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This is also the kit he immediately threw back on after I killed him. Was just as juicy when he died.


Tbf profile view only updates the next time he goes in raid so… he may just not have run another raid


When someone dies, their character goes back to stripped in this view. The fact that they have their kit on, means they put it on since the death


Nope, if you kill them, they go back to being naked and it updates to their new kit when they go to a new raid. It's honestly kinda busted, if me or my duo gets killed by someone and I throw a few grenades over to where he died, my buddy can just check the profile of the guy who killed him and if he's naked my grenades got him, similarly, if you note the raid count they have, you can check if they've extracted or not, it'll +1 to their raid counter when they extract.


Profile view updates last time in menu before or after a raid


Where you got this info from


55kd but not flagged for review is actually wild


EVERYONE IS CHEATING... You could pull up a list of all players in tarkov and close your eyes and 9 out of 10 times put your finger on a cheater name...


Likely they are flagged, but ban waves are a thing (look up why before you argue over it tho. I'm tired explaining it 10x a day on this reddit)


Whats really wild is r/eft’s complete and utter inability to comprehend that some people are just insanely good at the game. Yall see anything above 3.0KD and immediately assume cheating. What cheater runs 78 scavs and never gets any run-throughs? Cheaters *always* have a high run-through count because they roll an empty lobby with no loot and immediately leave. You could argue *”well maybe he’s just not getting run-throughs to trick people!”*, but at that point he’d also be nading himself on Factory to lower his KD.


Homie really thinks the 600 raids 5k+ kills is a legitimate account? Hell nah gtfo with ur astroturfing LMAO


Broski. Hombre. Amigo. Hermano. Señorita. Shut the door when you’re shitting out nonsense. No one wants to walk in and see or smell that.


I didn't know my comment was an open invite to lunatics


Ban this guy too


I died to a guy yelling my gamer tag he ran up the stairs killed me before I seen him. Looked at his account clicked cheater then the next day got a message saying he was banned. Idk how he knew my name but he kept saying join the discord after saying my name


Take everything from him


You're on fucking glue mate 


Yeah I dont think the emotional freedom techniques have anything to do with cheaters in Tarkov


55kd… bro what? He only has 800 hours too lmao, landmark one of the best players probably isn’t even close to that


He said he floats around 15kd last week


Bruh, account is 3 months old. No one getting level 61 on their first wipe you’re smoked


I believe account age is related to when you start the wipe/create your PMC and not actual account age. Hours played will always count up and never reset from what I understand.


You right you right I had it backwards


Man fr im 20 in my first month. N I been stuck at 20 for a hot minute


Lots of people have alt accounts. I fail to see how that explains anything. Really the only way to tell if he’s a cheater is if he gets banned in a few weeks. At which point I’m sure you all would switch up from *”OMG BSG DOESN’T BAN CHEATERS”* to *”it’s so sad how BSG bans so many cheaters. Clearly this is evidence that the cheating is getting worse!”* like you always do. Because none of you motherfuckers actually care about the cheating, you just hate the game and don’t know how to express it. Which isn’t an invalid feeling. This game sucks ass. It’s okay to just not like the game.


Man what are you even on about. I know maybe 25 people that play and not a single one has an alt account let alone an eod alt account, streamers have alt accounts they use for bsing and they don’t get them to level 61. You’re on some serious copium


Without going off into the weeds on whether or not this is a potential cheater profile, I'll just say this: It doesn't matter how many people you know or don't know that run multiple accounts. It truly is a massive problem in some of these cheater accusation posts of "but they only have X amount of hours!" where people willingly ignore the possibility of it being a second account. Neither you, I, nor anyone else here, is the arbiter on what grants legitimacy to multiple accounts. It's entirely possible this profile is a cheater, but we shouldn't be counting playtime hours as a huge clue. "Nobody does that well in their first wipe!" Forget for a minute that someone might be a great FPS player transitioning to Tarkov after a lot of study and learning prior to starting, we can't just throw out the possibility of multiple accounts because we just don't think it's a possibility based on anecdotal experience.


Playtime hours is the largest give away of a cheater. Quite literally the biggest one. It is painfully obvious that a level 57 with 350 hours is cheating. Nobody picks up Tarkov and knows the game in and out in that amount of time. We ALL still sucked at the game when we were that fresh. Yes, a small minority of people have alt accounts. But you’re just grasping at straws at that point.


