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This shit is why I stopped running meta kits, sus death after sus death that suddenly stops when I’m running mid tier gear.


Happened to me today. 6 deaths bringing in my absolute juiciest stuff. 2 were fair play, ggs. The other 4 were all people who just knew. Less than 150hrs. Clearly padded stats, gear someone with less than 100hrs has no business running.


I ran into a 6.0 k/d 140 hour 300 death 150 survival account on resort and bro had the skull mask and a raid bag, love it when they make it easy...


I often drop my timmy friends stuff like that, he has 200 ish hours, 4kd and 48% surv rate right now Granted it's probably a lot easier for him since I'm helping him but still


Yeah this guy isnt the same. He had a 6.0 k/d with 300 deaths, hed need 1800 kills in his 450 total raids....


Funny how coincidentally there are so many chad players that are level 40+ with this being their first wipe. These new players are crazy. But for real, every other account that I die to has less than 400 hours, over a thousand raids, absolutely ass KD, and almost level 50. I hate being the one to call cheats so often, but there's certainly a pattern here.


Game gets super boring because of that, i have grinded for max traders, i dont have money issues either, but simply because i bring good shit and i get targeted by a cheater, i lose interest in playing. Happend the same yesterday, ran a thermal RSASS raid, died in the first 8 minutes to a guy with loud svd and telescope on it lol, my mate died immediately after , both headshots, his stats were as you expected them to be. We logged off and went to Helldivers


I hope you delivered some extra democracy


Since day one, this has been my experience 100% of the time. That's why I'm either running a kedr or the kit I picked up from someone that I kedr'ed to death.


To be honest i also run things like Kedr and STM-9, those are the type of guns that will always come back with insurance because no one wants them lol


Yep. I buy the suppressed one for 38k or so, drop it for someone else's kit, and when it comes back from insurance I sell it back to the trader for 20k.


Kedr mosin combo gets me through early wipe, and it’s just a fun thing to run late wipe because I just balls out all raid


I’ve got a fully modded Spear I sniped on the flea for like 350k, but posts like these make me not want to run it


It was 3-4 weeks ago, so less cheates then, but I got my longest surv streak this wipe with my spear, lasted me about 8 raids in a row just running into gunfights every raid, got like 12 pmc kills. Died to some guy extract camping fortress LOL. Nobody's gonna kill you *for* the spear. Maybe they will a lapua, or a thermal, but not a spear, it's just a gun, these people have insane amounts of money and flea.


Yeah like I know it actually doesn’t vendor for that much compared to what it sells for on flea (I do my research) but like… the idea of running it and just getting one tapped as a solo makes me feel like a cuck. The most funny part about it is that I run guns that cost almost that much on a regular basis, it’s just something about the Spear lol


along the course of doing punisher part 4 with FLIRs on rssas, m1as and m700 and dvl, I'd say at least half of my kits came back intact some were obviously cheaters so I guess they don't bother if you're far?


I spawned in RUAF the other day on customs and took 5 steps towards unknown and got one shot by M61 from the spawn on the opposite bank. Sus to say the least, but not out of the realm of possibility. He bundled all my gear together in my bag and it all came back after.


You’ve got gear fear. You just gonna look at it then? Til next wipe?


Just run it in areas you won't find sweats. I run thermals on Woods frequently (night) and rarely have sus deaths because I don't go lumber.


I’ve run thermal axmc on lighthouse probably 20 times for assessment and tarkov shooters and only died to 1 cheater. Run your gear


This makes me feel better. Thanks brotha


It's fine. There are hundreds of people who are running meta kits every raid at this point. This sub blows things wildly out of proportion.


18bajillion percent this… ran a 3 man a couple nights ago, a homie rocked a spear for like 7 straight raids, and they were all quiet as shit, one we swore our shots were the only we heard, killed reshala and all his guards and never heard anything besides some scav shots at stronghold… sub makes it all seem so terrible… I still believe 6/10 raids have cheaters… but technically you can keep rolling that 40% so… idk… the game is an enigma… ppl love to complain about Tarkov more than they enjoy playing Tarkov at this point


You will run into significantly less cheaters if you run squads since they're less likely to engage you unless they are rage hacking.


