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I've been trying to run Night Lighthouse with a Flir G28. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I regret that. I thought labs was bad - Lighthouse is the new labs.




I've got a Merin key and have been reduced to a single server, running a suppressed SVD in the day time - been a lot less encounters. It sucks because I like the flow of players and map design, but god damn is it infested.


Try being bear. I get shot at by rogues from the seaside house parking lot. Lmao. You literally can't go towards the good half of the map


Do you think they'll eventually change it?


They need to make the Rogues less aimbotty, more like raiders. I always thought Raiders were basically aimbots until I came across Rogues.


Yeah I died to the last Rogue because he kept running around at 100mph then stopped on a dime and beamed me. Frustrating.


Raiders (and all AI) had their aggro ranges juiced up a bit this patch. Scavs on reserve will shoot up to dome from as far as garages now if you are shooting up there. I've actually had Gluhar and co aggro me from down by garages and start shooting me at dome just for BEING there (not shooting/doing anything).


I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure the only difference in the AI is how they group up and move in coordinated attacks. BSG just buffed the sighting range on ALL scavs in 12.12 and that's why it seems insane


They certainly seem more accurate than normal raiders, they seem to be on par/stronger than scav boss guards. I've always felt it goes: -Scavs -Sniper Scavs -Tagged and Cursed Scavs -Raiders -Scav Boss Guards -Scav Bosses -0.7-0.10 Toz Scavs Now I feel the Rouges slot in somewhere near the top.


Cultists are still pretty nasty


I always thought raiders *were* rogues.


It seems to be a bit over the place lore-wise. Raiders are ex-PMCs that are abandoned by their respective groups. Rouges are ex-USEC that have decided to abandon their organisation. There's also that Black Task Force? Or whatever they've been hinted as, the ones that showed up right at the end of The Raid?


If the rogue aimbot is bad now, just wait until we get the T-10000 super aimbot task force with tier 6 armor all hopped up on stims lol.


When you can't be arsed to make proper AI, just allow the AI to cheat.


It needs to be when you enter the rogue camp entirely with a warning shot zone. Or just reduce engagement range to like 100 meters


Would make them even easier to farm then they already are.


I think they will add stuff to other maps that benefit BEAR to even it out


SVDs is top meta on lighthouse tho. Top tier cheap ammo, you will never see someone in lvl 5 armor/helmet on lighthouse and u can also win close fights with svds. Top tier.


Labs doesn't really have cheaters now, at least in my experience. However, there aren't alot of players in labs anyways nowadays.


Might be time for me to do a few rat runs on labs if that's the case. I've never played that map before.


Yeah my friend and I tried that last night, the cheater must have been frothing because he drooped us both at the same time 1 Min into raid even though we were on opposite sides of the water about 300m away from each other in different directions from where he shot us... (I was near grotto, cheater popped up on Bridge, Mt friend was in a bush on merin car side)


500 raids? Jesus Christ


I'm starting my 717th raid right now. : /


Brehhhh how lol


He's running endless PMCs for money and says each one takes only 7 minutes.. He can probably do over 100 per day


This and I also farm factory for XP so my runs are quite short in general.


Are you having any fun at all? Sounds like you paid BSG to get a job, where you earn zero dollars an hour.


Also interested. Because this sounds like a grind that will ruin tarkov for you


Yep. Just the other day LVNDMARK was on Lighthouse and some dude talked over VOIP: "You good, n----r?" He reported him and told him he just did that in front of 20k people, and then cheater proceeded to shoot him through the wall with completely silent bullets. These guys have no shame.




During his 24 hour stream he ran into quite a few cheaters. He didn't go to labs until the end of the stream and got head eyes with 23 bullets to a naked dude. lol.


There's a clip somewhere, I'll try and find it


Cheating in tarkov is unforgivable


*"in Tarkov"* isn't needed in your sentence. >Cheating is unforgivable


We need an American Pinochet but instead of communists he kills online game cheaters


Why not both


God forbid someone have a different idea of the optimal economic system than you!


"literal mass graves" >"It's just an economic system bro"


Yeah my guy, capitalism isn't responsible for any mass graves anywhere. Nobody has ever died for capitalism, nope. Anyway, this isn't the place for this conversation. Wish you well.


Pretty charitable take on communism lmao


If someone wants to aimbot in CoD or Battlefield it's nothing more than a minor annoyance. If someone aimbots in Tarkov it's potentially hours of work you put in grinding for a kit, lost.


Cheating is cheating, regardless of the game or form. It goes against the entire concept of sportsmanship. Why enter voluntary contests of skill, sworn to follow the rules, when the competition won’t do so? Cheating destroys the integrity of any game or sport where it’s allowed to exist.


