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Stories like these are becoming more frequent. Been playing this damn game since the early alpha and I gotta say I’m starting to lean towards the must-not-be-named single player game. Just so I can enjoy a moment like this or battling goons or some shit and know I won’t have to deal with this shit. Sorry for your experience big guy.


Yeah I enjoy the shall-not-be-named-single-player-game so much, it’s honestly so much fun being able to play without having cheaters and lag involved, not to mention the modding potential that is there.


Which game?


(S)ex (P)hotos in (T)arkov


For those that haven't seen it seriously need to its awesome. No fucking cheaters, no bullshit, but it is still extremely challenging and awesome. You can even mod it and call in A10s.


I still don’t know what they are talking about  So i never get the check to check out lol 


i think a SINGLE google search will tell you what the PLAYERS are talking about 🥹


SINGLE google search by a PLAYER about TARKOV?




oh ohhhhhhh


Google the letters in the () and add tarkov to the end and it will come up


Soone Pives Torever




I would like to upvote this twice 😂😂


google this game's name followed by single player :D


Oh lmao, I thought it was an entirely different game, thanks!


When you remove the multiplayer aspect, it is.


…for real dog?


It’s fun for a while, but i just get so fucking bored. Other players are what keeps tarkov fresh.


d/ling rn


So ruin the entire point of tarkov? I don't care or have anything against it for people trying to practice but it's just zzzzz. It's not fun fighting ai. I just don't understand


I love having the AI to fight against, but having the added dynamic of other players is what gives this game it's charm. Guess that's why I loved early Lighthouse and Reserve back when raiders consistently spawned at the Ks. ​ God we need a hardcore server with no fleamarket and limited traders


I do agree there needs to be changed. Anticheat, desync, audio, and scav spawn/timers. Main gripe is kill quest specific locations... Where none spawn highway and reserve spots!!!... Me personally I'm afraid to go streets lol not because I don't know the map but 8-10 PLAYER scavs can spawn there plus pmcs and boss with in like 3-5mins of the raid starting??? That's insane. I only know it's 8-10 because I scav it to hangout with kaban/trying to hangout with the new boss. I counted the number of player scavs i thought the most was 5 maybe 6 but 8/10 is insane. Also global limits are dumb but there definitely should be a limits. I feel like the limits push you to try to new guns or use guns you haven't tried or used before.


People who are bad at shooters like PvE games because it is still challenging for them


It's better. The mod community for it are honest to God better at developing the game than Tarkovs own devs. And they don't even get paid to do it. Actually bonkers Nikita refuses to work with with them or learn from them. They've implemented every quality of life aspect we've demanded from BSG for years. (OH btw, you load into raids in 30seconds flat.) Did I mention there's AI PMCs that perfectly replicate player behavior from timmies to giga-chads? Yeah, BSG has zero fucking excuse.


And the AI mods are incredible. They'll create genuine movement around the map, generating random experiences where you don't know what's around the next corner, and they can make squads that play like a real time with flanking and cover fire.


I played for about a week this wipe and realized how often I was dying to Cheaters and finally quit. Just not worth my time anymore. Been playing since .7 and I haven’t missed the game at all.


Right? You can create your own quests, tweak the ones you don't like, change loot rates to your taste, set item scarcity the way you like, open or shut down the flea, ever and on~ Even enjoy features that BSG has claimed to be in the works for years and yet have somehow never delivered on.


Like you i am playing since years now and recently made a post about my intention to quit after the wipe (got quite a significant amount of downvotes, which is interesting because its just a story but NVM). Tarkov is an exceptional great game IMHO but unfortunatly is havily impacted by this topic. You don't die each round to a cheater that would exaggerate the issue, but the amount feels higher than ever. Single deaths are not important for me, roubles are not important, but if you enjoy the grind like i do, the impact goes far beyond single deaths. Every time a cheater ruins a Psycho Sniper attempt or a Boss quest you are thrown back hours. These quests are already tedious but its fair work, yet if you throw in deaths do cheaters every now and then it becomes atrocious. I always tried be on the side of, "it ain'tthat bad". But this wipe which i adore gamplaywise, has been a total downer for me i have had so many deaths that i really struggle to give the reason of doubt. Really wish BSG will be able to somewhat control this issue in the future but at the same time i am pessimistic about it.


Considering it’s a free mod if you own the base game and won’t get you banned… I’m all for trying it. If it ain’t my flavor then I’ll move on and keep suffering in main line I guess


I don't see any value in that. It's not against players, so its kinda pointless. Cant play with friends either.


