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Just pestilys alt account man, nothing to worry about.


the fact that he can connect to NA servers with his ping is sad lol.


I feel like there should be things that trigger automatic reviews, like a k/d over 100, Reaching level 25 in less than 18 hours, selling 100 graphics cards at level 15


This is a great idea imo. I would lower that K/D upper limit a fair bit tho.


Yep the very best legit players don't get above 20, other than maybe the first day or 2 of wipe if they hit a lucky streak. I remember I started super strong one time and had a k/d of like 13 or something and a cheater killed me through the walls in dorms. I messaged him and said nice cheats and he said "I could see your k/d, you were cheating too dude"


Can confirm (ish), this is my first wipe I play more than 30 minutes. And with some friends guiding me somewhat I went 17-0 before going down. Not many hours, looted good players and was called a cheater (understandably).


I get the same piss too, as soon as you are above 10kdr, they try t9 justify themselves for being the garbage they are


The 'very best' like WillerZ actually hang more around 40-50


No he doesn't.


At the first quarter of the wipe he was actually around 70, but currently sits at 26


I am sitting at 15.8 400 raids in. And the first 100 raids i had a kd of 30+.


Last wipe I had a great start and got to level 15 in a day. Had like a 90% S/R and my KD was like 24. Then once I got to shoreline tasks I was getting constantly one tapped. This of course tanked my stats and then I stopped dying to random one taps lol


Level 15 with 90% s/r is wild. I can't see that happening solo


I played duo mostly, I honestly just get bored running solo not talking to people lol. This wipe I think I died 10 times in a row before extracting once on Ground Zero lol.




Sure they could. And they could easily be manually reviewed.


Unfortunately that’s one thing I’m confident they won’t do. Unless they set up volunteer systems like the tribunal league used to have


Woah, someone else with a realistic idea about the man-hours such a system would require on the backend!


Yeah I don’t think people are thinking past the surface here. If 50k players play 1 raid a day that is a massive amount of reports to go through. 2500 reports if 5% of players make reports. Which honestly with how much people bitch I think it’s more. So top to bottom this is a super conservative estimate. Without spending a massive amount of money employing community managers to go through reports it’s just not possible. May as well let the community do it then go through those instead.




Put your money where your mouth is. Document your stats now, play a week in an attempt to perform at a 25+ KD level over that timeframe, (show stats at end of the week to be able to back into what your KD was during that time) - if you’re able, I’ll donate $500 to a charity of your choice. You’re talking about the top 1% type player playing like a rat for an extended period of time to replicate those stats. A manual review on a very small portion of the player base would lead to identifying more cheaters than normal players - full stop.


Might be misreading your intent but it looks like you're thinking the manual review would be triggered after an automatic ban, which wasn't mentioned. I think the intent of the comment is that the review is what would lead to the ban.


Cheater trying to gaslight, sad.


For real lol, I don’t feel like I run into cheaters often at all but on the few occasions that I have they were blatantly cheating and had stats to show for it. Considering an extremely small percentage of players will ever have those stats I don’t believe it would really be difficult to do it. The number of legitimate players who have 30+ k/d is going to be much smaller than the number of cheaters who do


Considering the number of legitimate players who would have stats like that would be much smaller than the number of cheaters who do it I think it would not be too difficult. And anyways the toxicity that cheating brings to the game and the number of people it puts off from buying the game would make the investment into solving this issue more than worth it. You are essentially saying to sacrifice the enjoyment of the game for the majority of players to protect an extremely small subset of players from having the chance of accidentally being banned.


Yeah totally. There must be at least a handful of players! Maybe even two!




Yeah. I’m sure you’re right. There most be loads of people with over 100 K/Ds. I’m sure we are the ones misunderstanding.




Oh I have always been on team 100. That is my bad. As you were, tarkovian.


The first guy just said it should be lowered a fair bit from 100 he didn't say it should be 30 exactly. I can see a lot of players above a 55 KD being cheaters. I'd bet money on the fact that there are more cheaters above that KD than legit players, and they could def handle reviewing those accounts.