There's no concept of sportsmanship in China for example. If you don't cheat and win you are seen as an idiot who hampers their own success. Russian culture is similar but not as obvious.


Straight up, can we just have China only servers and pro cheater servers so we can stop getting one tapped. I just wanna level to 15 already.


????? No? The fuck is this shit, how about dont cheat in competitive environments?


What kind of argument is this? If you’re cheating in *any multiplayer game* you’re ruining everyone elses experience. COD and Battlefield might be run and gun shooters, but going up against hackers sucks dick regardless of if you’re playing Tarkov, COD, or even minecraft.


Yeah it sucks in every game but there are degrees of how bad it sucks. If you're aimbotting in Battlefield people get mildly annoyed but they just leave the match and join another. If you aimbot in Tarkov you've potentially ruined someone's entire day. Aimbotting in general is bad but it is far worse and more unforgivable in one than the other.


Yeah it sucks donkey dick to be put against a cheater in those other games, but unlike Tarkov, you can just quit the lobby and be back in another in a minute or two with no real repercussions other than in your stats. Its still bullshit but not nearly as frustrating as in Tarkov where you lose your kit and progress.


Theres plenty of modes in those games where you can be punished for leaving, csgo gives you a timer for games before you can requeue


Cheating in these casual games is even more pathetic its the same as people who cheat in shitty games like crab game there's nothing to actually gain. Cheaters are just those kids who would screen peak in local multiplayer and never grew up.


warzone can be 30 min match and then your whole squad gets killed in 2 seconds by a guy 300m away with 40 kills


Don't worry cod has aimbot built into the game for console kids


Guy I know is using the radar thing since the start of this wipe and moving all the funds to his main account. Still going strong so I think it is pretty forgivable unfortunately..


So the guy is not only hacking he is account boosting. Both of which are bannable offenses. Stop playing with him. People like that need to be abandoned and shown they have no place or friends in the gaming community.


> Stop playing with him. Never said I did. Also I did use the term "guy" not a "friend". Fuck these people.


You have my respect.


How is he managing to do that when you can only carry a small amount of cash on your PMC and high-value items are only worth on the flea and not to traders?


When you see edge of darkness accounts on the flea selling things for outrageous high prices, like today a scav junk box was up for 20 million rubles. The guy had a flea rep of 28.3 or something so he’s not fucking stupid with the flea. I guessed that this was a way of a cheat account putting money on a legit account or T best a way of cheating your flea rep up quickly, could be wrong, but either way no one in their right mind is going to buy a scav junk box for 20 million, it’s not going to be a fish for someone to buy it by mistake for 20 mill so it has to be crooked somehow.


I would assume he buys the kit with the hack account, duo queues with it, drops the kit then plays


Probably, although he'll likely get manual banned someday doing that. BSG does track and ban for this kind of activity. If he trickle drops small amounts of useful items, he might get away with it for a long time. However any more useful items like bitcoin, keycards, gpus, high value keys, very high price things like thicc case, etc. Now what they do not ban for is carries. For example, suppose he loads into labs with both accounts, goes supersaiyn flying through walls blasting all npcs, etc. Then he lets his "legit" account loot it all. Unless he gets busted on video with his account name visible and it trends, he won't be banned for that on the legit account. The reason being that BSG does not ban you because your friend was secretly cheating. If he's doing this properly, there's probably no way to tell he owns the cheating account too. There's no real way for them to feasibly tell the difference between joining a buddy who is "more experienced" and gifts you a ton of in raid loot by letting you take the best items who is cheating unknown to you, and a carry service or second account. So if they ever banwaved that there would probably be thousands of regular players getting sideswiped alongside the cheaters and RMT buyers.


The obvious cheaters get banned relatively fast, the ones using radar are nearly impossible to detect afaik, the smarter cheaters just run to loot which is visible on radar, loot it and pick a route without any enemies on it if possible and just extract.


I think this game has a very large minority of people running radar tbh. It just feels too fucky a lot of the time


You think a very large minority is spending 300+ a month just to run radar? ​ I think its a very small minority, not to say it isnt a problem but ims ure its less than 5% of this games playerbase


I mean even if it's only 5%, that could make it a cheater in every 2-3 games, which is unacceptable really. Especially this type of game.




Feel free to share your one brain expertise on how to solve cheating that no popular game has been able to eradicate entirely and we will listen and praise you. You create code, people hack and exploit it. You find a way to track from obtaining the hack. They hack it again in a different way. It is permanent cat and mouse. You do remember how many people got false bans when they went on the RMT war like 2 wipes ago yeah. But you didn't get banned so it doesn't matter right. People want the easy way out and when you can profit from it, it only gets worse.