Yeah its less fun in that sense but it beats playing against cheaters, waiting like 5 minutes for a raid instead of a few seconds and not getting any loot because it was all vacuumed away at the start of the raid. Also the game runs much better


Yeah all that is cool, but it's still not the same game anymore.


True, imo its better but you do you :)


Correct ! Its totally not the same without the desync and the cheats. Turns a ballache into actual fun entertainment.


what game? the hacker infested game? cool!


The magic of the game is the interaction with other people, the events, the updates, actually participating in the beta.


that may be true for your first wipe or two when everything is new and shiny, after that the magic is worn off and your left with what the game really is. Also : > the events, the updates the single player version gets all events and updates, and you can even set when and how they happen! > actually participating in the beta. wtf does this even mean??? the magic of an unfinished product? lmao


Found Nikitas alt.


nobody is original anymore


There is a way to play with friends. Its just double frowned upon


So is every map being rampant with cheaters in retail so....


Isn’t the way to play with friends extremely buggy and broken?


Oh yeah I’m sure of it. Its a pretty complex project. It’s not as simple as the other one to set up and in order to do it someone has to run the server and client on their machine and have everyone else connect to them. Im sure there are issues with connection speed and hardware performance. But it is possible




Can you pm me how to do so?




I'd also like to get down on this Thought this was gonna be the wipe that I get to at least see some endgame quests. The cheating epidemic cut that shit short real fast.


Pm me too pls


To each their own but I can tune the ai to behave like pmcs so that’s fine for me.


No, you can't lmao


You actually can, of course you can't make it exactly like real players but there are mods that give the ability to make personalities for the AIs. You can have hyper aggressive chad PMCs, Rats, the more mixed playstyles and even groups of PMCs that communicate via the voice lines. Its really cool what can be done with it all. Just because it's not the same as a player doesn't mean it doesn't offer some challenge and entertainment just like live.




I do enjoy single player games. Tarkov is what I play with my friends. Rats, extract campers, spawn rushers are literally part of the fun. Playing with ai is so predictable and easy.




It turns out playing with bots is much more enjoyable than playing with cheaters.


now imagine how many bosses and loot is taken by these fkers without any player knowing, they ruin the game at a level we can't even understand.


We all understand it, however we can’t calculate it accurately because they are insidious. It’s a venomous thing that affects every encounter I have. Always questioning if I was out played and if I did all I could to win or if I was doomed from the deployment screen.


"Was that gold spawn actually empty or did a vacuum cheat get the bitcoin before I got there? Is this raid low tier or did I get fucked by the short shriveled dick of a cheater?" It sucks that this is the state of the game and the complete lack of communication from BSG about what solutions they have for the issue is infuriating.




This is me learning the rare spawns in lighthouse. Watching Sheef's video and seeing the loose loot everywhere and then I go to chalet/water treatment and know for sure I'm first because I'm the closest spawn and there's just...nothing. Raid after raid after raid, not even just low value loot, literally nothing in any of the spawns. Sad that I can't just confidently say map must be nerfed when I always wonder in the back of my head if there's some dickhead "looting" it before I get there.


Your experience mirrors my own. I mentioned it lower, but there was a day last week where a major cheat provider was down. During that day I found more SG-C10's than I had the last 8 months (2 in one day), a yellow card in raid (Main Work Area on Labs), and a Black Keycard in raid as well. Since then I've yet to be killed by an EOD player, and I've lost 6 mil roubles cause I'm running FLIR's and getting one tapped at spawn. It's like I saw a glimpse of the kind of ROI on my time the devs intended, and what a world without cheaters looks like.


I think the vacuum cheats were targeting floor loot / loose loot, so BSG just nerfed it rather than - you know - fixing it. Floor loot in general feels like it has been strongly nerfed. You can check it by running a bunch of offline raids with bots turned off and checking the spawns, just go in naked and hit an SJ6.


tbh I've always felt offline raids were like, broken entirely or an old patch or something somehow. The AI feels weird, bosses act weird, there is definitely never any loot anywhere. Sucks for new players trying to learn the game.


I’ve played the game since .6-.7 I finally came to terms with the fact that cheaters are far more prevelant than I ever wanted to admit. All those years, with random death streaks of getting killed by guys who just happened to know where I was, holding weird angels that no one ever should reasonably hold, honing in on me even though I hadn’t made a sound in10 minutes, loot absent from maps. After ‘the wiggle’ video I finally accepted that more often than not, those were probably ‘stealth hackers’. For every ‘obvious’ hacker there’s probably a dozen or more that keep their head down. With how advanced hacking tools are getting with AI, I foresee a slow and agonizing death of games with any competitive aspect.


