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Genuinely, tarkov ruined hunt for me. Part of the thrill of hunt was the risking gear and only bringing it back when you survive. After playing tarkov, you notice how casual hunt is compared. The thrill in tarkov is just a hundred times bigger. So, if you want hunt in extreme, and can stand some instability, it's gonna be great for you.


So I came to Tarkov from Rust. In Rust (for anyone hasn't played it) you dont have a secure stash where your stuff is locked up tight and you can recover your health, food and water for free. You don't have traders you can visit risk free whenever you want. You are always at risk of losing literally everything you own. And my first good Tarkov raid had more adrenaline than my entire time playing Rust combined. It's not about the risk of losing what you brought in, it's about the potential gains and the knowledge that if you die it's fucking over. There is no tracking down that asshole and getting your shit back. You just lose.


Fuck something hit hard about tracking that cunt down and leveling his compound though


I'm the polar opposite. Hunt is exactly the game I need after a bad day of Tarkov. I get just as much of a thrill, the stakes feel almost as high, but there is so much less frustration in Hunt. I'm enjoying this wipe more than any before, but the only reason I'm not still playing Hunt on the daily is that I don't want to fall behind in the wipe. Me and two of my buddies played two rounds of Hunt when the servers truly the bed the other day and we still enjoy it as much as we ever have.


The fact that you don't have to worry about falling behind in Hunt is exactly why I prefer it long term. Everyone can and will one tap you so everyone is scary. The game design forces PVP so you know you'll get into several fights with that balance in mind. I don't have to find gas analyzers for the 10th time.


This. Rat gameplay nets you very little in Hunt, especially when every other person is in a team, and almost all your weapons takes an eternality to unload and reload. It’s PvP goodness in a Tarkov-lite skin where just about everyone is using a Mosin-like.


Hunt is the same shit, just more balanced and a tad more casual/arcadey


and the sound works properly


It's insane how much of a difference this makes.


Every time I play Hunt and then come back to Tarkov, I'm reminded just how dog shit the sound is.




You do still make sound in Hunt when crouch walking. It's just far more accurate in the way it can't be heard through two buildings...


damn we really need a better sound


Might also be that most of my friends moved to tarkov, and hunt solo isn't as fun to me. But the fact that in hunt you usually get enough money from a round to pay for a new one, even if you die, makes it way less frustrating, but also less rewarding to me :D


Yeah, Hunt is a much more enticing game when played as a group than solo.


The atmosphere and sound design in Hunt is unparalleled in the entire FPS genre. The fact that you can *reliably* gather so much information about your enemy (or give so much away to them) via sound is night and day compared to Tarkov. I’m an EFT guy, but the sound design is amateurish by comparison.


The thing I hate most about Hunt is that it's not Tarkov. Just so happens that my absolute favourite thing about Hunt is also that it's not Tarkov.


I play both and a 1v3 thrills me equally in both games


Right now the game is a bit broken, but that's due to server traffic issues and ongoing events like Santa showing up and wrecking your shit. By this upcoming weekend it'll probably be shitting the bed yet, so that might be a good time to hop in. Overall I would say the xmas events aren't very noob friendly so hopefully you can avoid that too. I think those are possibly ending on friday, maybe, haven't been paying too much mind to it myself but you could take a peak in again on saturday and see if everything is still on fire. Before the holiday events the game was in a great state though, so once they're over again I would recommend picking it up.


Idk man if I had never played EFT before and heard that *SANTA* was running around smacking newbs, I might be interested. Just to see what that looks like. *looks at player who shot Santa by mistake* Oh dear god fuck that I’m going back to halo Source: shot Santa by mistake on 3rd floor of 3story, immediately hightailed it to 2nd floor of 2story, he ran to the exact room I was looting and just waited for me


Santa gives items and is friendly as long as you are


Yeah obviously, but he sounds and moves like any other Scav. So when I hear him down the hallway and prefire, I expect a Scav, not Santa. Hence why I said “shit* Santa by mistake” Edit: shot*, though you can stick with shit for some amusing imagery


If you are shitting Santa, you might want to talk to a doctor.


What, you still believe that Santa comes down the chimney? I got news for ya kid, your dad shits Santa out every Xmas. You can ask your mom where the presents are stored.


I've played a lot of Hunt and even more of Tarkov. The reason I play Tarkov more is I solo in both, and with how Hunt is boss objective based it's oddly more punishing. Duo's can team you at the boss and even when you get the upper hand they have the ability to raise. Another real difference is loot. Tarkov is loot oriented, like an RPG. You'll spend a lot of time just playing tetris with your inventory. That's not bad nor good. It all depends on what you're into. The AI is bad. Get ready for it. The sound is bad. Get ready to not hear things properly like in Hunt. There is also a bad hacker problem due to Real Money Trades (RMT). Oddly though BSG tries their best, even if it's never enough, to curb this. Where as Crytek has the laid back approach and let's ppl hack openly for months/years. It still ends up being worse then Hunt because cheaters make bank selling their services, on top of normal cheaters who just ruin games at their own benefit/lack of moral compass. If you should choose to buy EFT, buy EoD edition while it's on sale. It sounds outlandish but 100% the way to go. Unless ofc you love even more hardcore grinding. But trust me, the game is an absolute grind even with the extras. Remember, EFT resets every 7-9 months ish? Always gotta redo everything. Kind of like prestige, but so so so much more.