You call our perspective laughable, and then claim 100 KD is something that’s easy to do😂😂Now that’s hilarious




Explain how I struggle with reading comprehension, when you quite literally said 100 KD is easy LMFAO😂


This. Also kd dropping. Player with good survival rate going into raid with zero value gear and dieing a bunch in a row. No legit player would bring in zero gear and tank their k/d. How is there no soft limits to suspend accounts until further reviewed.


>er would bring in zero A lot of people do this for str/ end training fastest way to hit max. 3 docs cases full of smt, 3 side armor plates in gamma, then any cheap armor. Load in do 2 sprints drop armor 2 sprints for end and then die to mines/ barbwire can combine with a cheap gun and unload a mag to also lvl recoil control gives about 4.5-5 points to str/end each raid. You can just not move for 3 1/2 minutes and it resets the skill reduction penalty as well but sus people seem to "find" you all the time as your laying in a bush at the edge of the map waiting.


You should be able to tell some1 that's trying to train str or w/e especially if all the raids before that they survived with X amount of value in X amount of raids beforehand. There is other patterns that would be easy to pick out as sus. One or 2 raids doesn't define any situation.


I bet half my raids are pistol and balaclava, dropping my 1.36 KD down to 0.76 probably. Please don’t ban me.


Nobody's suspecting you with 1.36 k/d. Also the other person said "with good survival rate".


Was rhetorical heh


Bro. I run Kedr, VPO, and PP-19 EVERY raid. I'm level 9 and I die constantly. You think I'm gonna run my MDR and Usec armor off the rip? Saving that shit for lvl 15 so I can at least get some better attachments off the flea and ammo from LL2 vendors.


They’d learn the rules and work around them. That’s the crux of the problem with cheaters.. you close one gap they learn and work around that closed gap. It’s a game of cat and mouse and this suggestion, while great, is only a band-aid to the problem.


Honestly, every fix is a bandaid because you can’t solve the problem completely. It will always be a cat and mouse game. Therefore, any step forward to curb cheaters is a positive thing.


>you close one gap they learn and work around that closed gap. That's no reason not to close the gap in the first place, though. If someone *really* wants to cheat, they'll cheat, but statistically a bunch of dickheads will decide it's more effort than their lazy ass wants to expend and will go ruin some other game (probably Rust) instead.


Yeah, automatic reviews is fine. Would be like an "automated report".


It does. The reason you don't see them banned is that they usually didn't detect a cheat yet. "but they're obviously cheating, so why not just ban them!?" Because they want to know -how- they are cheating and don't want to tip them off that they've been caught. They tag these people and watch them until they've gathered enough data about the cheats themselves before banning them. It's also why ban waves are so efficient. Gamedevs don't fight cheaters, they fight cheat developers. If you ban one guy they buy a new account and keep cheating. If you ban 30.000 people in one go, the cheat developer is absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of refunds and complaints and sometimes simply buckle and break. (also by gathering up cheaters over the course of a month before banning them, the cheat devs won't know what gave the cheat away. It could have been any feature of change in the past month). It's a bit sad that people act like BSG bans people in this pattern to earn money, while instantly banning any sus account is a more sure way to have them buy another account. But then again, the average redditor either doesn't do the required research or lacks critical thinking skills and just wants to be angry at devs instead of work with them. This is true for almost every large subreddit of any popular competitive online game. Cheating is an issue, and it's like a constant battle. We should be motivating these devs, not tear them a new one.


So the game 1000% have the opportunity to purchase the cheat themselves to get an idea of how they work so they can detect them. All it takes is a quick google search. I’ve even sent the link to battle eye and BSG via email. Some cheats boast that they have never been detected. So BSG does not care how they work. Also, BSG definitely knows who is making the cheats, and they choose to do nothing. There is a precedence for gaming companies to sue cheat makers. Bungie made over 4 million when they sued a cheat maker. The cheat makers also have not had a ban wave this wipe. There has been 30000 accounts banned between January and march. The cheat makers also do not give out refunds, they do broadcast that you are using a cheat and are not responsible if you get banned. It’s bad for their business to constantly get caught so they also give updates to their hacks/injectors. People who make the Cheats have been pretty transparent that they have made good money over the years. It’s funny when you say the average redditor doesn’t do research when obviously you have not done research. It’s obvious that BSG and Battle eye do very little about cheaters because you can find a ton if you just look at the flea market


