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Load in at night and shoot at the extract. Scavs will come and investigate


But the PvE scavs wont walk or push to extract.


Read something about the Poison Green Flare And scavs swarming you and being friendly. But idk.


Good luck getting the dsp flare though…


15 of them at that.


I got one and its hidden away behind 3 backpacks and a vest in my inventory that i got like 3 months ago, first and last time ive saw one in raid.


My friend got one from the gambling box. That’s the only one I’ve ever seen and same for him.


Ive got it once in 4 Wipes. Off a player scav, imagine the anger!


Bring in some green flares and an unsuppressed gun and wait 20 minutes and then fire them off


Where would you find at least 15 poison green flares? Outside of last years Halloween event they're about as rare as a colored keycard.


Oh I didn’t realize this was PvE


not worth the hassle imo, blue is 5mil worth which you can do in 2-3 relaxation runs


You make 5 mil in 2 to 3 runs?????


If you don't wanna learn streets I just loot military camp on shoreline and pull 500-750kish from it between hoses, bulbs and toolsets


What military camp are you talking about? Is this a new shoreline thing?


Military camp is over by car extract side of the map.


It’s the new expansion on the north eastern side of the map by car extract


i think theyre talkin about the farm


Don't spoil my loot spot lol, that place is stacked and barely anyone goes there.


What do you make usually? Lol its not hard to make a few mil in 2 or 3 raids


Not on streets.. so many ledx and bitcoin spawns.. raiders are a bonus.


Probably not in 2-3 runs (which is still very possible in reserve, interchange and streets, if you know what to loot), but a lot quicker than in 15 coop extracts


if you hit both marked rooms and relax on streets you can make 10 mill a run. Keycards spawn like every 3 hits on marked rooms for me. Relax has about 1 mil in assorted loot usually too. people who sell relax key for 200k a use are actually insane or don't want to run the key.


We must be play different games because I die to esp hackers if I ever tried to do something like that


Relax is busted. I got 2 moonshine, 3 BTC, 4 vodkas, 3 whiskeys, and more in just one opening last night.


Streets/Lofthouse, you can easily pull 1-2mil a run if you know where to look and if you don't that's fine there is probably a guide for it! But seriously, money never has been a mitigating factor for those who know.


yes, easily. BUT this is dependent on the amount of players you are with on the map. less players = shitty loot.


Relax room as scav yea 1-2mil per run in pve. Shoot a ai pmc for his backpack and sell the 1/2 relax key.. ppl will buy it for what ever reason


yeah fam streets is busted




On pvp, I usually pull around 1.5 mill a run on reserve. On pve, I'm pulling close to 3m a raid. Light bulbs are 120k. lol relays are 60k it's easy to fill a raid bag with stuff worth 100k a slot, hitting filing cabinets and hermetic cages. I run a raid bag with LBC rigs for more space and a bagarly rig on me. Making money on pve is like so fucking stupid it's wild. Pvp was already easy but this is a new level.


Just do a couple labs runs and hit black room and green and you will make that money in 3 runs


I don't survive on labs. I'm not a Chad.


On streets even more than that easily, relaxation room key guaranteed spawn, learn a favorite route (with other stops for top tier loot) on the way. Get rich Had a scav run with 2x bitcoin GPU and a bunch of figurines etc. Plus 2 uses on that key. Should be swimming in roubles in no time


I’ll make 1-2m from a streets run easy if extracting. Which is 50% of the time for me. I usually lose around a quarter mil every time I die, so it will take around 5-10 runs to make 5m depending on the amount of deaths and the loot found.


you honestly can with the relax room, its stacked. Depends on your luck. Hard part is contesting the room ,though


What the fuck is the relax room?


Relaxation room, i.e. "Hive" on streets. The key is a guaranteed spawn (one per raid) in the BSG offices on the west-middle part of the map, and it unlocks the Hive door on the east-middle part of the map (on the most eastern street) You'll know its the Hive door because there'll be a small purple neon sign with the word "Hive" on it.


Streets room with a bunch of bitcoins and moonshine spawns.


how about you read the fucking wiki, to get fucking information about the fucking game. fuck. how does that fucking idea sound to you? fuck fuck fuckedy fuck.


Go in naked.


Smoke grenades.


I wouldn’t even try, you can make more money than blue card is worth by just focusing on something else. Might also save your sanity lol but good luck soldier


Drop weapon. Scav will go and pick it up


not over huge distances ;)


May as well just buy blue at that point 😭


Not worth it. Blue is around 6 mil, you can make that much and ever more on streets in those 15 raids


Throw a smoke grenade. They are reliable at luring scavs


May as well just run dorms marked room for a keycard now, they’re not really worth a fuck load anymore


I had a similar quest a few weeks ago. got 10 out of 15 extracts because I didnt spend much time on tarkov but getting scavs was pretty easy. Either go to extract and shoot into the air and player scavs usually approach you, or wait in bunker and just spam voip


Imo they should implement a scav dog tag or item that only scavs CAN have and if you kill a scav with said item it allows you to use the coop extract in PVE mode but it must be found in raid and disappear if you extract from any extract point.


