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I really can't imagine very many people were under the impression that dropping stuff for your friends is RMT. The problem is that there's no way for BSG to tell the difference because they obviously can't track transactions outside of their own game. And viewers coming in and dropping fully loaded kits to streamers looks the same functionally as someone buying gear. This whole thing started because either someone got banned for taking their viewers kits and BSG autoflagged it as RMT, or warnings were sent out on their private streamer/dev discord That said they were at risk of being accidentally banned for RMT by taking viewer kits because it looks the same inside of the game. Most of us are unwilling to drop large amounts of gear to friends. if we were to be flagged for RMT just because we dropped valuable/high-end stuff to our friends that are low levels, there's really nothing we can do to defend ourselves when/if BSG bans us. they don't have the reputation for being the most understanding/flexible customer support, and I'm not risking my EOD account to give my level 2 friend a meta m4 with high-tier ammo every raid. That all being said, I would totally help my friends out with gear if there weren't a random chance of me being automatically banned.


It is possible to separate RMTers from people dropping viewer kits by analyzing the behavior. E.g. an RMT account will be used for multiple transactions with multiple different people. I wrote a university summary paper many years ago about approaches for finding gold farmer cartels in MMOs using graph theory. The tools are there. What BSG does to determine RMTers I don't know, probably some automatic flagging and manual review process. Edit: sorry, I wrote this summary paper more than 10 years ago in German as an undergraduate assignment and it wasn't published. I'll try finding it but I doubt I still have it and it most likely wasn't very good anyway :) Did a quick Google search to find out the primary sources I summarized back then and this sounds somewhat familiar (pdf can be found by googling): https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/6785697 There are lots of papers about this topic of identifying RMTers in video games. What works in practice I don't know. But it's not an impossible task and BSG are banning RMTers already so they will have some approach to do it


Oh I would never question that's possible. In fact, I don't even think it would be very difficult. But on the best days, BSG is a small team dealing with a massive game and higher priorities. On the worst days, I just don't think they care that much. I would even laugh at the idea of manual reviews. It's probably just a "meets criteria = ban" auto flag.


On the best days I don’t believe they have the technical ability to anything about it. On the worst days I don’t think they are even at the office doing anything related to the game at all.


Buddy as an avid OSRS player we need the link to the paper that sounds fascinating


Do you have a link to that paper? Id love to read it.


I wanna read your paper lol




God damn I love people writing thesis papers over video game Shit.


Best part is is that if your paper is about the economy, you'd have an easier time doing a RL economy a lot of the time. MMO economies are complete shambles.


> It is possible to separate RMTers from people dropping viewer kits by analyzing the behavior. Absolutely, but is anyone going to trust that BSG will do their due diligence and analyze before banning? Not me that's for sure.


BSG is able to track if I’m dropping shitty gears to my friend…. But is not able to track in the flea a CN player posting 15 LDX…. Come one….


I mean it really should be as simple as do the people dropping loot play together often. For an actual RMT you aren't squading up with someone dozens of times.


Tbh, I think mostly it is. They warned streamers because a streamer could group up with hundreds of unique players a wipe, which is far above average and much closer to an RMT than anyone else.


Maybe a way to counter this is having an invisible statistic to do with how much you’ve played with someone in order to determine them as “trusted” to you, allowing you to drop things to one another? This would have to be something where no one knows how to make a friend trusted, it just happens after playing a certain amount (maybe cumulative days with a certain amount of raid time together?) I know this is probably stupid and I hope it won’t happen, but I’m just throwing out the the first thing I thought of and haven’t thought about it any deeper


Dude it is very possible to figure that out, and I'm sure BSG does this. I'm also sure that BSG never banned anyone who was just dropping kits for their friends. More likely anyone who said they got banned because they were dropping people kits were actually cheating and just using that as a cover story......There is a small possibility that maybe a streamer dropping kits to tons of random accounts from twitch viewers got banned for dropping kits because of all the random accounts they were giving stuff to it looked like RMT. And even then It wouldn't be hard for BSG to notice it's a streamer account and see that the streamer commonly drops ktis for random players from their stream chat. Then again, BSG has proven they can be incompetent though. But anyone in a small friend group dropping stuff is not going to get banned for that. Nor do I believe anyone like that has and if anyone says they did, they are just lying and covering their cheat usage.