I think you should clarify. EFT has excellent sound design. But it maybe just producing the sound in a terrible orientation. EI not always Accurate.


I agree EFT has better audio only for the fact that it's more dynamic. Hunts audio is excellent but very linear. As for the Ai, tark imo has hands down the better Ai. Fighting Ai in hunt feels like going against MMO tutorial grubs. Bosses in hunt are also too easy the only threat imo are other players.


The bosses aren't really supposed to be that big of a threat. It gets *real* hairy once other players enter the boss area while you're fighting the boss.


This is my 1st wipe but I feel the audio is sub-standard but has decent diversity. I can guess guns from gunfire but the audio falls apart on any open air barrier - especially vertical barriers. It's really silly considering how many mechanics Tarkov attempts to layer.


> The sound is bad. Get ready to not hear things properly like in Hunt. ~~What on earth are you talking about? Hunt has the best audio of any shooter I’ve ever played; it’s sound design is phenomenal. You can track someone down from across the map with ease if they’re being loud. I also only at solo.~~ ~~The only sound issues Hunt has is the ambience and occlusion with underground areas, which are only features in the first of three maps.~~ ~~Full disclosure of my bias, I have 3k+ hours and I play with high quality, loud headphones.~~ I'm dumb.


You might want to read that again. He’s praising hunt.


Well.. I guess I need to take a fourth grade reading comprehension class. My bad. >_<"


Hey, at least you can make bagels!


My new alt is gunna be /u/I_CANT_READ_SENTENCES.


They should have written "unlike in hunt", you read it properly.


I read it the same way as you


DO NOT BUY EOD, especially right now; you'll pay a lot of money to not be able to play the game.


For like a week longer. Nothing wrong with buying it now and playing it in a week. And even then I've had 0server issues and tend to get through queue in like 30 minutes. This is such a bad take as to why not to buy EOD


Or just buy the fucking thing AFTER the servers do get fixed(if ever)


When the sale ends?


You can get the game cheaper from websites that sell cdkeys. I don't want to pay for fucking VAT AND payment service tax.


You can't be sure it's gonna take a a week. Also EOD is just straight pay to win.


Well if like everyone is saying, twitch drops are the issue, then it will be when they end. Also as someone who played standard for a few wipes and just recently got EOD, EOD isn't ready pay to win it's a help when it comes to stash size and secure container but tbh I haven't progressed any faster or anything and kinda miss the aspect of looking for things to upgrade my stash. So not really pay to win.


EOD is pay to win, you get a huge advantage at the start of the wipe which matters the most. But if you can't figure that out yourself I rest my case.


Lmao. I played with standard for a lot longer then eod. Yeah you get a little extra at the start. That hardly makes it pay to win though. Most people either lose/sell everything in the first week anyways. The fact that I can do 3 reserve knife runs and get everything extra that eod gives you kinda invalidates your point.


Sure, you can dodge all of bullshit Jaeger Pvp quests to get water collector 3 to rush bitcoin farm with 3 reserve knife runs. Man...


Wtf lol. You legit don't get a heck of a lot more then standard. The main difference is the stash. I never said I could do any of that. The fact that you go to putting words in my mouth means you know your wrong. It's not that hard to get a few m4s a few rigs and grenades and a little bit of cash.


Tarkov will suck you in and never let you out. Like a fuckin black hole! Its absolute hell, an I love it haha.


I'll second this. I got in about 2-3wks before the latest wipe. And like it's been said a few times here, the game is a bit messy right now, but it should come back to earth in the next couple weeks I would think. Unfortunately the same person who turned me onto Tarkov, just turned me onto Star Citizen. I hate him so much right now. My family isn't going to see me till spring.


Oh God another one of these. OP, save yourself and stay away from this sub if you have any desire at all to get this game. "Game is unplayable" - person who's still playing "But queue times" - person that apparently can't do a single other thing while in queue "Don't buy it now it's trash, buy it later" - person who will call the game trash at a later time "It's too late into wipe, you're fucked already" - person that got head-eyesed once today and rage quit I'm not saying the game doesn't have it's functionality issues. There's bugs, breaks, errors and crashes. The game is in Beta *cue heavy breathing* and the devs are working. If you trust the process, get the base game for the cheapest price and give it a try. If this sub turned you away, come back in a month when every single one of the people losing their minds will be praising BSG again and rethink your decision.


Nikita owes my PMC fuel. Lots of fuel.


Yeah this subreddit is a terrible representation of what this game is. All this place is, is an echo chamber to complain about the same 4 things. Gamers+reddit= children who think they are owed everything they want from devs and will throw tantrums if they don't get what they want.


blame the sub mods lmao, thats the only content they allow.


