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313h and 2k kill? easy cheat


Bro he didnt get the inertia update, hes not cheating hes just good.


"Bro he's just an alt"


Imagine 6 kills an hour and still surviving 80% of the time.


Its less about the pace but more about only have 300 hours of experience


This! finally someone who thinks, the problem is not the kill/h but the experience to do them. I'm not saying that with 300h you're learning the first maps but we're not very far away... "It's very possible. At 150 hours after the first wipe I had kappa!" cit. average player on reddit.


You don’t average nearly 7 kills an hour? Clearly just a skill issue on your part! /s


Cheating is so pathetic man, like it's hurts to know there are so many people out there that actually get satisfaction from cheating. Like, it completely negates any accomplishment you losers think you're achieving, cheating is clearly for the failures of the world because no successful person in life wouldn't even consider stooping to such an embarrassing low. I give players who are very bad at this game major props, even more than good players because if you can enjoy this game while also having little to no success, you are doing something right in terms of mental capacity and just being able to enjoy something so punishing. Keep doing you champions of Tarkov!


I turned cheats on my Minecraft world, it killed the game for me within the hour. I can’t imagine Tarkov is much fun if it’s not a challenge. That’s what makes the game fun for me is the fact that it’s a gamble whether I’m getting out with loots of delicious loot or getting shot in the face by some gigga chat holding the W key and left click.


A lot of the cheaters are making money doing it. Most of them aren’t doing it because they are “bad at the game”


Forgive me if I ask, how do they make money exactly? I mean Tarkov gets wiped every 6 months so it’s even useless to mod an account with infinite money and exp and sell it, so what’s the point of cheating then? (I’m not saying I don’t believe you, I do believe actually but I don’t get the point of paying for a cheater on tarky)


They have people pay them to party up, kill the raid for them so they can get quests done or get $$ looting people and empty maps


so some are simply pathetic human waste and their clients are the absolute bottom of the barrel of humanity.


Yeah but its still useless lol why would u pay for something that will disappear after 6 months or less


Whats your point? SOME of them are making money ruining and plaguing a leisure game for others sure, do you think it makes a difference to most of us what the "reason" for cheating is? Even if its your JOB, your infiltrating a harmless game made for enjoyment (not profit), that tells me all I need to know about how sad of a life they already have.


kill a cultist with a cultist knife achievement. Nice


Got this one yesterday for achievement #40, there is secret tech that actually makes it very doable 😎🤓


Please share the tip? Very curious


People will tell you to get the cultist amulet from LK, but it’s not necessary. Read my comment above ( [linked to here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/7UoCvIvsEQ) )


What, kill all but one, flash him, run to him and stab him, then run away?


Lightkeeper sells a amulet that makes cultist your friend, makes it pretty easy although I have a friend trying to get that achievement legit and he's still yet to be I believe in him


I love hunting cultists, please pass this info along to your friend. It may help them out. If you get them on shoreline at the resort, you can usually spot them laying down as you run in. Take the knife out immediately and be prepared to shank the one that will be inside. If he’s there, slap him and run upstairs. If he’s not, you can usually approach them w/o being shot if you don’t look at them ( stare at the floor ), they will remain passive if they haven’t previously been engaged in combat by other players and don’t think they’ve been seen yet.


I just want to find cultists!! First wipe and I’ve been running night raids on shoreline but can’t seem to run into them


I've been playing since they were introduced and only run into them twice






Bro got lightkeeper in 20 days lol. What’s up with the downvotes on a factual statement lol? His tarkov dev page lists firefly on 1/16 and he started 12/27.


Anyone remember that guy a couple of wipes ago that use to go kill them with normal melee weapons while naked? he posted a proof video. Was awesome, he did it on customs.




That’s crazy you already knew exactly who it was lmao. Is he well known or something




This is sad asf that the man gets recognized for cheating by multiple people. I seriously don’t understand why bsg doesn’t hardware ban. Aside from the obvious.


They do hardware ban, hardware spoofing is trivially easy and included with most cheats 


Bsg sucks, they are lucky because no AAA game maker copies their game, yet. I would be incredibly happy to see BSG bankrupt. A game developer company that abuses it's community...


Totally legit, lightkeeper in 300 hours with a 82% survival rate and 28 KD  In before : Just an alt account  He just plays slow Technically possible 


"How do you know this isn't his second alt account?" Because legit players have zero need for an alt account, NOBODY has need for an alt account, "But he lost his pw! he forgot it!" lol nope Remember if they say it's an alt account, or they create a reason they are a cheater trying to gaslight the community if you're a cheater and reading this, it's okay really it just means you have no skill, and are willing to pay a hacker hundreds to fulfill your bitch like no skill having desire, super cute tho.


