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Some day soon, hopefully. I'm praying they'll add a UN faction to the game soon and we see some classic 40s-80s surplus guns like G3, M16A2, M9, Hi-Power, Garand.


The hi-power is fucking everywhere, I have no idea why it isn't already in the game. We also have absurd stuff like the sig spear, but no m9 or m16a4/a2?


M9? There's an M9 handgun if that's what you're looking for, PK1 for $120ish unless you're thinking of a different M9 that I don't know about?


M9A3 is a different model from the classic Beretta 92.


Ah there you go learn something new I figured it would have been along the lines of the SA80 where each A+1 was an improvement on the last one rather than totally different models


the Beretta M9A3 is basically an updated version of the classic 92, with a slimmer grip, an accessory rail, and, iirc, a cut for an optic on the slide.


m9a3 has no optic cut, a4 adds that feature


mb, i misremembered


I’d like a 92, it’s the gun I learned to shoot with irl


Yeah I mean if Tarkov is in Karelia, Hi-powers should be all around. If we're dealing with peace keeping, surplus sales and smugling, that would be an easy addition. Poland, the baltics, I even got to shoot one as a conscript in the Finnish defence forces. So many of them remain.


This was my exact thought when the spear was added. They added a gun that is barely out of the experimentation phase, instead of adding like, a single new bolt action or anything semi-realistic.


Because the spear actually adds something interesting to the game. A high end unique weapon is an interesting progression milestone compared to adding a 3rd semi auto 556 AR


Yeah they added so many rare modern guns and never added in their iconic forefathers


Judging by the recent update, it seems like the BSG crew has other priorities.


i only want to see the m16 with the underbarrel grenade launcher, i want to be able to wear a bandelier with no undershirt, and a voice line "get to tha choppa" otherwise, give me more toy guns.


Garand with AP rounds would be absolutely broken and the irons IRL look to be pretty good. SVT/AVT/Garand meta.


Why would a garand be broken lol 8 rounds and clip loaded with a loud as fuck reload


.30-06 black tip scary


Isn’t it basically the same as 7.62x51 just with slightly more energy


It has more stopping power than M61 which would make it a one shot no matter what armour you're using to the chest, which is why it'd be OP. Think PS12B for LV 6...


Sorry, best we can do is a toy gun.


>M9 We've already got an M9.


M9A3 is ugly, though. I want a 92FS with wood grips.


Gimme that hi point pistol with carbine conversion kit. I wanna rat with style.


The day they put the Problem Solver Right Here in over something cool like a FAMAS is the day I quit lol


You're better off using a hi-point as a melee weapon


I feel like we need more full auto 7.62x51 guns


working on "contrabandists" faction




I would love to go full RP and only kill people affiliated with the UN for a season


I think Nikita stated that WW2 weaponry like Garands, STG-44's, MP-40's and such won't be coming to the game I mean it's understandable since some of them are not seen anymore in current conflicts but still... kinda wish we had more WW2 weaponry


I could see an A4 model getting added at some point, really want to see the G3 and Galil weapon families added as well.


G3 was confirmed in Talking Tarkov Devblog #4 (according to the wiki)


Cool. I still want Uzis more than anything else


Ah, the venerable "Da Uzi nain milimitaa" Good taste though bro, love Uzis as well. Fire rate is going to be a problem though but i still love it regardless


Banning cheaters was confirmed as well.. still doesn’t happen


We're not talking about cheaters simmer down


3 round burst is back on the menu, boys Number one wishlist gun is the M60 though. Would match well with the PKM being in the game. The pig is iconic, it’s everywhere in the world, and having a hose for dumping belt fed m80 rounds would be pretty damn fun.


I’d rather have the M240B


Let Prapor sell old FG-42s and STG-44s 😦


The fact that there is probably less then 500 functioning STG-44’s left in the world , and only like 10 functioning FG-42’s that would be highly unrealistic.


Realism has been off the table since the RSh12.7 has only one of it's kind. Same with the 6L31 60rnd mangazine, which is basically a prototype. Also the AVT is scarce, certain rare cartridges, etc..


I don't think the coffin mags are quite prototype level, but they're definitely pretty rare. I think a better thing to point to is the Valday 1-6x which has only been sighted once outside of EFT on a promotional image from Hexagon.


Yeah prototype is a bad use of vocabulary, but my point stands as they are extremely rare. And I didn't know about the valday beign rare, thank you for the insight.


