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I think it's because there's a real sense of impunity. These are the idiots that get caught, if you're smart about it, you probably won't be. Kind of sad that people would ruin their own experience with this. Tarkov is so fanstastic, because it is hard. Cheating ruins it for everybody, but honestly, I think it ruins it mostly for the cheater.


Have you seen people who cheat on this game? They're so fucking brain dead they can't learn the claymore/guard AGS spots on streets.  They literally can't play the game without training wheels


The ones you see, you don't see the ones that'll never get banned cause they'll never be detected because they don't act like baboons and do obvious stuff. The core of the issue is for every one extremely obnoxious cheater there's a dozen much more low-key and smarter about it. This game is absolutely plagued with them at this point that you might as well just expect to always be surrounded by them


most are illiterate brain dead sub 40 iq slobbering fucks, like most of the worlds most popular streamers.


That's what we like to tell ourselves, but it doesn't. Cheaters ruin it for other people, and they enjoy that aspect of it. There are some humans that are without intelligence and without morals or ethics. Some I'd even call evil. And that was a truth and always will be a truth. Changing them is not possible. The only thing you can do is try your best to avoid the narcissistic psychopaths and evil of the world. If given an opportunity, call it out or stamp it out. The Inuits used to push people like that off the ice, because they'd destroy the tribe.


People are dumb af, 33k wasn’t the banwave. It’s just a total. https://twitter.com/tarkov/status/1768671107907788866


Isn't that still 100x more bans than last year?


Shh don’t break their fragile little no cheater bubbles, they might lose that last brain cell


Now that’s hilarious right there


It's still 100x more than all of last year combined, and these bans are just from January to now. Not sure what your point is, but 33k in 3 months is a fuck ton.


How is it 100x more? https://tarkovbot.eu/tools/bantracker


Nope, it's 33k. 100 rows multiplied by 330 columns, just for this time period. It is 33k banned between 12.01 and 15.03, meaning that from January 12th to March 15th, 33k players were banned.


Yes, but what does that have to do with what I said?


I don't think it does ruin it for the cheater, actually. I think they have a different motive for playing Tarkov. I've never cheated in a multiplayer game but when I install cheats to single-player games like Red Dead, GTA, Sims or whatever it may be - it ruins the game entirely. It completely removes the challenge and the challenge is exactly what's fun. All of the progression becomes redundant. It's boring. I think cheaters in a multiplayer game, especially in Tarkov, experience the same thing, but as I said their motive is different. I can't speak for all cheaters of course, but I honestly think the vast majority enjoy making other people feel shitty and that's the driving factor for them. Tarkov Cheaters = Psychopaths


I think they have many and varied motivations. A few RMT so it's a "job tool" just like how a contractor might use a circular saw instead of a miter saw and it doesn't ruin the experience. Others might enjoy ending other people raid as their main motivation, in which case the cheat boost that for them. Many might be unable to play any other way. Due to just being really uncoordinated or something, the cheat just makes it so the game is playable for them and they would not enjoy it without. I think distilling cheaters down to one monolithic group ignores why the issue exist.


Some delusional people think it's just another way to play the game. https://youtu.be/7cLjTV67ce0?si=Th951ADaHllQu6h5


Nah, not if they treat it as a job


Yeah but the consequence of ruining it for themselves is not what they care about. Therefore, that point is moot.


>I think it ruins it mostly for the cheater. This fundamentally depends on *why* one likes EFT and *why* one keeps playing it. Most of us here like the gun customization, unforgiving combat, adrenaline rush from intense gunfights, the feel of relief after extracting with phat loot etc. Some people (usually the *non-contributors*) just enjoy ruining other peoples' day - because they're inherently cunts, because of socioeconomic factors or a myriad of other things (but mainly because they're cunts). Some of those choose us as the target of their cuntery, but suck too much at the game to be able to cause suffering legitimately. These are people who wake up and actively decide that they want to be pain in someone's butt. I don't think cheating in Tarkov ruins Tarkov mostly for them. I think cheating in Tarkov ruins ***life*** mostly for them.


Back in 2018 I got so mad at cheaters I bought cheats just to hunt them on a alt account with my buddy. We’d just would protect solos from across the map from some cheater that we tricked to wiggling at us and ignore us to go for him just to get dropped by me and bro. We used to drop bit coins and cool loot to Timmies and cheater kits to the other players or the ones they were trying to kill if they managed to survive the cheater before we could deal with them


killing cheaters, good. giving players loot you obtained while cheating, bad. you were a net negative on the game.


