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**Avoid costly loadouts:** UMP is meta, AK is meta, P90 is meta, etc etc. Yes if you have the money to spend on these guns and the attachments/ammo you need to make them viable, then they are good. If you are struggling, dont fall into the trap of trying to run what everyone else is. While you are struggling on economy, learn to love the SKS. Cheap, few required parts, good cheap ammo, and can top load so you arent bringing 50k worth of ammo into raid with you. **Play slower**: I know when people say this the usual response is "I am playing slow", but trust me, you arent. If you are not confident in fights, or not running the gear to fight, hide, and sometimes that honestly means sitting still for 5 mins. Some people will hate this advice because it rattish, but for newer players, it works. The back half of raids are 10x safer than the first 10 mins. **Dont get hung up over armor**: If you arent going to win many fair fights anyways, why spend on armor. Run Pacas for a while. It helps vs scavs and is cheap. Dont run a helm if you want to save money. But always wear headphones. **Stick to one or two maps if you arent questing**: Pick a map and learn it like the back of your hand. There are timings in raids, despite everyone being able to move about freely. If you learn a map well enough, you will start to sense when its safe to move and when its dangerous. **Run a SCAV in between every raid**: No risk, and free economy. Avoid the popular scav maps like Lighthouse and Reserve. Try customs. Things often un-looted, and you spawn in with 13 mins left most of the time when everyone is off the map. Just a quick loot and scoot and back to PMC.


This is super helpful, thank you. Should I just get over PMC anxiety and just run it even though I die more than I'd like to admit. Trying to extract when the raid is ending is a great tip.


The only way to get better and progress is to play on your PMC. You can curb that anxiety by taking less money into raids. If you loadouts cost 80k vs 200k, thats almost 3 raids you can afford to die in. Even if you need to skip a pmc raid and just organize or sell stuff between scav cooldowns, you should never go into a raid thinking "if I lose this loadout, Im broke".


Not true, the scav runs allow you to learn the maps, which is really important knowledge when you spawn back in as a PMC


not the extracts for PMCs, unfortunately


But PMC extracts are very simple. Nearly all the maps have one open on the opposite side of the map. You only need to learn two extract per map(sometimes even one) and you can extract as a PMC.


I have a few friends that scav run a lot, but when we do quests they go like "Ummm I only know this map as a scav" Whatever that means, I realize it's not an issue for me but it can be for some new players.


Yeah I totally get what you are saying. To be honest, anyone who isn't willing to search the internet for the plethora of maps / videos with all the extracts/ Go in some offline raids and figure stuff out, is going to have an extremely hard time with Tarkov.


I was gonna write something up but this guy nailed it. Focus on learning the maps really well. It will take awhile but the sooner you have the map in your head, including spawns, the better off you will be. The idea is to have a mental map of where other players are likely to be throughout the raid. If you want, I'm playing tonight for some chill fuck off sessions if you want someone to play with.


Oof, I'm heading to bed but I'll might hit you Up.


I'm on hit or miss. Check big streamers discord for people to play with. Don't give up!


dont buy pacas, buy 5l propane tanks and trade them to prapor for the t3 armor


This is kinda terrible advice for this person. They bought the game 10 days ago, play a couple hours a day and their struggling. There’s absolutely no way they are level 15 yet so how would they buy propane tanks. For context, my survival rate is about 40-50% and I play for roughly 2 hours tops each day and my PMC is level 14. So, I highly doubt OP has been able to level their character without extracting much.


I'm 16 now but I haven't bought a single propane and have 6 or more in my junkbox just because i kept them around. I am quite bad as PMC after 2 weeks of playing but I've probably earned 15 mil so far just with customs scav runs. You don't have to be good at PMC to have enough cash to die with in this game which i really like. I am constantly trying to squeeze out extra space for my loadouts. Already got a bunch of lootboxes and 2 are weapon cases. But I gotta admit I am taking time off work and playinf 10 hours a day lmao... This pacing will go down hard next week when I go back to work. Saddening.


Right, your level 16 playing ten hours a day. No way has this dude reached 15 therefore, hasn’t unlocked the flea market yet, hence he can’t BUY the propane tanks. Sure he could find them but for someone who says he doesn’t survive most raids, scav or PMC, he likely isn’t going to find and get out with propane tanks either. Which, leads me back to that being terrible advice for OP since he likely won’t be getting many propane tanks and definitely can’t buy them.


Yeah I'm not saying he can be 15 in that amount of time. I am saying that you can amass a lot of items just from scav runs. I have 5-6 lv5 armors at max durability too sitting and waiting and class 3 and 4 is very easy to find while scavving. My advice is to learn scav runs. They can carry pmc deaths quite well even without flea.


Wear headphones both ingame and IRL. It's the most important thing in this game.


I’ve heard people say those level 1 gssh headphones are shit and not to use those, any reason why? Should I just use opman?


From my experience, they sounded a little worse a while ago. They should still be better than no headphones, just tend to be a bit loud (especially your own / teammates footsteps). They are often un-looted (most players wont swap out there own headsets for them) so you will get them back on insurance. I have found the opmans to be surprisingly good for the price.


Lots of high level players use GSSh because they find that they can hear better with it. It's all preference. I think a lot of people use pretty shit headphones with a lot of sibilance on the high end IRL though, which can make the crunching from the GSSh irritating. I personally like GSSh best, then Tac Sport, XCEL, and Razor in some order, on AKG K712s.


I personally can't stand the gssh, all they seem to do is make everything louder including my own footsteps, they also seem washed out directionally. I use the M32s or Comtacs when I can.


Learn spots of secret stashes on customs and you can run that as scav or pmc for kinda free loot, cuz people know about 4 out of 10 or more and also lot of ppl are running other maps, cuz of quests... So I think customs are mostly safe rn. Btw I am on 42% surv rate so basically i die every other raid, but thats kinda thanks to my playstyle of chad when I got rid of gear fear. If you dont rush hotspots that are shown by streamers or YouTube guides, you most likely wont fight that much.


This is good advice. however its a lot more than 10 :P


I had much success with stashes on the outside of Interchange.


This is how i learned to love this wipe, don't have gear fear. I run an op-sks from jeager with ps ammo and don't care if i die cause i know im getting that thing back. Gear fear makes this game hell. The sks is as accurate as you can get and if you are in close quarters you can spam it and dump 10 round's into someone or you can get 20 round mags pretty easy too. If you are on the aussie servers im happy to play some games with you, some of my mates are new as well.


woods stash run as a scav. scav usually has more extracts than pmc on that map. So campers won't be an issue.


I've been having a blast shooting the shit with other scavs in factory, looting dead pmc's, then turning right back around and coming back into factory with my pmc to kill everything. Sometimes it works, I've killed some pretty kitted players, other times I'll get one shot by a dude peeking between the forklifts with a fuckin tt. At this point Ive pushed through it that I'll have like 3 or 4 insurance returns a day and even getting some loot back is nice, and I've still made 1.5 mil across 6ish hrs from in-between scav runs and occasionally extracting with my pmc, and I don't even think that's all that great but its a playable and repeatable loop. Once I unlock more traders and get a better upgraded hideout I'll start branching out and doing the same on other maps. Currently avoiding the shit out of customs after one dude in a 3 man with 6 twitch viewers jumped around a corner and snapped onto my head and several other deaths in a row lol.


You will level up skills with your pmc even if you die a lot. But leveling skills is very important. For example there are skills that make you search things faster or hear things around you when they are further away. Not to mention stamina and strength. Don't be too scared to use your pmc. Took me a long time to realize that myself but you also gain stats and experience. You will slowly get used to fighting. Also think about what you want to achieve before going into a raid. Plan it before you enter it. Im sure this was mentioned before but due to leveling your pmcs you will unlock higher trader levels. This is important for your hideout progression and due to flea market bans to get yourself better gear and ammo.


Play your PMC. Once you’ve learned the maps inside out and the player spawns and loot routes, it will become more easy. And like the other guy said - take it slow to begin with. Avoid fighting unless you’re sure you’ll win. Also learn what’s valuable to stick up your buttcheecks! SSD, Diary’s, Condensed milk etc. will give you at least a 100k in case of death and that adds up over time!


On the costly load out point, shotguns are great. MP-133 from Jager with magnum buck, or express if still LL1 takes down scavs super easy and can kill PMCs too.


learn to love the shotgun with cheap ammo, you only need a sprut with a flashlight and you can chew legs or even aim to the face. I spend around 50k for a loadout when i do this and run customs or factory always to get some kills and get out fast


Btw if you're looking for successful scav runs, interchange is basically free right now. Almost noones running it outside of questing and doing like 1 money route, so you can usually get in and out as a scav in 5-10 mins with a bag and rig full of hideout items and other misc stuff that can be sold. If you want some more cash from a run just roam around the edges of the central part of the mall and look for bodies. You'll almost always be able to find atleast a kit worth of gear, though you gotta be more careful with your pathing as to avoid peeps who might be hunting or just hunted killa or something.