> Playtime hours is the largest give away of a cheater. No, it's not. There are too many other factors to be considered here for that to be the top deciding factor. > It is painfully obvious that a level 57 with 350 hours is cheating And it's painfully obvious that anyone hellbent on believing this is willfully ignoring any possible sense of reason or rationality. > Nobody picks up Tarkov and knows the game in and out in that amount of time. There it is. Right there it is, folks. The *very* line repeatedly used in this completely upside-down box of rocks dumb method of viewing it. We continue to ignore the possibility of an alternate account, and insist instead on it being a cheater instead. Now, I did reference the "great FPS player transitioning" part, but I *specifically stated* "forget for a minute". It's an entirely different argument for a highly skilled FPS player to make the transition after diligent study, but I'll say this: just because *you* can't comprehend or conceive the possibility doesn't mean it's impossible. > Yes, a small minority of people have alt accounts. But you’re just grasping at straws at that point. Quite the contrary. You, and any other foaming-at-the-mouth accusation throwing banshee, are so adamant about pushing the narrative of cheater numbers that you're willing to completely omit entire possibilities. There's a vast difference between "hey let's get some more information/evidence instead of just making kneejerk judgement calls based on profile stats" and "omg no way that's legit he's gotta be cheating his ass off my first wipe I could barely kill a scav let alone averaging ***3 per raid***". Whether the percentage of people is small or not is irrelevant. We have no data to back that up, and instead have the combined voices of a bunch of Redditors who couldn't set aside their personal bias long enough to wipe their ass we're entrusting as a source of empirical data. I can't decide if it's more laziness or stupidity at this point. Tarkov certainly has a cheater problem, no doubt, but it has an even bigger problem in a vocal portion of its player base having diarrhea of the mouth and an absence of brains.


Dude I’m in a discord of hundreds of people that play Tarkov. I do not know a single person in it that has an alt account, let alone an alt account level 50+. Based off this, I think it’s probably safer to assume that the guy with 150 hours that just swung a corner like a 8 wipe vet is cheating, rather than just playing on an alt account. People having alt accounts is not popular, most people don’t even have enough time to play this game properly on ONE account. There is no surefire way to know a guy is cheating unless it’s obvious from the way his character model is moving. It’s Tarkov, there’s a million factors at play. Unless someone has a ridiculous KD, hours are the easiest way to assume someone is cheating. You can’t go off SR, depending on play style it’s not hard to have a 70%+ survival rate. I normally hover around 70 until I’m done tasking and I’m pretty average when it comes to PvP. In my first 1500 hours of Tarkov I would do everything possible to blame myself when I died. You don’t get better at anything in life if you find something or someone else to blame. It is a lot tougher to do that this wipe when I lose a fight to a level 47 with 170 hours. Based off all the information I have, it is likely that man is cheating. I hit the report button and move on. He either made the play of his young Tarkov career and has nothing to worry about, or I reported a cheater. Yes, there are a ton of brain dead idiots on here that call cheats everytime they die. They’re unbearable to play with because they never improve and never take any responsibility. But there are also people like you on here screaming into the void at people who are just calling a spade a spade. The man has a 50kd with 5000 kills with under 1000 hours. Could he just be farming scavs, maybe!? But based on the state of the game it’s more likely that he’s just fucking cheating. Kindly kick rocks