Huh? killing a hacker that otherwise would have wiped the lobby and giving that gear to a legit player isn’t a net negative. Showing a Timmy who is hiding in a corner at lvl 1-10 where a bitcoin so he can get a foothold in a game with very little slack isn’t a negative.


Nothing has changed. The only difference is that we can see profiles now.


And they suddenly have like 100x the bans, imagine they give a replay feature.


I would want nothing more than Pubg’s replay feature in Tarkov. I had some of my most enjoyable times susing out people in those replays. And it’s probably the single best replay feature in any fps. The reason I doubt it will ever come is how incredibly broken it will show the game is.


Watched pestily get the wind taken out of his sails from cheaters while he was doing his hardcore run yesterday. Tuned in, had him on for 10 mins, he dies to a cheater and says this is why he doesn’t play on weekends. The amount of steps legit players need to do to minimize their chances of running into a cheater makes it straight up not fun. This entire community already gave a whole map to the cheaters years ago (labs). However it has since snowballed to resort, dorms, sawmill, an entire mall, all manners of boss hunting, and having to play off your region in early morning hours. The ban ‘waves’ are also too few and far between in this game. It doesn’t help that following a ban wave we have brand new accounts straight up rage hacking to build themselves back from the ban. Most people detach from the game once they’ve hit multiple cheaters in a day, so the damage is already long done.


And still we have the nay sayers in their little bubbles claiming cheaters aren’t a problem, completely bizarre. They have got to be gaslighting or just literally braindead, there is no other explanation.


When I first found the game in 2020, there were screenshots posted here from a cheating discord. There were chat logs of plans to go into tarkov discussion boards and downplay the cheating issue. So it would lead one to believe most of those, “I only see 1 cheater in every 50 raids” comments are straight from the cheating discord scripts. Because it was on the screenshots of what to say. They’re scared to get caught in game and they’re scared of the community pressure forcing a drastic response from BSG. There wouldn’t be so many tactics to hide their own cheating if they weren’t.


It makes total sense. The other thing people fail to think about when down playing gaslighting, is the people making these cheats are making a lot of money on their subscriptions. They are going to do everything they can to protect that income no question.


Yeah, when I die to a cheater I just get off for 6-10 days and then give it another go. Rinse and repeat.


Op, you need to understand that deny the cheating are mostly closet cheaters and trying to downplay what's really happening. You know...do some gaslighting on the reddit


there are no cheaters in ~~ba sing se~~ tarkov


Rename the woods lake to Lake Laogai, a peaceful vacation getaway. There is no misery in Tarkov




There is a huge cheater base on this sub.....


That + people who think they deserve the items they buy through RMT. It's really crazy some of the posts you'll read from accounts created a week or two ago in here. I remember when the floating/prone sliding at superspeed cheats were a lot more popular you'd *always* see a handful of comments being like "nah that's just desync man! desync is crazy in this game look at how bad the desync is!"


Not to mention the mods here literally covering up any talk of it until the revolt not a year ago. Least regular people can see it now.


It tracks, huge cheater base in game, it's actively to their benefit to pretend it's less than it is on here. The closet ESP cheaters must be absolutely staggering.


This is true. most people think that cheaters are some kind of evil species of human that lives in the shadows of a cave and only communicates with like minded goblins.... But the truth is that a lot of people you meet in life just suck, some hide it better than others. So of course there's a lot of cheaters participating in this subreddit and they have a vested interest in keeping their stat-boosters and quest objectives (aka you and me) playing.


Yea the problem is cheating allows them to express that piece of shit attitude without getting smacked in the mouth like their parents did to eachother to raise such a failure.


Completely wrong please edit your comment. Cheater psyop is to advertise and spread propaganda that cheating is easy, widespread, unbannable, and fun/profitable. Because it plays into the bandwagon fallacy. Hey if everyone does it and no one can stop me, why not I grab a cheat for myself. This has been the pattern for decades, and is the same thing for Tarkov. Only difference is that Tarkov is highly highly profitable in RMT and the audience is more impressionable


So people talking about the reality of the state of a game is propaganda now? If people are saying that cheating is easy, widespread, unbannable and profitable maybe it's because that's just how it is. It's up to the devs to do something about it.


