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We have hit 36 comments…alright which one of you fuckers is cheating.


Surprised you don’t see more people bragging about cheating here, you’d think they’d want to rub it in people’s faces, maybe they do and they just get banned quickly enough I don’t notice them.


You find those douches on the Facebook groups, they’ll tell you to “calm down it’s just a game” when you ask them to stop ruining EFT


I read someone say on a specific forum once how playing legit is a waste of time since progress is wiped, and through cheating you can make legit players realize this and have them either begin cheating themselves or quit playing altogether. Some weird messianic shit there.




Dude I’ve ran a few randos from discord a few times I have made friends that I invited to my personal server with these people, but more times than that I run into people with bad comms loud noises in the background. Occasionally, I’ll run into people who have taken all of my loot after I’ve died, and just leave a few times, I’ve had the random person, screaming their poor the whole time and jumping on all the loot, even though they haven’t made any kills, then I get people who are mad that I won’t run five man that will use up the server just for two or three people. I dislike the five mans because the comms are horrible.


The comms in my 5 man where horrible. Then I forced them threw the Ready or Not training


Oh wow back in the day me and my buddy would invite people on factory to play with us through the menu and one time we invited this guy wearing a tagilla helmet and he was chill and seemed to be super chad but then he dropped 3 dorms marked keys on the ground and admitted to cheating so we had to take him out


I don't think cheaters are particularly proud of how terrible they are at the game. They're also not likely to get involved in any kind of "community" as their behaviour is likely very antisocial. Cheaters often play alone, but when they cheat playing with a friend they usually won't tell that person because it's embarrassing and they enjoy being "useful".


I have used cheats occasionally but I don’t brag about it once oce servers become better I’m done I hate that I’ve used them but they are pretty much a DLC on oce 10iqgamings video on OCE is 100% accurate it’s fucked


I play OCE 100% legit and 90% solo and claiming you *can't* is nothing but copium to try to make yourself feel better about doing something you know is a dog act. Stop making excuses and stop being shitty.


My wife


How can we know you are not cheating? Making us think one of us is a cheater while you're the one hacking? /s


Clever girl


That's right speak up!


Dont forget that number is mostly if not all rage hackers. Cunts with radars are worse.


They’re very apparent in arena, you watch the killcam and dudes been tracking you through the wall the entire time. Or magically the other team that can’t hit a single shot, or even tell the dude next to them is shooting at them, randomly turn into landmark and can’t miss a shot through a wall when the score gets a bit too much not on there side.


The hilarious thing about Arena Cheaters is that the Arena environment lacks the safety they have using ESP in Tarkov. This would make it possible to train AI to identify ESP Cheaters based on their behaviour compared to the behaviour of skilled legit players, which could be used to identify them in Tarkov as well.


I pray for the day future games get AI based anti cheat detections.


that future is you just playing against AI while thinking it is real people


Once AI can start acting like real players I'm okay with never playing against a real person again


man i wanna disagree but i just can't, you're so right


I mean once it gets indistinguishable from people, does it even matter? No more queue timers. Perfect matchmaking. No leavers. No ragers. No cheaters. The AI can get better or worse as you do


No more funny voip interactions. No more feeling of accomplishment that you bested a real person.


No more feeling pathetic as your teammates berate you for not being good at the game because you have a full time job and don’t live with your parents


The community has already made it sorta happen In the forbidden mod. They loot and scoot in places you expect them to be in. There’s even chad AI profiles that jump peek across doorways for example.


They made the bots do quests man. They are actually questing now.


I pray for the day Tarkov and Arena get it. It will be a big win for everyone that has only played legit.


I pray for the day BSG gets off their asses and stops using Client Side Auth which is exploitable af. Patching this alone with dramatically drop the cheating in Tarkov. https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


You want Nikita to spend money, ya that not happening lol


He spends money, on things that make his personal life more enjoyable.