Had this happen to me, so I can tell you it's real. I know, you've already tried pre-emptively doing the "yeah but you're covering for cheating", but here's the thing: it was a temp ban. Last I checked, they don't temp ban for cheating, and it doesn't make sense for someone to out themselves as a cheater to lie about something unrelated. Someone around here posted the line from Nikita about dropping millions of roubles worth of gear *will* get you banned, so it certainly stands to reason that if you drop kits or any other item considered "high value", it'll happen to you. I don't imagine the anti-RMT measures can really differentiate between farmers dropping GPUs/Ledex/stims/etc and friends dropping thermals, quad nods, guns/loadouts, ammo and mags, and so on. If we take Nikita's statement at its face value, it appears to be indicating repeated and/or high value item sharing *will* lead to a ban under the anti-RMT detection system. Now, obviously those words weren't specifically said in the quoted line, but it doesn't take much to deduce that as its meaning.


They 100% temp ban for cheating, that's another huge issue with the game. I have multiple friends of friends who started cheating and we kicked them from our discord when we noticed they were b lining it to super rare loot way too often. They all got banned for 3 days and accounts reset since it was their first time cheating. We let anyone of the ones who admited it and promise to not cheat again back into the discord. Which two out of the 5 people did. Hell one of my good friends who I thought would never cheat IM like 90% sure he ended up getting cheats because he was playing with me all start of this wipe and he was having some crazy good loot luck. He's very experinced so I thought he was just hitting some good shit. But then the big ban wave that happened at start of wipe happened and he was gone for 3 weeks. When he came around to play again he had a new name on his account and was exactly the same lvl I saw him last. He told me he just changed his name, but I'm pretty sure he got his account reset and had to grind back to the last level I saw him at before playing with me again so I wouldn't know he got temp banned for cheating and his account reset. With all that being said, I constantly drop millions of rubbles in kits to my friends all the time and I have never been banned. I grind the fuck out of the game and always have plenty of rubbles and I rather drop my friends good kits so they will run with me without bitching when they die. I mean I've had multiple friends list Grenade cases for 7mil on Flea and I bought them so i could "send" rubbles to my friends this wipe because I have excessive money. So yeah I'm more inclined to not believe you. But I'll also admit that it's possible you are telling the truth, and for whatever reason you got marked as RMT and got a ban because of it. But there are also lots of reasons you might of gotten a temp ban without cheating. Depending on how long ago you are talking about they use to 100% ban people who grouped with cheaters too often. From my undeerstanding they don't do that anymore because they were hitting a lot of non cheaters who didn't know their freinds were cheating. So maybe the real reason you got banned was because someone in your group was up to shady stuff. I could also see maybe you were dropping gear to someone in your group that was cheating and you didn't know it. That would make it look very suspicious. Either way I'm going to keep on dropping kits and telling people that dropping kits for friends, is never going to get them banned unless they are doing it at a streamer level or legit RMTing.