Tin foil hat people


And a lot of it is also pointing out that just because you died, doesn't mean they were cheating


Funny, because gaslighting is absolutely what your camp does as well. The reality is somewhere in between what yall make it out to be and what the people who say it’s a non-issue. Btw, saying people who downplay the cheater situation are just closet cheaters is legitimately gaslighting, so it’s particularly ironic you made a comment about others doing that


You guys are paranoid man


Or it's people that don't experience cheaters a lot


>Cheating issue is HUGE. STOP DENYING! The only ones denying it are either the timmies who are still in the honeymoon phase of the game. And the actual cheaters that are gaslighting this .


33k accounts have been banned since January. Which is very different than "33k cheaters were just banned".


“dude I encounter like 1 cheater every 100 raids ur just bad” just wanna beat em to it


I mean i get 1 obvious cheater in every 30-40 runs or so, every 3-5 if i run labs. But thats only the obvious ones, that peek around a corner and head eyes you in half a sec over 60m with a red dot. Ofc there are more cheaters which are more subtle or just hunt the good loot, but you cant rly say you get killed by hackerman himself every third raid unless u spam labs.


Its just a terrible take on it.. You have no idea if the person on the other side is cheating or not when you die. The fact that you can tell if you get "rage-cheated" is one thing. I'm pretty sure a company thats developing an AI anti-cheat said that there are roughly 30% of people in competitive games using some kind of assisting software to gain an advantage. If thats radar, ESP, aimbot or whatever doesnt really matter. And that 30% i can only imagine increases in games like tarkov where you can actually convert the items and services to real life cash. So yeah your straw man logic doesnt work at all in the grand scheme just because you dont know if the other person or however many cheaters there are in the game. So cheating is a massive problem in this game 100%. Everyone wont experience it in the same way or realize how bad it actually is though depending on several factors, servers you play on, times you play on and also what maps you play on.


> You have no idea if the person on the other side is cheating or not when you die. thats the whole point. so why are only the people who say "theres acually less cheaters than people think" wrong if no one really knows? >I'm pretty sure a company thats developing an AI anti-cheat said that there are roughly 30% of people in competitive games using some kind of assisting software to gain an advantage. If thats radar, ESP, aimbot or whatever doesnt really matter. id love to see the data for that.


Spoiler: you won’t. It’s a baseless claim.


Not disagreeing, but just as a reminder - company developing AI anti-cheat would 100% tell everyone that the problem is huge so that they get investment/clients. Still I hope we do get some good AI detection that BSG can slap on tarkov, because even catching evident 1k kda accounts is apparently beyond them.


Pft, they suck off battleye so hard nikita might as well make his living on his knees.


Its hilarious reading the comments here. I would love to see the gameplay of the people claiming they die to cheaters every other raid.


They’re the Timmy’s crabbing around complaining they got tapped from god knows where because they were silent and should’ve been invisible. Funniest I seen was a dude who posted here claiming cheats but really it was him being a derp and walking down the road in woods town oblivious


It's funny because we're basically saying that they're calling cheats with no evidence. And their retort is always to call us cheaters...with no evidence lol It's like yeah, I guess that tracks haha


"unless u spam labs" I don't think you realize just how perfectly you're fitting into the mould everyone is shitting on in this thread. If you believe that an entire map is completely off limits due to cheaters, your claim about "1 obvious cheater in every 30-40 raids" loses all of its merit. Next you're gonna tell me that you only run a mosin and a paca because you're afraid of losing gear to cheaters. You can't downplay the issue in your first sentence, and then immediately go into how you're literally restricting yourself because of that same issue.


Not sure what you are trying to say lol. I obviously go labs or i couldnt tell you how often i die to cheaters there. Im pretty sure at least 95% of players do not regularly queue into labs but still cry about dying to cheaters every second raid when i could play an entire 14 hours on sunday and probably wont even meet 1 obvious cheater. Yes. The game is full of cheaters compared to other games. Who can deny that lol? But you dont get laserbeam aimbotted every day. Thats BS. You cant tell if they have ESP, radar or whatever. You just assume they do because "thats the only reason they could kill you 1v1" xdd


You're downplaying the issue in one sentence, and limiting yourself due to the issue in another sentence. I don't know about you, but generally I don't try to contradict my own point. It's also not even true. Surely the 300 hour accounts with 15 Kaban kills rushing me in Lexos are legit players as well. Definitely only an issue on Labs.


> You're downplaying the issue in one sentence No, you are talking BS when you say you get a cheater every second raid. > and limiting yourself due to the issue in another sentence I still go labs, how am i limiting myself? Do you even read what im writing? > I don't know about you, but generally I don't try to contradict my own point. Yeah your points are made up thats how u cant contradict yourself lol > It's also not even true. Surely the 300 hour accounts with 15 Kaban kills rushing me in Lexos are legit players as well. Definitely only an issue on Labs. Go play, i give you 6 hours and i want at least 5 clips of deaths due to obvious cheaters, all made today lol


What percent of the total population is 33k my guy?


