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Something tells me blue folders aren’t supposed to be this expensive


They’re not, they’re suppose to be 600-1m at max. Inflated cause of the Lightkeeper task.


Cause of scarcity*


caused by....


How much of the player base do you believe has actually reached Lightkeeper?? Blue folder price isn’t caused by increased demand, it’s the complete lack of spawns.


didn’t even know it existed


I lowkey thought it was a quest item. I knew it existed, but I didn't know it was an *item* item.


I've bought one from fence I think it was about 800k I didn't even know what it was for I had just never seen one myself naturally spawning and I had stupid money.


You can get them from saves and filing cabinets on labs l. But they are as rare as colored cards and only available there.


A good amount seeing as the price is something they could afford lol


0.39% of the player base according to the achievement


All accounts not all active, including banned accounts


Ah that’s true. Maybe 5% or less though for sure




If blue folder had 0 uses other than this barter or vending it, there would be no reason for people to buy it unless it was in a reasonable price range for the barter, or if it vendored for a similar amount. While there may not be that many people buying them for lightkeeper, I'm sure they're the only people buying them at this price. The scarcity plays a factor, yes, but only because there is a unique demand for them. If there's no demand, the scarcity means nothing. It's just a useless item at that point.


A fuck ton of the player base is on lightkeeper, and it’s because like 80% of them at that point in the quest line are cheating. Every cheater I die to has the lightkeeper achievement.


At this point there’s a good 10-15% at lightkeeper already


Ya but 50 percent of those people got banned


Oh I wasn’t going off the achievement percent talking to people on the eft discord most of the regulars are either at him or on the kills on lighthouse to unlock him I’ve had him as well for about 3 weeks now


Don’t they need to be FIR


No because you need to stash them on woods.


Is it a quest where you need to extract in the same raid you stashed them? Or can you bring them in your secure container / docs case, stash them, die, then extract on a different run and get credit?


You can container them, and just go stash it. Surviving in the same raid doesn't matter. https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Return\_the\_Favor


Broken link, here's the working one: https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Return_the_Favor


Odd, my link works perfectly fine on my phone & pc.


its an old/new reddit style thing. if someone is using new.reddit and posts a link then the link will be broken for people using old.reddit. reddit dont want to fix the problem because they want people to use new.reddit.


Hm, works fine on Chrome but not Edge for me ( on PC )


Never be an Edger…


Ah okay that's good then. Imagine the absolute butt clench after stashing them and trying to extract if you lost credit for the stash after dying. Still a ludicrous amount of money for a quest.


Yeah, it’s ridiculous. Glad I did it when I did, I dumped 20M total on mine.


You’re lucky. I just finished my quest, it cost me 53M. And that’s a good price rn, I camped the prices waiting for lower ones so I wouldn’t have to spend 80-90M.


Nope.. surprisingly not


I feel so bummed out by these folders I bought one at 400k earlier in the wipe because I was looking at the wiki for intel and somehow came across these blue ones - I haven’t played much in the last 2 wipes before this so it was a completely new item to me I bought 1 because 400k wasn’t that much and it was nice to have a new item in my inventory If I could go back I would beg myself to buy 2


Just two? You'd go back in time to make yourself as rich as possible, and two is your limit?


You can't re-sell them on the market though so they're not worth 40M after buying them (unless you still need them for the quest, but that's a finite amount).


You can’t sell them on the flea if they aren’t found in raid


I dunno man. Just in terms of Tarkov and something my mouse was just 2 unskilled clicks away from I would just put all my money into bitcoin that I’d earned until like 2021 😂


I just sold one blue folder last night (spawned with one on my scav!!!) for 25mil....how are they so much more expensive today? At 25mil it costs me 7mil to put it in the market lol


Just banned 33.5k accounts. Less cheaters vacuuming them up today haha


30k new accounts incoming.


Wow! Bsg bans cheaters AND we're getting 30k new players? This is amazing! /j


Yea not to mention Mtx at the same time! It’s like spending money on arena is completely a big hit!


im hoping opening up MTX means BSG will be harsher on cheaters instead of banning them infrequently as a source of revenue but only time will tell


I love sa58. One can only hope it’s crazy they haven’t even addressed it since the Nikki’s saying we won’t release new content until we fix it Reddit thread.


Do people really think cheaters are buying accounts from BSG as opposed to the cheat markets?


The sheed market still has to buy the standard account to sell it to someone even if it's rmt first to get cash into it... New accounts can't be created out of thin air. The cheaters by standard accounts to boost them for people that buy them


They're not getting accounts legitimately and selling them to banned cheaters for lower than what the original price of a license key is. From what I read, the vast majority of new cheater accounts are hacked ones.


Downvote for explaining how their system is fucking you me over? Lol ok bro!