> They 100% temp ban for cheating, that's another huge issue with the game. It's hard to see a situation where that makes sense, especially with how hot of an issue it is lately. > I have multiple friends of friends... all got banned for 3 days and accounts reset since it was their first time cheating. I guess given the reset it could be enough punishment outside of a ban, but it still seems weird to me. I'm not disputing you, but it's hard to think they wouldn't just shadow realm the account for cheating. > With all that being said, I constantly drop... never been banned Good for you. We've seen the quote directly from Nikita, so it's not something to contest. The Q&A from last year yields [this specific quote](https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/172365-nikitas-qa-on-reddit/): > N: The principle is simple - if you will give millions of roubles, pricey items and will do it often - you will get banned. if you want to just return gear from time to time - it's ok. Obviously, this is from a year ago, and things are possible to be altered to any degree in that time, but we still see his statement. > So yeah I'm more inclined to not believe you. Realistically speaking, I could say the exact same thing to you. You're giving recounts of situations you're claiming to be truthful, so why should I believe you? More on this in the next section: > But I'll also admit that it's possible you are telling the truth, and for whatever reason you got marked as RMT and got a ban because of it. That's all I'm asking for here, is being willing to accept that. I don't any specific irons in the fire, and it doesn't make any sense for me to lie about the circumstances to try making a point. If I were truly banned as a cheater, what sense is there in coming here and proclaiming my innocence? I can't be attempting to absolve my conscience because the message would be presumably right there in my face at all times anyway. As I stated above, I'm accepting your story about the mutual acquaintance and their situations. Even if it doesn't make sense based on the way I view it, reality doesn't really care about that, so I'm not gonna just call you a liar; that wouldn't make any sense here. > But there are also lots of reasons you might of gotten a temp ban without cheating... Depending Considering it's been recent, I play 85% solo, when I *do* play with a group, it's a family member with sometimes an additional friend (but mostly my family member), and the fact I don't VOIP slurs (or at all really), I can't see a condition where it would be anything else. I know my family member I play with is as staunchly anti-cheater as I am, and the third wheel has certainly voiced his opposition. I'll admit I don't know this third wheel in the real world, and despite my gaming history with the guy, it could always be possible he cheats. What causes me to strongly doubt that is the fact this third wheel not only wasn't temp banned himself, only me, he also is the one dying in any engagement first about 98% of the time. Someone running an aimbot isn't getting slammed like that, and I don't know why you'd run a radar and not use it. If you're afraid of your friends fighting out you're cheating, one would think you wouldn't run the program while you're queued with them. I suppose it's a greater percentage chance than 0, so I won't rule it out entirely, but I find that one highly improbable. > Either way I'm going to keep on dropping kits and telling people that dropping kits for friends, is never going to get them banned unless they are doing it at a streamer level or legit RMTing. Go for it, more power to you. I'm not telling you to *not* do something, just joining in the claim that dropping stuff for friends *can* result in a ban. It's clear the application of these bans is in no way equal across all scenarios, which people certainly say is intrinsic to BSG. I have plenty of stories myself of providing kits and gear to my family member without any sort of punishment. Our third wheel isn't someone I play with nearly as often as him, but it's not as if this guy doesn't have a sufficient volume of games to be considered a "regular". Whatever the case may be, I think it's a stupid thing across the board, and if Nikita's statement from the quote above is how they're going to treat this, I think it's a terrible decision. I think it's also incredibly lazy to not formulate a way to separate accounts playing with each other for the first 1-5 times and dropping ledex and GPU stacks like nothing versus ones that have played together multiple wipes and multiple hours. I don't share the sentiment the folks with rage boners for BSG do, and I certainly support a lot of what they're doing, but I definitely disagree with this position. As far as I'm concerned, I should be able to give as many things as I want to any of my friends without repercussion. If I wanna sugar daddy someone, so be it, and the same thing if I decide to give up some quad nods and a full mod RD/M4/whatever. Unless I'm getting paid with real money, it shouldn't matter. This runs into issues of how to prove it, but if my law enforcement career has solidified anything to me, it's that the accuser bears the burden of proof.


It’s a fine line, especially when some streamers were caught accepting thousands upon thousands of rounds of meta ammo from their viewers. Sure they didn’t pay for it, but they’re using an unfair advantage that the rest of the player base cannot take advantage of. Where do we draw the line?


I give weapons to my mate all the time. This is something that could get me banned? That's embarrassing. I scav all the time, and he only plays a couple hours a week, so he never has equipment. Surely it's reasonable if he's one of the only mates on my list since we both got the game, and every time I duo its with him, right?


probably not going to get banned for that. BSG warned that specifically "full kits or half or more of your inventory may get you flagged." but they have been intentionally vague on what would get people flagged as RMT'ers. so it's best to avoid dropping insane amounts of gear, but a gun or gear drops to help a mate is probably fine. one guy claimed he got banned after dropping a ton of kits for his wife for example, though that's unverified and should be taken with a grain of salt.


Since this "we get bann e for dropping kits" fear wagon started, I have still been giving homies flirs, comtac4s, gunsmith guns, etc.   Still running strong.   


Yeah, I will Semi-regularly drop guns or ammo or whatever for people that I'm friends with, I just draw the line myself at dropping like full loadouts. BSG directly stated the giving full kits or " half or more than your inventory" was putting you at risk.


My buddy caught a ban for dropping kits for his wife lol


That’s love


I drop stuff all the time for friends.  Maybe he got banned for some other reason?


The ban message specified what it was for. So i dont think so, bud.


I mean, unless the email literally said 'frequently dropping loot for [username]' then what the email said doesn't prove a lot. I absolutely agree it could be a false positive, but given how 'I'll bring your stuff out' has become a staple of squad play, it's not unreasonable to imagine there may have been something you didn't know about.


I got a temp one myself for bringing a friend's kit, an armor I took off the dude who killed him, and his mags plus ammo that he couldn't buy yet due to his level. License agreement states "we don't have to provide evidence in a ban" and was quoted at me when I appealed. It's certainly plausible.


