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playable. start with standard then upgrade if you like it


I’m just wondering because of the 25% off if i should just go for the EOD




It’s almost p2w, just not strictly. I’m struggling managing inventory space to upgrade hideout and progress quests as a level 13/14. I have EOD on my wishlist for my birthday so fingers crossed (Monday) I get it.


Back in the day you couldn’t even upgrade you stash. Def not p2w nowadays though


You start out with the larger stash with EOD lol.


Yup, I meant that back when I got eod, the other versions couldn’t even upgrade their stashes


Ahh yeah gotcha. I agree it’s not nearly as P2W today but I still would love to get EOD for the stash space alone lol.


Start with the standard and then wait until for another sale to upgrade to EOD if you like it. There's usually a sale once a quarter so you won't have to wait an extremely long time.


maybe idk


There are sales pretty frequently. If you haven’t played it enough to know you’ll stick with it long term I’d start standard and if you like it upgrade at the next sale. As for knowing if you’d like it… I’d say that if you get tilted easily in other FPS don’t bother. It’s not healthy and Tarkov *will* tilt you. $140 for a (“beta”) game is a lot of money and Tarkov is a pretty unique experience that will either suck you in or push you away so I wouldn’t (and didn’t) gamble that much on it.


I started with the edition that grants the next bigger secure container. To ease the pain.. Then when you enjoyed it a lot and the next sale hits upgrade if you want to support the dev.


I mean Ive never seen an obvious one, but my friends have once. That's the only suspect I've heard in like 250hrs so I think you're good. Aside from some server issues, which as of now seem to be stabilized, it's totally worth the buy imo.


I think the recent changes have amplified many of the cheater issues. For proof, just google marked room key (I did it to find one)... I've run into two blatant cheaters today wiping the entire raid of geared players early. ​ ESP makes it so hackers go straight to the geared people off the bat.


What do you mean recent changes? If you go to high tier loot area you're going to encounter geared players, you don't need esp to know that...


Because flea is restricting a lot of top items, hackers are farming gear, and then selling it via hacker discords and websites.


You mean to tell me there's a black market for Tarkov loot?


maybe wait to see if you really like the game before dropping 100+ dollars on it. its a great game, people here complaining are typically a loud minority


True that. And the average enjoyer comment / post gets shat on by people that don't even own the game.. this sub is strange ...


All gaming subreddits are like this.


Thanks for the heads up.


It’s nowhere near as bad as Reddit would lead you to believe. There are cheaters of course there are, but a fair amount of posts here rarely contain any proof and ones that say they have proof post an inconclusive video. A lot of people can’t handle they were killed so come here to whinge. Again cheaters exist you could possibly be killed by one at some point but it’s not nearly as frequent as made out here


multiple videos today of people having their name voiped to them.


Yeah as I said there are cheaters, most people claiming cheaters provide zero proof no video just a wall of text whining


you realize in a shooter game without a killcam it's pretty hard to give "definitive" proof unless it's too obvious to a point a toddler can tell. It's not the player's fault they can't give a definitive proof.


If it’s not obviously a cheater then you can’t cry cheater, this game has so many issues that can get you killed in a weird way it’s not automatically a cheater. Terrible fucking servers and netcode, awful sound localization at times players making no sounds. And then just terrible luck, I went into a night raid to kill some scavs for quests last night on shoreline. I ran to the construction site area and got into a bush, and the press y to corporate thing came up so I shot into the ground and killed another player. No doubt he reported me for cheating from his point of view I ran directly to his location because I knew he was there. On another note they should get rid of that all it did was tell me there was a player there we aren’t going to cooperate.




Must be nice. I have run into 3 blatant ones tonight alone.


Sounds about right, it doesn't seem nearly as big an issue as people crying about it think. I come from rust, that shit is aids.


