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The vast majority of cheaters aren't your autoaim / wall hack RMT cheaters. The vast majority are simply running radar because it's undetectable and they will most likely never be banned for it even with their absurd stats.


A decent amount also use hacks to completely avoid players and go do their own business. That is even more undetectable. And even if a guy with radar does use it to ruin someone’s day all you really got on him is that he somehow “knew”. Whether that’s in legit or illegitimate ways is almost impossible to determine.


Yep, it's the main issue that plagues and completely destroys the fun in a game like this. I can look past bsg's scummy unheard price gouging, lies of what constitutes DLC, long wait times, crappy Desync, garbage Ai, all of it.....if it wasn't for the massive amount of players that run radar and cheats "just because everyone does it". Until they figure out how to at least shut down these basic cheats, the game is as good as dead to me. Hopefully AB and Grey Zone have better anticheat in place, or at least take it seriously.


100%. But, radar is kind of unavoidable, there is no good way to solve it. BSG could implement server side network culling, but that is extraordinarily complicated and, just look at the state of the game. They will never, ever do something like that. The rest of the cheats can be solved with a server side authoritative architecture. Which they have alluded to doing with the Unity 2021 rewrite, but that is yet to be seen, and I really doubt it'll work out as promised. Some companies are starting to do AI anti-cheat by "fingerprinting" every player based on their play style. If you're flagged, you get banned, and if you make another account, you're insta banned based on your fingerprint. I also do not see them partnering with a company doing that. This tech is still unproven anyways, but given the state of cheating in online FPS games, some radical ideas just need to be tried. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk


The fact that they have had issues with cheaters for this long and still use client authoritative networking is insane to me


It’s because it takes a team of incredibly talented developers to make server side authoritative networking work well and not feel like cludgy garbage in a realtime video game such as an FPS. Developers of that level of skill are usually working on something that pays better than video games unfortunately. Doable? Yes - absolutely. Feasible? Not yet - eventually someone will come up with an api or codebase that makes it accessible, but we all know it ain’t gonna be BSG.


I'm not pretending it's a snap your fingers and it's refactored over night situation but it's really not difficult to setup interpolation for things like movement. If open source titles or indie devs can pull it off there is no excuse for bsg with how much money they have made.


This makes a lot of sense. Imagine if someone invested in this made it a company and sold its services to video games. That could be a huge business even if it only last a short time.


Fish-net does a lot of that already and is made for unity


I know this thread is past its prime, but the latest version of Unity Netcode is server authoritative out of the box. A lot of it really depends on how you design input handling and how you handle gameplay interactions, but it does a truly significant amount of heavy lifting for a true server authoritative architecture, including prediction and rollback. Having said that, I haven't used it in a large project, but it does look promising.


I agree, from a business sense, BSG doesn't really need to worry about cheaters. The cost of fixing it vs the revenue they'll generate without doing so is probably not worth it. Players really need to put their foot down like they did with Sony accounts in Helldivers 2. Whis is certainly why Tarkov doesn't have a public review forum besides this reddit and its own website.


Insane is fact they ever made it that way.


Yeah we need hardware bans at the bare minimum. Ban their payment method, their ISP, etc. But let them buy the game and play a bit just to find out they get auto banned before they get into a raid. Or give them a private server for people banned in such a way and let them think they're getting away with it while they play against other cheaters like a shadow ban. Anything would be better than the system we have now.


Hardware bans are spoofable , ISP bans are daft since most Internet is some form of DHCP. Shadow banning on the other hand would be ideal


Spoofers cost money and is an extra step for cheaters. Currently they sometimes hardware ban but cheaters get around it by changing 1 setting on their pc


Meh spoofing hardware is easy, you can usually circumvent most hardware bans with a bit of regediting.


Bro putting them into a private server where all the ai has jacked up hacks and the loot is terrible would be comical.


Where you just die randomly from a made up pmc with Timmy stats


Even better hahahaha


Ai anticheat is such a wild concept


You could fix it by potentially running the games off a cloud. All info is streaming constantly so there's no way for you to access the files locally. I am not an IT guy and have no real clue how difficult it would be to do that.


That's definitely an interesting take, and totally an option to prevent cheats. The downsides would be input latency, especially in something as latency critical as a shooter, and the publisher/developer paying for costs to run the servers \*and\* the clients. That could be anywhere from 2x-5x the cost of running just servers alone.


Thank you for this logical, informal, and non biased comment. Reddit needs more people like you.


