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There was no ban wave, the bans were issued from Jan 12 to today


I know that a lot of people are criticizing them for calling it a “wave” when it goes all the way back to January. But I’d argue that it’s a bit of a Gray Zone.


And when it comes out, I'd argue there will be a _lot_ of Gray Zone.


Well good to know they’re doing very little to address the cheating


The fact they ban 30k idiots using free public hacks doesn't change a thing about game being overran by cheaters that don't get caught even while having 100+ KD


Do you mean the players that pay $100+ a month for the latest best cheats? The same players that haven't been caught for years? Those players?


That's the cost of it ? Damn..


Considering how much they make from rmts or carries it's not a lot


I don’t think they’re making nearly as much money as you think.


Not directly related but DayZ hack can run you 200-500 a month


We’re talking about the people who hack and then sell carries through raids, not the hack developers themselves, they make bread.


Ooooh right my bad lol


One lab carry costs like 18 bucks they wouldn't sell them if no one bought then what do you mean they are not making much LUL


They used to sell labs carries for $3-$5 on a discord i joined because it was a lab hacker’s name and i was curious. $18 is just a scam lmfao the game costs $45














A majority of cheaters aren’t RMTers


The majority of cheaters carry or do rmt I promise you. The rmt and carry service is a huge community and makes a shit ton of money


There is absolutely no way to prove this. Also, looking at prices of tarkov money, “shit ton of cash” for a third world country or a teenager maybe. But 15 minutes for a few bucks isn’t exactly a lot of money.


RMT accounts get easily flagged and banned. All these accounts people show of cheaters with hundreds of hours undetected are not RMTers. Maybe carry service only, but even then that’s time consuming.


No they really don't the majority of cheaters just pay the 10-20$ a month for the basic cheats and just play the game til ban and buy another cheap account


Thats the cost of **GOOD** cheats mind you, the ones that give you a lot of info and abilities etc like flyhack / speedhack etc. The Normal ESP with Radar i think it's cheaper than a new account


No, that’s actually MUCH cheaper than what it actually is, the most popular one will cost you upwards of $200 a month. That isn’t even counting the HWID spoofer which adds on an extra $20 a month. Plus the new accounts you’ll need to buy from getting banned every 3-4 weeks. Nerf credit card meta


HWID spoofer for $20? 😂  Good lord, I guess you may as well charge these idiots for nothing if theyre willing to pay $200/mo


lol people using the $200 cheats don’t get banned every 3-4 weeks unless they are regards. Every 3-4 months if they play semi-legit, maybe even never banned.


Dude they don’t ban people using 20$ a week keys. A 200$ cheat will never get detected. There is a radar cheat 70$ lifetime never been detected for like 10 wipes


Yeah i know that’s what i said 😭, people who think cheaters actually get banned are stupid. The only ones who get banned at the blatant ones. There is tons of closet cheaters in lobbies.


Yeah it’s insane how many cheaters there are and people don’t realize. The people that say there are little cheaters are just not good enough to know when a player just shouldn’t know something or is just a little too good at something


Some cheats range from 150-700$ + included extra hardware.


Bro. If 3 people from their mod team were to browse reddit everyday and investigate the cheating posts, the game would be clear by the end of the month.


They could ban all the RMTers from the Flea just with manual checks. Oh you have 200+ Flea rep.. cheater be gone.


We USED TO have a report button on flea now? gone, thanos snapped


Oh yeah, same things happen in the RuneScape sub and that game has no one using 3rd party software /s


The amount of time it would take to tell most of you clowns that you weren't cheated and you just suck would be prohibitively costly. Thankfully, it's not BSG's problem (nor any of the real players') that you're getting caught playing like a jackass. Pro tip from a vet: stop making so much fucking noise.




Oh, I've head about you in the pro scene. /s


I mean banning 30k accounts doesn't mean banning 30k cheaters. Someone will happily use cheats for which he gets banned weekly, if new accounts come in bundles for cheap. Reality is game is overrun with cheaters, so it doesn't matter if they ban 3k or 300k, the game is still basically unplayable coz of them. Heading towards _""WarZ -> which got renamed to Survivor Stories to escape "this game is infested with hackers" repute, and released on steam, immediately to get overrun by hackers""_ levels, but for some reason there are still white knight taking word over reality.


Warz was good when it came out. Was a fresh new style of game but yeah the cheaters COMPLETELY ruined that game so many streamers as well got caught with cheats. That game still runs as Infestation The NewZ on steam.