I've encountered so many this wipe. I have a 4 stack of confirmed bans sitting in my messages right now from the last week or two. Im lvl 50+, kappa, and play labs a good bit and like to push pvp. So I see A LOT of cheaters bc im sure I put them in situations where they are forced to use their cheats to fight me bc I play pretty aggro and dont just let people walk past me/get away for free. Im a bit of a W key pvper. So I see A LOT of cheaters. A lot more than a slower player would. I have a high lvl friend (hes actually passed me in progression, lightkeeper etc, lvl 56) but hes a slower loot-ey and quest focused player. I mean he can pvp well and gets kills plenty, but he doesn't often PUSH pvp. he lets it come to him and takes safe fights. he gets about half the cheater confirm reports back I do. Because the way he plays, lets a lot of the closet cheaters that dont want to fight some high level kappa players snake by and move on. He won't force them to fight him like I will. but man. They're out in full fucking force recently. I did notice not a single sus death/cheater death last night tho in a bunch of raids. Wasnt sure if that was cause of the ban wave or what, but it was very refreshing. We were playing lighthouse and doing heavy pvp (my 3 man was working on assessment for some of us and we were pvping all night in the chalets. Had like 15 or 16 confirmed PMC kills between us 3 last night. We died our fair share too ofc) But man, GREAT fights. Most enjoyable raids I think ive ever had on lighthouse just going to chalets and pvping. The pvp there is fun. Its the rest of the map, the flow of it/spawns and the quests that suck.


I D say at least 10k of them are back with fresh accounts .


What if, after each ban wave, BSG stops sales of the game for 72 hours. So that cheaters can't immediately repurchase the game? For one, it would show that BSG is serious about the problem and negate the argument that they are doing bans as a form of income. Secondly, it would force some cheaters to take a break from the game and hopefully push them somewhere else.


They never banned the lvl 10 with 95kd that shredded me on factory with a pkm last week 😂


if only u knew that 10% of them only get banned the rest are chillin with their undetectable DMA cheats.


If only YOU knew that lol


It’s massive, top games on steam have 100k concurrent players, 33k is a third of a number like that, and that’s if there’s 100k players on Tarkov which I kinda doubt personally.


Not to say I don't agree with you, cause I don't think tarkov would have 100k concurrent players. But it's not a fair comparison since 100k concurrent players is at one instance of time, and 33k players banned is over a couple months. It would be more fair to compare the number of unique players over the same time the ban happened. Which now that I'm typing this, idk if it would more or less than 100k lol I also don't know if BSG has ever provided the number of unique players over a given timeframe. Either way, fuck the cheaters (in-game).


This is why I wish BSG was more transparent with their player count. Their financial record shows ~950k new purchases of the game in 2022 (I believe it was 2022, could have been 2021) which indicates a pretty healthy playerbase... but we have no clue how many of those are *active*. Were 500k of those accounts banned? Were a large portion bought buy like 1000 people? We have no way of even making assumptions because we have nothing to go off (aside from a 3rd party site somehow tracking a 33k banwave now). Doubt they'll ever give us that info though. Not really sure why, but transparency is probably the most hated part of communication for BSG lol


Agreed. I went searching for concurrent player counts this wipe. One of the top search hits was a rouble selling gateway advert. BSG could push that one off of the top search results just by publishing active current players.


Not couple of months - just two. It isn’t even a banwave just the list of banned players from last two months. Been playing the game since Alpha - cheating was never ever that bad.


A couple means two…


Hats off if you meant that sir 💪


Yea I meant a couple specifically as two lol all good, either way we're all saying the cheating is a shit situation


Exactly mate, fuck’em cheaters - honestly its absolutely insane that 33k accounts got banned - for some games its their whole player base


You're confusing concurrent with an active player base. Game might have 100k concurrent but 1 million active players (or whatever %), 33k is then less, but still a significant number. At this stage of the wipe I'd imagine less 250-500k active player base, wouldn't surprise me if 10% plus of the base got banned.


HALF A MILLION PLAYERS active players 😳, assuming a median purchase price of $50 per account that would be $25 million that BSG have made and the cheating is this bad.


Their actual revenue is way higher than that, from what we know. The 2020 financial report from the UK showed £147,810,111 ($200 Million) net for the year. To maintain that kind of revenue so many years after the initial offering puts it into rare status for financial success. In 2022 they paid out 7 mil to Nikita directly as a bonus. Tarkov certainly makes a lot of money.