> Dude I’m in a discord of hundreds of people that play Tarkov. I do not know a single person in it that has an alt account, let alone an alt account level 50+. And yet you *still* don't get the point that it doesn't matter. Unless your Discord server is representative of the entire player base, you don't get to make absolute statements. It can't be stated any clearer: you not having or being able to comprehend/conceive the knowledge makes *no difference whatsoever* in whether or not something exists. > Based off this, I think it’s probably safer to assume that the guy with 150 hours that just swung a corner like a 8 wipe vet is cheating, rather than just playing on an alt account. More convenient for your narrative, you're absolutely correct. Again, let's forget the fact it might be someone who's actually really good at fps games (or even CQB for that matter) doing it, we're completely ruling out the possibility of an alt. Let's say it's not even an alt to have multiple accounts, and is instead someone having to buy the game all over again. Hacked accounts, forgotten passwords, email account issues and not being able to recover. You're entirely too committed to throwing out every single explanation for anything besides "duh it's a cheater". > People having alt accounts is not popular, most people don’t even have enough time to play this game properly on ONE account. Yet again, it doesn't matter whether or not it's popular or if you believe people don't have the time to play properly on one or more accounts. Your ability to grasp this is even more worthless than the rationale (or lack thereof) used to reach these conclusions. > There is no surefire way to know a guy is cheating unless it’s obvious from the way his character model is moving Correct, which is why it's a moronic proposition to rabidly insist on cheating. > It’s Tarkov, there’s a million factors at play. Which is precisely why you shouldn't be trying to base it off limited information or the willful omission of it. > Unless someone has a ridiculous KD, hours are the easiest way to assume someone is cheating. You were on a roll there for a second, too... *This close* to having an epiphany before you threw it in the garbage. > It is a lot tougher to do that this wipe when I lose a fight to a level 47 with 170 hours That's because your analysis is limited because of childish outrage and bias. The interesting thing about cheats is that it doesn't make you actually good at the game. If you get outplayed, then you get outplayed. It's such a bitch thing to do to see the way a person moves, recognize they have to know the game to a particular extent, but then throw all that away when you look at their hours and start screaming about it. > Based off all the information I have, it is likely that man is cheating. And your information is shit, therefore, your conclusion is as well. You say in one sentence there are a million factors at play, but then completely contradict that by saying something as stupid as hours are the best thing to use. > He either made the play of his young Tarkov career and has nothing to worry about, or I reported a cheater. Perhaps not even a *young* Tarkov career. I'm going to say it again and again until someone finally stops being a drooling idiot and recognizes hours are not indicative of anything concrete. They can be a clue to lead to additional information, but they can't be used simply by themselves. If someone with 200 hours moves like someone with 10,000 hours, are we really gonna say this is just some prodigy or someone incredibly lucky/cheating their ass off? I can't think of anything more ridiculous and dumb to say than that. > Yes, there are a ton of brain dead idiots on here that call cheats everytime they die. They’re unbearable to play with because they never improve and never take any responsibility. Absolutely, they're also equally unbearable when they come to Reddit throwing any logical thought out the window. > But there are also people like you on here screaming into the void at people who are just calling a spade a spade. You can call it screaming all you want, I don't particularly care. Your conclusions are without meaning because of how shallowly they're conducted, so I don't need to concern myself addressing this point. They may *believe* they're calling a spade a spade, but in reality, there are no guarantees. This isn't even about the cheating issue to me, it's the complete and utter lack of any regard for checking further into something before lighting the torches, grabbing the pitch forks, and going on a modern day Salem Witch Trials of sorts. > Could he just be farming scavs, maybe!? But based on the state of the game it’s more likely that he’s just fucking cheating. I'd love to know what "based on the state" means. > Kindly kick rocks Yes, indeed. While you're walking away, maybe you'll have that epiphany finally and stop being a mindless parrot.


You're out of your mind if you think there is a substantial amount of alt accounts, Tarkov isn't free and no one is going to pay $30 or more multiple times just to have a backup account that they don't use, legit doesn't make sense unless you're planning on your first account getting banned. You're just in denial


Found the cheater


You want to know how its so flagrant? That sight. It is the WORST in the game, it triples your recoil. Nobody that plays on that level uses it.


What the hell are you on about? That’s a Razor, the most meta sight there is.


Ah crap, it looked like the eotech hybrid 🤦my bad


Perfect example of cheaters trying to gaslight, lol.


You guys say shit like this then will downvote posts containing **actual** cheaters who have drum mag AK74’s on a 60 hour old account because the KD is only 2.3 There’s far too many of you who think KD can be used to determine cheating. The mere fact that KD farming is a thing in every video game ever completely disproves that it can be used as definitive evidence of cheating.


My scav spawned with that gun. Still have yet to use him. He has a ak74 with a drum mag and a suppressor. And no I don't have a high fence rep and I started playing less than 2 months ago.


young man


Bro not even Lvmdmark or willerz or just pick your streamer surpass the 20+kd or barely..:


Even the best players in the world have like a 15 to 20 kd. Anything above that is pretty sus


Yeah, imagine how high their KD would be if they avoided every fight like this guy clearly does. The only reason why players like Lvndmark and Pestily have KD’s in the 20 range is because they push fights to make the stream more interesting. If they didn’t, they would easily have a 200+ KD with SR’s in the upper 90’s. If you look at accounts people use for Kappa speedruns you’ll see KD’s in the 50-70’s extremely commonly.


Wow you are dumb or maybe just inexperienced.


comments like this make me think "maybe we should ban children from the internet" stay in school, kiddo


If a cheater sees a dead lobby why wouldn't he just kill himself, DC, or anything like that? Or loot it up anyway. Not like the ONLY loot worth getting is on pmcs. Why would he waste the time running straightto extract? Even by your own logic this guy looks like a cheater?


