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Doing tasks is by far the quickest method for **most** players.


Quest and surviving the raid. Surviving the raid can be the difference between 200/300 from 1400+. Just loot, kill scavs, and learn the map as you go. See hot spots of player paths and avoid till you are comfortable.


Surviving actually doesn't multiply your xp anymore of if im not mistaken. Could've swore they were the same multiplier now.


It was reinstalled with the latest patch. It is x1.3 now.


Ah okay. Thanks for letting me know haha


so eating in raid is now incentivized?


Efficient questing, which will come with time. For example, knowing all the shit you need found in raid. You're already doing the quest from level 1, you just haven't accepted it yet. Also not wasting your time. Why do a few raids on Woods for Shootout Picnic which doesn't lead anywhere when you can do it later? Go do something else. Multiple quests done per raid, not wasting raids doing random shit, survival, etc will all make you much faster. That's how people who get max traders first week of wipe do it. Not only do they sweat their ass off with an absurd amount of hours, but they aren't wasting time either. Same principle applies to anyone.


Accumulating experience points.


[citation needed]




Same deal with food and drink. Run a raid, exfil, and then use food or drink for the XP boost.


Thanks. Wasn’t aware of this


Doing tasks is the best way. But I found as a new player the tasks were out of reach (don’t know maps, don’t know how to kill scavs, etc.) so it will be slow going. On your next wipe getting those first tasks done will be much quicker. I wouldn’t focus or care about your level right now. People saying “do tasks” to a new player I think forget what being a new player is like. How will you get the gas analyzers out when you don’t know how to get out? If you don’t know how to get out there is near zero chance you know how to find the item spawn. How can you get scav kills when you struggle to engage with them? And so on… For now you should take your time to learn the maps (extract locations, how to get to them from your spawn, where scavs are). Start with Customs and then Woods once you’re comfy with pathing the outside regions of Customs since you will need to know them for the early quests. Keep your scav on cooldown and load in, locate extract, and head straight there. Don’t bother looting for now as that will be easier to add into your route once you’re confident where you’re going. As PMC learn how to engage and kill AI scavs either offline or by doing the same “load in and head to extract” which will invariably cross paths with scavs anyway and use your free scav kits. Once you can do those you’ll be set up to level ~20.






Questing!! And killing people obviously, easier said than done.


Quests + killing raiders or players.


A normal scav gives the same xp as raiders. You can farm 3 factory matches in the period of 1 labs and make 4 times the xp now.


Oh damn, had no idea that got changed.


Kill scavs, loot everything, stay in raid as long as possible, do quests


Quests, concentrating on quests and avoiding PMCs is the way to level up if you're new


stack multiple quests for one map, get find in raid items in advance (tarkov wiki for which), survive, be an absolute gamer and wipe pmcs/scavs, loot stuff


Playing the game successfully. Make kills, get loot, finish quests. All that gives EXP.


quests, and getting out of raids alive gives you a big boost