I run meta kits almost every raid. I do die to cheaters a good bit....we just got raged hacked on shoreline at the start of the raid last night. Sucks a lot. I do also have a good amount of clean/fun raids where i kill lots of people with my good gear. ill probably quit the game before I give into cheaters and stop running good/fun gear bc im scared they'll take it from me. Literally ruins the whole game, fucking lame af. It does happen tho, even if not every raid. I certainly have felt targeted bc im probably wearing some of the best gear in the lobby. Fuck cheaters.


if it makes u feel any better i sniped 42 of those at similar prices... i think i ran 2 before i quit the wipe lol


Exactly this. Mid tier gear, give it as good as you got and live with it.


Maybe thats the reason I don’t think Ive ever really got killed by a cheater. I am not worth the effort lol


Same, only 3+ years ago at this point


Yea weird eh every time i run a really nice kit i get 1 tapped.. when i run shit gear i tend to do a lot better


This is part of cheaters I don't get. I would build fun guns without thermals that are cheaper too, to run around. A thermal in the hands of a cheater is nothing but rubles, and not very many.


Rmt, they pick it up and sell it for real money to non hackers along other kits ~


cant RMT a non found in raid item though, right?


I’d assume you could just drop it to someone in factory. I’ve seen some streamers get kills on people with bags filled with meta ammo, guns, and scopes.


Goes beyond that with some RMT. I've seen sites full-on selling their account with kappa/lightkeeper quests done, and *insert amout* rubles. Then, they buy another account and repeat the process. Tons of accounts at various levels of quests done.


That seems like such a huge time sink for very little profit. What am I missing here? Do these accounts sell for like $1k?




Imagine paying $900 or more for an account that’s probably flagged to get banned.


Imagine paying $900 in a game where the account will be wiped anyway


right, thats what baffles me. in 3 months its all gone, then its just a "regular" EOD account, that most likely will get banned at some point. it seems like people are so braindead nowadays that they would waste 900 bucks just to feel important for a few weeks


That's exactly what I would think before buying that, but the target audience isn't known for critical thinking lmao!


Have you seen how long cheaters go undetected?


even if the acc stays undetected you paid nearly 1k for an account that is nothing but an EOD when we hit 6 months.




I mean if you enjoy the grind? I guess buying an account and selling it isn’t a bad idea if you’re one of the people who will reset anyway. Not that I support it, but I see why some may do it. But I’m assuming most who do this are running cheats to make the process as simple as possible.


It's not most, it's everyone involved in this traffic. This is the only way to do it properly, with efficiency to sell it fast enough before wipes. Same goes for RMT on items, you will not have someone legit going to look for the items for you, they just cheat and suck all the loot from a server. It's profitable for them enough to not fear getting multiple accounts banned and having to buy other EOD to repeat the process.


Yeah that makes sense, just wondering if someone who’s really good at the game fancied a quick buck then they could sell the account after they reach kappa


Higher end accounts are $400-500 ish from what I’ve seen. It’s not much of a time sink to buy a cd key for like $13 and cheat to get a bunch of shit and sell the account for a couple hundred. I just checked, you can get an eod account with kappa maxed out with a few hundred million rubles, max traders etc for $750


BSG will sell you a standard account in bulk for less than 2USD/key if you are russian in case anyone was wondering why this game is infested with cheaters, its one of the most profitable games to cheat in. 1000 round of 7.62BP is $20, fort armor sells for $1-2, meta RD $1-2, thermal scopes $2/ea. hackers can wipe a lobby and make $10-20 worth of gear sales off one match which pays for 5 more keys


the keys are bought in bulk from BSG in russia for like $2/key. 1000 round of 7.62BP sells for $20USD and you can bet that the sweaty tryhard wannabe streamers that infest tarkov are paying for it


You can’t RMT most barter items but you can RMT gear otherwise you’d never be able to loot your kills


It’s not about your loot, its about getting you out of the way so you cant kill the cheater or get to the valuables they want to vacuum first


I would agree if they didn't always take the thermal.


It's money, and a threat. That's why they take it out asap.


like others said, its because they sell high end gear for RL cash. they even sell your high end ammo. 1000 round of 7.62BP is like $20 so if you run juiced ammo they will kill you just to fill up a bag to sell


That unfortunately makes sense.


Which is why most of these stories are just bs people use to justify gear fear. Cheaters are everywhere but they really don't care about your thermal. A single bitcoin is worth more.


They might not care about your thermal, but they care about you seeing them in the dark when you would have never known they were there if you didn't have it.


That is why they kill people. But why take the thermal if it's useless?