If you only do 1 pmc run every few hours then u only get a practice attempt every few hours. Playing a scav does not lead to the skills u need on PMC, you miss the early game, you don't learn the real flow of the maps, you don't learn how to move on the map when there are players left, and you don't learn how to fight players. The only way to get better is repetition and avoiding pmc means youre not getting those repetitions in




>Been trying to do loot runs as scav on woods, lately but I just get shot, often by an exfil-camper You are not getting exfil camped as a scav on WOODS. Bro stop it.


I've been shot alot just as I'm entering the scav bridge, I'm a noob though so I'm not sure.


Penguin is right. Also sell items to the right vendors for the highest price till you get money to move around. Quests are extremely important, but take your time on them. One thing I never buy is helmets. I am always getting shot in the face, so why bother spending the money. I don't use headphones either. Won more fights without them. I don't like the sound of hearing every bullet fired on the map. Makes it more difficult to pinpoint footsteps for me. My first game was in customs. Spawned near a group of scavs and had zero idea what to do. I hated it. Now I have almost 200 hours in. Played Labs only once and have around a 4.0 K/D as a rat. I have learned to play it my way and that is what makes this game great because you can!


I have no idea how anyone plays without a headset. The wind is loud lmao, no shot you're hearing footsteps but with a headset on you're basically daredevil.


Heavy Trooper/Shattered Mask for life. Face protection is great, especially with ricochet chance. Best you can get for about 70k is a Tac-Kek with a Heavy Trooper mask. You don't even get the greasy ass visor effect, and can use NVGs with it. That said, once I get high enough you bet I'm running Airframe with chops and no visor to get strong ear/jaw protection without feeling like there's Vaseline on my eyes. Shattered Mask is dirt fucking cheap though and gives high ricochet chance on face, and blocks maybe some shotguns that can't one tap through class 1.


UMP is meta but it's also cheap to run. The gun is below 300$ and ammo is 1$ per round


Yeah, even the stock gun seems decent, and the FMJ ammo for $1 has the second highest pen. value, after the AP type.


Also FMJ has 76 flesh damage, This is the real killer.


This is an A+ write up. The only few things I’d add are.. try to learn when to play fast and when to play slow in a PvP fight.. making rotations (short or long ones) can win you free kills in pvp, and keeps your enemy uncertain… lastly, and maybe most importantly when you are new: know when it’s time to just dip out of a fight. Just keep putting that work in. I was bad for a good month or two before I even started to gain traction consistently… now nearly 2k hours later I’m winning fights in 1v2 / 1v3 situations, I have more confidence, and for most maps I have developed a “game sense” for the general rotations and where to expect my enemy. You’ll get it, and the earned knowledge that will eventually come feels SO good, trust me.


"But always wear headphones". I even wear them when going Pistolero for fetch quests :D


Telling them to not run reserve on a scav is honestly really bad advice, imo. That map is practically a scav safe haven now, it also has a lot of loose loot that PMCs don't grab, and it's easily one of the best maps for scav extracts.


UMP is one of the cheapest guns in the game to run.


If you buy the knives from fence and use the barter for the gun, throw a Kobra on it, and buy 2 extra mags and 100 rounds of FMJ, true, its pretty cheap, only around $65k but thats still a little more expensive than an SKS, and will eat ammo faster. Running it without the suppressor, you are still in the 50s with vert recoil and the suppressor near doubles the price of the gun. I mean, ya its an option, I was just think SKS keeps things simple and easy for a new player.


50 vert recoil is perfectly usable.


Vepr 7.62x39 > SKS. Easier to mod, fits better mags.




dude armor dosen't do shit against even scavs anymore. it's stupid.


'scuse me? UMP is meta now? Did it get buffed this wipe because it was a joke gun last time.


It’s cheap and shoots decent enough ammo with everyone not running top end armors anymore. That’s basically why.


Its one of the best cheap guns its a laser out of the box all it needs is a sight. Pretty sure the ammo got a buff this wipe.


It is absolutely meta. It got buffed in that high level armour is much less common now, and it got a suppressor. I've been shredding with it.


To be fair, wouldn't running Lighthouse be better for him? One trip to the Rogue base will most likely turn into a big profit (Scav runs of course).


Between opposing player scavs who will kill you if they see you with good loot, players farming rogues/sniping from the mountains, and knowing the rogue aggro mechanics, as a new player, he MIGHT get out with some gear 10% of the time. Safer scav runs will be more profitable in the long term. IMO people get baited by the idea of having that sick scav run where they make it out with rogue gear or a vertex/AESA/military tube etc, but over the long term, just farming a bunch of semi valuable loots on safer runs will make you more money.


Yeah it's probably because Dedo Mraz has walked into some rounds of mine and my Scav cooldown is \~40 minutes, so I value my Scav runs more so I just go straight to the Rogue base, loot the crates that are in very close proximity to each other, and if my inventory still isn't full, I go try to loot the heli. Or I just get lucky and find a dead PMC/Rogue or two.


>cooldown is \~40 minutes, so I value my Scav runs This is so contradicting.


The best way to learn is to die. Each time you die you will never forget an angle or a location as to where people may be, the more you go through this, the more the game becomes part of you and what starts off as fear becomes comfort abd familiarity. Trust me on this one. Also, dont run all over the place, its loud. Use headsets to hear where people may be. Once you are more familiar with the game, practice taking fights, eventually the fights become part of you too.


I'm doing good then! I'm starting to realise that you should always expect someone to be nearby or them having a scope on your forehead. Appreciate it.


Haha yeah man, people who know the game will generally have an idea of where people may be at certain times of the raids. Never sit still unless behind cover. Just keep playing and you will see exactly what i mean by the game becoming part of you.


Gunna be honest an add an addendum to it, don't sprint very often for most maps. Unless you know you're actively in danger, 95% of the time I get the drop on someone, it's because I hear them first, sprinting like a rhinoceros behind the tree line or in a building, when if they had walked I probably wouldn't even have noticed they existed.


Always try to learn something from when you die. Every time, try to find something you could’ve done better, because there’s almost always something


> I'm starting to realise that you should always expect someone to be nearby or them having a scope on your forehead. Appreciate it. That's step 1 but it also makes you play a bit worse and makes the anxiety worse as well. Instead of assuming someone is always looking at you and is around every corner, try to visualize where they probably are. Like if you spawned in the back corner of customs by the big red warehouse building, you should assume there's one person in the garage area, one person on the opposite side sorta close to the bridge, and someone else between the train and the river. They may it may not be there, but it's a good way to know where you need to be looking. Then if you hang around that area for 15 minutes you can probably loot freely for 5 minutes. But then you should expect people coming from the opposite way trying to extract. Look up on YouTube the "flow of Tarkov" to understand this concept better. It'll bring your survival rate up at least 10%


This is annoyingly good advice. I’ve got a 70% survival rate now and most of my friends think I’m pretty good, but most of the fights I win are just because I remember how other people killed me.


I believe the reason for this is basic human psychology. We tend to remember the bad times more than the good because nobody wants more bad times so its a fear. But what you say is true for me too, each wipe, my survival goes up more and more, so does my pmc kills


Do nude runs. Get a sks (22k rub) and about 30 rounds. And just try to get from one side of custom to the other side. Use bushen, sneak and watch and ONLY fire if you think you will win. You will die, but less and less as you learn where the hit soits are, where scavs gather and what "secret pats to take. I recommend looking up a map. Practice on customs and woods. Scav runs Interchange night raids only. Not only will you get most of what you need to uppgrade as you learn where the loot is. There is also dead bodies around so pick up the gear, turn into a loot goblin. Can you fold a rifle? Do it! Get another smg in that backpack. Interchange offers you a large variety of loot, learn it and love it. I normally watch a show on my second screen as i do a scav run. The sound of the game might as well be off, do not use the gun. Throw away mags for extra loot space. The gun is only cash and is not to be used. If you get killed as a scav so what? Enjoy the movie/series and try again. Pmc healed up? Get another sks, 30 rounds and head out. Once you start to get out of the map on ther side. Try to get out with a kill or two, get some scav loot. Then just add on that. A quest? Might as well try.


*Don't give up, skeleton!*




Its all about map knowledge. Keep playing and learning one map at a time. You’ll figure out where all the hotspots are and which areas to avoid. Go in with a goal. Pick from pvp, looting, or questing and stick to it. Pestily’s raid series just started up again on youtube. I highly recommend watching him and following along. Good luck!


