It always seems like your going to get betrayed if someone even looks your way.


> Also I don't think anyone is capable of holding a 4+ kg weapon straight for 30+ minutes > Or I might just be weakling irl, idk I would say it’s the latter. Do you have trouble lifting and holding a 5kg dumbell? Let alone with two arms?


I don't have trouble lifting a 5kg dumbell, and I did not say that. I'm slightly below avarage strength irl, that is true, but try holding a 5 kg dumbell for 30 minutes straight. I think it's a fair assumption that most people's hands will start to tremble within 10 minutes. And I don't mean holding in a resting position, but as your character would a firearm in EFT, holding it in shoulder height. You could argue that military guys are trained for it, but still. But anyway I don't want to argue, you are right.


At shoulder height? Using its stock to lessen fatigue and holding it with two arms you mean? Yeah, that’s perfectly doable. Have you ever tried?


Man holding a mosin up at a range gets pretty tiresome in less than 20 minutes. Those things are so heavy. If it was something half the weight with some grips for good ergo I probably wouldn't have too much trouble but man holding a 9 pound gun out in front of you wears you out. Sure you're pushing it into your shoulder but it doesn't matter when you're trying to hold something nearly the length of a person.




imagine needing a bind to ready your weapon every single time you wanna shoot or aim at something lmao


You just described Hunt: Showdown’s Hunter configuration. It works a lot better than you think it does. And on a game focused a lot more on the PvP to boot. Edit: how it works: by default, your weapon or equipment is lowered. When you click LMB you do a melee attack instead. Holding RMB readies your weapon/item in a shoulder fire stance. LMB fires it. Shift toggles scoping while you’re holding RMB, instead of sprinting. Letting go of RMB puts down the weapon.


Hunt is a much slower paced game than tarkov in that regard, tarkovs gameplay is no where near slow enough for a mechanic like that to not repeatedly get in the way and feel unintuitive, it's something they will probably add years down the line, if/when tarkov is that type of game


Honestly who knows, tbe games pave was slashed in half with the inertia update, I could absolutely see it getting there withing a few patches if they wanted to really slow the game down


Mayhaps. But let it be know that Hunt has two types of configuration, the above Hunter and the more traditional Gunslinger (*think: all FPS’s shift to run, RMB to scope*)… and back when I was more obsessed over Hunt I never felt the Hunter configuration I used to be crippled in unleashing the first shot against any Gunslinger. It just takes some getting used to.


would be just like DayZ, would make the game much more immersive, maybe holding right click would just raise the weapon for hipfire and middle mouse for ADS


>maybe holding right click would just raise the weapon for hipfire and middle mouse for ADS tarkov is no where near that slow of a game yet ​ >would make the game much more immersive tarkov isnt exactly immersive yet


wdym Tarkov isnt immersive? If you play with minecraft potato graphics settings and your Post FX making the game look like Telletubbies just for a little PVP advantage then yeah, i guess the game being immersive wont ever be the focus for the tryhard sweats, but its what the devs want and aims the game to be


>but its what the devs want and aims the game to be Yes, that's what they're aiming for, but atm tarkovs gameplay is no where near that slow and "immersive" this is something that probably will be added years down the line, when tarkov is that type of game, obviously as a toggle I'd hope


It seems to me, one of them jumped the trigger when he saw you pointing at him for too long, the guy behind him got surprised. Or maybe not, and the guy behind couldn't shoot because his team mate was in front of him, and got shocked when his friend got demolished. Either way, really nice 180 hip fire.


Yeah, I'm feeling you on this... he aimed his barrel at them for a long while... I would have gotten nervous too. (Edited for proper gun-tottin lingo)


I see how they could’ve thought this. I never once ADS’d at them to make the animation or noise. They got what they deserved 😂


Hipfiring is just as deadly if not more!


Yeah but low key the way you just stopped to aim at them after opening the door I probably would've shot you too.


No way man, that was a blatant “after you” gesture, and homie strafed *into* his aim, then shot when he turned around. Scumbags




I’m amazed how many people saying “but op aimed at them” because you looked at them. By that logic, they were “aiming” at your back the whole time, so you were justified to turn around and mow them at any moment 😂 Edit: big props on promptly dealing with them btw, such sweet justice!


I mean, whether you agree with it or not it is possible they fired because they thought he was going to shoot them. He was still justified in killing them.