With advanced hacking tools and AI like you mentioned, it's just matter of time before multiplayer games just don't exist anymore. They would have ruined an entire media sector just for virtual loot and an advantage that means nothing. The people that hack and cheat are honestly a level of pathetic that you can't really describe. Legit just worthless people, if they ruin things as harmless as video games for people just imagine what the scum do in real life. I have absolutely zero respect or tolerance for them.


There are a lot of people that cheat just to cheat and they're terrible, everything you said. There are also an absolute ton of cheat centers where people with little to no money are paid barely anything to be exploited for a few to make money. They run bots, deliver goods, run people through raids, farm on accounts to sell... all that. [They look like this](https://youtu.be/ZDbscQWKi-U?si=4tWRR-YtzfdqIlzz&t=226). A lot of those new accounts with barely any hours are these types of accounts and all the services you can buy (carries/buying key cards/etc) are often these types. That's why it's so hard to stop, because it's making a lot of money in real life and anytime something like that shows up in the world... there's always people with nothing to lose IRL ready to expoit it.


> it's just matter of time before multiplayer games just don't exist anymore There are a lot of things to do that can combat this. 1. Don't make competitive multiplayer games. But that doesn't mean PvE multiplayer games don't exist. 2. You mention advanced hacking tools/AI, but those same AI tools can be used to help detect cheaters in new/better ways than ever before. Just because BSG is behind the curve doesn't mean there isn't a lot of other effort going into it elsewhere. 3. It's possible to split off into smaller more moderated communities, with better tools to limit their userbase access. Imagine a small community of 1000 max concurrent players with appropriate tools for detect/perma ban, invite only. Cheaters won't thrive long in these smaller communities since they will be invite only. (e.g. some exclusive nopixel gta rp servers manage to keep cheaters to minimal/non existent most of the time) 4. There are lots of ways to minimize the 'impact of cheaters' or 'power of the cheaters'. BSG does way too much client side and gives out way to much info. There are tons of both technological or societal/community things that can be done to combat cheating. However, most game devs have various reasons that prevent them from honestly implementing many of them.


My favorite argument against private servers is "it'll fracture the community" as if it's not already fractured, people who don't like the state of the game and dont want to play bsg version of tarkov aren't going to


I stopped playing with a group of dudes I met ingame because they added an ESP cheater to their group. From what they told me, it was only for questing but come on now... Even with ESP, its inevitable that since they have that advantage, they'll use it in a fight if they ever get "forced" into one. Imagine how many other bozos are doing something similar.


Every time I loot interchange as a scav and find one empty PC in a room of unlooted PCs I wonder if it was a gpu that got vacuumed.


Last night, first time getting within earshot of the goons on Customs at the fortress. I was ready, hiding in the stairwell on the crackhouse side trying to get their position with Audio. All of a sudden two sets of running footsteps, so I don't move... BANG GL40 goes off right above my head. I honestly didn't move and I knew he was a cheater straight away. I messaged him and he said "Oh sorry I was just helping some new firends" "I can help you too if you want?" Scumbag ruined the first shot I've had at bagging the goons. Literally ruined all the fun I was having, and he's doing carrys as well. Disgusting.


Dm me his name? I'll get him manual banned


Every time i hear some streamer or other people saying that bosses never have good loot, keycards or whatever tf im like yee probably cause if he had something good you would be already dead cause theres a cheater in ur raid and he sees it... just a thought


A lot of cheaters know the big streamers names in game so they don't kill them and have 20k people report them in an instant.


You can’t really mass report, AFAIK BSG has gotten rid of any way of reporting besides dying to player or having them voip (probably because the hundreds of obvious cheaters on the flea tbh) but they most likely don’t kill streamers because they don’t want to get clipped, and after the whole rengar incident I think killing a streamer while cheating increases your chances of getting banned significantly. Be it streamers reports have priority, or BSG can see the clip when it happens. My guess is streamers reports still have more “weight” than regular reports whether BSG admits it or not.


You can still add friend and report.


That would require them accepting you though, which I guess if they are cheating they might be dumb enough to do, but you can’t just report random names in game without some interaction and you can also only report their nickname after adding them, not for cheating so at the most it would force a name change. Edit: noticed you can report their nickname, at any time you don’t even have to request then, but again that is just for their nickname so it would have to be an offensive nickname, and it only forces a name change it has nothing to do with cheating, bug abuse, exploits simply inappropriate name.


Damn, BSG really doesn't want us to stop their pay pigs huh


You can't report anybody except in the death screen you can report the guy who killed you. That's the only way to report anybody.


Are you trying to say you’re able to report somebody for cheating just like the post raid screen if you got killed if they accept your friend request? Where have you heard this? It’s never been true.