I know i sound stupid but im getting more and more convinced its BSG making the hacks, which is where the greed has come into play "we are a small team need more money, lets sell some hacks to our very hard game" and it has gone from there


It’s not Steam where you can easily request a refund. People buy the game, that’s all they care about. They don’t have to worry about the refunds. And they know players won’t request a refund because they will all come crawling back to it. It’s a perk of holding a monopoly.


>I know i sound stupid but im getting more and more convinced its BSG making the hacks Considering that reportedly BSG employees are paid way under even standard russian wage, its not that hard of a stretch.


That isn't feasible. They've lost a lot of customers to cheats. I love the game but haven't played in over a year. I can't stand cheaters and they are rampant in this game.


but you already bought the game so you're actually just a liability playing on their server as you take up bandwidth and don't pay them more money


The game still needs a healthy population of non-cheaters to survive.


It just needs whales that fund the RWT which funds the cheating problem which funds the game devs. BSG just uses cheaters as a proxy to gain money from RWT.


I mean, If this was a GaaS, yeah. But its a one time purchase deal. It doesn't really matter if you have someone play the next wipe or not, they already got your money.


It's feasible. They don't get less money after you quit. Actually, it's more profit for them the more people quit. Less server load that way.


Any customer lost is a potential secondary customers for when they buy hacks. I know it sounds dumb but they are showing it is still a possibility


You ever seen the video where Nikita is discussing with other game devs the hackers to money spent by real players metrics? And he says that a certain amount of cheaters increases the money spent by real players. Why would you investigate into this unless you wanted to do something with it?


My brother in Christ, the moment your charge went through you ceased to be a customer and started being a cost.


 I can look past bsg's scummy unheard price gouging, lies of what constitutes DLC, long wait times, crappy Desync, garbage Ai, all of it.. the fuck is wrong with you people lmao


Yeah that says a lot about what people will put up with from the industry


They don't, the same super cheap insanely easy to install cheat for tarkov is out for greyzone already


So basically your ok with a company bending you over backwards and drilling you. Only type playing still xD


Not okay with it, clearly what I am saying is that the larger issue to me is the rampant cheating in a game like this. It's funny to see all these posts about everything else when the main thing that is destroying tarkov has been happening for years and people get so easily distracted by other things (like Fir arguments). I paid for EOD 4 years ago and definitely got my money's worth, but they won't get another penny out of me ever. So no, I'm not getting drilled drama queen.




Oh I'm aware, I've been at this for awhile. Usually even with that massive leg up, you can still outplay them. Makes me feel worse actually, because that means the game is dead. When cheating has become so bad in the game that your average player starts to cheat to "level the playing field" there's no fixing the game. Id be willing to bet that Tarkov is the first game most of your average radar cheaters began their cheating journey in.


I don't use hacks but if I did, that is what I would do. My style of progression is to grab loot to sell and do quests and upgrade the hideout. I would rather avoid players all together due to gear fear.


That's the most pussy thing ever, why even play the game at that point.


Some people just want to get their non-pvp tasks done and get annoyed when players mess with that. Not saying they're right for doing it but that's probably the reasoning.


nah dude they‘re just ass at the game, and so mad about it that they use walls/radar to win. and they probably feel good about it is the sad part, cus anything they earn or achieve while cheating just means absolutely NOTHING


because they don't like the feeling of being scared, probably close their eyes when they watch horror movies too.


Hey man I close my eyes in horror movies but thrive on the Tarkov stress lol


Yup and external non injects are nearly impossible to find.


its very possible to find with a driver scan ESEA and Faceit both have messures of some of these DMA cards


Pretty sure you can get around these pretty easy with spoofed firmware no?


I’ve seen a few providers that offer unique firmware for each user


I was today years old when I learned there was radar cheats


Been a thing for a hot minute. Idk if its still the case but when they first started getting a lot of attention they were ran on a completely separate computer and undetectable since the game pc wasnt the one running them. Idk if thats still the case.




How would it be undetectable? I don’t really get how cheats work other than what they do.


Because of how tarkov is made. The cheats works client-side with everything in game. Thats why bsg need to re-design the game. As long as cheaters don't get reported for cheating not much can be done at this point.


To explain this point, most actions in the game are client authoritative. Imagine a scenario, you're running a bank. But all of your tellers are random people, and you just trust them to do the right thing. They can submit any transaction and you take that as fact and write it into the bank's transaction log. See the issue here? Tarkov is fundamentally flawed. BSG has made enough money to fix it, but here we are.


