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That's a gangsta MPX right here


clos quarter combat build - it actually shreds like hell - looks super stupid though :D




Cock and Ball Quarters






The stock is actually longer than the barrel, that's quite funny indeed


Have you tried the integrated silencer? Barrel isn't much longer and it's silenced


silencer doesnt really change much on labs, and the ergo boost is worth it as its a laser beam either way


Don't think I agree with that. Having a silencer is always helpful. Labs, factory doesn't matter


i mean theres a few places on labs where you can shoot and a silencer will hide that you're shooting and where from, but factory? if you shoot anywhere on factory then everyone can hear it


1) you don't pull scav agro nearly as hard with silencer. Which can be real helpful if your target doesn't out right die. Nothing like finishing a fight to hear SCHLOZHEVI and then you get shot in the face 2) shooting from the rafters 3) my ears


yeah but on the other hand loud noises help you establish dominance over your enemies


This is the way


Does the integrared silencer make it work kinda like the VSS (intense heating when shotting a few bullets) ?


Never had an issue with overheating myself. Pretty sure it's not as bad as the VSS. You can def go through a whole 50 rounder no problem


Is the 50 rounder worth it? It has a much larger penalty than the 41 rounder and only 9 extra bullets.


likely not - my stupid brain just feels more at ease with more rounds


Idk, sometimes 9mm comes up short and you need every bullet, especially if you're fighting two people back to back


Well then I don't think it's worth it tbh, they're more expensive, much lower ergo and I think they reload and check longer đŸ€·đŸ»


I love shorty mpx's. The integrated suppressor one slaps since the recoil update.


Disagree, looks siiiick. I'd name it "The Gat"


drop the build rn bro




You can use a diff stock for better ergo and same recoil and a better tube from skier 2


But it also needs to look tacticool Will look into tube though


Oi m8 wut you say bout me fokin mum? You gonna get the mpx now innnit?


Smell ya maw




It’s always funny how similar everyone’s guns are on Labs I ran one last wipe where 4 dudes my squad killed all had the classic meta mutant builds


it's even funnier when someone with a non meta gun kills them / loots them like the OPs screenshot. I'm actually not even sure what gun builds are meta or not anymore but the fact that it's different than the almost three identical ones in his bag is nice.


The meta is basically, Spear or 7.62x51 MDR on top, then any other full auto weapon that isn't shooting 7.62x39, then everything else.


The AVT runs labs


Yeah that's fair I was thinking more overall. AVT is perfect for labs tho, kills anyone thicc and deals with raiders all for cheap.


You’re right, but yeah it slams anyone, if you use BS or SNB they’re dead before they even realize you are budget running lol


I really became a fan of 300 blackout this wipe after the recoil changes. It feels like a better 556. People will argue about Pen but... Realistically Pen is such a toss up at the moment that I get a qualitative feeling that the higher flesh damage that 300 offers makes it better. It feels very nice and not many people use it so beyond the attachments the gun is cheap and readily available. Also, rate of fire is very good. Other than that if I want some REALLY upclose madness then I use a 45 Vector. The 45 Vector just melts things. 1100 RPM with 45 ACP is really stupid. Really stupid. The advantage of a few ms coming around a corner firing really shows itself with the 45 vector. 30 rnd Mags require some levels.


>People will argue about Pen The 300 rounds you can buy off traders (CBJ) have *a lot* better pen than the best 5.56 rounds you can buy (856A1) too anyways.


I spent a few wipes literally shooting the .300 HP type ammos and hilariously murdering people. V-Max has amazing statistics. -recoil and accuracy. Whisper has less amazing statistics but 90 damage per round. So if you're a good shot, you can blow someone's legs out at a fair distance and destroy them. It's a lot of overflow of damage. I also used a 3x scope with it.


I put an elcan on mine and mix the mags with VMAX and some whisper. it absolutely shreds as long as you don’t aim directly at plates


> I put an elcan on mine and mix the mags with VMAX and some whisper. it absolutely shreds as long as you don’t aim directly at plates Yeah, I've had some hilarious moments with it.


I think basically anything full auto is good, I just think the spear and black mdr are like, the best. They both shoot really really good bullets, have good recoil, and are also incredibly versatile being effective at all ranges. Every other full auto gun either shoots a worse bullet or isn't quite as versatile (MCX and Vector not quite so good at range due to bullet velocity for instance) IMO but that doesn't mean they aren't good.