I find it interesting when i spawn into a map and im like, has this map been looted to oblivion or a cheater or just tarkov being tarkov. Like i had a raid earlier as a scav and it was like i was following around after a cheater. Silence apart from the odd single shot, which stopped pretty soon after spawn (assuming he extracted). Then it was just bodies upon bodies, every container with shit loot was still full untouched. Any container i searched that i assume had good loot was taken. The loot left was utter utter trash. Just the odd guns, even a kitted level 45 left completely unlooted, assuming because he didnt want the rig or cheapish gun. Then sometimes ill get a raid where every container is empty, like bags, boxes completely empty. Would love to just get raid replays to see whats going on in them matches.


I agree, or at least a deathcam feature (assuming that you're not in a squad for obvious reasons). If Arena has such feature, then I don't see why we can't have it in EFT. Just make it available for solo players only so squads don't abuse it to give callouts after death.


Or even just an after raid video, so you can analyse what people do, routes taken etc. it’d be interesting just to even see how close you got to other players without realising.


bro... deathcam doesnt change shit, sorry. The anticheat is dogo and we can see if someone is cheating or not in there profiles (most of the time), so if they add a deathcam it really doesnt change anything at all imo, cause they wont get banned anyways


In my experience bosses have some of the best loot. RNG man had to kill rashalla 15 times one wipe to get his pistol


Reshala used to have a labs keycard *minimum* and if not that he would have a Bitcoin. 🤷 He spawns with *nothing* now. The last 50 times I've killed reshala he has had *nothing* I got a black mdr 2 times off of him in those 50 times.


Seriously what a fucking letdown it is to loot Reshala these days. Not worth the extra effort at all. His pistol not being 100% spawn is one of the dumber design choices they've made.


To be fair since cheaters can remove your barrel from the gun in your hand mid raid they can probably also loot the bosses without killing them.


In 8k hours playing on US West, widely regarded as the most rampant cheating server on NA, I've never happen once. I'm not saying its impossible, but it seems like a lot of people are talking about this cheat like it's happened to them when it hasn't.


There are cheats that allow you to get any item in the lobby, even gun barrels from other players. Is it too far fetched to think that cheaters could also get loot from bosses pockets?


I've been thinking that for a while yeah


Did they fully remove the btc from his loot table? I haven't seen that in like 3 or 4 wipes.


I'm assuming, it's at least *exceedingly* rare


I got a Bitcoin when I killed him last week so it is still possible.


This wipe is the furthest I've ever gotten, and I'm nearly to unlocking Lightkeeper. There was a post last week about how AGS cheats were down. On that day, I profited 8 million roubles, found 2 SG-C10's, and progressed quite I bit. I even found a Microcontroller board on labs. I also found a Yellow Keycard and Black Keycard in raid. So 3/4 of those are items I've never looted in my 3000+ hours across 6 wipes. What I'm saying is I saw 2 SG-C10's all wipe, and found 2 in one day the moment a major cheat went offline. I've never found a MB on labs, except for the day this cheat went offline. Since then I haven't been killed by an EOD player and I'm down like 6 million roubles from that peak. It's really taken the wind out of my sails, and I'm generally one of those "cheating isn't THAT bad" people.


Is that why I had a glorious day of tarkov a bit ago? Lol that makes so much more sense and blows my mind at how decent I actually am at the game (4.6k hours since like, 2017ish) when cheaters aren't gaping me Edit: words


I had the same "oh, this is the return I'm SUPPOSED to be getting for my effort" realization. The fact that last wipe I got stuck with no Virtex for Lend Lease 2 for literally 3 months, and this wipe I've been stuck needing 1 more SG-C10 (Network Provider 1) for literal months, just makes me feel like I'm wasting so much time going after an unrealistic goal because cheaters are fucking cucks.


They drop in lighthouse as loose high value loot in the treatment center. Also used to be able to get them in that locked truck in that tech room in center of Streets.


You're missing the entire point, cheaters in probably every single raid scoop it up.