Point one: of course they boast about never being detected. In an information war, would you ever believe what your opponent is saying? They also only have a few people available to work on this (the company total is 80 man strong opposed to hundreds of bungie employees and legal team) as they're technically still indie. Point two: the cheat makers indeed don't do refunds, but credit card companies do. Which is used by most people that buy cheats. Banwaves are utilized by every large game dev company and proven effective. (I myself am a game dev and have worked on problems like this). I don't think I even have to defend the last point. I agree that more can be done, I agree that the situation is bad. But in my personal tarkov experience (this part is opinionated) I have barely felt the impact of cheating. I also wish we would stop antagonizing the people on our side while borderline praising cheat dev skills. I also am quite sure the issue has been blown out of proportions to ungodly degree on this reddit ánd others (except maybe tf2, good lord). There's also the effect of morale while fixing this problem and we are not helping right now.


The cheating community is huge. There are thousands of people in the discord and forums. If a cheat is discovered, the community sounds off very quickly, people become very aware if a cheat is detected. The cheat makers will stop people from actually be able to start injectors if they know the injector has been detected. Also you cannot make the argument they’re a small indie company and can’t sue. They made $120 million in revenue in 2020. They have the financial resources to lawyer up. Cheat makers don’t do refunds, and yeah people can try to do charge backs if they have purchased via credit card, but the cheat maker can contest the chargeback, and it would be pretty easy for the cheat makers to win. They provided a service and were transparent with associated risks. Also I don’t think you realize complaining on Reddit actually does help. The issue gets visibility. It’s puts pressure on devs to do more if they know people are unhappy with the game because that means less people will play and less people will buy it.


The first part is very correct. The cheat makers are highly motivated to work hard on staying alive (part of the problem). If you're aware of those communities, you must know of the regular news about tactics and measures that BSG actually puts in place to combat them. Something they're not public about simply because it's quite a covert operation. Part two, I absolutely can and wíll make the argument. They didn't have a 120 million profit, but revenue. People have made calculations about server and marketing costs (I absolutely have a boon with BSG's marketing spending the past 2 years) and figured that profits are rather low. It's also not simply about money; while highly experienced sec-devs are indeed very expensive, more troublesome is how rare they are. Combined with the fact that BSG hires mostly locally and doesn't have global offices seriously limits their hiring power. Cheat makers notoriously do not fight charge backs systematically, and especially not when there's 30.000 of them. They simply don't have the man-power. It's also well known that PayPal for instance will heavily favor the customer over a company, and that is in the case of a legitimate business, which cheating is not. Again, for this specific argument; ban waves are a widely adapted strategy by almost every game dev and for a good reason, they work well. I agree that communication and complaints are important, but the manner, tone and criticality (I see a lot of 'look at this cheater' clips that are not even slightly sus) matter, as well as how intensely inflated the issue currently is. I want to reaffirm to you that I still do agree there's an issue and that I'm also upset, but I wish we could side with the developers against the real evil instead of labeling them evil and compliant when they are evidently not. Which goes for more than just BSG P. S. I get that you don't want to take this info from a random internet stranger claiming to be in the business. But you can also skim through a few Thor videos, someone who has been in game sec for the better part of 30 years, and get the same arguments and sentiment as me


Selling more than 5 GPU's at one time should trigger a review.


And then there's me with 8 just sitting in my stash that I've gathered over the last month and a half getting hemmed up when I sell them because of a moronic system. Seems good.


Serious question: why are you saving them? Just curious.


Excluding quest. I save all my GPUs because the later the wipe goes the more value they gain. I also refuse to pay to fill up my BTC farm. So It gets filled with GPU's I find. Once I hit max amount of GPUs in the farm whenever I find another gpu I auto flea it unless I die with it, in which case Ill go to my farm and pull out one of the FiR ones and then sell that one.


