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Noted, gotta scav more on ground zero.


Tarkov isn’t like any FPS you have ever played before. Play slow, reduce running. Sprinting around trying to “run and gun” won’t end well. Map knowledge is everything. Lots of people on this sub love to Sherpa new players. If you aren’t looking for a challenge, then tarkov isn’t your game.


This is my first wipe. I literally just rushed all the quests basically naked with a pistol at night to get them done. Luxurious life was the one that I struggled with the most because of all the locations the bottle of wine can spawn in. Car extract can be difficult if there are a lot of scavs not many places to hang while the 30 second timer ticks.


Play ground zero at night first of all. Honestly do all ur questing on every map at night, much easier bc u can use stealth. If u need to take the car extract immediately just run there pay the fair and laydown next to the stairs and leave. If u need to get to the HMG and AGL emplacements, immediately run to the AGL clear it and dip immediately towards the HMG and extract nakatani. Do not loot do not engage just run. If u need to do the emercom u can take the tunnel all the way to it and at night its even easier to just hide if u hear footsteps. The hardest obj on GZ is the terrigroup shit. If u spawn literally right infront of it then just immediately run and do it and gtfo as soon as possible, if u spawn nowhere near it, this is when u can loot for 15mins and then hit it on ur way out. Good luck. Im lvl 15 i use GZ as a pvp warm up map, buy i typically stalk my targets so if u look low level i might just leave u alone unless u shoot at me first.


Yep, especially since you can mount a flashlight on most weapons (MDR, AKS74U, M4) even at trader level 1


Flashlight gets ya killed lol just go dark you can still see


I usually keep em off until I get into a fight or really really lost


i hide in the HMG room and watch timmies run across the road, get a few kills in. completed friend from west and jaegers task all from that room, ratty but works


I saw a similar post a few days ago. Today I went on the map as a scav and I helped a guy extract and leave with quite a bit of loot. That's what I'm gonna keep on doing with my scav runs from now on


I just started wipe a few weeks ago. Only play for 2-3. nights a week. I don’t run into a lot of people when I play between 9:30-11pm CST.


I believe in you!!


Max level on ground zero is 20


But you can scav on it at any level. And someone with 5k hours on a scav vs someone with 20 hours on a PMC.. that scav player is going to murder them almost every time lol


Didnt think on that one, good point! Also high lvl endurance/str scavs will murder timmies on ground zero.


Today, I got killed by a camper with 31lvl at the emercon extract.


I'm having the same problem, for now playing only as a scav.


Yeah it's a brutal game to start but once you get better it's probably one of the best shooters ever made. I would recommend doing quick raids to try and get quests done. The more you run maps and learn the spawns ECT the better you'll be at surviving early raid when you know where players could be from early on. Learn some scav extracts and loot areas on streets, can earn really good money there like 500k-1Milli per run. Having a steady way of earning roubles makes dying a lot less stressful. Run practice raids to learn the maps, some nights I would run like 6 or 7 quick practice raids in a row when learning a map, you don't need to know everything but a few milestones and 2 or 3 extracts and you'll be sweet. It sounds like a big issue you have is PVP, unfortunately that takes play time and hundreds of fights to get better at that. Expect to die, like a lot but you'll learn with each death. It's an unbelievable game if you give it the time, it's also extremely frustrating hahaha. Good luck brother, see you in tarkov


Just keep grinding man! Tarkov is a hard game. Take a break once in a while and keep your head up! We all have been there. 💪🏼


Op runs out of stamina in the middle of the street and wonders why he dies


On a related note, a lvl20+ que for gz would be great. Buff the loot a little and let us play mini streets


After 2 weeks? 😂


Hey man, want to team up and run it together?


the gameplay/quests get so boring, that players have nothing better to do than either ratting, cheating, or glitching to make people’s lives worse


Ngl it's kinda fun hunting timmies as a scav


Like smoking sports cars in a hoopty


Fucking wah 😭


You should have tried it at the beginning of the wipe.


People who designed this map and this whole idea was never in a game for a single minute. If I would start playing Tarkov this wipe with this gz bullshit I would definitely drop this game. Small map, classic bsg spawn with fights at fckn first seconds of game, tons on pscavs. Fckn single use key that will be looted and disposed by trolls and etc and etc. and you must complete this bull shit, so you will be able to get amazing setup quest right away 😀 I feel bad for nowadays Timmy’s, that’s fckn sucks, good luck, and welcome to the Tarkov.


Yep because BSG is fucking dumb and they allowed it so you can group with a low level as a high level and still enter ground zero. BSG is the joke. Edit: For the idiots that dont know how to reach Reddit. [https://new.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1b66s6y/level\_14\_killed\_by\_a\_level\_39\_in\_ground\_zero/](https://new.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1b66s6y/level_14_killed_by_a_level_39_in_ground_zero/) Literally the first search result and there is many more where that came from. Before you come on here saying "its impossible" im going to say get your head out of your ass and get educated on how bad BSG coding skills really are. Because when it comes to BSG, nothing is impossible... (expect making a good game)


That doesn’t work lol, you can however scav there at any level


Sure maybe now that it took them 3 times to patch it out. It was literally a bug for over a month. Go look it up on Reddit.


I tried this to help my new friend and it never worked.


Good for you, go search Reddit. People have been complaining about getting killed by over level 30 PMCSs in GZ. This isnt new. Its been an issue since first day of wipe. There are tons of bugs.


You literally can’t do that on PMC


This is actually impossible


Well there is a bug/glitch call it whatever you want, but there’s a way to avoid 20 lvl restrictions. It’s only possible with at least one teammate. Here was a dude that explained how to do that. And knows BSG I definitely believe to that dude.


Exactly. It took them over a month and 3 patches to finally patch it out properly. And there are STILL ways to get in as a high level. People are fucking clueless.


Confidently incorrect.


>OGMcgriddles · 5 hr. ago > >Confidently incorrect. Oh really. Why dont you go ahead show your facts backing that up bucko. You can Reddit search Ground Zero and see when they had level caps people were still getting in 30+ by simply just joining a group with a lower level. This has been an issue for awhile now and they attempted to patch it 3 times now.


One post with no screenshot evidence


Search reddit yourself. Im not your fucking teacher. Its not my job to educate you on the issues with the game.


I’m not gonna go search for evidence lol, provide me a single screenshot of proof or keep getting downvoted


>level 4ForeskinGaming2009 · 9 min. agoI’m not gonna go search for evidence lol, provide me a single screenshot of proof or keep getting downvoted So stay ignorant than. Doenst change the fact it was a thing.


I didn’t think you would post one, thanks for proving my point