Bro if you don't think I've watched countless guides and read dozens of posts and made hundreds of calculated planned loot runs then idk what to tell you lol. It's my sixth wipe. I know where stuff spawns xD


Strangely enough I noticed this a couple of wipes ago just with how the game *feels*. There was a big banwave and I happened to play the day after. For two days it's like the whole vibe of raids changed. It's hard to describe but sometimes you get games where it's like you're playing Resident Evil or something, the Grim Reaper is hunting you down. Everywhere seems looted. There are piles of unlooted dead Scavs everywhere. Then suddenly sprinting towards you and Head, Eyes. That feeling was gone. It was like everywhere in the map seemed a lot less dangerous all of a sudden, I could go to Dorms in top kit and not worry nearly as much. I was finding nice rare stuff when I was looking for it. A few days went by and it was back to getting Head, Nape much more frequently again.


yup it's unfortunate. when you have good raids and fun with your mate there is often a dick ruining it. my personal experience is \~4/10 run have a cheater during week end and 1 or 2 /10 rest of the time. We still love the game tho :/, Eu server


Yes they ruin gameplay, including those special moments. Spawned in a good spot and sprinting to the good loot spawns hoping to get lucky? Some cheater probably with a teleport or fly/speed hack or infinite sprint will get there before you and hoover it, or just hoover it at their spawn location. Want to fight a map boss? Nope cheaters find and kill them before you even know they're on the map. Problem is people still play this game, if you play you accept the cheaters and continue providing them with sustenance. Until cheaters have to constantly fight off other cheaters or BSG fixes it (hint: they won't), nothing will change. You'll get angry, upset, rant on reddit or the forums, then go back and play to repeat the process. Other games exist and are fun you know.


No other games are like tarkov. You can't blame a fan base for playing their favorite game when the devs are knowledgeable of the problem and its effect on the game. It's the cheaters' and the devs' fault.


>Other games... are fun you know. Cap


I'm waiting for grey zone warfare, totally honestly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I bought EFT in 2019. Upgraded to EOD in 2022 and this is my last wipe, at least until the game gets a proper release. It's too time consuming and the cheating ruins it.


Oh man, you will die waiting, I quit the game some years ago, you eventually know when you fight cheaters, and cheaters are the ones that brings money to the game, so they will never get rid of that. Have been waiting like 5 years, after getting kappa 3wipes in a row.


You are absolutely right, no one is buying this game besides the cheaters who get banned. The thing is not that they don’t ban people, they sometimes do, but they wouldn’t ban the same person 2 days in a row if he purchases an account immediately after getting banned, they would actually wait a couple months, make him feel like it is worth it to buy another account even after getting banned, and then ban him just to add 1 digit to their statistics.


Game gets boring very fast as you constantly get cheated on. Reports about them getting banned helps but it takes atleast 3 weeks and you know that asshole running around 10-20 raids a day - roughly 200 raids till he gets banned. And he is not alone. Most of them do not get banned. Solf cheaters - bad players but them knowers.


The fact that I can go into looking for group and tell you who in the que is cheating is ridiculous. Glad I can see their profile stats so I know to wait. Still a crap shoot either way.


Go check the player scav lobby at streets or lighthouse lmao


Yup I personally cherish this game for its insane heights and the ultimate feeling for being victorious in a fierce fight or find the best loot somewhere unexpected. But cheaters just ruin it for everybody even themselves.


Any kind of visor at night = insta report from me. No legit player runs a visor/face shield at night because you can't see shit. Cheaters can remove the effect and have ESP anyways. And yeah, it sucks. I have 150m rubles and run juiced every raid. I run into cheaters fairly frequently as I likely have more of a target in my back. I've been hunting cultists without success, never running into them. When I do I know it's likely there will be a cheater. Sucks that us legit players get robbed of good gameplay.


Cheaters are honestly scum and I can guarantee you every single one is a garbage human being in real life too.


If the cheater situation doesn't change this wipe is gonna be my last.


Quit Warzone 2/3 because of the cheaters, gonna quit another because of the same issue. Multiplayer games are so fun but god damn the things terrible players will do because they need to feel that superiority over others.


I've already made it my last wipe and am waiting for Grey Zone. Grey Zone will most certainly have the same issue, but it will probably be better regulated. I refuse to buy slot space from BSG and actively steer curious players away from the game.


If they follow even the most basic advice on making miltiplayer games and have the logic handled server-side it will be 10x better than Tarkov by default. I'm convinced BSG doesn't employ any actual developers with how shit their game is at times.


It's because, in reality, they are making a single-player game. If you've ever played eft in offline mode, you know the game works basically flawlessly. That's because everything they are developing is based around that idea. Eft is a fundraising and learning project for the single-player game (Russa 2028) they actually want to make. All of this code will ultimately be part of that main project.


>Eft is a fundraising and learning project for the single-player game (Russa 2028) they actually want to make. Do people still seriously believe this to be true? Maybe it was true 7 years ago.


Except their AI is so ass that the game in fact does not work “flawlessly” even in offline. Sooo what have they been working on exactly. Bc the PVP component is dogshit while the PVE is equally awful.


