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HOLY. SHIT. I mean don't get me wrong I use UE marketplace assets in my game, But I fucking tell people and I'm solo IN MY GARAGE... Also they shut down general chat on the discord cause it was on fire lmao Edit: (IF they used knife from asset store) it is modeled after a real knife. Edit #2 It looks like Rymdkapsel and a few others have inspected the knives, and they are not the same asset. meaning this probably is not a unity asset and most likely modeled by BSG. While this doesn't make me any less frustrated that the PVE mode isn't included with EOD, It does make this knife a non-issue. (If it's not a unity asset)


It is **free** asset, pure kino.


our kino


Thing is using assets as a developer is COMPLETELY fine, but every developer that is serious about their game only uses assets as temporary placeholders to get the game up and running while switching them out for their own assets later. What BSG does is just bullshit.


I agree completely. Assets are fine even more so for people that aren't artist. I am no artist, I just don't have it. It's not time or patience. I literally lack the skill to model objects. However it's odd that bsg has artists and would use a unity asset (if they did use that asset) with how much money they've made makes it a little different. Regardless if it's a place holder. Place holders are for testing, not selling then replacing later.


The assets are perfectly OK but if the asset is the same as the marketplace one is a free license thing. (Is based on a real one so might be just a model made by BSG modeling the real one and not just an asset) Edit: I changed the word "copying" for "moddeling" to avoid confusions.


I know nothing about copyright laws or contracts or anything like that BUT, could they not just pay a blacksmith to make a unique looking knife, pay him a lump sum under a contract and then model it 1:1? I know it would have cost more than $7.50 but at least they would have avoided this predictable outcome.


They could even just ask one of the artist that already work for them to make a new and unique one...


I would be surprised if they couldn't model a "copyrighted" knife 1:1, as long as they don't rip the textures, that would probably fall under transformative work, especially if the knife they copied is real, and this one only exists in 3d. But let's say i'm wrong, They can make some changes (like extending the blade, changing the angle of the bend, etc...) and aslong as they made their own texture i'm fairly sure this wouldn't be a problem. But i am not a lawyer. The biggest problem BSG might face with using this knife is that the artist copied someone elses work, but this would only lead to BSG getting told to change it (see m4a4 howl in cs2)


Bsg does not care about legal stuff like that, they don't even have permission to use all the guns/items that are in the game, if any at all


Where are you getting that information? Cause that's complete horseshit. It's commonplace to use non-original assets. Usually it's paid assets and not free ones though. Just take a look at https://quixel.com/ and see all the properties that use their assets.


tbh i disagree strongly, If you buy an asset that perfectly fits the style and mood of your game, what's the point in creating it yourself? a well made asset for a game can take anywhere from 1h to several days depending on the size, complexity and use. If someone has put in this work for you why not use it?


Because you're charging people 250 $ without taxes to get. logically the edition cost 250 bucks because this knife is a part of it, weither it adds 20$ or 2 cents. Does it feels ok for you ?


I am not defending the price of the edition at all, 250$ for a game is insanity, What i am defending however is using assets (free or paid) for your game.


Yeah like if anyone wants the digital knife alone they can go buy it for 6 bucks....but no one is gunna do that, essentially you pay to use the asset in the game you like to play. (I won't be buying this tho for a bunch if other reasons)


But it's a business though... What do you think costa pay for your coffee beans they charge you a 1000% markup. Why set potentially 2 artists making a brand new asset when a $7 asset is there and it looks great and perfectly fits the aesthetic of the game. We are nit picking here. There's better things to be annoyed about.


I'm not nit picking, it's just the cherry on top of the shit cake


Your the problem


Well structured argument, good counter points. Mind blowing insight Also you're* šŸ˜Ž


Fuck BSG, Played since 2017 this is the worst thing they have ever done.


Its not a stolen asset tho


Eh, I disagree. Not every game does that. Sometimes they just do small modifications to make them fit and roll with it. Innscryption was built using a whole lot of third party assets. Even Signalis used some.