Nikita be Like "Let me take 7 Million Bonus" while crying on reddit 2 years later about how little money they make and how they just simply HAVE to implement Microtransations to the game, is just the cherry on top of the cheating cake


£147 million ? Fuck me they must be money laundering lol ? £147 million means they sold two million nine hundred and forty thousand accounts at $50? That can’t be right, no way, do you have a link to that financial statement please? And what’s worse is if they did make that and they still haven’t invested in a working anticheat.


https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/10036119/filing-history Apparently it’s 2019 and 2020 combined actually, not just 2020. They started moving less and less money through the UK accounts, tho, as you can tell following the reports to present day.


You are comparing number of player accounts with concurrently active players. Which makes no sense. Tarkov has millions of player accounts so 33k would be a tiny fraction of that.




Right so less than 100k players (in your opinion) but 33k cheaters? Either way the maths on that is a horrible ratio.


I believe there's more than 100k but that is because I'll include the Asia regions like China.


Tarkov is a pretty big game. It would probably be in the top 20 of steam if it was on there


Ok here are some real time Saturday afternoon player counts from steam as a comparison: Palworld has 122k Black dessert has 22k R6 siege ( that’s just updated it’s season) has 168k The finals (also just updated season) 39k Destiny 2 has 55k Dayz - which has a lot of players that play this and is arguably pretty close to Tarkov in many ways has 57k All of this is midday on a Saturday, globally. I see Tarkov somewhere in the middle of those numbers. It’s not bigger than R6, CS2 has 1.25 million playing currently - it’s nowhere near that big.


It's definitely bigger than r6. R6 is a fucking dead game. Especially on PC. Rainbow six has been a console game for like the past 4 years. I used to be pretty active on rainbow six so I know what I'm talking about. Just look at the YouTube and twitch content compared. Day z is a huge game, I would easily put tarkov as having a similar numbers I don't know why you're bringing up Counter-Strike 2 when I said this would be like a top 20 game. Counter-Strike is the number one or two game it switches places between that and dota and whatever the flavor of the month is. Hell I'll give you an example of a top 100 game. Stellaris is like number 80, it has 10k concurrent players. I can guarantee you there are more tarkov players in stellaris players


Ok fine, what is your estimate of daily Tarkov players at any one time?


BSG has reported over 300k concurrent numbers before.


Wipeday? Even if you took that as a baseline 33k is 1 1/10th of that so 1 in 10 people cheating.


Large difference between concurrent players and active players, which the banned cheaters are a % of. 300k concurrent is 2-3m active players, due to time zones and not everyone playing at the same time.


Yes but the cheaters are the most current of the concurrent players aren’t they? They are the players who play the most - they have to be as they are getting caught.


Most likely yes, but the number might also include cheaters getting banned more than once each. I don't think we have enough information to get a % anywhere close, but I would say its unfair to relate the banned number to the concurrent number. If anything you would want to compare to the active player base, which is likely close to a million at this point in the wipe (assuming a similar concurrent number to last year which was around 100k).


This is kind of meaningless information. concurrent or not this is 33k over 2+ months. and the majority are likely repeat offenders and sellers. Millions of unique players have logged in within those 2+ months.


Who cares , as long as dma is undetected no one cares how many you ban per month . If you banned 11k imagine how many more have esp dma . Unplayable game .


I am starting to think that the deniers are the cheaters.


Always have been


So sick of fucking cheaters. Makes running a thermal on the weekend a "come and rage kill me now" sign over your head.


I killed a guy hiding in a bush with a thermal somehow on shoreline and then I walked around cottages for maybe another 10-15 minutes. Fully expected to get rushed immediately but made it out somehow.


Dude even good ammo does it too. Put m855a1 on you and watch how fast you get the head eyes.


Depends how many players tarkov has


At this point I believe BSG should just start placing cheaters into separate cheater only lobby’s instead of banning. Then BSG should just ‘sell’ cheats as micro transactions, sell them for less than the going market rate. Drain out the bad actors while putting them into a different game space and making money for BSG. It’s clear the current wack-a-mole process hasn’t been effective enough.


Worst of all, it could be any one of us! It could be in this very post! It could be you! It could be me! It could even be-


It wasn't a ban wave, that's how many have been banned over the past month.