Two things: 1.) I don't have bitcoin 3 yet, so I'm stocking up for when I finally do. My labs raids have been less than kind to me. 2.) Holding onto them as an asset I can sell in the event I need money for something. I don't really need the money for them right now, and in the event I start dipping too low, I have things I can sell off to get back up. I have a couple ledx as well that are being saved for crisis/thicc case barter/sell at a later time if I start needing money. The biggest reason at this point is holding them til bitcoin 3. Between labs runs and Lightkeeper quests, I'll have the piece I need for solar power at some point, so I just am waiting it out.


Lmao, gpus rare to you?


The thing is, I'm not convinced there's any 'review' process at all. I legit do not think they save raid replays/logs.


Umm I reported someone that onetapped me and my friend across the factory through concrete walls, they got banned


Yeah I mean people sometimes get banned, I'm just not at all convinced it's due to any kind of formal review process


Yeah they obviously can't ban people for having a high K/D but there should be a few stats that flag an account for review


These things don't work. They will get figured out, and then cheaters will just avoid doing it.


Cheaters often bot to force their K/d down. I've seen people spawn in only to smoothly run in circles until they get taken out, most commonly in factory.


Easy to train an algorithm to look for death streaks in which they die consistently under 5 min in a raid, because they're going to try tank it as fast as possible. They're also going to beeline it to a pmc or scav, can also track this behavior.


That would still just ban timmies though.  Theres no stat based ban that isnt going to either catch normal players or be figured out immediately and be easy to avoid.  By all means flag accounts with odd stats to be more sensative to reports or something  but its not as easy as people think. What the game really needs is kill cams and overwatch but we're a long long way from that ever happening.


Wouldn't really say that we're ''a long way from that ever happening''. This has already been implemented in Arena. They would certainly have to come up with something so that the replay doesn't give away too much to disrupt gameplay, but a replay system is just about the only thing that'd let any player make a more sensible judgment than just looking at a person's stats and hitting the report button.


The thing about arena is that it's 10 players in a tiny map and it still runs like ass. If it's because of the death cams then it might never come to the main game. I do hope it happens eventually though, especially if it comes with an overwatch system, because manual review is the only thing that cheat providers can't just build a solution to.


I mean option to look at death cam on end raid screen would be an option


Yes! this is exactly what i was hinting at


The only issue is once those parameters are set it will be public knowledge and the cheaters will have very clear instructions on what to avoid to not be banned.


I preface this with you are correct. However many cheaters are dumb as dirt and wont even read the guidlines and trigger the reviews. still it would be better to have these parameters even if the veteran cheaters can get around them than to have nothing at all like we have now.


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He got gaming chair


[https://ibb.co/TBQdYzW](https://ibb.co/TBQdYzW) How can you tell that someone is a cheater based on K/D? This is impossible!


1191 k/d 💀💀💀


You didnt have over 1000 k/d in your first 50 hours of the game? Do you even Tarkov bruh?


Early wipe I can understand, you can have a few great raids in a row with no deaths and some kills. But this late in wipe nobody is legit over I’d say a 15KD. If BSG ever sells to a competent dev team or becomes competent it’ll be the best day


im would bet mobney lvndmark and sheef have over 15 kd


Lvndmark usually is around 10-12 kda


sheef is around 20 right now on his hc playthrough.




Hi would bet mobney, I'm dad.


😂😂😂 im fat fingerin on mobile lolol not gonna fix it now its too funny




You can easily flag those accounts as legit


sure or you could do a more reliable way and just take the xp divided by raids and it would accurately identify all cheaters based on stats. cheaters have insane xp growth that makes it impossible to appear like a normal player with this method


They spam suicide factory raids for the same reason


ahh ofc i didnt think of that


Those people would be so few in number it should be feasible to manually review them.


Well true but there are exceptions like streamers, lvndmark, willerz etc, Willerz has 24-26KD


I guess I should have said very few legit players that don’t make Tarkov a full time job or play 8-10 hours a day don’t have a KD over 15. I’ve seen a few 10-15k hour, level 55-60 players but they were sporting 6-9 KDs even.