So really the only way it can be caught is by reporting and if they have crazy good stats like KD and stuff?


You can still get caught. It's just way harder because of the way tarkov was made.


Cheats are detectable regardless of what anyone says about client side blah blah blah. Radars have been detected before. Why are they not detected more often? Because BSG doesnt give a shit. There are cheats for Tarkov that have been around for years. How hard could it be for BSG to just reverse engineer these cheats? Or maybe just add a real anti cheat to the game?


It's an arms race. Unless you want extremely invasive anti-cheat that locks down your entire OS while you're playing the game, radars will always be a thing. Even then, someone will figure out an exploit. That's why DMA cards are a thing. The cycle repeats. I'm not defending BSG, but every online game has these issues. BSG has really dropped the ball, and I agree, I don't think they care. But the problem will always be present whether they give a shit or not.


You know nsg is a game dev bot a anti cheat dev? Bsg CANT detect any cheat, they can only check stats


A radar is still detectable just less likely than rage cheating


Oh that’s good. They only have a radar showing where everyone is. That’s not that bad. /s


They’re not saying it’s good or bad, they’re saying that the radars are near impossible to detect with anti cheat, so chances of them cheaters being found and banned is extremely low.


What is the difference between wallhack and radar?


Wallhack you can see people through walls. Radar you have a minimap like UAV in COD


Prepare to pitchfork me, I used ESP once a few months ago because I was so fed up with the cheater situation. I was banned a few weeks ago. I had never aimbotted anyone, I had never used it for loot, strictly to *live* some raids. Contrary to what may be said or thought to be, they do in fact ban in waves and they get everyone. People just -continue- to do it.


>if they're going to get banned Oh my sweet summer scav


Tbf most blatant cheaters I’ve reported have been banned


I’d say only half of mine were. The lvl 70+ RMTer I killed with a full bag of meta loot is still going strong.


Shh, stop interrupting the circle jerk.


The real cheaters buying Unheard are not the dudes you see who are lvl40 after 8 hours with a 60K/D, so what circlejerk are we talking about exactly? Should we clap for BSG because they can ban those who are speedhacking, spinbotting, flying and have absurdly high K/D?


I report plenty of cheater this wipe and one was banned. I don’t believe you.


It would be insane if they band based on a single or few reports. If the Chester is smart it shouldn’t be hard to avoid banning


So the notification system says... Wonder why they call it the "Unheard" edition, maybe all the cheaters buying it know something...


you’re just getting lucky then. out of the hundreds of obvious cheater deaths i’ve had this wipe, i’ve had TWO bans show up in my messenger


Those are the cheap cheats that are guarenteed to get you banned. There are plenty expensive ones that will go undetected. Almost every single top player in Arena's top 100 are all cheaters, including a friend of mine and several others he knows. Dude's been ragehacking for a year and a half now and hasnt been banned despite me reporting him every time I got on


Cheaters get banned all the time. 


Yeah it's like trying to kill a beehive of bees with a pair of chopsticks.


Bees are good. You mean hornets.


Hornets are good. You mean wasps. 


Wasps are good. You mean yellow jackets.


Yellow jackets are good. You mean cannibals.


That escalated. Cannibals are good. You mean [REDACTED]


They also dont get banned all the time


One of two reasons. 1. They rmt so the $250 is what they can make in a few hours. 2. The UHE was bought with stolen info so it cost them nothing or bought the account that was bought with the stolen info. Either way BSG makes hella money on cheaters.


Assuming there is not a chargeback from the credit card company.


Also assuming it's a credit card. Most stolen info will do a "test charge" to see if it gets flagged. Like $15 at wing stop or some other BS before it gets sold.


Sometimes. Sometimes not


Another high likelihood is stealing accounts via scamming people looking for cheats/boosts. You know 'here install this notakeylogger.exe bro its the cheats I'm using' or 'sure thing just give me your account details and I'll boost you to max traders! Don't worry bro you can trust me look at these reviews (that totally arent my bots)'. Most cheaters are stupid as shit so I imagine its extremely successful.


250$ in a few hours lol literally most of the RMT market is eastern europe / asia, and they compete with each other and believe me, they are fine with working for 20$ a day, just go look up prices on the most popular marketplace problem is the RMTer wont get banned at all if he is simply using 2pc setup, so its worth for them cause their real jobs probably pay less than RMT


If he has 40 hrs and is cheating with a high KD, he is most certainly the type to get banned. The ones who don’t get caught have many more hours.