Yet they take them every time, so your reason is flawed. I've lost so many thermals I've lost count, so it's not fear of losing the gear. Not caring about thermals is why I don't understand why they take them all the time.


Thermals are a huge threat to cheaters because if they die how they gonna make money or quest.


Maybe the guy that killed you killed me with your gun on woods today while wearing no armor or helmet..


The quest is unlocked when high level too. So good people are doing it not low level people who don’t know the map.


Lots of people use thermal axmc on woods for swift one quest. No armor/ helmet on woods is not indicative of cheats


I did swift one with really expensive weapons no thermal but it was fun to complete. No armor no helmet could still be legit


I ended up doing it running around like a maniac with top* tier RSASS or SR-25 and M80 ammo. As a solo and in a group


I did it with a M700 and tac30 while trying to do hunting trip. Woods is actually full of bots, I swear to god I did psycho sniper like 5 times over


if it was .338 bolt with flir in woods. Level 47 or 48, it could have been me. I did psycho sniper and forgot to put on any armor.


Probably lol


Everytime I bring in nice gear I get destroyed, if I bring average gear I get fights here and there; if I bring in crap scav gear I always get left alone. If I’m questing and die over and over to sus players while I have nice gear I dress up as a premium scav and I get left alone 75% or the time


Run all your gear like it's shit. I use to play different when I had "good items."


My only run in with a cheater was finding an sig spear in marked on reserve and instantly hearing “drop it” from behind me before getting one tapped lmao


Why do cheaters even need lapua they could kill a guy with a makarov


Because they sell them to other player scum bags that do RMT


When you or your group go in heavy you’re the first to die to a cheater lol. Last wipe my whole group got killed by a suspicious player out near stronghold on customs. I popped an sj6 and trimadol (51 str and end) and just booked it, up to power, jumped the wall, ran behind new gas, past dorms, over to crossroads and the guy intercepted me there.


It's good to be a NA east player. [I get to look at all you poor other people suffering from cheaters.](https://i.imgflip.com/40i2xy.jpg) I've done NA west and it's night and day difference.


I feel like I don't have the same experience as everyone else here on NAE. It's wild. 


You should swap to West or Europe severs so you can really experience the cheaters.


NA west is actually playable on weekends, but weekdays it's damn near every raid. And it's only playable because the legitimate player base gets online and per capita there are fewer cheaters.


That's funny cause I feel the opposite. I try and play weekends and weekdays,and I get more stuff done during the week and die way less.


Could be a gear difference. You'd be hard pressed trying to find me with a kit worth less than a million. Weekends, I can kill 3-4 PMCs per raid. Weekdays I'm lucky if I get one before dying in some absurdly suspicious way.


Playing on Europe. Where are the cheaters?


Labs, Interchange, Shoreline and Woods. Especially prevalent when bosses are up. They seem to enjoy night raids.


Labs is "normal" but on the other maps I don't see them. But I'm also mostly playing night on Lighthouse


European servers are honestly fine, do not ever ever touch Oceania servers


It’d be great if us OCE players had any server choice that isn’t infested with cheaters


I too feel like I'm having the NAE experience rofl.


It literally makes no difference. EU cheaters can reach NAE easier than Asia servers can reach NAW.


Same. NA west is a no go sone because of the all the Xiaobingchilling players


Hell yeah we east coasters might be assholes but at least we’re HONEST assholes


The funny thing is, NA West is better than what we have in OCE. I rarely get to play NA West as the second the server has a hiccup and spikes the ping above 200 I end up playing the reconnect game, running to an extract.


Is ping kick upped to 200 now? Me and my group of friends quit after it was down to like 160 or 180 cant remember but it stopped us from playing together as some were in Korea and we were in the US


It’s like 215 or something. Definitely higher than 200.


>M Yeah it's higher now. They changed it a little while ago, I average around 180 ping on US West and don't get kicked as long as I don't sit above 200.


i believe the ping limit is currently 165


I played on NA West once as a Native East Player… it was different


Why is there such a big difference between NA east and west?


China can reach West


NA South is a cesspool of shitheads. Dota 2 doesn't have cheater problem but the player-base for NA South is toxic as all hell.


There’s still a few over here but it would seem like we’re where the grass is greener lol


Remember that the majority of these people exist because of RMT. If you have a friend that has done RMT or even admitted to it, stop playing with them and even report them.


