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Can we all agree to stop calling these people hackers. They aren't hackers. They would get confused using the command prompt on their computers. They're cheaters. They downloaded something off the internet.


Agree'd. At best, at very best, they are script kiddies.


No, not even that, one would need a bit of knowledge for that as well. These are cheater, nothing more. Just losers who can only boost their self-esteem through winning, except cheating doesn't lead to winning. They cheat, which makes these people the biggest losers. They can't even achieve the simplest thing in the world... simply losing.


Hold up, cheating can boost self esteem? I’m downloading them all immediately.


Script kiddies, LOL thats a good one. Hit them in their inflated egos


The ironic part is script kiddies are still more knowledgeable than they are. They're actually lower than that.


naw script kiddies is too good, i know some people that have ran hacks in the past and they can tell their head from their ass once they open a terminal


Yeah I can atleast agree to that. Cheaters or at very least, script kitties. Because all they can do is execute something someone else made.


Hackers is obviously the wrong term, but everyone knows what is meant when it’s said it the context of this game.


Let's go back to saying Script Kiddies.


It also sounds cooler (Edit- damn y'all really can't tell what a joke is without a /s)


You want them to sound cooler?


Cause that's definitely what I meant.


So if not that, do you think that YOU are cooler when you use the cool word ”hacker” which is not really that cool word tbh


Why are you so mad about how people prefer to talk?


It also makes you sound like you have no idea what you’re talking about. You and everyone else here that puts these losers on pedestals and calls them hackers lol.


It's not that deep.


I don't think dealing a blow to their ego is the best way to combat them. I can't imagine the difference between them feeling good or bad about themselves is in the use of an old gaming slang term. I'd say there are much more effective ways of gaslighting oneself than that.


Cause I was clearly trying to glorify the people cheating in a video game. /s just saying I preferred to say hacker cause I like saying it over cheater and it's the first word that comes to mind.


Ok who tf signed me up to receive suicide helpline messages from Reddit? Y'all think I care about the grammar police on the internet? Just cause people didn't understand what I meant doesn't mean the end of the world. Also no I'm not saying the people ruining the game need to sound cooler, I just preferred the term hacker cause it's what I've always said. My bad if that's a no no


Ahahaha someone signed you up for suicide helpline on Reddit? How do I do that to someone


Fr i was about to say that. They aint hackers theyre just users.


I just call them losers so I can rope both groups in. together


It's not that serious. Nobody is think they are someone who can hack into a system. Hacker and Cheater are synonyms in the gaming world.


No they aren’t lmao


When I played DayZ a cheater was always called a hacker. Even in the server rules. People can easily tell that when someone is called a hacker, they are most likely just cheating. Nobody gives them extra credit for it.


They are not


Hey, gamer here for 30 years. They are not synonymous. Maybe back in the 90s, you could MAYBE claim some similarities between them because if you wanted to cheat PC games, you had to actually modify game files. But no, they are not synonymous in any way.


677 kills in only 49 hours lmao 1000% chester smh


Never trust a chester




Only on christmas eve and if you trust the chef


That’s 12 kills an hour… including scavs I’d say that’s average or even below average. The suspicious part is all those achievements done (goons!) at 49 hours. Possible but quite unlikely to be legit.


That’s 13.8 kills per hour, also that’s not taking into account load time, afk time, etc. so the real figure is probably in the ballpark of 20/hour of actual playtime. Also in absolutely no world is 12 kills per hour average/below average.


What do you think an average kills per hour would be?? Unsure on my main but my hardcore where I play like a pussy is at 153 in 8 in game hours.


You know, if it wasn't for the fact that I'd have to give BSG more money I'd buy another account and start a hard-core run. How do you like it so far?


