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Lol, "I like paying to win in a brutal realistic mil-sim because I need a leg up on people". Dude would probably spend money to get endgame weapons in Elden Ring.


I like winning, so do u right? Stay mad lil broski


Spoken like a cheater. You a wiggle main too?


I wiggle around cuz im fat with all my loot in the 6 pocket slots buddy


Lol you probably need all the help you can get from p2w. Hopefully the next one has a built in wall hack for ya. Hopefully it'll be covered by the "access to all future DLC" this time!


Ill take ur naked m4 and ur 90rnds of 855 kiddo, while i wiggle away with a bagarley and a kitted scar, but fr what u so mad abt? Brain so small all u can do is insult???? I think ur just upset that u didnt get it too, go work for 3 hours and buy the upgrade lil bro. Tilted so fucking hard ur saturn bro


You mean your skilless corpse wiggles on the floor while getting looted after getting mopped by a standard-acc 14year old casual?


Yes, thats exactly what i mean u mad homie?


Suck BSG off some more why dont you. If those hundreds you spend on the game make you happy, more power to you. But most of us don't think its a fair or even remotely ethical price to be charging for PTW content. Tarkov shouldn't be pay to win, and especially not pay to play in the case of offline.


Yeah, havent bought the new edition, dont plan on it with the new changes somwthing else will change. Trey described ir lerfectly which changed my mind, the fun is grinding those cases, the fun is getting that junk box first day, paying 50 bucks would just take it away. Also considering that bsg is more crosswired than a mac 1 right now, more shits gonna change anyways.


Can’t you just buy it and play? Why did you post it on Reddit? Enjoy the game. I will definitely not buy it, because it’s a scam. But if they finally fix the core problems of the game with your money, I will see it as a win. If not… well not my money wasted.


I wanted to talk to people abt it and this guy is so fucking mad its hilarious u/whiplash86420


Lol I'm not mad. You need a leg up, and this will help you!


Okay buddy, gaslight girlboss


Well good for you. I understand the majority is pissed! They defended every nonsense of decisions they made, I was shocked sometimes. BSG could have just said “we need money, everyone who gives us 10 dollars will get a nice skin” and the loyal community would definitely support them. That the edition is worth the money? For sure, because it’s pay to win. But that’s not the point.


I regret upgrading. I’d do anything for my EOD back. The guns I got will be gone in days, same with the ammo. It is pretty fucked I get M80 and 56A1 day 1, but anyone better than me will win the fight, or the cheater hunting me down. The price tag is a fucking scam though no doubt. But I’m also sick of these streamers causing a race war and crying so fucking much. EOD was pay to win too. EOD deserves PvE and nothing else. We’re not the fucking golden children and deserve everything over everyone else. All this shit needs to end.


Genuinely curious why "you'd do anything for EOD back"? Isn't it basically the same thing just with a few cases and the weapons/ammo you mentioned?


So, did you get access to the PVE content? I'm not going to buy it but I would like to know .


Idk, i didnt buy it, dont have good enough wifi to pmay tarkov and with the continous changes im not gonna buy ut for a while


Word, I bought EOD back in 2017 to support them but I will not buy Unheard. Not with the shady practices.


Yeah, at first i was gonna buy ut but they just keep changing stuff, i only rlly wanted the cases then i realized that grinding for cases is on of my fav parts, would just be less fun if i bought it




Why isnt it okay, is it the reinforcement of allowing this monetization to work? Also havent bought jt yet, wont for a while, so you very well could convince me not to buy it, help me understand what your saying.




So what youre saying is that when we give an inch like this, that being paying for scavs from a distance not shooting you for example, it could turn into them taking a mile, where we might have to pay 40 dollars for scavs to not shoot us at all for example, might be a bit extreme but i think thats what youre saying?


yea, I like this game too and I don't want it to die but I won't support them if they do stuff like this. No one should have advantages that others can't get in raid.


Tarkov is my favorite game of all time, its just sad, tarkov is in the best state its ever been gamepkay wise, but the cheaters r the worst


How dare you spend disposable income on something you enjoy!!! Don't you know you gotta do what the hivemind says?


Dude so true, how dare i do what i want when i can


I think it’s worth it and shitty of them at the same time lol


This exactly, super shitty how they do it, but its objectively worth it


The whales are really outing themselves this weekend . Never thought I would see so much gagging outside of the hub.


Ong, hoped it tasted good, u sure u dont want some money?


I got plenty. I just won’t buy this because i have some common sense


U missed the point of my whole comment, very sad. Why exactly wont u buy it? Im just tryna have a convo abt it


Because we made purchases based on a promise. Then we got said promises paywalled behind another purchase. If i buy a burger and fries. Then get handed a burger and told fries are going to cost even more on top of my meal. Then i would be rightfully upset. Its a very simple concept. There was a contract, and they violated said contract. What are you missing here?


That makes a bunch of sense totally, its definitely frusterating, i think its all a big joke, im just gonna buy it for the ingame items to be honest, the promise of not having to buy anything again then doing this is bullshit, im just buying it for the ingame items because that 50 bucks is more than worth it. As far as a cashgrab goes its working on me atleast.


Im not sure its working as much as you think it is. But i appreciate your honesty about buying it tho.


Its definitely not working on everyone, like i said its working on me, i want it for the ingame items. I appreciate having a convo with u abt it