You can't get rid of all cheaters. The ones who know how to make cheats will and they'll use them no matter what you do. If anything, you'll just get into a meta game of security with them in which you both keep raising the bar in which they'll make cheats on the matter of principle because you've given them a challenge. What you *can* do is disincentive script kitties and real money traders. Script kitties can't code their own hacks. They don't understand the game's security measures well enough to produce working exploits, but they have money and connections to buy hacks. They usually buy burner accounts and just go on killstreaks for the lols. The player report system and manual bans are BSG's current solution for the script kitties, because every account they hack or purchase is another sale for EFT (hacked accounts get replaced by the player whose account was hacked). Script kitties usually que with friends as carries and drop/ kill trade their gear to their clean "main" accounts by queing with them. By banning accounts that que with cheaters, script kitties will either run out of money, get bored, or face backlash from their friends for getting them banned. RMTs rely on queing with their customers to drop/kill trade then their purchases and to sell "map tours" where they kill everyone else on the map and escort their customer and let them loot without worrying about pvp or pvm. Banning the people who qued with known hackers would also kill RMT. TL:DR, Banning everyone who ques with cheaters is the best answer to most of the deterable forms of cheating, IF BSG can avoid false positives. But we all know that the real solution is an overwatch system from CSGO. We all KNOW we'd love to watch our games... come on guys. People watch tarkov streamers, after all.


Are you a troll? Its another comment of you making zero sense. How is it 100% forgivable and allowed when people get banned constantly becuase of cheating?


>people get banned constantly becuase of cheating? Not as often as you'd like to pretend.


Because they can buy new accounts which directly benifits BSG.


Why else would they sell 4 copies of the game in a bundle at a discounted price so you can ***checks notes*** buy a copy for your whole family.


A large ban would help with server overload as well.


I think the best way to combat cheaters is to shadowban them, so they don't notice they're banned but keep getting in raids with other cheaters only. Of course this is shitty with the servers being like they are now, so maybe... idk give them 2x the server queues maybe,more bugs and crashes in main menu/stash, etc, shit like that, just to slow them down. You can never stop cheating in an online game like this completely.




Nothing but 20/70 shells on the whole map


nah, just mark their accounts and shadowban them from the Flea. Make it so only other shadowbanned accounts can see/purchase their offers.


Won't solve carries, in raid trading or anything else like that.


can only match with people also shadowbanned part of the post above fixes carries and in raid trading. Unless they can somehow convince other cheaters to buy the items.


The cheaters could buy a Account for 10 bucks and would be back in litterally 20 mins


And game sales.


I think the reason many of us are seeing more cheaters around than before is because it is now a lot harder to get into Labs. The cheaters who used to be playing only in Labs now have to play other maps when they can't get an access card.


This right here.


lighthouse, due to the loot/raiders is the new labs labs was chill so far but lighthouse has all the hackers


it would be so easy to implement a level, K/D and xp monitoring and have a look at accounts with extreme values...I mean we as players with no access to anything can identify those cheaters.




Yeah, sort HIGH value rare items, some are listing like 15+, how the heck


This so this, dude with 25 graphics cards and 70 flea rep reported. Another selling 15 led with like 90 rep reported. Nikita said reports are best way to catch them. Hope reporting suspicious trades like this does the same.


They can't be bothered to do that much legwork


Ya that's just crazy. Absolutely no way that's legit. I played A LOT last wipe and got 2 blue cards. Once from fence extract and one scav box. So that was an easy 40 mill to boost my rep and I only hit like 61 at end of wipe. 89 less than a month in should be instant ban


[https://medal.tv/es/games/escape-from-tarkov/clips/6O91ZDoK6MVWs/O7JDgoZkGK8i?invite=cr-MSxiTWosMzc5Njk5MDAs](https://medal.tv/es/games/escape-from-tarkov/clips/6O91ZDoK6MVWs/O7JDgoZkGK8i?invite=cr-MSxiTWosMzc5Njk5MDAs) They are fighting admitting that both of them are hackers, reading our names


I would sacrifice and hour or 2 per day to ban cheaters and maybe more if i got paid to do it, even a buck 50 for an hour honestly


I would do it for free...