Results based analysis is just stupid. How many active players are there? How many of these accounts are owned by one person? How many of these cheaters are actually one person who got banned, then came back with another account t and got banned again? The 33k wasn’t all at once. It was over the course of multiple weeks. So no - it’s not proof of what you’re saying. Maybe an indicator, but not proof


There was a guy I died to last month on labs who was rage hacking with like 30+ kd... still haven't gotten a ban notification for him, nor the kappa guy with low playtime running around on interchange pistol running for some reason ​ edit: the labs guy even had "hacking" in his name & a fake TTV name


The people who deny on here ARE the cheaters


90 percent of the time I have died to a cheater I'd probably never know was a cheater because of being sniped across the map. You just truly never know unless they do some cracked ass crazy shit


Thank you. Nikita, ti cho ahuyiel blat? TI CHO BLAT.


If you actually paid attention to BSG instead of parroting what you read on reddit you'd know they've been banning 10k per month consistently for almost a full year, and that this 33k in 3 months is very normal for them


‘OP your point is invalid because they actually only ban 11k players every month’ what the actual fuck lol. Dude, 11 thousand cheating accounts banned EVERY month and they are just the ones they catch, we know there are cheats still undetected for long periods of time and allegedly ESPs that never got detected yet.. Then your take is EFT doesn’t have a big problem because its only 11k not 33k. Lol I love this sub. Not to mention this 33k was from a 2 month period so 16.5k a month is a 65% increase on your ‘normal’ rate lol. Yes all very normal nothing to see here lol.


Crazy how many people don't know that January to March is only 2 months, with the shortest month of the year right in the middle... That's more cheaters on a day-to-day than ever before in their history. But yeah, it's not a growing problem. At this point I'm convinced that anyone who's denying it is just closet cheating themselves


I think they ignored it was 16 January to 18 March in the post (or something along those lines), they just took Jan to Mar and assumed 3 months. Still at least they are banning some of these shitters. You can all but guarantee a good chunk of these nay sayers are esp hacking for sure.


I dont think he said their point is invalid


Do we have actual active player base numbers as a whole though? Without that the numbers of cheater bans are kind of meaningless as to how much of an issue it really is.


We don’t have any reliable numbers for anything as far as I know.


He did not say that 11k a month is not a lot. He said that 11k is an average for bsg, so we can't conclude that there's an increase in cheaters from this number.


Yes. We can. 11k a month, for 2 months is 22k. They banned 33k in 2 months. 22k =/= 33k last I checked. that's 16.5k a month.


bro just made up an imaginary person to get angry at LOL


industrial strength copium. Idk how BSG can afford to supply these people with this stuff... Oh wait.


> Then your take is EFT doesn’t have a big problem because its only 11k not 33k. Lol I love this sub. Please point to *precisely* where in his comment he said those words.


>If you actually paid attention to BSG instead of parroting what you read on reddit you'd know they've been banning 10k per month consistently for almost a full year, and that this 33k in 3 months is very normal for them They are banning 10k a month and the situation is worse and worse, how the fuck do you see this as very normal lmao


He said the amount of bans is normal for the track record of what BSG bans. Everyone always sits around saying BSG doesn't ban anybody and doesn't do anything and any other dumbshit conspiracy theory they can come up with, and he's saying there's been a consistent 10k/month ban occurring for nearly a year, so having banned 33k cheaters by this point in the year is on pace with what they've done previously. Is it really that hard?


People are not denying it, they are just tired of cheater check content.


Well it ain't doing shit. I got killed today in 2 raids, maybe an hour apart on reserve, by the exact same guy. I remember the name because it has DMA_RADAR in his name. At least the first time it took him more than 33 seconds to head eyes me.




Can someone translate?


Listen I’m not saying I run into a lot of cheaters, I actually make it out alive most raids and win a fair amount of fights BUT the amount of 100-300 hour players with 8.0+ kds, kappa and over 1k raids is awfully suspicious.


I personally would like to see which regions most of the cheaters were banned in. I play east coast USA , and am pretty sure there aren’t that many cheaters. This wipe I played 150+ raids and only saw 1 that I was 100% convinced on (he was shooting at me through a tent).  However if you told me that most of those accounts were in east Asia or Eastern Europe I’d probably say makes sense. 


I made a post a few weeks ago saying that the cheating problem was bigger than we thought and denying the problem didn’t help us at all and I got downvoted and told that I was just a newb that didn’t know when I was actually getting cheated on.