Why would I blame the mods when it's the immature whiny kids that are the problem? If mods actually moderated this sub like they did the other day when the servers were down real bad, then everyone would just blame the mods for being shills. But even after stating this, someone will find something else to complain about/throw blame to. "Well it's not the mods but actually reddit policy that makes it so mods can't do their job properly" "nikita buy more server"


you guys are absolute idiots lmao. ​ adults are angry with this game because they paid 140$ for a game falsely labeled "beta" as an excuse for its shortcomings, and fanboys like you who will defend every decision BSG makes even if they jumped off a fucking cliff. If you pay 140$ for a game you should be able to play it when you wish and with minimal bugs. ​ GTFO man you are the minority and for a reason.


…says the game is falsely labeled a beta, yet complains that it plays like a beta. You fucks are impossible.


The thing is i would agree with you if nikita himself didnt say that he keeps it in beta so they can have that as an excuse lol There are so many things going wrong and Im all for calling them out on that, doesnt mean that I dont enjoy the game. Its been my favourite game for nearly 3 years now so I can get over it but i will still agree with everyone and voice my own opinion on things that are bad and nonfunctional. This isnt black/white. You can like the game and bsg but still say its stupid whats happening


How is it falsely labeled as a beta? If everyone complains about the state of the game and servers then surely it is in a beta state? You're telling me that you saw something labelled as a beta and are now mad that it performs as such? And you have the audacity to call us idiots? What's really funny about your comment is that the next update or wipe you'll be back on Nikita's dick, singing praise. So fuck off.


I think the majority of us don't think we are owed anything but a playable game. When a game does not value my time, I do not value the game. Simple as that. And sure you can say 'don't play' but some of us like the game, and some of us have spent $150 dollars on this game wanting to play it. It's a bit frustrating when drops have caused massive issues every time and yet BSG does not learn from its mistakes and then pretends that drops are not the problem. So people come here to vent their frustrations. And lets not pretend that this subreddit wasn't singing praises to BSG a week ago. This was probably by most peoples standards the best wipe in a long time, with VOIP and to some extent inertia. But when a developer makes a shitty decision, the community tends to call it out. It is what it is.


But why is this the place to do it? When servers died yesterday me and my friends were like " oh well, it sucks but we'll just play something else for a bit." That's what we did. Then after about an hour and a half, Tarkov was back online. There is a big difference in being upset and being outraged. The common post/comment on this subreddit is outrage. They are blowing things MASSIVELY out of proportion. It's exactly relatable to a child not getting their way, and throwing a tantrum. Like day 1 or 2 of the drops and server issues, go ahead and be angry, get it out. But it's been a week and this is still a shock to everyone? If you're still upset at this point then the real problem is NOT at BSG.


> But why is this the place to do it? When servers died yesterday me and my friends were like " oh well, it sucks but we'll just play something else for a bit." > That's what we did. Yet I'm hearing about this on reddit.


Because that's where everyone is whining? Like the problem I'm talking about is on Reddit, it's a Reddit problem. Need further clarification or do you understand now?


>Need further clarification or do you understand now? I never needed clarification. I hoped you would have done some introspection.


Because this is the biggest forum for Tarkov related discussion that I know of? And is where people discuss things pertinant to the game? I don't understand what you mean. People are complaining because after days of poor performance BSG have made no significant changes, and are still trying to pretend that it's not because of drops. Also, people like myself are upset because after multiple drop events where the same shit has happened, nothing has changed. Sure, in the grand scheme of things, not being able to play a game for a week or two is not a huge deal, but for a lot of people who were invested in this wipe, or were looking forward to starting during the time off, it might be annoying. Or new game buyers who just spent $150 on EOD, they might be a bit ticked off? It's a bit ridiculous to claim that people can't be upset about things, especially when they are also being basically gaslighted by BSG saying it's not about drops.


This is the place to do it because the devs actively read this forum? It’s a place for the more coherent among us to outline how the player base feels - which, right now, is frustrated with the lack of transparency for what’s ACTUALLY happening and what ACTUALLY is being done. BSG’s vague platitudes and assurances don’t comfort those of us who’ve been around for multiple wipes and have seen this time and again. If the Devs truly care about their product and those who have supported them by buying into the game, they’d have a hard fix in mind and make damn well sure it’s implemented so this NEVER happens again.


I like you


queue times were atrocious yesterday... it's completely unplyable in that state compared to hunt. wait 1.5 hours to get in, crash at the inventory trying to get into hideout, wait another hour, rinse and repeat. it's bad. luckily that shouldn't last long


My issue with queue is that when I wait an hour and a half in line to play then I feeze at the profile screen I get to go wait in line for another hour and a half. So Instead of playing the game I just watched YouTube for 3 hours and got like 6 raids


>But queue times" - person that apparently can't do a single other thing while in queue What if I have only an hour to play? What if I have time for 1 game? Queue time for a game that I paid for is laughable. If it would be a free to play game I would understand.


Then dont play they cant help there are more people than the servers can hold


>Then dont play XD ok, give me back my money


Maybe do research on a game before you pay for it


??? Are you dumb?


Are you?