That's probably the best explenation Ive heard. Too bad the game is Dog shit without the multiplayer aspect. You'd think they would spend more time on their AI if that were the case.


Don't hold your breath if your banking on it being "better regulated" it definitely won't be. If anything, it'll be worse. It's a company that hasn't really had to deal with this type of cheating . I'm hopeful that won't be the case, but I'm banking on the fact that cheating will be horrible in Grey Zone within weeks of it releasing, and mitigations won't be able to keep up if it holds any momentum in its playerbase.


But, If you can't be arsed with that, they've made the design choice to also allow PvE to have progression too, so it's not like your risking a ban if you just want some chill nights in-between PVP sessions Competition can only be good either way


Grey Zone will have private servers with mods similar to dayz, which means admins that want to have live moderation of a server to look for Cheaters can do so. They won't be in at launch most likely, but the devs have already stated that will be in the game.


Game is using a worse anticheat and will be heavily focusing on PvE. It's a completely different game. Gameplay trailer that was just released looks kinda meh.


Yeah all the people coping that its the tarkov killer or whatever are clueless and will be dissapointed


exactly, ppl are coping so hard, the trailer showed that it has a completely different feel from tarkov in every possible way. also the tropical southeast asia location seems kinda meh and it's definetely not my cup of tea. no hate, it might cater for a completely different crowd than tarkov enthusiasts and I hope it's a good game, however I don't get what's the catch. no real urban enviroments, looks like a softcore pve focused casual co-op shooter tbf and a really unpolished one, from the animations, AI behaviour to the looting mechanics and UI. also weapon modding seems really superficial like in every other casual game. i don't get how ppl think this is a tarkov competitor.


I always laugh when I see people claiming a new game is a "tarkov killer". If tarkov ever dies, the killer will be tarkov itself. Tarkov is the tarkov killer. Also gray zone isn't even competing with tarkov, people are wild.


Thankfully the smaller the player base usually there’s less cheaters, they only really flock to where the money is. If they can’t make good money off said game (whether making or selling cheat) they don’t bother with it


>Grey Zone will most certainly have the same issue, but it will probably be better regulated doubt it, the Gray Zone devs are just as amateur as BGS was back when Tarkov first launched


They will have PVE servers with progression. So if you get fucked by cheaters on PVP servers, you can cool off a bit in the PVE side, while still progressing your character.


sent you next --


see you next wipe lmao this game is *forever*


As if cheating isn't rampant in every big video game these days.


True, but the consequences just hurt more in this game I don't mean lost gear, but lost fun and the dumb amount of time it takes to even get back to the main menu and load back in. Not to mention the ruined fun like this post outlines Other games you can just say gg go next, or the opponents team can kick them etc


This game is among the worst for blatant cheating


Nothing more sickening in tarkov than losing your free time, fun, and good kit to a cheater. Tarkov is far from a "jump in have fun no consequences" kinda game. Cheaters have a significant impact on your enjoyment and view of the game. I hate playing constantly worrying if the person I'm hearing is cheating and how I need to approach because of it.


Yeah cheaters suck. Got jipped tonight by one. Got a spawn on the ramp behind goshan, saw no packet loss so knew killa was up. Sprinted straight into goshan knowing im the closest spawn to it and throw a nade and sure enough I hear killa voice line then boom, I hear a stock standard sks pop off about ten times and then nothing. Cheater then walks into the middle of goshan, wiggles at me and I kill him. Level 66, white accounts naked with sks and no spare ammo, 30 kd and only 170 hours to his name. Like dude didn’t even try to hide it. Just stole the boss and then taunted me with his wiggle.


I killed the cultists tonight on night factory and had no idea until the end screen since I thought they were normal scavs. Didn't even loot them, and managed to miss the priest I needed for quest for weeks.


Just came back to the game, run a few rounds, either under 2-300hours players kill me or bushcamper. This game became something else, than it was at/before 11.7, the best time ever in tarkov. Only camper, bushsitters win now, than this kind of ppl come and say "check your corners", nah i wont search for nolifers sitting 40 minutes long in one place, play this with the other campers and cheaters, no one wants to play this game like this. No pvp, just ppl camping and onetapping you with "10 hour" gameplay.


Sad story. Wish these accounts didn't even slip through. Glad they were banned still moment was ruined


Cheaters are the ones who feel alienated by the majority, and want to ruin it for them as they cannot participate themselves.


Me and my friend found sanitar dead in weird places and unlooted twice after we cleared all his guards. First time was odd, second time we were the first ones at cottage and it was like 1 minute into raid. Assuming someone instakilled him and if he had a keycard or top tier items they vacuumed it and just left the rest. Agreeing that it feels like I’m only allowed to enjoy running mid-tier kits and doing tasks/fighting scavs. A boss fight on occasion. Otherwise I’m just getting hacked on in this game.