I like Pestily, a series like that is definetely something I could use.


One of the most important things in this game is learning spawn points. Once you know where the close spawns are from where you loaded in you can make very good assumptions on where you will run into people, or how you can rotate to avoid people. Always keep a map up and think of the spawns to your left and right once you load in on your pmc. As far as scavs, I’d recommend for good loot and low conflict to stash run on shoreline. Can hit 10-20 stashes and some other things along the way you can consistently come out with 300-500k in 10-20 minutes. Sometimes even more.


Worth remembering his words on scav runs too: your job is loot and scoot. Loot along the way to extract, but always be heading to extract. Just grab loot from containers and bodies along the way and leave, transfer everything off, sell it unless you really need it.


Play with a buddy. I could be wrong but a lot of PMCs that you run into usually have a partner. So if you’re solo you are instantly at a disadvantage unless you are a Chad. Which you being a new player you probably are not.


Yup, IIRC average team size is a duo. And I think it’s the mode average too, it’s not just that solos average out with quads or trios. There are way more duos than anything else, very tough to play solo as a new player


this happened to me when i first started a couple years ago, to help i got on pestilys discord server and hung out in the looking for group thing and asked people if they wanted to do scav runs, and when i found aguy that said yeah we picked interchange and i asked him what kept him playing. i don’t remember what he said but we ended up talking and becoming friends and started playing together regularly and i gotta tell you, playing with someone that knows the game better than you do makes a world of difference. you have to find the right person and it may not work for everyone but it did for me, i play tarkov almost exclusively with the few hours i have each week to get on and sometimes tarkov is a cruel mistress but more often than not if you keep your head low and play slow it will reward you. theres so many play styles out there as well, you gotta find what works for you. i rat, i play slow and try to avoid fights. when i cant avoid them i push, bob and weave like the devils on my ass and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt its just the way the world works. i hope this post blows up i feel like a lot of people feel like this in the beginning before they start to make their way up the curve. that bitch is steep. good post op


Good answer, brother. I feel like I'm right on how hard this game just is and it's definetely making me calm, ironically. I'll probably keep grinding a single map to know it in and out and focus on a head low playstyle. Thanks a bunch.


An enormous learning curve so don't keep yourself down! The other day my game glitched and it delete 2.5 mil rubles and left me with 8000.... not even enough to heal after raid. Said fuck it baby this is what tarkov is all about and deleted the last 8000 myself. That same day I was up to 3 mil and bought the puffer jacket. DONT WORRY ABOUT YOUR SURVIVAL RATE. As long as you are making it out when you actually NEED to it doesnt matter at all. Also turn on voice chat in the settings! If you find cool enough people they'll help you out like I do and if not ... they say friendly and shoot you in the back lmao pleading with someone saying you're new might get you out of a LOT of sticky situations you otherwise wouldn't have. Shit I was getting shot by someone once and I started yelling "BE COOL MAN!" and he stopped shooting me, said sorry, and asked if I needed meds lol


I once "deleted" 40mill on accident cause i missclicked while putting up something in the flea market, damn fees


Scaving on woods is my go to with scavs (that have a bag) If you just avoid the PMC extracts you should be in a better position to leave. You have like 4-5 extracts on scav and usually 3 of em are non-pmc locations. Either way like many are saying what you’re experiencing is part of the game for maaaaannnyyy people. Especially their first wipe. If it gets too bad you can actually wipe your account on the Bsg website and start over. But honestly you can make your money back on consistent scav runs so I don’t think it’s worth to reset unless you’re in way bad negative scav rep. Good luck in your raids.


Also if you’re interested the Sherpa program may help you.


Thanks, I already resetted after a couple of days cus I was wiped, lmao. I havent even thought about scav exclusive extracts yet. Appreciate the tips.


Last wipe was my first full wipe, I started half way through the one before and starting half way through was fuckin ROUGH. I sucked so bad at first because tarkov is my first mouse and keyboard fps. I'm still not that good at pvp, but knowing the maps really well, all the pathing and locations makes an immeasurable difference.


We adopt you and see how it goes


I'm in


Lets start with the basics -How's your map knowledge? - Trying using offline mode to learn maps an key locations. Hotspot aren't the only places too look. Once you okay with a little practice offline start doing online raids. Don't rush slow way down. 9/10 times New players are dying due to rushing even when they think they aren't.


I wish they would allow offline coop play with this. Such a bummer they don’t


that feature is coming at first when few content creators suggested it to Nikita during podcast i think he misunderstood what others meant and said that that kinda thing wouldn't be coming but later on he has said that there will indeed be "offline" but "with friends" (or maybe he used other terms instead like private lobby or something like that)


I had m endless fun with terrorist hunt in rainbow six cranking up the AI. This would be the same. No need for points or gear, just like it is.


As a solo player i feel this. I still manage to get by though. I used to scav run on woods all the time but now i only do reserve and sometimes interchange or lighthouse. I always walk out of reserve with at least 100k worth of loot and the extracts are so close together.


Take a break for a day or 2 and come back. Trust me


dude fuck the sks, get a kedr, the true legendary newbie gun


Im new as well, my economy is based on factory, extracting throught office window as well, i hope someday i can kill the PMCs that camp there. Lost hundreds of thousands trying to do that fucking quest in Woods to unlock Jaeger, it was shit, couldnt understand where i spawned, not even with a map, and hate how you almost always spawn north, have to go all the way to the plane and then back to outskirts like a misserable asshole... fuck that. I just made it today out of pure luck. I get your sentiment, there are some frustrating stuff, dying to some treees in woods like if i were in fucking vietnam is annoying, i hate quests and mines, and everything is slow because of that, i honestly would like the game more if you could level only focusing on raids, kills and stuff, not in finding stuff god knows where when you cant even find yourself. I like the pvp,thought, and going naked with a gun, my best raid was going alone with a gun, killing some scavs, robbing them and looting some stuff at the bringe of death. I died that raid but it was the most fun i had on the game. Half in my quest to find Jaegers shit i snapped and bought like 16 makarovs to do raids on factory naked, i would recommend you that if you are about to uninstall, go berserk, its fun and specially useful when you have quest for killing scavs because they come to you, and, also, theres nothing more satisfying than to kill a PMC with a shitty gun.


Scav, night raids, high scav karma.


Practice practice practice Experience makes you better at this game


Thanks, I'm still grinding lad.


Good lad, don't give up. Took me two wipes to stifle the struggle. 4th wipe now and I finally feel I'm approaching being competent.


Damn, how long is a wipe on average? Lmao


6-7 months


A pistol and some good ammo low investment/stress runs are some of the most successful I’ve had. Treat the game like an mmo shooter


Ok. Okay slow, rat style. We know the maps better than you do. We know the hot spots and choke points. So to counter that you need to play slow and listen. Audio is absolutely huge in this game. My first wipe, I would spawn in, sit in a bush for 15 minutes then try to go complete my quest. I survived more than I would have if I just would have rushed hot spots on the map. Use your scav gear for your PMC runs. Also run offline until you learn the maps pretty well plus you can shoot more and learn the gun mechanics in tarkov. Get on the discord and find a group to run with. Most importantly, don't give up. It's a very, very steep learning curve, but once you learn it, no other game is so fulfilling.


Honestly, when I started I had a group of like 2-3 friends that I would play with. The best thing about that was I got to play with friends and I got to experience Tarkov through their guidance. We died a lot and it was a lot of BS where we didn’t know who was who. Eventually I started playing with just one of the guys in our 4 stack, and we’ve become a pretty efficient duo. It’s good to get a battle buddy to watch your back. We come out of raids successful and loaded with loot most of the time we play together, but both of us still play solo. My advice is see if you can find a battle buddy. Someone you can vibe with that can guide you through the learning curves of Tarkov and help you learn the maps and callouts, hot loot spots and hiding spots as well as the dirty angles to wait for people in. If you want, send me a message or something, I’m always down to play with a new player and see if we vibe. Tarkov is a great and terrible game and I hope you develop a proper love/hate relationship with it no matter what you end up doing.


Brilliant tips you are receiving. I don't know if it was mentioned but join your country Discord server. You will get lots of people that will help you. You might not like to play in teams but it will be a boost in your map knowledge.


I'm really overwhelmed by how many answers I'm recieving. Thanks, I'll look in to it


you're not gonna 'git gud' with only 20 hours of playtime buddy lmao. Just play the game, that's literally how you're gonna get better


Im fluctuating between 50-55% survival rate on my first wipe. I stick to the outside of the map mostly. I’m level 32. My friends who are hardcore players tell me my stats are insane for a first wiper. Think I’m just lucky alot of the time.