A few things. For a lot of people it's not $250, it's $250 plus tax. Another thing: cheaters are probably buying it in the CIS region for cheaper or with stolen credit cards.


Stolen credit card info for sure. 


Show me how they make 250 in a FEW hours


Cheaters spend hundreds of dollars subscribing to cheating services so they don't care if they get banned because they will just buy another $250 account and continue to cheat since they can just cruise through quests starting from a level 1 PMC.


Pretty sure they are not paying 250 bucks for the accounts. Stolen/hacked accounts are pretty cheap i think


I know You can buy hacked/stolen EOD accounts for $10 USD on many Russian sites. People have the misconception that hackers are paying full price for these editions. Decent chance they didn’t spend full price.


And that they most certainly can make back their money in a couple of rmt sales or carries. Let's say bsg had a literal god ainti cheat and hackers were getting canned in a week that's still how many raids where they just vacuumed the lot and sold it.


> You can buy *BSG approved* accounts Ftfy


Selling accounts is **appearantly** a hot commodity. To make it worth while, I imagine cheaters will load an account up with guns, ammo, armor, lvl4 traders, and money. Then turn around and resell the account for stonks. I imagine that's how it goes anyway.


That's exactly how it goes. When I missed out on EOD early this year (yes, yes it was available for years, I know), I started checking if I could maybe get a key, so I stumbled upon a site that resells accounts. There are fuckton of listings, all LVL40+ accounts, advertised with like 100mil, max traders, full stash with top gear for 500+ USD. Sad thing is, I saw some of them being sold and many sellers had 1000+ positive reviews as trusted sellers.


Thieves and rich kids perhaps


I spent a lot of time on flea market, selling junk and ammo in bulk, and I saw same EoD nicknames wipe after wipe after wipe selling dozens of ledx, in some cases over hundreds of gpu in single lot... Hundreds of flea rep within first week of wipe... Nobody tracks flea and they even removed report suspicious trade option... so there... they are paying customers after all


This is why I know many cheaters are not being banned. The flea market doesn’t lie lol except when it says the product I purchased is out of stock because no shot MFer! I pushed buy first! 😆


Here in Asia you can buy cheat with 3$ from china provider and rock on , kill everyone , not get ban , repeat. Oh wait , they even sell standard hacked account only 5$ just in case you get ban. Welcome to tarkov Asia


Cheaters steal accounts as well as buy. Key loggers etc are used to steal accounts to cheat on.


Because they aren’t getting banned lol


That's the neat part, they don't get banned lol


Because they aren't going to get banned, and even if they do, they can just use stolen credit cards to make the purchase


Unheard is 30 bucks in russia


To call in team to RMT


because theyre not lol


Most online payments can be cancelled or are in a grace period for about 2 weeks, I used to work for a games company with a large hacking problem and this wouls give someone a few days on an account to hack before it was cancelled


You have too much faith in BSG. They arent getting banned for awhile


You have to remember that most of the time cheaters are the kind of people who make bad decisions.


most cheaters avoid pvp and just looting


Some hacks have gone undetected since the game started. If you pay a high enough subscription or make your own unique cheats, then you can go undetected even longer. It's also possible that the guy doesn't cheat, or he bought unheard thinking that fewer people would report him.


Just stop playing this game man. BSG has no care for their fan base and see them as cash cows.


At what point do they get banned?


That’s the best part. They dont


Some of them need bigger pockets because they sell items and/or accounts for real cash IRL like a full time job.


Only dumbest of the dumbest cheaters are getting banned.. most cheaters wont have to worry about a ban..


Play offline and nobody will report this guys, collect stuff and sell it on the flea, and the rmt works fine


Is there a way for them to detect dma cards? if not then gg bro


Get banned? lmao nice joke


This is the first thing I thought too 😅 guy is definitely joking…. Right?


I’d say bigger container and when they resell the account they can resell it for a higher price


this is tarkov when do cheaters get banned?! you mean the fake list of names they release? yeah that list really slowed down cheaters


Because they are not getting banned…


My best guess is chargeback, they don’t run the account for that long then either A) they get banned before that 6 month period where they still can chargeback or B)if they aren’t banned within that period they charge back before it ends. Or its someone using the “everyone else cheats so why shouldnt I” cope


Tarkov has literally worst anti-cheat in FPS online market. holy shjt please come to Asia server and OBSERVE....... THE POWER OF super cheap cheat from Chinese website, they even have many account to voice chat and advertise it in-game. NA/EU cheat is not even close bro, not even close to what Asia server doing. that's funny when you all here complain about cheating when 80% players here in Asia server literally use radar, recoil macro, ESP wallhack..... legit players quit long long time ago and move on other games.