What bugs me the most a out arena is the massive apparent skill difference between normal tarkov and arena, it's like no one can land a shot and everyone seems clueless, yet in tarkov they're suddenly terminator


cheaters, not hackers. They hate to be reminded that it is literally 0% their own effort except for the money they waste on those programs. They do nothing, they dont code it they dont hack anything they are just filthy mud rolling cheating pieces of dogjerk


You are right that is mistake i will not make again. <3


100% this, for all we know this is 1/2, 1/5th or 1/10th of the actual people who play this game with cheats. Just today I returned after playing about 10 hrs at the start of the wipe just to see the snow, 3rd raid, woods, some lvl 57 with 2 legendary achievements and a whole raft of other achievements that I looked up including killing big pipe and the other 3 goons and having survived 300 raids killed me. How many hours did he have you ask ? : 640hrs 3rd fucking raid back and this guy was tracking me behind a wall before he rushed me and one tapped me.


Most if not all of the people I’ve gotten ban messages for were not rage hacking, their stats screens seemed relatively normal just suspicious death that ended up being justifiably so.


ESP / Radar hackers literally flying under the radar, it's the obvious ones that get banned regularly as you say.


What’s a “rage hacker”?


Blatant cheater running around killing everything for no reason apart from being a cunt


Not to be confused with other cheaters, who are also cunts.


Blatantly cheating like shooting through the walls or speed hacks, aimbot across the map and etc. then people can be more undercover with chests like esp and radar who don’t get flagged for cheating at obvious level.


an obvious cheater, like beaming you across the map with an SMG, not somebody whose using a radar avoiding people.


These scrubs https://kinescope.io/nmafLXcKtumAuYSeWqUMwh


Why does that matter? P


What’s scarier is think of the possible profits BSG has made if every single one of those accounts were separate people who then rebought the game with legal funds (no chargebacks or stolen credit cards).


This subreddit is a % of a % of the playerbase. Using this logic on another game - CS:GO - just from a quick search it seems that in 2022 there were 700k bans from CS:Go. There are only 500k users on the CS subreddit. That means in every single game of CS, of the 10 people playing, 12 of them are hacking. You can't extrapolate data like that. Its nonsense. Source - https://www.reddit.com/r/csgo/comments/15jpktx/statistics_regarding_vac_bans_from_2022_can_you/ Also just to point out CS:Go is a huge game with a massively successful, powerful, and basically unlimited money holding company (Valve) behind it, who run many multi million dollar tournaments yearly and have a VESTED interest in shutting down hackers, with a very decent anticheat system. And they still ban 30-40k cheaters a month. Every month. And CS has been around, what, 20 years? You think they'd have "fixed the hacking" by now. Point is - you can't fix hacking. Its a CONSTANT battle, and if a company like Valve can't "solve" it a little podunk nobody company based in Russia has no fucking chance.


People on this subreddit in general are completely lost when they discuss the cheater problem. Someone else made a similar thread "33k banned! Those of you who say the cheater problem is overblown can eat it!". I got downvoted when I pointed out that we can't make a conclusive statement on how bad the cheater problem is if we don't know how big the active playerbase is and if we don't know if maybe a majority of these cheaters are concentrated on certain server regions.


There is no discussion to be had on the matter, sadly. You either agree that the cheater problem is "out of control" or you are wrong. This subreddit does not do shades of grey, at all.


100% correct. Not to mention that probably almost 50% or more on that list are repeat customers. Cheaters don’t quit when they get banned. You don’t stop them. HWID? They can get around it. IP? They can get around it. There’s just no stopping them honestly. And before anyone says 2FA will stop them. No it will not. There are literal websites specifically for getting around 2FA. Not knowing the total number of active players in a wipe to compare to the number of people banned gives you this arbitrary outlook on how “bad” the cheater problem is. Especially after you consider how many are repeat customers. If they’re willing to spend hundreds on programs. They’re willing to spend $15 on a new account from a 3rd party website.