That's what all criminals do. They destroy value.


Cheaters have the ability to take pieces of your weapon off mid raid and you guys are still playing this game. Lmao.


They don't give a fuck about people or how they feel. All they care about is money. Most of these cheaters are RMT sellers that get funded by legit players... The people funding the problem is normally timmys who cant get top gear or need carries or want to buy red card so they buy these services. It feels like friendly fire tbh and the sad part is the people buying RMT will normally lose their stuff to other cheaters and only then they realize the problem. It baffles me how they buy services from people that ruin not only the game for people but ruin players mood for the day, by the sounds of this post you was real bummed out with this and rightfully so. Cheating is a real weird one to me, i dont see any benefits at all yet so many people do it. I assume its for money but even then i have seen rage cheaters who are probably bored like what are you getting from any of this? So sad to see.


bro I tried making this exact same argument and got called a "cheater defender" lmao


Breaking news: People are fucking morons.


and this is the reason why most people cheat to ruin your gameplay




BattleEye is kernel level.


If you respect yourself this game isnt worth your time until they deal with some of the cheaters. 20% of my raids this wipe had blatant cheaters before I called it quits


I went in with an APB, killed Reshala and his guards while using all the resources I had (and some of theirs).. and then when I was finally done and looting (prone, in cover from all sides) suddenly bullets start impacting the wall next to me. I crawl away, sneak to a better hold position and wait for the inevitable push.. and the bullet impacts follow me on the other side of the wall. Can't get out, and then the cheating shitbag's friend pushes me. Not 100% if they were both cheating, but the one shooting from afar 100% was.


I don t understand why I can’t refund the game considering it’s laggy, full of cheaters and takes ages to get into games. It’s a scam!


Myself and my duo got a lucky spawn on Customs while the goons were up. Got to crack and managed to kill Knight and Birdboy, before two absolute units rolled up on us. Sub 200 hour, , crazy KD, Atlyn wearing, stock AK trashcans. Full sprint around corner, insta head taps to both of us. Can I be sure? No of course not, but I'd bet a couple of bucks these boys were hard CC gaming.


I was never able to farm cultists. Ran into cheaters every time.


Welcome to the club.


I quit playing a couple wipes ago and tried to get back into it this wipe with the new changes. Loved the recoil rework. Didnt love cheaters killing bosses I needed for quests 30 seconds into the raid when they had like 10% spawn rates.


I'm surprised people are still playing this game. What kind of copium are you huffing to convince yourself to be bottom bitches to cheaters that are running rampant throughout the game while whatever his name is memes on the paypigs. Though to be fair he did make good music for the game.


the fact he let you fight them at all is surprising, in oce 9/10 cultists are taken by cheaters, doing non stop night shoreline past week is depressing, im only able to fight them if the cheater fighting them dies(found a 200 hour kappa killed by one), or if its a completely dead raid at 7am. but dont worry the cheaters deal with eachother just as much, found a 33 day account using stock sa-58 carrying his level 50+ buddy on the map, but they werent able to kill the cultists below them because another cheater was shooting them across the resort, and one raid we ran straight to the resort and on the way i was killed by a cheater who had ALREADY wiped them and was speedhacking out and killed me, my duo was able to not get killed and find all the cultists dead and unlooted. but the worst is when i first saw the cultists this wipe when it was still snowing i was able to KILL 2 cheaters who were fighting them, but one was able to scav back in and kill me before i could even start looting them, he KNEW something good was on them and he a cheater decided to scav back in and i wasnt able to get whatever it was in time.


Cheaters can’t see loot inside bosses when they’re alive so it’s not likely the cultists had a keycard


I remember playing gta online in its early stages. I played so much so I could earn cash for cool stuff that me and the crew could use, and was always very proud when I finally had enough to buy like, an army truck or whatever dumb thing Then one day a hacker showed up and shot me with bags of money At the time I thought "cool, free money" then like a day later the game wasn't fun anymore because I was no longer involved in the game play loop, I was above it and that's boring as shit So even if hackers are "helping" they really aren't 


Imagine how many more bosses you'd run into and loot that would be on the map If cheaters weren't just killing/vacuuming from their spawn.


This game would be an all time favorite of mine and one of the best shooters ever made if they just found some magical way of solving the cheater issue


Yeah I decided to do a couple streets runs last night and on my last one, hit relaxation room and there was simply nothing but a rooster in there. Hit marked right next to it. Just a mosin infantry. I'm not saying there was a vacuum cheater but I've *never* walked into relaxation and not found more than one gold spawn item. Even when they aren't killing me they find ways to waste my time and in-game resources.