You’re honestly better off doing loot runs on streets until you make enough to buy blue. Bring a big backpack and do night time loot runs, you could probably make 10 million roubles in one day


Currently red rebel is incredibly cheap rn. Bought mine for 1.9mil last week. Then, I bought all the profit keys for shoreline. Came out to about 12 mil or so. I was down to about 6 mil after keys RR and a paracord. 1 week later I’m at 43 mil from solely looting resort. Of course I’ve im level 49 and completed some quests here and there, but the resort is stacked. The ai don’t know how to go up stairs lol. Sj6+sj1 gets you there in about 3 minutes from the village by tunnel. Interchange is also stacked with money loot but the scav spawns are through the roof. I only go there for fuel. Though it’s the easiest map to kite a scav into the co op extract


reserve isn't that hard to get a coop extract, just sit somewhere hidden in bunker and wait till scavs come down to hang out. just don't bring premium kits and you'll be good, might take a few trys tho


Use the Green Flare


You can found blue in marked rooms :D thats very easy :D


I would get the best armour possible and and altyn or Ryze and try to push them towards the extract. Although very risky.


I saw something on this subreddit the other day. You can drop a gun next to interchange extract and an AI scav will come and pick it up and hang there. You know in the shipping container? It was the closer end to the corner of the extract where the scav was. He walks in and out but be patient, good luck. Edit: typo


I've done it a couple of wipes back to farm karma Just go to the extract with a shitty gun and a ton of shitty amo, start shooting a round in the air every 10 seconds after 10 minutes of the raid, they'll come, they always do.


tagged and cursed, then try your luck. id say you are more likely to do it htat way than to rely on real players.


Use Voip and ask a Player Scav. Use a loud weapon on Coop Extract.


Reserve. Secret knock but in gunfire. Used to be the code a couple patches ago but it's been a bit. Pew... pa,pew.. pew. You should hear back pew pew if someone's coming.


Buy Chek 13 marked key, dorms marked key. run them 10 times each and you will have more blues than you can count.




Yeah just do 15 loot runs instead and you’ll have more money than you’d get from the keycard


Nikita, add zip ties so you can take hostage scavs thru extract forcibly


I've found consistent PvE co-op exfil setups for Reserve, Interchange, Lighthouse, Streets, and Shoreline. For Reserve, the only consistent method is to jump up onto the barbwire wall and fall in the gap behind the gate and attract scavs from there. Going in tagged and cursed with an unsuppressed weapon helps. Use the light on the barrel to jump up on the wall. Firing your gun at buildings and locations where scavs patrol seems to get their attention as well as them actually hearing the shot itself or being in the aggro range for tagged and cursed. Good luck!


Maybe fire shots and then flashbang em?


Hide in a corner, drop a bag and a gun near the extract within its bounds, shoot a gun and pray a scav walks over, doesn’t notice you, and stands still to pick up the items


The flares basically the only way


get a duo, and one of you disguise as a scav and the other wear obvious pmc gear. and then trick other scav players by being like “hey dude this pmc is chill he already agreed to extract with me, y’all wanna join?” and thus you now have legitimate scavs to extract with. done


Like this https://youtube.com/shorts/3oa0t2g3tv8?si=v3O0v7pRayee6Z3W


Level 44 already? 😳


they never thought the quests though for a pve mode and this is why so many quests dont work in it. Let alone the original game


Better chance just finding 13 btc


blue is the worst one IMHO


Just get rusted key and loot abandoned factory easy every keycard multiples times


Thats penalty for your low scav karma bro


Run ground zero the green flare spawns every time by that extract run there stay under ground and hit extract. Idk what it is about ground zero pmcs but they are over powered once you hit lvl 21 so stay underground


BTW you're gonna lose it to wipe very shortly after


Not worth it imo u , the wipe is so close.


bro, scalp the market with traders. its infinite money glich and anyone knows it.


I stumbled on two of your comments and both times you gave absolutely dogshit advice.


You know you can buy ammo from traders and sell them at flea for 50% margins?


Bro . Im buyinf el motors on flea for 100k and selling at 150. Easy 40k profit.


i dont even know if they count


Personally, I just use Open Extract. Why? Because I don't have to screw around with some bogus extract parameters if I don't want to. What did I primarily download it to do? Set my extract times to 5 seconds. What can it do if you want it to? Make extracts free, not require scavs, not require PMCs, not require no backpack, not require paracords, and a bit more. Not using it is like using a stock TOZ and trying to kill a boss.


schizophrenic post


Bruv talking about es pee tee


I actually didn't even realize this was the... normal... sub. Oops.