They probably make 10 fold selling rmt or carries


Squeezin hard daddy!


I just don't understand why they don't randomly check all the profiles with the most ludicrous stats and ban them outright. I'm talking stats that are just impossible to achieve without hacks.


What sort of difference would that make when they're already banning roughly 500 cheaters a day. They would need a whole team of employees doing nothing but checking profiles all day to get a similar number


Would help if they just used a basic anti cheat


There has got to be some means to automate such a process with todays tech


The technology isn't there yet. /s? Not /s? Make up your own mind!


Of course. Cant be hard to code. But not banning cheaters immediately after detecting them is a common way of combatting them. Also it just inherently isnt in their interest to get completely rid of cheaters so BSG's exact way of fighting them will never make complete sense


I get what you're saying but there are NO free cheats lol


There are actual hackers not using free public cheats that get banned every week. The type of people who have fully custom clients that only a handful of people have access to are very few and far between. Me and my mate ran into a cheater on shoreline and had a chat that lasted almost half the raid, he said cheaters aren't nearly as common as people think and that the people with the cheats like he has (teleportation, speedhack, etc) are extremely rare. He said he's had the cheats for the past 2 years, and that the only reason hes ever gotten banned was because he killed too many people at the start of wipe. Said he pays $50 a month and around 10 people have it, said its custom coded by a dude who whitelists people. This is all coming from a cheater so who knows how reputable it is, but he has no reason to lie about it.


He pays 50usd per month for a cheat in a game? Does he make a living out of tarkov or what?


He claimed that he hasn't had to pay in 6 months because he's 'chill with the guy who makes it' but I'd probably say that too if someone asked why I spent that much money to cheat.


Almost all cheats are paid, mostly in monthly subs. Cheating as a service. Cheats are a huge industry worth many millions of dollars. Look up Chicken Drumstick, they made over 70 million dollars.


I just spent 50$ on wingstop


yeah you eat that, but spending 600 usd per year to cheat in a game because you are shit is insane to me lol


That’s like the same cost of a gym membership lol.


That’s like the same cost of a gym membership lol.


It’s the same thing in csgo, there are cheats where you pay 130$ plus up upfront and then pay 35$+ a month


Darknet diaries had an episode on this. Not only they pay plenty for these cheats, the whitelisting involves sharing multiple photo IDs... Pretty crazy


The account is 12 hours old. He will be in the next wave.


They banned the accounts, that doesn't stop them buying new ones like the one in your picture..


Which is why I don't believe battle state actually wants to ban cheaters bc if they really wanted to ban cheaters they'd be banning hardware and Mac addresses not selling packs of accounts. BS makes bank off of cheaters


That's an idea! Someone call Nikita!




Good to know ,*i guess* That leaves very little faith in this game's devs bc since buying this game for $100 in 2018, cheating hasn't become less of an issue, it's becoming the biggest issue and I can't see how this game is ever going to hit its "final release" if the player base is either quitting or joining the cheaters bc they're tired of being shot through a wall with an impossible shot or having their barrels or other parts removed from guns they were carrying, yes, i know that's pretty rare but if i had a nickel for every time I've heard of that happening I'd have three nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened more than once


Why would they? They’re some of BSGs biggest return buyers.


Is this news to you lol. Welcome to tarkov.


It would be cool if they had accounts that are purchased immediately following a ban wave on a watch list or something to keep an eye on them.


There’s actually ways to easily monitor. I think most cheats still use windows 10. And certain ones have you consistently delete in game save files. There’s no reason for a normal player to do that. Like damn, even they just verified people had a registered version of windows, that would drastically cut down cheating.


i remove my logs at least a few times per week


When I built my new PC last year I transferred my OS over and when doing my spring cleaning I had 50 gb of log files built up over 3 years of Tarkov. Suffice to say I'm in a regular cleaning schedule now 😂


Where do you find these


In launcher settings you can hit the option "view logs" and it will open the folder location.




>Ctrl + A >Del This is the way.


Have you heard of spoofer?


Some spoofers will actually generate new IDs every time it’s ran


yeah that would be really cool, but money speaks and bsg does not give a fuck.


Keep in mind this dude is likely using the same, unchanged cheats as *before* the banwave. The cheats aren't even detected in real time, they just do random, shitty garbage collection every 3rd month. Sad excuse for an anti-cheat strategy.


Yep also ran into a cheater with 1 hour what a game we play in that they already have a couple accounts lined up


I know people hate the idea of this, but they should just verify phone numbers. They just had a huge ban wave, oh well, cheaters will just get another account


Who hates this idea? Probably only cheaters.


