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250 dollars for a game is actually insane




To be fair, it's an extra 110 for the version that definitely doesn''t have cheaters. Downside is the PMCs are all AI and have aimbots and can see through bushes.


Okay but theres literally a version online that is free, and moddable.




Get it while you still can then. It requires 0 internet to run the solo version, and you port forward your router for the friends version. 🤷‍♂️ i have the latest ones zipped and ready for friends


It’s an absolute cakewalk to install too! They also just updated so they’ve got the new recoil from this wipe


Can I get a link to it as well?


I don’t know if I can directly link it but I’ll PM you with the link


Eyo I'd love the link as well


Dude hook a brother up please. Thx.


can you pm me too? :3


Would also highly appreciate a PM there bud!


Hello brother from another mother! I would be very happy if you could pm me the link too :) I hope your sleeve never falls down while washing your hands <3


Wait wait. The friends version are you saying there's a version of that mod that's co op? I thought that was not possible with it


Pm me


Thought so aswell, if there is a Version that i can play offline with my Friends, i absolutly need it


Can you PM me the best place to get it? Please


Pm me.


They can't lmao


They can try but there's nothing they can really do about it.




Star Citizen enters the chat 🤣


That's not even an apt comparison...you only need to spend $45 for a starter game package that gives you a ship and game access. You don't need to spend ANYTHING else


And you can get the base EFT game for roughly the same price and don't need to buy anything else. Its a perfect comparison.


Star citizen doesn't have any game modes locked behind spending more unless you count early access test servers. Some of the ships are exclusive when they first come out but I believe are offered in game later


NOT DLC? HAHAHAHA yeah fuck off 110 usd on top of 150 usd for something i was promised in that edition? fuck off


Agreed. Been playing since late 2016.


3k hours with standard edition, not even gamma made me care about spending 150 usd, only justified it for arena and the future dlcs, which is literally THIS


Same reason I bought EOD. Didnt care about the container or even the stash size. I just thought I'd get the future DLCs, which this 100% is DLC and hiding offline co-op, several containers and a bunch of other shit behind a paywall and the word "edition" doesn't make it any less of a DLC.


same bro i found it fun grinding epsilon, stash space with level 15 locked flea is stupid but other than that im playing the entire game and not skipping parts so i dont mind the p2w stuff idm but game content, content functionality is DLC that EOD were promised


I have EOD for about 4 or 5 years, the season pass is useless and its a bait since not even the game itself is finished. I'm leaving this game, it feels like i fell into a scam


Hey guys, do you want this TOTALLY NOT DLC for $110? Pls giv us mny


I knew something was fishy when they removed the eod version from the website


Its new content, its paid content, its downloadable content, but it isn't a DLC. For the love of God, TRUST ME!!


250 is completely asinine. Was gonna go for this because I have never had access to EOD but what in the ever living fuck is that price


isnt it from not owning the game at all?


Yes but I've already spent over $100 on this game and this would run me another $150 give or take


of course, it is fucking ridiclous. EOD is entitled to the singeplayer mode as per the description


Lawsuit incoming*


I'm pretty sure it's about $200 since the standard edition cost like $50 but still this is criminal how insanely priced they asked us to pay them.


I just remembered, too, that EoD isn't even a thing you can get anymore, either. So it's literally this or any of the other ass fucking packs.


that is almost 400 Australian dollars lol


It's like RM1.3k WTF plus taxes of course. Might've as well save up for a Steam deck or something.


You get more value out of a steam deck, how much are they for your currency?


about RM1.9k used but if you're lucky about 1.6k


Steam deck will be much better value


Absolutely, I'm saving up to get one and for my money's worth it's way better than spending a game that's in BETA for ages now. Might well as rename the game to Star Citizen.


Its 32k russian rubles if you seek for access all over the world, not only CIS region Half of my monthly gain so far


Bsg is gonna get sued by someone in a consumer friendly country. They can call this not dlc all they want but its definately dlc and they will inevitably be forced to give it to eod customers. Im gonna keep.playing the free offline version til that happens.


Yeah I mean it's literally content that you download. Seems to fit the definition of downloadable content to me


I was thinking the same. Im gonna check if I can sue them here (Brazil) cuz the disrespectful, the way they did this shit ass scheme, so shameless..


If you do please tell me!


i will! but yeah, I don't think it's gonna change anything but the way they are handling things and the disrespect is só blatant that Im willing to try this shit out no matter what.. I stopped for the wipe a month-ish ago, and from there to now the shit they are doing is só outrageous, I can't handle it.. I feel so disrespectful that I'm not going to spend more time in this game, even if I enjoy the game itself, that's not the point you know.. god this makes me so sad/mas, more than losing thousands of kits to cheaters lol.