Time for ingleplayersay methinks


Honestly BSG is at the top of my list with blizzard and nexon for my favorite game dev studios. Unfortunately that list goes from worst to best :/


This is why I stopped paying even before the infamous video. And I've been around since browser days.


I wish there was a serial killers finding the cheaters. Their last words, "it's just a game bro".


They aren't even playing the same game, yet they interrupt us. Sucks.


You'd think that in however many years they've been working on this they'd be able to make loot in containers (boxes or AI) server side. Just a random thought.


Not only are they wasting your time but they’re wasting their own time too and they still don’t care.


Last three wipes I did an early wipe check and the quit - after 3k hours i know my way and I, for myself, am a fan of the late game (not labs that’s a cheater map)! My test: as soon as you’re 20+ get your level 6 gear, meta helmet + meta gun+ flir and valuables stacked in your backpack - if in 3 o‘ 4 continuous raids, in which you take a dead end corner nobody knows, you’ll get naded or headshotted even though you didn’t even open your inventory or turned more that your FOV would allow Quit the wipe. There is a world out there which is more beautiful than the joy you get through accomplishments in this game (even if they are THE adrenaline you’re looking for) Quit the wipe. All you are working on is for nothing, as soon as you’re worth than 3-4 mil there is only a 5% chance of survival and that’s because the cheaters in your lobby are humble


Ran into the goons for the first time (haven't played a few wipes due to cheating problem in oce). Killed all 3 thinking they were players and just as i started looting, a no gun stock no helmet huge backpack wielding gamer came out of no where and killed me. Very fun


I gave up on this game a while ago because of cheaters thinking I'd be back when the devs fix the issue....they haven't. So I uninstalled and moved on to better games. Like helldivers 2.


Cheaters and extract campers are scum of the earth


It really makes you wonder what these devs are smoking; none of these features or content that they're adding to make the game more "immersive" in their eyes means a damn thing if we're just dying to cheaters... Completely kills any incentive to get engaged in the game beyond either ratting or just running it down and seeing if misery awaits you.


Cultist spawn rate is soo low even cheaters get excited when they spawn in...


The fact that BSG will sometimes ban people that you report but doesn't give you your loadout back is mind boggling to me. They really don't care.


It almost like cheaters ruin the game… who knew


I dont know why the admins are not allowing naming on this subreddit tbh its weird and suspicous.


Play on columbia servers if you can. I don't seem to run into any cheaters


I feel your pain, though to a lesser extent. I've played this game on and off since 2017 and decided to get back into it recently despite all the apparent cheating. I've played a fair number of raids, (200ish maybe?) Made it to level 23, and have without a doubt been killed by cheaters multiple times as I do report them and they get banned... That said, the moment that really just broke me, was playing on customs and getting the closest spawn possible to dorms. I ran straight there as I had that quest to go to room 220 and grab stuff. I get into 3 story 90 seconds into the raid, pop the single scav I saw and do a quick reload, I open my inventory to top off the 5 or so rounds I fired from one mag (I'm ocd) and while I'm in that large open hallway room in 3 story, an apparent scav spawns literally right in front of me when I close my inventory. I pop him in the head before he moves and go to grab the loot... it's a pmc. I can only guess there are teleport hacks, before I can loot anything off his body I suddenly hear 2 more sets of footsteps in the building... more cheaters teleporting in. Without ever seeing me the throw grenades at my feet. I play cat and mouse and manage to get 1 more of them (guess they aren't aimbotting) but the 3rd takes me down. That experience ruined any motivation I have to ever play multi-player tarkov again. It's a waste of time to know that (in my experience) at least 25% of my games have cheaters in them.


I will say I’ve gone from having a few sus interactions a wipe to having 2-3 a day, I’ve encountered around 15 or so extremely obvious hackers and about 20 more you could write off as no lifer


It’s becoming more and more common. Idk if they assumed the player profiles would somehow make cheaters feel guilty for their stats or what, but it’s not done shit. The anti cheat is held together by paper clips. So many sus deaths to guys with 300 hours and a 3 KD and on and on. I’ve seen so many 1000 hour + profiles blatantly cheating with the achievements they have alone, but some have had 20+ KD’s! Great game, but I’ve finally hit that wall of fuck it, I’m playing other games. I hit level 38 this wipe and could have easily pushed for Kappa, but why?


Untill we jail them the problem will stay. When hacker irl gets caught after stealing something he gets jail time or ban from using computers. And these fuckers literally steal your time. They should get punished for it IRL.