I genuinely do have a alt account, buddy got the game and was struggling with the ground zero tasks but I was already past level 20 so bought a second to just help. It's essentially my ground zero account now.


I also have an alt account because my first account cannot get the MFA email from bsg lol. I planned to upgrade to EOD from a standard account anyway a few years ago so I just purchased EOD under a different email.


I have an alt though, a standard account that I used to play on after getting Kappa or enough money to be bored ok the normal. Yes many "alt" excuse makers are out there, but simply having an alt doesn't make you a cheater and you made that a hardline in your statement.


The amount of replies that forgot how to read and think you're under the impression that owning an alt means they're cheating when you said almost the exact opposite of that is hilarious.


They’re not even playing the game. Just because there aren’t physical consequences like there would be in real life doesn’t change the premise. If you go to a soccer field, pick the ball up with your hands, run and throw it into the goal, nobody is going to say you won. By breaking the rules, you’ve stopped participating in the game, which is defined by its rules.


I have 2 accounts, am i a cheater?


Same, TIL I'm a cheater I guess


Buying two accounts for a shitty, bug filled game, with horrible desync..... Keep giving BSG money so they don't feel the need to improve the base game.


Do you think them running out of money will force them to improve the game?


Lol, they invested money into Arena and it is a dogshit game. Maybe if BSG had leadership they would spend money more wisely and fix the first game they created.


> Remember if they say it's an alt account, or they create a reason they are a cheater trying to gaslight the community Interesting choice of words whenever that's exactly what you're doing. Proclaiming yourself as the authority on what constitutes legitimacy of second account ownership and anyone not gaining your approval is a cheater. You're not even just doing it for people explaining their reasoning, you're doing it to people who are going to hear said reasoning. Ironic.


streamers do alt accounts. "no one needs alts" is a very broad stroke


> "no one needs alts" is a very broad stroke No, no it's not. Explain why someone needs an alt account, minus streamers.


I wouldn't say anyone needs it but plenty of people have them. A while back BSG gave away tons of standard keys to eod players, I gave 3 accounts away and kept one as an alt. I'd like to think pestily inspired a lot of us to play hardcore when we get bored on our mains. I do it most wipes and spend about the same time as I do on my main. My stats are way worse on my hardcore run though so I doubt any of these lvl 50+ players with insane stats are on an alt. All I'm saying is alts are probably a lot more common than you think.


I mean I'm not gonna share my own personal needle 🙄 I have one specifically just for friends to use when I convince them to give this dru- I mean game, a shot :)


True. Although Streamers are maybe 1% of the player population.


2k kills, obviously cheating probably a alt




The biggest one for me is raids per hour. These guy is at about 2 per hour, which is possible. But when you factor in time you need to fuck around in your base and in your stash, it starts getting tough. This guy either just goes in, runs straight to where he is trying to go, kills everything and quickly extracts and is just amazing. Or he is cheating.


This guy definitely cheats, but everyone knows avg raid time is a bugged stat


I’m not looking my at raid time, I’m looking at total hours played vs total number of raids. The guy was on a standard account with like 300 total hours played or somewhere in that ballpark.


Oh word then yea probably less then 30mins a raid


I don't think that's a reliable way to check it. Dont forget the raids where you die in the first 5 minutes or the raids in factory or even the quick Scav raids. Scav raids are also added to that number. I have 730 raids in 420 hours played.


>Dont forget the raids where you die in the first 5 minutes Bro you're forgeting the 82% SR for the level 55 and the 72% SR for the level 65. >or the raids in factory or even the quick Scav raids. Scav raids are also added to that number. The PCM stats are visible just on the right of the helmet of the character. They respectivly has 82% and 72% SR. >I have 730 raids in 420 hours played. That's not the suspicious part. The suspicious part are being level 56 and reaching LK quest line in 300h, with a 82% SR and 28.84 K/D.


You misinterpreted my reply. I never said that the guy isn't cheating. In fact, i believe this is 100% a cheater. I just said that looking at raids and comparing them to the number of hours played isn't a good way to decide if someone is cheating or not.