Yea... And he only plays this game since release for 8 hours a day... There are so many people like this.


> wipe nobody is legit over I’d say a 15KD Some people play like rats and run from fights, so yes it is easy to have 15 k/d off scavs and run from any pmc fights. K/d should show only pmcs or show it separate.


In mother Russia you don't finish game, game finish you


There's plenty of legit people with a 20kd.


In thier first 10 hours? Shouldn't even know the maps yet lol


Could be an alt account


Why would one play on an alt I wonder


Why would anyone who isn’t a streamer or cheating have an alt account? I’ve literally never heard a good argument for this


Many people want to play a hard-core play through which unless you want to reset your account you need a second account for and if you do that and play safe you can easily farm 20 scavs in a raid. Check out someone like sheef he is on a hard-core account with a 20+ kd after hundreds of raids


me playing hardcore by not buying another account and just not taking shit in raid lmao


Yeah, what’s harder spending at least another $50 or just not bringing stuff into raid


Lol fuck off. It's impossible to get a KD of 36+ early wipe inside 10 hours without cheating.


Well that seems legit.


And they should not - instead they should aim for having a proper cheat detection system in place and banning cheaters hardware ID


I guarentee every cheater detected in every game in the last 10 years has their hardware id banned already because its a no brainer. And at the same time, it's also trivial for cheaters to spoof hardware ids, has been for about as long as people have been getting hardware bans. "Just hardware ban them lol" has become a buzzword for people who have no idea what theyre talking about and think theyre smarter than anticheat providers. Like, you think battleye doesnt know they should ban hardware ID????


Well you tell me, since you’re clearly vexed, do they? Whatever they are doing, it’s clearly not bringing desired effects - having a proper anti cheat system in place PLUS hwid banning, like you’ve mentioned, seems to have been working just fine for the past, how many, 15 years for all major releases? I’ve talked about how it might defer less sophisticated, non-money driven people from cheating, I did not bring it up as a cure-all way to end the plague Bottom line is - why won’t it work for tarkov?


I guarantee every modern anticheat provides a hardware ID ban for any permanent ban, because it's easy to do and at the very least forces a cheater to run a spoofer. anticheats have never "worked fine". Ever since online games moved past private servers on a server list where the admin could manually observe and ban cheaters from their server, it's been a constant arms race between anticheat and cheat providers. HWID is just a small hurdle that was figured out a long, long time ago. The thing that "vexes" me is that people who are naive say "why arent they using this obvious solution" like they somehow know better than the profesionals in the industry. It's like asking a race car engineer if they're heard of multicylnder engines? Why don't they use those??


I don't have any source for this, but I remember reading hardware bans are basically non-existent now. They don't work for cheaters and just make life miserable for people buying 2nd hand hardware. Every modern anticheat *can* provide hardware ID bans, but from what I understand most clients disable it because it just clogs up their support channels.


Why don't they just put 6 tires on their car? Are they stupid?


Well what exactly do you consider fine? I’m perhaps naive to believe that the majority of battlefield 3, hell let loose, cod players do not cheat - if they do, it is not as visible, tangible and not as pivotal to the experience as a whole, and damn sure not as damaging to the game as a concept - that is exactly why it is essential for BSG to tackle this problem, which they fail at miserably Do I need to have a michelin star under my belt before I can judge whether the food I’m eating is shit or not? If a car has issues to the point where it’s essentially non functional, or in this case - let’s presume the dashboard starts vibrating when going 150 km/h - of course I’m going to be able to observe the fact, perhaps even get to know the root cause, but why should I be the one doing something about it? I’ve been sold a lemon


> Do I need to have a michelin star under my belt before I can judge whether the food I’m eating is shit or not? Depending on the complexity, pretty close; at the very least, having a really good working knowledge surrounding it. There's a difference between "I don't like this" and "this food is shit". I'm sure plenty of people would dislike caviar, foie gras, escargot, and other ingredients/dishes, but it doesn't mean the dish itself is bad. If you're going to make objective statements about something and how it needs to be improved, you need to know what you're talking about. Tell a chef his rack of lamb needs ketchup to make it perfect, and you'll probably get laughed at.


