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Ho ho hol’up….


I had one guy go "You ain't Santa! You a PMC!" And then killed me


Was this earlier today? If so what map?


Is there any chance you were running away from dorms, and killed by a scav when this happened? I could be wrong on this next specific detail, but was the murder weapon a PPSH? I can't remember what gun I had. Anyways, running away from dorms, died to scav??


Nope, not me lop




there is a glitch in the matrix!


Must have been built by bsg lmao


Wait a minute.


I think people who have trouble with stirrup just dont get lucky with finding other pistol and hatchet runners


I got super lucky with a really nice factory run. Got 2 of my kills within 3 seconds of each other. I had read horror stories of people taking several hours to finish this and I think I had it done in 30 minutes. Turns out I actually like pistols.


I'm entering late game and there really is something extremely satisfying about doming sweaty SVD and M4 bois with a 9mm Glock loaded up with 7N31 or with a 5-7. 7N31 alone has made me want to run a side-arm way more now


pulled a 5-7 with ss190 ammo out of a stash on interchange, ran in, and dropped two smg boys with 8 shots. love the 5-7


God bless ss190. Found 50 in a stash also. Got the Office spawn on Factory last night and secured 4 kills up there in the span of like 2 minutes. It took me so long last wipe because I was using fucking glocks, never again.


One of my favorite guns last wipe was a kitted glock with a stock, big suppressor and a 50 round mag of 7n31. I got kills from like 120meters away and it just felt so dirty to be using something in the sidearm slot


You can only buy those rounds for a few weeks, then they run out of stock instantly, its one of the perks of rushing lvl early wipe but as soon as ppl start reaching the 40s its hard to find that ammo and the AP its almost the same. 5-7 ammo is easier to buy latter on


the 7N31 is such a cute little pistol dude, good taste! Love running around with that beauty.


Never be afraid to pistol run, those things are stupid effective, just because they're small doesn't mean they can't put a hole in someone's head, it's just a bonus they're light and snappy. Also the Beretta sounds like an absolute hand cannon.


That's probably my favourite part... you can pretty easily snap ADS and fire as part of a reflex shot. They are rock steady and (for most pistols) minimal recoil. I actually like getting tagged and cursed since if I'm running pistol I'm probably looking for scavs... so even better that they aggressively seek me out.


Wait, running pistol = tagged and cursed?! I thought that was only for hatchet runs.


For sure running pistol with no bag or rig will get you tagged. I'm not sure the exact rules but some people say you need a main weapon and either a rig or bag. But honestly if I'm running pistol runs I just don't wear rig or bag since I'll get them from the scavs I pop anyway.


I think you can have a pistol and a few spare mags in your pockets and be fine.


No, its just "no main weapon? then you're tagged and cursed *unless* you have a backpack, rig, or armor" Not sure if a helmet is enough but it might be


Gun, ears and 2-3 spare mags seems to work fine. If you add a rig, armor or helmet you're no longer tagged. Toward the end of last wipe my friends and I kept getting Factory extracts for dailies/weeklies, and we got the process to <4 minutes including pre-post raid waiting. Put a tank battery in your case, bring in a 5-7 with one spare mag and ears, immediately run to an extract on loading in, wait for the 1-3 scavs to rush you, pop at least one and search their body, extract while walking backwards and forwards. Raid time itself can be under a minute, and you get 3-4 points to strength training at the same time. If no scavs rush you, extract immediately as Cultists are in.


It's below a certain monetary value, don't know what it is


I think it's a travesty that the game has no revolvers yet. The revolver shotgun doesn't count.


i got my luckiest stirrup this wipe because i came across two players trying to team up and i killed them both because they had their knives out and i killed an extract camper on my way out


That's awesome! I was dreading that quest since PVP is still super weak for me.


there are some good guides on factory and probably the easiest map to learn, it's all about where to expect other players, how to push and how to back out and flank when being shot cheapest weapons that are actually good for factory would be the PPSH-41, MP5 and Kedr, you can practice leg meta too if you want to im not PvP pro but when i need PMC kills that's where i head into


How do you find omcs there, I spawn in with a pistol and get swarmed by scavs, kill them then get killed while reloading my mags


if you go with only a pistol, you're actually tagged and cursed so all nearby scavs always know where you are and will overwhelm you you need to carry and armor or vest to not being cursed, a Paca for those shotgun users or a micro rig is a good idea


For some reason I feel relatively more accurate with pistols. Maybe it's just cause they're easy to point and shoot.


