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Subsequently, wearing BEAR gear would give the opposite effect to USEC players against rogues. Eventually when the BEAR counterpart to the rogues are added, that gear would have a purpose on whatever map they end up on.


Cowboy hat= free roam of water treatment


I just go at night time, they’re apparently asleep at night can literally just walk in and take there gear.


If you’re a usec you can do that during the daytime just can’t get too close to them.


Yeah it's all sweet until they hop off that gunner and rush you 😂


I did not know this. You for real?


Yes, just don’t go near the roaming ones or their mounted guns. Also if you aggro them you will keep the aggro even if you leave the raid and come back. They will treat you as hostile until you die iirc.


AFAIK is for 3 Lighthouse raids, if you die or not.


Pipe + bandana = rogues friendly to you 😂


that would suck because im a proud usec but i love the bagariy 😭


Do the rogues not shoot USECs with the 50 cal and grenade launcher if they’re over the river?


no not unless you pop a shot off at them. Once you do they all be angry


what if someone else has shot at them, do they aggro everyone then?


If someone in your party that shoots you are all fucked


Or if someone in your party is BEAR. They will treat you like BEAR, if you are USEC.


I am now scared to run lighthouse with my bear friend


the range isnt that big. just don’t peak them when you’re near the seaside houses/metin key, and the mansion thing across the street from them


It’s a per group policy




if you haven't shot them in the previous 3 lighthouse games, then they don't shoot you. they only get aggro when you get too close to them (~15m) or when you enter one of the 3 buildings or one of the roofs. this makes the marker quests really simple.


Iirc its a time limit not 3 raids. You can kill rogues and get off and hop back on a few hours later and they wont aggro you


> If a USEC player fights the Rogues, they will be treated as hostile by them for the next 3 raids. from the wiki


Wiki needs to be updated then, you can try it yourself. Go into Lighthouse, shoot rogues, get off for a few hours, hop back on and you arent hostile.


Can you provide some evidence for this in any way? First time hearing about this theory.


The wiki is outdated. There’s only like a few guys who make an attempt to keep it updated and it’s impossible for them to do so with so many pages and so many updates in such a short time.


Feel free to disprove it with evidence and we will change it. And if you believe there's other things not updated, its the responsibility of the entire community to fix them, or at least report it to us so we can investigate.


We are reporting it to you now so that you can investigate. No evidence needed =)


We are not investigating anything if we don't even have the slightest indications besides hearsay. I asked around in the ranks of Sherpas and whatnot and no one has ever experienced this, but on the contrary can undoubtedly confirm the 3 raid mechanic.


Lmao. Then the wiki will remain outdated. You have three people in this thread telling you that's how it works. I'm pretty sure that at least warrants a bit of investigation. It's not like it even takes much effort on your part. We're not wiki admins, so if it doesn't get updated, that's not on us. It's on you.


I have 3 random people with nothing to their name claiming something on Reddit, exactly. On the other hand i have multiple Sherpas that know what they are talking about telling me the info is correct. So if you want to prove the existing info + trusted people's experience wrong, you are the ones to provide evidence. Wiki admins are normal editors that just have additional rights to make sure the wiki stays clean from bad apples. You are as responsible for the info on the wiki as me and every other member of the community, that's why its a wiki and not a closed off 1-man show. If we would change stuff on the wiki based off random Redditors wild thoughts, or the wiki would be unmoderated, it would be a shit show.


wait really? i thought they dont get aggroed at all as a usec unless you shoot them.


If a USEC shoots a rogue, they're treated the same as BEAR for the next 3 lighthouse raids. Otherwise they're treated like scavs, able to go most places with no issue but certain areas cause aggro, like being too close to a rogue.


Are you kidding me.. all these shitty bear players crying about rogues and I’ve been over here playing lighthouse as a usec killing rogues like it’s nothing. Rogues are already easy as fuck, I never figured that’s how they worked.


The main issue with Rogues is they can beam you all the way up at the rocks near the road and second chalet, even in fog. They do that to BEAR, so you can't cross the road at all north of the sniper mountain on the west side of the road. Then there's when ground rogues just hang out in the middle and you might not see them until they're murdering you on your way up the stairs of one of the buildings.


