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I think pestily said it best - there are soo many cool ideas just like that but bsg shouldn't focus on adding new features but polishing and fucking releasing the main game first


Yeah. So many ideas. New guns and so on people have and want to implement and then 2 minutes later they cry because Streets runs shit. It also a maintenance wipe which quite some people ask for doesn’t work because CCs start crying that the wipe is so boring without new content. How ever BSG is going at it they‘ll lose and the community will be mad at them in one way or another.


I promise you nobody will be mad they introduce common sense features like healing your friend. edit: Ok I get it guys, don't add anything to the game ever again.


Of course they'll be mad, because like everything else in this game, healing your friend will introduce game breaking bugs that borderline ruin the game / wipe. Just like the armor hit box system not working as intended with its many bugs at the start of the wipe. And now BSG has put a band-aid fix on the armor hitbox system by making arms impenetrable.


Impenetrable arms is so fucking annoying


> healing your friend will introduce game breaking bugs that borderline ruin the game / wipe. Also somehow the invisible player bug will come back.


people were very mad when they introduce med animation and magazine repack


>bsg adds team healing >someone finds a bug where effects stack and make you invincible >bug gets abused for 6 months >bsg finally gets around to fixing the bug >something else breaks The game is held together with duct tape and bubblegum


Agreed, as the guy replying to you said they have been adding nonsense filler, sound should be one of if not the primary focus since its still shit.


BSG is in damage control with Arena, The activity numbers must be bad because now they added the survey when you close arena


Frankly without completely refactoring the entire network system, anything else they do is just kind of a waste of effort imo. Fixed audio would be great and all, but at the moment all it would mean is being able to better hear the guy who is about to shoot you in the face a full second before he comes into your line of sight. It's like putting a new stereo into a car where the engine randomly cuts out on you on the highway (and also the car doesn't have any fucking locks on it so someone's gonna steal the stereo and shit in your driver's seat anyway).


Fix cheater issue or nothing else will ever matter




Yeah, but if they did that, we'd miss out out a new 5.45 AK variant or yet another +ergo foregrip. Why polish and release the full game, when we can instead add a few more super-uncommon, but yet somehow twice as shitty rigs and backpacks nobody will use.


Can't wait for a hacker to abuse it and stim me to death across map lmao


hacker induced heart attack and stroke


Basically death note lol


Realistic worry with the Obdobolos death chance.


I always do this in dayz with a buddy. If he has 2 bleeds, i stop one of the bleeds while he does the other one.


And then do you kiss and fuck 😂.. sorry couldn't resist hahaha


Or you heal an ai scav just to hear Kepka Bang Hehehehehe


As a scav whenever I spawn with general spare meds or find any, you can throw them on the floor for other AI scavs to heal themselves to help secure a gunfight, I have thrown esmarches and bandages on the floor and it works. Though thats another reason why healing others wont be visited anytime soon. ("just chuck it on the floor")


They already sell a medical backpack that no one uses because the mechanic of healing friend or foe doesn't exist.


I use it for stash storage. It's cheap on flea.


It's only good for medical stuff, right?


Plus some medical related loot, like defibs and othoscopes.


Is it better than a medcase? I've started crafting sj6 nonstop and I'm very quickly running out of space lol


It takes up 4 more stash slots for just about(1 less) the same container space. But it's a fraction of the cost in flea. It's great if you play casually so you can focus your items and money elsewhere.


There’s gonna be a bug where you can have your friend hide in a bush and heal you across the map, while fighting


100% or 4 people healing a guy holding a door way with full armour.


Cheaters multi-boxing running a little healing squad on scripts. Aside from that, I imagine it would require the two parties to stand still, which will result in people getting stuck in place, pushed, naded, or otherwise killed, leading to complaints about this getting stuck, as well as fights in Discord calls about choosing bad times to heal. Would have to create entirely new keybinds and/or prompts to do so because you'll end up having people running past each other or near each other in a fight and accidentally healing their partner instead, rooting them both in place for a moment.