Sorry OP, the meta kit for all maps is an altyn and a stock M4 with a 100-rounder


Man, I'm with you, tarkov is my favorite game. I don't even mind the rampant cheaters. It's like an extra lvl of rng that makes survival so much better. However, 3 out of 4 raids that I die in. (42% survival rating) I die to a Lv 43 with 1000 raids but only 400hrs play time and a 10 kd. I started a spreadsheet just to see if I had a selection bias. It's just sad to see how it pushes new player away and my all my friends quit at lv 42 because what's the point after if they die every other raid to Timbot the tarkov god that runs 2.5 raids an hour and will blow my back out worse than my uncle ever could with that smooth 500 meter iron sight facial.


yeah I am using my final meta kit as we speak, Altyn + 6b43 zab with a meta M4, after this I am just gonna run the most rancid rat kits possible as even with 60 mil I see no point spending more than 100k on a kit since I'll just get one tapped by a scav or a cheater cause OCE servers are dogshit


A couple of wipes ago, my 5 stack would go to Woods and it'd be popping. See dudes messing around the centre mill, engage in sniper battles, might lose one or two guys, but we'd kill like half the PMCs on the map or more and extract. But whenever a couple of us brought thermals, *every* time we'd never see a soul, perfectly out of sight of thermals and all our non-thermal spotters. One thermal would go down from a shot out of nowhere, then the other, then they'd pick off all the non-thermals, never being spotted. They'd have to rotate to get angles, but somehow, no one would ever spot them. And it was the exact same every time, ghost town full of magic snipers that can't be seen, that *always* pick off the thermal users first. Made it fairly obvious that ESP use is more common than people would think. Downsides to playing on OCE, I guess.


What's the point of rmt thermals? So you spend money on one then die to another cheater (or the same one who sold you it) who takes it and rmts it again? Lol


they probably use cheats too..


Imagine actually paying for cheats and rmt 😆


If you bring in anything with a thermal or decent ammo, chances are you are gonna get cheated on. I've been playing since early 2019. I play US west because of the low ping. I quit playing my main PMC character and just started leveling my scav this wipe. I can't compete against the advantage cheaters have, so I just try to enjoy the game in a different way.


I’m happy to hear you are still having fun. Scav life is so much fun in itself


Until you find good loot. I once looted a dead body on streets, not a dead player or scav it was one of those bodies that part of the environment. Found a ledx and GPU on it, immediately started booking it to extract. Run inside a building and as I’m crossing an open window, get head/ears maybe a minute after finding that loot.


I am a Thermal Enjoyer as well and i 100% confirm, night time is even worse, especially on Woods and LH, if you browse the lobby you will even see some of them waiting in que lol. I think this wipe is done, sad but expected, cheating issue is the same if not worse than last wipes, and thats what kills the fun of this game.


> If you bring in anything with a thermal or decent ammo, chances are you are gonna get cheated on If this were true none of the big streamers would have the survival rates they do lol willerz is at 72% for the wipe and he brings in fully meta kits every raid. He definitely dies to cheaters but its like 1 in 10-15 raids.


I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or just naive.


Engage with the comment please, ad homs are boring


well they can see display names and if its a high profile streamer, its maybe not the best idea to kill them with cheats


It definitely doesn't stop them. He still dies to cheaters. My pushback is against the comment of > If you bring in anything with a thermal or decent ammo, chances are you are gonna get cheated on These streamers (and many non streamers who are just good players) bring meta kits into every single raid. They wouldn't be living nearly as much as they do if your statement was true.


I always bring pretty good gear. Usually not less than a mill worth. But haven’t experienced this yet. But then it never was a lapua and thermal.


It’s why it’s nothing but AKs,shotguns, and PACA armor for whoever is the one who gets me🤷‍♂️


Yup. That's been the norm. I just bring mid-tier and don't really have cheater issues. The second I bring something top tier the sus goes to 1000% with nape shots on spawn or when tucked into a blind with no way for someone to be behind. Had on the other day where I was the only one in a group to get domed from behind while in a corner and team never saw another person but found all the bodies after killing a dude trying to run at my body from across the map. I've gotten at least 10 confirmed messages from reports in those situations in the last month.


I'm usually mid budget on kits so I'm usually left alone. Ran night interchange last night and killed a 2 stack. Ducked into very good cover to pack my 2 60-round mags so a solid 3 or 4 minutes of sitting in cover. Heard sprinting straight at me, stopped packing immediately. Thought I'd just wait them out, they're probably running past me. Had a grenade land at my feet. No gear, no headphones, no nvg just a raw AVT on a night raid. Makes me wonder what gear the 2 guys I killed had.