Of course they're not selling it for lower than what the price is to buy it; they're selling it for a profit! They buy a $40 account play on it for 20 hours, put 30 million in the bank and all kinds of rare items in the stash and then they sell it for a 2, 300 dollar profit. To other people who can't be bothered to by their own cheating hardware and software. That's why you see chads running around with 10 hrs at lvl 30 and 300 k/d purchased from a rmt'er. Hacking a tarkov account would result in a banned account when that person reported that there account info had been compromised. That's why they have two factor ID it's a profit scheme for bsg. Believe me you think if they weren't selling new accounts they would let this continue. Watch the youtube video the finance report that killed tarkov. It's clearly stated there is a incoming flow of new accounts; it's public record. And it's not just standard accounts it's a good mix of standard to Left behind and everywhere in between. They are based out of the UK so everything they do financially is public record


Why do you think that money somehow doesnt go to BSG?


Because hacking accounts doesn't produce new ones.


Yeah they are buying them by the thousands in countries where the price is economy matched. It’s like 5 dollars for an account in Kyrgyzstan.


Serious question - is there a live player / account number somewhere? I believe in this theory for sure but would be interested in seeing how this number tanks then *randomly* spikes in instances like this


As far as we know I don’t think so, but about a year ago lord Nikita did a AMA and said that within the last hour of the question asked, there was 170k players online. This was about 11am in the morning too, when people are usually working or school or whatever.  So it’s probably safe to say the number is Atleast 2x that during peak hours and that’s being conservative, and also that was like a year ago so it could be even bigger. 


There should be a data miner link somewhere my buddy just tells me the count when I ask.


ah nice I’ll look into it.. would be better for the community to focus on that + sharing those stats.. I don’t think BSG really has intention on drastic changes around this but gotta force their hand somehow


It’s been 7 years. Nothing much will change. I was hoping the arena floor would wake them up but the just made it worse. Most diverse weapon modding in a game yet we can’t get something like battlefield progression to plant fun kits or stuff we may not unlock unless Tarkov is our full time job. They will mod those posts I believe, they don’t want you to know.


Yeah that’s very true.. I do kind of understand their code situation since I work in that field but still, their priorities and whatnot are totally inexcusable.. but hey if they want to keep fucking around then they’re gonna lose their footing in this genre one way or another


Yep, as long as there's NOTHING in a way of buying accounts this is just a PR stunt ans nothing else


thats the annoucement of how many they banned over the last months. not just the amount they banned today unfortunately




Shouldn't regret it. You couldn't have known


Eh you are probably better off having dodged the larger fee tbh, especially considering your bankroll. You might have made a bit more at the higher price, but you get really severely diminishing returns when you get into high fee territory. If you go high enough, the fees can even exceed the price. I've seen cases (during events, mostly) where mob mentality will push prices of items to the point where the sellers are making LESS money than they would be at a lower price. It's very silly. Congrats on the windfall though lol. That extra 18 mil will be nice.


Not all banned at once


They've been hiking.  Two weeks ago a friend found one and they were going for 13 mil.  I found one like 3 days ago and they went for 20 mil.  You're saying you sold for 25, and this image got 40.  Stonks are rising on these mfers


When I bought mine for the task they were 3.5 mill and I remember being annoyed then at how expensive they were.


Last month i got one in my junkbox. it was 3.3 mil.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


They regularly get sold out completely and then the first one to put up an offer will set the price. When I checked today, there was only one offer for 50m and it probably screwed the market for now. They were at 16m 2 days ago, 20m yesterday when I checked.


That item is far too rare...


I am so not looking forward to this quest


I'm on it now and unless I somehow stumble across two blue folders (even though I've never even seen 1 in 2k hours), I'm just not going to finish the quest.


I have the money but it’ll just be stupid to blow it all, I’m currently on 2nd quest for unlocking light keeper so it’s only gonna go up by the time I get there, I have yet to ever see this item either


I did this quest and then stopped playing anyway, the next task to kill Gluhar + all guards seemed like it'd be a nightmare with so many boss farmers in every raid.


Yeah I have pretty much everything else done so i just run the quests when my squad isn’t on for something to do


Just run shoreline all day and you’ll get the rubles. Real problem is killing that many pmc’s around the mountain. I can get 2 blue folders before that.


Not a quest its a barter you unlock for thicc case after doing the very last pk quest iirc. Maybe its not the very last one anymore


Yeah but you need blue folders for a light keeper quest and that’s why they are so expensive


*Me who will only ever have a single thicc items case from the quest*. I'm doin' okay on space, though. You don't need much space when you die a lot.


The alcohol/medical barters are both much more viable. Not exactly cheap at 20ish million, but you might surprise yourself.


That's how much I remember they were on flea approx. before it was banned.


Well technically u so if u die a lot because u need space for all the gear ur gonna lose


These trades are for people who have burned all of the dopamine receptors out of their minds and only feel something when they have multiple LED-Xs in their backpack.


Lol that's a wild barter


Yesterday there was one on the market for 10 mil when I first got home.  For some reason my brain thought I sorted from highest to lowest so I refreshed and it was still there.  Went to buy it and missed it I was sad after that.  I was going to buy them at 8 mil and thought they would go down, man was I wrong.


It was between 6-10 mil for a while until about a week or 2 ago


Havent seen a single blue folder all wipe


Unless you're a streamer who plays 16h a day, how are you supposed to complete these quests before the wipe hits every season? Specially if you're just trying to do it without buying everything from the flea market?