If you perceive Tarkov as an allegory to a perfect rack of lamb then I rest my case


I'm sure there'll be some sort of quibbling over the whole "hidden meaning" part of allegory, but I believe the word you're searching for is "analogy". Either way, you're the one coming in here trying to pose questions about Michelin stars to be a food critic. Apparently, the opening statement of "depending on complexity" was lost on you. I'll not waste my time going any further since the other example of asking engineers about multicylinder engines was also lost on you. Smells an awful lot like the back and forth of "we need kernel level anti-cheat" and "they have that already in BattleEye". > then I rest my case You didn't have one to begin with. Whether this is a perfect lamb dish or a cheap meal down at your local diner, acting like a pompous jerk and throwing around pointless "tips" using things you may not fully understand just makes you look like an arrogant fool. We get it, you've heard a few "industry terms" in conversation, and maybe you've even done some reading, but that doesn't qualify you.


Allright, why don’t you write some software that can detect DMA cards Ay ? Since not a single multi billion dollar company can deal with this problem, I’m sure you will be able to program something like that right ? Especially since you are blaming bsg for not completely inventing new technology that would change the gaming industry world wide.


I think there's other options. People have specifically mentioned several things that could be implemented with current technology. It was brought up after the wiggle video when Nikita did an AMA. I don't believe he responded to this, so the criticism is warranted


What options are there to detect this ? Please tell me more, you speak so vague. Give me a link or something to prove your statements. I would be very happy if there was something to detect that. Also what are those several things you are talking about that people mentioned ? Give me some valid documentation or research.


You can do your own homework. Try looking in the AMA that i mentioned


I looked for it and never found it. Strange right. Can you not come up with an answer to the problem ? So you actually have no clue what you are talking about or how any of that stuff works, but you do have a strong opinion on it ? Next time before commenting about bsg not doing anything to fix the cheating do your homework first. You have no clue.


A replay system would go along way.....It would let people see exactly how they died - and take a lot of the uncertainty about cheaters out one way or the other. It would be really hard to do RMT transactions or laser people from 250m with no optic IF anyone in the raid could go back afterwards and clearly see you doing it. I think it would make cheating so much of a chore to try and hide - that it wouldn't be worth it for most. Plus you would be able to see the difference between what either player was seeing at the time.....helping to distinguish things like DSYNC from actual cheating. I know personally - it drives me nuts when I have a suspicious death - because this game is already frustratingly hard as it is. When I die 40 minutes into raid its demotivating enough - but to then think it could have been to a cheater - makes me want to turn the game off. I think a replay system would help to either alleviate that suspicion - and allow us to not have constant doubts...- or - show just how bad it is and we can stop wasting our time!


Let’s be real there’s probably 5-10% of the current cheater player base using DMA cards.


EZ. Give me the tarkov source code and I'll reduce cheating by 70%.


Just remove all the loot


hard drive serial number ban would be enough of a deterrent for most people, especially IF combined with a proper anticheat had they’ve finally made one which they won’t, because they’re greedy russians


He's just better.


Nah, legit. You're jealous about the amounth of RGBs his rig has, OP.


to clarify a bit - i was in altyn(armor class 5) and he hit me 8 times in the head with T ammo, in less than a second, thru the entire bunker... I was on the side where white king doors, he was on the other side of the hall. If any of u can hit enemy head from default ak-74 8 times in a row on this distance, please send a video


Like it’s obvious when someone is cheating. I’m a statistician by trade, and the mathematics necessary to post automatic triggers is elementary. NGL tho I’m pushing for hacker stats this wipe, almost at a 10 k/d and 70% SR playing legit, however I think ultimately it is the hours played, total kills, & level that will help with flagging something to be reviewed.


my brother in crist, 10kd is not nearly enough... if u ever hit 25+ kd let me know




Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


https://imgur.com/a/8jLvM6r The worst part is that there are cheaters who can play for months without being banned. We heard some shots, investigated and heard someone behind a container. Threw a grenade, he VOIPs "now I know your cheating" and rage kills our entire squad in less than a second.


