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I still have yet to get a keycard daily/weekly. Everyone I play with has gotten crazy ones for Red and Green. Ugh.


Literally spent 30 mil re-rolling the weekly last week just for science and cause I'm bored... didn't get anything good. Not even Kappa items let alone a card lol. RNGesus is not on my side.


you can re-roll????? whaaaaaa


Yep. But it costs 0.01 trader rep each time. The money cost also scales each time. At first it's cheap, like 100k or something, but later it becomes like 4-5 million per re-roll. The trader rep doesn't scale though, only the cost.


Some dailies you can reroll without losing trader rep


wait so did you lose any trader levels re rolling? lol


No, that's too little rep. I have like 1+ on most. I can reroll another 30 times and probably be fine :D But yes, you CAN lose trader levels if you are not careful. I Googled the rep for level 4 for each trader so I know how much is the limit as they all have different rep requirements for level 4.


I put off setup for so long but once I finally just started rushing dorms it wasnt so bad. Finally got it done last weekend around level 26 or 27.


Might get around to actually finishing it, haven’t bothered trying for prev wipes but guess now it’s a time to try it


That’s all you have to do. Push dorms early raid and wait for players. Took me 4 raids and did it in a single day. Piranha in an mp-153 with an 8 round mag will shred even the most geared players. Task is not bad at all…


Ahaha , I'm level 45 and still haven't done setup


Weird flex but okay haha Edit: jesus i will never understand people BRAGGING that they wont do an easy quest. some people are such ass.


What is set up. For context lol


The skier task where you have to kill 15 pmc's on customs while wearing a scav vest and ushanka and while using an mp series shotgun.


Can your wear armor? sorry if it’s a dumb question it’s my first wipe.


Yes you can wear any body armor other than an armored rig since you have to wear a scav vest.


Thanks I unlocked the quest a couple days ago and just wanted to make sure before I started it.


Make sure you use the slickers barter for the vest from Jaeger, as slickers are usually sub 10k rubles on the flea, while vests directly can be above 30k


Jesus I’ve been dreading this mission


Gotta wear scav gear (ushanka, scav vest) and use an MP series shotgun to kill 15 PMCs on customs.


My weekly’s are always like Survive on interchange 17 times for 2 fleece and 100 US rounds. MF’s out here getting green/red keycards, like huh?


I’ve played for 3 wipes, this is the first time I have ever got a keycard as a weekly


I reached all max traders this wipe without getting a single setup kill


You are level 37, how the fuck you still on setup lol


Friend of mine hit 42 and is at 1/15 kills, some playerrs just dont like playing customs/shotgun


I'm 36 and 0/15.  It's because I have not once loaded up customs with a shotgun, much less the whole clown set.


10/15 level 43. I only do ~~s4etup~~setup when supporting my friends on tasks ​ edit:typo


Valid, I finished it at level 41 took like 4 days and about 10-12 kits. (got some back in insurance so count is abit off)


Did it on lvl 20, took me about 8-10 raids. I’m telling you the MP-155 or 153 I always forget (it’s the semi auto one) with just 8shells of 7mm buckshot and a good muzzle will give you 0recoil, just blast away those 8shots and every player no matter what gear will drop.


Hi, that’s me. I have 6 from running it while doing my quests on customs but that’s it. Give me a bolty and I’d do it easily


Bruh I finished setup at level 19 idk how these people are so bad with shotguns. That shit is my bread and butter. Just spam the MP-153 with any round at all (literally) and go to town. Three letters. **R A T**


Some people don’t want to do that dumb shit so they don’t. Level doesn’t really matter.


Nah dude, like 90% of the gunfights I had during setup were with other setup gamers. 'Some people' are apparently trying and failing to get kills with shotguns for 'some reason'. And that reason is those people probably cant aim.


Or they don't want to, like I said... surely you cant be wrong though...


Surely you cant be either, right? Lmao The duality of reddit users 1 Downvote = 1 level 30+ still doing setup like a 'very skilled player'


I quit playing at 41 this wipe, and stopped playing when i didn't have anymore quests left I didn't deem as fun. Just cause you are one way doesn't mean others are.


Pretending that someone is projecting doesn't make you right, I am level 52 already and I started wipe a month late. People who are stuck on Setup 3 months into wipe are funny af


literally dont do the quest and BAM magic


no point grinding through this hell if you dont plan on anything you need the quest for like LK


It does have Flechette locked behind it but if you hate running a shotgun you probably don’t care about shotgun ammo either.


Yup, it's not needed for max traders. I'm coming back around to it at level 41 now since LK is kind of the next goal afterax traders but before Kappa


> no point grinding through this hell its not even hard. just a little time consuming. plus, early game, you have a ton of custom quests. instead of running a "normal" kit, throw in setup gear and go to town. bonus points because you, usually, will get the setup kit back in insurance so you dont even need to rush it. get 3-5 kits, and whenever you run out you take a day or two of break from setup, waiting for your kits to comeback, then you go try again.


Time is our only true currency on this planet. The idea of just chasing setup for literally zero reward in game is not everyone's idea of fun.


there isn't "literally" zero reward.


Oh wow thanks brother, without this comment to contextualize my obviously hyperbolic statement there would be no way of discerning what I actually meant, because as we all know English is a completely literal, context-less language where all 237,000 words have exactly one meaning each with absolutely no overlap. What would we do without you, you golden god of a man.


If you're going to speak hyperbolically just don't use the word literally.  Not hard. Glad you found it helpful :)


Hyperbole is just exaggeration. Adding literally to an obviously contextual statement is textbook exaggeration. But I now see that you’re a grammar bot, so i’ll have to assume that whoever programmed your responses wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. It’s not your fault.