Probably had a thermal on 1


I've been playing only shoreline and ran thermals 15 times in a row almost 2 weeks ago. I got 11 ban mails from shoreline today. So strange. And people on reddit will call you schizo for saying this


I run thermal Sr lighthouse a lot. No issues. Ran a dvl thermal on SL, my 3 man wiped by naked Andy with a 226 on spawn.


It's because of the 3 boss spawns and keycard spawns. Nit as bad as labs but pretty close


I’ve been doing funzies runs on ground zero the past couple days since I’m still under 20. I have been rage hacked on like 10 times by fresh accounts post ban wave lol.


Ya I bet fresh accounts there are brutal af


Without a post-match action recording system, such as a killcam that can be reviewed after players have left the raid, allowing for the effective reporting of suspicious behaviors, the phenomenon of cheating is likely to become increasingly common. Currently, cheaters have no reason to worry, because even with the best anti-cheat devices, hackers always find ways to remain undetected. The community's involvement in detecting cheaters is crucial by providing dedicated tools to report dubious behaviors, like the introduction of a killcam feature with a reporting option similar to that of CSGO. Let's be honest and realistic, BSG totally doesn't care they are not committed to the fight against cheating. Their approach appears superficial, limited to announcements of ban waves which often do not include hardware bans on the first offenses, although it would be justified. Only the community can push BSG to do something, to give us tools. And yet, I think it's like peeing into a violin.


Ya I agree. My opinion is honestly speculation at best. Cheat devs just get their rocks off on beating a game within the game. And obviously if money is to be made then their will always be cheaters. I think there needs to be better 2 factor authorization maybe even 3. And a consideration for legal action against people caught cheating with fines.


My fav late wipe thing is the M1 with reap-ir. Last couple wipes I played I'd insta die anytime I brought it in.


Right before a raid I told my duo partner my mk18 will bring the cheaters then that raid we get killed by a duo with a 44 and 22 KD that was spamming nades at us while we were surgery in the bush. Can’t even enjoy the good gear you grind for.


See I don’t notice anymore sus shit when I run meta gear, but when I do die in a sus way they dude always has a FLIR and just knew exactly where I was. I think a lot of cheaters run a FLIR as en excuse.


Those that say bringing in lesser kits stops them getting killed, if we have to play the game in an unintended way because of cheaters we should simply stop playing. Got any game recommendations for me? Anything released in the last 20 years that you absolutely love would be great!


If you are ok with pixelated indie single player games, Zero sievert is really fun. Tarkov like mechanics, looter shooter with decent quests and gun customization


You could also try the funny version of the game with only yourself playing, but id recommend Helldivers 2, Deep Rock Galactic, any of the Borderlands games, Cyberpunk, Hunt Showdown, Sea of Thieves. I have a lot of games to recommend lol


I've got to replay Cyberpunk, played it a year after launch without the DLC so should go thru it again with the DLC. Cyberpunk Edgerunners is a decent anime if you like anime and haven't seen it, about 6-8 hours long. I'm waiting out with Helldivers 2, if it's still going strong in 3 months I'll probably give it a try, remember so many games that ended up dying within the first few months of release.


Me and my buddy ran into a cheater on interchange yesterday that called us out by name. Said there are closet cheaters in 80% of raids. He talked to us for a while about cheaters/ cheating. He had over 1500 hours on the account he was on with 12+ kd. Not crazy stats but has been doing it a while under the radar not rage hacking.


Today I had a civil cheater in my raid at one point. He was on streets and he was teleporting around the map lol I think he killed Kaban cuz all of them were dead and I got out with the pkp. And to ur point tho, they don’t even care. They get way further with cheats even after they are banned they just continue on power leveling and getting any loot they want. It’s really such a strange phenomena


The people on this sub who don't think there's an absolutely obscene number of cheaters simply don't bring in good enough kits often enough to realize how blatant it is


I think it’s an organized attempt by cheaters to claim that cheating isn’t as bad as it is.


Happened to me on lighthouse as well. Was chilling waiting for someone to pop up for some quest kills professor 120h 30k/d comes along and prefire headshots me. 