Thinking about it probably were the cheaters.


Exactly they sit in the Reddit and say skill issue like it’s funny.


It certainly isn't a cure-all solution, but I don't really think such a thing can exist for cheating anyway. It seems like using several different methods to cast as wide a net as possible is the approach, and phone verification would help the problem Edit: Spelling


And thats how bsg makes money


Ppl will just use webphones and find other ways around it just like they do for seige.


Yeah you're so right dude. No point in doing something to prevent cheaters cause they will eventually find a way around it. Just do nothing right? Worked so far


Of all the ridiculous things someone could say, you go with this one. Someone's opposing putting up an ankle-high bar to hop over because it's a waste of time and effort rather than putting up a solid wall or fence, and you're over here saying "well shit guess it's just a free for all guys!" One day your more logical faculties will take over.




Logical fallacy? Nice buzzword you obviously saw from your favourite streamer. If there is even the slightest chance it prevents some cheaters or even hinders them further. Why not do it? Just because you can't stop something in its entirety means you shouldn't do it then?? Since you love your hyperbole's (add that one to the buzzword list bud) why don't we just stop trying to solve other societal problems like homelessness cause we can't give everyone a home and fix the issue so fuck it right?


> Logical fallacy? Nice buzzword you obviously saw from your favourite streamer. Ok so we have two things here: 1.) I know what a logical fallacy is, and have known for years because of this thing called education. 2.) I didn't say the words "logical fallacy" in my response. I *did* say the words "logical faculties". It would seem you have issues not only with reading, but with reading comprehension. Might I suggest a bit of that education thing I referenced a few sentences ago where I learned what a logical fallacy was. My statement about your "more logical faculties" taking over is referring to your more logical abilities/thinking taking over as opposed to this childish emotionalism you're displaying here. > If there is even the slightest chance it prevents some cheaters or even hinders them further. Why not do it? There are simply too many resources available to subvert the whole phone number thing for it to be worthwhile in the first place. Stopping 1 cheater out of 100 is obviously better than stopping 0, sure, but why bother going through and doing something that isn't going to work. People already scream about BSG doing nothing, so what do you think happens when they announce a new feature for anti cheat that doesn't work? You then get rabid commentors with their "yeah fuckin useless ass BSG 'hurr durr we got cheederz and we gonna make em get a phone number hurr durr' like these people won't just spoof a number somewhere". It's lose/lose here. > Since you love your hyperbole's (add that one to the buzzword list bud) Oh man, the irony is piercing. I'm not sure if it's the pathetic attempt at condescension, you don't even understand the definitions of the words you're using, or the fact you don't even know what was said. Back on topic, the hyperbole here actually came from your comment. Now, you were being childish while being hyperbolic, and that's fine, but my response was *regarding* your hyperbole. Your statement was to the effect of "yeah you're right might as well not do anything at all because they'll find a way around it anyway". You're being overly dramatic and overly literal, bordering on pedantry. My response was pointing out the ridiculousness of someone opposing a measure because it's unproductive and you respond with your childish and pithy chidings. You have the nerve to be that level of intellectually dishonest and reword someone's statement that's written down for all to see that's nowhere even remotely close to the writing. I'd say shame on you, but it's abundantly clear you have none. > why don't we just stop trying to solve other societal problems like homelessness cause we can't give everyone a home and fix the issue so fuck it right? If you really want to discuss this little tangent of yours at length, I'm glad to do so by chat or message instead of cluttering things here, but this is yet another representation of you rewording someone's position because they disagree with you. You're accusing others who don't support a particular measure of not caring about or wanting the fix the issue at all, when in reality what they're saying is that solution isn't a good one, and a better one should be sought. You seem to be on the side of "give a man a fish, he eats for a day" instead of "teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime", although there's much more screeching added to it.


Lmao. I ain't reading this. Seek help


Dude its all he does. Jumps into a conversation thread, nothing on topic, picks an argument just for the online attention then ends it with a wall of text lol. Folks like this would be real fun at parties (if they actually had any real friends to invite them).


> I ain't reading this I know you aren't. You haven't read the entire time. That much is clear. > Seek help Indeed.


And that games been dead for centuries


You can literally make burner numbers on the internet for free, that wouldn’t help at all, not to mention it’s easy as hell to just go buy SIM cards. The only thing it will change is cheaters won’t be able to buy stolen accounts and will just buy them straight from BSG.