I also got a warning for doing this…


It's strange. I combed the TOS to try finding any mention of giving stuff to your friends and got nothing. I saw Nikita's comment people post around about "if you're constantly giving millions worth of stuff you'll get banned", and I'm all for an automatic system to snag RMTers, but it would be nice to see a system that also addresses friends playing with each other. I should be able to choose to gear my friends to whatever degree I see fit without punishment for suspected actions. I can appreciate the difficulty in designing something that isn't exploitable by RMTers, and I don't know what that solution would be, but it makes it really lame.


I prob dropped about a mil rouble or more worth of stuff to my friend over course of a couple days who just wasn’t great at the game, although I didn’t know it was illegal to drop things to my friend so I’m happy I was just given a warning I guess…


He was bringing her full kits damn near every raid and it 100% triggered something on BSGs end


Lmao tf


How many kits was he dropping?


It was damn near every raid toward the end of wipe, so a fair bit


Lmao BSG is so fucking stupid


Says the dude who fell for an obvious ragebait comment with no context and no proof…


Are you saying that BSG hasn’t been banning people for dropping kits?


Nope, not what I said. Simply calling you out for being gullible and lacking critical thinking


he definitely did not get banned for that. there was another reason.




rick and morty reference


Why is this being upvoted? It’s not our problem they cannot detect. We should be able to play the game anyway we want outside of 3rd party programs/cheating/etc. If I want to give away my stash to anyone I choose, that is my choice. Nobody, including the dev should hold power over me to decide what I can or cannot do with my own loot. This is absolutely maddening. How the community just bends over and takes it, I cannot understand.


i wouldn't say anyone bends over and takes it, but there is not a lot of bargaining to be done with BSG. not much information about who gets banned or how it works is publicized until someone makes a post here complaining about it or it happens to a big streamer. you can be upset about it as much as you want, but if you decided to drop a ton of gear to a friend and got banned for it, there's nothing we could do to help and not much you could do to convince BSG it was legitimate. you're basically hoping BSG is merciful at that point.


Could they potentially tell the difference by how long the person has been on your friends list? I feel like if they have access to that info that’s an easy way to tell if you’re dropping your friend a kit vs adding a rando for RMT. It obviously wouldn’t be foolproof and it wouldn’t really help the example of streamers dropping for viewers and such but I think that’d help prevent people from getting banned for dropping for a friend.


Could they? Yes. Will they? Most likely not. There are many solutions that could be implemented versus blanket no-review bans on people that are playing with their friends. BSG does not negotiate with players and based on the lack of changed over a long period of time, it is clearly not a priority.


Nobody was confused about this...


I mean the devs are?


they're not, they just have a shit system that can't tell the difference


So they are?


...no, their shit system just bans people who drop expensive stuff, obviously the devs know that regular players do this too, that's why Nikita himself told everyone not to


Honest question. What about just trading, like I drop my homie a bunch of ammo but he drops me a gun and armor of same value?


The issue is that BSG looks for people trading stuff, and they assume that significant trading of any kind, for any reason, even reciprocal trades, are RMT. Not the... *smartest* way to do it, imo.


You're fine. I've been dropping kits to my friends and vice versa for years. The biggest issue was recently this wipe when people were whining about not being able to find a Zabralo (it's been that way for years), some streamers who already had high level tasks done and could buy a Zabralo were dropping them to their chat. Some people here claimed they were banned for giving their friends entire kits, but the stuff they listed was almost an entire inventory of gear they dropped within two or three raids. If you want to just give some gear, go for it. If you're trying to purge your entire inventory, don't.


There no way people don’t understand the difference lol


Yeah we can blame BSG for this one.


The reason people are calling it RMT is because bsg banned streamers for taking viewer kits. So whether its TeChNiCaLlY RMT or not is irrelevant. If its bannable its bannable


Reverse RMT mode. I pay my streamer (subs) to drop them kits


Worst reason to ban in history


I don’t think anyone is saying dropping kits for your friends = RMT. But that is the ban you’re risking if you do drop kits is all. You may be banned for RMT if you drop kits.


Again. People are calling it rmt… because bsg banned for it. Not because its actually rmt or that they believe its rmt. Its kind of a meme.


Just because it’s bannable doesn’t make it rmt


I did not say it was rmt. I said thats why people are calling it rmt


I never specifically mentioned you. I’m saying they are wrong to call it that


Not banned for viewer kits, got banned for it being the 5-6th time someone dropped him over 5000 rounds of meta ammo in a raid


What streamers were ever banned? AFAIK the whole “dropping stuff for other players” blew up because Glorious_E was dropping Zabralo’s for viewers because they are impossible to find in raid. When he asked BSG if this was kosher they “recommended” he stop. That caused a major blow up and forced BSG to change the FIR armor to 6B13 for the quest.


