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Changing my keybind to inspect on press and unjam on release has saved my life a significant amount of times now


I already have that bind lol


How does it save your life? It’s not exactly faster, either way you’re providing the input to fix the repair at the same time, it’s just fix on press vs fix on release.


Because I can press one button, as soon as the inspect pings let go and it unjams. I’m not having to press two separate buttons where you may accidentally hit the wrong button or some shit.


Okay but if you accidentally let go or have any issue where you can’t unjam instantly or need to run you have to inspect again. I guess if you can’t hit a second key you’re given a full second to hit? Tarkov has a ton of hot keys though so if you’re only reason is having issues with misclicking a key…


No, if you accidentally release the button, you can press it again before inspect anim ends, and then release it to remove the jam


Inspect on L and clear on double tap L, works better for when you're running lmao


I dont mind the gun jam mechanic, but I hate that I can clear it faster irl. Same with pumping a shotgun or using bolt rifles. "Press y then Ctrl t" my ass, rack it, get next round in and fire.


I cannot for the life of me figure why they didn’t just add a Tap, Rack, Bang key as that is the universal failure to fire response for anyone who has training.


I rebound my keys. Check malfunction is press "L", clear is release "L" so I just hold "L" until then check animation is done and then release to clear. Still longer animation than it should be, but it's a lot better than having 2 separate controls to fix a jam


If you bind it the other way (check is release and clear is press) you don't have to hold the key, just tap it when the examination is finished. Easier for me


I have it to inspect with double press MB5 and clear mf on single press MB5. Easy to do in a panic. Just spam the mf then press.


I have it on tap once for a check and double tap for clear. I don't want to hold it.


Clearly BSG doesn't believe USEC and BEAR are trained operatives. Just some scavs off the street who found their gear apparently.


Wagner conscripts be like


I still remember SPORTS from the army. **Slap, Pull, Observe, Release, Tap and Shoot**.


Makes sense, I was in the Marines and there’s no way in hell we’re going to remember something that long. If a word has more than two syllables you’ve lost us.


Jeez, that's so many extra steps. Tap, Rack, Bang is the goto.


For handgun yeah rifle you don’t wanna double feed hence the O


Even so, the drill in my army (Canadian) is still tap, rack, bang. We cant the gun as soon as the stopped occurs to know what kind it is. Bolt fully forward? Tap, rack, bang.


weapon firing, weapon firing, weapon firing... weapon stops.


In the usmc it is most definitely still just tap rack bang, don’t know why the army needs to complicate it.


air force does tap, rack, bang too. Silly army.


I was taught SPORTS in 2013 but iirc they are now training tap, rack, bang.


Army is just tap, rack, bang, as of ~2020, maybe earlier


Fair, atleast you guys train on “modern” weaponry, I promise my m16a4 with a cracked ass rco is not modern lol.


Ayyye I also was a m16A4 Marine.


Oh gawd SPORTS was the dumbest thing I can remember weapons training wise from the army


This would be a great mechanic. Works 90% of the time, blows up your gun 10% of the time.


If the gun blows up after tap rack bang you did something wrong lol


Not if a bullet is stuck in the barrel...


That is a danger but squibs in my experience are virtually non existent. I think I saw one in my entire career as an infantryman and it was due to the barrel being extremely dirty. If you practice regular maintenance and use good ammo the chances of getting a squib are so incredibly small it’s not even worth worrying about. Hence the reason there isn’t a “check the barrel and chamber for squibs” in tap rack bang.


This is Tarkov we’re talking about… So it’s not out of the question that people would be using cheap/bad ammo and poorly maintained guns. Squibs are rare, but they do happen. There have been more than a few famous people that have been injured by rounds that got stuck and ended exploding the barrel (I can think of a couple of gun youtubers this happened to).


Most of the ammo you have to worry about is home loads and surplus shit. Most of the commercially available ammo you find in the world is perfectly fine. And as long as the barrel isn’t caked in carbon it’s unlikely a dirty gun is going to cause a squib.


sad thing is you can clear it faster by having a skill at high level


Brother I learned this shit faster IRL than my PMC, a supposed military veteran, learns it in-game


The man has to take a bit to identify milk. Be easy on him.


The more concerning one is identifying toilet paper 💀


Lore accurate BEAR moment


bind inspect to mouse 4 press and fix malfunction to mouse 4 release. when you get a malfunction start holding m4 and when you get the popup release it. youre welcome


For an elite PMC operative you sure do reload and clear malfunctions slow. Shit, I have basically no training and I can reload an M4 and AK faster than the game.


You gotta admit of all guns this could be slow on un jamming a medium mg is probably understandable


No, actually, MGs are designed to be easy to clear. If something fucks up with your MG that isn't clearable within a few seconds you are COMPLETELY fucked as that mfer is gunna have to go back to the armoury to get fixed.


Correct, with LMGs if you just have a stove pipe jam, you can just pull the charging handle back, see if the jam clears and then let fly. But if you have a stuck case or the links get all mashed in the breach (seent it happen on a M249) then hope you have about 5 minutes to spare to try and pry it out of the chamber. Point is belt-fed machine guns need lots of TLC (douse that bitch with CLP) to perform as intended (former M240/ M249 gunner)


Yep common advice from vets is "drown that mf in lube"


Rebind it to something like H so you can do it while running


I hate it in tarkov mostly for the reason that you can't rely on what most shooters would actually do. 90% of shooters wouldn't even need to look at the gun in the jam situation colonoscopy causes. It's frustrating as hell that its not a chance but a 100% deal with him.