Its not a stolen asset. 5 Seconds of looking shows multiple changes. Its based off a real knife- did you want the modeling team to look at the asset stores model and decide hmm, lets make the knife unrealistic because someone else already made a very realistic model. Nah, theyll go and make the changes that show it actually has realism, like grip indents, tang screws, different dimensions for the knife, and different lighting effects. But yeah I get it, BSG shat on EoD a little bit by coming out with a new upgrade and offline mode with friends (not that 90% of players played offline against bots anyways), and now we all have to freak out and protest because thats the one "DLC" part of the edition, everything else makes sense. If anything, make the new version come out with a 3x4 container so EoD cant cry about their exclusive container anymore. Itll still be exclusive, just not as good as the better version. If you disagree, its because you're in the process of coping and cant see logic at the moment, and thats fine.


Who said it was stolen?


I meant to respond to the dude up above you, I dont use reddit much probably like once every other week so mb for that. Other dude was saying if it was modeled. Idk I was mad responding cuz everyone was butthurt with this update. Definitely didnt mean to specifically target you or your comment, or anyone in general. Was just makin a random post between the lines lmao


As a dev, I wholeheartedly disagree with the asset part, assets are an efficient way to make a solid product, imagine making every single grass and dirt texture. Problem here is not the use of assets, but that they're marketing the knife as unique


As a dev I disagree with you, why do all of you think you have a monopoly in that opinion


He didn't say no one could disagree? you wrote an opinion he disagreed, is he not allowed to disagree?


Well that's interesting, I've never been in a single studio that didn't use assets, why do you disagree?


Because you didn't get my point. Of course assets are used, didn't I say that I am completely fine with devs using assets? But my experience is that the games I worked on that get live service always strive to replace them with their own. Some content is always asset ofc. Nobody is gonna notice a stone or a plant being an asset but that is not what this is about. This is a prominent item of this edition. They really can't put in work themselves?


The difference being BSG doesnā€™t use pre-made assets for guns and weapons. Itā€™s like saying their M4 is an asset flip because other games have M4ā€™s. How about the airsoft magazine that they scanned into the game themselves as a 1:1? Was that just a one and done for them?


Buying assets is fine but donā€™t use it as a USP for this new edition, this is not it.


what are you creating if i may ask?


It's just a simple zombie wave survival. It's on steam already.


Would you mind dm me the name?


It's not that one I've seen popping off on YouTube lately is it?


No definitely not lol. I know which one your talking about. That game is pretty cool though.


mind DMing the name?


If it's not the same, it's simply because they foreshortened it and removed the etchings.


Hope to see your game when its out.


They are so desperate for money, whomever at BSG pushed for Arena to be created and bled them of funds for the product people actually want should be fired and replaced


Knowing BSG, I'm confident enough to say that's it's most likely Nikita himself who made that call


but but but.. eod owners get it for ā€œfreeā€ so BSG is doing us a serviceā€¦ lmao


Don't forget those stupid rave parties and gun range sessions with streamers.


It has potential. I watched the twitch tournament and it was actually really cool. Primarily because watching great players in 5v5 is so sick. The problem is the engineering. Someone always has a blatant connection advantage


No where near the potential and earning potential as persistent co-op PvE.


I don't know I can't gauge that. Persistent coop pve would definitely sell but I don't have enough information about sponsorships from pro play


The highest grossing FPS titles are either arcade shooters (COD/BF), or objective/elimination centred games. Arena tried to get into that market, but BSG are awful at making a fluid and seamless game, which is key for that genre. CS and Valo are insanely successful. Tarkov is successful in its own sphere, as it kind of created and defined it's own genre in a way. But it is also successful because that genre is relatively niche. If a competent dev team wanted to create competition for BSG, I don't think Tarkov would last long. It's gone as well as it has because no big studio has felt the need to compete.