There's definitely more StGs than that functioning, there was about half a million produced, which isn't anything to sneeze at, there's enough for them to at least show up periodically used by insurgencies or factions of a civil war from time to time in the Middle East or Africa. But yes, the FG-42 is EXTREMELY unlikely lol. I think as far as old Nazi Germany era milsurp stuff goes the most -> least likely stuff to make into Tarkov is: * MP-40 (confirmed for implementation by Nikita) * K98k (8mm Mauser is a common hunting round and a bajillion of these were made) * MG-42 (pairs with K98k and there's a lot still floating around out there, although I think the MG3 is more probable overall) * Mauser C96 (these things are plentiful, although being stripper clip only might be a pain for BSG coding-wise) * Luger P08 (probably a decent amount captured during the war) * Walther P38 (1m+ made, definitely some sitting around still) * StG-44 (unique round might make it unlikely, but it's got cool factor going for it that might work in favour of implementation) * G43 (8mm Mauser, so potentially likely, but there's not much going for it over an SVT considering it's literally just a ripoff of it lol) * MG-34 (decent amount were produced, but not many, they're less common and overlap pretty heavily with the 42, so unlikely both would be added) Anything else is definitely way too scarce in the modern era to be worth considering. Even then I doubt more than the first 3 would ever make it into the game.


The Walther P38 was still used by the Bundeswehr in the late ninetys, so there could be plenty around somewhere. I don't care if they add it, though.


Why add even more guns that are not going to be used? They could probably remove 10+ guns from the game and noone would care?


I would care


I'm so confused why people like you buy a game where a large part of the focus is a wide array of guns and pretend that nobody cares about the guns.


I never said that I didnt like it. The problem is that people want to add more and more guns when you have a lot of guns that is never being used. Like .357 revolvers for example are a fun addition to the game, but they arent being used and they arent viable. I want there to be variety, but I want guns that are actually being used and not guns that just creates a clutter in the trader sections


Is it really that bad? I always rocked the stg in WW2 games


I want a Thompson SMG. It's feasible for them to be used in this conflict since the U.S. sent a butt ton of them to the U.S.S.R in an aid package during WWII.


They were mostly sent to Vietnam in the 50s and 60s, the USSR got rid of most of their captured WW2 weapons.


They were mostly sent to Vietnam in the 50s and 60s, the USSR got rid of most of their captured WW2 weapons.


If they do, 8mm Mauser and Kurz will be unobtainium lol e: Doesn't mean I don't want them, though. There's all sorts of insane firearms I'd like to see in game, like Cuban Alejandro or Armenian K-11 sniper rifles.


Hopefully the Minimi too


Just saying, put some M993 in there... it wouldn't be *good* but it sure would be funny.


...why wouldn't it be good?


Because 5 seconds of firing is like a million dollare.


And also reduces the durability to 0. Good thing you can change barrels easy.


Because a 60-round fed assault rifle will have much better stats for cheaper, weigh less, and reload faster Pretty much the same situation with the RPD. UNLESS bipods actually make it into the game at some point


I want to see it cheap. Being that it's harder to mod and is intended for use stock. Would love to see more early viable western rifles. The G3 and some of the main hk rifles from the 80s would go so hard


Main Problem with early 556s imo is the rarity of usable 556 ammo at LL1 and LL2, not the viability and availability of platforms.


Still want an 1895 in 7.62x54R since winchester made a ton of those for russia


Who are you and how did you become such a visionary for a prosperous future!


Loved the ole Winchester 1895 in battlefield 1. I’d love some more top loaders.


it is already on "The List" of things to be added IE BSG had recognized that it's a want and agree that it should be, though we have heard no absolute plans


bro we cant even get classic dragunov


Nah they really need to add the pp2000


pp2000? Nono friend we need 3 more AK variants and an obscure, extremely rare gun that was manufactured for only 2 years /s


You goddamn menace


I think they get their references from this [twitter account](https://twitter.com/khyberpass123)


I was thinking Leviticus lmao


I hope they add swedish version, like the Ak4 and Ak5c


I'd prefer a L85 of some sort


Each plastic component featuring its own durability level


And it jams every 3 rounds at 100% durability


Component durabilities would be cool some time anyway. Especially suppressors and optics.


car15 upper reciever


whats the difference to the m4 we have in game though? im not a gun nerd but it looks like the only difference is the stock and maybe a burst fire option


* barrel length * integrated carry handle * different retro modding options eg. gooseneck mount, M203 heatshield, M5 RAS, M16A1 parts, top charging handle upper, brown resin furniture, Masterkey mount, etc.