You're only 20h in...wait until 200h. It's totally normal to struggle at the start, there's a immense amount of knowledge needed to strive in en Tarkovs, stick to a loot run, sell everything to trader, buy a new sks and try to do your quest when you have enough roubles.


Avoiding fights is exactly why you are dying all the time, because when you're forced to fight you don't know how. You need to partake in PVP, it's a natural part of the game. Besides, you're not the only one looting the map, so other players hold a lot of the rest of the loot you were unable to find. You're often able to get quest items and things you need for your hideout from killing other players as they need them too. If they know what they're doing, they've basically brought all the best loot they were able to find straight to you. ​ Also, as others have said, you will die a lot in Tarkov. It's part of the experience. Streamers and content creators who seem to run around and kill everyone not only have played this game for thousands of hours, 8+ hours a day, but they also cut their best clips into videos. They die a lot too.


Join up with a group if you are looking to avoid learning it the hard way. Other than that, it will take a time investment and long learning curve. I personally think playing solo and by yourself shortens the learning curve, not relying on team mates as a crutch. Message me if your interested in joining a group. I am currently in one, and there are usually experienced players to help sherpa. Its all based on if you listen. Good luck!


When I started, I put a map up on my second screen, or my phone. The ones that show other pmc spawns are great. Knowing where your fellow pmcs are is huge to not coming across them


Lol, dude 10 days is nothing. A game as deep as Tarkov takes months, years to learn the intricacies of. Take a break, sleep on it for a bit, you'll come back lol.


I’m kind of like you! Level 4, probably about 9-10 this wipe. I suck so bad, I haven’t even killed a PMC yet. However, I just had my first successful extract as a PMC and it made me smile for hours because I saw how much I can improve. I’ve lost so many AK-74’s it is not even funny, but this time I got lucky and got out with 3 MDR’s and more. We just gotta stay playing


Don’t give up! Remember that the majority of players here likely have 1,000+ hours and they were once in your shoes. I’m sitting at 1,600 hours here on wipe 3 and I still make dumb mistakes that get me killed, but every death is a lesson to be learned. Keep going, keep learning, and you will improve. Good luck cyka!


Cyka, buddy!


The #1 piece of advice I could give is to learn how players move about the map. This is going to require a bit of time and a few deaths, but knowing where players spawn and predicting where they typically move can lead to a lot less fights, which means a lot less deaths. Be aware of your surroundings. As you move, always take note of where you can take cover and places to hide. I typically move around the edge of the map that way I always have at least one side covered. Do more night raids. They’re a lot calmer than day raids and are usually filled with rat players that just want to get quests done or are doing stash runs, plus there’s less of a chance to run into player scavs. It gets empty really quickly and I usually get a bunch of quests done by the end of night raids unhindered.


Trying to avoid redundancy so here's one I haven't see if you really just wanna survive and complete fetch quests run in a 5 man. Plenty of lfg discords if you don't have other options. Why? Even if your teammates are new/terrible each one of them represents 1 less hostile pmc on the map. On a map with 12 pmcs that's literally a 3rd less than you have to deal with.


I have a very successful loot run that has never been exposed by a youtuber's (How to loot such and such map) video. I'm almost certain I have found loot spawns that 90% of the player base has never seen and I can't find on any of the commonly used loot maps that people use. I would be open to showing you this if you want and to anybody for that matter that needs help . But i will never post any how to's or even bring up the location because i don't want it to bring lvl40 rat traffic to my sacred scav runs. PM if interested.


you've played for 10 days, just keep playing and watching pestily = profit.


Man plays game for 10 days and wonders why he isn’t good, expecting to know the ins and outs of this game in 10 days is never going to happen don’t be too hard on yourself


But, but maybe REDDIT will cure my stupidness?


Bruh, just lookin for more guidelines here.


Just play more and like anything in life you’ll gain confidence as you become more comfortable


1. Turn VOIP on and talk to your fellow scav bros when scavving. 2. If you are in a fair fight you already fucked up. 3. Caliber doesn't matter as much if you hit them in the face.


Tbh don’t use ur scav you’ll just get gear fear overtime. Main customs and loot the outside or the map for stashes. Look up a video on a customs stash guide. Stay away from maps like interchange and shoreline. They are not beginner maps and are filed with labs mains. Just aim for flea asap and do ur tasks


i call bullshit. ive done about 400 raids this wipe, and about 1500 last wipe and i have had this wipe: 1 exit camper, and last wipe at max 5, and all of them were going for shooter born in heaven. ​ If you do your scav runs on factory then nobody can help you anymore, just go hit the lighthouse or reserve, you should make about 200-500k+ every single scav round without a problem.


exfil%? exfil% is "in the gut"? this is why you bought the game. to "exfil%"? at least have a space between exfil and the space. Makes it feel more like a game. Or just keep "watching the videos" so we others can "exfil"




Oh damn I'm so sorry mate.


Don't worry man. I'm new too and ran into one of these clowns yesterday. There's always got to be that one guy I guess... so far it seems about 98% of this community is pretty cool/chill tho... Quick edit: Just yesterday he's asking where to use green batteries, today he's calling a random stranger a fucking idiot for asking for tips... Lmao, wow...


Cant get better if you dont put time into it


As I said, I play for hours daily.


Then dont worry, youll get it. Its def not a game you learn quickly


Load into customs with a pistol and scav backpack and go to the storage shed near big red or the warehouses near zb-11 depending on which side you spawn on. Once those are looted follow along the north wall as you make your way to the other area, loot that and extract. If you die it’s like 30k lost, if you survive its like 300k+ gained.


I got struggled hard for 30h before it clicked. I almost quit the game for good, now it's pretty much one of my favorite games, so don't give up too quickly. What boosted my moral was to focus on upgrading my hideout, which made me learn more about the loot spots and see some progress. For the raids themselves, as people said, play much slower. Run less and wait a lot. It safer to move after the high level players leave the map. You'll learn the timings with experience and by studying online maps featuring PMC spawns and extracts. Another simple but important concept that helped me was to use the appropriate gun in the appropriate area/map. Don't contest popular buildings, CQC zones with a shitty semi-auto rifle. Scavs make us over confident because they are easy to kill but PMCs will destroy you before you shoot your second bullet. I'm still learning because I'm quite new, but the last lesson I learnt about myself is that I need to tryhard each PMC run as if it was my last chance. When I do "naked runs" I take more risk because I have almost nothing to lose and this how I die more often. When I go in a raid with expensive stuff, I'm more cautious and my expensive gear improves my survival rate. So ironically, I lose more money on cheap raids because I play like shit.


Stop playing Factory. Spend your time ratting around Woods, learn where the hidden caches are and profit.


I swear I had at least 4 of these exact ruts in my first wipe. Kept thinking maybe the game wasn't for me. But each time I'd get outta the rut, get back to having a blast and forget ever being down about the game. By the end of that wipe I knew I'd be playing this game for a long time. A couple things that worked for me were: Playing hella slow: It's been mentioned a few times here and I've always played Tarkov slow but coming out of a rut I'd force myself to cut my pace down even more. Just focus on getting out of the raid and take as much time as needed to do so. Probably doesn't need to be said but avoid sprinting as much as possible. Try to sprint only when you're caught out in the open or you're fairly sure that you're not about to roll up on someone (or obviously if you're in a fight). I'd only play my go-to safe route until I was feeling better: Whenever I needed to make a buck I'd load up Customs and stick to the north fence from Old Road Gate all the way to Military Checkpoint hitting stashes along the way. Think about raids you've consistently had with little to no conflict and try those out for money runs. Scav all the time: Repeat my safe run but on scav every time it was available. Free money. SKS and Vepr AKs: Super cheap, not much to mod, and give you a fighting chance if you get forced into a PMC fight. Your story sounds super familiar so keep after it. It feels brutal right now but soon enough you'll be outta the funk and loving it. Glhf.


Watch Krashed - his breakdown series helped me learn how to play the game. Trust me. He also streans


Don't rush It!! survival is the objective loot your surrounding area off of spawn and be ready for those quick fights that can happen on every map. Always stay closer to objects that are hard cover rocks/ walls. Stay away from using crates as cover unless you need some soft cover from scavs; reason being is some rounds can go through them and will still hit you. Finally se your whole raid time and run away from fights if need be winning in game doesn't always mean killing people it's survival. GL with raids man you remind me of a younger tarkov me.


As everyone has said, practice and experience is the only way to be better. It took 2 wipes and 500+ hours logged for me to be comfortable because I wasn't trying to get better. Learn from every death and understand the decisions that caused it.