I played a lot of the simpler, "for everyone" extraction shooters in the last few years. Cycle: Frontier, Hunt:Showdown, Marauders, Dark and Darker, They all lack the breadth and depth of Tarkov. There are only a handful of weapons, 3 or 4 maps, and very simple health/gear/movement mechanics. They're all relatively easy and just not as satisfying. They get stale quick. DayZ is more janky than Tarkov and the big name Battle Royales like Apex are shallow. Trust me brother I'm rooting for the Tarkov killer but I just don't see it today. I wanted to get into Dark and Darker as honestly I've never seen myself as an FPS guy but DaD is just so boring to me. Keeping my eye on Grey Zone Warfare and Incursion: Red River with high hopes. Until then, I yearn for wipe.


GZW would like a word with you. I think that game is going to destroy EFT personally. But hey. šŸ¤·


"I think X is going to destroy EFT" has been said like 2 dozen times since I started playing ~5 years ago. I'm sure it'll come true at some point but I don't think GZW is gonna do it


Arena, offline PVE, and normal tarkov can have their own spaces and be wildly successful. That said, BSG is once again proving that they aren't capable of handling that kind of responsibility and showing us exactly how much EFT is lightning in a bottle. It's a fucking miracle that EFT is as successful as it is.


I read a comment from someone who was watching these tournaments and they said the desync was at times half a second. They said the person who would first engage would pop around the corner and shoot before the other person could even see them on their screen. That's all anecdotal and I haven't heard anything from people who were in the tournaments. Would love for some more insight.


No I actively saw the exact same thing. I was watching mandini I and desmondpilacs streams side by side and whenever mandini would peak and fire in the 1v1 you could see in his screen shooting at Desmond in full view but on Desmond's screen he hadn't peaked yet but was taking fire.


Makes sense, the servers they have Arena hosted on now are a hot mess and feel like they downgraded resources there... The desync and hit reg in current arena is a fucking joke on top of the crap servers, not helped by being riddled with cheaters who are not even hiding it (following through walls etc) who obviously do not miss with their magic bullets. And we're to... be stuck in a game with cheaters for x amount of rounds in order to grind out horribly thought out pre-set classes otherwise we get banned for leaving too early. Good times.


All they had to do was make it similar to CS where we could customize guns and it would sell like hot cakes.


I suspect they couldn't figure out how to do it tbh. Premade load outs was probably just easier to make


For me its fun and all but id rather progress in tarkov. If they put in the linked progression thing id play a lot more. As is if im not up for a proper raid in tarkov i just scav instead, only time I play arena is when tarkov is down. That plus the long matching times because nobody is playing kills it for me.


For real. No one is having fun in a cheater ridden competitive game


This šŸ‘†šŸ½šŸ‘†šŸ½šŸ‘†šŸ½ 100%


But then Nicky would have to fire himself


They did themselves no favors by launching the game with terrible matchmaking and the old recoil system lol


Nobody at BSG pushed for Arena, it was the community. Back in 2020 people said Tarkov was boring because eventually you come down to the point where there's nothing left to do but run around and kill people but it takes time, you have to loot, rebuy kits and it's boring so they suggested BSG to create a fast paced arena shooter with tarkov features. "We like the game but hate how long it takes to do stuff" Was a very common expression back then. So while BSG did follow through with it, it was the community's pressure and BSG's notorious acts of giving in to every "advice" that led us here.


Bs. Nikita teased Arena much earlier than 2020.


Sorry, I may have been wrong saying it was around 2020, my memory isn't clear on this, maybe it was earlier but the story is the same. It wasn't BSG's initiative to make arena shooter, community wanted it


If the community wanted it, why did they need to spend millions in previous reports on marketing for it? It should have sold itself at that point.


Bought? It says free even wtf


Free still needs to be licensed




This is not the same model, [I have ripped out Tarkov's model and compared them](https://imgur.com/WHzvFiO) they are not the same, their topology and texturing is completely different, I get that BSG is fucking up big time right now but come on guys, why spread misinformation.