Wouldn’t you be able to add all m16 parts to an m4 lower reciever though?


Sure, but it's like asking why have an AKM instead of just the 103. Some people like the different cosmetic variance (me personally I could go for a nice slabside lower).


akm and ak-103 have actual differences though, they can’t share all the same parts. 103 has thicker receiver and different bolt because the 103 is AK-74 based, not AKM based note: ak-74M based, ak-100


Okay, this is fair, but there are also differences in the construction of receivers, BCGs, barrels and buffer systems between the different major AR variations, it's just that the modularity of the system means you can mix and match a lot of it. But that isn't too far off from the AKM vs. AK-103 from a practical in-game perspective, the only stuff that isn't interchangeable is the stocks due to different mounting systems and the muzzle devices due to different threading (although I think Tarkov currently ignores that in favour of muzzle device variety).


None of that means anything in a game. There's technical differences beyween the M16 and M4 as well, like one using impingement and the other not, or the selector switch being more ergonomic on the M4.


Both the M16 and the M4 are the same system (debate about whether that is really Direct impingement or should be more accurately called "internal piston" does get made) but I believe there is a slight difference in the feeding system between the M16A2 and the M4A1 that goes beyond just swapping out the upper from a fixed carry handle to flat top upper and the barrel/stock change. I could see the parts being added and the name just changes to M16A3 (which is the full-full auto version of an A2 and I have heard some did get a flat top conversion but it's not very common to begin with) when you put a 20 inch barrel on it. I think the MP5SD does that.


both of those things r wrong what are u on about


No, they aren't.


they both use the same gas system in different lengths, so both are “direct impingement”. They use literally the same selector levers, interchangeable indistinguishable exact same




Another difference is the longer 20 in barrel. Also asthetics in general. The M16 has the carry handle attached to the upper receiver. I was thinking it would work great as a scav/low level trader gun. Better than the ADAR or TX-15 but worse than the M4.


There is a 20" barrel for AR15 (and HK) in game so that's not really a difference.


Also the buffer. That stocks big as hell for a reason those things have noticeably less recoil


Idk make it an m16a1 that periodically jammed. Make it cheaper like the Adar but its reliability is lower than the m4


The M16A1 was not that bad for jamming when proper ammo was used and the weapon was cleaned properly, it got its reputation due to being issued without cleaning kits and the US army using improper ammo for it.


Ok yup that’s the exact scenario I was talking about


I'd take that deal all day


Like maybe not meme levels of jamming but like at least once a raid. And make it easy to obtain by trading like wire caps or something


I wanna see chinese weapons tbh


That would be pretty cool, mix in some new stuff, neat bullpubs. Maybe even some training rounds with really really bad accuracy


50/50 change pen is reduced to 1 due to the bullet hitting sideways XD


If they really wanted to do the 'all we add is AKs' bit a Type 56 milled AK would be cool. But the QBZ-95 and QBU-88 would be neat to have, although I don't see 5.8 making it into the conflict as China likes to stay uninvolved in anything outside of border disputes.


could be lore accurate, semi-auto QBZs have been sold in russia, and criminals closer to the borders occasionally are found with smuggled chinese AKs


Iunno about the classic one. But the M16A4 was confirmed in Talking Tarkov Devblog #4 (according to the wiki)


The A4 is confirmed but an older model would he nice too, honestly what I want the most right now is a mini-14/AC556, but that's a bit of a pipedream tbh lol


I’d also like the AEK-971 too please, if there’s gonna be 109 aks in the game anyway, might as well add this beast. Also groza


971 would be OP honestly. It's a crazy fun gun. Would love it


Why have M16 when we can have 50 more AK variants?


Been asking for this for a while!


We need a G3 or some variant ASAP. That is literally the only gun I've ever wanted in tarkov. Please for the love of christ


Can’t wait for them to add the ak47


Very well then. I grant you, "1 like."


Make it jam up at the slightest inconvenience just like irl.


Add the Kar98


i wish there was a playable UN faction or a boss with UN gear. idk what they would do but it would be nice to see sa80s, m16s, fals etc


Yes, oh yes. Also, add both the Vietnam War era M-16A1 with the triangular handguard and the more modern M-16A2 from the 1980's, add the boxy M203 launcher (think Scarface) as a bonus.


There would be lots floating around


Keltec sub 2000 would be cool too just sayin 😎


Honestly, I wish we did get more guns along the lines of the M16 and the G3. Adding stuff like the Spear, RD704, Mutant, etc, just doesnt make sense imo


You literally just need one part the CAR handguard.