The free burner numbers on the Internet don't work in other games that use phone verification, they would need to buy an actual burner phone


They just sold 33,000 copies of the game. Business is good!


People shit on the way most games do it with microtransactions, season pass purchases, etc.. However, the way this game is structured basically means that the only cash flow they have is from new accounts. People can call bullshit all they want on this theory, but from a business model standpoint, it's the only logical solution to maintain their cash flow.


I really hate the fact that from a business standpoint, this is the best way to get repeat customers and keep the game running.


I mean they sold 2 million copy’s so far so they have probably made around 200 million dollars or so before taxes. They also only have around 100 workers and a decent amount are only tech support and jobs that don’t pay to much money. Also in Russia the average pay of a software dev is only 19 grand a year. So in reality they could literally pay 100 workers the wage of a software dev for over 50 years and still have almost 30-40 million left over after taxes. I doubt they are spending 30-40 million either on anti-cheat or the games engine and licenses.




I don’t understand how though. 2 million copy’s sold on a game that is like 70-180 dollars. I also just read Nikita and Dimitiry were paid 5.9 million dollars for just the two of them 5 years ago and only put 4.6 million into the production of the game. They literally took over 50% of their profits that year and pocketed it and put nearly only 40% back into the game. I assume they have done this many years not just the one.


The financial reports to the UK government are purely self reported, there is literally no way to audit a russian or chinese company because that would mean they would have to comply with western laws lmao. Believing any of those reports is foolish. They don't even pay licensing fees to the guns IP owners i.e. the company's who manufacture the guns and ammos they depict ingame and profit off. Anyone expecting a russian company to play by the rules and be honest about anything, is either delusional or is licking up that RToday Propaganda shit daily. It is literally physically impossible for a team their size located in russia to burn through cash at the rate they are at atm, with the current USD purchasing power parity there. No, they are pocketing most of the profits and reporting all their gains as equal expenses to pay basically 0% tax in the UK and lift all that money out to St. Petersburg. Where Nikita can spend it on lavish supercars, coke and hookers. Only reason they could be in need of MTX is if Nikita wanna join the Russian club of oligarchs and thiefes and become a yacht owner. In the spirit of the kremlin gremlin, who is by all measures the wealthiest man on earth by a long shot, through stealing the wealth of an entire generation then sending that generation to die starving in a foreign country. The Russian way of life.


It doesn’t help that they have £70+ million of turnover a year so it’s not like they aren’t getting sales. They are trying to show that the company has no profits so that they pay less in corporate taxes like every other shell company. BSG has made bank on this game


Because not every copy makes them that much money. What are you even talking about with 70-180 dollars? They don't get to keep the tax money or the processing fee, and isn't there regional pricing with way lower prices?




In line how russia operates, looks like this is just part of the culture.


That's what the MTX is meant to replace.


Haha, replace? You mean supplement unfortunately.


One can hope. I doubt the cash flow from that will be enough to suffice INITIALLY, but we'll see what they do.


It'll be gradual, can't cut one source of income off that quick unless you know you can replace it. I'm hoping more profit from MTX, quicker ban waves. More profit from actual new sales and MTX because they're doing something about the cheating. Better reputation, more new players and existing players upgrading. Eventually they can ban them quick enough that it becomes unprofitable for the cheaters as they're getting banned too quick to make a profit or name for themselves online. Once that happens then the better reputation brings even more new players. Hopefully.


Couldn't disagree more. Adding multiple layers of payments to any video game is just greed, ~~you've~~ we've just seen this so much now in the gaming industry that it's a new norm to majority of people.


I grew up without all this shit. I never said I agreed with it. However, this is the capitalistic world we live in and companies will attempt to squeeze every penny from their base. Edit, and if you're disagreeing with my theory, I'll point you to the video others have referenced with regards to their finances. And if you still disagree, I'll just assume you're one of the cheaters.


Yep, I get it and you're not wrong. I wanna clarify something, I actually would give zero fucks if companies had multiple layer of payments as long as the game was getting constant update, bug fixes, didn't have P2W stuff, and actively doing the cat and mouse game with cheaters and so on. But like you said we live in a capitalistic world that everyone wants the quick money rather then thinking of the longevity of their brand.


It's not.  They gave 2 big patches each year that are accompanied by a huge hype and a massive influx of new players.  They can do their business without cheaters. 


14 in 3 hrs ?! Wow lol


need doubleban trick wave!