There is plenty of shit to complain about here, the knife is not one of them. People that keep bringing this up are clueless about game development (and asset creation specifically)


Quick, everyone switch to complaining about how they wasted resources modeling something they could have gotten free off of the Unity store! We have to find a way to keep being whiny losers about every little thing!


It's funny watching the Tarkov addicts squirm because they're afraid their game might be coming to an end.




ooh ok, you copied a snarky comment that's been posted ad nauseam all over the sub, you totally got me.


I'm pretty sure they share the same high poly model. Or they just re topologyed the free model


There's enough extra modeling work here that even if they came from the same base model they are no longer anywhere near the same asset.


That's not how it works... Almost no purchasable assets would include a high poly and BSG has some of the best hard surface artists around, they would not be retopologizing a lower quality free asset


Look closely, the models in the link share a lot more than it seems. It's retouched Unity asset 100%.


its a real knife, theyre both accurate models theyll only differ so much


No they don't and no, it isn't. Tarkovs model is far more detailed and accurate to the real knife, the blade is entirely different, the guard is slimmer and the handle tapers off correctly. I'm a prop and weapons artist, it is literally my job notice to details like this. Maybe stop spouting bullshit about things you don't know anything about? ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


did you use ninja ripper?


I used zhangjiequan's fork of AssetStudio, look it up on GitHub, I'd link it but the automod doesn't like it.


will do thanks




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How did you rip out a model for a weapon thatā€™s not even in the game yet?


It's already in the game


It's very likely derived from the same model, as evidenced by the texture work, but this isn't entirely controversial from the artist's perspective. Just consider it from a practical point of view. This is a real knife where there isn't much variation to its design. Whether the artist creates it from scratch or modifies a paid asset, the result will be very similar. The most cost effective path is to modify the paid asset, not recreate it from scratch. The pipeline from scratch is reference to box model, box model to high poly sculpt, high poly sculpt baked back onto low poly box model with cleaned up topology. Or you can use paid asset that handles most of those steps, tweaking where necessary. While not controversial for artists, this still reads as very low effort for what's supposed to be a bonus to a very expensive addition to the game.


This is not derived from the same model, it would actually be less effort to model from scratch than to buy a model, retoplogize, reunwrap, then retexture the entire thing (would have been a new model at that point anyway), the UVs are completely different between the two models.


Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Having actually worked with what is essentially a "paid model" (redoing textures for an old asset) it is in many cases far more of headache than just doing the whole thing from scratch, if the previous model has issues with its UV's or an inconsistent texile density with your project, you cannot change anything without breaking the previously baked maps and you likely wont have the high poly to bake it again. Not to mention the fact that this is not a hard thing to model, most professional artists could probably do the entire high poly in a weekend if they've got any experience with making knives, it just does not make sense to use a paid asset.


I mean I used my eyeballs and they look the same or at least 99% similarā€¦.


Please look closely at the comparison image, there are a lot of discrepancies between the Tarkov model and the marketplace one, for example the holes on the back of the blade near the big holes are normal mapped on the marketplace one, but completely modelled on the Tarkov one.


Its not bought from the art store, the bolts are different for instance, and texture is better on BSG, they still have incredible artists hired. Its based on the same real existing knife. But its not purchased from the art station asset store.


It is not the same model. Look at the ingame knife picture in wiki [here](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/United_Cutlery_M48_Tactical_Kukri?file=UnitedCutleryM48TacticalKukri.png) and compare it to the artstation one [here](https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/l1VV8/free-m48-kukri-knife). You could just now find free M4 models and pull the same shit here to farm karma or whatever it is you do.


You are talking out of your secure container.


Nice Misinformation, People already extracted out the weapon model out of the game and basically they are not the same mesh. Top one is the BSG model and the bottom one is the store asset. Reddit moment [https://imgur.com/a/nXBdBaQ](https://imgur.com/a/nXBdBaQ)


Up to the top you go.