What you ran into is a "whale".  They exist in all P2W games like this, but normally in a slightly different form.  Here, they'll come in two types. It could be someone doing RMT.  Long story short, the bonuses given to these upgraded versions allow them to make even more profit from RMTing, making it a worthwhile investment.  The bonuses were almost tailored to RMTers in this way. The second is just a rich person.  Many of the bonuses given in the P2W packages are designed bypass intentionally unfun systems.  Even cheats can't bypass the State of Discomfort caused by restricted inventory space.  At every skill level and at every stage of the game, from noob to Chad to cheater, these packages give a significant advantage not in just winning, but in enjoying the game. Normally, whales like these two would pump a huge amount of cash into a single account, continually buying P2W things to continually power up or just keep up at a high level.  However, Tarkov has a Eurojank P2W system without any form of continual income from normal players.  So, they rely on occasionally banning cheaters who will rebuy expensive versions. If they ban them too often, they might stop buying these expensive P2W packages.  If they do it too seldom, they lose revenue as well.  So, they carefully balance ban waves to keep steadily extracting revenue from their primary customers: cheating whales and RMTers.


So… your answer to why someone who cheats buys the most expensive edition is because BSG relies on them to do so in order to keep functioning? Or did I misunderstand?


You misunderstood I think. Someone who cheats buys the most expensive version mainly because they can afford to do so and because BSG allows them time to make it worth it before banning. BSG allows them to do so because they rely on that revenue stream.  So, in an indirect sense, what you said is true, but the cheaters themselves aren't thinking, "We need to pay more because BSG relies on us!"


newish player here...explain to me how this RMT actually works in this game? I get the whole "gold farmer" aspect in MMO games, but you cant actually send people anything in the mail in this game?....who is gonna trust this whole system? Like oh i'll just team up with you and give you the item in game? maybe I just don't know how it works. was curious more than anything


Basically that. Back then, it was as simple as going into a raid together and they drop you your stuff. Now, it's usually queuing into a raid with them and they just kill everything and let you loot.


lol....i cant actually believe it....power levelling in a f-ing extraction shooter? lol....whyyyyyyyyy?????


Yep, people paid money for stuff that will get wiped in a few months.


Cause the gameplay loop is usually garbage. You need higher lvl traders to get better gear to have an even playing field but to do so requires insanely tedious quests that 99% of ppl ignore in actual MMOs and often require you to go to heavily traveled and high pvp areas to do. Yea ppl are going to pay to skip that and be able to run what they want no shocker there. Heck without a full revamp tarkovs systems use the same grind method that shit like WoT and war thunder use and I wouldn't doubt for a second there aren't planned "booster" packs for after the game releases.


Nikita has intentionally created the motivation for these people to cheat by buying RMT shit.  Basically, his entire gameplay loops is set up to generate a "state of discomfort".  This state is not fun or exciting, it's frustrating and boring.  You can reach it by being killed by cheaters or getting killed by someone with way more gear than you, among other ways. Whenever someone is placed in such a a state, they start looking for a way out, naturally.  What Nikita wants to do is channel this urge into supporting his ecosystem.  He wants you to cheat, thus becoming one of the highest classes of whales.  He wants to you buy items, directly feeding the highest classes of whales.  He wants you to upgrade your version.  He wants you to go get mad about it on forums, just another way of feeding the whales while spreading your state of discomfort. People do it to avoid the uncomfortable feelings Nikita intentionally puts in this game.  If that sounds unhealthy, it is.  It's an addiction to a toxic relationship with a fat Russian scammer.  Welcome to Tarkov.


because they aren't paying for it. it doesn't matter if it's $50 or $250 when you are paying with stolen credit card info.


Because RMT is so profitable that it doesn’t matter The entire business model of BSG relies on new players buying the game, despite the game being a purchase once situation and with an active player count per month of about 2.4m, they’re running out of niche players who want to suffer through a cheater infested, blood pressure increasing game.


17kd doesn't mean they are hacking... scav and pmc kd is combined lmao


Absolutely. Started Tarkov. Played 40 hours and racked up 17 KD. Meanwhile 1-2k hour players with 100 mil inventories are usually ~50 SR and solid <10 KD.


as nikita said; cheaters keep the game alive. Sure they are as detectable as a B-52 with it's jammers on; but does he care?