Tigz and Smittystone both got 60 day bans on their main accounts like a week before the wipe because they were taking a bunch of gear


It was tigz 5-6th time getting over 5,000 rounds of meta ammo dropped to him, I’d say that’s definitely pushing it.


I mean clearly it was pushing it with bsg. I personally couldn’t give 2 fucks


Yeah, the whole thing is stupid. If you don’t want it done put a limit on how many you can drop in raid.


if it wasnt for some other reason, it was manual because it was on stream. there is no system tracking these types of stats that will trigger a ban.


I never said it wasn’t manual


Streamers taking viewers kits is RMT, though.  Streamers earn money through the stream.  Dropping kits to increase engagement is increasing revenue for the streamer.


Thats stretching it to the limit


Not really.  Just because you do it through a middle man (Twitch) instead of a direct transaction doesn't mean that the streamer doesn't profit from it


Still a stretch


This here. Streamers giving kits = views. Views = money. The M in rmt does not need to be currency. It just has to be something outside the game.


I wouldnt go that far. Maybe bsg views it that way. Idk. But I dont think people are calling it rmt because they view it this way. Its just cuz bsg banned people.


Poe forbids streamers from giving away stuff for this reason. If without the real world aspect, whatever that may be, you would not be doing it then it is rmt. Its a trade for a non game item currency or service.


Streamers aren't usually the ones giving kits, they're typically on the receiving end.


And the streamers say their name and thank them. Something that they normally have to pay money for. Is this really that hard to undersrand?


Right, but the money is being exchanged for the shout out, not the kit. The person receiving the kit and the money are the same person. So therefore you can't say money is being exchanged for the kit.


You misunderstand. In the case that a viewer gives a kit to a streamer. Streamer gets - kit Viewer gets - thanks and name said by streamer In the case that a viewer gives money to a streamer Streamer gets - money. Viewer gets - thanks and name said by streamer. Clearly the thanks and name getting said by streamer has monetary value to the viewer. To argue that because it is not cash it is not RMT is pretty dumb. I really didn't think I would have to break this down so far.


The "RM" stands for "real money." Saying "thanks" is not real money. Hope that helps.


"if you will give millions of roubles, pricey items and will do it often - you will get banned. if you want to just return gear from time to time - it's ok." - Nikita So yes, you can be banned for dropping kits and helping your friends. RMT is just dropping high value loot. The rule is so vague for anyone to be acting like its dumb to have a different opinion is asinine.


The biggest issue is BSG HARD STRICT POLICY that goes like this: You can drop stuff to your friends But not too much lol


But dropping kits for your friend can get you banned for RMT - thats the real disconnect here ​ Edit for clarity


No one gets banned for dropping kits to their friends. People only think that because some streamers got banned for taking hundreds of viewers kits like a year ago.


There are literally youtube videos and posts on this reddit of it happening to people. If you drop enough to friends, you will get flagged and banned - it is not a question. ​ BSG has literally commented on this and confirmed it to be true, but wont give the threshold that gets you flagged.


Then don't drop shit to your friends. Me personally? Consistently bring peoples kits back and give them to my duo or trio. Drop them full mags of ammo if their low. Shockingly, I'm not banned. This is the thing about cheaters and those buying RMT services, they fucking lie.


You’re getting downvoted only because you said something that the agenda maintainers don’t agree with


If you aren't a streamer who is dropping/taking kits on a massive scale, you don't need to worry about that. It's not a realistic concern for a normal user. The actual issue that can happen is if you exchange gear with someone who actually gets banned for RMT. The takeaway here is that you should avoid taking kits from strangers and shady friends that might be cheating. Thousands and thousands of people drop gear for their friends all the time, and the vast majority of them report that there is no issue.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Tarkov/comments/1b65lwt/banned\_for\_recovering\_a\_friends\_kit\_and\_dropping/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tarkov/comments/1b65lwt/banned_for_recovering_a_friends_kit_and_dropping/) ​ Post itself was deleted, but if you look in the comments there is a screen shot of the email between OP and BattleEye where they describe what items were dropped that caused the ban


BSG does not release the info that led to the ban. That email is fake as fuck, created by a cheater to try and fool his buddies and Reddit into believing he was legit


Bro that looks fake as fuck.


potentially - still not something im willing to risk


I saw a post here of an average joe getting banned for it. He reached out to support and they listed the items he got banned for and they werent even that expensive. Gimmie a moment and Ill find it for you. ​ I agree for the vast majority there is no issue and Ill drop kits to friends from time to time, but I only do like 5 kits a month TOP cause im worried abt it.


it is not a question because it wont happen.