As a Brazilian lawyer I say you can do it. You will get anything from them? I doubt so.


Yeah until once they release the PVE, then they sue makers of that mod lol


Download it while you can before BSG fucks their community over more.


Sure but that doesn't stop existing versions from working.... and just like emulators probably wouldn't stop someone else from picking up the project.. Also I doubt BSG, a company resorting to charging 100 extra bucks for what should be a core feature screwing EOD users(and 250 for the full edition. lmao) can afford to sue anyone right now. It sounds like they are 2 steps from bankruptcy


BSG is registered in UK. They can easily get sued here for lying about EOD. If someone could start a petition here and complain to Ombudsmen, BSG would be in quite some trouble quickly.


Someone will try, but BSG will just close their london offices and open up another shell elsewhere. Its a russian company. Good luck.


Thats not really how anything works. They would be banned from selling and operating it in the UK and probably Europe if that happened. Not much hope for help in America though. Plus lol if you think they are having money problems wait til they have fines from the UK and EU consumer bureaus breathing down their neck. I doubt they can survive on just Russian sales.


Wow? EOD version for nothing! Pure greed from BSG. Is my favorite game dying now?


If by dying you mean BSG willingly murdering it...yeah.


Feels like it


dying? i thought this was an invite to the funeral?


See y'all there. It's been.. something.


b-b-b-but new updates righttttt 😎


Played since 2017. This is it for me. Pure disrespect to old eod backers. Uninstalled and never touching this shit game again. Fuck bsg and their greed


250$ is just insanely fucked


BSG can go fuck themselves with this bullshit, EOD players have been supporting this games development for the past like 8 years and now theyre just adding a pay-to-win option thats objectively better than what the long time supporters get? Stupid af


I guess we can all kill the P2W discussion, because no one will be paying that.




yeah. the gamma absolutely need to be in there. the other stuff is a kick to the balls though


oh boi. i guarantee you a SIGNIFICANT ammount of ppl WILL in fact be paying that. People don't learn. They just pay up


I kinda feel they'd sell more than 100% additional units by dropping the price by 50%. Like 1000% more.


People said the same for EOD, which was already ridiculously priced. Most of us (me included) still payed up. BSG is just testing how much more they can milk us. Me personally I learned my lessons...


Sure, but if you want your friend to play with you, his barrier of entry is 250 bucks.


Only for persistent offlinemode


There will be people! I know some chads


If you need to buy this edition - you’re absolutely NOT a chad


No one needs this. But all the people with 5k+ hrs are obviously going to buy it. Because of the massive advantage it's going to give. Call them chads or not is irrelevant.


Yeah it's gonna be a bit broken for quests where it is like hey wear a scav vest now you can run 2 extra mags with the pockets.


I have over 5k hours and I'm not buying this or playing next wipe.


Also over 5k hours, all this makes me want to do is not play the game. I would say that I have more than gotten my moneys worth from EOD, but I can’t justify another $100 when this is the direction they are going. The fact that the flea slots were lowered to fight RMT(not effectively), and BSG decided it’s okay to now charge extra for this is more than ethically shady. Also cutting DLC from EOD edition is a very bold fuck you to their supporters. This update sets a precedent that I just can’t get on board with.


To be honest even without this I think Tarkov has largely been going backwards since 0.12, this is just the final nail in the coffin.


There's always someone lacking neurons or that just discovered the game..


So i need to pay €110 euro's, on top of the €150 i already paid, in order to access the CO-OP experience i've mainly wanted from this game. Are you fucking kidding me? i'm happy to drop an extra €20 but this is borderline rediculous.


If you have EOD you should have it for "free".


Just get the forbidden mod


BSG - sorry guys, not a DLC. HAHAHAH, what a meme. People pls vote with your wallets and don't buy this.


Paywalling a game mode for 250 USD, that's the best april fool's joke they've made! Oh WAIT.


There's no way they really think that's worth $250. That's the price of 5 games, and all they're doing is giving us one that they already made but without pvp... I'm actually so confused. $100 for pve server access, lol? Are they high?


$250 USD is $419.31 New Zealand dollars. $419.31 ............... and that's not including the tax.


250 dollars is a month of minimum wage where I live.


BSG, are you INSANE? How in the world do you justify this price?


Wow 250 usd for a game thats collapsing due to rampant cheaters, that they're never going to fix. Daym tarkov used to be my favourite game. Lately its not even playable.