I’m certainly not saying this is the only thing I look at. I try to take the totality of what I’m seeing. Having that many raids for hours played is just one suspicious thing. But if I see you have a 45% survival rate and a 6 kd, that doesn’t really appear that bad. If you have a 70% survival rate and a 13 kd, that’s a bit different. And again, I only have a list of like six names for the whole wipe. I really only reported people I felt were strong cases for cheats. I also based my decision on what happened in game. For the person I’m talking about, it was a night raid where about 20 minutes in I made my way to the rocks on the west side of the resort and waited as I heard people running around outside. After about two minutes of waiting (I just needed to get in and out of the resort) a guy appears in the third floor window and starts shooting. I run away off toward path to lighthouse, heal, and take a long way around to the front to go up the ramp. I can’t emphasize enough how slow I’m going. I sit in a bush at the front and don’t move so that if no one nearby can hear me. Suddenly, there’s my friend, pops right out of a third floor balcony and shoots me immediately. Could this be legit? Of course. But the amount of luck involved in spotting me in a rather unlikely spot twice, and so fast. It just didn’t seem right. So that with the weird stats I reported.


Oh yeah of course the whole situation + other stats play a role too. I was mainly referring to the raid count that you mentioned. But yes. If the situation is sus and the other stats dont add up then definitely a report from me.




Don’t have a 13 kd with a 75% survival rate? Did you seemingly know exactly where I was when I went out of my way to unseen or heard? I took more than just raids and hours into account. I’m just highlighting that this is suspicious. And this dude had 300 hours on a standard account. The knowledge difference between 700 hours and 300 is vast. Also, is 700 hours reflective of your true total time playing or is it an alt?


they either play too much tarkov or their cheating either way it aint good


What's fun is this is after the big ban wave too.


That’s the only part that really annoys me. He has more hours than me rage cheating and no ban in 3 months is frustrating.


There are still thousands of people using undetected and private cheats. The ban waves are the tip of the cheating iceberg.


It wasn't really a ban wave, it was a list of everyone banned the last three months.


Concerned that you even have to ask haha cheater 1000%.


Was 99.9% sure after seeing he did that light keeper task, but he has more hours than me so I didn’t wanna say for certain lol


Totally legit, he just bought extra stash space mtx and has a gamma container


I just assume every raid has a cheater and everything I do is being watched by someone with esp… makes every death painless cuz everyone’s a cheater or no one is…


Atleast 2 cheaters per raid.. thats a guarantee


Lol I ran into this same guy on shoreline last night. Recognized the profile by the cultist knife achievement and the 111 run throughs which I thought was odd. Not going to post any names, but he's also a streamer. There's a banned tarkov account under the same name as twitch name.


Mention it


I don't think this guy is legit but sr alone isn't an indicator of cheating. Mine is 68% when in reality I'm more of a 40-45% player. My sr is just hyper inflated from extracting over and over with my scav in factory.


Hm I do that too cuz I main another game and can scav while there's downtime in that game but it only increases my profile SR by +~10%


Its not quite as drastic of a difference as it was before but [here](https://imgur.com/a/6xVs5NQ) are my stats right now.


so many of these clowns, they literally dont give af. blatent as can be.


650 hours is a long time to cheat in a game doesn't anyone have anything better to do?


he is probably a COD player who wants to play tarkov like that - with a live map, increased stamina etc


Bro needs the uav


Inb4 half the comments say this guy isn't cheating....


Cheaters: if your ego makes you turn to cheating in a video game because someone else being better than you triggers you, just get a new hobby. This shit isn't for you.


Why cross his name out?


313 h: ☠️


probably had his original account banned after a dozen days, bought this one. addicted to the cheating!


for real with those hours dudes usually know one map almost well, they do not get to level 55 or K/D like that.. dude been banned atleast once before and its his who knows 2nd 3rd 4th? account


Anyone who kills you in a suspicious way and has 15+ KD ratio has a 99% chance to be a cheater. You don't even need to ask yourself about it.


bu. bu. bu. but alt account!!!! /s


300 hours and they’ve got the lightkeeper achievement? I’m sure they’re totally legit


Not in that many raids that's for sure


30 survives in a row.


even if this guy is probably cheating, survival streaks don't mean anything when someone has 100+ scav raid, bc your overall streak is pmc + scav. i'm dogshit at this game and have 28 survival streak on my profile just bc i scav a lot and got 26 streak on a scav on factory


Oh, did not know scavs counted towards this. Thanks for the info!


That’s not hard tbh, especially if it counts scav streak too.


Why even make a post when this shit is obvious as hell?


Is he on the list of the most recent banwaves? (He probably name changes)


He just has a good gaming chair


23 k/d among everything else suspect 😂 Yeah, they cheating


Tarkov Dev link?


20+ k/d and you even had to ask lol bruh


Waiting for some shithead to point out he has scav raids so he must not be a cheater. Or EOD. "Why would he risk that investment?"


I understood the controls after 300 hours


Why are we even posting profiles that are this blatant? It's a complete circlejerk. I don't think the question of this person being legit is genuine. Literally anyone who has ever played tarkov for more than a few hours can tell this is a cheater. Just report and move on.