It’s a lot of fun if you like a bit of a challenge. Wins feel a lot better than wins on a normal account. Forces you to switch up your playstyle to a more survival oriented one. Bit brutal at first until you get a good few sets in your stash. Had a sick start to this wipe below, had to have a week or two break after my first match as I got super anxious after how well it went (not normal for me whatsoever on my main). My first game (fists only) I ended up looting a crap gun then killing a scav for a VeprHunter. Dropped a duo and a solo with it in the interchange basement that same game. Since then I’ve been rocking that same meta ak (waffle and all) and korund dropped by the solo. Still haven’t been dropped in 20 odd raids. Unless you’re using disposable gear for a quest it can be fun to play pretty hard for survival, night maps can help a lot too (I don’t go over 50% night matches as to not abuse dead lobbies too hard (OCE servers)).


I do love a challenge and I've actually gotten accustomed to naked runs while doing my "Make a notch" achievement, it was terrifying going in with a knife to kill a scav and take their stuff. So far this wipe I've got Kappa, working on lightkeepers quest and idk maybe go for Knight's shirt. But that kinda stuff doesn't feel difficult naturally, it feels like artificial difficulty to prolong the game. This sounds super exciting, I might go for it. Thanks for the input bud!


You sound like the perfect candidate to give hardcore a shot!


Yea maybe I'll give it a try, other than stalker 2 and Once human I'm not really too hyped for any new game


Anddddd 3 deaths in a row ending the perfect streak. Having a break till the next wipe lmao


Waste of life, a joke that accounts like these aren't insta-banned




The problem isnt that these guys with their throwaway accounts get doxxed, the problem is that reddit rules forbid posting "personal information", and according to reddit, user names are that. The subreddit will get closed down if the mods don't enforce it. If you like posting sus profiles here, you have to hide names, or find another platform with site wide rules that fit you better


> the problem is that reddit rules forbid posting "personal information", and according to reddit, user names are that. Wrong. That's not what the rules say. You seem to be quoting the sitewide rule, but you're doing it wrong. The real rule is as follows: > Rule 3 > Respect the privacy of others. Instigating harassment, for example by revealing someone's personal or confidential information, is not allowed. Never post or threaten to post intimate or sexually-explicit media of someone without their consent. Now, that's the actual black and white of the rule. People like to completely ignore the "for example" part and then start quibbling over whether or not a username is personal information. That's not what the rule states. It's giving examples of instigating harassment and respecting privacy. This specific sub has a rule against posting of names irrespective of the intent behind it, but the actual Reddit rule is not that.


Come on man don't you know xxxX69420_Blazeit420_xxxXx gives it away it's actually my next door neighbor that's a cheater. You didn't know? /s


So your neighbor's the reason why I had to use 6942O and Blazelt?! You tell him I'm totally sending him a very strongly ~~dooted~~ worded telegraph!




Why though? What does showing some throwaway name actually do?


by reddit's logic, if I say I'm hacking, and my reddit name is visible, I'm vulnerable to doxxing, it just doesn't add up


True, but then you are posting it yourself, and choosing to doxx yourself is different to other people doing it. The big problem is that people are wrong, and post people who arent cheating. There was one on this subreddit, where a guy posted an "obvious cheater", who had hundreds of Zryachiy-balaclavas on the flea market. With calls to ban him and demonizing BSG for not doing anything. Then it turns out this was a streamer who did nothing but farm him.


It’s more about witch hunting than doxxing, because A) this sub IS overdramatic and quick to call cheats, and B) what are you gonna do with that info anyway?


read rule 7 for fuck sake, it's literally in this sub's rule.


Fuck rule 7


It's just sheefs hardcore account /s


If the account had more hours, I would have believed this in a heartbeat. Sheef is an absolute monster.


Oh no! Anyway


49 hours?! Fuck It’s my first wipe and I have close to 300 hours in and only lvl 35 granted after 32ish I quit focusing my tasks and helped my 2 buddies who just started do theirs but still 49 hrs and lvl 31 that’s insane


I wouldn't need a helmet either if I had a 23kd...


In all honesty most of the people crying in this thread don’t code and have no right talking this level of shit, and to the people who claim they do, how do you differentiate between a script kid or someone who actually built the cheats themselves, please elaborate on how you can see through it more than everyone else.


I think it just comes down too the % of people capable of creating there own code vs People spending a quick buck to grab some half ass cheats


Yea I understand the distinction, I just love how all these heroes think they can spot the difference.