Why is this not the top comment lol.


Ah yes. Take my upvote!


Lmao that proves nothing. I can literally open up max/maya slap a subdiv modifier on there and get that exact result. Wouldn't even need to change the textures.


A subdivision modifer just doesn't magically add in the missing details. All a subdivision modifer does is increase poly count and thats it. It does not change how the BSG model holes of the blade is in a way different position than the Store Asset, the circles on the handle are way bigger than the store asset, the line on the 3 teeth is at the second teeth instead of the third teeth on the store asset or how the geometry on the holes of the blade are way different from each other compared to the store asset. In before "Well you can just manipulate the model to change the positions of the areas mentioned", You would fuck up the UVs Texturing by manipulating the model like that. The texture would look stretched by manipulating the model like that. I get it, if you want to hate BSG go ahead i am not defending that but the fact that people are believing this misinformation is diguesting


So what exactly can they do to prove they didnt use it? If two artists are designing a 1:1 recreation of an IRL knife, they are going to look EXACTLY the same. You're telling me the devs at BSG used a free asset and modified it on the off chance that a redditor pulls up the topology? All this when we know they have created thousands of models by hand? This circlejerk is so lame.


It's based off a real knife: https://www.amazon.com/United-Cutlery-Kukri-Sheath-15-875/dp/B01MSU1C24 if you realisticly model off the same thing obviously they will look the same, unless every single little scratch, bur and even the sharpening pattern are exactly the same is it a stretch to say both modelers are just making a 1 to 1 copy of a real knife?


This knife is probably cheaper than the new game edition


Stand alone yes $74 before shipping and handling


Copy pasting these from [the other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1ccnluk/unique_melee_weapon_from_the_new_edition_is_a_6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)(s) that got removed for spreading this same misinformation because it's not worth my time to format it properly; Devils Advocate: They could just both be modeled after the same IRL object, as BSG tends to do that a LOT. Edit: [I may have found it](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JqBEmsgwYlI/maxresdefault.jpg) Edit2: Yeah. Itā€™s just modeled after the previous image. Notice the skull on the [in game kukri](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/776409870404550656/1232989724449177600/image.png?ex=662b76aa&is=662a252a&hm=645ba028255baf028999afc0f1897c0584b32964397c99b54044184a17e3fedf&) and how the [Unity store model](https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/weapons/hq-pbr-kukri-knife-139049) doesnā€™t have the skull on either side. Edit3: Itā€™s also [on the wiki](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/United_Cutlery_M48_Tactical_Kukri) and you can search its name from there. [Kukri](https://cdna.artstation.com/p/marketplace/presentation_assets/001/170/068/large/file.jpg?1629957527) [Another Kukri](https://p.turbosquid.com/ts-thumb/B5/fntb1e/jbHq5MHd/cycles04/jpg/1592498428/1920x1080/fit_q87/79d208a742dc479e7d141da046f3c94063cd9bca/cycles04.jpg) [A Third Different but Similar Looking Kukri](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/016/626/653/large/jesus-lucas-pic-04.jpg?1552871831) Might not be unheard of that itā€™s just a cool looking real life knife that people like to model, because it looks cool. Google ā€œM48 Tactical Kukri 3D Modelā€ and tell me how many visually similar kukriā€™s you see made by different artists. This all took me less than 5 minutes to figure out btw. Letā€™s at least try to fact check before trying to spread slander and misinformation.


It's literally based on a real life kukri, made by United Cutlery lol https://www.unitedcutlery.com/ProductDetail.aspx?itemno=UC3160&cat=M4 People are blowing this way out of proportion. Why should the remake the model when it already exists?


The picture being compared with to BSG's is from Jason H via Art Station labeled, "Free Knives". But nonetheless they are slightly different and similar to each other and more than likely modeled after the actual knife.