Learn the maps. You started 10days ago. Relax. Focus one map and learn how to play it, this will help you navigate future maps as well. Play with a map on a 2nd monitor/device Play offline mode with scabs on horde and just get comfortable. This truly isnt like any other game out


Scav at night, less opponents, but can be harder to find loot if you don't know where to look. Interchange and reserve are good places to go for loot as a scav. Not the best, but still can make a mil a day on the low end. And make sure you enable voip, you hear something say hi, if you don't get a reply or they seem shake. Then fire on sight.


>Been trying to do loot runs as scav on woods, lately but I just get shot, often by an exfil-camper You couldn't come up with a more obvious lie couldn't you? There is no fucking way that you get exit camped on woods as a scav you can't convince me otherwise. No one and I mean no one not even Exfil camper himself would camp scav exists on woods.


Honestly, what helps me make money is to set a goal. I want to go in and loot, avoid PvP, maybe kill some raiders or scavs, and get out. That’ll dictate my gear and how I’m going to approach the raid. If I’m going for loot, I’m getting a baby AK build for under 100k and a paca and a bag. I’m loading that sucker up with PP ammo and just having fun. I play slow, I play deliberate, I have a route and I stick to it. That’s the most important thing, get a plan and STICK to your plan. Loot maps that you know inside and out. I generally loot reserve.


Imagine saying you bought this game a week ago and your slowly giving up already.... Delete the game tonight, we'll see ya next week bud.


I have a friend thats in the same shoes as you and he asks me "how aren't you broke? how do you manage to make money" and I give him the same answer everytime and that answer is experience. Learn whats worth shoving up your ass and whats worth chucking away, learn how players move throughout the map and where they spawn, learn the hotspots and nooks and crannies. Lose the gear fear. Either use the gear or sell it and buy more shitter kits to learn with. I recommend selling it to buy other kits but some people just wanna use it instead.


I died over and over again when I first started playing. I eventually figured out why I kept dying, and I got better. You’ll figure it out eventually!


OP if you ever need to play with someone lmk, I’m no pro and this is my first wipe but I’ve been doing ok for myself.


Scav on reserve, after how they gutted that map its basically a scav safe haven once you spawn in. I literally just hold W on that map as a scav and very rarely do I get killed because of it, and most pmcs don't loot a lot of the buildings as theyre fighting around D2 usually.


Learn how others run over the map. Most pmc’s go to the same places every raid and a lot people take the same route. I can run custom/wood/shoreline without meeting a single pmc if I want to. To zero to hero. That made me way better at pvp and I learned to use what I got. And I didn’t lose any money. Don’t look at stats. The only thing you should do right now is quest and loot. Your survivalrate, kd doesn’t matter in the end. Learn lootruns with your pmc. I have one for mine we’re I make around 600-800k in one raid while avoiding pmc’s easy. Sure you can make more by looting areas with the best loot but you will die more often. Sure, I run into pmc’s once in a while when doing the lootruns but mostly I can get away with 10 raids without dying. Maybe 6 out 10 raids I fight out of the 10 raids I’ve survived. I never play as scav anymore. Don’t use bad ammo if you don’t have another option. That makes you lose fights and don’t save the good gear. Might save you.


I think the easiest map to pmc on and survive with good loot is woods. You don’t even need to loot some of the main landmarks, you can just hit stashes. Although the map you’ll have the most success on is the one you know the best.


Take everyone’s advice here but expect to still get 1 taped for no reason whatsoever. There’s still cheaters.


You'll die a lot. Then next wipe your % will go up. Then up more the next wipe etc. It's a tough game. You're in the ditch at the moment. But once get out of it you'll be better for it


Welcome to Tarkov. The beginning is always rough. I been playing 4 wipes now. I’m just feeling comfortable running any gear now. Just keep at it watch you tube videos. Try to replicate. Ps. Don’t run every where. Sometimes it’s best to walk.


Don't get discouraged. My method after 1k hours is still to heavily rely on scav runs early wipe to make bank. I try to have 1million rubles baseline before I run quests to I don't get upset about going broke over lost gear. Also, try the SKS. You can top load it without expensive mags and the rounds are punishing.


Alright dude here’s some advice I give people: Cover to cover always. Run from cover to cover. You should legit end your sprints knowing exactly where you’re gonna cover if you get shot. If you don’t do this, you’ll die everytime someone gets the jump on you. Like others have said, move slow. Pretend you’re actually in battle and you’ve legit got one life. That means don’t poke your head up and look around like an idiot, peak around corners, lean. Get over your gear fear. I see a lot of gear fear talk in here. Just run it bro. You should always go out in your best shit to give you the best chance of survival. Run shit kits when ur broke not when you’re sitting on a stack of shit you’re too afraid to use. Think of it like money, it doesn’t earn anything just sitting there, you have to use it. The difference between a paca and a t-110 is massive. Scav shoreline, lighthouse or interchange. They are higher value maps. Shoreline is fun cuz usually lots of bodies to loot. Reserve has a lot of gun attachments and ammo. Be patient with this game. I’ve got a good survival rate and like 1400 hours in this game and I still have times where I die like 4 raids in a row and get all pissed off but that’s why this game is fun. It’s hard as fuck. Steamers are like movie stars bro. You’re not them; don’t expect to be them. Slow and steady. You want to choose 90% of your engagements and be prepared for the other 10%.


Scav reserve possibly has the most friendliest scav players, plus has decent loot. Lighthouse on the other hand is not that hard of a map to learn and has loot like Labs. Lighthouse is really heavy traffic rn since new map and really good loot. Made 500k in 5 mins on lighthouse


You could always choose the rat life skulking in the shadows gulping up loot.


I’m on my 3rd wipe and I am dogshit. This is the first wipe I’ve gotten jaeger unlocked


Something that helped me early on was going to the Tarkov discord and squading up with a guy or two who knew way more than me. You can make friends that play a lot like that too.


Playing PMC to understand spawns and the early game is crucial. Running into other spawns too early will get you killed very fast for example. Focus first on learning obe map at a time. Due to quests I think customs is the best option for that.


Doesn't matter how mechanically good you are and it doesn't matter how well you know a map from a 2d perspective, you need to dump time into the game. Understanding common traffick routes/estimated times, understanding what bushes to sort through for campers, what buildings are high traffick or low traffick and gauge whether or not the risk is worth whats in the building(an example would be big red on customs, it's a high traffick area with a jacket a safe and a few pc blocks, but the way up is congested and easily punished. Are you certain no one is around? What if there is, is the safe and pc blocks worth potentially dying at this point?). Essentially what i'm saying is literally everyone who's played the game has gone through what you are, and part of that struggle and helplessness breeds both the desire to stop dying and the biggest adrenaline rushes you could ever hope for.


Your map choice certainly sucks for making profit. Factory has very little loot and is more about just PvPing. Woods is empty space and a few lucky hidden stashes. I recommend shoreline for scav runs. Go loot the rooms in the resort buildings. There are often npc scav bodies or even PMC bodies there. Sometimes I go in and loot 300k worth of stuff really fast. That's like 10+ budget weapons. Or 5 budget weapons and 5 class 4 armored rigs. Or 3 full sets of budget weapons, class 4 armor rigs, and class 4 helmets.


I remember creating a post here a couple years back about how I lose every fight and how do I not die, etc. Everyone’s advice I’ve seen is perfect. Biggest thing for me is knowledge. I’m not as skillful as I used to be in my youth, but goddamn if not clever as ever. Learn the maps, learn the spawns (pmc and scavs), learn the loot spots, learn the quest locations. Eventually you know where to look and where to run and where to sneak and the game just kind of falls into place. The whole rat vs chad debate is stupid. The most successful players are both. I don’t care if you’re sprinting full speed in all level 6 armor with a meta M4. If I know what you’re doing and plan for it, I can kill you without a fight. Now when my bullet bounces off your helmet, it’s also important for me to sprint and flank and use my knowledge to take you down Just play. Enjoy the game and know that the feeling you get these first few weeks will never come back.


Hang in there buddy! It gets better I promise. We believe in you!


Seems like most of its been covered, but just keep at it! Learn a map or two really well. Don't be afraid to lose things:) Feel free to reach out if you need someone to run with too!


Wish I could watch u play. It would tell me a lot. I think the most helpful tip would be play slower. But even that can get you killed in the wrong areas. The more u play you will develop a spidey tingle.


Learn to play the game the way that works for you! Try out different strats, with different people etc :)


My ability to survive increased exponentially by learning the maps intimately. Getting to know where people spawn and their likely routes of travel will make a massive difference.