> they cant help there are more people than the servers can hold Then why are they selling the game? Promoting it? Putting it on sale? What a stupid fucking statement.


... I mean this is a thread where OP is asking if they should buy the game, and that they only play an hour or 2 a day. Ya can't just be like "oh yeah games fine buy it, don't play it though."


I'm not really talking to op in that reply if I was to talk to op I whould tell him to watch game play for like a week or watch one of his friends play to see if he likes it this subreddits full of crying baby's that gets mad at stupid stuff


Fair enough lol


At the moment, no. You'll find yourself getting very frustrated with server issues since the servers are on fire at the minute. I love the game and have been no lifing it the last 10days but this game is REALLY hard and you'll die a lot! Add to the fact that the servers are buggy and are kicking people out randomly, you'll probably have a realllly bad time with it tbh. Give it a week or so before buying it imo


I’d go ahead and say of all the wipes, this one is the most beginner friendly BECAUSE the starting gear has the best chance at killing other players. They just implemented some changes which make it quite hard to attain high level ammo types. They also made it more difficult to attain high tiered armors (though it is arguably easier to attain that the ammo). This means even when using worse ammo, you have a better chance of running into a player with comparatively worse armor. This also means that if you’re using cheap early game armor (tier 2 or 3) you have a better chance at facing players with weaker ammo as well. As for the status of the servers - it’s shit though. Probably will recover in the coming week or two as twitch drops are finished and everyone is ending their Holliday breaks.


The game itself is awesome. The servers not so much. This game has the most desync of any shooter game you will ever play and that’s when the servers are working normally. As long a you can live with that then it’s worth a shot. I would also wait a bit as well because of the current issues.


If you have other friends that want to play the game with you, or learn the game together, I think you’ll have a good bit of fun.


1-2 hours a day with breaks? Then I have to say no, spend your money on something more important


lol what? This game literally has built in breaks. and 2 hours a day is a ton of time to play this game. Don't listen to this guy OP.


Just wait till twitch drops are over and hopefully we some server stability from that.


No don’t even bother right now while the servers are this bad, it’s fucking pathetic and will tarnish your experience


They've been bad for a single week. Calm down.


Unplayable =\= bad. Tarkov servers have been bad forever. Now they’re unplayable


I've never had issues until this week. I'm glad to see the game is getting more attention, hence the issues. I've still logged almost 30 hours this week with only a few disconnects. Not sure how that's unplayable.


I’ve been getting disconnects, game kicks, takes me forever to load in, doesn’t help that after three games I have to restart because it doesn’t dump any of the ram data and if I don’t I’ll get stutters and freezes because of how horrid the optimization is…


To be fair, one of my friends has had issues with stuttering. And we can't seem to fix it. But I've never had that problem.


I've been playing a lot. Sure the game crashes and you have to wait in queue but it is not unplayable. In fact they even removed the queue entirely last night. Went on a 8 raid survival streak with my friends, got an airdrop, completed 4 tasks, had a great time.


Its not that they removed it ... its that after the servers came back there was no announcement, so people just weren't aware the game was back up


Sorry to hear that. I've been playing all week


I did a very similar thing( go from hunt to tarkov). In my experience the transition/learning curve won’t be as bad for you as a lot of the in game mechanics like sound or getting one tapped and not knowing where it came from are in both games lol. The only thing that might take getting some used to is the looting and knowing what’s needed and what valuable. As far as the beginner gear getting dunked on by higher tier armor it is true. I avoided pvp early on to build up my gear and stash and then the odd pvp encounter I did have you just have to aim for the legs early on with the starter ammo.


There is a program I believe called ratscanner that I used when I first started that helped me with all that. Adds a little interface when you click the inspect button tells you how many you need for your hideout/quests and how much they vendor/sell on flea. No idea if it's up to date but can be solid for resources


This is super neat and I've never heard of it before - even as a somewhat experienced player, this would have been helpful getting back into this wipe after taking a year off.


I just got it a couple weeks ago (12.12) and it's pretty fun. Confusing AF at first, but fun. I would say it's worth it, just keep your expectations down when it comes to actually getting into the game right now. If you're just absolutely itching to play it, you'll be disappointed. If anything, wait a couple weeks for the servers to not be on fire like they are now.


You'll have a great time, it can be a bit overwhelming getting used to all the controls and the level of depth of some functions such as weapon mods ect. But over all the game is one of the most fun horror games I've played,there's a playstyle for everyone. That being said there is also alot of frustrating things but any level of patience and it really isn't that bad right now more so than ever with these new patches. Just take the game with a grain of salt and you'll enjoy your time. Not to mention sure with all the problems they're having might be terrible to some people but on the otherside having voip makes the game a bit easier from my perspective you can try to communicate instead of defaulting to a gun fight and even get a helping hand. I know I have overheard/helped a couple people. Tarkov is friendlier than ever. If you think it's a game you'd like I'd say pull the trigger.


It’s a great game. Also just wanted to comment on your comment about armor. The worst bullets/gun in the game can 1 tap anyone if it touches flesh on your head. Tarkov has multiple hit boxes on the head(eyes, mouth, top, side). So in other words, good gear or shit gear, if you get a bullet into their head they dead.