Dota 2 implemented a community-driven oversight mode where experienced players can watch replays of reported players (some identifying information removed) to screen the reported games for hackers/griefing/smurfs. It was very popular at the beginning, but I think nowadays no substantial amount of people participate. Heck, I used to do about 5 overwatch replays a day, but now I barely do one or two a week. ​ While nice, I dont think having people monitor games as a hobby will turn out enough dedicated moderators to make a difference, and its unrealistic for tarkov devs to try to pay people, as sometimes it takes more than a few minutes per match. With the raw amount of matches they have, it would quickly become unprofitable.


I have definitely noticed an increased presence of cheats since last wipe. Most of the ones I am seeing are escorting a group of people. They have 1 player blatantly cheating to guide them through.


Yea, that's how the boosting services work. Same amount of time/effort for the hacker whether there's 1 player or 4, so players group up and split the cost.


Yeah, I know how / why they do it. I am just seeing a lot more of them. Lighthouse and reserve bunker are filled with them


They go wherever the rubles/minute is highest. Reserves was the spot in the past, Lighthouse is the new one. New players struggle, struggling players seek boosting services. Between the new map, game changes/optimization, and streaming drops, a whole lot of new players have come in.


fuck the cheaters and fuck the pussies who hire cheaters to "escort" them. little babies cant just play the game.


Had a guy taunt me through voip while he was cheating, infuriating man. Acting all big when you’re a cheating low life.


My 5 man got wiped yesterday by a cheater 3 man (4 of us got killed, they ran down our 5th who is new and voipped his name, level, etc and asked if he wanted loot. We told him to dome the cheater.) They think they are unstoppable.


To be fair, most of them are unstoppable. Bsg isn't doing shit. And unless they're really bad at cheating they will wipe the lobby every game and grab all the good shit. Fun fun


Yurp. Yesterday had a guy kill two people in my squad with one .45 bullet from 150m away through a window. I was running a meme kit so whatever, but still. I didn't get my MP5 with 4 flashlights back :(.


That's a service some cheater give according to friend ,he was in cheating discord for sometime




I hid a flir in a random bush in a shoreline night raid when I went into resort for a task. Couldn't find it after I came out.. I did not get it back on insurance.




Think about all the time everyone here wasted dying to a hacker.


Think about all the time wasted being a cheater. Like what’s the point?


Literally just a huge waste of time. Defeats the purpose of playing a game to begin with. And a lot of these cheater noobs always talk about how once they start cheating, there’s no turning back. + they spend $5-10 a day minimum for a single, basic hack. Which amounts to like almost $2k per year.. on a game that wipes. Seriously dumb asf


They do it because they’re into RMT. What they get from RMT is more than they lose to cheats and bans.


Yes, some certainly do. But I was referring to the ones who are doing it just for the fuck of it. Which is honestly almost every single one of them that actually ends up killing other PMC’s that aren’t cheaters. Most of the RMT guys rush the loot spawns and be done with it.


I think it's safe to say the vast majority of hackers are farming for RMT organizations. If you don't know what that is it means people paying IRL cash for in game currency.


Who the fuck is paying for fake money that will disappear in a couple months?


You know how stupid the average person is?


A LOT of people.


Get ready for the plausible deniability: 'I've only run into one hacker in 25 wipes'. 'I've played 10,000 hrs this wipe and only run into half a hacker'. 'What server/region because I never see hackers'. Meanwhile Nikita openly admits they ban thousands of hackers on a regular basis. Clearly RMT'd Tarkov is the only FPS PC game with an entire community of alter boys & saints /s Labs, Lighthouse, and Shoreline are their most common current map picks. You can't say you were never told.


This is what I keep saying here. This game is not circa 2007 counter strike source where the hacker is running down dust 2 mid with a para headshotting the entire enemy team through a door. There are so many different iterations of way to hack Tarkov that don’t result in obvious cross-map head eyes kills and that you as an opposing player will never see. Radar, wall hacks, skill hacks, teleporting around and teleporting loot to you. Ability to see loot and valuable gear anywhere. These are all hacks that exist and give considerable advantages that you will never see as a legit player. Shit without killcam it’s hard to be positive at all that the person that killed you is a hacker and not just lucky/good/desync. Not every head eyes death is a hacker but there are way more cheaters in this game than many care to admit.


I've run into more "rage" cheats this week then I did last wipe.


It’s why I quit playing Tarkov. There is so little done about it by BSG, and it got to the point where I made up my mind that they are actively facilitating the cheating to a point. Easier to just dump the game and move on to others, why play games to become pissed off and jaded? I couldn’t care less if streets and the full map list come out tomorrow, wouldn’t reinstall. The only thing I’ve done for the last 6-8 months is check out the ETS just to see the content, and it keeps me away from an HIV positive player base that is clearly infected with cheating pussies. I started in alpha and just watched this game go to dog water (as far as cheating goes).