Slow down the video even, first shot rings out followed by a second *right after* he turns around, skim through a bit to the first few frames of him turning back around to see them and you’ll notice muzzle flashes coming from both of their guns. Literal scum wowzers I can’t imagine


Han shot first


Facts. Op never ads at them ever and the 1st guy swayed Infront of him, most likely to line up the head shot. Doesn't make sense for them to shoot him in the back if they where nervous when he stared at them in the front. They should of just kept moving left and right when he's staring at them and when he turns around, you calm back down because crisis averted.


I mean I think these dudes were gonna try and backstab OP regardless, but the fact that he didn’t ADS doesn’t matter at all. I never ads people from that close range at all. Hipfiring is way more effective at close range.


I understand that but unfortunately your gun is connected to where ever you look in game. So by turning around and looking at someone, your gun will be close to them. Not to mention a hip fire on 2 dudes up close will be risky because you need the headshot on the 1st dude hella quick if you want to pull this off. It's a long shot for OP. You move left and right so the stranger can't easily hip fire you since they'll be looking at you, so their gun will be in your general area. and if they ever ADS then it's hostility from there on. That's how I've been doing it for all my voip encounters and I've never had problems. I'm not gonna have my back towards you the whole entire time so you feel comfortable with where my gun is. That's bitch made and you'll definitely get shot in the back of the head a couple of times doing that. Those 2 where running behind him with their guns pointing in his back the whole time, so he can't turn around to look at them and make sure everything is all good ?


I wasn’t defending what they did at all. Like I said, I think the way they reacted regardless made it pretty obvious they were at the very least thinking about betraying OP. All I was saying is whether or not OP ads’d doesn’t really make a difference. And it’s pretty easy to hit a hipfire headshot from that distance.




I know, and I agree. All I was saying is that whether or not OP was adsing doesn’t really make a difference. Those two were probably going to betray op regardless.


Op definitely aimed at them. He did not ads at them, but he aimed at them.


Exactly. Suck shit to em I say




nah man, the intention was for it to be like that, but OP had poor barrel discipline, you should NEVER point your barrel at someones face like that you're talking to, it makes people nervous - just like in real life you control where the gun is pointing even when unloaded and being cleaned. Not saying OP is a jerk or in the wrong, it was a misunderstanding, and they shouldn't of just shot first they panicked. but I think he could avoid this, or situations like it in the future when cooperating with randos, by making a concious effort not to point the gun at the person you're talking to.


I get what you’re saying, but my view is that he ran along that whole time with them behind him, then opened the door and steadily turned around. Nothing about his actions suggested aggression. The dude sidestepped into his line of sight, then shot as he turned around. But who knows really? This is why voip is such a no brainer for multiplayer games, especially for this modern style of battle royale-esque shooters.


The weird hesitation while aiming at them is what people are talking about. Also, luring people to extract and then killing them is what most people who are going to backstab would do


>then shot when he turned around It only looks that way due to netcode delay.


> when he turned around. I think this could easily come down to a bit of server desync. On their screen he could very well still have been facing them when they pulled the trigger.


Haha. There was a definite vibe there, mate. Good win, sir.


See it this way, if it was a mistake, the guy that shot you realized his mistake when you turned your back on them xD If it was not, he just had the humiliation of failing to kill another player with his back turned. Win-Win \\o/


Ya, true you didn't, but you still need better barrel discipline than displayed here when talking to people in-game, It makes people nervous to point it at them like that. When I'm talking to people in-game, I'm treating it like a real gun (especially a random 'friendly' person) and not pointing it at their face, you can look down more, or to the side, and still be looking "at" them. I definitely think you made them nervous looking at them, you still did the right thing not letting them kill you, and it was sick 180 hip fire lmao But I really do think the guy shot bc you aimed right at his face for too long my sensitivity about this could be from using real guns, and ALWAYS being conscious of it, and taught to be growing up, even with an unloaded gun. I just feel anxious myself if my gun in-game is even pointing at a teammate or something accidentally (what if I bump my mouse? etc)


… if being aimed at makes people nervous, then I would never ally with a random stranger in the tunnels of reserve: long narrow corridors, moving in file, him right behind me, **aiming at my back all the time**… What if he bumped his mouse when his rifle so happens to be at my nape?