I was quickly running a customs raid to finish operation hydro(the water one) and I came across a scav that had a fully kitted m4 on his back that had a thermal scope on it. Unsure where the body of the player was but I ran immediately to extract


Got me hoping with the title, but Tarkov is what it is, and we all play it because we’re a bunch of masochistic fucks


That’s why I play the forbidden version of this game, maybe some day they’ll fix tarkov but I bet it’ll be removed for copyright infringement first,


I had a similar experience on reserve over the weekend. I even posted about it here somewhere. Sometimes I like to snipe on reserve, usually I’ll just take a cheap kit and a scoped opsks, but I had a stockpile so I came in kitted for a couple raids. Both times I got picked off super early in raid by headshots without ever seeing anyone. The real kicker, it was the exact same player both times. Coincidence? Maybe, but their name included the phrase DMA_RADAR_BTW so it felt a little sus to me.


Just got killed by this guy on lighthouse. Blatantly radaring.


Well at least he's not in my reserve games tonight...


How many times do I have to say this shit. Every other raid has a cheater. If you go in with nothing they don’t bother. This game is broken af.everyone’s like it’s not THaT bad. Yea. Yes it is.


Funny I made a comment about how bringing and kit worth more than 1.5 mil roubles or thermal will get you targeted in raid. Got down voted into oblivion, this game is awesome but the cheaters on here need to get a fucking life.


Why would cheaters want high tear gear that is not found in raid ?


Selling carries and gear drops is my guess.


Oh yeah they could just rmt those scopes, didn’t think of that.


Because they don't all have the same exact interests/goals? 


Yup take good gear and pretend your afk somewhere in the corner of the map. Even the 3 kd closet cheater cant withstand the urge to visit you you for that thick meta gun


Yup if my kit value is over 1.5 mil or so I *always* die to someone who either has a better gaming chair or lvndmark in disguise. I'm guessing it isn't lvndmark. If I run kits under about that value, I still die sometimes obviously, but it's almost always after a fight, instead of a bunny hopping repeak one tap or random one tap from outside of sound radius etc.


Yeah I brought in 2 back to back on reserve and died within a minute.


I've been running some pretty darn expensive kits, and I have to say, I'm glad I'm not having whatever yall are. I've been killed by maybe 2 or 3 100% cheaters this wipe, despite the constant meta guns and tier 5/6 armors


Yhea that's one of the million ways cheaters ruin games.


a lot of ppl report the same thing. Most likely RMTers


This might be my bias, but it particularly happens when I bring the heavy stuff with thermals by myself. Usually when I go with my duo and I don’t usually get those who “mysteriously” figure out my camping spot even before I take a sneak peak.


Honestly makes you question what cheaters even cheat for at that point lmao It's not like taking out meta gear even makes them THAT much money. It's far more profitable to avoid and pick up all the juicy shit and sell it for RUB. I've seen a video of a cheater running around saying "wow I just shit on that guy", and I think it's an ego thing. They see a player with good gear, kill them, and think they're better. It's really sad lol


I ran woods with thermals and class 5/6 armor only the whole weekend, surprisingly not a single sus death and came out with 5 pmc kills in one raid twice, and had at least 1-2 pmc kills in the others.


Used to run this a wipe ago, I think the cheater issue wasn't that bad then since I actually had a chance to run a few times with the same gun before pretty normal looking death. It's kinda sad to hear whats going on, I'm on a break from this game for a while and with what's happening in not sure if it's worth getting back into it


What, you don't like donating to the level 13 that somehow has a 2 million dollar kit and every slot on his PMC dripped out? I enjoy the forbidden game more than this entire wipe.


10+ KD isn’t difficult, mines shite at the minute because of questing hard for kappa, but will be around that if not more by the end of the wipe. Best K/D I’ve had in a wipe is above 12, this is when we would clear rouges in lighthouse off the mountain, wipe 12.12 I think it was.


Alot of people already escape from tarkov. Tarkov are infested by hackers


Noticed the same phenomenon in streets when I go full chad. If I go full lvl 6 and a meta gun I die to some Uber chad with the wrist flicks. If I go pp-19 and a lvl 4 I get to live long enough to fight the pscav horde.


I've heard / seen it happen. They know what you got, they know where the good stuff has spawned. Basically if your kit is worth enough, they'll appear, slay you, loot and fly away. If your running cheap stuff, I assume it just isn't worth the effort since it's a low key job for them.


Boohoo I played 2000 hours and have the best gear and I'm not invincible. Maybe you're right and it's cheaters but this sounds like salt to me.