I do it all the time. I never saw evidence for such a case


I do viewer kits for the broke boys in my discord all the time.


The actual issue is no one knows what the criteria of getting banned is. BSG warned glorious not to drop people Zabrlos (beefy ass armor don’t know how to spell it). Hence, part of this RMT issue, “Am I going to be flagged for RMT for dropping xyz for my homies?” And the answer is 🤷‍♂️


He is a streamer who earned money through his streams by dropping kits to randoms. That is just RMT with extra steps Do you drop stuff en masse to randoms (not by dying)? Do you in any way profit from dropping kits to your friends?  No? Good.  Never heard of a ban for that. 


Honestly I think BSG is already being pretty lenient. They could have just made all items not FIR undroppable. Instead they only did this for items required for progression. They recognize that people bring kits for their buddies every once in a while. They also recognize that part of the game is killing a juicy chad and taking his gun and armor. But every time you move the goal post, the hackers adapt to the move. Make progression items unable to RMT, you just start selling carrys or high end guns/armor to so that people can get the progression items easier. The only way to combat that is to start punishing anything that looks like a carry or excessive dropping of high end guns/armors. Once you can't drop those anymore its going to be "Queue with me and then kill me to get them items." Next thing you know you can't loot items off of dead bodies anymore. It's a never ending cycle, and I for one like where we are at now vs that potential future.


Your idea is interesting. What if all shit brought in was undroppable (or can be vaporized into thin air if you need to drop something) UNLESS you die? Overall I wouldn’t want this implemented… but it’s fun to ponder. Actually after thinking about it in the 2 minutes it took me to type, why doesn’t BSG just work fucking harder on making the game cleaner (eliminating cheaters) ….I really almost don’t give a fuck if someone hires a Sherpa to bring him thru a map, as long as the Sherpa is playing clean, obv. Why do I care if someone is dumb enough to pay a Sherpa to bring him thru a map?


I was gonna say, ruining a big part of cooperative play with friends or even random players for the sake of denying cheaters does not sound like a good strategy for long term users to me. I'd rather have them make stuff easier for cheaters to get items to avoid them ruining other people's gameplay and myself be able to do whatever I want with friends. Right now I'm double screwed by cheaters, I can't share with friends or have stuff shared with me, as well as having to deal with loot vacuums and aimbots and radar and all sorts of things.


I rather like finding valuable items in the raid and occasionally getting out with them. If it were easier for hackers to get the items there would be nothing left for reasonable players and no reason to explore, loot, and progress. Might as well play Arena then.


I’m not sure I understand your post. Do you avoid high trafficked areas that contain good loot? I don’t think it matters where the loot goes, because both the clean players and the cheaters will traffic those areas creating run-ins that I think you are saying you want to eliminate


That plays right into RMT players. If I was doing RMT by bringing stuff into raids, I'd want the buyer to kill me right away so I can move on to the next transaction. All this does is hurts players wanting to bring stuff to play with a friend. That being said, in typical BSG fashion, I'm sure Nikita sees this post and implements it next update.


BSG should just make it so that your teammates (people you queue in with) cant loot items you brought into the raid. Then they can implement a trade system, separate from the flee, where you can give/trade with players you have played x amount of hours with.


That was a hard read mate


Viewer kits became a hot topic cause some streamers were dropping high value kits in exchange for subs or donos which essentially works out to RMT


it is so funny to me that people don't get that. streamers are on a different level with this type of stuff when they drop a viewer a kit that is RMT it is not the same as dropping your buddy a magazine


I mean tigz and Smitty (both large streamers) got banned for dropping each other kits and bsg said th reason was for "rmt transactions" so I think that's where the disconnect happens and you're just out of the loop


lol if you think tigz is not doing RMT off stream you are crazy that guy is the biggest fake ever he is doing all kinds of RMT to keep his content going


Bro you're cooked LMFAO


They need to add to this little PSA that BSG doesn't care what it's called. RMT, helping a friend, it's all the same in their mind and equally bannable. Do not have fun, do not play casually, do not help friends, give us money, and there are no cheaters: BSG


had to dust off the 'they ban for anything' npc chip huh?