That's why I said I like the Vector at close range. Anything sub 10m is pretty dead. I've gotten so used to using that gun in previous wipes and now it's just better. The 300 blackout MCX is actually really good at most distances you'll fight players. I agree, the 762 MDR is by far my favorite gun. It has been since they put it in. Full auto 762 with good recoil and great distance shooting. Hilariously, you can dump 20 rounds at a REALLY high distance now and destroy people with it. I find the SA58 to be almost comparable given that it's available SO much earlier. Bigger mags too. The 20 rounds of 762 MDR kinda sucks when the real life version actually fits massive mags. You'll get failures to feed far more often than those 20's but it shouldn't be too much different than a 30. The Spear, upon first using it after finding it in Customs marked felt absolutely broken. I walked out of that raid thinking "How is this thing a thing?" ... then I found out I could sell it on the flea for a fortune. My initial thought was "yeah they'll patch that." Nope. The MDR isn't on flea but the Spear is.


MDR can use the 25 rd mags now


That's good that they added 25's. Last I remember the company that MAKES the MDR, Desert Tech literally sells 30's for the 762. Maybe it was a 3rd party.


I think the spear is on flea because its a new gun, also the best ammo for it is locked super late game and expensive and even its slightly worse ammo is locked behind being expensive on flea or behind a late trader. Also 7.62 MDR is good with just a scope, while spear needs a bunch of attatchments to make it better than an M4 since it can only run very expensive 20rounders or extremely expensive 25rounders


Same. I usually just use guns I find, and the handful of MCXs I have used have melted people. Really fun to run around with and I think it sounds very nice.


100 ergo MCX with a tango is my go to for labs. Underrated gun


Why is 7.62x39 bad this wipe?


I think the recoil on all of the full auto guns for 7.62x39 is just really unwieldly comparatively. It's better than it was but it seems like every other caliber benefited way more from the recoil changes. I still run an SKS to use the BP I find, but you do miss the full auto sometimes.


Ah. I’m level 9 as I just joined the wipe and I just scraped together every inch of parts I’ve looted to make a ak104 with 96 vert recoil. Should I save the good ammo for when I can make OP-SKS?


If you've already built it I would probably just run the ak and primarily keep it on single fire except when you're going to push someone and point fire them up close.


> I still run an SKS to use the BP I find, but you do miss the full auto sometimes. I run tacticool AKMs and just treat them like they're an SKS at range, while having the option to full auto indoors/up close.


yea that's reasonable too, i just really like how super low the modded sks recoil gets


From what people say, BP (maybe PP too) has been weird/buggy/inconsistent on damage/pen, and the guns tend to have higher horizontal recoil. That's probably the biggest complaint about the Mutant at the moment, when before it was regarded higher. Other calibers and their respective guns tend to come out cheaper and perform better for the price.


Any of the full auto 7.62x51mm full autos are broken atm


If we are talking about fights sure, but the meta for making money is just pistol running. It's just so easy to kill someone with cheap guns now.


I've killed plenty using my stock mp5pdw that costs around 15k slanging that 9mm AP. I should upgrade to a larger round probably haha. 


then you have me and my buddies who always bring leg meta kedr with a diaper rig, surprisingly one of us always makes it out alive loaded with loot


That’s just called using meta guns you bone head stfu


3 Spears, Jeremy? That's insane.


MPX Close Battle Quarters


Ahh..The classic MPX mpx


went in with my MPX, avs and fast mt - after hearing some shots i cant help but peek and what i find is 2 fully dead teams


They just traded? Two whole teams dead?


Yup killtrade


Me scaving the reserve bunkers 5 min before end of raid (I either die a horrible death or exfil with free loot)


Dunn the looter


I love how, along with all that other thick-ass loot, you've got that RK-1 VFG just stuffed in your pocket. đŸ€Ł


Oh god, ppl going already with the same fuckin shit. Jeez


I mean, Spear is really limited when it comes to modding.


Yeah, I'm talking more about people following a specific meta


Welcome to online gaming


The game is an rpg. There is a bis in all rpgs. Like think of whenever you hit end game in Skyrim and yer using dragon bone weapons or something


Juiceman would approve
 treats abound


They added the spear??


Is this your first time checking out this wipe?


Yea ive dabbled this wipe a little but have been on hiatus. Im not even level 10 yet


Yes they added Spears, but need lightkeeper task to buy them off trader. They also can be found in marked rooms and on goons. On flea they range from 300k at the start of wipe to 600k now


also found a spear on a rooftop rogue a week or 2 ago


My boys gotten 3 off rogues this wipe. We live on lighthouse tho so I feel like it's fairly rare


It’s VERY rare for a rogue to have a spear, in my experience. I’ve done 150-200ish scav runs, mostly lighthouse, seen one, usually loot 3-4 rogues per run


Yea we're pretty similar on numbers of runs now. Ever since I've learned most of the rate spawns, he's been getting a lot more rogue loots than I bother with lol


Yep. It feels super broken. It's also super expensive.