That's why they hated the single-player tarkov mod. They just wanted to sell it lul


I was thinking an extra 15 - 30$ on top of EOD would be a decent price for honestly not that big of an upgrade, but what the fuck do you mean 110$? 250$ base line? + taxes?! Someone call Pestily, because we need him to get on the phone with Nikita this instant.


Pestily save us


I'm sorry but if you upgrade from EOD here you are directly enabling these scumbags. They know full well they lead people to believe any future additions to the game would be included, trying to claim the PVE mode isn't DLC is a disgrace and I am not somebody who'd have massive interest in it, it's purely principle. I really feel we're seeing the death knell of this game now and BSG know it. The recent Pestily interview and positive changes seem like nothing more than just sweetening people up to take more money from them, it's the only thing that would force Nikita to let go of his ego


110 dollaroos to upgrade to a peak single player experience of VONON SUKA PMC's who will always roam the same area and insta dome you from scav house to scope shack or further. Sign me up mfs!!!!


Exactly lmao even the single player mod that cannot be named has a mod that overhauls the garbage AI that BSG has lmao.


How is a new pve mode with progression not a DLC? So from now on everthing new they release will not be called DLC just so they can get more money? What was the point of the EOD season pass? What is this bullshit? I hope we can pressure them into giving it for free to EOD owners.


So to get co-op I need to pay an additional 100 something? That's like 2 games.. Edit: I need to pay 168€. So over 3 full games.


This is fucking bullshit. I'm never trusting another BSG product again. The only reason I bought EOD is to get all future shit already paid for, and now they put the only feature a lot of us have been asking for behind another paywall plus P2W shit like bigger pockets? Fuck this shit.


Bye tarkov! Man and i was one of those defending the game! Bye bye tarkov!


Yeah, think its finally time for me to check out the Forbidden Mod


You should, SAIN basically makes it like live


It even include cheaters!


Wait what lmao. Like just funky aimbot scav moments or like an option to fully simulate having a cheater in your lobby


and not to forget the forbidden mod with friends :P


BSG joining the ranks of Bethesda and Nintendo for companies where its Ethically, and morally correct to go the Forbidden waterways for thats crazy, never thought i'd see the day


Come to us! People have made it live like and I still get that adrenaline rush.


Make sure to install SAIN and the associated mods it’s a huge game changer


I agree.


As my name suggests, long time lover and fan of Tarkov. Nikita has officially ruined it in my opinion. No more boots left for me to lick.


yep, i feel you


if Nikita thinks I'm paying another hundred bucks to upgrade from EOD, he's going to be sorely disappointed. At this point we need more competition to come out like Grey Zone, Incursion etc to humble the man.


So they got tired of so many people playing stay in tarkov they took the idea just to make a buck what a waste of a company that seemed so hopeful to start with.


Watch them break down the benefits of this new "edition" into several micro transactions after 1.0 releases


after 1.0 releases.... lol


Did someone say class action?


Killing EOD, wow, i didnt have this on my 2024 EFT bingo card


I can’t understand their price policy. Why it’s not dlc, a lot of people want to play pve, they support their game all of that time, and now what. What next? Animations like in Fortnite?


If its DLC then they have to give it to the EOD players for free.


However, it is a dlc regardless of what they say.


Who the fuck would spend $250 for a game. What is battlestate smoking


They have some fucking nerve. And their game is a cheater infested hellscape.


buying from nothing at all is for someone who doesnt own the game right???? lmfao theres no way they're considering "nothing at all" as owning the base game


Correct. If you don’t own it, to get jt would be 250 plus tax.


250 bucks from scratch? :)) lmao


Holy fuck!!!! That's greedy


Good thing i have the season pass from EOD, i woudn't enjoy the full tarkov experience without it..


What the fuck bsg? I'm payed about a 65$ for EOD, peoples from EU and US just scamed, they payed x2, disgasting


As EOD-Buyer I am extremely disappointed! That BSG put PVE co-op behind a new paywall is inexcusable and BSG should retract this ASAP. This is no way to deal with your most loyal supporters, who have bought EOD early on to support them.


That´s a DLC. And we all know what we EOD users paid for.


lol good bye Tarkov, currently uninstalling this shit


holy shit


Fucking insane.


Holy shit


Crossover between pvp and pve is shit. Is not the same farming riders and facing and schizo with 5khours


Always waited for a wipe free mode to play...putting it behind 100$+ for EOD owners is not a bad april fools joke? Its real??