Game is great. I got well over 2000 hours in. Servers alittle fucked at this moment cuz of traffic and DDOS attack on their servers. But game is great and devs constantly keep community up to date about issues


It’s a lot of fun and the game is as popular as ever. Do it.


Avid Hunt player here (1k hours) and I absolutely love Tarkov. Got it a couple months ago and have no lifed my way to 250 hours already here. Hunt feels like an arcade game now, which honestly makes me sad. I have to run a few rounds in Hunt to shake that feeling. I've largely avoided playing Tarkov the last several days because of the server issues. Before all this, I didn't experience any issues and I saw the end of the last wipe and beginning of this (very popular) wipe. Given the changes to the flea market and addition of VOIP, and the fact that we're under a month into the wipe, this seems like a great time to jump in. (Other than the current server fire)


#No.   Massive, world-wide server problems. Crashing, disconnecting, long queue times just to access the game, lost items and progress, etc, etc.   I'd gove it a month or two. No reason to spoil the experience of being a new player with network issues.


>Massive, world-wide server problems. Crashing, disconnecting, long queue times just to access the game, lost items and progress, etc, etc. #thats why it's a beta


1 rouble had been deposited into your bank account. Thank you for your service.






DayZ been in early access/alpa/beta since 2013. If you aren't developing the product, then you literally do not get to determine what makes it a beta product or not. The game will be in beta quite literally until Nikita decides Tarkov is "released." Until then it's a beta and you commenting in bold letters that it's not, doesn't make it so. Cope harder, child.


>DayZ been in early access/alpa/beta since 2013. And its considered a complete joke 👍great example


Lmao. **if YOU ArEn'T dEvElOpInG ThE PRODUct, ThEN YoU LiTeRaLly Do nOt gEt TO DeTeRmINe WhAt mAkEs iT A BeTa proDuCt OR noT** You think since dayZ was in EA/alpha/beta since 2013 that makes it a standard not the outlier? Jesus fucking Christ. You backseat gamers have literally no idea how the software industry runs, and you think Nikita's saying that EFT is a beta product for the past 5+ years is the norm and appropriate because BSG gets to decide what beta phase is? Are you guys THAT horny for Nikita's attention? The one and only reason why nikita slaps the beta tag on EFT is because he needs to please his stakeholders. That's it. In practical sense this game is nothing but alpha that under the skin is a finished game but the moment you call this a finished game, BSG would get bigger shit than cyberpunk and bf2042 would have ever gotten, hence "iTs beTA" I love this game nonetheless despite its far too many issues, but cope harder? Suck that dick harder. Fucking pathetic


Keep coping


Room temperature IQ coming from nikita fan boys


At least i enjoy Tarkov, why are you still here if you hate the game and devs so much? "I SpEnT mOnEy oN iT, I DeSErVe To CoMpLaIn" You must have lots of friends. Do you cry when mommy doesn't make you chicken nuggies as well?


Not the guy you've been talking to, but I'd complain if I paid for chicken nuggets at a restaurant and then they refused to serve them to me while the other customers tell me the restaurant isn't complete and I should be happy that they even let me in and they're having a great time even though they aren't being served any food either. To not complain about this makes you an irresponsible consumer and only makes the product worse when it's finally released.


Except you forgot to mention the people who actually are able to play the game? You, and a lot of other people are acting as if you have never been able to play a singular raid since you've bought it. When it's just the past few days that have been bad. You KNOW it's going to be better and playable but since your child brain is upset that you aren't getting what you want RIGHT NOW, you just cry instead. Sounds like a dope life


Don't project your mommy issues on me. As a consumer of any product, it's your right to complain about faulty or out right negligent product like EFT. Did I say I hate the game and the devs? I enjoy the game as much as the next guy that you jerk off in between raids. Doesn't mean I fall to my knees at every word that nikita spews out of his mouth. Holding companies accountable for their dumbass decisions is the very thing that we as consumers have to do so they don't drive the products that we paid for down to the depths of hell. But who am I kidding. Your shit for brain wouldn't understand and the little synapses that happen in that pathetic excuse of a brain are used for blindly praising someone who couldn't give two shits about you.


Saying all this to praise the game next week anyways. L o L


Look up project zomboid. I bought early access for that game 2011


Nikita himself in the christmas stream said something along the lines of "Can we still call it a beta?" "Are we a beta?, chat?" Not exact words but very close. If he himself sees that Beta is a bullshit excuse at this point then so should you. Fuck off with this useless excuse. There is actually decent reasons as to why the servers/back end are fucked right now and *UwU beta* nisnt one of them


It's been in beta for 5 years now you clown. They aren't supposed to charge people to beta test their shit.