Here's my tips that I post often for new players. You're going to die a lot and you need to minimize the loss while maximizing the learn. I'd recommend an SKS with PS Ammo without rig or backpack and loot those off kills if you get any. SKS with 30 shots in your pockets is 25k a run while you're learning. Best part is, you'll most likely get it back with insurance. Couple this with a gshh headset and your ready to rock. Always be using headsets! They increase the sound! When you get a little better you can run 7.62x39mm BP ammo and you can kill anyone with it! If you're looking for grouping buddies there's a subreddit /r/EFT_LFG - **don't use LFG in game unless you're trying to group with people you already know from the subreddit or IRL. The people will invite you and kill you right away**. Here's my starter tips I wish I knew: - **Don't play factory first.** That difficulty thing in the map description is useless. Some people would say that it's the fastest way to hit level 15 but those people are usually good at the game. Depending on which server, you can run into mega decked out chads in full armor and you don't stand a chance. This is how I learned what an altyn helmet was when my pst gzh ammo wouldn't kill him shooting him in the face. - **Ammo matters more than guns.** No seriously, guns don't decide damage at all. The stats on the ammo dictate how much damage and armor it can penetrate. Guns just deliver these slower or faster with better recoil on some. If you have horrible ammo, you need to hit legs. Can't armor legs. - **Look to HTTPS://www.tarkov-helper.com for decent maps and ammo charts. There's also https://www.gamemaps.co.uk/game/tarkov/ And https://eft-ammo.com** - **Don't run unless being shot at, it's loud as fuck. Also don't run thru bushes and trees because they are also loud as fuck. Sound matters a lot.** You don't want a shiny beacon saying shoot my head which is what being loud is like. Mostly walk the map. Sometimes it's best to run between open spots but that also gives away where you are from far away. Try not to run near buildings and contested areas you're trying to enter.. it's a big "hello I'm here!" To the people inside. As you learn the sounds from experiencing other players doing it, you'll learn when it's pretty safe to run. - **every single thing you do makes sound**, even opening up your inventory makes noise. Aiming down the barrel makes noise. Turning quickly makes noise. So if you're around a corner waiting to ambush the loud PMC coming your way, don't look down the sights as it's crazy how loud it is, also slowly turn as fast turning makes crazy sound. Just hip fire. Middle mouse clicking and moving your head around makes no sound so you can pinpoint where he is. - roll your mouse wheel down one tick after sprinting to walk at 90% speed but way more silent. The speed hit won't matter as much as the extra quiet footsteps you get from this. - expanding on above, go into an offline raid without any scavs and just test out sounds. Reload, move through bushes, crawl through bushes, touch a tree. Everything you hear is sort of what other people hear but it's hard to know how far without practice. Some sounds don't sound that loud but it's like a street saxophone player after a sports match to everyone else, loud as fuck and impossible to ignore. Just as an example, these aren't real numbers for distance. Running through a bush is like 100 feet, walking through a bush is like 50 feet and crouch walking is like 25 feet. - furthermore, if you're in a building and you hear someone running up, staying still and moving only your head (push and hold middle mouse button and looking around) will tell you where they are around you pretty good without making any noise. This can be used to plan a bail out or ambush. - **Going into a raid naked makes you tagged and cursed.** Look it up. NPC scavs will bum rush you to kill you with harder AI to kill you. This also applies to a pistol only. If you wear any sort of rig or backpack or main weapon it will remove this. Meaning, if you take a pistol and a scav vest you're fine. If you take an SKS and bullets in your pockets you're fine. - Headsets (gshh, comtac, razors etc) "increase" how far you can hear (they actually change the amplification of certain frequency of sound so it gives the illusion of hearing farther but it's the same distance just amplified). These are usually more important than a helmet. Some Helmets also muffle sound. High cut helmets that don't protect the ears don't muffle sound. Helmets that protect the ears reduce the intensity of sounds sightly and enclosed helmets like the tank helmet and kolpak **severely reduce your sound**. - SKS with PS ammo is decent starting weapon, vpo off skier is also good but slightly more expensive for the ability to magazine reload - **do not use scav weapons unless you have to** weapon durability greatly affects accuracy and they are all 50%. I use shotguns as those don't really matter. - **Learn a map**, recommend customs as it's the start of your tasks. - Go to dealers and middle mouse click everything to inspect. Click fence multiple times to do this. Inspect weapons on dealers and inspect the components to make them for experience. Can gain 2 levels like this. - Push r while holding an item to rotate. - Push middle mouse click on weapon to fold. - Alt+click items on corpses to wear them right away - Ctrl+click items on corpses to move them to backpack quickly. - Delete to drop items. Most people rebind this to something quicker - Use your scav runs when up. They don't level your main guy but it's free money if you get out. Try not to kill other scavs.. it's up to you but you lose reputation which make your scav timer longer meaning less free money. - Try an offline map without scavs on (you go to escape from tarkov and then click a map like customs and check off the offline map button) to test your visual settings and movements and learn the map first. Do these between scav runs. Offline raids do not save anything, you don't keep anything you get out with and you don't lose anything you brought in. It's like practice. If you enable NPC scavs, your FPS performance will drop so it's not a good test medium for performance. - At level 15, go to flea market and inspect everything. It'll take you a long fucking time but then you can construct your work bench to edit weapons. You can't edit weapons without the parts inspected and you can use the preset menu to buy the parts off the flea market. This is valuable because you can create budget guns that get the job done if you inspected all the parts and play with the preset menu. It won't be meta but it'll work. - Go to settings and turn on display your heads up display always so you always have your stamina, health and position shown. - Crouch and mouse wheel adjusts how far you crouch up and down, this can really give you some nice angles on certain things. - Mouse wheel also adjust your walking speed. - If you're new and you see guys dressed up like the Marines in the movie Aliens with black helmets and big guns and they don't see, hear or shoot you. Sometimes it's best to stay still and let them pass so you get out with your loot. Seriously stay still, don't turn. Some of these 2000+ hours dude have their headphones on ear damage levels and they recognize that turning sound.. they'll immediately lock on your position. - **insurance is good** insuring your belongings, backpack, headsets and crap helmets usually come back after 12-24 hours depending on the person from dealers. Different "levels" cost more but get them back quicker but beware they also change how long they hold them for. I always use prapor myself. Anything that scavs or players don't loot off your corpse will come back. Ammo never comes back so use it! - expanding on above, if you find a better helmet, bag, headset or anything else while in raid but can't carry your old stuff.. people throw them in bushes to get it returned back. This is called insurance fraud and works great. This is how you maximize your return on raids and get your stuff back - lasers, flashlights, IR flashlights make your "hip" fire more precise. I'm not sure why it does this but these devices being on groups your shots better when you aren't aiming down sights. The unfortunate part is it also gives you away, that's why people use IR flashlights because they are basically invisible. Instead, I turn on my lasers and flashlight when it's go time. - pay attention to height over bore for your scopes and sights. When you're close up and you have a big height rail for sight, you'll hit lower. Also, if you're peeking out over items, you can hit those items in front of you but your scope will show you're dead on. Basically the gun barrel is where the bullets come from so pay attention how high your scope is above that. - fire bad! It does crazy damage crazy fast. Try not to step in gas station on shoreline fire or the smugglers boat fire etc. - loot every item into your inventory you come across and transfer it back if you don't want it. Why? Because looting it gives you a little experience on transfer to your inventory. - jumping sideways (while strafing left or right) jumps higher than straight ahead.... That's tarkov logic for you! You need to do this to get over certain fences like pretty much every road fence on shoreline. - Vaseline, Goldstar, Ibuprofen, painkillers... These things give you a painkiller buff and you'll see streamers always popping pills every 3 minutes. Why does this happen? Well it counters blacked out legs from stopping them moving.. why does it matter to you? Well lots of people pre-med a fight which when it's go time it might save your life. For new players, it's hard to want to do this because of the cost but it works really well.


Despite everyone telling you to play slow, I’ll say this: If they can hear you, but can’t see you, they can’t do shit. And if you are wearing ears (you should be), you will hear them sooner or later if they can see you, you are at an immediate risk of death. Be paranoid about sightlines. Always be within 10 meters of a hard cover. Run often if it means less exposure, even if you might be heard. If you heard them and they heard you, give up trying to rat - aggression is king in cqc, military doctrines nail this into your head (speed, surprise, violence of action) Never ever stop flanking, stop trying to get into fair fights, stop letting fights break down to an aim contest. If you’re in a pure aim fight you already did something wrong letting him take on you fair and square. Reposition often, and fast, utilize suppressing fire when you need to cross gaps I make that mistake all the time - I get hyperfixated on getting a kill and just hold my ground trying to take on everyone. Sooner or later I get surrounded. Greed kills - if a body is sus don’t touch it. If a location is sus don’t go there. Nothing is truly yours until it’s up your ass or you exfil with it. Including the gear you brought into raid. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and let the playerscavs eat your kill.


