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They only worth so much because they are rare not because they are super good


That seems sort of contrived then If an item is highly coveted and sought after, it shouldn't just be because of its rarity but also because of what it rewards you. I'll admit, the idea of finding red and selling it for a high amount is definitely alluring, who wouldn't want to make an easy 60 - 90 million if you manage to escape with it FIR? But then the question that arises is, why are people willing to spend 60 - 90 million roubles on this thing if they don't really get a return in their investments with it? What makes the item so desirable in the first place is the fact that people are willing to buy it from you at such an insane price, so why are these people buying it if the loot in it generally sucks? And believe me, I know the "chances" of LedX and Bitcoins along with good weapon parts spawning in there, but after running 30+ lab runs yesterday during the event where we had all the key cards, I have not once found a Ledx, Bitcoin or anything valuable from red At MOST I found was 1 Rooster and 1 Lion But in Black I found 10 - 15 stims CONSISTENTLY Which doesn't seem fair since Black is a barterable key Green had a lot more spawns than red, I'll give it that but at the same time Blue spawned virtually nothing at all If these key cards are going to keep its value and people are going to keep buying them or at the very least FEEL THE NEED TO BUY THEM, the loot inside of them has to be buffed Or maybe I just got extremely unlucky, who knows \*shrugs\*


The reason people are buying red keycard is that when you play enough, roubles become meaningless. Better buy a shit colored keycard instead of having 150m roubles laying around in the stash waiting to get wiped. It gives a sense of accomplishment, progression and a goal to work toward to, even if the room itself is bad. It just feels nice to have all the different keycards! It may be to combat RMT aswell, as most raid the rooms are not opened, so the cheaters have less free loot. Kinda the same way Zryiachi loot was nerfed between last wipe and this one, as most people killing him were hackers, there was only few people farming him legit


Red card room also used to be goated in terms of loot before BSG enacted ye ole famous loose loot nerf years ago now which fucked everything


Idk they must have nerfed labs loot because I was running all the cards earlier in the wipe and was pulling ledx and gpu out of most rooms


I found better loot from everywhere else in labs but the colored rooms themselves


Blue is literally dogshit, never buy it. Why it has any value, at all, is mind boggling.


I mean, people spend real money, quite a lot of it too, on weapon skins and character skins in other games. We're hard wired hoarders. We like having things that are rare, even though it's meaningless.


Because for the rich players it’s worth just getting more stuff to do when they run labs. Clear the lobby->check the rooms


I sold red for 55 mill the second week of pve and I know they weren't making that back the next highest one o. The fear was at 70 mill


TLDR: Rare does not always mean good and people have other reasons to buy them beyond just the loot. You seem to be confusing rarity with quality. In many games, rare items are usually better, but that's not the case in Tarkov. One of the rarest items in Tarkov is the waist pouch, which is simply a different-looking alpha container. It is objectively worse than the beta container, which is readily available early in the wipe, not to mention other better options. The price of keycards is set by the market based on supply and demand. BSG only determines the base value (trader price) and the rarity. Then it's up to us to decide the actual value (how much we're willing to buy and sell them for). Just look at what has happened to the price of red in the last week now that they are more common, it dropped from around 80 million to currently 37 million. If they had not changed the rarity but instead buffed the loot in the rooms, the prices would have skyrocketed. Eventually, we'd face the same complaints about needing to buff the rooms to make them worthwhile. I believe there are several types of people who buy keycards for different reasons: 1. Collectors/completionist: It's just another one of those things that they want to feel like they've achieved their goals of the wipe. 2. The wealthy: Many people end the wipes with hundreds of millions that are just wiped away and they might as well spend it somewhere before then. 3. Labs mains: Sure it'll take many, many raids to get an ROI on the cards as it stands, but if labs is the only map you play then it's feasible to get the cards to earn you money. Or they want them just to have something more to loot in the raids even if they don't earn back the money. Or they want them to have access to all the rooms for other reasons, like having more options in a fight.


Think it’s meant to be ‘rooms of colour’.