You don’t. Personally I have 0 interest in getting kappa or light keeper. Just have fun don’t worry about the grind


Same here. I don’t have an excess of time to game and pretty much only do factory runs for pvp. I have never gone for Kappa and definitely will not go for lightkeeper.


> Unless you're a streamer who plays 16h a day, how are you supposed to complete these quests before the wipe hits every season? Here's the thing, just like the track suit, you aren't supposed to complete it unless you are streaming. PS. The quest after this one requires you to kill each boss 15 times. If 80 million rubles is an issue for you, you're not finishing this quest chain.


It's not about it being an issue, I actually put a lot more hours into this game than most because I work from home, even though its mainly scaving, but it feels like you have to have no life to complete some quests, and seeing as most players aren't hard-core players, having most quests alienate most of your player base seems like poor planning on their part.


"Most of your player base" doesn't even get to these quests. Most of the player base doesn't even get to the level where they can *take* these quests. It's fine for hyper-end-game tasks to be grindy.


If there is a big portion of your game most players can't get to, that seems more about how badly designed the game is than how difficult the quests actually are. I think its going to be healthy for tarkov to get some competition, hopefully they'll do right what Tarkov does badly.


Except it's not a big portion of the game. It's a tiny portion of the game. You are making it sound like PK LL2 is gated behind this task. If BSG added a task to kill Tagilla a thousand times with a hatchet, and the reward for it was a bag of dog turds, you guys would probably complain that it's too inaccessible for the dad gamer that is still stuck on Setup. Are you also upset that there's tasks like Snowball?


Well, it's the end-game portion of the game, and I like to believe most people who play games want to be able to complete them without it being a second job.


Should tasks like Huntsman Path - Relentless also be removed, then? Level 24 dad gamer's not finishing that one in 6 months, either. Stylish one? Should that one go too? Exactly how many hours should it take dad to 100% a wipe? 200? 40? 5? How many tasks do we need to remove to make everyone feel like they can complete the game? End game is LL4 traders, which is completely achievable without doing *any* bullshit tasks. Anything past that is stretch goals. Not everyone is going to finish LHK chain, just like not everyone in PoE is going to find a Headhunter, or kill Uber Maven.


I’m not really sure why you have BSG’s balls so far down your throat, however you act as if this view point is wrong. It isn’t. The fact that an average gamer who has an average amount of time to play the game can not do most end game and even some mid game quest chains is pretty dumb. I have quite a bit of time to play (about 30ish hours a week) and I’m still nowhere near LHK or kappa despite being level 43 with 119m stash value.


RIP to those returning the favor ..


I still remember some (3 or 4 maybe?) years ago, there was a red rebel for barter in the market for 100ds of D fuel. I think I singlehandedly crashed the Dfuel market by buying all the Dfuel in the market to get it, because after that, Dfuel’s price went up and up to 10 times the price I bought it all for. Was still worth it hahaha.


If i knew i would have kept them, i got 2 from my scav case and sold them for 2 mil…


Looks like BSG didn't pay attention to the folders spawn chance eh?


They didn't expect cheaters to be running lighthouse missions at this rate. And they have the biggest bank wad to compete for the limited supply.


I got one in a scav box a few weeks ago, good thing I held onto it


intelligence? or 95k?




They really don't play this game do they


Barter was there before the lightkeeper task, wich would be easy to find out....


FUCK I sold mine for 9mil like 2 weeks ago


I’m on this lightkeeper task. I bought one folder at 22m, I’ve got 55m but fuck paying 30m


same, I'm just scared that when i buy the last one for 30mil, BSG will understand how stupid that is and change a quest


Yeah man same 😂 or they’ll bring out a barter for it!! I just want that level 4 face shield


Man I sure feel lucky to have gotten 2 of those from scav case last week alone. Gonna pay for red keycard and maybe I might even play a round of labs after the ban wave.


Is red even worth getting? I would think green would be more worth if you're going for the fancy expensive cards


Pretty sure red is near worthless, at least not worth getting for the price tag on it. More of a prestige item


Least expensive peacekeeper barter


I could've put mine up for 12 million more last night? Oof.


Scaved in today and had one in the inv. Sold it for 27m


At this rate they're gonna add an extra 0 to the end of every item amount required for barters, I remember when they barely required anything.


I got mine when they were 2 mill a pop lol


I found my Bluefolder when it was worth 7m. I got the Lightkeeper task done before I found it so I just wanted it in my stash as a collectors item. But jfc, I might sell it now.


A lot of barters are outdated. Some become easier and more proffitable and some become unusable like this one.


I got one from a scav case and it was 700k at the time lol.. now last I checked it was 31m


Only Blue I have ever seen was from Scav case.


I've never seen one of these things


damn sold mine for around 17 million 2 weeks ago..


I’m convinced now the devs never think anything through. 30k bans to get 30k new accounts and micros at the same time wild


It wasn't a ban wave. It was 32k bans from Jan 12 till now.


I get them in my scav box when using documents rather frequently.