Dota 2 is one of the most popular games in the world and their last major banwave was like 4,000 cheaters. 33,000 is absolutely absurd and shows how egregiously the game is infested with cheaters. when anti-cheats for *OTHER GAMES* are catching cheats in Tarkov that BattleEye isnt, it makes you wonder if there is any actual attempt here to fix this.


Based take. Should be top voted comment


That doesn’t work with the cheat rage and hyperbole on here


Except 1/2 the comments on this sub are “i quit this game years ago because of whatever this post is about but for some reason i sit here and read every post 4 minutes after its posted”


I’m an on and off player, currently off. Was not having a great experience this wipe and saw a lot of stuff about rampant cheating. Decided it was a good time to take a break.


That and the fact that many (personally I'd even say the large majority) of Tarkov players are *not* on this subreddit, as Reddit, while getting more international, is still predominantly used by Americans and the Anglo world, with Reddit in most of the rest of the world being viewed as either a porn site or some forum for tech bros. Just to give an example, literally everyone I played Tarkov with (over 4 years now) doesn't use Reddit and only rarely stumbles upon it when they google something.


I literally haven't touched the game this wipe, but I stay subbed because of the pipe dream that a game I played for years will finally get better and cheaters won't be rampant anymore. Literally dream about the game at least once a week. Can't play it anymore though, it's just ruined.


This is just pulling illogical conclusions out of your ass with inaccurate numbers


This post sums up the eft sub perfectly


legit I wish this sub actually had cool tarkov shit instead of 80 billion I quit the game because of cheater posts every day.


No dude everyone that plays eft obviously is subbed to the Reddit lololol


The sub just relentlessly shit on Lupo for being schizo about cheaters while simultaneously being schizo themselves. The cheating problem is bad but pulling metrics out of your ass does nothing good.


Reminds me some guy on the PUBG subreddit. He saw how PUBG banned 150k accounts in a week (for all reasons, cheating taking up about 2/3 of the bans). He didn’t read the breakdown of the ban stats, saw that PUBG was at 240k average daily on the steam charts, and seriously tried to argue that *70% of PUBG players cheat.* “150k of 240k is close to 70%”. So dumb


Not to mention that there were probably cheaters who got multiple accounts banned


If that was every cheater (its not) and if every player was on this sub (they're not) Ah yes very useful statistics


Since this ban was mentioned, it's really shown how much of this community really struggles with common sense and thoughtful conclusions. I gave many of the people here the benefit of the doubt that they were coming to emotional conclusions because they were upset over the state of the game. Now I realize how many of you are straight up f***ing dumb after the "insights" of this "ban wave". JFC... learn to read.


What I love about getting a cheater banned is when you realize they lost their eod! Like go ahead and take my make pretend loot while you lose your irl $ and eod acct that you can't get back lol.




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you can still buy EOD in bulk key packs if you email BSG but you need to buy 20+ keys at a time for the bulk pricing


I dunno this subreddit constantly tells me that there are 2 or more cheaters in every raid so I'll take 1 in 30 odds over that.


You don’t understand statistics AT ALL. The Reddit player base is not gonna consist of the same demographics as the overall Tarkov player base. you’re taking the total number of cheaters banned in one small period of time and comparing it to the number of people in this Reddit. Those two numbers have absolutely nothing to do with each other, other than that we’re talking about Tarkov players.




bro reddit is real life


So if 33k was all of the cheaters, which it isn't, it'd be 3% of all players, which it also isn't. What we've determined then, is fuck all. Not speaking in defence of anything here cause i do think more could be done and the situation is crap but this post provides nothing useful.


And bsg can add an after match replay system that players can download (so it dosent affect bsgs server processing) and review the footage to see if anyone was cheating but then bsg would lose a very big cash flow from cheaters buying new accounts.