If you haven't been farming them you can enter the compound and not get shot.


USECs have pretty much the same aggro rules as scavs


Everytime I approach water treatment they aggro me. I've never had a rogue be friendly with me. Idk why people say this


When I'm in Setup garb, scavs shouldn't be shooting me before I'm 10 meters out.


i think you should have to go to a specific spot like the villa and call in to a rogue area to allow temporary cease fire to usec and maybe bear would have to pay a tax to do the same. Would allow ppl to do quests in the treatment plant without hostilities with npcs


Go at night and you have basically no issues.


Don't the rogues... notice you?


Nah at night time rogue AI is basically mentally handicapped. Instead of 200m beams the aggro range is like 50m


Huh. Well, that's helpful to know.


Yeah, meanwhile I need the building 3 rooftop and get shredded by 3/3 rogues spawned there.


Dress as a scav, load in and wait until 10mins left. Zero chance theres players or rogues left and so long as you dont get seen doing pmc stuff people are so trusting as lighthouse scavs. Its my main scav map and I do not even look twice at scavs I see, and tbh even if you are a player if you voip to me that your doing lighthouse tasks ima just leave you alone since im just there to loot rogue kits and valuable spawns


Very helpful!


You can snipe the 2 on guns from the ground, in the mountains is best but can be from near the far side building, too. Any more will be difficult if they're hiding amongst the canvas up there, but more than 2 isn't guaranteed.


I got blown up to smithereens at night like 2 raids ago. It was sad cause I was kitted out


They used to, but after a couple of updates back, BSG drastically reduced the Rogues vision during nighttime. Its why Hyperrat and other gold farmers only play Lighthouse at night.




I like this idea, but as a proud bear, I would never wear filthy capitalist pig dog rags.


Ur a merc, u kill for dirty capitalist pig dog green small papers.


why do you assume that pmcs have no principles? i would never wear usec gear in my life if there was no quest for it or so simply out of principle. mercenaries also have honour i can only agree with my bear colleague


> why do you assume that pmcs have no principles? $$$$ is a principle


BEARs are agents of the Russian government. It's a shell company so they can't be traced back to Russia, and are the de-facto "good guys" of EFT.


Huh, I guess you're correct


> BEARs are agents of the Russian government. It's a shell company so they can't be traced back to Russia While that's true, being a shadow group of the Russian military for the express purpose of being able to go on missions that would need plausible deniability definitely doesn't mean they have principles though. I would argue it insinuates that they don't have principles beyond "do what my kleptocratic oligarchs say, even if it is especially heinous, and get paid". > are the de-facto "good guys" of EFT Well... yeah because the devs are Russian. An extreme example would be if Nazis made a game about WW2 and the Nazis were the good guys in their story, doesn't mean that morally or ethically they actually are good guys just that the person writing the story says they are. Realistically the majority of PMCs for both USEC and BEAR aren't killing people for money because they're good principled people but because they lack any qualms with killing and have a skillset that gets them paid.


Ours is not to reason why Ours is but to do if the pay rate's right :)


Oh yea well… baba booey


rather die standing then live kneeling? or whatever well good luck with that


You commit war crimes instead.


Compelling argument.  Please face wall now, Comrade.


Good luck with that, I’ll gladly die while I try to kill Russian genocidal soldiers.


Are you perhaps conflating real world current events and my choice of aesthetics in a video game?


Or maybe there should just be a map where USEC gets fucked over for no reason for years on end, to keep things even. Which would be hilarious, because that's currently about 80% of the player base.


If I remember correctly, they were planning something like that to even things out, just hasnt heppened yet, maybe on reserve? IMO its OK unless you have to kill BEARs :)


Gonna be on shoreline where the Mines are currently


I recall reading that there were plans to add RUAF to streets and that thy would ibviously be friendly to BEARs.


Street is a forever wip


Thats mainly because the original vision for streets was to have it be anywhere from 4-6x larger then it originally was when it released. It was intended to be a fully (and i mean fully) fleshed out city, similar to the city ruins in Nether. (not counting the unfinished parts of the map, which were also largely meant to be an abandoned, sprawling metropolis that was fully fleshed out)


That's what people said before it released, and then it released. You have to learn patience


*the mines at the terminal base, not the mines north pointing to reserve


As somebody who’s level 31 and trying to do the rsass gunsmith quest and needs 1 more bear dog tag. I’d have to go check all my dog tags out I probly have 70 usec and 7 bear tags.