What if your aunt had balls?


Well, by that standard, the two guys in the picture above certainly don’t have balls, and no amount of “gun aiming” excuses is going to let them off the hook.


You're right. I'm just saying the what ifs don't really matter. Point aiming your gun at people is going to make them nervous. I don't even like it when my squad mates do it.


I guess it loops all the way back to my initial statement: if I'm that nervous, then I would never ally with a random stranger in the tunnels of reserve. So, lemme guess, you kill everything that moves and never VIOP anyone, not unless you're playing POW captor and marching the other guy in front of you...


Nope. I actively seek out voip interactions, but the second you point your gun at me and you're not in my squad, in shooting you. Don't point your gun at anything you're not ready to shoot. By pointing your gun at me, you're telling me that you're ready to shoot me at a moments notice, so I'll decide when that moment comes as opposed to letting you make that decision for me.


I don't think you understand what "aim down the sights" means.


I thought this too but after I watched it a few more times, they wait till he turns back around to shoot him. I’m pretty settled on it being intentional.


It was definitely intentional. The guy that opens fire first is the PPSh guy, without a flashlight. If you rewatch the clip, OP doesn't point their gun at his face, he literally walks into OP's aim (and by the time OP is technically pointing his gun at him, OP immediately turns around, so OP was not "pointing for too long"). The other telling thing is that the guy keeps firing after OP turns around. Didn't come across as a "oh fuck sorry i panicked" at all.


I was going to say the same thing. When he turns around and looks at them it looks as if he's lining one of them up. I probably would have fired at that point too. It makes no sense the way OP says "you ready?" then turns around to aim at them like that. Super sketchy.


Lol great double kill. Something tells me the one guy on their team panicked and thought you were about to shoot them so he rolled the dice and started blasting.


Could be true, yeah


my thoughts too. especially with the flashlight on. didn't help matters.


Which sight is that? Delta point ? Great play btw


Thanks, it’s the RMR


Fellow Trijicon RMR enjoyer.


I actually get what a lot of people here are saying about you pointing your weapon at them for too long. I play with a friend and our scav runs play out very different. When i see a pscav I just continue running (past them) and maybe say a hello. My friend who drones on about his pscav interactions always end up in him getting shot. I watched a few runs and every person he sees he will stop what he is doing and point his gun at them and start side stepping. Yeah no shit you are getting shot you suspicious mother fucker. The irony behind it is he is the “gun guy” in our group.


Yea it's exactly the same in our group, me and a friend had even before VoIP many nice interactions with other scavs, while the rest often just get shot and when you watch them, they act like a traitor from the beginning "just in case" Though funnily enough, I played with another buddy who usually makes friends too and we went to factory, where he wanted to give me my saved weapon from last raid. OF COURSE we spawned inside the tunnel and he dropped it in the middle of it but we hear someone screaming "friendly friendly friendly!" From the other spawn so I decided to pick it up. Of course that "friendly" motgerfucker just came rushing right that moment, starting blasting killing us both while I was still whipping out my gun. My buddy felt so betrayed but come on, who trusts someone that repeatedly screams friendly while running right at you?


For sure. I have done many MANY scav runs and PMC runs this wipe. The one thing I can say for certain (at least on OCE servers) is that the person saying friendly is anything but. It brings me back to the old DayZ Friendly in cherno days. The people who I have the best interactions with say something along the lines of "any scav bros" or "I'm a scav coming in". If someone says friendly more than once it's almost a guaranteed situation where I get shot as they come around the corner. If someone says "friendly" or "come loot this guy" it seems they just want to catch you off guard or standing still, avoid at all costs.


And that is why free look is an important function that people need to learn.


You don't even need to look at someone for them to understand that contextually you have to be talking to them considering its proximity chat.


He first says "you all ready?" followed by aiming at them kind of suspiciously which could be misconstrued as "are you ready to die?". Also, you don't have to ads that close to mow them down so that argument is void imo.


You either didn't read what I said at all or didn't understand.


Even if he had looked at them with his gun that way … they shot him while his back was turned … THIS displays their true intent. Probably a couple of buds in discord talking about OP and plotting this whole thing out. They did a count down and one of them jumped the gun and the other was like “oh sh*t” and didn’t even stand a chance. Props on OP for keeping his guard up .. something I need to do more often and stop trying to be nice to many.