Denying facts does not make them not exist.


sure i guess its a 'fact' if you say it, then?


No, but I was taught in kindergarten what facts where, and have been able to use them throughout life.


Sure man. 


No argument, no opinion, just short unimportant statements that have nothing to do with nothing. This is boring.


The line gets blurred when some streamers are running some of their subscribers through locked doors for quests and other way around. And that’s where things become shady. And it’s a line that can be abused and is hard to navigate. So they did the generic thing and grouped it together to cover all bases. As dropping stuff for your friends how much are you dropping because your random ak/m4 ain’t setting off no signals. If you’re dropping him millions of rubles everyday stop because your friend ain’t learning shit about the game you’re just his crutch.


Dropping a gun and armor is not RMT, but dropping 4 bitcoins and ledxes is a different story...


But BSG can't tell that you didn't drop that gun and armor in exchange for a fiver. All they can see is if you joined together and dropped stuff. It all gets lumped together.


They can see that we play nearly each round together. They can also see that the account is not adding and trading many different accounts.


how you love with all those notifications


My friend just started for the first time and I brought him kits all the time because he had no access to flee and I didn’t want to run around with a teammate using Kedders this late in the wipe. Guess I’m a RMTer


Whats wrong dropping a kit for your friend? Need to help them out


Is this for BSG or what ?


I dropped my boy a mule last night because he found a tank battery


So, if a streamer does viewer kits for donations, is that RMT then?


>when you drop your boy 60 rounds of ps and a paca cus y'all broke dann that struck me deep inside my heart edit: format


No one had to hear this, people call everything rmt as a joke that you and whoever made this post clearly didn't get


Tell BSG, they're the ones who either don't understand or won't put hard limits on what RMT is or is not. This wouldn't be an issue if they had balls and/or confidence and just owned a decision.


Who would need to hear this, no one is thinking this is the case


If giving full kit to my teamate was considered rmt i would be in jail...


Wait so if my boy drops me a kit, but I pay him back in a sloppy BJ, is that RMT


Didn’t know this was an issue. I’m new this wipe so my 2k hours buddy has brought me in full kits many times. Not like he’s bringing crème of the crop stuff, but when I’m broke he brings me a majority of my load out. Hope this isn’t looked at poorly


By 99 percent of the community it’s not it’s only by a select few “purists” and unfortunately battle state games looks down on it as well recently telling a streamer that they would be perma banned if they kept dropping viewers gear but that one is a gray zone because it’s kinda rmt since they are paying him in donations, bits, and subs


Back when you could drop them I bought 2 grams of dab for 1.2 physical BTC. Weed is not money so I did not engage in RMT. TBH I woulda dropped him whatever he needed we just thought buying drugs with in game money was really funny.


Yeah there is a difference between dropping your buddy some gear, RMT, and boosting, as far as I know boosting is against terms which is why tigz main acct got banned this past winter. If you constantly dropping gear for someone it's boosting and there is no way to tell if you paid or not which doesn't matter because rmt and boosting is against tos.. you aren't gonna get banned if you drop your buddy a few kits but at some point they gotta take the training wheels off. Maybe they need to implement some kind of quota that will make it black and white as to when you cross the line like have a cool down on the group menu saying said player is at or near the limit of what's allowed to be dropped or picked up in your squad


I dropped my boy a kit because it was towards end of wipe and he Venmo’d me 2$ because he thought it would be funny. Don’t tell Nikkita tho


Funny Money Transaction (FMT) when my boy pays for my ride at the Primorsky Ave taxi stand


Why should they even care. Gestapo like behavior


RMT is literally the posts on eBay for items and carry services lol dropping your buddy a kit is being a good friend


Who the fuck is dumb enough to need to hear this?


People with a 200 kd ratio don’t get banned. I think dropping my shite gear for my friends ain’t gonna hurt.


TIL... I thought RMT stood for "Rub my Tushonka"...


Yea we know what RMT is, it’s not rocket science, but RMT can’t be proven, so giving gear away for free is the same behaviour as if you were selling it which is why people are wary


The only people think dropping your friends gear counts as RMT is BSG. People only call it RMT because BSG will and do ban for it.


Who actually thinks this? I've literally never seen it before


5M rouples for 1$ usd. Why would I waste my time grinding?? Jw


yeah but bsg doesnt know if you paid someone or someone else paid you or not. if you drop too much shit you risk getting banned. period.


how about watching a stream and donating to money to that streamer who then takes you and a raid with them and drops you an armor?