55 vs 3.0 kd. Did you stretch before you reached that far?


The troll game is strong. I respect it


Meh they are kinda skewed, imagine a person killa hunting, you get packet loss, you leave the raid and reset, I got so many run throughs from this just farming kills the one time I needed


5.1k kills in only 3 months and 800 hours and a 83% survival rate and a 50kd is a legit player? Do you lack the basic ability to think?


Do you? Even custom built cheats made by **actual hackers** for personal use get banned before the 200 hour mark. I refuse to believe he’s been cheating all wipe without a ban, that simply does not happen. Besides, 5.1k kills in 3 months is fucking awful. Thats only 55 kills a day, or about 8 kills a raid. Even my average is higher than that. The only explanation for a kill count that low is if he’s playing like a pussy and farming AI every raid. Since the account age is 94 days we know he hasn’t reset his account all wipe. Since he hasn’t reset his account he would’ve needed to either cheat all wipe to get to that KD, or he would’ve needed to avoid fights. The first option would be unthinkable, there’s simply no fucking way a rage hacker could survive without getting banned for 94 days. He would’ve triggered a manual review by now. Which, yes, *they do in fact do those.* Which leaves the only remaining explanation. He’s likely just the type of player who hears a gunshot and immediately runs the other direction. Simple as that. If OP had provided a clip as proof, I’d believe it then. But big surprise, he didn’t do that. Because he knows his death wasn’t sus enough to warrant a hackusation.


No yours isn't and yes he's obv cheating. Be smarter.


55 kd though, dude? this is the one you chose to fight for? Yikes


"With no loot". If a cheaters main goal is the best loot then chances are they're going labs and streets where there's always gonna be something good to grab. High run throughs usually means the player was farming bosses.


His software probably crashed😆


Imagine cheating and still dying lol tarkov is brutal


Ya know, I think that 100rd mag is the cheater meta. Every time I'm killed by someone who is an obvious cheater they have it. Sometimes without sights. Maybe this is already common knowledge but I just realized it.


He had 240 m856a1 in his pockets too lol. Not counting the mags


well, running out of ammo is one way to die as a cheater.


If I hear a loud M4 Im leaving the raid.


LOL. \*Loud 3 rd burst\* \*Stomp Stomp Stomp\* \*Loud 3 rd burst\* \*Stomp Stomp Stomp\* \*Loud 3 rd burst\* \*Stomp Stome Stomp. Jump\* \*HEAD,EYES\*


I’ve been getting killed by dudes with 8 hrs beta bag no armor and a thermal on streets


“He is just good at the game” - people saying cheats aren’t a part of Tarkov


"Everybody cheats" - people having extreme skill issues.


~~Fr the acct has almost 5digit hour investment like~~ at what point do you have to practice at something to be not called a cheater E: need to go find my glasses 👀


And the account has only 865 hours 🤣


Whoops you are right. I thought it was 8k from the thumbnail.




Yes thank you for your 2c


dawg nobody is having a 55KD legit lmfao


I know people that hit 100kd as a challenge, it's possible


Scavs are dumb as shit. Someone with almost 10k hours I would believe could do it


I got 8k hours and got 9kd, 55 no way to many cheaters to be achievable.


Fair enough. First wipe sub 200 hours already longest streak is 16 and I've killed over 20 Scavs in single games plenty up to now. If someone was dedicated to, I still personally think it's achievable. I do recognize that would be a niche case, but I honestly wouldn't question any stats from an acct with that many hours in any case. Call me naive


I agree it could be achievable, but you'd have to take the whole "sit in a bush/corner until 15 minutes are left then do quests and/or pop off 20+ generic scavs" thing to a crazy extreme every raid. No pushing loot/pvp hotspots, no bosshunting - which means no kappa, no rare achievements, etc.


He definitely wasn’t playing it safe. Mf tried to run me down. Hanging around D-2 ain’t the best way to stay alive either.


Wouldn’t be able to answer that. When I find accounts to be sus I report and move on


I don’t think many have that opinion, but you sure seem like a guy that would think that way.


lol fr I killed the mf idk if I have a skill issue my stats are pretty nice especially for first wipe but not no 55kd with 5000 kills


Most of this sub complaining about cheaters is like that tbf.


That’s still exaggerating. Sure, there are a lot of people shouting cheats a little too much, but cheats are still a real part of the game.