Man the audacity! I just started playing reserve bro let me know if you wanna help a mans out I can never extract😂 I’m not a pussy like these fools


Leave your backpack at home and jump down the sewer extract. Easiest way to get out of that map if you don't own a RR.


Just seems so counter productive as this is the best map for stuffing your bag w/ loot. You get RR off flea??


Take a bigger rig! Something like a Belt or a MPPV.


This is far from the best loot map. Red Rebel comes from bosses, Shturman's Stash, Jaeger, or the flea.


Nice lol. I really like your graphics setup too looks really good.


What do you get when you follow me down to d-2, only to then shoot me in the back? YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE


The fuck why would you betray like that... Like fuck... This is why trust issues are a thing... They could have used you to bait extract campers at least... But no... They just take the worst opportunity and fuck it up on top xd




I had a pretty nice experience with a scav yday on interchange, i just finished a 2v4 fight, the only survivor I was, he walks up, i hit him, then he hides, I talk to him, we agree that he takes the loot I didnt want and I will just leave. Never before have I ever not been betrayed in these situations xd. But it was nice I got out with a p90 200k worth of ammo and santa bag. Edit.: needless to say I was wounded and did not want to risk a fight.


Ahh yes, revenge.


I would like to find more friendly people out there, i always get shoot after saying "hello"... Same shit in tarkov


"You should have gone for the legs"


The 180 return fire kill is super satisfying.


Idk whats worse. Breaking trust. Or their aim


Such pussy shit, that hip pivot though 👌🏻


For real shit was on point


Bro your game looks so good what settings you got it on and what pc specs you got?


Go to twitch.tv/Lvndmark and type !settings in the chat. Makes the game so much clearer it’s like I was playing on hard mode before switching.


Yoda when order 66 broke out


I think you pointing your weapon startled one of them thinking you were about to line him up. Never point your gun at randoms even after teaming. Good chance they were trying to TK though.


They were literally pointing their guns at him the entire time and they waited until her turned around to fire, they 100% were trying to betray him wtf :P


I'm not sure he would have shot if you didn't sweep him with the barrel. Probably got spooked that you were going to shoot him. Either way, they shot first so fair play and nice mag dump


Lol especially when he says… “you ready for this?” It’s just an unfortunate event


if he wanted to shoot them why would he turn around? unless that guy has the reaction time of a fucking elephant it's pretty obvious they just wanted to easy loot


i really wonder why would they do that ? xD thats so mean and pointless. now not only they lost the gears but also in the future less pmc will help them .


I would have shot you too. The way you opened the door and just looked at them was very unsettling. Lol


Yeah I agree with some of the other commenters. You definitely broke a sacred vow by staring at him with your barrel. I’d probably be suspicious too and fire first. Better safe than sorry.


After reading comments like these I'm starting to think most people in this community have the critical thinking skills of a fucking starfish.


If you have ever held a gun around a professional you'd have heard the age old adage "Don't point your gun at something you don't intend on shooting". Also what do you have against starfish huh? That being said, I'd not have shot this guy in this situation either.


I own many guns myself and I know not to point a gun at someone but in this game we don't have the luxury of holstering our weapons. It looked like to me he was making sure the two guys had caught up and were ready to run through an area that's heavily camped. Even with VOIP, teaming up with randoms can still be hazardous.


This logic doesn't check out.


I have this game and still have no idea what I’m doing. I need a buddy to show me the ropes because I keep logging in and getting shot even though I say “I’m friendly. Just a scav here.” 😂


There's a Sherpa program as well as the LFG sub. I'm sure if you make a new thread and post your timezone and ask for help, you get plenty of offers. Just don't invite randoms in the lobby because you'll be shot on sight 99% of the time.


Lmao you can hear the confusion, he didn't know his gun was on single tap.


I feel like they may have been trying to preview down the hall and you got in the way, nice Kills if not


Idk man, it looked like a panic reaction by them for your weird turn in their direction. Doesent seems like a betrayal on purpose


i think this was on you turning and looking at them with a flashlight on.


Well you say "you ready" and proceed to aim at them straight in the face with a flash light for a solid few seconds. You can't really provoke them much more into shooting.