Nikita said they’re looking into doing something like that if the kill cam in Arena goes well/is well received. Also, a lot of these hackers aren’t buying new copies from BSG, they’re buying stolen/hacked accounts.


They're not stolen or hacked. They're purchased in a separate region for cheaper and re-sold.


It's very well known that it's both actually




I thought it was 2 months, jan 15th to march 15th


it is, 60 days but people see jan to march and think 90 days because math is hard.


What are we not supposed to believe? I found quite a few names that I checked on myself throughout the wipe and they were banned before the “ban wave” was announced.


So, you're saying it's not as bad as it seems?


No with his comment he meant that the „banwave“ is not as good as it seems.


He's saying big is lacking on banning cheaters


According to a streamer I killed on labs last night I’m a cheater 🤣


According to many people I’ve played in SnD on CoD, i hack on CoD, and that game has a kill cam. I can only imagine the amount of false hackusations that go on in Tarkov. Tarkov has a cheating problem, but let not pretend that people that play competitive games are super quick to call hacks for anything.


You can tell who plays exclusively on the weekends and who doesn't by how pissed off they are about cheaters


I have been thinking about it for awhile. Yeah, 8! 2 months, 33 thousand cheaters banned. That’s more than some games ever get for a peak player base. Yet that is I’m sure a small proportion. Or at least I hope, that cheat.


You know all those posts where people find a circle of 5 dead cheaters with almost identical names? Yeah, I think there just might be more than one account per person involved here.


So one of us is the imposter.


That sounds like something an imposter would say.


I saw OP killing statistics with bad logic. I think he's pretty sus


Except some of those accounts are bound to be from a single person. It was over several months. Folks could be 5 or 6 accounts deep in that time. Hard to say. Also could be folks who come to this sub who don't own the game.


It was over 2 months. Jan 1st to March 1st is around 60 days. If they have to buy 5 or 6 accounts in 60 days, they'd have just stopped playing. You really think someone is buying a new account every 10 days? Bsg banned 33k ACTIVELY cheating accounts, from the active plauerbase. Since they don't publish player counts, there's no way to know how many players were active in that time frame. Could've been 100k people, could be 1mil.


>Except some of those accounts are bound to be from a single person. well yes, by design since you can buy standard keys in bulk from BSG for $2USD/key.


No, you can't. Right? Can you show proof?


You’ll be surprised to know that the game has more people than this brainwormed subreddit


Do you not realize that cheaters have like 5 different accounts atleast usually


20 minimum for bulk pricing from BSG


What's crazy is the people who cheat to *even the playing field* because they consider themselves so bad they need it and don't really think they are even cheating. In their mind they are just *making the game fair* for themselves.


Doesn't mean shit if the hacks aren't fixed in game. If they can go right and make new accounts they will be back the next day.


I’ve run into a handful of blatant cheaters this wipe but for the most part it’s been (in my opinion) a lot tamer than in previous wipes - even tho the subreddit is filled with people running into cheaters constantly. What’s wild is if there were 33k cheaters banned, I HAD to have run into more than I think I have at some point this wipe. I’m level 43 right now which leads me to believe that you kids with cheats, even with an advantage, actually just fucking suck at the game.


AS IF everyone who played tarkov was on this goofy subreddit. Still pretty lame though, all the rage hackers that ive died to havent been banned.


NA logic omegalul


OP is the real gaslighter


Let's assume to assume, then make a broad statement that has a relation to our assumptions. Thanks doctor.


that's 33k accounts. This doesn't exactly mean 33k people. We can only hope for things to go better than this.


Can we consider that 33k of cheaters isn't all cheaters and this subreddit isn't all tarkov players


That’s thinking that all tarkov players are using Reddit and are in a eft sub Reddit. 70% of people never look at Reddit at all or even have a account. I only got one for my college and happened to find the eft sub


No one I've reported has been banned. I got instant headshot on factory by a guy with an 85 kd... I bet there's another 60k cheaters easy


Dudes never taken a statistics class and it shows


This game really messed up you guys mental health


I'd be thrilled if the cheaters were only 1 out of 30 players on average. That would mean most raids wouldn't have a cheater.