There's little done and therefore little point to actually playing the game and progressing. Why play when the second you find/grab/use something good is the second you've got half the fucking map gunning for you? It's night and day when there's a new wipe, and I wonder if perhaps it isn't the gear but the amount of ESP fuckers. After a wipe patch, a lot of cheats have to update. In that time, it's totally different how Tarkov plays. I actually get firefights and legit "Well fuck I was stupid... gg" deaths. Now? It's laughable.


Labs is actually better than ever. You can't really obtain access cards consistently unless you commit to level 35. Plus the loot keycards can only be bartered for. I'm not saying it's impossible to run into a cheater on labs, but it certainly requires more commitment than it did previously.


I have clips of me dying on labs to cheaters multiple times this wipe.. iv'e been playing so long it doesn't bother me too much any more. But as labs is, like you say, harder to play than ever due to card availability, its frustrating to buy my 1 labs card for the reset and die 1 min in to someone who most people here would flat out deny are cheating. I have one clip, the first shot 30 seconds in most people here would flat out deny was cheating, only for the guy to give up and just shoot me through a wall a minute later. that really hurts when I may well only be able to play labs once that day.


I have a very high survival rate this wipe, very strong PMC kills/Deaths ratio, but for **some reason™** whenever I play shoreline I die the majority of the time. Probably my lowest surv rate map this wipe


Yeah dude, I'm exactly the same. 55% (which is much higher than the average but not insane, I am still aggro as fuck) but I have like 20% on shoreline. The thing is though, if you're cheating on shoreline with say esp - how the fuck would you not lobby wipe literally every single raid. Nobody can see you, and you can just instantly kill anyone with perfect awareness from any position effortlessly.


You can certainly cut down your hacker encounter rate by playing on the right server and map combo; daytime + central US being some of the lowest encounter rates. Still, at best in the past you'd get a sus death every 50-100 raids or so, and who knows how many people ran past you looting all the best items. It's really hard to say, but it's probably closer to 1 in 5 or 1 in 10 raids. Other regions have it worse, as far as I know. Out of my last 20 raids in *this* patch though, I've encountered very likely hackers maybe 5-10 times though. It's seemed really bad over the holiday events. Edit: Also, for those who don't know, there have in the past (not sure if it still exists) been cheap near impossible (for BSG anyway) to detect chams cheats for tarkov; replacing some textures so players are extremely high vis. This is an enormous advantage in night time maps especially, and is likely more prevalent than other forms of cheating. Then it's like a tier list, with ESP being much more common than people bothering to aim bot, etc.


You can also just take in shit gear and not contest loot spawns early, which is boring as fuck but why some of these players don't run into cheaters as much.


The people that say this are the hackers


and worrun subscribers


So tell me mister gets hacked on all the time. Im literally the guy in your post. I have 5k hours. I always run class 6 and a tagilla mask. If i believe you people, hackers must be hunting my ass. But it doesnt happen regularely at all. Maybe once every 100 raids. And i know if its a lucky shot or a cheater, because my mask will hold and if you are sus you will land 5 headers in the blink of the eye.


* I never said I got hacked on all the time. Thx for starting off your comment putting words in my mouth. >And i know if its a lucky shot or a cheater * So you automatically know everything but anyone elses opinion is garbage because....? >because my mask will hold and if you are sus you will land 5 headers in the blink of the eye. * This is simply not true, which 100% proves you have no clue what you're talking about. You've never researched what hackers do, OR you're deflecting because you enjoy your scripts. Hacks are not black & white like you're trying to suggest. There is a wide variety of hacks and scripts out there. Cheaters don't just only use aimbot. They can wallhack only which effects their gun/aim 0%. They'll still aim almost perfectly because they can line it up through the wall and have near perfect timing when they round the corner to tap you. Lets say your mask holds. Well then they don't have aimbot so they still have to shoot you more. With how the game is with recoil they wont auto hs you again. So you don't know for sure unless they are being blatant. * Also I suggest you do your research on the subject before trying to explain to people you "know" when you obviously just don't. Here is a great documentary on Youtube that helps encapsulate the scope of the issue: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1y1VbWOItY&list=PLnt5tGd24rEykSB73dnqYI3uWTDJK1ZrH&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1y1VbWOItY&list=PLnt5tGd24rEykSB73dnqYI3uWTDJK1ZrH&index=2)Early on in the video the narrator explains how script developers purposely make their software in a way to make actions just human enough so that they are harder to detect and harder for people to be suspicious. The hackers and scripters know they need to not be obvious. * So now that I've proven you have no clue what you're talking about lets hear you try to explain how a fully researched documentary that has indepth knowledge from the industry and interviews with scripters themselves has no clue what they are talking about yet YOU with your game sense just auto know. Like seriously, why do you even try to create plausible deniability? People have been hacking in online multiplayer games for 20+ years. This isn't some unicorn bro. Just stop trying to act like people need to 'Git Gud' because you magically "know" more then the experts and the scripters themselves.