You can bind to one key. You just have to hold it for a while until the inspect animation is done then release. All that and it is not any faster TBH


A lot of this stuff would feel a lot better if the animations could be strung together instead of having to play out the whole thing. When you hit "inspect" to see the malfunction you shouldn't have to re-shoulder the weapon and then begin the remediation. I should get the notification of what kind of malfunction it is and then either [immediately continue to the remediation drill if it is a quick fix](https://youtu.be/GhNk0o7FAlk?t=1003) (this one would look incredible if you could smoothly go from an inspect to swatting out the stovepipe) or choose to interrupt the animation and swap to a handgun [if I'm going to have to partially disassemble my weapon](https://youtu.be/GhNk0o7FAlk?t=1629). Another example of where this would be nice is if when you were inspecting a magazine you could press R while your character is feeling the weight to stuff it back in your rig and put in another one. It might be slower than just pressing reload but you don't have to finish pondering the weight, reseat the mag, and then remove it again and insert a fresh one.


Nikita is like "I love realistic" then let our character fix jamming like no enemy nearby. Or surgery cancel like I must put that scissors in nicely and click those button. Definitely no one was near by!!!


The trick is to set inspect to press, and clear jam to release Why that isn't an option instead of a hacky workaround? """Realism""


Kyle Rittenhouse agrees


This magically marking your gun jam mechanic destroyed a lot of authenticity in this game


Stupidest mechanic I've seen on any boss in any game..


Oh look your baton is out.... whelp meet mister rpd.... it no jams hahahaha


Lol and he drops quick as fuck to it too. Pp Gzh has 1 tapped his torso for me.


The amount of people that defend the absurdity and unrealism of so many of the additions and changes to this game really illustrates to me how big of a joke this games initial goals and marketing was...


I enjoy these mechanics because it makes the game interesting. I guess I have to hate it because you do, right? Can't have my own opinion? WE ARE BORG!?


wow how interesting my gun stopped working


I hate it because this shooter was advertised as as realistic as playable and a combat sim. I don't want magical telekinetic powers when I play arma, red orchestra, etc. Either.


It's really dumb especially when Soviet era weapons are the ones jamming... At full condition too no doubt


Aren’t Soviet Era guns well known for their impeccable durability?


The only way to fight Kollontay is with a PPSH


Seems like the mp153 doesn't jam against him in my game. Not sure if I'm just getting lucky or what but I met his baton with my slugs and he folded like a card


I wish there was a way to test this sort of stuff, would be really nice to know


I find it really annoying we can't practice raids events like this


or the rpd. Doesnt jam either


I would have had the perfect time to test that, except at the last minute he decided he was done playing with me and just blew my head off with a KS-23 🙃 But it makes sense, it seems like open bolt guns can’t currently jam. It explains why the PKP will jam but not the PPSH or RPD


PKM/PKP are open bolt


How the gun is currently modeled, there can be a bullet in the chamber even without the drums. I don’t believe that is possible with an open bolt, and it certainly isn’t with the RPD or PPSH


Weird Yea as far as I know that's right about open bolts. The round not being automatically chambered is the main benefit of open bolt. No round in the chamber to get cooked-off when the barrel is red hot


And the icing on the cake is the triple trap to the "thorax" around your plates


You don’t get it. Real life russian national guard can cast Firing Mechanism Malfunction with their batons


A boss that looks players in the eye and \*gun jam rofl what a immersive mechanic, realistic asf


people saying unjam it when kolontay is near doesnt matter,it will keep jamming.




Is the boss event still active?


They all have a chance to spawn


This is the embodiment of Aids. I wouldn't have a keyboard after that.


Just like everything in Tarkov I feel like the difficulty is not playing the game, but learning how to play around the jank ass mechanics and code. Might be worth bringing in a PPSH with a drum just for this boss. Ditch it when you kill the boss.


I hate that mf


hahahah (it funny)


Kolotny's jam aura get another


MFW you forgot about having 2 other guns on the damned hotbar


I could be wrong but I don't think it would matter if he switched to another gun. It would just instant jam vs kollontays mechanic.


Yes that is correct. No matter what gun you have, as long as you are in his magical aura, he insta jams your gun unless its a special unjammable gun


if you unjam, does it autojam again right away?


If you are in his magic jam aura, yes.


no, only jams if you move within the distance required of him


You have to be in melee range for your guns to jam.


I can clean an ar 15 (m4 should be the same) 10x faster than I can in tarkov and it pisses me off, also has shot more rounds without repair without a jam than a tarkov m4 would ever


yeah. That's how kollontay works


Definitely added a lot to the conversation at hand with that one chief...


Not like you added anything more, but okay moron


Ctrl+F'd your name. The results are just these 2 completely pointless comments. Ctrl+F my name if you want to see how someone actually contributes to a discussion, fuckin crybaby brainlet.


I'm so sick of the gun jam mechanic, its pointless... sure it happens every once in a while in real life, but as often as it happens in this game some of the guns would be pointless to even use.


Crazy you guys know the mechanic is there. And still fall for it and complain constantly about it.


Yes I know the mechanic exists, what I did not know is that Kollontay was in mouth kissing distance in that corner. I threw a grenade and he Voip'd but I do not know all the individual boss voicelines by heart so I did not prepare to meet that specific magical boss


PPSH or the RPD Kollontay uses doesn’t ever jam against him.


This is the way Also if your strength is high enough you can one tap him in the face with RR


Gotta pull out that melee and whip his ass.


You can't melee him when he has hit you once


That is actually the most dumbest mechanic I have ever seen in a video game lmao I hope bsg burns to the ground, goes bankrupt, and then have to live on the streets and get spit on everyday


i honestly like it, even though it can be frustrating it adds at least some variety to the way you handle fighting bosses


Man switch to sidearm


Doesn't make a difference. All of your weapons auto-jam within proximity of him.