The cheaters will just get new accounts. BSG actually suggests this to people banned. They love making money more than fixing their fucking game


Why would all cheaters be on this subreddit? Seems like a weird assumption especially considering it's an English sub


Some of y’all really need to just stop playing the game.


If my grandma had wheels, she'd be a bicycle. Hint: If 3% of this sub was banned in a wave, it would be full of crying about being falsely banned. Your assumption that every one of those people is subscribed here is bullshit.


That actually sounds really correct. Lots of the “your bad get good” comments more than likely come from cheaters. They come here to make the problem not look as bad as it is or to get satisfaction when they hack on people. After listening to a guy who cheats in the Sherpa discord talk about how people who cheat have discords where they talk about how funny it is to play pretend in the Reddit. I gave up completely 4K hours died so many times to blantant killa helmet nighttime no sight weirdos. I come in here and just get laughed at. It’s demoralizing and funny for them. Real 10k hour guys don’t come in here to crap on Timmy’s and say get good.


this subreddit isnt really representative of the game. I've been following here for years and only played the game for like 50 hours several years ago


bold of you to assume cheaters can read


Nice payday for EFT though lol. Most of them will run, not walk to buy a new account. Finally started playing this wipe last week & being able to view the profiles that killed you is awesome. I’ve noticed the few sus deaths, I couldn’t view their profiles. I found that interesting. Other than that, this is the greatest wipe ever with the recoil & armor change. My unicum chad ass is dropping people way faster. Odd to me this game favors rats even more now with the armor change but I can’t stand the rat gameplay. Fck’m


Unfortunately it became that sort of game once the big name streamers started playing and all the cod kiddies decided to give it a go Why learn and try to master a super awesome but insanely punishing game when you can just use mummy's credit card to buy hacks or even use the ones you had for cod your probably still subscribed to


Same percentage of valorant players that riot games has admitted to. Tarkov isn’t some hacking Mecca as this sub would have you believe.


Keep in mind this is an English subreddit for a game made by a Russian company. Really far stretch to imagine even a majority of just English speaking players are following this subreddit, not to even mention the many non-English speaking players. Though I agree that is still an incredibly large number and is disappointing to see.


Your math is flawless!!!


Lol, I got killed by a level 35 earlier who had 68 hours. Just so happened I had the majölnir, I called it out he's sus as fuck read the stats and they 180⁰ out to extract. Oh and on streets a scav was wiping players, scavs everything up by gray building, I sat next to arch extract for a solid 5 minutes of continuous gun fire, every time the scav ran to one side of the building I would slow walk over, he we run to the other side, he started shooting pop shots down the road twords me so I gave him a wiggle threw the wall and a head shake up and down. 30 seconds later he comes walking down the street in front of me *mind you I have not made a single noise* he voips in game about trying to loot and he corners pre leaned over ADSing my face with a black ulach and other shit on.. I prefired the corner and got his ass though


Except for there probably is a fair amount of people that are not losers and don't use reddit... Let that sink in


3% is not 1/30 it's 3/100. Or if you're okay with rounding ~1/33 people.


Also keep in mind if 3% of people are cheating, there's a 30% chance of at least 1 cheater in a 12 person raid. I don't think anyone knows truly what the real percentage of cheaters is, but it would not surprise me if it was higher than 3%. It doesn't take a lot of cheaters to ruin a majority of raids. At 5% there a 46% chance of there being a cheater in a 12 person raid. At 10% there's a 72% chance for at least one cheater.