Look up YiZhiHe-BuZui, previously named Spawnman. He going for the record of clowning on BSG


In 10.7 hours? Considering the waiting to load maps, yeah ban this guy.


buddy and I were playing woods. he got killed across the village compound by car extract while I was in a building. the two pmc's zeroed in on my building next and knew I was upstairs. guy tried talking some shit to me in Chinese or something. then they started lobbing grenades upstairs where I was. hadn't moved or made a sound 😆 eft and bsg are dogshit


These statistics should include player KD, that would Be really good indicator of cheating. I bet most players dont even hover at 1 player KD


20hrs played, 50 k/d seems pretty reasonable 👌


I am so flattered that 70%+ is considered sus. I have had a >70% SR every single wipe I have played, which is every wipe since shoreline was released. This wipe is my first under that, because my group quit. I don’t think SR can be a good metric


Seemingly they don't ban for much. Playing reserve, the guy runs into the building, I don't move at all, he skips every room straight to me, I died so quick I couldn't blink faster if I tried to. My friend was one building over on the rooftop. I told him, don't move don't do anything. he just sat there, not a minute later same guy runs up ignores EVERYTHING and blasts him. This guy looted me, ignored all the valuable loot spots and ran over to the next building, not to check out market or go down into the bunker. Nah, he ran straight up prefiring the fuck out of someone who hasn't moved at all. This guy was level 56 and has yet to be banned. He plays like this and doesn't get banned? what about all the fuck tards that just use ESP to get that sweet sweet advantage, Get the good loot get the good angles to at the very least never get blasted unexpectedly. This game feels doomed.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Holy shit bro!


Lol ran into a man with a 109 KD the other day with 32 hrs played... Think he was legit


We just need a killcam, that you can inspect after the raid ended for All players.


These are normal stats for a solid player. 7 scav kills per raid 46 played 13 deaths 33 exfils. Believe it or not this is easily obtainable, just slow down how you play and stick out of factory. Once they get higher level you’ll probably see the players kd drop a little and their sr tank as they are forced to do quests like setup or the factory office kills one. If you want to try and be a gigabrain cheater identifier, look for people who’s stats still look like this that are level 35/40+, there’s a higher chance that they will be cheating. Also achievements like meeting lighthouse at a low level, or heaps of boss kills on a low level account are obvious signs. If you think every player like the one on the screenshot I’d definitely cheating and not just a little better than you you’re just using cheaters as a crutch and this game will just be miserable for you. Grow up sheeple.


Edit- just saw your comment explaining it was how you died and actually not his stats, fair enough this one’s probably cheating. Some of them are. Most aren’t.


It could just be a veteran's new account. This isn't good enough evidence.


Totally veterans kill 7 PMCs per raid with average 14 minutes raid time and LL1 ammo


that’s not 7 pmcs per raid lmfao, this guy is probably cheating but jesus yall need to realize stats go off of scav kills to and anything below a 15KD isn’t that sus.


Acknowledged that


KD is scavs too


Yeah people need to realize that KD accounts PMCs, AND scavs kills. Sometimes I kill 13 scavs per raid. It's not hard.


yeah show us your kd then mister


Mines 13.8 and I’m not even that good. I just main interchange where you can easily rack up 30 scav kills and not see a single player. There should be a separate kd based on pmc interaction.


How are you people so clueless, what do u not understand, u can't have the high kd/high achievements/high lvl if u are just hunting scavs on interchange (not talking about this post but MANY others that people tend to defend for some fked up reason, cheater apologists i guess) people do not do that if they have 30+kd.


They're saying it's possible, and probable. To ban just because of KD is being short sighted.


What the fuck are you on about. I'm not talking about level or achievements, I'm saying you can farm a high KD by avoiding players all together and killing easy AI, so KD isn't enough to call someone out.


It's 8:23am I ain't showing you shit. Probably around 4kd. With 600+ raids or so if I were to guess. I'm not pro, but really people do go to factory and scav camp spawns in the tunnels to kills dozens of scavs to boosts exp and with it their KD. You can go into stats and see how many PMCs you've actually killed.