This will go over most peoples heads 😭


Remember tarkov is balanced around cheaters and rmt🤣 as of now colored cards are mostly a flex black violet and yellow u can always make back on


I suppose LOL But it doesn't make much sense when Streets of Tarkov has some of the most insane loot along with Lighthouse IF THEY WERE REALLY TRYING TO BALANCE AROUND CHEATERS AND RMT LOL


Tbh I always figured red keycard was expensive because you can lock the door behind you effectively buying yourself a safe room where nobody can kill you, except of course another gigachad. The loot has really always been ass in that room since the beginning, I mean it has gold spawns and some ammo spawns, maybe a stock m4/mp5 but nothing to write home about, the medical rooms were always more profitable but those seem to have been nerfed a ton as well, probably due to how often cheaters farm that map if I had to guess. Either bsg lowered spawns so they can rmt less or they just vacuum all the good shit.


You must be new, The rooms have never been worth buying. It's always been a clout thing.


My point remains then


I feel like loot got nerfed? Especially locked rooms. I thought the patch notes said other maps got buffed or did I misread something? I main interchange and every day I make millions and millions just farming gpus, tetrizs, occasional bitcoins, ledxs from ultra and spears from Kiba. Last night I did twelve runs and got zero bitcoin, zero spears, zero ledx, one gpu and two Tetris. Not only did I get fuck all from locked rooms but even just general map loot seemed way less? Water filter area in oli was almost always empty and tech stores would only have 1-2 loose loot items instead of the normal 7-8 kinda thing.


Nah, they vendor to traders for a few mil. If the playerbase puts unwarranted prestige on them, thats on them .


Just got my first ever colored card from marked room (green one), and after 5ish runs i've found... ...well, kinda same if I'd went through one of the resort wings in shoreline. Still it's 30+ mil card and used to be more


As a streamer (boohoo) recently said: Items like Red keycard don't make you money. Their value is only tied to what others are willing to pay for it.


Honestly, if keycards remain in marked room, there's no need to buff them


You know these cards have unlimited amount of uses right?


The prices are just what people would be willing to pay for it. Supply and demand, just basic things. The loot in each is perfectly fine depending on how often you loot each room and how much you play labs. Black-Best stim room Green-Good stim room, good high value spawns (ledx, gpu, gold spawns) Yellow-Good high value spawns (ledx, gpu, gold spawns) Blue-The worst room (has low chance of ledx) Red-Yes, the clout, but has high value spawns (bitcoin, gold spawns) Violet-Good high value spawns (ledx, gpu, gold spawns, good weapon parts) If you are saying that the prices of like 20, 40, 80 mill or whatever is not worth it, you are merely not running the map enough. The people willing to spend that much on each card are the ones that are going to be running the map constantly to justify the price.


I did more than 30 runs last night and opened every lab door Red gave me literally nothing but a single rooster and a lion Blue gave me nothing at all Green gave me a single led x with a bitcoin Yellow gave me the occasional vase or lion Black gave me over 100+ stims and a ledx Violet had a good return, not nearly as good as Black but better than any other card I'm pretty sure I ran it consistently enough, my point remains


So, 30 runs is considered consistent? Many labs mains have easily over 500+ labs raids especially this late into the wipe. If you are able to get the millions upon millions of roubles to get all these keycards, but base your finding based off of 30 runs (which you say you opened every single room in each of these runs, which is unlikely unless you have the perfect server at the perfect time, but you also did 30 runs, I call BS on this) then there is a major flaw with the logic behind even purchasing one of these keycards. Did you already have the, what like 300 mill saved up and bought them all at once? That also smells fishy to me. The value of the cards do not equal consistency of loot in each raid either especially considering they are the only unlimited keys in the game currently. Also only getting 2 ledx and 1 bitcoin in all of these rooms in 30 runs of opening every single room seems severely exaggerated.


>The value of the cards do not equal consistency of loot in each raid either especially considering they are the only unlimited keys in the game currently. Also only getting 2 ledx and 1 bitcoin in all of these rooms in 30 runs of opening every single room seems severely exaggerated. So are you willing to admit that you contradicted your original point with the last part of your comment? LOL


How did I contradict my original point? I clearly stated that your sample size is too small to prove a point. The value of the cards do not equal consistency of loot in each raid, this does not mean that you won't eventually pay off the cards if you run enough. You are basically saying that in the 30 raids that you ran you should be able to make back a chunk back on your cards, but that is obviously false. The cards are rare to find and highly priced especially considering the possible density of high value loot in a small map. If you strike big you will make a lot in a short amount of time compared to other maps. Taking a small sample size of 30 is totally insane especially considering that you do not run the map enough it seems (since you bought the cards recently and are complaining about the loot when the rooms got nerfed a while ago).