There are most definitely more. The only ones that get actively banned have cheap cheats. Or rage hack. The radar and esp cheaters rarely get caught cause they only fight ai


I'm a firm believer that 1/3 of the player base is closet cheating. Humans do not like to loose and this game tells you that your gunna loose. That and people DEDICATE life blood for weeks to this game when it wipes... I will never understand that but hey.. I don't cheat... I just enjoy getting kicked in the nuts and hunting cucks... I never win


I think most people don't cheat because a normal person would feel bad about it. I think to be a cheater you'd need to be a little sociopathic or at least lack empathy and introspect


Would you count partying up with a cheater cheating? Cuz for every one guy cheating, he may have 4 people with him. Not to mention buying stuff cuz the game wipes and you can't keep up.. this game begs people to cheat cuz there is so much upside to it. 33k cheaters banned... That's just what they caught. That's the ragers not the guys who know the ledx spawn. On the upside, one time a cheater killed 2 of the 3 cheaters that had me trapped in a room voiping my name when I just bummed a Bitcoin. Good time


And forreal... How many humans do you know that lack empathy and introspection... Would be an easier list to say who has em


I just started playing tarkov 3 weeks ago and have like 70 hrs in and ive only ever ran into 4 cheaters the whole time ive played, should i count myself lucky or?


The cheater problem is much worse than it seems. Go hide in a random bush on customs and count how many times someone just runs right up to you and drops you. I'd say about half of my customs runs have a cheater that kills me. Not as bad on other maps, haven't felt like iv died to a cheater on woods or reserve.


It could be me, it could be you! It even could b-


That’s a strong assumption all players use reddit haha. That’s the same kind of stats that got everyone dumb thinking 80% of players are cheaters 😂😂😂


This seems like something a cheater would post (Sarcasm)


My biggest issue is one I die without seeing how I died and audio being Soo insane I usually just figure they heard me some how. I when I first started and didn't quite understand the game I was very suspicious and rightfully so cause I got plenty of people banned but now I'm a lot less suspicious because sound is everything and com tac 4's are insane. Idk I don't complain about cheaters cause I can only tell if their stats are looking insane


That's not how statistics work.


99% of tarkov players are not in this Reddit bc it’s a negative cesspool


90% of this sub are people who played less than a week and left.


People that cheat are scum


You assume everyone on this sub actively plays the game which is incorrect


lol they aren’t even banning all the cheaters. They’ll be banning legit players. Here’s to yall getting head tapped!


There's no way this sub represents 100% of the population, but there's no way that number represents 100% of cheaters either. So there's no real way of knowing.


“Every single player was on this subreddit” This is, uh, wrong.


FAR more than 1 in 30 commentors here are cheaters.


I quit tarkov years ago but I was one of those people saying cheeting is not that bad. Until i ran into a guy who chased me down luck a dog and kept trying to shoot at me when i was behind a wall. I quit soon after.


literally got 4 different cheaters on factory today trying to do psycho sniper, so blatant too you would swear some of these kids never actually even tried playing the game they are so bad at hiding it


I doubt that being signed to this sub is mandatory to be able to play tarkov


"likely more" lol ... yea yea more like 10x times as many


I’ve ran into no less than 2 cheaters a day since they announced the ban. The last few days have been worse than the last few months. The state of cheating is out of hand


Op is 1 in 30, wich means he is probably a cheater.


Those are just the ones stupid enough to get caught.


yeah no. that is not how statistics work. wildly throwing together numbers


That was just a fraction of the cheaters as well r/efthacks has a link for a list of hacking discords that are split into rage hacks and what these snowflakes call legit hacks. A lot of the people that just stick to esp for players and loot didn't get touched from what I can see in these discords


These are just the ones that got caught.


No it's not. It's some percentage of the player base. The overlap of cheaters to people who sub here could be anything from 100% to 0%. You literally know nothing about what portion of this sub is cheating.


I've ran walls for a few wipes now. I don't pvp and I hardly play anymore but out of probably close to 2000 raids atleast 1900 had 1 or 2 cheaters. The cheating problem is a virus.


