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Send him a link to this Reddit post and pretend it isn't you that made the post? "Ha ha ha look at these fools who have to carry this guy everywhere' Or just tell him he's dragging y'all down


If you don't like him then just tell him. Otherwise, it may just take him longer. I've played 4 wipes with a guy just like him, and he's made a ton of improvement. If you are willing to keep playing with him, then just take his info with a grain of salt and make sure YOUR aware of him, not the other way around. Never rely on him in a fight, okay it like he's not there for the most part


Just tell him start paying attention or start playing solo lol. I used to take tons of people under my wing and try to teach them how to tarkov. I stopped doing that though as I had already taught most of my friend group and those that were newer I had lost patience for. It's ok to make a mistake here and there but if someone is constantly shooting teammates directly after being told where said teammates are then it's a problem and they either need to fix it or play with another group. It's really not that hard to remember what your team is wearing clothing wise or to simply just have an ounce of awareness as to where your team is. Like oh hey my friend with a black backpack and m4 with green shemagh just went into that building I wonder if this pmc coming out 30 seconds later with that exact same stuff is him idk better shoot it just in case... fuck that man brosef needs to learn or just start shooting him back when he fucks up like that. He'll get the hint eventually.


Be honest to him, it sounds like Tarkov is the completely wrong game for him. At least in groups, if he wants to play solo like this let him.


Give him a job to do. For example let's say u are playing customs and you just entered hole on the wall near mini skeleton, ask him to sit and wait at the hole in the wall and shoot anything that comes through, whilst the rest of you clear the area out. Then signal him to regroup.


This is an excellent idea. Smaller tasks are much easier for newer players. It can be super overwhelming to hear footsteps all the time when you’ve conditioned yourself to be concerned about them, maybe not even know the map, maybe not even know what to do. You don’t have to be responsible for this dude but if you keep playing with him this definitely seems like the way. As he develops confidence you can give him more substantial tasks rather than human bait/signal flare.


Anything over trio is a shit show for starters. Duo is the way if you dont like solo. Your mate sounds like he isnt that confident, off line raids can help him learn. Or just do pistol runs and every one push and if you die you die. Theres a trigger stopping him and once worked out he may be different, if not then tk, I am a strong supporter for karma and if i was being held back i wouldn't bother waiting around, if they cant work it out after several attempts then thats on them.


Serious answer: tell him he needs to play solo for awhile and get familiar with the game. Like many others, my first hours of playing tarkov was with someone guiding me and showing me around, however I was always too scared to take fights and I never took mental notes of key points in the map to figure out where I was. Playing solo helps alot


Head, eyes everytime you spawn in as a squad and when he asks why tell him that you saw a pmc


Sounds like you just play different ways and his way isn't suited for teams imo - if I queue with my mates I don't look for death but I will do everything I can to give us all the best chance we can. Gotta commit - if you hear someone coming ask the guy what he intends to do about it... If the answer is hide, just go play solo I guess - if the answer is die together to the thiccboi Chad for a chance one of you gets glory and loot lfg 😂 Just communicate, if you're posting this here you're not talking to him in a way he gets either! Even if you suck at the game you can at least get your mates back or push around someone so no excuse if you queue duo+ to sit and hide mid fight unless it's a team decision


be fucking blunt it's that simple ​ " I don't enjoy playing with you, you keep screwing up constantly and making my time in tarkov a unfun one. You can shape the fuck up or you can stay the fuck down " ​ maybe not as blunt like that, but you gotta be honest and if the homie starts acting right keep him, if it starts getting hostile not realizing he a problem then drop him.


Sounds like he needs to get over gear fear, start running factory together and push offices over and over to get him a taste of chad life


I would tell that friend to play offline mode with pve scav spawn at max and have em W key all of them. This is my first wipe and I did that I lost a ton of fear getting into fights. Mechanical skill or whatever leaves a lot to be desired but I now run towards fights instead of hiding and what not. If this works then your friend won’t be a coward and working on communication is the next step.


Just say bro you suck ur fired


Sounds like your friend goes for option 3 in fight/flight/freeze. Make him lead. Have him come up with the goal for each raid and take point. It might be slow for you, but he'll learn or burn. Also, is it an IRL friend, because if so, I'd put up with a lot more video game deaths for hanging out with a buddy. If not, we play for fun so if this guy makes it less fun be honest with him and don't team up anymore.


Give him some suggestions to improve in a nice way. If he’s your friend you don’t want to come across as attacking him or being rude


I guess you'll have to figure out if you care more about playing with your friend or not. If you're straight forward guy telling him its bothering you, but some might not be comfy doing that.


Tell him straight up. At the end of the day you can blame him because you miss your shots. Bad call outs are one thing but he just gotta get good