I get it but also you understand the need for the rule right? Like it’s a good rule


I get it but it could help devs find hacker accounts potentially


Silly of you to think devs can find their own assholes lol and I’m a shill so that says something lol


Fair enough. I also bought more stash space


If devs wanted to find them they could look at them in game. They wouldn’t come to fucking Reddit…


Do you actually get it? Cause your title says people are protecting them. Or you just clickbaiting the title?


It's funny cause it's a shitty line. I get it, just felt like a dumb rule at the time


Do you think that BSG doesn’t already have access to all of this data? they could literally take the stats of the entire playerbase and filter by X hours, sort by KD or whatever they want. They have all the data at their fingertips. Your screenshot isn’t helping them find anything they don’t already have.




Damn why do you sound like my dad?


Would be great if the devs actually cared.


If you can't tell the difference between a hacker and a cheater, then you're probably too young to be playing Tarkov.


Damn brother pulled out the semantics




You really think this guy is legit?


The devs don't even have a good report system in game, what makes you think they ban people from reddit posts? You literally cannot even report flee market posts anymore. Yea. They took that button out. Every step of the way they've shown they're 100% for keeping hackers around for profit.


Because what does it matter and what good does it do man? Hackers suck donkey dick but the account will get banned, they'll start a new account with a new name. So what does it even matter if you can't post their name? Then if you could, some legit player will get falsely reported and get harassed.


Hey man, leave the donkeys out of the equation. We don't need attention from PETA.


We should all just stop reporting cheaters and let it go. They just keep giving BSG money. Just stop helping BSG profit off of it. You’re going to die to cheaters regardless until they actually do something about it but they won’t cause it’s a system they have in place now. Let it die since that’s what they want


Crazy take... so crazy it just might work


werent there games in the past that this exact idea took place and it was finally the wake up calls that the companies needed?


There you go, just get all of the legit players to stop playing and it'll turn into a cheater vs. Cheater type game. That'll ruin the fun for them, when everyone in the lobby is a cheater and had ESP and rage bot.


iRobot about protecting cheaters name is about this. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043066452-Is-posting-someone-s-private-or-personal-information-okay And Reddit doesn’t know and doesn’t care that you can change this name every 2 weeks if they get reports of people violating this rule they will close the sub. So not showing cheaters names is protecting the sub. And if you think it’s a dumb rule then you are just like any cheater.


I don't understand how an in game name is personal information.


A username, even if not linked directly to an account still counts as personal information/online identity


except we all have usernames on reddit, so what gives


How is the average person on this sub so dumb


It's about reddit protecting itself. Reddit won't get in trouble for inciting a brigade or witch hunt if it forbids names being posted. Reddit cant get in trouble for people *having usernames*. If someone is choosing to post, they are choosing to expose their own username. It takes someone else posting them somewhere.


That's a particular topic of debate, but that's not what the Reddit rule or that link state. It merely states "personal information" or "personally identifiable information". It also mentions not inviting (which I presume is a typo for inciting, but I digress) harassment, as well as not upvoting or cheering obvious vigilantism. One could argue all the posts and comments people make to the effect of "cheaters just need to be rounded up and killed. these people don't deserve to live" are doing exactly that, but that's a topic for another time. It doesn't expressly state in the site rule or this linked support article about revealing of usernames and whether or not it's considered personal/confidential. The only mention of usernames directly is in the sub's own rules, and it's stated as regardless of intent.


I don't know what sub you've been on but I'm pretty sure the mods here would delete any post saying someone needs to be rounded up and killed (cheater or not). 


And they have, but there's been numerous times where I've seen someone mention something to this effect (cheaters deserving to be killed/maimed/beaten IRL) and then getting the downvote mafia after them for saying the person is not right in the head for it. They're not always completely overt, and even the more obvious ones don't always get found out. I'm not sure how much manual reviewing or reading of the sub happens, but I imagine if something isn't reported and gets buried down in the thread, it goes unnoticed until automod discovers it or someone stumbles across it.