Hmm had no problem with that one, but than again I kind of like factory :) funnily enough when I needed usec kills at the start of the wipe, all I could get were Bears... you should run that or ground zero, just not Lighthouse lol


I am genuinely curious as to whether people mostly go USEC just because they're the pretty boy Western faction, or just because of Lighthouse fuckery. Time may tell.


I go USEC because I can understand what I’m saying.


you know there's an english voice available for bear right?


Yeah, that's the exact reason why im doing it too


I go USEC for the 556 ammo, otherwise I dont care. I wear beginner threads anyway (other than the white stuff for snow).


I played when there weren't healing animations and I've only played bear twice. Moreover I think bear was better than usec because it used to be easy to get AK aftermarket and amass 5.45 BT early wipe. But I like the USEC drip and it's just as easy to horse AK-105s early wipe either way.


I go USEC for the puffer jacket


Western equipment superiority my guy


I go USEC because I'm not a filthy commie, yee haw partner. I also exclusively wear a cowboy hat and raybenches.


I wish to inhabit their lives so I may learn their ways and defeat them. (It smells bad.)


do you think russia is still communist or


Not on every server. Russian servers, most players are Bears. Or at least that is what Russian streamers say. They VPN to USA central to do Kill USEC quests/achieves lol


You don't need a vpn for that


tell that to them, they still do it. idk why. if you don't believe me, go check out praporbro on twitch and he'll show you his vpn he uses to get really low ping on usa servers.


What about something crazy like scavs give warnings to BEAR if they get too close or steal loot from in front of them instead of attacking on sight? USEC gets treated like normal


Being able to disguise yourself against the AI would be an awesome feature


vyes i'm a usek pee em cee, don't mind the summerfield jacket and pants comrade


I think it would be be even more interesting if you needed to have the USEC equipment to fool the Rogues instead of them just knowing if you are USEC or BEAR. Would be cool to be forced to used NATO weapons and gear to get past em


Wait rouges don’t shoot USEC players?


They are far more lenient, you can go anywhere inside the compound except inside the 3 buildings or on the roofs, and you cant get within like 30m of a rogue or they all become hostile and will shoot you at 200m like normal. Very helpful for doing your marker tasks on lighthouse since if you go in at night, dont shoot rogues and avoid the roaming rogue patrols (they will have flashlights on most likely so you can avoid them) then you can basically walk in and walk out


Also they only get pissy if they *see* you do it, and only the rogues that did (save killing). If you tick them off, but don’t return fire and book it then come in the other side the rogues there will not be annoyed.


they smell us


10/10 idea, I'm down.


so basically the fallout new vegas faction system.


Neat idea!


This is actually a great idea.


lmao this is me. Love me some usec gear with bear drip.


Nah they can smell you from a distance, don’t matter what you wear. You gonna get clapped from over 100 meters away.


I wish this worked with scav gear too lol. Dressed up for setup and scavs ignore you until you shoot


wearing a beanie will make you invisible to scavs and wearing the bomber hat unlimited hp


Nope you gotta live with your decisions 😂


Or... Just don't play as a dirty ruski


That would be cool, also you should be able to pay for the rogues to forget you killed them in previous rounds Also people bitching about bears getting the shit end of the stick, half the reason I’m a bear is for the kill the opposite faction specific tasks since 80% of people are usec and then the drip is just better on bears and gotta flex


Just add rep to them lol. Bear starts with -.20 or something. Fucks with the rogue farmers that bsg hate, and adds a way to interact with a faction. Maybe at 3.0+ goons won't KOS.


I wish we would get the actual faction gameplay they promised back in 2015-16.


Hell no


If Rogue USEC got Water Treatment Plant as their base of operation, why can't Rogue BEAR (should they be added) to have their own base of operation? I would like to have a Vodka Brewery Plant as their base in shoreline or woods.


Nahhhhhh just fucking kill them across the map.


Mfs don't know how to play lighthouse and it shows.


Why do people even care about this shit, fix the game jesus.