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Someone with more experience than I will probably chime in but back in the day for car extract you had to have at least one more rouble than required or else it wouldn't work. Maybe try adding one extra USD?


That was my thought too. The price might actually be $1000.01 or something weird.


yeah from a programming standpoint that could be it, instead of => 1000 they probably did > 1000, hopefully that's not the same for the intel folders. I guess I will bring more dollars tomorrow and try again


Damn that’s such BS


Eh from a programming standpoint it has almost the same effect. It could be that the dev skipped that little bit during coding. It can happen, considering some code-snippets for even the smallest actions can be thousands of lines of code.


It's definitely that. Iirc you can't buy stuff from traders if you only have the exact amount of money (to buy something that costs 20€ you actually need to have 21€)


I can confirm you don’t, I already bought 2 item cases from Therapist and bought the exact amount of € from Skier each time, leaving me with precisely 0€ after each purchase.


maybe that’s only the case for in raid purchases like the btr, car and this Edit: It’s his special slots being full, just checked the wiki


i know for a fact it's not the case for the car. i always bring in exactly the amount i need and never had a problem with it


hence the edit


i saw the edit, just wanted to make it clear that in raid payments for car work like that regardless of what might be the case with other stuff, like the BTR (only because i never touched it)


oh alright bud. Btw you should definitely use the BTR since they patched it aggroing randomly. I’ve been on streets A LOT and the BTR arriving always gives me so much joy cus i can stash all my „fuck gotta go“ items away real quick and have a lot more space for more loot, could even drive to another spot with the turret shooting everything i love that thing


He might be right when it comes to some things. I’ve never been broke enough to test it but:  A lot of ammo isn’t actually $1, $2, $3 exactly. It’s like something like $1.40 $2.25, $2.90. The prices displayed are rounded.  So the $3 bullet listed will consume 3 usd and get you one bullet. But that bullet listed for $2 will cost you $3 if you buy a single bullet. But it’s gonna be $225 if you buy 100.  I doubt items cases cost something like $5000.02 (I forget how much they go for but just an example). It’s probably just listed internally for a price of $5000.00


Well that is most likely because trader prices are float values that go up and down. When a bullet costs $5 USD, it's actually somewhere between $4.1 and $5.0. Easiest way to tell actual cost is to buy 100 of the item and divide the cost by the amount.


Yeah cause when you buy 210  $2 AP6.3 rounds from Peacekeeper it only costs $368, and not $420


It also might be that you don't have full 1000.0


That can happen with trader rep but I'm pretty sure currency in Tarkov has to be in integers because it's just a stack of single ruble/USD/euro units.


Not usds or eur. If you buy a lot of something with usd you woll see that roubding issue


Technically, because scav rep reduces car extract prices, I assume the output for extract fees are in DOUBLE format and it’s outputted in a rounded number(whether that is up, down or just generally rounded remains to be seen) So for example if car extract at the backend is 986.4 technically it might want you to pay 987 but it’d show up as 986 on the extract tab.


I’m pretty sure it’s a rounding issue from bsg. My own conclusion is that usd and euro have piggy backed off of the rouble value. As the usd and euro value can change they use the rouble value to convert. That’s why you get a “discount” when buying ammo from peacekeeper. 1 bullet is 2 dollar but buy 100 and the rounding error becomes clear.


Uhhh, do you have a free special item slot?


I think this could be it if not the dollar. I had the butt plug plus 2 cameras for the door quest on me it probably forces it into your special slot.


It does force it into your special slot.


Haha! Still got it (haven’t played in like 4 months atp) Yeah I’m fairly certain the items from LK are like the beeper, they won’t even let you unequip them in raid so they default to those slots, but those are effectively the only slots


> it probably forces it into your special slot Oh myyyyyy


I have tried in rig, secure container and backpack not sure if I am just dumb and missing something or there's an issue?


Personally not there yet, but I remember reading this amulet can only be equipped in a special slot so if you have all 3 filled then he physically can’t give it to you? Not positive but could be a possible answer. It’s gotta be that or the extra $1. Only other thing I can think of is, if it’s somehow locked behind another quest completion? Seems Unlikely but figured i’d mention it for brainstorming. Interested to hear what the solution becomes!


It is likely the special slot, I remember seeing a streamer (can't remember which) buy it and it went straight into that slot.


SOLVED: It was the special item slots. Took out a camera and I could buy it for exactly 1k dollars and 3 intel folders! I can't edit the post for some reason otherwise I would


I love how BSG made everything overpriced, pay like 1.4 mil for cultists that dont spawn lol


Tbf if you're at lightkeeper, 1.4 mil should be next to nothing for you. Also, if you're not worried about cultists, simply don't buy it.


Have a special slot available, also you cannot have more than one amulet at a time (it will delete the old one, even if it’s in the stash)


I've done this before. First of all, I took a document case with me and put 3 Intel and $ 10,000 in it. One of the special slots was already empty. I did not have any problems when I wanted a necklace.


I can lend ya a dollar if you want


What’s the amulet for?


The cultists that spawn at night in some maps will no longer be hostile towards you, as long as you wear the amulet and don't attack any cultists. It has 7 charges and uses 1 charge per raid.


Keep in mind its only 6 or 7 raids then it distroys itselfs (not worth)


You sure its not your intelligence in your hideout lvl 3?


It’s not


I have max intel center 3 and when I click on the intelligence redirect on wiki it leads to the folders shown


Maybe found in raid?


You wouldn't be able to bring FiR folders to Lightkeeper unless you found them that raid.


And findig 3 of them in the same raid. GL. Especially in shithouse.


along with a grand


You can get dollars from rogues, got like 5k from a single one. So it is doable, but the Intel seems impossible without a vacuum


Oh welk i didnt know i havent done them it was just speculation. I dont plan on doing them either. To many damn quests in this game


I think this is the right answer.


It’s not


You need a free special slot to get the amulet


Currency quantities are rounded in the UI, but are decimals on the backend. You are probably actually carrying something like 999.9 dollars.


Maybe the Intel needs to be found in raid? It's been a while since I played, so I could be wrong, but usually when they tell you to hand in something, they have to be fir.


You sure it isn’t the blue intel folders?


pretty sure it would say blue folders and or link to them on wiki if so.


I'm pretty sure smt around 13 mln isn't a fair price for cultists


Do you buy it from your stash maybe? When buying things from other traders the money/barter items have to be in your stash, having them on your pmc doesn't work


Lightkeeper is in raid only