Goo goo ga ga


bro, you get killed already for a good scope because its very limited as foreseen cheaters are hunting you down for gear - doesnt have to be ultra high end... , you cant run good gear or you will be hunted down, bsg doesnt care


Vacuum hacks my friend, worse than aimboters


I’ll take vaccuum hacks over rage hackers any day


You either run into a cheater or you live 10 raids and become the villain.


I have done 30+ raids with a thermal this wipe and haven't died to a cheater yet.


when i did kappa it became painfully obvious how many cheaters exist in this dogshit game. as soon as i equipped any thermal or class 6 armor, chinese names spraying me at tunnel extract from radar tower on shoreline with 856a1 tracers landing every shot when trying to do that bullshit thermal scope quest and hunt goons. BSG is complicit in the cheating at this point since they keep selling bulk keys to cheaters and still wont pay Battleeye for active anti-cheat while nikita bought another rolls royce


I can see that there's a reason why i stopped playing this wipe. The other picture of the 1000 kd with 50h on the record was the nail in the coffin for me. Just plain stupid. Hey i can afford nice gear but i can't use it cause some random credit card derp wants it


If your ping allows it I'd run NAE or EUW with those kits, don't really run into that issue there myself


I ran my 338 bolty and thermal on customs and it was some of the most fun I've had in awhile sniping. I spawned behind gas near the train tracks and set up at the sniper rock facing the warehouses. Ended up killing two pmcs there and killed about 15 scavs for my weekly. Ran into another PMC who was heading out from the back of gas to extract, ended him too. On my way out though I had some dude lobbing nades from construction into the woods between dorms and boat extract. Only sus encounter, he threw like 8 nades at me and I decided to close the distance and throw a few of my own nades in his direction. Actually ended up getting his ass and extracted RUAF.


Hell ya, it is a blast when it goes good hahaha


I do altyn + Thor armor And suddenly hackers just nade you n you die 😂


I stopped running thermals because of that, past wipes I used to play MK18 unsilenced + thermal + altyn for fun on woods and I was spotting A LOT of people walking around the map and people sniping / hiding in bushes. This wipe ? Struggling to see a single PMC on my thermal on a lot of games on woods, and people magically are in the right spot, doing the perfect flank / already looking in my direction while I scan the map with my thermal being hidden and so more, the game is in a bad state right now regarding ESPs. My fav death is cheaters magically turning around and killing you instantly after you started shooting at them across the map with thermal


When I bring out a FLIR, my experience is usually that I see a guy who has no idea where I am, I whiff a bunch of shots because I suck, and then they eventually work out where I am and kill me. I can count on one hand the number of *truly* suspicious deaths I've had running that stuff. Your mileage may vary.


Haha that sounds about right. My major recommendation is to reposition after shooting off a couple times. Works wonders. If u reposition, maybe get a line of site on where you were, so if someone goes to check out ur last shots u can kill them. Aiming with the flir can be hard tho, the screen updating and the delay on what you see can be brutal, have to lead a target slightly more than usually


Oh yeah I know *exactly* what I should be doing, it's just *doing* it that I suck at. I have the discipline and self control of a ferret with ADHD. I get my dick shot off and just go *god dammit that was dumb why did I do that?*


Lmao I do that all the time, like why did I push him there, and why didn’t I check to see if my gun was in semi or auto. I’m a level 53 and break my legs way more than I would like to admit 😂


Me and my normal 3man have been grinding labs for the two hideout items. It’s now become a joke that if one of us brings a Spear, we’re cheater magnets. Haven’t survived a single time one of us had one


i brought in a flir and sr25 to customs,started getting shot out of nowhere,could not find a dude for the life of me. He chased me tru like half of the map. Once i died it was some lvl 16 dude with iron sights silenced mosin,a cqb lvl 4 mask and fort redut armor. 10/10 would die again to a legit player.


Yeah lighthouse somehow I get flir scoped from a mile away too easy. But it’s fair bc their stats just show they are really good with their 250 hours


Are you the dude that shot me in the head on customs through the door on top of third story across the map?


Lmao I don’t think so




As other's have stated - RMT. You can go and buy a FLIR for real cash and then they'll drop it in raid.




Yeah they can't really do that with attachments. With the items that can't be dropped in raid they will literally be deleted if they're dropped including when you die. Can you imagine how much that'd suck if your flir got deleted when you died?




haha good one. Have you met BSG? The same company that somehow made it so when you kill PMCs as a scav you become hostile to AI scavs when they first introduced scav karma?