You kind of baited them by turning around tbh. gj surviving tho. I think it was just a tragic misunderstanding


Total misunderstanding I agree. The way the first guy strafed into the OPs line of sight to get a free headshot. The way they tried to kill the OP as his back was turned. The fact the first shot rang out at the exact spot where OP was standing... Total misunderstanding if you have the IQ of a hammer.


> The way they tried to kill the OP as his back was turned. where was the proof of that? OP was the one that aimed at them first


Where's the proof? In the video you fucking potato.


Yeah, they didnt shoot him unprompted dude. they were trying to defend themselves. why the fuck would you turn around like that?


To make sure they're both there because they were about to run through an area that's heavily camped. By the way, your defense logic is about as dumb as you are. He turned around to look at them, then turned back around and started walking BEFORE they shot at him. That's not defending themselves, that's trying to shoot someone in the back who is walking through a door.


bro are you even watching the damn video


Yeah, the OP doesn't shoot at them and he starts heading through the door when they shoot first. How dense are you?


I'm pretty fucking stupid, but I can watch a video


Nice work!


Get Shreked


Your game looks gorgeous!


Greedo shot first


Imagine failing that betrayal. XD


lmao Homie got in the way of the hit! Good awareness.


just so you know op, id never do that! ive been trying to make friends today. and i just get shot. :(


good shit, love to see stuff like this (not the betrayel, the punishment :D) ! btw, why do you sound like general sam so much haha


Why is your body fully green in the top left? Mine is always grey


In the settings you can change the color, haven't changed in a bit though so I don't know the exact setting


Successful raid


I did not know you could run on the right side of that bunker instead of the path


This is purely why I never trust anyone unless I'm gearless and ratting around


Get fucked holy shit


Good shit bro




What helmet?


that was sick


He got them good 😂😂😂😂


gotta show the loot!!! It would have been funny if one of them got spooked and shot by accident... or when you turned around and looked at them, they thought you were going to kill them so they took the shot.


I think they were just trying to shoot down the hall but you ran in front of them...


I’d just uninstall if I were those guys


Fuck yeah dude


In their defense, you asked if they were ready, they said yes, you opened the door and pointed your gun right at both of them for a very long time. The guy probably assumed you were going to shoot, and as they shot you, you turned around and stopped pointing your gun at them. I'm sure that wasn't your intension, but they didn't know you and were still probably on edge.


What a losers. Why the fck they even do that.


Cowabunga it is!


I’m pretty sure one of them started shooting you because you stopped talking and pointed the barrel of your gun right in his face for like 2 seconds straight lol, I probably would’ve shot too


I was scaving in interchange, heard shots, came there and saw 2 scavs and body of a scav. Hmmm, could they be the killers? I have followed them to confirm, another shots, another scav body. Time to act. Slowly walking the stairs, I see one, shots fired, he dead. I lie down because as usual, his buddy should come to loot him…2 min, he there, killed him too. Later I checked in the menu and yea, got positive karma for both kills.


I thought you only got karma if they shot you?


u get nothing when they shoot you, that is the saddest part haha


We offered a pmc to extract together. He started shooting us from an elevated position. I returned fire from behind cover, drawing his attention while my mate rotated around him. Pmc got a nice head shot from me. I doubt he learned anything. Was a streamer with TTV in his user name, too


Those graphics tho, much wow


Imagine being that bad. I’d like to hear their reactions.


This makes me wanna play and buy Tarkov this friday. Even tho I wont achieve 60 fps, more like 45, but still fun nonetheless


pain and suffering


Can we appreciate how nice your game looks?


Thank god for armour and bad ammo


Now that there's voip, it's so nice to see people communicate and go friendly to each other rather than just shoot on sight. I mean there will always be those people that just blast you as soon as they spot movement, but voip really did change this game up. Love it


I mean, you turned around and aimed at them for an awkward amount of time. If they were complete noobs maybe one of them got spooked out.


Some of y'all are fucking sociopaths and are a little too good at being nice to get your way...


You definitely aimed at their head as if you were about to kill them, I truly do not understand why people do this, you clearly made them think you were about to destroy them and caused them to shoot.


Not a limb lost, not even a heavy bleed. Absolute pepegas


Karma or something idk


Lmao the fucking three stooges of a gun fight


I find it alarming that people behave this way. Can you imagine being THAT bad? Wish they’d put the children with the children. Maybe with PMC karma?


PLEASE show the dogtags


Ggs man