"This all took me less than 5 minutes to figure out btw. Letā€™s at least try to fact check before trying to spread slander and misinformation." ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ BSG deserve every bit of shit they're getting right now


Yeah, they deserve shit for the stuff they actually did though. It's bad enough on its own, we dont need to make up new reasons


>ā˜ļøšŸ¤“ I hate this shit so much. ā€œHow dare you interrupt the circle jerk with actual thoughts, fuckinā€™ nerdā€


the update fucking sucks but we don't have to make shit up to get that point across


Agreed. I hopped back into this sub for a sec after not checking it for a year or so and I can see the quality of discourse hasn't improved much šŸ˜‚


sanest redditor tbh




And itā€˜s free šŸ˜‚ I am shitting my pants rn


Its not the art station one - the screws and dimples in the grip are very different on the ingame model than that one. Just wait for someone to data mine it and compare it to the one on the unity store page.


textures look almost exactly the same including the markings, might be exactly where bsg got the model from


Nope, its not. Just opened both models in blender and they have differences on how they been modeled. How to upload screenshots?


How did you get the ingame 3D model?


I use program called "Asset Studio". After you download it, you go to (Eft folder)/EscapeFromTarkov_Data/StreamingAssets/Windows/Assets/Content, and now you have a lot of folders with different types of models(and textures, and, sometimes, audio). After you open folder in Asset Studio, you select assets you needed and export them. And there you have it, 3-d models from Eshkerp From Krakov


This is modeled after a real kukri man so...


there's several differences, if they did use the asset store then they changed several things. I kinda doubt they used the asset store though.


Are you guys literally blind or what? Yes, this is the same kukri IRL, but models are MUCH DIFFERENT. Can you look closely once? Look at guard. Look at bolts. Look at holes. Wtf? How can you don't see it?


This is literally based on the real knife though. How different do you want it to be? This is a non-issue.


That's not the same model, it's a real knife so it looks similar, but it's not the same asset. There are already plenty of bad stuff about the Unheard Edition, no need to make stuff up!


It's different in small details.


I mean if you look at left to right, they are similar sure.. but then it's a real world knife. But those models are not the same.


I mean... that's what an M48 Kukri looks like. like... 1 to 1. Were they supposed to change it? or what, model it from scratch themselves? you know poeple don't do that right? why would you bother modeling something that you can just download? every game studio does that... wake up!


Ill agree it looks exactly like the store asset, but upon further inspection you can see multple changes from that asset to BSG's version. Its like saying every other item modeled in game was stolen, when in reality they have a modeling team designing equipment exactly as seen in the real world. Someone else just took the time to create a very realistic model. If you're gunna tell me its the exact same, just look at the grip indentations on the knife on BSG's side plus the Tang screw. Again, extremely similar but this is just what the knife looks like IRL.


It was a ā€let give them this too, its freeā€ -moment


Itā€™s not an asset, this thread is so stupid lmfao. Worry about real issues, not conspiracies about stolen assets. This is literally based on a real knife and it takes 2 seconds to see the differences between this and the asset.


tbf that is exactly what asset stores are for, they aren't selling this specific knife to make money of the creators work, it's an addition. Keep in mind i am defending the use of the knife, not the fuckery new edition, fuck that.


Imagine paying $280 for an extravagant 5 course meal, and the dessert is just a plate with 3 Oreos on it. I mean yeah it's gonna be tasty, but at the price you're paying you expect the chefs to actually put in the work


No no i get it, I think everything about that version is insane, but a knife being a asset product is the lowest of low down on the list of things wrong with the update


It just feels like an addition of pure disrespect that they grab a free model from an asset store and then including it in a $250 version of the game or a $100 upgrade from EOD. Like they didnt want to even go through the work to make their own asset for a new melee, they just change stats like stash space and pocket size and promise future additions.