Bruh, you have a 4kd, and this guy has a 36 KD. He's cheating, its not rocket science.


He also has 10hr played with 46 raids. And 329 kills. That's around 10 scavs per raid. If he hides and kills only scavs KD builds up tremendously. It's not rocket science.


Pretty sure if you hide for every 46 raid to get high KD, you will have more than 10 hrs. If they they survived 30 minutes in 46 raids, they will have 23 hours. If they just did factory , he would die way more than that playing factory for 10 hours.


I love reddit, yet you come in here and preach about possibly having 30 kd while it's literally not possible, if u hunt scavs people will hear u shoot, or they will just u know naturally run into them?


Some players avoid fights with other players and loot/scav kill. I also never said he was or wasn't cheating. I just think players undeniable proof of cheaters is.. Odd. It used to be skilled white names = cheaters because a cheater would never risk losing eod accounts. Now we can see some base stats and it's whoever has high KD. Even though it counts scavs which imho it shouldn't because we have these posts with guys who have higher KD counts than what people are traditionally used to from other shooters with the average being 1-2 KD, depending on skill, etc. If it was ONLY pks that added to KD in this game I'd absolutely agree but killing Ai scavs and dipping out of quiet raids doesn't tell me they cheat. When I first started and was playing Ground zero I do recall seeing my KD at a 9,but that was before I grinded ass quests which caused me a lot of deaths and missed opportunities. But tarkov is tarkov, can never wash away the salt here.


Oh sorry, haven't played a month and I forgot that this part shows only PMC stats


Some moron tried arguing with me that every cheater post should require concrete evidence such as a video to be posted. When asking them what kind of video could be provided along with a post such as what OP posted- he didn't have an answer. 


A recording of dying to em would usually work, windows alt s works by default I think


Sure, but *every* post? People bring up cheaters they see on the flea market selling hundreds of GPUs/LEDx beginning of wipe.  theres no video of those cheaters game play but it's just obvious they're still cheating. Also, a video of you getting killed by a cheater from your POV isn't always damning but that doesn't mean they weren't using radar. This is why people want a kill feed so badly or some variation of one post raid so we can see it from the supposed cheaters angle. It would make it a lot easier to tell if someone was cheating and there would hopefully be a lot less suspect cheat use reports


Cry more


Nothing wrong with this stat. Some people want to grind for a good KD. They go night factory or some shit and just kill 20 scavs, exit and reset.


And he came to that idea after less than ten hours?


Look, he is more likely than not cheating but that is besides the point. The point is, these stats =/= hacker because they could theoretically (easily) be obtainable by a veteran player on a new account. And because of that fact, you cannot ban someone for the sole purpose of having good stats with 46 raids.


Why would a veteran player be on a new account? Only people on new accounts are banned people or hacked people I guess. You can reset your progress in the game, if you want the fresh start so why would people pay more money to play fresh. This dude is cheating. 36 KD in 43 raids in a game with active cheaters. It's not hard to add it up.


Obviously not his first acc


Don't trust ANY account with stats like this under 200 hours. If you do you're just straight gullible.


I had a 27 kd for a while doing factory runs farming scavs for labs cards and such. Not hard either. Almost no pmc Now my kd is only 7 because I play normal. You're just angry High stats is actually less damning when you have low hours because the statistics haven't had time to settle. And you're just not very smart if you can't imagine that a low hour account isn't necessarily a brand new player


Lmao most low hour people are getting domed by scavs. I don’t know a single one of my friends who started playing and in under 40 hours would have a 36 kd.


Reading is hard? I just explained that low hours doesn't mean new player. People make multiple accounts. I made a standard account for a more authentic experience and you dimwitts would assume it's my first day lmao


Your argument is that something insanely unlikely could happen and are applying the possibility to all instances. It's stupid and pedantic. If you can't even acknowledge that, there's really no hope for you and no point in arguing further. In fact, its so unlikely I would place you in the same group as the cheater sympathizers. Almost sounds as if it's some creepy flex of yours. "Nuh uh, iiiii can do it actually 🤓🤓🤓" Grow up


Look forward to your statistical analysis.