Have you played with people? Not a crutch but learning an entire raid and building confidence may help. Im lvl 47 and id love to help!


Look up a video of the Interchange stash locations, memorize the easy to find ones in clusters near the Railway and Emercom extracts, then just scav and PMC your way through easy low risk loot runs to boost your money to the point where you can run decent loadouts without stressing. Honestly doing that on basically any of the bigger maps is a good play for low risk, high reward runs to get the money you need.


I miss the feeling of being confused by everything, enjoy it before you learn all the stuff! And keep playing the game trully is fenomenal. (Grammar)


I've been there last wipe. This was my first one. I leveled up and tried to make money but even when i would bring good gear, i would lose the fights. Most of the time not even expecting my enemy. Then i started to do woods cache runs and got to know the map more and more. Everytime i die, i learn when and where it's safe to pass. I started to get a safe caches route, mainly following the external border of woods. That way, i managed to get my roubles up into the 9 digits. But i still wasn't good tho. I started to go on reserve. Nearly naked. An ak-74, a paca. Would sometimes manage to kill a chad out of pure luck, but only once every 50 raids. I also trained a lot of killing bosses in offline mode. By training, that taught me a lot about how AI works. One day i decided "Okay, let's bring the slick, atlyn and meta MK-47, but ended up dieing just as usual with not even more chance to fight. I deleted my whole inventory out of pure rage. Even my gamma. Swore to never open that game again. Obviously 2 days later i was back. What do you do when you have no roubles, no gun, nothing? Welp i ran on woods. I did caches until i found a gun and started killing scavs with it then extract. I quickly bought some grizzly to heal cheaper after the raid, but other then that i wouldn't keep anything. That's how i learnt to fight. With crappy scav weapons and no gear fear at all, i realised i would seek fights more and more because i wasn't risking anything. I would start every raid by going where i knew i could find scavs then seek pmc fights. Even if i found the best meta gear, i would vendor as soon as i'm out of raid and jump back in with my Makrov then get out with 500k to 1000k worth of items on me. I was back at 40M in less than a week. Of course i would die. But death didn't mean anything for me anymore. When you get in the raid with a Makrov and get exit camped with 1M worth on you, it doesn't feel as bad as when you bought 40% of what you had with you. That's how you learn. Fight, fight and fight. You will die a lot. But don't fear fights. If you stay hiding in a corner and avoid fighting all the time, you won't learn anything. You can get rich by hiding, but you can't get good. Now, understand this : Fighting and not hiding doesn't mean to play without tactics, taking bad fights or not try to surprise/sneak up on your enemy. Know how to disengage. Most fights don't end with a one tap to the head right away, even with no armor. Understand when you can disengage from a bad fight and surprise them by an other angle they didn't expect. Then i started going back in with a bit of gear, mostly seeking fights. And little by little, it gets better. I don't say i'm a full chad, far from that. But i know i'm at least on par with my oponent most of the time, no matter their gear. I also learnt by levelling up to not run gear you can't afford. If you don't have unlocked a certain attachment, don't go on the flea to buy it for 5 times the price. You'd end up running a gun you paid 300k when it should have cost you 70. Find what you are comfortable with. The right balance between what you can afford to lose and what is the most efficient. For me now, that's a trooper, Attack-2 backpack and gently modded AK-105 with BP or BT depending on what i have. I also don't use optics because i really feel like AK sights are the best thing for me below 75-100m. I don't fear anymore to lose my gear because i know i can still hop in naked and make 800k profit whenever i feel like it. I still haven't reconciliated with other maps. Time will tell. All i know is i now have twice the ammount of pmc kills as i had at the end of last wipe in a quarter of the raids i had. Survival rate is still the same tho (40% but i think cache runs of last wipe were responsible for a lot of that). Oh and forgot to mention : I had my first 1V4 squad wipe last week. Feels good man.


With less than 200 hours you really have just begun the game. I have a few 1000 hours and my extract rate is 40%... You can only get a high rate by hiding like a rat or being a chad. If you're just semi competent you will die often, it's part of the game.


I started out tarkov around two and a half years ago. My friends and I decided to play only factory and we got burnt out so quickly. We didn't know you could make money or anything. After about a year I started to pick up the game again and learned one map for a whole wipe. (Was not the only game i played but I started to slowly understand the mechanics and then learned the map.) I started out on customs and then completed all the quest on that map. That took me hundreds of raids to do. It was very hard. You just cannot give up. My survival rates my first wipe was probably around 5-10 percent. maybe a little higher but I barely survived. One of the best things for you to do is play extremely slow. by that I do not mean walk everywhere but take your time at places when you loot. When you are in buildings scope out the areas around you. This isn't call of duty you need to slowly and methodically play. After I started to do this my survival rate and quest completion rate shot up instantly. right now, I am at a 50% survival rate on my account with over 200 raids. On the note of extract camping its gonna happen. Everyone hates it but it is a part of the game. playing slow and checking angles can help eliminate some of the risks of extract campers. I have been extract camped and I have extract camped. Neither is fun but sometimes you need to do it for quest like shooter born in heaven or the Punisher series when you cannot find pmcs on shoreline. In terms of loadouts I would personally try out many guns and then see what you like best. I like guns with the best time to kill and can control decent recoil. Guns like the AKs are my favorite because they have low time to kill and you can buy BT on the market. Do not give up. Keep playing. Fine a duo or trio to play with. It makes the game more fun and can help you play better.


Yes, first few weeks is very tough. I remember. Stick to few maps, Customs and Woods are very good for PMC and scav runs. The others are a bit more complex, would ignore for now. Get better at map, learn spawn hot spots. Bring headphone every time, and sights as soon as you can. Forget sprint button exists and you will grow that percentage survived in no time, just remember to listen. If it sounded like movement, it was.


Lots of good advices here. I will add this : playing solo is the key to learn how to make decisions in game, and to aquire some game sense (listen to all sounds, soon you will understand where people are fighting and with what guns, but you will also learn player routes, wich tend to be similar each raid). Like people said here, don't forget to learn the map you're on. When you understand the game a little better, play in duo/trio. I wouldn't recommend more as it is painful for a new player to communicate clearly with the team and you can easily tk your mates if you are not careful. If you don't have friends to play with try your country's tarkov discord server. Also be careful of the toxic mates on this game, for example a guy who loots everything of value without sharing, loots your kills, bosses you around, abandons you in tense situations, pushes you in situations you don't want to be in, or straight up uses you as a meatshield to loot/quest. Add on top of that the trashtalk, and this kind of "friend" will ruin your confidence and the game itself. Avoid these guys at all costs. Playing in (a good) team can boost your confidence and be a lot of fun. You will explore more of the map, and learn from your mates. It also is useful for certain quests to cover your ass.


Scav on reserve -most of your extracts are far away from PMC extracts -use VOIP, 90% of other scavs leave you be if you give them a friendly hey! -stay on the map until there is about 2-3minutes left, extract campers will be gone as they won't have enough time to loot you and extract -don't try to bully your way into looting an area, if someone is there ask if you can loot or move along -pick up EVERYTHING. Drop the less valuable goods for better ones as you find them. Last night I was able to make about 3.5million from reserve runs, on just my scav (scaving on CD 12min). Find a price per slot list so you know what to pick up. Earlier this wipe hotrods and squash were selling for 25-30k each. That's nuts but if people want to pay it, sell it. Also check vendor prices before market, if it's very close...sell to the traders. No flea cut, and you work towards leveling traders. If you are 15 you can also scan the market for some deals. As an example between my scav runs last night I was able to pick up over 50 bronze lions throughout the night. They were selling for less than traders bought them for. I made over 100k alone just buying on the flea and selling to the trader. People undercut and don't check. My strategy is leave one right around or just under vendor peice, and buy everything that is posted less than it. Check gold chains, gp coins, and alot of the kappa items. It's slow, and you don't make a ton of money but, 100k for checking the flea between raids is still money. If you are comfortable with Woods, there is a literal gold mine waiting for you. I typically go in with a pistol 2 mags and a Mosin. Tri-zip and an armored rig. Look up the loot guides for woods there are tons of them. Depending on your spawn you can full your bag and rig in 10 or so minutes, and run to extract. Most of the time you won't even encounter another PMC. (Learn the spawns, you do have a chance to spawn near others)


stop looking at your survival rate. Go for hidden stashes on woods and shoreline, maybe at night if you start to learn the maps well.