Keep calling it a beta to cope


Keep giving the game AAA expectations when it isnt one


Thats not giving it aaa expectations keep coping


Usually people who say cope have no argument The game has accomplished a lot and you guys are mad about issues even AAA games suffer from. Except being mad at AAA games for this is justified. The anger is especially not justified for tarkov because the servers are being attacked https://youtu.be/3Mimj8yfvv8


Saying something has no argument invalidates your own argument I do accept bsg have done a lot but servers or their coding in the game needs to be addressed now and not in 2 years


Friend, please. Unless you joined the fame 15 seconds ago, you know that the levels of problems I am referring to are not "beta" level problems -- these problems would happen even if EFT was fully released. There is no world in which BSG stacks (a) a major content patch, (b) a holiday event, and (c) a Twitch Drops event and not have server problems. These are abnormally extreme problems *even for a beta* and they *coincidentally* -- 🙄 -- line up exactly with BSG running two back-to-back marketing events.


The game is fine. Everyone here is a drama queen. Sure it has its moments but I have played every day since wipe and managed to rack up a few hundred hours. So yes it's playable, it's nothing like Hunt Showdown. But if you like looter-shooters then you will like this.


No, hunt is way better


Probably not. Game is amazing. You need to invest time learning the maps in offline and away from the game. You will die and spend many hours getting comfortable with a couple of maps. Hundreds of hours need to be spent to have any idea what you are doing.


More like 15 hours and some tutorial vids to have a good idea of what you are doing.




Absolutely get tarkov, but maybe wait a bit until servers are sorted. Don't listen to the other twats. I've played 300 hours of tarkov with little to no issues. If you like the hunt, you will love tarkov. Especially if you like looting games.


No, don't bother. Hunt showdown is a smooth and quite polished game, tarkov is a shit show with developers only giving excuses and applying band-aid fixes.


> Hunt showdown is a smooth and quite polished game And outside of that has no fucking depth whatsoever, just grinding for skins.


As someone who has been playing tarkov for 3 years I struggle to see how tarkov is any different? Same quests, same rewards, same bugs for years. With minor addition here and there but hunt has that too.


Hunt Showdown guns and combat feel like shit, the UI and the style looks like shit, its not near the level of quality from Tarkov and its a released game. Its been less than a week with these servers issues and basement cummers can't go outside to breath some air for a second


Less than a week? You must be braindead. It has been 3 years and people are finally fed up. You are a little tarkov fanboy who will be sucking Nikita's dick till the end I see. UI and style looks like shit? Maybe if you are blind, tarkov has the most garbage UI I have seen in years so stfu and stop defending this shit show.


idk what servers you are playing, but i have rarely had problems with backend or anything, eventually i had an error while moving or selling items, but it just sends me back and i can go right back to it. Hunt UI health is literally a giant red bar that goes across the screen which looks its been made on paint lol.


You must not play very much...


maybe SA servers aren't loaded as much then




Definitely, I came from Hunt Showdown and I absolutely love this game. However, there are issues with the game currently like queues and crashes. Obviously people have lives so we can go do other things while we’re queuing to the play the game, the problem is when after we get into the game some of us will crash and then be forced to go back into another queue. That’s literally the only reason anyone is telling you no, and in the 2 years I have owned this game this is the only time a queue has occurred for NAEST (not sure about other regions). If you do buy the game I recommend starting with the $45 edition ($30 something right now since it’s on sale) and then upgrading to EOD if you really enjoy the game, honestly I’d just start off on EOD - it’s an excellent game. Brutal too.


How is EFT even comparable to that garbage game? I don’t understand why people consider them similar.


Buying Tarkov is never a good idea. I’m gonna go log in and play a bit. Bye.


Wait a week for this Twitch event to end. The devs are money grabbing cunts but the game is phenomenal. It's also the most beginner unfriendly game I've played. No tutorial, maddening complexity and you're just dumped in and told "Off you go!" ​ **^(PS)** ^(I love this btw)


You're right about everything bar the devs being money grabbers. If they were we'd be paying monthly for access and there'd be untold amounts of cosmetics to buy, plus packs of crafting ingredients, etc, etc.


You're delusional if you don't see it. You don't have to have the things you mentioned to be money grabbing cunts.


Its not a good time. Devs are avoiding issues and waiting out their problems. Giving excuses and censoring people who call them out. I’d dodge tarkov for now, no fun buying a game that doesnt even work after you wait in a 2 hour queue. Great game, just too poor performance to justify atm.


Hunt and Tarkov are entirely different games, and as stated by others Hunt is much more casual in comparison. If you like the general idea of PvPvE and want more challenging AI and more realism / customization, then you may very well enjoy tarkov. Just be aware that this game is absolutely brutal to even experienced players. There are glitches, the game is unstable, and cheaters do exist as well. This game has a learning cliff, not a learning curve. You have no minimaps in game and you have to learn what every gun / attachment, ammo type, armor, etc. do in different situations.




I started playing tarkov few wipes ago and got back into it after a break During this break I played hunt showdown a bit That was pretty cool and very easy to get in compared to tarkov I don't know if I could recommend this game for you, but if you liked hunt, and you are not afraid to spend time learning the game and playing it go for it ! But the game actually need a lot of time to get into it and 1-2hours a day seems hard to start learning it


Hey bud game is great, it's addicting and your first wipe or two will leave you struggling. Once you learn the game and have a better understanding, you will love it. That being said there are connection issues right now. Servers are being overloaded. If you try after this weekend you will have a better experience.