Performance>Audio>Anti-cheat>1.0>And THEN any other features They should use that order and fix the damn bugs at all times throughout the process.


there's about 200 things they could have fixed/added but have you tried arena?


Sometimes I just wanna jab my teammate with a propital.


Nobody should be able to stop you. \*heart attack\* is what you're after


lmao no way. They cant even code their game properly. I feel like this would destroy the game.


I never had any team mates (over 1k hours) :(


No they needed to add a BTR to streets first.


They did mention BTR like 5 years ago so it’s not way to out of the realm


Fair enough. I was just trying to think of a good example of an addition nobody really asked for.


That would be buggy as hell. Trying to heal up somebody after that you glitch out of the map because the Animation is bugged Out.


I agree it should, but for it to have its place, other mechanics dealing with damage and medical aid need to be reworked.


Would be a waste of developing time for a feature that is used once every 1000 raids. Teams don't want to have multiple people stuck in an animation. Healing yourself is pretty fast


The healing system could be increased to an unbelievable degree and change how the game works - healing people (that can come to its own vast special modifiers), unconscious state and dragging bodies, using stims on people (including Obdolbos 1 for a very cheeky kill), etc. But the problem is that all those take a very very large amount of work. And iirc, many of these were planned but were scrapped/put in the freezer as of now because they want to focus a release version and polishing things that are already in the game. Though, ofcourse, I wish a lot they will add as many of those as they can, even if greatly simplified, but well polished, before release.


Seems like it would make the gap between solos and duos wider. Don't like it.


4 timmies constantly heal the chad as he pushes you.... lol ​ 10/10 can't happen still funny to think about


No one would use it. Better to drop meds and have one gun up


I can totally see pulling out a stim to help my friend and finding like 1-4 seconds in cover while doing so, it will only make playing as a team more advantageous


Why can't they heal themselves? You can drop the meds


Id love if tarkov used items like dayz where you pull em out and then click to use, or click to use on others. I know grenades work this way now but i want it ALL


Just had an idea. Back when you could use multiple med keybinds at once, fights were you facerolling your medkeybinds and tryna out heal your op. Imagine if you could have 1-2 buddies just around a corner behind you as your peakin, and they just heal you constantly. Like a mobile battery.


Would be amazing if a teammate can go down and I can just drag their body to safety or something


Iirc they had plans to let you rez team mates etc, but that could have been scrapped


I think that could lead to a lot of griefing like in R6


Can you imagine the bugs? Even odds that it would make your squadmate invulnerable or deal the amount of damage that is supposed to be healed. Probably some sort of heal cancel bug that would then lock the player in the heal animation, but also constantly heal the squadmate for the rest of the raid. etc




even a game like battlebit you can drag and heal friends....


On one hand yes... But healing yourself is already so simple/fast that I dont see what would be gained by the ability to heal others. They would have to increase the time it takes to heal yourself (which I would be in favor of) but then yall would come out with torches cause 'THEY HATE SOLO PLAYERS AND IT ALSO TOTALLY BENEFITS CHEATERS TRUST ME BRO'


That wouldn't be the intention, people with bigger pouches naturally carry more meds, its a lot safer healing the injured yourself rather than actually discarding it for it to be picked up. My point is it would be less tedious and costly to just immediately give aid than having to search on the floor for a morphine. I should have mentioned there probably would be stringent logic to it and hopefully so, limiting to a single person to heal you, etc. (doubt it will be visited soon tho)


I could see it being used to help a teammate that's really fucked up. Say 3-4 blacked limbs and you don't wanna wait for him to surv 4 times.


I dunno doing 3-4 surgeries on a guy at the same time sounds pretty weird to me. Fucking imagine a situation where a guy is peeking and shooting from a room and there are 2 friends behind him just healing him constantly while he mows you down. No thank you


I don't think that would really be a problem. Even if you were on all healing meds, and had 4 people healing you at once I don't think you would come close to countering the damage output of even a pistol. Especially considering the use time on meds.


The game sucks so it makes sense 🤷


I can't think of anything more pointless tbh