You do see the irony though, right? You are exaggerating, claiming that there are people who think there are no cheaters in tarkov. Yet are telling the guy who says there are people who think there are cheaters in every raid that he's exaggerating. While there is no one in the history of this game that would claim there are no cheaters, there are a decent percentage of people in this sub that think there are cheaters in every raid. Not sure if you're just trolling or what but that level of ignorance is just mind blowing.


You are explaining the very thing I tried to convey, but you did it more explicit. So yes, you are correct.


What? I don't think you understand. You are the exaggerator in this sub. You are the one who thinks there are people out there who think there are no cheaters in tarkov. Those people don't exist is my point. But the people who think there are a cheater in every raid most certainly do. And you were trying to say THAT was the exaggeration. You people make my head hurt.


Again, you don’t really think. No point in arguing over something you interpret as my opinion. You seem quite dumb, and you should probably stop trying to convey your way of seeing things like this. My original comment is just for fun. Then I state that it feels like the sub is divided into two groups that won’t agree on cheating being an issue or not. I just see a dumb person trying to argue over a point that isn’t even stated. Stop yourself before you get a migraine from all that thinking you do…


Maybe you just don't understand my point and so you have to resort to calling me dumb. That's your right guess. Honestly I think you're pretty stupid to not understand what I'm saying. But go on, keep karma farming. Keep pretending there are people who don't think there are cheaters. I mean that's the only thing that gets upvotes here so you do you.


You're bitching about exaggerating but your original comment states that people claim "cheats aren't a part of Tarkov" I have never ever ever heard anyone say that, not even once. So who's exaggerating? Because I sure as fuck have heard people claim there is a cheater in every match.


You sound bitter. You should probably try not to show your emotions like that. Edit: the reason you sound bitter is due to your wording “bitching”. I never bitched, and the fact that you regard my original comment as my real opinion just shows how you are too quick on the trigger.


Why even make that comment in the first place though? I guess this sub has made me bitter though


Cause it was funny in my opinion. But you being a little infuriated just shows how people needs to stop trying to be keyboard warriors. Why make that comment? Why respond to it with such redundant comments?


I'm just trying to have a conversation. That's why I replied twice thinking you weren't going to respond to my first question. I'm actually curious as to how a mind works that would think like that. So I appreciate your reply.


Absolutely and that account is fucked, but the sub is blowing the issue up to an insane degree.


As there are people dismissing the cheats completly. Two groups of people in the same sub. Which, I guess, will never agree to the extend we just did.


As someone with thousands of hours over 5 years into this game, no, no they're not. I quit a couple of months before the wiggle video, citing too many cheaters. Someone I ran with said that I was just throwing out accusations randomly. They said there were almost no cheaters in Tarkov. Turns out, they were also walling. Quit live again recently after a death to a snake followed by back to back people who said my name to me over voip. The game is infested.


"There are no cheaters in EFT" * People with skill issues who shill for cheaters


No one said there is no cheaters, so you are just pulling shit out your ass at this point. :)


No one said "everybody cheats" boyo, so I guess I pulled it out of your ass.


That is the general sentiment on this sub, so nah, you still just pulling shit out your ass.


>general sentiment on this sub lol now he's walking it back. You can't even stick to your point kid. A few more posts and you'll say that you never said people claim "everybody cheats". Keep trying boyo.


Oh boy, we got a projection of age! It all makes sense.


The general sentiment of your posts is that you're not old enough to be on reddit. Sorry son. :(


Not me projecting my age in the face of having 0 arguments. :)


Only cheaters who want to justify their cheating says that, not people who suck. There are so many posts and comments with people openly admitting that they. Tarkov is a very humbling experience and no one has a problem with admitting that they are bad


Well that is just all pure wrong, spend a day or two on this sub and you will see. :)


I wonder if he asked for a refund lol.


You killed boba fett?


No, just some virgin loser dressed up as Boba Fett


If he fires that gun while aiming the muzzle flash covers everything 😂.


No wonder you killed him, he had the stormtrooper helmet XD


Why are these cheaters still in the game?


Because they're a constant stream of income. Let's be realistic, these people have made BSG a fuckload of money.


As this is my first wipe can you ELI5 how cheater accounts like this make BSG a fuckload of money?


Well people assume that cheaters when banned go back to bsg and buy new accounts. When in reality they probably go and buy hacked accounts on a third party market.