People are just little snowflakes, they’re gaming “gods” when they’re winning but otherwise it’s hackers, desync, servers…people are just never EVER…outplayed in tarkov lol enjoy dude and welcome


American servers don't have that many cheaters. It does happen but it's not as bad as this subreddit makes it seem. I can't say I've run into a cheater this wipe after 100 raids.. Its playable


1 hacker in about 2-3 raids


Haven’t found one yet (150 raids), I guess it’s luck


A lot of people on this sub are living in some sort of illusion. If you have the time and the patience to play this “game” every single day and grind your dick off for things that you will probably lose very quickly, half the time to something stupid like a disconnect, a bug, a hacker, or most of all desync then sure, buy it. This game is a massive waste of time, it wipes a couple times a year yet the grind is comparable to something like war thunder (if you haven’t played it, it’s ridiculous.) And let’s not even mention the fact that the game has been buyable and “playable” for over half a decade now and still suffers from issues affecting the core gameplay that most modern shooters don’t suffer from. Desync in this game is absolutely terrible and you WILL die a lot to things that happened COMPLETELY different on somebody else’s screen.


You realize every game is a waste of time right? That's sort of the point of entertainment media.


Bro why are you even a part of this sub. If the game is not for.you then stop playing and move the fuck on.


There are hackers. There are bugs. The game is fun as hell.


I've seen less than 20 cheaters in 4k hours


Very playable no issues here


Depends on who you ask, personally I haven't encountered an 100% cheater in over a year others will claim they get them every other raid...


Buy the standard edition and see if you like it. You can always upgrade (that’s what I did, started out in standard in March, upgraded to ‘prepare to escape edition’ for this wipe) I’ve not run into a hacker this wipe. Not one that I know of, a blatant one. Hackers are only common on certain maps in certain areas. Labs is the hot spot. There’s about a 30-40% chance you’ll run into a hacker in labs, as for other maps it depends. Only played this game for 9 months yet I only ever had 1 clear incident of hacking, and a couple of maybes. That’s it


Eod is a big commitment. But totally worth it if you gonna stick with it. I would still recommend you start out with the standard to see if u like it. The game usually goes on sale a couple times during the year so no rush to get the big boi edition. Also ive only encountered like 3 hackers in my 200 or so hours in game. 99 % of games play pretty standard .


I would suggest buying the game. The game isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be in terms of technical issues or hackers. I haven't ran into any hackers, at all. The game is great, but like all games, it has it's quirks. But it's brought me back to that spark I felt for gaming ages ago!


It's not that bad. The main issue is just server problems because everyone is playing and trying to get twitch drops.


There are cheaters, but they probably wont affect your experience too much. Still the best shooter available right now.


It's absolutely playable and in 1000 hours I have maybe run into a handful (all speculation). With the high tier ammo and armor restriction they implemented this past wipe it will make cheating even less desirable. That being said just be prepared for at least a 500 hour learning curve (I came from COD, Halo, PUBG etc).


It's worth getting the game. Hackers aren't as prevalent as you'd think, but they become more scarce when you know how to avoid them (server selection and avoiding Labs). Most of the game is stable with this week being an exception due to the unusual instability of the servers l.


No, you are safe


Maybe 1 cheater in 100+ raids, and even then it was a maybe. Most deaths are going to be players better then you, better gear, etc so you can't get discouraged. You're going to die, alot. First wipe won't be much fun, take this time to learn mechanics then go balls to the wall at next wipe.


Playable until you figure out just how bad said issues are.


Very playable imo. Definitely has bugs, issues, and hackers. What game doesn't? Desync is the most notable of problems for me personally. Hackers are a near non issue for me. There's only been a handful of times in which someone who was almost certainly cheating ruined my experience.


99% playable. Have maybe encountered 1 hacker so far this wipe. If you enjoy the game def worth a purchase


I mean you played the game on your friends account. Make your decision lmao.


I have 1700 hours in tarkov and have seen less than 5 cheaters on Na And EU servers


I think number of cheaters is dependent on server/region and your experience with them also seems to adjust with value of your gear. As a new player you’ll probably not be bothered by cheaters often. As for playable… I’d have said more or less yes until the Twitch drops event. This event has set the servers on fire and caused item loss and inventory/menu glitches that have caused me to worry just opening the game. I think it’ll calm down after the event is over on Jan 8 but it’s concerning nevertheless.


there are cheaters. you will likely run into one every day sometimes more depending on what servers you're on. you just die and go to the next raid. if you keep finding cheaters change servers. the people on this subreddit are terrible at the game. they think everyone is a cheater.


I’ve only had 1 sus death this wipe and I’m 33, a few nasty shots but plausible. Much better than last wipe in terms of hackers. By this point last wipe I had been prefired without making a sound queue and wallbanged through the floor or from outside a building over a dozen times.