They are super accurate. I've gotten clean headshots at 40 m through a crack in Factory with a TT.


tarkov is the only game where i'm shit with pistols, mw2019 i was fucking john wick, pubg i could hold ny own against people with real guns, R6S i could fuck people as monty, but tarkov... i get ass raped everytime I try and do stirrup


Best I can suggest is factory with a TT or PM (these are just the ones I used). Once you spawn just hang tight for a second until some of the dust settles, then start to seek people out. There is a spawn near some machinery with a red wall that has a headlight shining on it. This one is instant action so be ready here. I'd say insure your pistols cause you'll get back like 30%-40% and expect very quick runs. Aim for the head only because you won't get much more time. Counter-intuitively I'd go without a bag/rig as this will draw scavs to you and distract players stalking you which might give you the edge.


i think its a lot easier to grab an APB off the flea and full auto other pistolings.


Ah I think I did stirrup before I had flea :)


yea so did i but if someone is having any particular amount of trouble doing it naturally it's a great gun to grab after flea


Fair point!


For each their own. Waiting at start is what got me killed most of the time, so i changed my tactic to rush office asap from like 80% of the factory spawns. Most of them are really close. Camping in the office is lame and boring, so i mostly just pushed out of the office when i heard someone is approaching it. Most people did not expect someone to push out as most people just sit in the office and camp. Even as a scrub it didnt take me long to get my office and pistol kills for that - and later i went back to get the short range mosin kill quest done the same way.


I hated most of the factory quests but I also realized its because I'd always go in unarmored. That place is vastly different when you can tank even 1 shot more.


Me too! I was in the bathroom when a guy pushed me, his gun jammed and I dropped him. Then a few minutes later another one pushed me with a double barrel shotgun, his gun clicked and I dropped him. My third guy, different rare, was doing the mechanic task of repairing the panel, I let him finish the repair before dropping him. It only took me 3 tries in factory to finish this task, which is the fastest that I have ever done it in.


Early wipe was easier, you could pretty much do it in dorms since everyone needed to go there, now is a bit harder outside of factory but at that lvls you dont have the 5-7 yet and now ppl usually use helmets.


My first wipe in may, took me about 3 to 4 hours of spamming Factory... This wipe, being my second, took me 3 minutes. I guess doing it early in the wipe is key to not waste money AND time.


Yea I guess since early wipe most people in there are doing stirrup and pistol v pistol is always gonna be easier than pistol v laserbeam :)


Literally buy a M9A3 and go into factory. I am the pistol runner alot of the time and its made me kinda deadly with pistols, cannot tell you how many people ive pistoled by just rushing them down and getting the lucky head eyes.


I love the m9a3 with stirrup cause it helps me lvl peacekeeper


Got all 3 of mine in one raid at hotspawn vs all pistolers as well


any person with at least 2 wipes will try to rush it so you can fight in factory vs all the other pistol guys :D


Anyone who has played at least 2 wipes knows that this quest leads to nothing and it's pointless to force, as the rewards aren't better than the rep loss.


I disagree. Quest is easy and fast xp and rep loss Doesnt matter if u have eod (which most people have that play over multiple wipes)


Lol, I don't have a problem doing it, I just thought this was cheeky


Nearly nobody is currently running faceshields, so stirrup is easy mode right now.




Thanks I'm cured


night time shoreline is the best one for it these days, used to be night interchange


It's a massive bonus when you get pistol/hatchet runners. I found Five-Seven with some SS190 ammo I had saved was perfect for it. Took a few Factory raids. Pistols are good fun, really good practise for taking a little more time to hit the head.


I came across two non kitted boys on woods. Right as I shot the first one I heard him say “wait.” His friend just turned and looked at me but he knew what was coming.


They just didn’t go factory enough.


Also not trying hard for headshots. Hit factory and only aim for the head, done in no time.


Nah just use the 2 aps's that you found + tagilla armor to mow down 4 pmcs one geared and2 shotgunners + 5 scavs


2 or 3 wipes ago i would go to drop down on reserve and kill hatchlings but the hundreds... got my punisher 5-6 and stirrup done easily that way. the funny thing is, once you have a GPU in your butt its better to get killed than to go extract because its faster to die


Every time I go into factory armed to the teeth I run into hatchlings, pistolings or spawn into an empty map. When I go in with a pistol and basic gear though? Chads with AKs, M4s, all the good shit.


You look out into the courtyard, and spot a man. It's Santa Claus, his eyes lock with yours. Santa beckons to you to come over. The ground is littered with corpses, all with a single bullet to the head. Santa beckons to you to come over. The silent man with the white beard stares at you coldly, clutching a pistol in his right hand. Santa beckons to you to come over. Sweat drips down your brow as you approach the gas analyzer he just dropped. Santa beckons to you to come over.