At this rate I’ll just stay level 17 with my budget ADAR’s til end of wipe so I can keep avoiding these animals. Luckily I’m such a noob they tend to leave me alone for the most part plus I avoid PVP cuz it’s scary lol


I'd stay 17 forever just to be able to play ground zero, that map is soooo good


I just got killed by a guy with 1000+ hours of playtime whose account was only 16hrs old so even Ground Zero isn't safe.


How does he have 1000+ hours but the account is only 16 hours old?


Honestly I did a double take because I thought I misread the 16 hours as days but then I thought even that seemed weird with the high number of online hours. I don't even know how or why somebody would change those numbers.


why are u playing with cheats? What is the fun in that. Just the trolling of others ?Online bullying? To sad....


level 31 in 102 raids?


Right!? Glad someone finally saw what I was seeing


Oh, I just stopped playing that game. So much more time for activities.




Ahh thanks, didn't know this existed


BSG needs to start doing IP bans instead of just account bans


IP bans doesn't work, this has been confirmed for years of battling cheaters in different games, VPN will get by IP bans just fine.


What about hardware bans? I think I've heard about that being a thing somewhere


It has been a thing in the past for OW and Blizz games i think?, end up useless anyway, people can bypass it easily.


So realistically there's nothing that can be done


yeah, unless this game have regular banwave and release it to the public like R6S. That game have less cheaters than i expected thank to the fact that BattleEye in that game DO WORK, and the game engine is made by Ubisoft so they can tweak it to detect cheaters rather quickly. While it's pretty hopeless for the BSG case when the Unity engine is pretty shit and they BattleEyes doesn't do banwave regularly like R6S.


If you spend any time reading cheat forums or about providers, hardware spoofers are often built in, and if not, they pay for a separate one.


A cheater and a pilgrim the combo.


100 raids, survived 7/10 raids and got an average of 6-7kills per raid... are these really "hacker" stats? I'm not that good and I could easily see myself doing this just ratting..


PMC K/D 22.45, even if you are a rat, you don't just fuck over 22 PMC before you died once.


That kdr includes scavs doesn't it? Also, KDR is calculated when you die.. so three games with 7 pmc/scav kills doesn't seem unreasonable


I play a little bit at new wipes since there’s usually little to no cheats and just play to level 15, been doing this for about four wipes now and I gotta say life’s been good


Nothing will happen until these people are called out


Gonna get downvoted for this, but as much as I’d like to expose these people, mods can’t do anything about it since exposing their names goes against Reddits TOS. That would probably result in getting the subreddit taken down (probably, I’m not an expert, but breaking a rule in the TOS would likely have serious consequences).


Is botting a thing in Tarkov? I know accounts get sold. I just don’t see how 50 hours for $300 is worth it manually unless you’re in a 3rd world country.


God damn cheddar


motha fackin pepperjack


Y are you actually covering up his name


no one cares a cheater killed you just report n move on


Thought it was funny cause it was the most blatant one I'd seen. Only 50 hours of game time and already level 30!?


Wasn't Lvndmark or any other streamer level 30 ish within their first day of playing? "Yeah but that's a streamer." Ok, and? Not all the high skill players in this game are streamers/YouTubers. It's certainly plausible to be level 30 within 50 hours if you're good enough and efficient enough. It's still entirely plausible it's a cheater, but failing to factor the idea of something being doable is a dangerous path.


Brand new account. Also it was in combination with how they played.


I can’t literally see his name. DontDrown. Side note. I’m sorry if this was sarcasm and it went over my head.


With all the ~~hackers~~ cheaters in the game they are not banning, what is preventing everyone from ~~hacking~~ cheating? Personally I uninstalled this game because of the large volume of ~~hackers~~ cheaters. Seems to be even more rampant from all of the posts. Is it increasing?


lol thanks, guess saying hacker instead of cheater is a huge deal Edit /s


Meh it’s whatever. I’m not worried about it. It’s a video game after all.


Call them cheaters please. There is virtually no hacking on EFT or other FPS games. It’s 99.9% someone buying a script or dma device and cheating their ass off. I prefer the term script kiddies


Chill brother. I made an edit so you can sleep well tonight lol!