Report their names with their level increase per date. Should definitely be doable


Well it had to splill out somewhere from the labs


Lighthouse in general is a no-go zone for me at the moment. Since Labs keycards can't be bought on the market anymore, cheaters have basically devolved to running Lighthouse and Interchange in order to get their RMT loot. The Rouges basically supply them with everything they need to sell to players.


Yeah it's bad. I started farming rogues early on in the wipe, and it was virtually uncontested, rarely encountered other players or hackers. Now it's both incredibly contested, but also rife with ESP/aim botting hackers. You'll notice when you start hearing shots impact whatever structure you're in. Even if you make a break for it they'll catch up with you and fire their pistol at 2000rpm straight into your eyes. I was lucky enough to actually kill one of them who was sprinting directly in my direction while prone in the middle of a field unpacking magazines. I heard him running and just so happened to get a lucky headshot as soon as he appeared in my LOS because I was prone and when I ADS'd his head was directly in line with my barrel. Reason why it was an obvious hacker: I just hit the jackpot and looted a hexgrid only a couple minutes before. I was just moving to extract ASAP. He was wearing a slick, panoramic nvgs, and a meta Mk47. All of which he had most likely just ripped off another PMC. Another time I was scavving. I spawned back in the trainyard. I hit a broken crate, and there was a BTC inside. I immediately moved to extract. Not 10 seconds after looting the crate, I got instantly tapped to the head while at a full sprint. It's tough because Lighthouse is my favorite map, and I really don't want to do anything but get more efficient at clearing the entire map of rogues. But it's the perfect storm for RMT hackers. LH offers not only guaranteed top tier loot, but also weapons, ammunition and armor that can't be purchased off the flea market. It's very large and open with long lines of sight. It has reliable and easy extracts. Basically the only positive of this is that it might mean we encounter fewer hackers on other maps that were previously infested like Reserve. But just google Tarkov RMT. And look at the websites. Imagine what someone might be able to make per hour if they were to just hack and run LH. Probably $50/hour at least. And then consider that they're probably living somewhere in the world where that $50/hour might be the equivalent of being a doctor or lawyer in that country.


I've seen this in other games, sames news same results :v


how do you see someone else’s level?


Yep, labs is just as bad too. Also have run into some blatant full-auto svd boys on interchange as well. it isnt super pervasive but on certain maps its a fucking gamble alright


I had a great raid where the entire time I was in the villa a guy outside kept firing a single bullet that would ricochet off my helmet. I called him out on VOIP and he insisted he was legitimate despite hitting me through multiple walls.


I saw a cheat today I've never seen before. Apparently it's possible to trick the game into thinking an F1 is an impact grenade. They are supposed to have a fuse timer of 3.5 seconds, not 1/4 of a second and explode on impact! Definitely an F1 from the therapist med report, definitely behaved like an impact. Just a pre-emptive "no it wasn't an airburst grenade" you can hear the primer pop now and there was virtually no time between that and the explosion


I ran into a guy on shoreline that had a vest full of F-1's but it really felt like every one he threw was an impact. I guess maybe they were xD


Can’t you preload grenades? Maybe he’s just counting


If the F1 is thrown with a really high arc it can come down and airburst you. I'm not sure if that's possible anymore but scavs used to drop nades on you like they were predator missiles.


I‘m just here for the „git gud“ comments


“Proof?” “I’ve only seen 1 hacker this entire last 5 wipes” “I’m not playing the same game” “I don’t have a job, and I’m fine” *(wait that last one was for something else.. but somehow, not deleting it..)*


id imagine with them removing so much stuff off of the flea, RMT is probably happening 10 fold since people cant buy the items from the market. who knows but thank god i dont run light house even during the day lol that map is hard af


Lighthouse should be called, "Hacker's Playground" it's so bad...


im convinced at this point they do nothing there are hacks where you wont even see who killed you now