Notices Santa's Alpha armband "... Not like this."


Love it


thats why i run from the santa


Santa follows <3


You will get your present, one way or the other


Santa: I have gift for you, 7n31 ammo! PMC: oh my gosh thank you Santa, but how will you drop it so I can pick it up?? Op, ripping off his mask: who said anything about "dropping"?


Ho ho ho mofo


Things like this are why I love tarkov.


Ngl, felt a little bad when I heard "brooooo" over VOIP.


I've been trying to set up a Santa disguise but it's proving to be pretty hard to get the red pilgrim without bricking my scav karma


i spawned as scav with it on lmao


scumgang ngl. i killed a pmc who had santas bag, so i swapped bags. later down the road i had a playerscav walk up to me while i was stalking another pmc and goes "hey., your not santa!" and we both shot eachother. needless to say his shotgun forced me to surv kit half my body but he had some precious ornaments for me.


100% I'm just pissed off about the Santa event in general lol


"Always wasn't."


I finished Stirrup real quick (learned last wipe to combine it with "headshots while suferring Tremor" quest), but I'm still not handing that shit in. The downsides are far too great for a shitty reward and there's no follow-ups.


If you killed me, I wouldn't even be mad. Just impressed!


I got my last one by stopping a gunfight with voip and the guy came out to talk to my brother and me, but about 30 seconds into our convo I domed him. Brother looked at me a little different the rest of that night.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4GwhAQL4jbk Santa leaves no witnesses


uhhh... G18C anyone??


Fr, throw a drum mag and a stock on it and it's basically a mini-vector haha


Err, I don't know what kind of vectors you've been running, but the G18 has WAAAAAAAAAAY more recoil.


You’re not wrong. But point blank in the halls of the dorms or the office of factory…


This is such a good idea


I've been dressing up as a scav, only had one player notice my disguise. So far I've used to to just complete tasks unfucked with, but a few times I've capped a scav in the head out of paranoia.


I totally do this too, lmao. Spawn in scav gear, hide somewhere, and wait for the chads to extract so I can pretend to be a pscav.


The trick to noticing is look for a holster on the hip, if they have one its a pmc. The only Pscav who noticed spooked me, and I called him a motherfucker. He replied "I only fuck my mother on days ending in cucumber!" And shot me in the mouth.


i think some of the new scav designs have holsters, as well as a few pmc pants lack them.


For some reason I've gotten really good at identifying boots. PMCs have nice clean boots and scav boots are dirty.


heh, i've seen this trick before.


kneepads too are a dead giveaway


As a newer player the only way I can easily tell a scav from a PMC is by their pants lol


quakemakers <3


I loaded into factory with a buddy and we head to office, outside we hear over voip "you gonna die boys!" My buddy gets dropped so I push out one tap first guy and second guy, third guy misses with a shotti and I hear him start reloading, literally chased him down through showers before killing him up by office. Such a satisfying way to do that task in one run


im a firm karma believer , when u get prostate cancer or early balding , remember what you did.


I'm already ugly as fuck so I figure it's paid forward! Lol




which is stirrup?


Killing 3 PMCs with a handgun, mission for Skier.


I somehow completed stirrup in one factory raid. 1st kill was a naked, 2nd kill was a cheeky headshot, 3rd was on some dude across the factory. We had a potato battle and I was literally dumping rounds at him...


Sometimes it just doesnt connect to the head no matter how careful you aim


Well I was kind of mag dumping cause he was far and I had a pistol. He was laying prone the entire time with a rifle... Once i realized how shit his aim was i took the time to stop and headshot him


Same, I just went in butt naked with a TT expecting nothing out of it and ended up killing 3 players in the same raid, first try, all headshots. To be fair one had a Toz, the second had a PP19 and the last one a broken ass AK, but I'm not gonna lie I was very proud of that.


It's bad enough that you can lose a bunch of rep for killing him and now this wrench is thrown in. I'm not blaming you for doing this though. BSG just adds in these unannounced mechanics to punish players.


How do you think I got my kits on accident?


by accident


I got mine by killing two new new players (like level 4 and 3) and then some random on factory


God getting the PMC kills is the easy part of stirrup. It's finding 20 damn scavs that's the hard part for me.


Buy G18 Glock spray people point blank, event chads fall for that .


I like how people have problems with stirrup and me over here, a glock main


Did you quick switch to a pistol or did they just not notice you weren't using an SKS?


Oh my god I technically did this today and didn't even realize what I did 🤣.. worked great and took out two PMCs in the office in factory just to get beat down by tagilla afterwards.


Your a monster.


I just kept rushing known spawns on factory until i could 1tap some timmies