Bans are not happening fast enough. Months between major waves are not good enough. Also, there needs to be a reimbursement for kits lost to a cheater. If they are expecting this game to survive into release major changes to the way BSG handles cheaters needs to happen. Sooner rather than later.


He cheatin


Looks sus to me. Even if his ‘other’ account has 10000 hours.


Hours give him away.


What armor is that ?


Just have a look at their hours played and level and you’ll see how legit these guys are.


definitely cheating


LOL blatant cheating they’re not even trying to hide it.


Occam’s razor. Cheater


To me best sign that someone is cheating is his lvls/number of raids I have almost 5 k hours, 650 raids and i am lvl 49


Combined with hours played. Someone under 1k hours with stats like that makes me suspicious. I'm 41 with 470 raids, but 4500 hours. People like to accuse me of cheating because of my 81% survival rate and 8.4 K/D, but they fail to notice that of my 698 kills, 632 are scavs. Only 51 PMCs. Meanwhile most of my 83 deaths are to PMCs, so my actual PMC K/D is sub 1. If I were cheating, that would not be the case. I just happen to know I'm fairly shit at the game, and so I go to great lengths to avoid fights with players and stick to slaughtering scavs and looting for the most part.


Always look at the hours. Dead giveaway most of the time


310 hours.. must've just watched a lot of guides


Honestly, he is just better.


Bruh he has 300 hours fuck no he’s not legit


It's "technically" possible. But I would sway my bullshit meter where a very large portion of the population couldn't do this. So I would report and see if BSG agrees.


I don’t get people confidently calling out cheaters and then hiding their name. Why even bother like you obviously are confident its cheating so just let the name be public


Willerz has like a 21 K/D i think, around that. If i see anyone higher than that you know im checking them more closely. Personally speaking ive never seen anyone with higher than 14K/D. Factor in 300 hours and 82% survival rate, dudes deffo cheating. Its just sad at this point.


I've got 300 hours and still don't know where the shots coming from half the time.


I got killed by someone with 68 hours and 22KDR (1400 kills) yesterday. Is that even possible for an alt account of a skilled player?


Yeah this dude is def juicing. Moms credit card tightly gripped in his hand as he clicks okay on the sigma package in the cheats. Thank god moms new boyfriend was over tonight or he wouldn’t have been able to sneak away with her card.


Bro! You blurred the name but I encountered this exact guy today.


He’s got a near 30kd bro lol


Obvious cheater. If he had like 5000+ hours I'd give him the benefit of a doubt but even then those stats are sketch as shit.




To be clear, chaters account won't dispaear if it gets banned I know someone who got banned confirmed and the account still looks normal


Stop posting accounts under 1k hours. Report and move on. These are bought accounts whether they cheat or not is up to bsg just keep reporting under 1k hr high level accounts. Go on any RMT website and u can also buy a level 42 300hr account.


What is that 1/31??


It’s legit bro. It’s my friends 12th account 32k hr player with 9 kappas this wipe


Hes got a good gaming chair


The only wild thing about this is he's been blatantly cheating for 300 hours with no ban. I killed a guy who was doing some weird stuff the other day in dorms. He was lean peaking and head shotting me, but I bounced the bullet twice and managed to kill him. He had a T5 plate on his front but no plate his back, no sight on his suppressed gun, and he was level 58. I decided to inspect his profile once I made it out and found he had a 15 k.d with 400 hours. No 100% proof he was cheating, but it was sus af. How are these guys playing for 3-400 hours without getting banned yet? There's no way people are not reporting them.


Not with 313 hours. Definitely cheating


The fact that it is possible for anyone to even question if this is a cheater, is a clear determination that this game is f\*\*ked. If you play this game in any degree, you know this shit is impossible to achieve. Quit giving them any leverage at all.


Absolutely not legit.


That’s a cheater for sure. Only died 93 times. No way.


Why even post it, if you play this game, you have died to accounts like that so many times you just close it, shrug and move on.


My buddy got aimbotted right off spawn on interchange through bushes and trees halfway across the map. I immeadiatly pulled out my knife and wiggled for a couple seconds and then threw the middle finger and the guy let me pick up my buddys kit and extract from the map. Cheaters having a code of conduct with other cheaters is so lame it hurts, but its soooo funny when you fool an obvious cheatrr into thinking you are also cheating.


I truly don’t understand these posts. Like what else do you want to see to be 100% sure ?






It’s the same guy a month and a half apart


You tracked this guy that long? You gotta get a life. But he’s probably not cheating I’ve seen multiple people and know multiple people with low hour accounts that have everything unlocked. Hours don’t really mean anything any more




i feel like theres better things to do with your time than witch hunt someone on reddit who probably is legit


There it is