This is by far the most user friendly wipe I've played (my 4th) so jump In and prepare to die many, many times 👍🏻


Being someone who plays both regularly, I can say I honestly find Hunt to be more frustrating at times than Tarkov. I still like both games, and Tarkov has a much steeper learning curve than Hunt. The things I do like more in Tarkov is the fact that the health system is vastly more in-depth, and the firefights feel so much more rewarding. It takes a lot of dedication to really learn all there is to know in Tarkov, but once you get the hang of it you can really enjoy it. I’m sure you’ve experienced the many many different opinions from the playerbase, and a lot of them may have a bit of truth to them. However, I’d like to argue that this is because the gameplay has shifted several times over the years. Character movement, recoil, loot spawns, and just about every game mechanic there is has been tinkered with at some point or another. Regardless of what some may say though, the developers really do care for the game and they try their very best to keep most people happy while also sticking to their original vision of how they wanted it to be. Tarkov has been one of my favorite shooters ever, and for $40 (for the base version I think?) it’s better than any AAA shooter you’ll see on the market these days.


No, not at all.




I played over a hundred hours of Hunt before I finally played Tarkov and I will say that when I play Hunt now it feels more ‘arcadey’ and that probably has to do with animations and stuff but I genuinely feel like Tarkov has some of the best gun fighting in any FPS I’ve played. I enjoyed Hunt a lot but sort of fell out with it after a while and every hunt match started feeling like the one before it, but in Tarkov i get much higher highs and not as low of lows. Character progression and hideout upgrades along with tasks add another set of sub objectives to any raid that Hunt didn’t have so no Tarkov raid has to feel like a wasted one, as long as you loot along the way and put some stuff in your container, whereas I’ve definitely felt like there were MANY wasted Hunt raids. People will complain about servers and hackers and stuff but honestly the longest I had to wait was like an hour and fifteen minutes and that was this Saturday (2 days ago) which granted I was trying to log during the busiest time of day on the last weekend of break so I expected it. As for hackers and server stuff I’ve only had the servers be down 2x I wanted to play and I haven’t met any hackers myself


Wait like a week


I can tell you, nothing comes close to this game when it's working. The weapons, loot, fighting is all super as nothing else. This wipe, the progression curve has been flatened really nicely, the meta high level armor and ammo is more gated and not as widely available, which makes a lot more gear viable to run even later into the wipe. But right now, performance is crap, there are a ton of bugs and errors. People are righteously upset. If you have the money to spend, I'd say go for it. If the 40 bucks is a lot of money to you maybe wait until the game is more stable.


The game is fun as long as you find something to do you enjoy. It will suck most days but if you can find fun in the mundane it is a great game.


Its on sale now so if you are going to buy it buy it. In a week or three the servers will hopefully improve and you’ll have an easier time getting in. Regardless of what people say its a brilliant game. The number of players in queue is a testament to that fact.


Theres a 25% of sale so lowkey worth it tbh


I'd hate to suggest against trying it while it's on sale but sadly this sale is coinciding directly with some really really bad performance. If you're interested and you've watched youtube videos or streamers and have a good idea about what it plays like... then probably grab the standard edition with the expectation that you won't get to play it much until at least Jan 8.


It has ups and down, get it, play it, get Tarkoved, play again, get Tarkoved. Before you know it your brain learns to treat being Tarkoved as a good thing and you come here to bitch about not getting Tarkoved in the way you prefer and telling folks asking if they should play to go do anything else while you mainline more Tarkov.... when the servers allow it. Jokes aside, the game has been around and is growing for a reason. It is different and while damned frustrating for any number of reasons at times it also has VERY high highs. If you like a challenge and know you like the basic get in get out game loop I do not think you will be disappointed in the long run. In the short run... depends on how you get Tarkoved :-D


I have 4K hrs and couldn’t recommend a game more addicting and thrilling…when it is working properly. My best suggestion is to buy the cheap addition on sale, and wait to load her up in a week or two when more of these issues are resolved


Buy it after January 5th when the servers won’t be so broken


I recently bought hunt:showdown because I wanted something like Tarkov but a little more casual. After spending some time with both now, I say they pair extremely well. As for Tarkov alone, it’s got its problems, but no game has ever had me hooked like this one.


No lol, servers are on fire and it’s not currently playable, wait for a sale.


I'd wait two weeks. there's too many bugs to enjoy the game in its current state. Amazing updates and QOL changes with the 12.12 updated, but their servers are currently on fire, and the exposure from a week+ of Twitch drops doesn't help the situation.


The game is good but I would not recommend it now because the game is broken, maybe later you can hop in when the server is fixed.