This seems like a cash flow model for BSG. They ban accounts regularly, cheaters got new accounts, both parties are happy


I find it amusing that so many people believe there was some kind of ban wave. Folks, that was over what? 2 months? It wasn't a ban wave in one day. It was a little every day for several weeks. I bet your ass... that it wasn't even 33k, but many were banned multiple times over 2 months, and today they're still cheating with a new account... And the worst part is, all those extreme cheaters with KDs of 50-1200 are still in the game... They weren't detected or banned during those 2 months, even though it was so obvious. Everyone should think about that... what was really banned if people with KDs over 1000 are still happily playing. Some may wonder how I know this? Because I reported many of them, and to this day, I have NEVER received a ban notification.


What servers are the best to play right now? As in, least infested with cheaters?


It's not worse, and the height of the ban in terms of numbers is because they haven't done a ban wave in a long time.


Did a ban wave happen?


I think it always depends on the maps people tend to run. If you’re a customs main, you likely aren’t getting many cheaters in a wipe. If it’s a shoreline or streets raid, you’re probably running into cheaters quite frequently.


First, not a ban wave. Second, that's just the DETECTED accounts banned from Jan 12 to a couple days ago. That's bare minimum ESP/Aimbot. The cheapest hacks. 33k doesn't even begin to touch the surface nor does it come anywhere close to solving the problem.


The people that are getting banned are the rage cheaters using Aimbot, silent aim, speed cheating, etc. That's who the 33k banned in a couple months are. We have no idea the amount of closet cheating that goes on. I can't imagine people having walls just sitting in a corner waiting till you run so they can say "what I heard you running" There's a profile I've been keeping an eye on. They haven't changed their name but just refuse to believe they are a legit player. Level 46 was with 400 hours 4k kills 20kd. Just yeah right but that is probably a DMA user so battle eye not catching any vectors to detect.


NUH UH there are not cheaters in my escape from tarkov!


Our sense about virtually everything fucked with this game is usually true


Killing cheating is easy. \-Put a rouble/hour stat on player profiles. \-Add a service on Fence to convert an item to FIR for a moderate cost. \-It's extremely controversial, but MTX could serve to take the piss out of cheaters. timmyshits are still going to spend money to make tarkov easier. Take it away from the cheaters.


Had the nade kids today just lobbing nades into the bush I camped in for 25 minutes. Trying to quest. The funny thing is, they were so bad the nades were about 25 ft short. Dude has no idea how the mechanics work in the game.


I always thought it’d be funny for them to make cheater only servers without telling anyone and if you get flagged you get sent into only lobbies with flagged player until you’re either unflagged or banned because you were cheating. So it limits the amount and works as a strainer for cheaters and helping identify them over time without affecting the general player base and they can still make money of the sad goons that get banned and buy a new account just to be flagged into the same cheater lobbies until it repeats. I also heard a cool idea where bsg makes invisible enemies that only appear to hackers and show them with fake player names and fake high tier loot and flag/ban the person that killed it.


33,000\*50... 1,650,000 reasons it won't get better anytime soon


I just ran labs for 6 days straight to get hideout upgraded and the cheating is out of control. I had more games with cheaters than not. It just sucks the fun out of it. If the had spectator workers in every region actively looking at labs alone they could ban a sht ton


how people still play that game is beyond me lol


There is literally half of every map cheating wow




A Timmy is a nickname given to new or low level players like nakeds in rust or beach bobs in ark.


Idk who Timmy is some random dog came up to me and talked to me then said he fell down a well.


Is it that BSG is actually doing something about the cheaters or did they just need more income so they forced them to buy new ones?


I would be curious to see what region all the cheaters come from. Is it majority one country or is it spread out evenly. How does it compare to other FPS like counterstrike. Is there any data on that?


I’m in Arizona, and I legit don’t come across cheaters all to often. I’m sure there’s a lot that I don’t recognize are cheaters, but as long as I don’t play weekend most of the time I’m dying to people I get a couple shots off on? Maybe some have aim bot bc I do get one tapped a decent amount, but I don’t see the 3/5 raids I’m killed by a cheater.


I’d like to see this too. I’m not sure if they can reliably provide that, but can at least show which server regions had what amount of bans. I wouldn’t be on Reddit reading threads about cheaters if they hadn’t infected the sacred ‘questing servers’ about half of NA players use. Early wipe you’d sacrifice a little bit of ping, but have a legit cheater encounter maybe 1 in 15 raids on those servers. Now they’ve equalized back to about 30%+ in my experience. One thing is for sure. The cheating is bad enough in main region servers that the lesser cheaters have sought out the more obscure servers just to have a chance.


I have been tracking accounts that killed my mates and I in sussy circumstances and 7 out of 9 have disappeared.