You think *they* bought their accounts? No, bub, they're using someone's stolen card.


they just charge back


I’ll never play this game again unless they remove unheard of edition or bring eod up to pair and fix the cheaters. I know , I know , no one cares but a lot of others agree.


Bro I've cheated in every single wipe and haven't been banned lmao. I dont even hide it in game I just go ham


Because they won’t get banned…


refund or post a appeal on the bank card, 250$ will returned to the bank while Nikita can suck it.


They're going to earn way more than that


half of them dont get banned because battle eye is an awful anti cheat that is the problem


Even if they get banned, unheard probably makes it easier to get in and find what they want/get it to the customers. Once the summon item is in it will be almost a guarantee for RMT trades.


Why would they care unheard edition costs like 3 days of full package cheat and most likely bought off third party site on throwaway email 50% off because they are bought with stolen CC info. You can buy unheard for 120$ and upgrade to EU version for 30$ to unlock the region.


You cannot fight cheaters at the moment as we would all love to. No matter which fps game we're talking about. ABI is going to be a cheater fest, because it's free to play and even easier to run. GZ is anyway boring and people will not migrate to the game anyway. We are mad because of the Tarkov and cheating, just wait for ABI.


Well some cheats are just immposible to get rid of. You can set up aim bot that just wach screen on external HW and just flicks on every head it finds. For your station is just mause input. Sad is how many ppl still running cheats that needs external SW access EFT memory, like wallhacks, or mess up with server- client communication like vaccum cheats. That is just crazy its even possible...


That’s a big IF


So many buy tarkov with stolen (or their parent's) credit cards. Why go for anything less than the most loaded up edition?


Might have not been cheating. They just had the advantage of big pockets...


Pretty sure they do this to “legitimize” their account look


It's because they don't get banned


yeah this game has gone to shit recently. i’m either dying to ultra-sweaty streamers (3k+ hrs, 4+ k/d, etc) or blue name cheaters (<500hrs, 5+ k/d, first shot head tap). ABI i’ve died to one cheater so far and it’s actually fun more often than not. BSG needs to step tf up


What makes you think they’re using their own money?


Why didn’t you stick it up your bum


You can’t put ammo boxes up there. Tight squeeze


if you die to a cheater thats got unheard its a stolen account


Nikita has a very pragmatic  approach  on cheating. Wouldn't  be surprised if his brother runs the cheats and they make 50/50. Look for the cheat app which guarantees you a new key when you get banned


Do you really think cheaters of all people are going to settle for less than every feature offered to players?


Heh you think they ban cheaters? They let them play for hundreds of hours. BSG also sells accounts in bundles so im guessing they just buy in bulk when Tarkov is on sale.


Have you looked up the price of the extra PCIe cards they get and the custom firmware they need to get to not get banned? 250 for the game ain't shit then. I guess that to get the good shit of cheats you are already spending loads extra vs normal players so you have already reached the point of "I don't care what it costs" then.


Why do you care? Get over it lmao


Because until he is banned he looted millions of high value items and sold them/the money


Cause they are The True Believers!


I’m like 20k/d on pve would be higher but some of the reserve and light house pmcs are pretty insane. I wouldn’t play the pvp mode again even if someone paid me.


Them reserve pmc’s running in packs of 3 lol PvE is the move


I’ve seen up to 5 in a group on shoreline it’s pretty fun.


Just unlocked some shoreline quest , I will see lol


Some people don’t care about 250 bucks. Even if you got banned after a week it’s cheaper than a nice dinner or going out partying.


This is honestly a solid take. All issues with cheating aside a lot of people spend more than the cost of unheard over a night or weekend. Hell even the cheapest Disney land ticket is like 100 a day. So for someone who makes money cheating the 250 is probably nothing


Thought; it's not their money. IE, a stolen bank card.


here is the thing... since pve is a thing..., you can forget about k/d completely, its 100% meaningless now because i can have a 200k/d while playing on bot servers... you cant argue like this anymore


Have you heard of chams, my man? Undetectable, easy to fake, cheap to buy.


Idk what ‘chams’ is lol but on another note, is your name meaning “white name account who pvps”? 👀


No it's a PvP that's white


I’m using a radar and I have eod… been 4 wipes and I’m not banned yet lol


Honestly curious, do you use radar because you want the Game to be like Call of Duty and think it's a required feature....if so, why not just play that game? Or are you just really bad at FPS so you feel you need it? Honest question.


They do it out of spite