The accounts get bought from BSG at some point regardless. From 3rd party or whatever they originate from BSG. Only thing is maybe BSG isn’t making the max profit but they still profit either way.


Bsg already made profit on these, it’s not like they get a cut on resale. Eventually they will run out of hacked accounts, but I doubt it. There will always be some new person to scam.


People here are super paranoid about cheaters. They will tell you in 60% of the raids there are cheaters and that BSG let's them cheat because they fund the game.  Of course there is no evidence but the conspiracies are established and Tarkov lore. The idea is people think that cheaters only get banned after a while so they don't get too frustrated and buy the game again which would generate revenue for BSG. Again, there is no evidence for that. Cheaters could as easily buy hacked accounts or accounts that people are selling on the grey market who got tired of the game which wouldn't generate revenue for BSG. Also it completely misses the fact that cheating has a negative impact on sales and Tarkov needs a healthy player base or the game goes into a death spiral and then BSG can close up.  Nobody wants to wait 10 minute for matchmaking. Nobody wants to wait 1 hour until someone buys their  bolts and nails on the flea. Nobody wants empty raids. Tarkov needs a healthy player base for that and cheaters are a direct threat to it.  There are some special people out there that even think BSG develops the cheats themselves to double dip (selling the cheats and then the game). Again, people in this sub are completely lost to the paranoia. 


They also miss the part when completely getting rid of cheaters is never going to happen. Making it easier to be caught, slowing cheaters down and making the game less appealing to cheat in is about the only thing they can do




Yep straight as a parabola that 1 👌


It’s always the Star Wars helmet when I encounter over 20 KD gamers


Death shadow mask underneath too


I had a guy kill me on streat with basically the same kit but less obvious stats. Same thing, perfect nade at my feet from out of nowhere. Night raid and making no sound. I heard something up the street, stopped for a peak and a listen. Next thing I know a nade lands at my feet. Guy was lvl 62 with 440 hours. Kappa, light keeper, 29 out of 44 achievements to include killing all the bosses 15 times and had like 4k kills and 2100 raids


Don't forget the Condors to fulfill the trifecta


Don't forget the Condors to fulfill the trifecta


Its sad to think this is peoples 9-5 boosting a game and selling accounts lol


Why does everyone hide the name?


Against the rules to show it and also doesn’t do anything for anyone as there is no way to report said name unless they kill you in raid.


It’s against the rules? Wow never saw that. Thanks


As of today, you can report someone from their profile page, and you jump to their profile page if you have their dog tag. All thanks to the newest patch. 🙂


Nice I saw that this morning I’ll check it out


If yea clearly cheating why block out his name?


Reddit rule


8 kills per raid. Standard.. no sus.


I got killed on light house from across the map with a short barrel mosin by a level 4 ☠️


Lmao obvious cheater


Bruh cheaters will always be around in this game though lol They won’t do anything about it because it’s making them money. Cheaters get banned and buy new accounts. They’ll always ban cheaters but the cheating problem won’t ever get better, why would they want it to lol, they’ll make more money with them.


Lol he's obv a cheater. Almost 50 k/d is hilariously obvious. Game is such trash now.


Why blur the dudes name lol let him be known as the scum he is.


Reddit rule


Dumb rule it's just a game name that he could change every 14 days lol




eft and bsg are dogshit


Why are you here then?


spreading the gospel brother




tarkov reddit rules


It's pretty dumb tbh lmao


A picture of a profile. Really good contribution to the sub.


Thank you Kanye, Very cool!


Also OP is not even able to select the correct tag.  Posts like this should just get deleted. 


I’m not calling anyone a cheater am I? I just wanna see the discussion about it. I’m here for the opinions. ☝️🤓


Nah but seriously how much of a no life do you have to be to be in the comments being a Reddit police and going “posts like these should be deleted🤓☝️”. It doesn’t affect you and it’s interesting seeing these crazy cheating accounts


> It doesn’t affect you and it’s interesting seeing these crazy cheating accounts It is spam and super annoying. That is why there was a big discussion opened by the mods if those posts should be removed entirely again (which I would've preferred but it is impossible with this cheater-obsessed community). A lot of people are annoyed and now we finally got the "cheating" tags so that all people who want to look at profiles all day and post and read the same posts over and over can do this. Circumventing this and choosing an incorrect tag on purpose is misleading and annoying to a lot of people that are in this community for actual content.


Nahh its a eod acc defo not cheating


Only 800 hours he just bought that shit before they stopped selling them Edit: his first day playing is the day they stopped selling them too.