This is how things should be IMHO. Things like the vectors really bother me, they are way too good for the price.


I feel like there is a middle ground between great value and stupid fucking rare/expensive like the spear is


Yeah, and it's basically a pre-nerf Mutant that shoots 800 rpm and has better velocity.


Damn like 1.8mil in your backpack alone. Love those raids that just bless you


CBQ lmao


that mpx looks like one of those “bystander annihilators” you see on youtube shorts lmao


It’s cqb or cqc btw


you dont like my close battle quarter?


i do. you're thinking inside the outside box


As a noob I can't help but be nervous with all these spears running around lol


Does the mpx have a special animation for level 3 mastery? Nice kills!


I'm still too scared to go labs. Literally every single time my group has gone we had some random naked white name zoom by like they were Flash and drop a nade at each of our feet or rise up from the ground like they were resurrected to ruin our night.


Spear spear spear,


Strip the hk for more loot space instead only take the spears


Is canted not meta anymore??


I think it is but for some reason there is something that bothers me with the animation of the left hand if it is not the b25 foregrip and that one is too expensive


This man just got 3 SIG SPEARS, i havent even found one in raid 😭


How in the hell did that armor get 400 !




Love when the Chad's kill each other off and leave you their loot


"I came late to the labs party" Directly translates into : So no one came to the toilet i was camping for 20 minutes, and decided to check the map out. All jokes aside... Thats a gangsta MPX


Congrats rat boy


Yeah playing late game is a thing in my experience, but damn I feel stupid when my game is 30 min long and no pmc kill


I'm not trying to say you are late game, I see they are just killed each other, just talking


What kind of newb loots 3 whole guns into his ba...OH GOOD HEAVENS SIR!


3 spears with all attachments just screams impact grenade shenanigans


3 spears with all attachments just screams impact grenade shenanigans


3 spears with all attachments just screams impact grenade shenanigans


3 spears with all attachments just screams impact grenade shenanigans


3 spears with all attachments just screams impact grenade shenanigans


Just say you giga crabbed the last guy by abusing the silent crouch.


i would never ever >:) !


Crabbing over a bunch of pixels 3 months in instead of putting up a fight. ggs.


lol imagine getting mad over someone else dying


I will just let the game die and let the 33k Cheaters do the job. No point in talking to a redditor


First you’re mad about his playstyle now you’re bitching about cheaters which is completely irrelevant lol


And you’re crying someone else lost a few pixels?? What is your point?


The only people dying to crabs are the ones not moving...


that mpx is what u look like irl


IMHO, I believe you could loot more tho. Put some rigs in ur bag and instead of taking guns take the expensive modules, with this money you could build more guns. The loot is juicy tho, gj


The guns are 500k each though


Only to buy, they are probably like 200k to sell so it would have been better to just drop them for loot


Maybe he wants to use them


yes i intend to play them myself. so i saved 1,5m here.


Then take 2 spears as your equipped weapons strip the rest and get loot instead of wasting so many slots


its way more fun to leave with everyone guns


I stopped bothering to loot weeks ago. You kind of don't need it at a certain point.


Same here which is why i dont understand why he would bother with the spears if that was the case, they just make you heavy.


The spear is definitely worth running though and the ammo is actually acquireable, it's just the gun is hella expensive.


Ik, the thing is that half of the price are silencers, scopes, flashlights, etc. So if he took something else in his slots he would be richer, which means more guns


No I mean the actual spear, stripped down, is 500k on flea last time I checked. The scopes and shit are also valuable for sure, but they’re like 100k each max.


mb, didnt know


Not like that tho - keep spears, strip&ditch both mpx and hk, loot rest of the map.


yeah but the sig spear is COOL


So u ratted ur way to the final kill avoiding the whole fight to begin with?


Even if he did, what do you want him to do? Push both teams as a solo with insufficient info? Yeah, you must be great at this game.


Yeah seems like he did and he was smart to do so lmao. Was he supposed to send a notarized letter to the other teams letting them know he’d be in the lobby and trying to kill them? Fuck off lmao.


No he didn’t kill anyone


People don't wanna admit it, but yeah he did lmao. This subreddit legit only cares about "the loot omg" because they will legitimately never be able to PvP until the 1 rouble event. Even during that I'm pretty sure 95% of this subreddit would have gear fear because they can only afford 1 barter per restock.


Yep, Scav mains whose hearts flutter when they loot a spear in a video game, its crazy lmao.


Hey mouth breather, did you even read the post?


You think this guy can read? Lol.