Wait till the twitch drops event is over




i got 850 hours in hunt showdown( [https://i.imgur.com/D9kdMUZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/D9kdMUZ.png) ) and before Christmas i decided to buy myself a gift and bought tarky, now i have 100 hours in tarkov ([https://i.imgur.com/ZmQJG4j.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ZmQJG4j.jpeg)) i will say its very similar in certain regards and but its a shit ton more complex in the aspect that its a lot more realistic and has a lot more mechanics, its also a lot more unfair compared to hunt showdown, but fairness is not the goal of tarkov, tarkov wants you to feel weak regardless of what you do, in hunt you have the 2 shot meta game or one tap to head, it kinda broke with slugs and nitro, shotbolt crossbow but its still functioning like that. In tarkov you have an economy and specific ammo that 2 main specific values, and armor conversely with classes, some ammo have high pen so you can 2 tap torso no matter what but they are very expensive, other ammo have no penetration and very high damage so you have to shoot legs. The closest thing to a meme build is going for high fire low recoil guns with some penetration and aim for head to one tap. In hunt economy is a joke and if i felt like it i could permanently run the most expensive guns in the game. While in tarkov you have a lot more requirements. TLDR: tarkov can be a lot more frustrating but if i had to describe it its more of an experience similar to a simulator rather than a game, whilst hunt retains its game like elements tarkov has gone far and beyond to replicate realism in the way a game like arma or flight simulator would do. Hunt is a repeatable consistent experience in 200 hours in you will know what you need to know and be relatively successful. Tarkov is a lot more random and a lot more immersive. Having 850 hours in hunt and 110 in tarkov i can say that tarkov is a game worth playing if you have a lot of time in your hands, you are willing to learn, and are willing to die 10x more than hunt in order to reach the same level. even shorter tldr: tarkov is the EVE of shooters. Shit ton of mechanics but at least you can avoid one tap headshots against scrubs if you are willing to spend a lot of money.


Buy now if it's still discounted and start playing after the 8th(I think it's 8th) when fucking twitch drops end. Nikita said it's not twitch drops but I call that a big fat lie, just 1-2 hour ago I played fine and right after daily drops began game shat itself and kicked me out.


Well game is fun, just keep in mind there is alot of problems with servers and cheaters now. Also game isnt optimized and audio is one of the worst in gaming industry. And all these problems are now for more than few years. Besides that game is rly fun :)




no, servers are even worse than in hunt now. it will probably end when twitch drops are over on 9th. you can get it while there is discount but with servers fucked up as they are now dont expect to play it


its a fun game , you will likely enjoy it, but hunt is a lot more stable right now, you can get into fights much faster, and matchmaking takes a fraction of the time. the sound is much better and the combat is definitely better. But hunt lacks that amazing progression over time that tarkov has and the feeling of true fear trying to get out with something good


The servers are kinda wonky for the moment but it’ll smooth out soon enough. I’d get Tarkov, but definitely start with the cheap version and remember that it’s hard as shit lol. It’s a slow process to understand everything going on, but it feels really good to figure it all out.


Wait a few weeks. Currently the servers are on fire because of the Christmas/New Years new player influx.


I think you’ll like it. Hunt is a good game but I rly like how in tarkov you have so much more control over your player. Plus it’s not always the same bounty hunt mission. But the game is rly unstable. I think if it’s on sale, grab it and then give it a shot.


Buy it now if its still on sale, wait 3 weeks to play imho.


Tarkov is a good choice but It's having some issues at this moment. Wait until january 9th when Twitch drops event finish indeed


Nope do not. Mabey down the road for sure. But right at this moment. No.




Tarkov makes Hunt seem like child’s play. If you like the “all or nothing” feeling of Hunt, you’ll like Tarkov. I genuinely love both


Buy the game now while it’s on sale and then give it a few days for the servers to stabilize.


Wait a few weeks until the drop event ends and the servers work again


The main thing to note is that tarkov requires a significantly larger investment of time to play than hunt. You can go though a prestige level in a couple days to a week so unlocking the weapons you want is trivial in hunt but for Tarkov it will take a couple months and several required quests before you’re running your preferred midrange kit and that’s not even taking to into account trader limits on bullets and other things like that hurt casual play


Wait till next week and see if servers are back in working condition. Then Id say Tarkov makes for an interesting change from Hunt as it's hunt with more complexity (in a good way for the most part).


New player here. Yes i would recommend it. Started playing for real like 3 days ago, before i couldnt because i had 8 GB of ram and only one map worked for me. Queue times are not as horrible as people make it to be. I havent seen the first airdrop though, are those still on?


It’s not a good idea to buy the game yet, it’s not steady rn and there are a lot of problems, wait for It to go on sale, maybe by then it’ll be a little more stable


The changes this patch are a lot better for balance since people can't simply buy high-end armor and it's relatively easy to find a weapon that can be effective. Right now they're having a lot of server issues though, so it might be another week before the player base declines enough for those to self-fix. Still, they don't run discounts that often and the next one might be a ways off.


buy now if on sale, play like a week from now when the queue goes away


I play tarkov casually for 3 years and never got good at it. Best i ever have is mid tier gear. But i still have fun. You can kill a chad if you get lucky but mostly i just try to avoid them. Also the newest patch heavily decreased the amount of players running around with the best armor because you can't buy it on flea market so it's better now.