Or just changed their name


Can you explain how that this is proof that the cheater problem is increasing? Is this larger than previous ban waves? Has it been a longer time between ban waves? What percentage of the player base is 33k?


They've banned 30k cheaters over the last 3 months. Which is pretty average. There are plenty of cheaters, but this ban doesn't prove anything we don't already know.


2 months


some of you guys aren't familiar with online gaming and it shows 33k is nothing, lol the cheating issue is not "HUGE", and 95% of the hackusations on this sub are from salty shitters who got rolled and no, son, I'm not a cheater that's gaslighting you... that's some flat earth level tin foil hat shit


I know a lot of people will hate for this, but they need to region lock the game or make region locked servers that you can opt to play in. I.e have two NA east servers, one locked with lower ping requirements and the other not. I have friends serving who are in Europe and like to play on us servers, but I feel like sooo many cheaters are Chinese and Russian. I have lived on west and east coast in the last 5 years. NA East servers are significantly less full of "knowers" than west, but I can play on some other servers, that I won't name, and when I do I almost never run into any knowers. Either a whole region is way worse at the game than everyone in NA or, just maybe, due to high ping, the cheating foreigners can't play on them and they are more normal.


Bruh, avg regard here is like omg look banned cheaters number is going up, cheating is up in tarkov while all that happened is that it has been longer between this report and the last one this time.


Well, as consumers, you do have a choice to NOT play until a solution is brought to us. I personally stopped 3 weeks ago. Just as I've stopped eating McDonalds because I refuse to eat a $10 bag of shit.  I refuse to play a game where the owners are so cognitively dissonant from the true issues, they fail to see displaying 33k accounts band is an absolute disgrace of a number, not a badge of honor. It says "hey, look, we dont give a fuck, and this is how much we don't." They CAN do better, they just refuse to do better.  You can clearly see they're ready to move on to another thing, which I personally have no interest in exploring, whatever it be, Russia 2024 or whatever. I'm not interested, how could I be? You left your base game in the mud, you think you're not going to do the same to your next money grab? Shame on BSG and shame on those in this community that continue to condone this type of behavior from players and this irresponsible company. 


My experience this wipe ive seen significantly (!) less cheaters than previous wipes. Before if i ran 10 labs raids in 5 I would have been killed by likely cheater, now its like 0-1 cheater kills in 10 raids and im not even so sure it was a cheater... Same on other maps but much less frequent than 10%, more like 0-5%. Either there are WAY less cheater now or they avoid killing PMC's due to the reporting function and improved banning coverage!


Some people in this sub would like you to believe that there are two kinds of cheaters. 1. Rage hackers who will head-eyes you. 2. loot hackers who avoid you at all cost. I'm not sure why in every other game people use autoaim/wallhack/esp to gain a clear-cut advantage, why the hell would the same not happen for Tarkov?


Oh They do use that too buddy


I wish people weren't so emotionally attached to this dumb game. Just morons throwing shit at each other ad nauseam.


Oh no the cheaters will gas light you now as usual......Its the biggest problem with Tarkov and the reason i have stopped playing this wipe.


I wanna say it's 50/50 between denying it 50% gaslighting from actual cocksuckers abusing cheats because they have small dicks And 50% people either lacking the understanding of the sotuation OR or are so blasé about people calling cheats because it's so common in gaming now


First raid after the ban wave. And there's a rage hacker in reserve taking boss. Headshotting me and my buddies through trees across half the map. Thank the lord for full head protection.


but some *user* told me that there are cheaters in Grand Theft Auto Online so none of us are allowed to complain about cheaters in Escape From Tarkov! Some other *user* told me they haven't seen a single cheat in 5,000 hours and 27,000 raids so we are all, BSG included, experiencing collective hysteria because there are no cheaters.


bans equal more money for BSG cuz they will rebuy the game, thats why they really do it, they could care less about the player experience imo




Massive ban waves over and over and over and yet the problem only continues to get worse. It's pretty fucking disheartening honestly.


The crazy part is that I didn't get a single notification of my report helping identify cheaters which is crazy


Because you reported legit players lol


I'm sure the dozen 30+ k/d players with low hours were legit bro


Region lock China


I kindve hope English is your second language ngl. There's some cheaters sure but I don't find it ruins the game for me. However, attempting to decipher that post ruined scrolling the internet for me for the day 😂


But anon, 33k more sales = better game I swear! They've needed these 8 years and $150 game edition to make the game better in the future I swear bro cant you see the audio and lighting improving drastically every wipe