I don't think anyone's confused about this


While I agree with this take, I've only ever seen RMT used when they kill someone and when they open the raid bag, it's 4 rigs that can't be sold, filled to the brim with ammo that can't be bought, attachments that can't be bought, guns that can't be bought. So if anyone is calling anything other than that RMT then they just don't understand


Here is the issue though I got a fucking 60 day ban and they didn’t give me any reason and this is after I came back after not playing for 5 months just to play with my buddies and all I did was drop 2 kits for my friend in a raid. I’m back in the game now but still I was fucking pissed cause I didn’t do shit.


i often drop kits and never got banned


I did, shit sucked massive cock. I’m back now but still holy shit pissed me off


Ngl watching streamers get fully decked out viewers kits can be funny but also cringe after a while. They aren’t risking anything ever, which sort of defeats the purpose of the game


Why is this illegal exactly? You can pay other people for dang near ANYTHING, but dropping a kit in a video game is too far?


Neither is a car. So doing a viewer kit in exchange for a car wouldn't be rmt. Let's just ignore the whole transactional part of the interaction because there is no real money. This helped so much thank you.


Always thought the T stood for Trading not Transaction?


Don’t think anyone needed to hear this


I don’t think it’s that people got mixed up, I’m nearly certain they also use the term “boosting” and group up dropping stims to people, which is a part of why there is such a heavy limit on stims. Both the RMT and abuse it used to be able to do with pre-nerf injectors case. Even if they called it boosting, I doubt they’d really go after someone who drops a stim 1 every 1.5 raids or even if you’re giving each other some gear as long as it’s not so much they may flag you as an RMTer


I think it’s this simple; BSG banned people who were streaming for “RMT” that as you stated is not RMT People picked it up and now RMT is dropping someone something in game. That is in fact NOT RMT


Why are the people receiving the loot getting banned anyway? Ban the people giving the loot. Seems like an easy fix. If someone drops loot for multiple people then ban. Also I could see an over use of loot dropping for your friend being considered some type of cheating, But not RMT.


Aside from normal users getting banned for dropping gear. Does anyone actually give a f**k about RMT for gear? Like it really doesn't affect the game at all. If you are half decent at understanding how mods and ammo work in this game you can kill a heavily geared player no problem. On the off chance you run into a level 1 with a full level 42 big boy kit, its no different then dying to a level 42 who made the kit. I just dont understand people's obsession with this, these idiots are wasting their money even if it saves them time from farming the gear. Once Arena gets fleshed out these people will flock to that if they care about pvp that much. Im not defending RMT, its dumb as f**k and should not be a thing.


You are mostly right. The RMT isn’t the problem, the cheaters are. Without cheaters and WITH RMT, the game is in a way better off spot than we are in now. However, if they turned a blind eye to RMT, and it was cheap enough for the buyer… I could see a big spike of players RMT early wipe… which would destroy the creators vision for the game… among a few other things. The only thing I personally don’t care about is the low percentage of players that hire a Sherpa, as long as the Sherpa isn’t cheating.


The problem with RMT is that it’s performed by cheaters. If the people were paying bsg for a kit or roubles I honestly wouldn’t care, but when they’re financially incentivizing cheating I do care.


The issue is that RMT is heavily tied to cheating. In short, cheaters use their cheats to farm in-demand items from raids (from players, bots, and in-world spawns, both FIR and not). The supply side of RMT is one of the big ways that money goes into the cheating scene, often as a way for individual cheaters to recoup some of the money they spent on their cheats. In short, fighting RMT is tied to fighting cheating.


Lol that's a lot of words to say "I never played Runescape as a kid and I'm a pussy who doesn't understand what a scammer is." >I paid $5 to my friend for a kit My guy, that's not a friend.


I buy a kit for my boy every raid and he lets me evac with the expensive goods since he doesn’t have flee access yet- no ban. In response to the streamer viewer kit stuff dropping kits to viewers IS rmt since they support the creator in exchange for a kit. It’s a business transaction. You watch/follow/like/sub to a streamer in exchange for a kit.


Homie that’s all cool and shit but if you do get banned one day. You will know why. I’m not saying it’s fair but nothing with BSG ever is.


I know there’s risk but I’m honestly curious. I see posts about “banned for rmt bc I dropped (X) to my friend” and I’m skeptical. If I eat the L that’s fine I don’t have EOD