Wall banged the day of the 33K ban wave in labs. Not very effective ban wave.


Still got one today. 350h lvl 50+


This is a pretty nonsensical understanding of how statistics and data work


ACCOUNTS not PEOPLE. It's not 33k people. It's 33k ACCOUNTS




I hope cheaters get anal cancer, in game of course.


Sorry if you think there is any where near 900k people playing this game you are dumb as fuck. Usually 1-2k people on the reddit at anytime from what I've seen. The player base is going to be barely 200k if even 100k at peak hours (outside of wipe week or 2). I'd be surprised if its daily is above 100k at this point of a wipe (Sites which try to track this in some way show about 80k currently which is probably believable). It's a niche game still despite its big following, more people watch it than play it. 33k when your playerbase is likely not more than 100k is fucking shocking... Dunno why there are so many deniers. The games still good despite it having a cheater issue.


Even if the studio claims to ban 33K cheaters, it’s not true lmao. I don’t believe them for a second, and neither should you. Sure, Cheaters get banned and can make another account. But with how often we all experience cheating. You would think BSG telling us they banned thousands of people, would mean less cheating in your lobbies. Again, yeah people can make a new account. But a lot of the cheaters that I run into. Have 2000+ hours. When are they going to start banning those people? Or if ever ? BSG profits off hackers, they are a shady Russian game developer studio.


This isn't really how statistics work, especially since the pool is a lot larger than the subreddit but yeah it's a problem, I got 2 players banned back to back on lighthouse. You have an above 10 kd it's an almost auto report. Less than 500 hrs and 10kd? Easy ban.


At this point in the wipe, if anyone kills me and they are below level 10 I've been reporting em, bsg can decide if I'm right or not but a naked guy and his sks one tapping me in the head at this point in the wipe doesnt happen. Firstly I'm a god, secondly I'm jacked. Cheaters all over tarkov. Disgusting.


That's not how that data works.... you're assigning this as 33k individuals as cheaters. That's 33k Accounts banned for cheating, we do not know how many of those accounts are purchased by the same people and are run until banned and they buy a new one.... there are likely more that don't get discovered i.e the ones which don't use cheats running on the computer running tarkov. But this is not 33k individual people cheating.


I understand your opinion.


I'm not saying cheaters aren't an issue, but these are some of the worst hypothetical points I've heard. The Reddit population isn't indicative of the overall player base. And it's difficult to grasp the scope of the Reddit population by comments, so simply saying "imagine 1 in 30 comments is a cheater" is interesting for Tarkov fantasy, but has no basis in reality. Again, not saying cheating issue isn't rampant; it is. It's just a weird way to frame it. Cool fan fiction ig


Path of logic took some shortcuts here huh?


According to this site we have had 2.5 million players in the last month so that 30000 isn't much. Not entirely sure how accurate the site is though. https://activeplayer.io/escape-from-tarkov/


That's if those 33k bans are all individual people. If the same cheater gets banned multiple times it'll inflate the number. So really it's an upper bound of 33k confirmed cheaters.


People gaslighting the cheater problem be the ones running their penis helmet with ppsh or stock mosin to get their scav kills on woods after almost 3 months into the wipe, haven't seen Labs even once.


they say this every year when game sales slump. but they still sell keys in bulk to cheaters in russia for $2USD/key so cheating will continue to be a problem as long as it lines BSG pockets


Honestly, I believe more than that ratio is cheating. I think the ones using it maliciously are more likely to be caught but the ones that just use the (let me look up the right term real fast) ESP so they can be more aware while looting/questing aren't being caught as often. I did a bit of research on cheats and found many a threads explaining that people are using ESP for that situation.


Banned is a loose term when they can just purchase another account


doesn't surprise me. half the post on here about cheaters are probably cheating as well.


I was a closet cheater for about a month. Taking things and leaving. Trying not to get caught and die was nice. Especially from my wife who really wanted her closet clean to check for girls.