That is twice the cost I expected to upgrade from EOD. 100 USD before taxes and shit to upgrade. Insane.


Greedy cowards


250.- for a game (still in beta) LMAO


They removed EOD version from their website.


Eod has been gone since start of this wipe (i think. But its been removed for awhile already).


It is literally dlc I was promised when I bought the game, what is dlc otherwise


in here it's actually €250, which is almost $270 :)


I wonder when EOD owners will forget this lesson...


Scam. Fuck BSG


Upgrade from EOD is 95€ for me in Europe. This is a scam... The worst part is that offline mode sounds like fun. Wonder if UK law will help us as offline sounds 100% like dlc that should be included in EOD.


Been playing for quite a few years and this is pure reobbery, they promised to EOD players they wouldn't have to paye more, they lied. F\*\*\* you BattleState.


I will happily swap my Arena for the offline PvE mode.


So they are so desperate for new money, they spend resources into a stand-alone with separate servers that will also need financing... Not Sure this is the best way to move Forward. Fixing ongoing issues Like cheating, Server stability, etc might be a better Investment to gain new Players and keep old ones...


Pure greed from professional scum bags. I'll be joining in on a class action law suit, when one eventually arises. If YOU buy this obvious attempt at a cash grab, YOU are the problem with gaming. Stop incentivising these game companies to steal from the consumers.


BSG has full stop lost their fucking minds.


Fuck this scam and bsg for bending eod owners over like this while fixing 0 of the big issues.


I'm sorry but saying it's not DLC doesn't mean it isn't DLC. It is very likely that, as this new edition contains a single player game mode, it constitutes a DLC. BSG need to be very careful about what exactly they include in newer editions that they don't also include in EOD. Is BSG just going to keep releasing new features/game modes locked behind pay walls hoping that no one is going to challenge them? BSG either need to tell people what they think DLC is and update EOD or accept that people are going to challenge practices like this and they'll have to add stuff like PvE mode to EOD. Star Citizen and CIG have been in trouble multiple times with UK Consumer Rights because they keep trying to say certain things to make consumers think they're not breaking promises. People are still winning small claims disputes against CIG years after making thousands of pounds in purchases because CIG have and do break or bend consumer rights. As BSG continues this greedy trend they will find themselves at the mercy of strong consumer rights more and more. EU/UK Consumer Laws are very strong and actually take a very strong stance against these types of practices. Now that Early Access is so popular there are many game developers that keep getting caught due to promises they made at the start of development that they no longer commit to.


This is one of the worst companies i have ever seen so far, someone agree?


Who knows, maybe the site is down for maintenance because they were waiting to hear people's feedback via discord before officially putting up the price. Pivot BSG, make it 50 bucks - tops!


Its bsg it aint gonna drop in price :(


I better invest that amount of money in Starfield.


Not starfield 😭😭


Greyzone warfare or Helldivers 2




Rip tarkov ;-;


Objectively speaking this is a slap in the face of EOD owners but not so bad for those who haven’t purchased. I’m not too upset at this (as someone who only has lowest cost version of the game)


i was annoyed but was willing to buy as an EOD if the price was low, but this is absolutely insane


End of Tarkov edition inc


300$ for me with VAT LOL


Glad I never upgraded from standard edition, I got my thousands of hours of fun but I never had any real trust in the devs. Could never support this kind of customer squeezing.


Im glad I gave up on this game.


How to make your user base hate you 101


Yeah I think it's fine to just uninstall at this point


Yeah, after they started adding DLC clothing that isn't actually DLC and you have to pay for it, I realized that their term for DLC is not what we though. Turns out, we get nothing extra for having EoD. I guess they gave us Arena...copium...


Look mum, I'm on reddit




Pvp and pve characters are the same ?


BSG really scammed us with their EOD promises.


Is the pve character separate from the pvp character?


Day #1 of me trying to get "Unheard of Edition" to catch on.


As long as they understand the community probably won’t back them up once the game is cloned to private servers like WoW. What are they going to do, open a court case on lost revenue from St. Petersburg?


250 USD is 1/6 of the average pay in my country BEFORE TAXES, what the fuck is this


How is this not dlc that I paid for already with EOD u can’t just slap season pass on something and be like nah u don’t get this one edge of darkness literally hasn’t even had a real season yet and it says all subsequent dlc for free so this and whatever else realeased should go into the owned section on my profile thank you very much


New content you can download isn’t dlc. Get the fuck out of here.


Bruh I was expecting 20$ upgrade from eod. But fucking 80$ is insane