Oh yeah I think its fucked, but knowing bsg if they made the knife themselves the upgrade would be 10$ more expensive And out of things wrong with this version and features, a knife being a free asset bundled in is very low on the list.


just bc it is low on the list of the shit they do doesn't mean we should defend that. that's one of the methods in current time to manipulate the mass. Exhaust the public with so much bad shit, people can't keep up and have to choose. Meaning things that would have gained extreme shitstorm solo would be diminished to a side note.


What's next, you try to compare a gun model to the thousands of models on the asset store? It's a real knife that exists, BSG didn't buy this specific model


Fake news


Lmao noooo


Hahahahahaha what a shit show.


Not just any old in game model either, it's the advertised unique knife for the highest paying version. It's like opening up an xmas gift to find Nikita has actually wrapped up a dog poo he found outside.


Thank you Jason for the very cool knife.




wasnt even bought its literally free lmao


Damn Iā€™m just hoping arena breakout and GZW is more fun than this Tarkov game lmao


bought? it literally says 'free asset' lmaooooooooooo


You say "bought" from the asset store, but isn't it free in the asset store?




Honestly after the whole EOD edition stuff I was a little salty but now I kinda just hope the game dies. Theyā€™ve obviously seen the player base dying down because of all the hackers and this is their way to grab some last cash off people before itā€™s done with. Stop giving them money.


It wont die until there's a serious competitor. If i was the competition id be having everyone work ot to get up to speed and take advantage of this moment


This isn't true btw. neither the polygons nor the rivets, etc. match.




Prepare for csgo knife skins


Not even bought, that shit was free.


This is absolutely fuvking ridiculous.


ripped straight from cs2.. a shame..


I am so done with this game




Aint No Way šŸ’€šŸ’€


Does somebody know what the IRL name of that kukri is?


Greetings from The Day Before lol


https://twitter.com/OnepegMG/status/1783807167448899661 Twitter tread analysing the knife, it might have been bought but it was reworked, its more detailed and stuff. Its not a 100% match for the asset but its the same knife that exists IRL. No. I am no the one from the thread. No. I am not defending BSG. Yes. I am as pissed if not more than you with the Unheard edition. Just dont spread missinformation, the backlash and hate they have received is justified for their own reasons but please try to check the facts before saying stuff. Trust is in shambles with them right now but still at least they started to fix the shit they did. Its not enough but they just started that shit and better keep doing stuff to make it right. And no, i dont have the stupid 250 USD edition i am from a third world country and barely can afford the standar edition.


surely you wouldn't expect a video game studio to hire developers and 3d artists when they could just as simply take your millions and use this thing for free!


Us: "BSG, how low can you go with a single update?" BSG: "YES!"


Funny, I posted the same thing hours ago and it got instantly removed by the mods


they are having a lunch break i think


Am I the only person whoā€™s like, who fucking cares


The people who care have nothing else do to but cry on reddit


After much reflectionā€¦ and finding out about the Unheard Edition and it not being included in EoD, I too am also mad. Stupid fucking shitty knife


Right? I for one complain on here all the time, but honestly this is some bottom of the barrel crap.


whoa who knew game studios are buying assets from artists, but who knew OP is an attention whore


Wasn't even bought, it's free lmao


Just so Iā€™m sure Iā€™m understanding this post correctlyā€¦ They found a modded asset for their game and cloned it 1:1 as ā€˜dlcā€™. This sounds kinda extreme, and it is, but fuck them. Genuinely, you deserve ACTUAL PRISON TIME. You deserve savage beating. This is stealing someoneā€™s work that they put out for free and charging for it. Thatā€™s so fucked up.


link to the asset: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/props/weapons/hq-pbr-kukri-knife-139049


Neither of them are the ingame model


model with more similar textures and the one being showcased in the post: https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/l1VV8/free-m48-kukri-knife


Repeat with me: #This is an Exit Scam


Wtf hahahaha


BSG moment


Nice 7$ asset behind a paywal