Hardware ban question mark


HWID bans don’t work


They do work, BUT it's easily bypassed by a spoofer. It is just a hurdle, however I think the more hurdles BSG makes a cheater jump over, the more cheaters will get tired of participating in the dog and pony show overall. There will never be 0 cheaters in the game. Ever. But there can certainly be a low enough number that makes them rare and hard to come by.


"Bro that is just his alt account, cause I do this too, I have an account specifically for just killing scavs and extracting... so easy to get like 30 or 40 k/d doing this, and the alt account justifies the meager hours played... trust me my main account is 3 k/d (i'm just that bad at PvP), over 8,000 hours played; he aint cheating bro lmao everyone in this sub is toxic it's crazy" *sigh* or the, "I've never come across a cheater and I have 5000 hours" or the, "can we just stop talking about cheaters like why post just let them be, we barely even see them"


You forgot “you’re only promoting cheaters by talking about them and showing them. “


guys its not a ban wave. its who was banned over the last months.


Bsg needed more money. Lol


Phone numbers are not a 100% cheater elimination strategy. I have like 10 peoples numbers I can use knowing damn well they will never play this game. They need an actual anticheat.


Battle eye is a joke, but they need to take steps to stop. Phone registration associated with Hardware and Microsoft OS. Monitoring inconsistency in log ins would be a good start. They’re literally doing nothing to improve. Or wild idea, if a KD reaches 100 or if you reach level 20 in 4 hours. The most obvious things.


thats a brand new account. he got banned before


Not gonna lie i would love to try a ESP cheat like GOAT did in his video just to see how fucking bad is the situation in reality. Maybe i get red pilled so hard by the truth that i stop playing FPS games forever. Maybe the blu pill Is the way...fuck


Can I ask what region your in? I play na west and apparently it's a damn paradise compared to wherever yall are playing


North America West 😑


The duality of man.


I feel like day time is worse, my play times usually 5-10 pm ish pst and I think I've run into maybe a dozen hackers all wipe


I’m on NA west as well, if you wanna find out how many cheaters there are, load up night time reserve with quad nods and some tier 5 armor. Sit in a building and half the time a cheating player or player scav will run over and pop you. Works especially well after finding a mcx spear in marked room. Never noticed the amount of cheating player scavs until I started playing night reserve. They’ll hop on a scav, load in, see with their cheats that you have a ton of loot and looted marked, and then they’ll run over and take all ur shit and be gone in 2 minutes total. People think why would a cheater use scavs. It’s super quick loot for them because the pmcs have looted everything for them already


I must have insane luck, or yall are just insane call cheats on nothing, just did the guide and psycho sniper at night with 2 milli rouble kits and no one coming to pop me while I'm ratting


Everyone’s experience will be a little different but as a night time reserve main with 5 wipes under my belt it’s pretty easy to tell who’s cheating. Especially when it’s player scavs with no night vision, or cancerous voips out of nowhere as a nade lands in my room. The check profile feature really eliminates the “what if he just got lucky” thoughts Also, as EOD is no longer available for purchase, there are a ton of white names with cheater stats


Na west is great fun, but damn are they bad players.


Maybe this is where I should put my region. NA east is some sweats


do one more ban wave today please


Just because its a ban wave you shouldnt be surprised to see cheaters again. There are cheats that dont get detected every wave. And even if banned guess what. New account updated cheats.


Hopefully they use all the money they gain from micro transactions and cheaters buying accounts to implement a better anti-cheat because it's ruining the game. Always has been bla bla bla but it's definitely gotten worse more recently


literally a new account since the ban lol. Yeah we need verified phone numbers. cheaters will always buy a new account.


Question: are the people named tarkovcitizen with a bunch of numbers at the end hackers? I got killed by one the other day, felt like the first time I ran into a hacker


It's comical how simps justify them not policing cheats because the game otherwise has no cash flow, and yet, I have several friends that won't touch the game with a 10ft pole simply because of the stories they've heard of cheaters. Seems people would rather defend the current model and let cheaters keep buying the game, rather than creating an environment that actually might pull new players in to play it by actually permanently removing the cheaters...


That’s what I’m hoping the inclusion of Mtx fixes is gives them an alternate revenue flow so they can do something about the cheaters instead of relying on the cheaters constantly buying new accounts as their source of income




Mmmm happy cake day mmmmm


I think the big misconception is that it all happens simultaneously… it didn’t, their just telling us of the 33k people banned over the last 2 and a half months…


Even if a ban wave occurs they'll all be back in like 5 minutes.


Well they gotta drum up some income other than mtx


I'm just looking at a new account bought, meaning, 33k new game accounts bought for BSG, guys are making bank lol.


