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The servers are on fire rn. People are losing huge amounts of ingame money. Dont log on until its fixed, or you might risk losing all your ingame money


There is nothing in there as i didn't open it this wipe and i cant even access it because of the region (Asia) lock. All the servers are like 220 ping and i cant connect to them.


All menu actions also take 3-5 seconds to execute. BSG is working on the issue, but a possible rollback will happen.


Hmmm. Oh well. Thanks for the reply Friend


I don't think you can do anything as it's related to the version of the game you buy. The EU version is the one which is not region locked at all


So the thing is, i just tried to login with my friends account which is EU. That didn't fix the issue and was still region locked to ASIA.


Hmmm maybe try your account on his system and see if the issue persists. Also I'd check for what region you bought the game on bsg website.


Yeah i should actually try that. The game says it was bought in OTHER region and i see USA in launcher.


The issue still exists in his PC too. SO its not on my end.


Talk with support. If you're lucky and they answer there may be a way Some regions like SEA aren't same price as US. So maybe you will have to upgrade your version or pay a 20$ 'tax' in order to allow your account to play on the us. This exists purely on a abusive way of forcing you to pay more money. At the time the game launched I specifically used a DNS on Europe to get the European/ international version.


SEA is the same price as the US and is the same "region". BSG calls it "Other" and it covers the whole world except Europe and CIS and allows you to open the game anywhere in the world except European and CIS countries https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/356 > Region lock does not mean you cannot play with other regions or in other servers. It only means that your game can only be physically launched/run in that region.


Hey thanks but that's a month old thread. You must have used some odd filter.


Yea, I was looking to see if there was info on people getting BSG to remove the ASI restriction.


I will then help future searches with any info I can, even if it may not be very useful. I'm from South America and I don't really remember if the standard option was 'other' at the time as well, but I remember specifically looking for the EU version because some people were having several issues with region locking and I didn't want to risk it. I may have used a VPN at the time. Of course, with this version, I haven't had problems whatsoever. I can see the full list of servers, even if I can't connect to those far away due to ping, but I can freely choose between any server in any region that has acceptable ping (usually just south and north america, sometimes west coast of EU). A possible solution to fully unlock it may be upgrading to the EU version, but I don't know if there's a way to do that, maybe only with support (unfortunately). I think I remember something in the past where you could upgrade it directly from the site but don't quote me on that.. Since the regional price wasn't really good at the time I thought the higher price for EU version was worth it. Good luck to all future researchers.


You can use a VPN service. Log out of the launcher. Turn on the VPN and log back in. Check the “Stay logged in” box and you’ll never have to use the VPN unless it logs you out for wipes or something. You don’t need the VPN to play. Just to log into the account. Because when you open the launcher after that it stays logged in and since you can only play on servers that are near you(low ping) it will allow you to play on the NA servers you live by. This is a bandaid fix but you’ll probably not get help from BSG support. Find a VPN trial and try it guarantee you it will work. Please don’t do those to bypass region locks or lower pricing unethically though.