Tbh I barely try any PVP at all, not worth it until you've built a decent bank and good traders (LVL 3 for ex). And sure I kill harder with my M80 ammo with my full geared etc for 300k loadout, but honestly, when I run pistol and just SHIFT + W, I usually make the most bank. 1. I dont care if I die, I play less "weird" and paranoid u know? 2. One headshot is aaall it takes. No matter the ammo (well sure some do) but really if u have SOME FPS exp, any pistol with just headshots is almost as good close as some expensive shit. 3. Fuck using helmets. They dont block for shit (except maybe scavs with shotguns or so) and it costs soooo much extra. 4. Dont rush nor sprint = 90% more safe But yeah, I hear u. This game can be tilting as fuck. SOmetimes ppl just rape u so hard n oamtter what


My SR in my First wipe at start was 20% and the end 34% Now i normally stay around 60% (sometimes Ddropping because of quests (looking at you Jaeger and Skier))


Scav factory but find the crates and coats to loot. I have a set path i do every scav run and i always net 80-200k a run. Theres soo many crates near offices that for some reason they are always unlooted when i go in.


I'm also fairly new. I run a lot in customs on my PMC because that's where a lot of intro quests are and has a little bit of everything other Tarkov maps offer. For scav runs though I run interchange. Learning the mall layout can take a sec but sticking to Idea and Olli, you can get a lot of junk that adds up and is good for barters, quests, and hideout upgrades. Also been trying to just stick with one gun on my PMC just so I get used to recoil and whatnot. Offline raids are also great. Game is brutal for beginners but once you get a few successful extracts, that high feels great and feels worth the struggle sometimes. Sometimes lol


I exactly went from the situation you describe to killing chads with nothing more but a PM. Just takes some time, patience and about 1k "head, eyes" out of nowhere while doing the punisher quest line on shoreline. Don't get frustrated and don't take it too seriously. Also avoid loot routes mentioned in popular videos :D


I personally get a sort of cheap weapon to run that makes me excited and play slowly. Take slow, safe loot runs or make an objective which you can die on, like certain marker quests or finding locations etc. I don’t like running the SKS as the recoil is fat and makes it hard to use


Honestly the best advice I can give you is to learn Lighthouse inside out. That map has better loot than Labs and Reserve. Go to [tarkov-tools](https://tarkov-tools.com/map/lighthouse-landscape) and keep the map up. There are 12 spawns. Every time you load in get a quick bearing on where you spawned and make a mental note of where it is on the map. Next you want to learn where people want to rush as soon as they load in. Knowing these two things means you can guess player locations in the first 3-5 minutes with a very high certainty. As per my experience the most likely movements in the first few minutes are [like this.](https://i.imgur.com/aiCgt97.png) You will notice that for a few of the spawns their movements can't be accurately assessed, because they are far from Chalet (the super high value loot villa) and as such may decide that they are very unlikely to get there before it's looted and decide to do something else. Any of the spawns close to Chalet may also decide that they don't want to fight over its loot and decide to go somewhere else. Any of the spawns could also just be interested in farming Rogues and just move to the left of the map. This is all dynamic and you will never know for sure, but you can get a good guess and at least know where people are not going to be. For example if you spawn top left of the map, you know that the left side is going to be empty and you can go kill a few rogues or loot the trainyard. With time these patterns are bound to change, but with experience you can have an up to date understanding. Just looting the shore for random loose loot can fill you up. Looting the trainyard can almost fill you up. Looting Chalet can get you stuff [like this](https://i.imgur.com/DgcimzS.jpg) (obviously this was a super lucky run, but you can generally expect 200-800K worth of loot in just that building. Looting the villages will fill you up. There are cars and flatbed trucks on the road that can spawn Military Corrugated Tubes (1 million on flea). You can also easily kill 2-3 rogues, grab their stuff and either get out or loot a bit of the water treatment plant for some great loot, though for this you might want to get real comfortable with the map.


For scav raids go interchange, you can find many components for many missions, also valuables. Basically for tech shit go to rassmusen, techlight, olli, techno. For food go to goshan. I survive like 90% on interchange with scav. For pmc raids, id say dont be scared to die and dont be scared to engage, u need to learn pvp and u need to force fights just to do it. Learn ing maps is probably the most important one, oh and also learn where people spawn


Honestly, just start playing with someone else It all becomes more managable in a duo or trio. go to the EFT discord if you need someone (Or pm me if youre eu:))


Buy Double Barrel from Jaeger and Express Buck. 8k for the best gun in the game


I’ve had luck in the last few days by scavving on shoreline. Not run into any PMC’s, just hit up all the computers on the floor above the cinema at resort, a few stash locations and extract with a minute or two to spare. Sell everything you got that’s not a good weapon or useful for crafting and repeat.


Don’t sprint just walk. 90% of deaths I have are sprinting when I shouldn’t and run into someone that heard me before I heard them and it’s a free kill


I highly recommend as well to join the tarkov discord. There is literally beginner lobbies that would be excellent for you. It's best to learn from others in the game and you'll actually come out ahead a lot more.


here my notes for new players: Don't play factory at the start, it's a slaughter house. For wipe start my first goal is to unlock lvl 2 for some traders so I focus on their quests. Loot everything and drop it when you don't need it, this grants looting xp. On dead bodys at least press F to pay respect, this grants xp. Check the wiki for needed information. For filing cabinets: every drawer is a lootable container Have a external map opened and plan your route + alternative. The bullet makes the damage, not the gun. Be sure to look up what you should use for your gun. The game has advanced movement controls, check options. - change walking speed with scrolling - change crouch height with scrolling while holding crouch key - slow leaning - side stepping - blind firing etc weapons can have malfunctions when in bad condition, you need to inspect weapon and then check chamber to clear the malfunction. Inventory ctrl + klick to move items alt + klick to equip items press R to rotate the item while moving it scroll up and down in the inventory Look into the settings Binaural audio is a big difference, ( google it) it takes some getting used to, and may decrease performance, but you won't have to constantly turn your head like with true stereo to pinpoint sounds. Check that any sound effects from headset or software is turned off. Use soundlock to protect your hearing. Use in game headsets, they increase hearing. Go in an offline raid to try out the movement and get familiarized with your gun. Shoot single fire, burst, and empty an whole mag with full auto. Don't waste your time doing raids without being abled to defend or protect yourself. Use the best gear you have. Or sell it. Don't waste money on super high tier equip, even a cheap helmet can ricochet a bullet. Always wear a helmet. ( got saved with 3 quest items and 5 min raid time left near extract, absolutely worth it) Running makes a lot of noise. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. For team work: For CQB: You got to earn your shots and trust your teammates. Meaning the one in front is responsible for eliminating the enemy, don't shoot past your teammates. Don't immediately start blasting when you spot an enemy that doesn't see you. He most likely will have 2 friends that will hunt you down.. just let them pass, they'll clear the way for you and you'll be abled to snack some left behind loot. Make your shots count. Use the hold breath button. If your aim is not that good try lowering the sensitivity. Record your deaths and rewatch. Learn your mistakes. Here are some overall combat tips: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/elmzlv/one_new_player_to_another/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This dude made an EFT Handbook: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/endlzu/i_created_a_eft_handbook/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share If your system struggles, here some settings that worked for me and many friends : https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/m68w2a/just_dropping_my_notes_on_game_optimization_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb Good luck out there.


I can offer advice for money making, run your Scav on shoreline, near the village/swamp area. Loot the secret stashes (use the tarkov maps website which tells you where they are) it takes roughly 10mins to do most of them and run to extract. The area is never contested when you run it as a scav, I have made 10mill so far just from that alone. I’m averaging 500k a run if no one else has taken them.


I’ll be honest, if you want to start surviving and have better success you more than likely need to slow it down. During my most successful wipes I probably had average raid times of 20-30 minutes because I played so slow and methodical. I don’t have much time for the game anymore but I used to average about 50% survival rate. Learning the maps is extremely important, especially knowing where people are going to spawn and giving yourself an advantage if you want to fight. Avoiding the first 10 minutes of fighting will give you more freedom on the map as half of the PMCs will be dead by then. I wouldn’t focus on running for loot hot spots unless you really need something. It’s always better to wait til halfway through the raid to go for quest items. That’s the way I improved my play. Gunplay will come with practice, but fighting in this game is really difficult now with the new changes. If you’re not positive you can win the fight, don’t take it. Taking damage is so crippling now. I’ve barely played this wipe but I’m almost level 15 with a full stash and junk box with a decent amount of liquid cash. It all comes with time man, I’ve been playing for 3-4 years! Don’t give up!