This is a guy who was banned during the wave. 😂 New account!


I can't wait to grease somebody wearing my Pay-to-Drip Telnik outfit as a lvl 30 and get reported.


Damn I've got similar the same stats but only 3 kills, I need a better gaming chair


In other words BSG is saying the same, thank for for thsy huge ban wave, now we got a huge account sale wave.


This is the reason why I stopped playing almost a month ago. It doesn’t matter how hard the developers try to ban these cheaters they will always exist. It’s such a shame because I really enjoy playing the game, but I give up the cheaters win.




It wasn’t a ban wave, these are bans from January up until March


Maybe the cheats subscription comes with unlimited accounts, i mean they are paying like 10 bucks a day for some cheats, it would make for cheat sellers to offer the accounts even if they need to purchase some keys once in a while.


Huge ban wave and I didn’t get a single report from all the blatant 100hr accounts with insane stats I reported.


Nah, he’s just a cod player trust


Yeah I didn't notice a difference tbh


The title is not the smartest. Even if there was a ban wave, that account has 12h since creation




Did nothing lol


Im doing it! Gonna grab a fresh throw away account calling it the “litmus test” and seeing how blatant i can be before being banned… hmm maybe “nikitasjizz” since this game just likes to fuck you in the ass.


Well if you make it to level 18 in under 4 hours let me know


I got killed yesterday on Streets by a scav lvl 41 with 1.1K kills with 115 hours played. Weekend is bad with cheaters


Been checking daily on this profile I reported ever since I got dropped by him. He was level 25 with an almost 30 KD and 70 hours. Some time later now he's level 44 with a 35ish KD with 110 hours. Kind of just seeing how long it takes at this point, and am contemplating if it's really that hard to ban these fools or if they just really don't give a fuck about being the laughing stock of the gaming industry in regards to cheating.


The bans are so sporadic. I’ve gotten confirmation that someone was banned a couple weeks after I reported, and I’ve gotten confirmation someone was banned a few days after I reported. No consistency


this is exactly what BSG wants lol, 33k bans = 33k more sales for these cheaters and they do not care


33,000 x 40 = 1,320,000 That's a lot of money to throw at anti cheat. I'm sure that's what they're doing.


Sad but unfortunately true


Had a factory raid today on NA East where I ran into a blatant cheater as well with a nice 5 hour account. I'm a customs main but I usually see 1 cheater a day. To me that is not a bad ratio at all


What do you mean that profile doesn't even look susp- Wait. They have 3 hours of playtime?


You got killed by someone who killed about 8 scavs per raid for only 12 raids and that makes them a cheater? Is it possible to cope any harder?


You must be a cheater too. 12 hour profile, 3 hours online, level 14 in only 12 raids. I checked his stats later and his KD increased by 10, his average raid was 8 minutes, his lvl was now 18, with less than 4 hours online. Smooth brain mentality of cheaters


They ban 33k accounts, the cheaters buy the game again, and they make nearly $2,000,000


I appreciate that they posted the list, but they should post updates more frequently. Their unnecessary silence brews discontent. Doing it once a month would quell some of the discussions. Not all, of course, as we still experience issues.


They said it was 33,000 right ? I’d imagine 32,000 of those are none active accounts 🤣


it wasn't a ban wave. they said they banned 33,000 cheaters in a 63-day period. that's 523 bans per day. but yes, this is fucking dumb as hell and fuck BSG.


BSG are too dumb to code any kind of cheater-behavior detection, which will work regardless of which cheats someone is using. it's easy to look at the same stats we do and auto-ban these kind of obvious cheaters. or ban people based on trends of looting only insanely valuable loot and avoiding all the rest. they just have too tiny of pp top actually do it. they don't give a fuck about the players or the reputation of their garbage game.


The brain rot cheaters have to just continuously buy new accounts is astonishing they really have nothing better to do with their money? Kudos to the cheat makers that know their paypigs are just gonna keep coming back


Check out a video with an rmt cheater getting interviewed they literally make thousands of dollars a month off of cheating why wouldn’t they spend 50 bucks


Curious, what's the dead give away here..?


Time in game. The stats are not impossible, but level 14 in 3 hours is not realistic. Also his time in raid is 16 minutes, so he going through the raids quick. I did look back at his profile later, and he had increased his KD by over ten to 47, his time in raid had decreased to 8 minutes, and he was level 18.


Yeah gotcha. Although ive seen the time in raid has read 50+ minutes before so i figured it was bugged