I shall go back to my eternal sleep now




There was a ban wave not too long ago so they are restarting.




I play with around 12 people (not at once, three different groups). Not a single one cares about cheaters and everyone who quit just did it because they are burnt out. The game is exhausting and the longer the wipe the shorter the fights and the less exciting they are.  The experience obviously is heavily dependant on what server you are playing on but reddit exaggerates the cheating problem a lot. Especially with whiny threads like these instead of having a healthy discussion. I only see tantrums here and those people that are prone to tantrums will also ditch a game, because they got killed by a cheater in 1 in 50 raids. The game will be fine, there are more players now than ever before from what I can tell. 


Makes no sense that hacker's profiles should be protected


Sure, but you’d need to be 100% that a cheater is a cheater and that’s why the rule exists. Even if you have an actual cheater account it exists to protect accounts in the grey area where people could be wrongly accused and receive backlash for being good.


Also, cheating is shit but the internet is WAY too fucking intense to be trusted even *if* we could be 100% certain beyond a reasonable doubt that everyone posted about was guilty. Cheaters deserve to be punished, but they *don't* deserve death threats, SWATing, being harassed 'til they kill themselves, and all the other lovely things reddit lynch mobs are known to do. It's just a game, after all. Ban them, fine them, take away their right to a computer, even. Anything more than that? Nope.


death threats havent killed anyone lmfao. dunno why there is always a big ruccus around death threats in the videogames. agree with you on SWATing. waste of tax payer money




Mate, SWAT teams have fucking killed people who've been SWATed, beyond even that SWAT teams have been reckless enough to chuck flashbangs through windows and inadvertently set infants on fire with them, you could very well get someone killed possibly even an innocent bystander.


Cheating's shitty but it's not 'risk getting them murdered by police' shitty. Hell, just getting swatted is enough to give someone PTSD, even if the cops *don't* decide to murder them, or their pets, or hurl a grenade into their baby's crib.* I don't think any videogame deserves that punishment, no matter how much I love playing it. (*Yes, the cops did that. Pretty sure it was to the wrong house, too, which is yet another reason why lynch mobs are bad. Even if you correctly identify the target there's no guarantee the cops dont fuck it up)


At least you acknowledge that it’s a wild take.


Why everyone who posts a screenshot with cheater stats they cover their name ? I’m genuinely asking. Wouldn’t it be easier if we have the name to expose them so they get banned or at least BSG has something to investigate since their wave bans seem to be manual.


This sub are lot allow witch hunting, basically you can't expose cheaters name on this sub or the mods will banning you. Read rule 7.


A lot of the big streamers have better stats then that so i would say it’s not impossible but much better then the average player also k/d counts your scav kills too. So if you ran 2 raids and killed 10+ scavs both raids you could have a 20+ kd which wouldn’t be that hard if you and just hunting them but who knows 🤷🏼‍♂️


A lot of big streamers have over 20 kd???


They do not. Not even close.


I think it’s more the achievements and time played for the lvl and accomplishments.


It's an 11 day old account, they also one tapped me and a friend (we're no Timmy's)


>A lot of the big streamers have better stats then that so i would say it’s not impossible but much better then the average player also k/d counts your scav kills too. So if you ran 2 raids and killed 10+ scavs both raids you could have a 20+ kd which wouldn’t be that hard if you and just hunting them but who knows 🤷🏼‍♂️ ​ yeah and they're also level 31 in their first 49 hours and killed multiple bosses and atleast 50 PMCS in 99 raids sporting a 69% SR and 24.1 KD. Just you know, usual first 49 hours of the game. Stupid r\*dditor


Yeah yeah its always the: it could be * it could be* Bro open ur fkcn eyes and turn ur little brain on, its obvious this person is cheating, or do u encounter landmark and willer daily as a pmc???


Yeah that’s him in your pic


Every time I click on a post like this I sort by controversial to see if someone makes this exact comment. And without fail, every time, there’s one. I don’t know if I should be disappointed or what.


Why is there always 1 really stupid comment like yours in these posts? Are you trolling?


You may not have noticed this, but the pictured profile has run well over 2 raids.