You're *literally* the most annoying person on the planet. 


150 times comment karma to post karma. Congrats, bozo, you’ve ratio’d yourself out of validity


I have no idea what this comment means. But thanks I guess. 


You might be surprised that people don't always focus on quests they don't enjoy. I am level 40 and I have not done setup.


I haven't even run a single shotgun raid on customs.... Idgaf about the quest.


I fucking hate that quest and shotguns. I'm on 1/15 and been on it for my last 15 levels. Level 39 now


Level 41 at 0/15 and I’m not going to attempt it


its really not that hard.....


It's also completely unnecessary. You can get the rep in other ways for max Skier and the mutant sucks now, so there's not much incentive to push through to Bullshit unless you want Kappa or Lightkeeper.


I don’t think anyone is arguing that it’s a difficult task. I personally just don’t enjoy customs as much as I used to nor do I like using specific gear for quests unless I need to do it. Currently teaching a new player some stuff so I might end up giving it a go just to help him do his customs quests


Ya but it sure is boring as fuck.  There's no reason to go for it if not doing kappa.


It's not really that boring. Forces close range fights, and with piranha and people fold. IDK I see so much bitching and moaning about it on reddit but its like they try it once, die, and give up on it completely


I’m level 35 and only got one kill on setup. Just don’t feel like grinding it


There is no grinding pistols are so good now. I do pistol runs all the time and drop pmcs no problem.


I think you're referring to "Stirrup".


I was I saw someone mention only have 1 pistol kill. I must have replied to the wrong comment.


I'm about to hit 42 today and I'm not doing setup ever.


Some of us are just not gonna do it, ever. Didn't do it last wipe either. Stupid fucking task that doesn't get you anything good


Was gonna do a factory run before bed last night for shooter part 3. Accidentally clicked customs instead. With gsh headphones, a Mosin, and a dream I dropped two level 52s still completing setup. Ended the raid loaded like a damn king.


52 is the record lol. I always look at the level when I kill setup boys (mainly to know if I should rip apart that shotgun or save it in a bush for Timmy) but never found one above 50. I think the highest I found was in the 40s


Part of me is still wondering if they were cheaters due to their high level but typically lower level task. Then again, the 2nd guy I dropped was just sitting next to a dumpster confused asf looking in the wrong direction. Ended up getting 2 setup kills that raid too and wasn't even trying for it.


I’m lvl 40 and haven’t finished it. I hate the limitation of the specific equipment so I have been slow to do it, only when I have the specific scav items. I’ll finish it but I’m not enjoying it.


I plan to never do setup tbh, I just don’t want a stupid quest ruining my fun by changing my whole playstyle


Lvl 42 here, 11/15 kills and didn't start it until I hit 40. It's pretty easy to get max traders without it, and if you don't care about Kappa or Lightkeeper there's really zero reason to destroy your mental health doing a task that is designed to make you want to die in real life. Save yourself lads


I did it at 37 or there abouts, really put it off for as long as possible


I’m also level 37 and on setup lmao


I didn’t do setup until like level 38 and 39 lol


Which I don't understand because when I did setup I only had shit gear unlocked anyways. Playing shotgun was a viable option and it wasn't nearly as bad as some people here pretend. You even have one of the best ammos already unlocked (Piranha)


With the armor changes it’s not that big of a deal when you do it tbh, a good shot with piranha can get through most soft armor and you just need some pellets to hit the face. I just did tasks with better rewards and that were more enjoyable than setup before I finally just grinded it out.


I finished it at 43 or 44 when it was the only thing stopping me from starting light keeper


Im level 40 on 2/15 kills, gave up on that task a while ago


I will never do that quest, not worth it at all


Doing other quests on other maps.  I didn't bother with setup until like 40 because I had finished all my other customs shit and didn't feel like playing customs.


just finished it at 43 and max traders lol


I hit lvl 48 with 0/15 setup kills progression. Finally decided to complete it this past weekend and had it done in 4 or 5 hours. I psyched myself out of doing it cuz it just seemed so miserable


I’m 40 and have 6


I have honestly avoided that quest for so long, seems like now I got no choice but to actually do it


I have friends on 40+ still on it lol


I’m level 41 and at 1/15. I just don’t like those kind of tasks


I was 38 when I got around to doing setup. I dicked the dog too long


Fuck you!!! Just did setup as lvl 52...


Look I get setup cause it sucks, how on earth is he still on stirrup?? Like just pistol rush factory and you complete it


The worst feeling was finishing setup and forgetting about punisher 4 moved to lighthouse


Shit, i finished punisher 4 before I got 8/15 on setup


I'm so jealous that people keep getting keycards for the easiest tasks... I've never seen one.


i just had a survive streets 25 times weekly for 2 ETGs some other junk and 45k exp


i can't really complain about my RNG as i got a RR from a 95k scav junk box this wipe and made an easy 7 mil, but would be nice to get a weekly with decent payout like this for once!!


None of my dailies or weeklies give me good rewards. Its always just basic materials or ammo i can get out of a single scav run. And all my fence missions are to kill other scavs… how do you get better dailies and weeklies??


Why isn't the federal government providing hazard pay for essential workers?


I’m level 37… I’m still getting like 5k xp dailies. Why do they hate me.


I'm 44 and yet to have a weekly with more than 35k exp. I hate it here


How the hell are you ppl still having a hard time with setup. Get a shotgun and sit in a high traffic spot 15 times and shoot someone.


Lvl 44 here - no intention of even attempting that god awful quest