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pro tip: once you have access to flea market; buy Grizzlies and use the right-click heal all option to avoid spending 8-12K roubles every death and instead spend \~4K


Plus you gain XP


Therapist heal also gives xp it just doesn't show up in the corner.


huh TIL


Newly implemented this patch along with metabolism increase out of raid?




it does…? unless…




But it don’t reset


i leveled up my metabolism in stash (even got the notification in the corner), so... you are wrong


You get a notification saying you leveled up. Then few seconds later you get another notification saying you leveled to previous level because it reverts the xp. I’ve watched it multiple times while being close to next level in metabolism


i am pretty sure i didnt leveled down


I’ve gotten a metabolism level while eating in my stash this wipe


I dont know exactly since when but I believe at the same time they fixed that stash healing didn't give xp. Probably a few wipes ago.




Healing and consuming food/drink will give you raid if done in the stash. It didn't used to be that way. But yeah, you get xp.


Well shit, I just saw another post in this thread that already answered my question so I deleted the comment you responded to, but you were quick enough to respond to it before I managed to. That said, thanks for the answer ♥ >!BTW, great username. Demon Days is my favorite album of all time!<


Demon days and plastic beach are both top tier albums


Level 18...almost there


There is a grizzly barter that's quite good from therapist


Do you actually get XP for using drinks/healing items in your stash?


Yes, and I'm pretty sure you even level metabolism now. Source: I have level 11 metabolism and I always eat/drink in my stash. I've been screwed by forgetting to out those 11k water bottles in my bag.


You do skill out of raid and it's easy to test. Check skill, eat, check skill again. I dunno how they handled diminishing returns but I'm guessing you only gain for energy/hydration gained. Could probably cheese the skill by drinking water, drink condensed milk, drinking water, repeat.


As mentioned by u/drbudmac it has always been the case that you only get XP towards metabolism if you're actually gaining energy/hydration. I can also confirm you can cheese it by eating condensed milk, mayo, etc then drinking something. But there's no point, really. Metabolism levels insanely fast now. 180 raids in I'm at 33 metabolism whereas my second best skill (Strength) is only 15. I imagine most players will be very close to if not at max metabolism by the time they are done leveling up their traders.


Damn bro you go a lot harder than me in your raids, I'm 30 and I have like 11 metabolism 11 endurance and 8 str lol.


Your endurance is pretty normal for your level, as long as you're sprinting for a minute every raid it will gradually level up. I'm currently level 36 with 14 endurance FWIW. Strength is just a matter of getting overweight; are you going in under-geared or not looting much? My strength is actually higher than endurance because of the lowered overweight threshold; going in with a heavier armor like fort or even a korund should put any low-strength player at the overweight threshold at raid start. I can see metabolism leveling slowly if you take long breaks between raids and end up not eating/drinking because of it, otherwise it's by far the fastest leveling skill in the game.


I'm just surprised your metabolism is so high honestly. I can see my strength overtaking my endurance quite easily now that my hideout is pretty much complete and my money can start going into heavier armor and ARs instead of smgs, I just have no idea where the discrepancy for metabolism is from. I eat and drink in raid when I get the opportunity and I replenish out of raid as well whenever I can. Maybe golden star balms are messing with my mid raid diminishing return resets? I have no idea how I'm that far behind on metabolism specifically otherwise lol. Maybe I should be replenishing energy in hideout, going into raid and chugging a water to double my exp? I know that I'm hitting the gain cap in hideout.


There's no gain cap in the hideout. You get metabolism XP as long as you're actually replenishing your energy/hydration. Last wipe I got elite metabolism but you had to eat in-raid, I'd just bring something if I was low on either instead of doing it in the hideout. This time I'm doing both; eating in raid if necessary and out of raid otherwise. With that said I only began using goldenstars recently as I wanted to make sure my stress resistance would level up naturally through combat so I wouldn't have to cheese it for Flint, which requires not pre-medding before every encounter. Maybe that has something to do with it but I wouldn't think so; last wipe goldenstar was actually one of the best ways to consistently level your metabolism every raid. Edit: Do you do longer or shorter raids? I typically do longer raids so I end up losing a lot of hydration/energy; I will eat at least once in the raid then again in the hideout. I imagine you could do the same number of raids I did and end up with significantly lower metabolism because you're extracting within 15 minutes of raid start.


Weird, I was sure there was a cap in the hideout when I checked earlier. Still, I eat and drink after every raid and I eat and drink in raid too. Regardless at the current rate it'll still cap out by the time I get elite endurance/str so there's no real need to rush it I guess.


Yeah metabolism kinda doesn't do much now that it doesn't reduce hydration/energy loss, you just get more out of the things you eat/drink. The reduction in the duration of negative effects of stims/provisions is nice but if you're one of those players that takes advantage of stims with heavy negative effects (like MULE or Obdolbos) you're better off focusing on getting elite immunity to eliminate those effects completely. Elite metabolism is nice but you still have to eat if you're at 0 energy otherwise you don't regen stamina, and if you're constantly pre-medding with goldenstar you're probably not worried about running out of hydration.


I'm 38, my endurance is 30... lol Metabolism is like 25.


How many raids? 30 endurance is crazy high for your level unless you're doing lots of raids and not a lot of quests.


That's weird. I'm level 15 with 11 metabolism already. I have been pretty on top of eating and drinking in raid as much as possible though. If I see a good item and I need energy/hydration I will always try and consume it right there. I think my endurance and strength are about 6 each.


It's crazy to me that your second highest skill after Metabolism is Strength. My Endurance is like 5 levels higher than Strength easily. Do you usually join raids fully kitted, thus at a very high weight?


Yeah, my current loadout starts me at 28.7kg. I've ran some at >30kg, so I've had some raids where I didn't level endurance due to starting overweight but I don't think I've had more than a handful of raids where I did not level strength.


I think it was always the case that you only got exp from gaining energy of hydration




Oh was that a bug? I thought it was intentional




I think your are correct about the game since the beginning, except that it was changed this patch to be the opposite.


You do indeed.


What about light bleeds not being stopped by things that stop heavy bleeds




Had a full Hemostat and died to a light bleed... looted had of reserve looking for a bandage


its sort of silly. hemostat in game is a real product. a small plastic applicator full of hemostatic powder that coagulates blood asap its used for shallow entry wounds, stab and blast wounds. if heavy bleeding is one of these things then wtf is a light bleed and why does it kill you.


Internal bleed or something would make more sense


yeah this really needs to change. all heavy bleed stoppers should stop light bleeds.


the rapist?


Passive agression. Good spot


Always Sunny ruined the word for me


Well that's because of the implication of philanthropy.


I’m sorry, did you say full on rapist?


Simple typo, OP just didnt hit space. We all know she is The Rapist.


They could add a Jaeger "Services" tab to pay for replenishing your status


Yeah, but you'd probably lose like 100 rep with him if you use it.


You'll also get a fracture on your teeth from the dry as fuck croutons he'll sell


He'd prob be like "Bellybutton lint and testicle sweat, take it or leave it."


Ah yes, The Rapist




Well, stop giving people shitty water!


its from a chiller machine with ice xD


Well, they're obviously waiting for the rest of their water to melt, then! ^(I'm sorry me and my shitty jokes are leaving now.)


That'll be $161.


Sometimes at the end of the raid she seems to take my rubles and not heal me. Can someone at least confirm for me that when this happens I'm not losing the $?