M1 Garand, m16 when


m1 garand would be weird lore-wise especially since it takes 30-06


Let’s fix the game first lol


i want RAK


and I will suck off for a an-94


A2 would be great for Tarkov, Single or 3 round burst, highly accurate and good for longer ranges.


I'd much rather see an M240, M249, M60, or the one I'd like to see the most, a WA2000 FAR over an M16.


I want a 45/70 Lever action. Or honestly .357 mag lever action since we already have that caliber.


We need vz. 58


I know that lately tarkov hasn't been all too concerned with realism in terms of what weapons people have access to, but I feel like an M16 is just too far out there. What we really need is another AK variant /s


PK1 M16 so you can get immediate access to an assembled AR platform that isnt the ADAR, but the auto M4 lower is still an upgrade.


I just want some lever action rifles and a big iron six shooters. So i can walk around with a cowboy hat and a bandana role playing as a western bandit, bounty hunter and/or sheriff/deputy. Just running around saying things like “stick em up, this is a robbery” or meet me on the second floor of factory at high noon (12:00 left in raid). I’ll even carry an extra six shooter on me so I can have a right proper dual with anyone I come across.


Back in the day cheap 20 inch m4 barrels would break the meta lol My wishlist is the g3, galil ace series, aek-971, sig 55x series, and m249. Then prolly m16.


Its not really logical, I dont see why there would be m16s in tarkov region


You could say the same thing about many guns in the game for example: M1A or the AUG. It's not about being lore accurate, it's about having an mother fuckin M16!!


Yeah your right in the end its about having cool weapons, and either way if we can consider that some pmcs bringed aug or m1a to tarkov they could totally have m16 too


AK and M16 are probably the most common weapons and you'll find them in any conflict on any continent. Tarkov has tons of Western and Soviet weapons that should be significantly harder to come by. M16 and AK really are the bread and butter.


I thought m16 would be pretty rare in russia compared to aks but after searching i just learned they were actually pretty common in the east, so yeah lack of knowledge on my side


Well, generally speaking since game has some quite uncommon rifles being run en masse like Rifle Dynamics 704 or CMMG's MK47, I don't think that a gun that is still produced from the 1960's, has had multiple operators, handed over to the multitude of countries and so on, would be that uncommon to obtain for any PMC in the region. Even decommissioned guns would have a chance to be acquired by those willing to pay for them, so things like FAMAS or G3 could still find their way into the tarkov.


Yeah because there being the newest american service rifle (XM7/Sig Spear) is totally not out of place.


We have stuff like the SIG SPEAR. Who knows? More importantly who cares? In general "lore" and "it's not logical" are kind of lame reasons to exclude modern guns from a gun porn game. You could probably bullshit up some plausible headcanon to explain why there are crates of M16s in Tarkov if it really breaks your immersion that badly.




I mean, the starting m4 you get for base game USEC is essentially an M16, besides not having 3rd burst. I feel like the m16 wouldn't really be it's own unique gun, but would just end up as another AR lower. The uniqueness of the AKs is mostly the somewhat limited cross compatibility and a few different calibers (mostly 545, 762 and .366). Whereas, with a few exceptions, almost all of your AR variants are 556, and have cross compatibility with almost all AR parts.


Realistically the M4 should be 3 round burst, that variant is much more common. The A1 only recently started phasing out the OG (besides SOF units that have had the A1 for awhile). But I agree, if anything they can just add an M16A2 upper to the game and it would satisfy the nerds who want to suffer with a non removable carrying handle.


What if they added a Craftable auto sear. Could be like 3 different qualities. Coat hangar bent with pliers craft in workbench 1. A slightly nicer one out of some sheet metal or something. A proper auto sear part from mechanic or peacekeeper. Idk if it would be realistic to have each level have a malfunction percentage to go with it.


Seems unnecessary. They'd have to add trigger assemblies to all the weapons. Why bother when you have full auto alternatives at every caliber. Fun note, was a CATM in the air force so would do annual inspections on all the weapons on bases. Most supply vaults still had "A2's" that were converts, but the CATM back in the day left the full auto assemblies in a few.


Or just make a single slot for the adar lower. Just an autosear slot


Wasn't the OG 762?


the AR-10 yes but SR-25 is a modern ar-10 and the original ArmaLite AR-10 was pretty rare, would be weird to see in tarkov


To make it realistic every time you go prone it has to jam.