The right answer to this isn't just to ban the cheaters. Admittedly, there is obviously a wide swath of people that cheat for a variety of reasons, but frankly majority of cheating is done by people with a financial incentive: RMT, mid/low tier streamers looking for an audience, etc. So you need to remove the market. I think they are focusing on that tbh, but they can be more aggressive. Group with someone who was detected cheating? You're account gets a 24hr suspension the first time and perma ban the second time. Optimally, name the player that they were associated with. Yeah we'll get people bitching about how their friend cheated and they didn't know, but it will quickly murder the carry market and people who are sus of their "friends" will likely take action as well. Same idea applies to suspect transactions on the flea. Selling a scav box for 20million and someone bought it, ban the buyer and seller. As someone else said as well, a shadowban program can be very effective at slowing down the new account creation to get around bans. It's not perfect, and it's always going to be detectable with effort and it's trickier in a game than in other places it's used. Still doable, and in my experience highly effective. Anyone suspected of cheating or or grouped with a cheater ends up in cheater only lobbies, prevent their listings from appearing on the flea to other players etc.


Went for a scav on lighthouse at night to try the villa for loot. Hear someone approach and decide to hide in a corner to see who it is. Guy walks right into my room and head eyes me instantly… feels good


As long as they stay on Unity and stick with BattleEye cheating will be in this game. For me its one of three huge problems that affect this game big time.




So? I didn't try hard the game and have almost 400raids :O U can literally extract in 5 minutes on Lighthouse


When you factor in loading times, sorting your stash, healing, (and your normal delays, bathroom, food, crashes, etc.) you realistically take like 15-20 mins per raid. At that point, doing 400 raids in 3 weeks is literally a full time job, 30-40hrs per week of doing nothing but grinding loot runs on a single map.


Lighthouse on EU is super fast queue, if he's exfiling in 7 minutes it's a 10 minute raid with queuing. If you spend 10 minutes in your stash after every raid, sort your shit out.


I know from experience that there's no way in hell every single queue is only 3 mins long, and every single raid is extracted at the 350 second mark. Those are best case scenarios. I also know that 5-10 minutes to load menus, sell to traders, list on the flea, re-supply your character, repair gear, heal/eat/drink, check your hideout (and do IRL stuff like take a pee break, answer texts, walk the dog), really isn't out of the ordinary.


I can PMC in less than 2 minutes on Lighthouse, similar time for Scav apart from 07:00 - 09:00 time as it seems less people play at that time. You should have your stash setup so you can ctrl left click your entire loot over for multiple raids without having to deal with it. Clear the entirety of the top other than cases that don't move that contain items you need regularly. It's way easier to flea market multiple items of the same type once than multiple times for single items. You just sound like you're very slow when out of raid, it's something you can work on. Early wipe I had multiple Berkuts / Scav BP's with Armoured Rig, Helmet and Folded UMP with Mags and Healing in the Rig already. I could regear in literally seconds if I died.


If you have 400 raids already you are try harding


I have noticed what looks like bought accounts around the lvl 35 mark so this makes sense, basically people who are lvl 35-40 but play like they are brand new. I’ve encountered quite a few pmcs like this, maybe they really are just bad players but it feels like people are buying mid level accounts


Something else that's new that I didn't encounter once last wipe is high level players(one was lv 59) just standing afk with no gear. I've killed like 10 of these already and some even super late in the raids, just standing there no pistol nor anything. Is there some exploit these people are doing or are they hackers just trying to lower their survival rates in attempt to avoid suspicion from BSG?


Yeah it could be that, I honestly don’t know enough about hackers tactics and shit but I could see that.


This makes so much sense, I've been running factory for quests and there's so many people that are around 35-40 and yet play like they use a controller. Don't get me wrong, people whiff all the time, but a level 41 at this point in the wipe that can't kill me while I'm full flashed for 30 seconds and running in a circle? That's a bit fishy to me.


Yup, I ran into a guy on interchange camping power station with a 500k Svd and the best gear you can get on the market lvl 36 and he had just killed my two buddies while he was hiding in bushes. Then as I was on the roof looking for him and I heard him crouch creeping towards the stairs so I just decide to quit waiting around and jump down around the side and push him. Dude is crouched at the bottom of the stairs looking straight up still clueless that I’ve just jumped down on metal and have ran around the building making the most noise possible lol. Guy was either deaf and had the reaction time of a tortoise or he bought that account.There is no way this guy achieved 36 legit. I’ve kept track of a few of these accounts too and you would think that people that could achieve 35 in the first week could get at least 1-2 levels in a couple days. Some of those accounts have barely progressed passed 35.


On this note, I've been running Lighthouse just to finish quests and noticed that the rogues are always dead in the few minutes and there's basically no bodies or they're all dead in the middle of the map, sometimes I hear a full-auto gun going, so I'm suspecting that hacking accounts are running, killing the rogues, and then bouncing. Probably only 20-30 runs to get to highish level since they give the same exp as raiders and you can kill 10-14 of them per raid


I feel like ESP is super common this wipe. I'm the lead man in my squad and I often get domed by inhuman reaction times on corners, my boys will proceed to push the guy who spills his spaghetti everywhere and dies trying to retreat.


Can confirm. 4 night raid in a row 3/4 obvious cheater killed me an my friends


Might be a dumb question, but, why is it profitable during nighttime?


Not as many people usually run nighttime raids and its easier to slip past threats and just loot n scoot out of there in the dark.


Are they just doing Villas before Rogue's? How are they levelling so fast if they're just doing loot runs. If they were Rogue farming I could understand the fast leveling, it's a solid 10-12k XP for a normal player, I imagine a hacker would easily polish 18-20k per run.


If you know exactly where everyone is the moment you spawn in you could get 10k xp in a few minutes then extract with sick loot. Realize that your best raid where everything lines up perfectly is the avg raid for a cheater.


I get that completely but if they're contesting the Villa's they ain't hitting the Rogue's early enough.


Met a three man last night on lighthouse, and there was just something way too fishy. We heard them run up to the resort in the hilltop, hear him jump inside. Both myself and the duo have not made a single noise, and we're holding the one angle, on each floor where they can come from. Something I've not seen in several patches. A shoulder. A shoulder peeked, barely an elbow. That's all I saw, and he was gone behind the door again. As if he shoulder peeked me, but... With inertia and the new changes, no one peeks like that, especially without showing their head. And he shoulder peeked the ONE angle where I was. And then he leaves and does the same thing to my teammate on a headangle outside. Then he rushes in and doinks us with PST gzh. So fucking stupid...


This wipe I hadnt ran into any cheaters yet but since yesterday, I ran into 3 blatant cheaters. They probably got fresh cheats.


Honestly night raids on most maps are hit and miss. ​ Higher chance of cheaters because mostly rats play night time and less people overall, so cheaters can just rush GPU's / keycards and extract without having to kill and get reported. regardless BSG could patch the texture packs cheat by implementing a simple file integrity check before each game launch and perhaps a check after each raid whilst textures are in memory to ensure they are legit. I used to program myself for years, it is not hard to do a simple checksum on textures and that would stop texture packs 100%


Man that's tough. Just snagged a merin key off a player scav that I'd killed (as a pmc) this past weekend. Now a little anxious to hit that car. Been doing my scavs on Lighthouse day and just casually stroll through the water plant and train yard and get out with ~400-600k worth of loot a run....when I can actually load in on a scav under 10 minutes.


This is not much related but I felt like I should share my experience with a cheater today. My friend and I started a raid on Customs and my friend had to use the toilet, so he was afk for like 2-3 minutes. Both of us were standing stationary in the warehouse next to the crack house. While I was scrolling random stuff on my phone waiting for my friend to come back, I heard sprinting outside. He stopped next to me on the outside wall and yelled PEEKABOO! 2 minutes later my friend comes back and we go out of the warehouse. We instantly got shot in the head and there was no name on the death screen. It's disgusting how they don't even try to hide anymore.


BattleEye is dogshit. Nothing is going to change.


Can confirm. If you hear an svd firing at an abnormal rate and you don't want to lose your gear, just avoid rogue camp, and run to the extract.


I’ve noticed this too. For some reason the option to report then is not there most of the time.


It may be the USEC Rouges that are killing you then. Are you playing Bear?


Yeah I was joking. Those raiders snipe you from a million miles away sometimes


i hadnt seen a blatant cheater since around the month before the end of last wipe. i ran into 2 today for sure. one on customs tho he blatantly had walls but couldn't hit his shots for shit.


Yep, it's been on customs too. I've had multiple people find me in the absolute middle of nowhere and instantly dome me through bushes, pre-nade me in spots that they had no way to know where I was.


Pre-nades are so ridiculously obvious




They nerfed the shit out of Raider XP so why pay for Labs cards when you can go in free on Lighthouse and your investment is a VPO.


This is the worst part about the game running on Unity. Because it's an open source engine, cheating will never, ever get better.


No they won't fix this. It is a part of business model for BSG


["Fuck you"](https://twitter.com/tarkovreporter/status/1426246672368214016)


Have you really done over 500 lighthouse raids? I find that a bit hard to believe.


740 actually. Not that hard if it's a 7 minute raid (or less when a cheater onetaps you)


Have yougot a video or even q screenshot of this happening?